Newspaper Page Text
Lon gevity »f the Albatron*.
T am reimnded of a circumstance
wjie’ii Hpciirrcd in 1844, while becalmed
Hie Biouth of tlio llio do la Plata in
tlie United States ship Bostpu. A tine
large brown albatross was cangbt h r
jCueans of whaitdrl fish-hook, and a laliel
MiMo of hlu il H<ile-leather, marked with
the ship’s name cut. in deep letters, was
securely wired to his neck when
bird, on being htarated, lost no time m
expressing his appreciation of an nnex
peeled freed uni by gracefully circling
around the veeH<*l until night hid him
from view. In tho sjiring of 1808 or
8 n ‘L;vt a i n !f Man Franciuee
<Jal., And her Captain that published the in tho
Evening Bulletin on voyage
ent, and wliile passing the La Plata, he
“rang1 1 t a 1 argo 1 1 rown alliid.ros ^ Iieai ing
Apparently! label no hecent all date, as the ’let
tefsin the were worn away ex
Cejiting the last two, which wore dis
tuiguisfaiible as an O ami an N.” Ac
ceptaig the natural conclusion of this
being the identical bird labeled by the
Boston, the circumstance possesses an
interest bearing upon the probable lon¬
gevity of the albatross.— Com. T. S,
3‘helpit, in the. United Service.
He Was From Oshkosh.
There ynteced the front door of a car
OB tli$ Northwestern Itnilroad a tall,
stooii-sliouldered eliaji, been who looked as
though he might have a deacon of
some ohtiroh in Wisconsin. He held be¬
hind him one of his hands in which was
tightly grasped the nook of a suspicious
looking black bottle,and after glancing
through (he car with eager gaze, ho
qiliekly “fs there asked. anybody in here who
fnttji Oslikosh?"
'For a moment no one answered, and
then a clerical looking young man
looked up ami nodded his head. Tho
tall young man, with his hands still be¬
hind him, shullied slowly down the aisle
and stopped who suddenly liiuf by the side of tho
modest iutn mutely replied to
his query and said :
. “Ho you from Oshkosh ?”
“I live there,” was the quiet, his answer.
Stooping down fellow's and placing mouth
to tlie young ear, the old man
hoarsely “fth'y, whispered:
stranger, just lend us your
oofkaerciv, will you ?”
.i Hf course the enUrp audience roared,
and the (>sl;ko*li man went silently info
the ^nhihUNr CM and the put the corkscrew
nfam muTee e it wiiuld do most good. Mil
Sentin sL
Population of the hilohc.
Tho popalniiin being of the definitely entire globe detor- is
still far from
Buufrl......Hardly twg joriff n#l in yc sli
gators agree. In this country tno esti¬
mates of l)rs. Bchm and Wagner are
generally accepted as the most reliable,
yet their lattcd figures differ from those
of two years before by upward of 22,
Then they stabiil the popula
iion of the eiiHrcgloheirt 1,485,923,500,
osbsnos ih>« they state it at 1,433,887,-
4060, distrffurfed as follows; -
K uro j>c ... .rw,7*.'i,«m>
*siu .. ....7115JHll,IKK!
iimrs - ........... .:. ....100,415,100
NBMPJbs,’ Australia .Mid 4SSyn<*4iiA. ..... 4,.’■ 11,1100
........... sj.500
One inijrliLinf’*'*' from tliis that iust,end
•ffhncresaitija as would be naturally ex
piAUiil, vhh Imman nice Is dying out;
but closer inspection shows that the es¬
timate of the population of China lias
been reduced about 55.000,000. Accept¬
ing tbV <Ul4 all the other estimates,
there seems to be an increase in other
ppuiitxisa of about 83,000,000; part of
which is due to tbe fact that tho geog¬
raphers had the benefit of the census
Aukn$« in J efferent countries in 1880 and
J3H1, showing the growth of live to ten
Senat4*r Frye’s Bank Account
“I see," said Senator Frye, of Maine,
“(VmU a Washington paper, in a very
complimentary notice, sets me down as
a poor mon, not worth over #25,000.
