Newspaper Page Text
Volume 8.
o~— o —-<»**■
•sag a^o,‘fccogmred s wa
that Bill Arp, has long
the fact, that Were lie to write, and
Write until his fingers stiffens !, wiih
'cramp, he could not change the tide ot
■•elfishness, whelmn our th^ country. ^eHtei^ Copying o »«»; “
from that estimable paper, the Sunuy
•South, it says in a recent article on
'“Principle,” by R M. Orme. “There
•am men, and their came is legion, who
make polity and fWddi^-e depend honest upon
'^tpediency. Some men are
when it pays to be honest. When
honesty costs nothing, ana wm
West pay well, then are other than hon
in denouncing,
trKSiS ^StSu^^h J^Se.” iivlit tto “Again
al! men, will bear watching.” It is
hard to find an honest man. Every
man has his price, and such expres
siona are very frequently heard, now-a
Riays, and to our shame there is much
Jtruth in these assertions, btill there
are noble exceptions. VVe nave some
noblemen pure‘h!rfa # tr ue, -* 00 ®*
dissimulation the good, honest 0 a n
there .
feels lost in the race. Now, found- is
“no such thing as true friendship
ed on merit, no brotherly love or Kind
ness for one lees fortunately situated,
no real old fashioned neighborly accom
modations and Skcrfftces. iwe^J «[
wyy “» ago,country people,ttiuugnt
fihthnig hf lending a neighbor, ahorse,
'Or sending one a mess ofpotatoes, Very now,
it is sell or hire f6r tlfk
‘figure. Theu a man’s word
•bood, aud if honest, steiffly *»d
trious, though (»or as dob’s turkey,
'could live, affa It fie got in a tight,
'c°uld get Assistance, floff, we must
deal with ev*y *^ just w though
Vaa a gradfi rakcal. It used to be that
•cver^r man was » h
was. proved a sdAfiffAreh NAW, it 18
’every man is a rougae until he is pro*'
•ed houest. Everything IS changed,
^completely revolutiOned. Something
lias demoralized us alt, bflt What, no
one can say.
‘Even its influence is felt in our
schools. We no more haVe schools
■nows like in olden days than If we were
•a different Wide Ur nation of pebple. Of
‘course I affi SpeSkingof Viduotry schools.
Then a man Sat Up to teaJch school, he
-always was patronized, by all the pa¬
rents in the neighborhood. They felt
their duty to support tintt, while, make his he
'equally thought it his duty to
actiool a success. He would write out
iiis rules, and oack them op on the side
’of the oldfashioned log school-house,
ai! wlio,could read, were at liberty to
‘•Xacfiicfe fdr ttiemselves, and ail who
‘autn'fi Wk. 1-eAd k-ere VaHeJ up the first
teorniftg, and the rUl^ alt explained to
them. Then we took ohr seat, one for
fc whole year, and there we sal. day in
-and day out, and if a large scholar dis
‘okoyed the rules, he was chastized, aud
\t a small one violated them, he was
punished, al! faded alike. The same
Tirleagoverned wi!-,bdt mostly the larger
•chfMlVe ^i'e made tJd teoWe into line
Erst, and the small dues follow easily
iuid Aittibut trouble. Then our parents
bought us a lot of bdokS; Such as gram
tear, geography and So on, and we
started iu these Wdks, and we studied
them th-Toughiy, mastered 'one year 'ot tiieir two -years
teaybe, hutil we con¬
tents. Now it is all Sb very different.
Every month or ttvd it IS order and pay
ifor a lot of books, aUtt hAiie known in¬
stances where parents, bought books
for their children {of course it was by
request of the teacher) and at the end
'of a month dr Mi weekS, it was thrown
**Wte, add Another purchased. I know
S tWdr Widow lady who during oue free
term, had to pay for #5 00 worth df
books tor her two children, and at the
close of the public term, She was noti¬
fied that her children needed another
set of books if they codtiiiiied on at
Now, it is a common thing, when a
Country school starts, for one or two
bations to say to the teacher, “RoWr
I’ll send you two of my children, but
you must not yhip them, if you do,
I’ll stop them; Well the teacher la
bffetid U th£ man, “wanting‘ af he does,
his patronoge and influence,so he yields.