‘That’s too much,’ ” said Mr. Frye,
‘jlilit thq fellow who wrote that does
not know the reason 1 uni so poor. It
came ahout in this wise. J was brought
up In A Quaker family, mid when, iu my
4 »>*i1hI got • chance to go up to
Tool k-ffon, nfy Quaker spcUiL grundfat uer gave me
five dollars to I did uot know
any l>eys iu Roston, and I could think
of no way to have tiv<> dollars’ worth ol
fun without Uiys. So I kiq>t the money
in my pockut Wheal got home my
grandfather asked me how I spent the
five dollars, and 1, with tlie sir of one
who bat! done a action, said
‘I did not it and spend have it at it all, grandfather; pocket* I
wired in my
Whereupon my back grandfather said: William. ‘You
may give me the money. Bos¬
I gave you the money to sj>eiid at
ton. ’ Ever since that t ’ said the Senator,
“I have known better than to save
money. ”
Toasted Bhkap ant> Ohenrb.—C tat
Oliccs of bread about four inches long
»nd two inches wide, toast them a light
and arnuigc| the them on a platter
which can lie sent to tabic, and will
iK-ar the heat of the oven; for a dozen
pieces of toast grate qoarter of a pound
of any rich, moist cheese; mix it with
two tablespoonfuls of butter, one of
(MVtl mixml mustard, the yc’ks of two raw
a rather high seasoning of
pepper and salt; the mustard should be
to’ vinegar; put the paste,
forme,! bv mixing tbe alx'vt'-named in
gmiieuts/ ■■'toZJs, a.topaJ'pyjp, in high mounds —>11 ujxm Hie ito,
p 4» ap-.n
tiw^^flflreFftiWimtly brown the sur
f«c<‘ of tlie cheese n a very hot oven or
before an open fire, and serve it hot at
ditiit r « .th saia 1. or for a supj>er dish.
Illinois during has produced last 10.508.791 tons
otoofcl the year, an mere*i&e
of 1.394.138 tons over the previous
tweivc mouths.
A few years ago a measure was
adopted providing for the gradual manu
miasion of slaves in Cuba. Ibis worked
exceedingly well indeed, and u .der it
285,090 slaves have already been peace
fullv liberated, with entire satisfaction to
the owners. There are now hardly more
than 100,000 slaves on the island, and
most of them will be sot free during the
Genehad John Newton, whp has
made a study of modern explosives, says
tb at no agent can supplant gunpowder
{or the principal r * requirements of war
f»e. In blasting rock , the higher , ex
plosives may be employed, except where
the rock i« weak in cohesion, wbon gun
ier a pre ferable. In coal mines the
higher explosives are too destructive in
their action. Dynamite as a destructive
agent for unlawful purposes can only be
ftp .,ii e( ] on a limited sea'e, and with
n(;arly fruiUei- re8 „l te , as time, money
and elaborate preparations are required
for effective work.
Tub World’* «poHHo. at Now Or
(cans, will devote 247 acres to lakes and
H, th, ,.„t Voo. a«d
of M„,», Cootral Araonoa
Honda and foreura countries. Horti
colt„™l Ito will rn l» m loot.
to has too' been appoint.,a a 1to, special u ,rdto: eomnns
»ioner to confer with various European
societies societies in in reierence reference to to tne the fruit iruu and ana
plant disjilay. 'I lie collective Mexican
exhibit will be an immense thing, occu¬
pying a building 1,400x900 feot. Ac¬
companying this exhibit will ho a Mexi¬
can band and a battalion of Mexican
troops. Tire exposition will receive lib¬
eral encouragement from the leading
Countries of the world.
Bkf.k as an article of diet has been
discontinued in nt least 27 pauper lunatic
Hsylums in England, with the result that
in no instance ha i the apparently impor¬
tant change led to any sort of physiologi¬
cal inconvenionco. Many of tho super¬
intendents, in whose asylums the modi¬
fication was made, and through them
many of the patients testify cordially to
the benefits dorivod from tho change.
The question, says the Journal of Mental
8cionce, is not one of toetotalism, or even
primarily of a financial order, but one of
pure exjiediency and good management.
In all probability tho disuse of beer as
an element of tlie diet of pauper lunatics
iu English asy'ums will be more ex¬
tended and will be watched with in¬
tion of tho glolx? at 1,433,800,000, indi¬
cating a deeroaBO In the last three years
of some 22,000,000, though, aa a matter
of fact, there has been an actual increase
of s ime 33,000,000. This apparent dis¬
crepancy is aooonutod for by the fact that
the population of China has heretofore
boon largely over o timated. In reference
to our own country tht. statistics show
that no country in tho history of tlie
world ever had such a compos!to popu¬
lation, leaving but four coat from otlioi
countries, and from white races of other
tyjHis, and thirteen per cent for those til
African descent. Probably no other
oouutry on the face of the globe can show
such a diversity and at the same time
such a substantial unity of race and
Thi? recent discovery of tin ore at
T . , , . xt a r> i- • ,
«**&.«** touting n'.nsi.l*r&l.le Attention. S.-venJ
King’* ......... n to
d.y.n, »»d lonn 1 4 nuUtlnol tin ore
•Bettered ore, to ground nil throng!
the h,wn. Sulking u
ditches were dug, but imhout running
across a vein of ore. The discovery was
m&uo , in * Ringuiar ... manner, era
specimens of black looking ore were sent
to the .. Huston ,, , exposition, . . ana . maraeo ... ..wl-.wl
"unknown." An examination showed it
to , bo tin oreof , t nchoit . , . quality, ... yield- .11
ing 75 per cent of tin. There are only
thri, tin-bearing mines in the world and
Uiere is a standing rewanl of $50,000
Offered for the discovery of one m the
United States. Following the announce¬
ment of the North Carolina disoivery
oomes the report cf the finding of vast
tin deposits within three miles of Sauta
Fe, New Mexico.
Bomdan is the name given to the vast
extent of territory in upper Egypt that
stretches from Nubia to the confines of
Abyssinia . and , from . .1 the „ Red T!..i Sea to the
Lvbian desert This vast and dreary
territory is ..... inhabited by some thirty • . or
forty millions ef Arabs of various tribes,
The proposes! control which England is
preparing to exorcise over the Soudan is
not in the nature of the recovery of a re
voltes! state nor the chastisement of a
refractory people, nor eve i the , suppree
sion of the slave trade, but it renews the
old conflict between Christian civiliza
tion andMohammedau barbarism. The
tnum P 1 h o{ fT Te - el , , K - ’' , ! ’ lr dld ... Bot , ~nquer
Moslem fanaticism. The hatred of the
Mahommedan against the C. ristian and
against civilization is innate and irre
press!ble. This hydra headed monster
is not dead, snd when it is quiet it is
on, v dreaming of Alhambra and the
ivall? of Vienna, and of oTerranning on#
q av the civilized civrnz world.
* _____
Tint cigarette is a harmless liking
thing, but in the opinion of many well
posted peop'e it contains about as much
poison to the square inch as any one ar
tide that could be named. The crgar
e tte buaine a started in this country
a !>c*it fifteen years Ago. American dgar
ettes were nove ties, and attracted favor
able attention from the start. The rapid
growth of the business and ite present
magnitude will be better understood
when it is stated that in 1882 600,000.
000 cigarettes were manufactured in this
country of which New York furnished
444,092,867. One hundred and eighty
two different brand" of cigarettes have
been manufactured in the last fifteen
)f these seventy-on , vanetie- ..
years. _
have had their day and ceased to exist,
The original American cigarettes had
mouthpieces In imitation of the Euro
I*” 1 ' 1 article. Tlie price ;vas then twenty
ce n * s a package, but since mouth pi ce
went but of fashion the price dropped to
ten cents. It isaw rted that the tobacco
used m the manufacture of cigarettes i
,.f » m,»oer *«.1« than that me.I in to
„ ltp . te , to pm.ot mooldiog, and to
use of saltpeter is said bv medical men
to ,, h, 8 h, y injurimifl tho Ota. too
tiont. 1h„ oil of th* dgarotto p«p«
wrappers is said to be even more Tholjor poiBon
th........ tobacco.
“ J "! 7 *” " re 5 ’T e
people, principally boys, and , not a few
^ „; r i rt ' Phmieiahs snerifr the follmvinc
/, '■ '
ns among the evils •, .spring ■ ng from <■ the
babit • nalnitation I P of the heart ’ indices- °
tion, catarrh in the head, asthma, prmu
monia, bronchitis, 7. morbid “ craving Lr foi
dnnk, . • destruction of the nerves of the
eyes. 3 / In .■ New Jersey 7 a law r has been
passed making it . a penal , offense to sell „
to,™ u, »•»».
sixteen years of age, and a similar bill is
now pending in tho New York legion
turn tore There more is m a a disposition aispositiou everywhere ei cry wnere
to suppress or chock a* much as possible
*hn h til .it of ci ° cm ret to conokintr The
vice leads to ults ...
re as injurious ns any
produced * bv the use of alcohol, and the
physical, mental , an moral , decay , occa
sioned by the practico cannot fail to fill
our , hospitals, , asylums, , jails ... and , cemetw .
ries, unless a halt is speedily called.