Now another parent hears of it per
haps tbrobgh the boasting of these fa
Vored children, and so the first time
his Child comes home and tells that
'••Mr. A‘ boxed my ears, ot taade me
fctay in at recess, but Tom Porter done
j ust as bad as I did, add missed every
word in his grammar and he never said
tea taTk 2d l«pa would “Les, stop and him too i’il quick stop
to about:” good aS
you too. My child is just as
Dick Pdrter’i Child iS, and if his is too
good to;be wliippbd, so is mine. I’ll
•bow him, Whether he cuts and slashes
nay child about and OUt touch Tom
Porter a lick, and both guilty of the
feme offence,” alidad °n,it Spreads
through tSmaH^o the whole “^nSmLthv^ot
comriiU these flagrant
acts of paftiality, among the children;
heart^eirnltigs, ai/d and dislikea^ artlong
«w parehts, the mult^f R
at the end of the ptfbltc of term, bttrated toere
to a sudden collspfle, teacher as ^rseve««| a
teUosn, aud if the
and tries to gddn the year out, ne lbok nas
to teach only a ifiiseiable few; who
is bide, and fttrlorn, as their inRructer,
and there is a gloom and
'CRA.WFORDVmLE, GA.-, SIR! • > FEBRUARY 22nd, 1884.
*tellectukl progress, as the caravku, deadly
simoom, to the Arabian
cadght lb itsidlTS ’in Afric deserts.
£ aa.* tyfcliifilb,” svsv* anti, St the
tree “spare
^ ’ au( j bd6il’the child,” aud acted
up0 u tbefr 'teottnd *i principled, and find so
(t ^ as k r re t hihg to a
UH ^, ltv ^^f !ed< Sa-hcVchild, 'hp and when
found they Were Mil as warning
of Uie £ rWib f&ow klicl disgrace suie
tbo * h 6 Vs equally in a aim:
it rare, to
Qud achild Wli6 does uot control its
parentg ^ a 'less or greater extent,
^ 0VT it is n6 bncoinchon thing to hear
a cbRd’ha'y, ‘‘I cau do as I pi ease, I
tet ^ won’t get a 'Whipping,” and
they re f too> .
dren tt0 w-h-<iWy8 think they TZf are ever so
rShS \ [ l Weill bTl have *E
aQt 0 * sirtce. When sat down to
the dio er table the llttle boy of eight
Qr D%e ^ Qm fbers contended that he
m(|?st k Certain heat that was al
ready ocdbpiefi by a the Visitor. At thinking first,
3he did u6t giVe up ‘ertaiuly chair,
^ W6ulA c contra!
Hirfr, bkt khehoon saw s that she would
apoidgy, ^,;* ah'4 there it elided. Soon af
t gotl0 the ^ table, he discovered
thjrt ^ ka ried cb ick -nfAr Todd. dinner,
a ^ W hi c h | ie was very He
began chSHng ^ loudly for certain pieces,
w{ljch wtiett Ven hiaJ , h e ate rave
nnasly,ahA Wiieu he had eaten six
plece3 , tbere W aS o«V. one more piece left
tbe dislr.he began caUing;for,thaf, and
thinking hm mother too Slow about
“ tie thrust his hand
_ 1V10 _ t t0 H.
into the difh, add took His mother
w - th hej . careless “Ain’t you
a n d company at the table V”
no notice of hiffi. If he had
been a chiid ffi^ed up «6Ae otiahy yews
ag0) hig hlde would not have held
slluck8) to m au 0 i d expression'. 6nt
to cdttie td tfffe lVai truth of the matter,; Wanted
that ffiothet did tibt care ; she
w baV6 the best not only at her la
ble bAt at Other person’s dinners and
supp cr 3 t0o . She cared not how much
any one wa3 incommoded, 60 her
child got What it wanted. She thought,
it better tbaq any one else, aud did not
hesitate to show it, and as a natural re
suit the child thought so too, and Was
selfish, cross, impudent and lazy and
was out from her qoturoI, and right iu
the way to lead to everlasting ruin,
bodv aud soul. Vidjcttk.
______ ______
Correspondence i5emocra t.
Washinoton, D. O., Fe¥. isth, 18 S 4 .—
In less than four monlhS both the great
political parties will ha ye held their cort
veutiuusaud nomiuateu their candidate for
President and Vice-President, aud yet
strange to say neither party has as yet
prominently designated the men about
whom they will tally, or in whose beliaii
the contest for the nomination will b e
made. Ill other words, there appears to be
no fatorites, and while the name of Dem¬
ocrats and Republicans have been men¬
tioned, there is no concerted movement,
no crystallizing of effort, in favor of one
man. That there are men in both parties
who desire the nomination is evident, and
each of them HsS his individual follbwing,
but there seems to be a disposition to hold
off to see what the other fellow is doing or
p,0pose to do. That it is to he tlie strug¬
gle of two giants for the mastery, is clear¬
ly evident. We have endeavorea to fath
Um the mystery, to reach the undercur¬
rent and if posible get at the true status.