The movement in Germany for the
b.ti*rofs,md,j tadrowi.,,
A OXNitm just concluded in New 7^
land gives that far-away land a popii a
tion, European and Chinese, of 532,(1)0.
Thf. old field* and bush undergroctli
Manila OwJ. aaM. foM
years ago command i from - twenty twenty five to
three hundred dollars an acre.
Tub tot*, „,,b.
^, J ,„rl 8 8 SU re porl«l a»W 0 M«
CUE.” in v.rito »uni,i«
A, Mi*, ton. Cushman's
school In Pekin the feet of the girlB are
not allowed ,, , to . . be liound . , tho only ,
Bcliool in China where that is the case.
_ Russia, which .... has an area in . _ Europe
two-thirds ns limro 6 as tho whole United
Statew, with a population of more than
70,000,(100, lies almost entirely north of
8t Paul.
There were 1,676 accidents last year
in tbe Pacific coal mines, 323 deaths,
making 153 widows and 512 orphans,
There There was was one oae death death to to eve eve y v 90 90.0JO 0 :0
tons taken out.
The hull o( EngUnd to » »ontinB
.>««.«,000. ,nd to b„l
note*, t! .trotohed tngetor end lo end
would reed. . dietto. ol 12,51! d.
miles of this money.
The “Confederate rose” is the name
of HCvr floweT . ’whicu . , . la . whit® ...... in th^
m ,, r ninir ” and red at nitrht Four of
tln'in have been planted , , around tho
ffrftV ^ e of Ornerfd Albert Sidney Johnson
; u tj ie cemoUrv at Austin, Texas.
^ _____. . teu . . . ton Lommenda- , • v by le
^ ^ on the
^ of Drounlel to bura ^ remaills of
hospital subjects, provided a satisfactory
apparatus . be , constructed . . in . one of . the ,
Paris cemeteries.
HTEAKER Carlisle wields the gavel
with some listlessncss. He pounds as
though he was afraid of making too
much noise, in this respect he differs
f rt> m Xeifer, who made the splinters fly
over the devoted heads of . the v clerks , , , be
low him. He is a smoothly-shaven man
with ... two bulging . , . . bumps of ..... intellectual- .
ity over his eyes, a rather narrow fore
hi', id. and when he speaks his voi-e
comes somewhat weak and a severe
trown ornaments or, to put it better.
dlsfig hi* w .
_ ______
Has voir ma got religion.^ asked
l.ddic. IT,,, 1 didu ’t t know know but she Latin t
any, she sjvNiks so sharp and ugly toyon
sometimes, continued Nettie. “Oh,”
exo.aimed^ F.iUhe, brighttBiag up, “I
^0 ^? kind-the religion
oi ’
Making a young man a clerk in a drv
goods store, it is said knocks all thoughts
of m a th mon j out of his head. He uot
only learns what it costs to dress a wo
maI|j L u t he realizes how they can talk.
Eistem and Kiddle Sta tea
HUJ* *ra ” 1 "and
n ning Sotting between London "bedn b«*v by
York. The HIT had struck
a hfld huge be iceb abandoned. rg and injured so badly that she
Six convicts—five colored and one white—
were whipped a few days since at New Cas
tie, DeL
Much damage has been done by floods and
Ice near Harrisburg, Penn. Four bridges,
valued at more than $80,000, were crushed
and carried away. Three dams were washed
out and the mute connected with them so
badly injured as to prevent their running
until repaired. New York, received
Mayor Edson, of the of flooded
many telegram from mayors
SK3«“ as%s?»siva < SfcS»5ST55'S*A swuss
w«st«^n .....
Thomas KinseLLA, r • ^.Aminnnf -•fMimfll
Kformsmy yen-s editor of the Erooklyn
Ea'iU, is dead.