We have consulted alike Senators, Repre'
sentatives, and "member of the third
houseand the most that we can learn is
that both parties are dilligently in search
of the man who is sure to carry New York*
Uomiecticut and New Jersey.
Upon New York mor eparticular are the
eyes of all the would-be-candidates fiexd,
and it is clear that so soon as either party
f ee i s sure of a Candida te who can carry
thig stat6i there will be a stamjwde for
him Arthur. Logan. Sherman and Ed'
mundg about j n t he order named, from ail
lndications ap peat to De in the lead in the
Republican party, while in the Democratic
P art y there appears to be a question as to
how the Sage of Gramercy » ark will stand,
or for whoni Will influenca Be through
in the State and Nation. Newitt, before
the O’Domiel dffair, seemed to be in the
ford frdnti but now Hutchins, Flower,
p a y de and Hoadly are coming to the front,
and j^ ew ydrk Is being canvased by their
fr while rumor ha9 it that Rdndall Is
If either of the five mentioned can Unite
the Tilden Afid Kelley wings of the party
It Is thought Mis nomination will be assur
fed. it is an open sefciet that Col. H. H.
Finley; who so successfully managed Mr.
xilden’s canvass eight years ago, has been
passing back and forth to New York quite
lively ot mte, and it is said that he with
oth(jrs w)|t sboI1 make a demonstration In
favor of a candidate for nomination who
tell be satisfactory to sfith* elements of
Hibtieittocratic pa y n ew or . ne
tliitui it least can be said, Yiz, t at Finley
iiatini? S^sirvTeJteu'te^f^SSS bis services will be a iormiaaDiA
^ ^ drercome ,
it ft conceded by an that success depends
ti p oj i carrying New York, Connecticnt and
jersey. claimed that
I tU Democratic ranks it ft
^ Western man can do this, sod the E«t
ft idle, they say, to talk of Atchonaid, wh
if nomihated, could carry dhly one Western
State and Vould leave the whole burthen
there. His friends however are very in
dustrious and noisy in pushing 'his claims.
They fail to show, however, that, Mr.
drick's is less entitled to their‘cirntdence
tnan in 76 or wh tl abailllo h him and
i&Donald ' Ohio is iti ’ of course*
"“*> . several candidates. Tayne. „ 8.nater
«»«> * Thurmen, Senator notelectbo hhave
adherents, but there is no system to the
xhiint, and neither will be jnomihated. Tl
linoise has Palmer, DaVis and Morrlsen,
with not a ghost of a show for either, while
•oidRnsey" trots hp smiling from Oali
j oh n Sherman and his lieutenant, Ma
were effectually squelched by the ac
tlbhbf the Democratic Senators in refus¬
hut todisCsss or to notice thefr bioody-shirt
boom, and the passage 6f theft mvestiga
tton, whereases and resolfttioh has had no
more affect thafi the dropping of water
upon h duck’s back. Failing In this to
ruffle a hair on the head of a sturdy Bemo
crat Maho he-s lieutehknt, Riddlebarger,
essayed to fire into the Seuat. a shot that
matter,bat feemator Vest just p c
byprbposing to see him and gohiraoue
better, and inquire into the interference of
the administration in political affairs .in
Virginia. This was not looked for, and
fiiddiebarger sat down and Mahon* look
more llke a skeleton than ever. bef] i
The Democratio party was never
kept well u hand. . _ w. . moving »n
so «
&Hd column and there will be no mlstalfes
cess now so near fruition. •
Aninvestig ntiou DaihVifle, by the Senate Sub-C«gn
of the Va., riots com
ra0nce d here on Thursday last. AS was
antlcipat-d ^ tt>e evidence so far fails to ^
‘* b “ h * ^ th 8hadow 0 f an intention on
the parts Q of the white whites « t o overawe or in
timidate the negroes, but shows oonclu
sively that the riot was gotten up on the
spur of the moment and was coWttetced
b y the hegroes themselves. The evidence
shows that there was a fight between a
w jj ite mAn alld a negro, a erowd assembled
and the partie8 Separated ; the white peo
£ . were oto curb and the negroes in
^ Mr Tftylor B witne88 8Um .
moned by the committee testified as as foi- fol
lows : “After the disturbance began
negroes crowded towards the whites met
cingl-y 1 seven? 1 V»at&i’ufBfcu
to disperse, but tne negroes angrily refus¬
ed to go, saying the whites must disperse
first.” H<* saw negroes shoot into the
crowd of wh tes, and the shooting became
general Thus it will be seen upon what
slim premises Sherman and his lieutenant,
Mahouti proposed to build .up their cam.
paign ol gore. tendered
Senator-elect BlawbUrn was a
serenade on Wednesday night last. It was
the spontaneous act Of his admirers at the
(,’apttal and they constitute the whole pop¬
ulation—Republicans as well as Demo¬
crats- His speech in response to the sere¬
nade was worthy of the man and the ocea
siorl One passage alone is the key to the
whole. He said: *T will never forget
that I am a senator in the Congress of the
United States, charged especially dot It the
mail tenance of the honor, the protection
of the dignity, and the promotion of the
people of my grand old commonwealth,
but I trust under God.that I will remember
equally as well that I am not only a Ken¬
tucky Senator but an American Senator.”
Congress very promptly voted 8300,000
to the flood sufferers along the Ohio, and
will from present appearances be called
upon for at least $700,000 more for the Ohio
sufferers and also for the Mississippi, as
everything points to an unprecedented rise
in the latteir. This prompt action of Con¬
gress meets ttith the almost universal sane,
tion of the people. To guard against sur
prise on the Mississippi river, General J.
Floyd King, member of Congress frbW Uhs
fifth district of Louisiana, has succeeded in
b..ln« order „»u«l f»» .he ««».l
Bureau to the stations along the upper
Mississippi and Ohio, to keep the people
along the idwer liner inf&raed by telegraph
relaUve to any prospective rise and to ad
mended iAa and is in ^uire:
n f e Xt 8^h emer g encil“
8. B.
Fourteen millions’ worth of diamonds
Yere fexported from the Cape last year.
The government envelope factory at
Hartford, Conn., uses a tbn of gum
afabic every year.
veriisetfaeat 'f.he following appeared curiously in recent worded issue ad
of a St, Louis paper : ‘‘Wanted—A
comfortable room for a young man
four feet by ten.”
At a funeral of a Mexican child in
Socorro, New Mexico, the other day,
eight Mexican Women bore the coffiu,
which wa! opeh, on thblr fshouideis to
the ceiflfetetL while another walked be¬
hind carrying the lid.
^ ba ji j 8 a paying investment.
^received p r dvideace »5iS Base Ball Club last
and expended
gif Slo’ooo’ 551 leaving a balance of nearly
President Yon der Ahe, of
’ dab, is building eight
the st . Loai3 of
brown stoue houses with his share
the profits of the club games. The
Athletic Club, of Philadelphia, cleared
over 126,000, and Jwversl other clubs
lor flie Cure 'of Coughs, ColdsJ Iafiu-1
Hoarseness, Bronchitis,Croup, In-I
apient epa',^Asthma, Whooping and Cough, for re-1
Ipfofconsumptive Consumption advan-fl the
persons in
f-*d nfeplpruggists.—Price, Stages of the Disease For Cents.l Sale |
Reftect and ember,
That *E. K. BOONE, contractor and 1
builder is located m Oruwfordvilie. ami,
would respectfully solicit a liberal
share of patronage from the building 1
public. workihanship, Satisfaction guaranteed as to
etc. Will make esti-i
mates cm either brick or frame build¬
ings. All communications addressed
to the'at this place will receive prompt
attention. Motto : Prices to suit
the hard times.
^Attorney at Law,
WILL practice yh ’iAl State and Fed¬
eral Courts. Any liVisiness entrusted
to his care will COLLECTIONS Receive prompt A persona) SPE¬
CIALTY. , . ^ BuilLino.
Office in m*c«ET,fc
1TL Assignees of purnic George that W, Overton, they
announce to the are
closibg out their stock of dry goods at
cost. Also, notify all settle parties their to come
forward At once and notes
and accounts of or they will be placed in
the ^ SiiarBn, hands an attorney, for collection. 15»3.
Ga., Jan. 18th,
The Story of an Atlanta Boy as
told by His Father.
Mr. Frank Joseph, lives at 245 Jones
street, Atlanta, ami has a promising boy
of six summers. When the boy wpSj about
three years of age a peculiar Various swelling Hnlnlents, was
discovered on his neck.
poultices, etc. were applied Without a per
ceptihle effect. The swellings mci- cdsed.
although internal continually, and I3ecm»ing external remedies alarmed,
were used called at
a physician was in whp once develop¬ pro¬
nounced it a genuine ease qf well
ed scrofiila. usually He resulted, Used all the t>y various the medical rem¬
edies to
professioii in such diseases,but other glands
became affected, ai|d finaflv they and discharg¬ slough
ed large quantities presented of piatter. ghastly sight.
Ing of the parts rlillto a gregtly
The boy became feeble and
emaciated, and iinihle to walk. During
a period of over two years his condition be¬
came rtioro perilous—the hair fell from Ills
head, and lie rapidly lost ills eyesight. cared
Durjna ajl this.tiitie he was also.Treated properly at
for and treated callege and was tiilee ihonths, yet
New Medical for
his condition steadily greW mlractllhus worse'.
Now this lad. comes His ttie eyesight alu-ost, restored,the escape
of was
hair stopped subsided, falling off, [lorriblq tk\e glandular ulcerated
swelling the
surfaces Healed; ctited the whole system was dll, re¬ by
novated and sound and well,
the use of Blood only onh Bdint-i'-ffinieh SltlCle bottle of bo B.UiB.jr liad at
Botanic Bold Crawfordvitle can by
81.00 per bottle. in
Dr. R. J. REID.
- ----j— #T 3——^ Pr/ I S
^ A X Ik tl J -J ;
gSe?”ES“‘M» 3-I‘fy Ingrain (Jarpfits,
ft t> Brussels, Crurrtb * Cloths, Window
ug , 8i Mats ahd Brndcrs Mce Our
Shades Wall Papers,
successors to. Geo. A. Bailie., Jillfel5.iy. Masonic
AtmrrsTAl GA.
A SURK and effoctual Remedy for the core of all Irreff- Bow
A ulanti<jg and diudrdprs of tf*e Htomech and
els, whether fn children *>r g!S!ifSg-AiSfeiSSS adults. Promptly relieving
SrT££eW* lUoBUrm»ch, 1 £ h Nervmi*
DYSPEPSIA. Htomaeh and
BCay be ltopadin derange merit* of the
Bowels from relaxation or the Intestines or a change
of food or water.
J ubiiybai 1 ! i y , y/t rAam ai
, win«£--contai*i bo opium and win not con»tf
p»»- r«conjmen(iedforse«.ick»ei»
Prt«i 5 c »nd$«.oo.
S5 Sl SoUbr
am a sa“lailf' foe urn* adoit
The LteDtepa Ohemi dki WeM
<3 K/,
;• -r-.r 4,Ai m
1 • li_ ' ■
■. -..-to>
^£3 t
T; ‘.. • r ■ V
Again offer to the cfonsuViera of Guano tJiefr known and miiaviv t-1
ACIB ■ m) to' m m
X^o,kAliT 2 Tof our ofch Stfl)A, importation. PURE GROU rs< D
class Ghanos. Special Brands Correspondence solicited from *11
icXt thado when desired. Addres* O
M. A. STOVALL, TrrfiSuiwP;
jan 25 om Augusta, Gi.
‘tm* a
Cheapest C/drjiets iii Augusta*
k, ’^. j^. James G.
Wholesale Tobacc onI s ti,
LibrakV tibiLfiteo, AtraustA; 6X, y v*
aii .enough Justify. Vf» gusrantee jx»JU3NS *il Mods t*#iv* £i8£ fMMMl.
when orders are largo to out
to 4
*. - •?
■ mi
T. W. WSKERY, President. J. T. NEWBERRY,
Planters Loan & Savings hatikr
Augusta, Georgia, 1
CAflitoii, ail paid np ' t m * 10 *,i :
Collections Caireflill}’ iihd Promptly Remitted tor. Doaftltot
the world tor sale.
Interest Allowed on Deposits in th#
Savings Department:
OORD. F. GOGIN, “ ft "■
Z. , H- H. KING; M. J
CSi*eat FWfiittirtJ Paladcf of Augo«i8i
WE take
ture. to 840 B
ish. life ttii
Writs IMcatalogti® of ball ahd see US. • » *
J. L. BOWLES & 0Q>i
f>10 Broad 8reet,Augd»l», Gli
TT« m a, masks,
fcrtwfordvilid, - k 1 * * *
Fine Wines, Liquors, Cigatti,
t3T I have Attached to my saloon a splendid
Fitted up in first-class',style, with new Table, comfortable 8 t»ii and good ^^ light*. •
thank my customers.for com^e past fawrs ^^ and Invite them andMnynewaf/JOT Those indebted!® 0
‘ to foiward atul