Miss Jennie Ai.siy, a hardsome young
sscwsanas ts&sz& in crowded sta
old, a !ho a private teacher, a
S bk^Ythree A “'S'.™ t ftS S l”m
brothers named Flynn who
SSs. 2r»Af“sJsns bystanders, and the
Flynn and two innocent third Flynn’s
shootiner away of ; Art of the
hand. The men who fired upon arrested th» Flynns The
be!ran hostilities, aad were
affray grew out of ail attempt of two fae
tionsto control the gambling “ business” of
the town.
Tin: est m-Oel total loss by the floods in
Wheeling, 3 W. Va„ and vicinity, Issued amounts from to
Wheeling! ();)u ( 0 An appeal for aid.
point? states that, the suffering Intense, there and
at i above and below is and
tha inore than 10,000 people of the city “are
„i 0 thed from Wollsburg to Moundsville.
The county jail in Wausau, Wis., was
ail(1 ’’“T’r Cary, ? 1 ear two . ly in ,f desperadoes, e m T ing ' were ai,d ^ burned cr ^ a i to rt
The Platticville bank, liabilities of Platteville, of $150,000. Wia,
has suspended, with
Eighteen drunken men captured a coal
train at MilledgviHe, Ohio, fatally beat a
brakeman, seriously injureil the conductor
ftn q ax-ove him away, engine and compelled the
engineer to cut his loose from the cars
to save his life.
Great dftstitnt5on f8 from
overflooded banks of the Ohio and its tribu
taries, and many appeals for relief have beea
sent out. Thomands of inhabitants belong.
ln > to numerous villages and towns were
Hrivpti X?e., anTwere frnm tho com^tecampoSt^iih r hnmAs to the hills for
out food and With insufficient clothing. The
people ^ was described as apralling in the ex
tSijixTj , n Dafcota , has bean burned
Tho soldiers there were compelled to
^ O j^ rmom6ter at twenty '
n ves ^ t^o province of Angola, WestAfc-iea,
«* gunpowder killed forty of
JSS i “-STXrj.J! , ar 3
A PROCESSION of UIWI 16.000 stnkin weavers
Blukburn, England, 0
at carried the eftkry of
JL^fTin fron?^ "his* nollafmnd realdenos ^I'her w2«
«““*•“ “y *" 0 t 101106 “““ sevw KeV0ra .1 aersans perflona
., Mree Clara Barton, ____ president of the
American National Association of the Reel
Croes. aecomjianied by Doctor Hubhell, the
special field agent of the associauon, has
gone from Washington the Ohio for to the tlie scenes of of the af
flood along Xf purpose
fordlug by distributing euppli* to the
Nearly 5,000 bills, most of them of a
private nature, have been introduced so far
In the present ^ session of Congress. “
{ , re t dissatisfaction ha te0Q created
thn.u-hout (freat B’ itain bv the govern
SS’)„^^ 1 ‘ ! 4 . p SE r ato£n"wfc £‘„"^ , «t
JSX7d 1 fik.wii.
A.MX> MW.,
« which
prii-cij^residents A.u^.f W lndl of y., Omitlan, ? ur d^ Mexieo, nil and the
P* undered ®“ town.
At a banquet given m Fans to leading
members of the scientific press, M- de Lea
“P 5 etoted that the scheme for creating a
sea in the great Sahara desert, in order to
transform the arid sand into a fertile conn try,
would shortlv he commenced.
Mr. Bradi.acgh, elected to the British
honw of commons, but refused permission
to take his seat because he declined to take
*£& EZ&jnJ&jglZr
lT ta announced from Sicily that Mount
•® tn * is a state of er “P' lon -
Thomas Cheneby, editor of the London
i. s^.i
Wmi E a wedding Party was crossing the
party were drowned.
Christians have be'?n massacre!, aad that
108 misslan houses ha '" e been d ff ro £ * L
Queen Victoria has just , published t a hook
eontaining a record of ner life for the past
twenty years, describing her family personal emo
tions, and State affairs and matters,
end hiithlv eulogizing her late body guard,
John Brown.
®L^and h
,te M
Egyqmans under Tewflk Bey out to pieces.
A motion to censure Gladstone’s govern
ment for its vacillating: policy in the lords by
was passed in the British house of
181 yeas to 81 nays.
A violent earthquake has occurred at
Bitlis, Asiatic Turkey, destroying a number
of budding-.
Braplaucjh has given up the long strug
ele for possession of a seat in the British
house of commons, and a new election in hit
disirict has been ordered.
---_»—,— -
Somb cne natced , Matol.l*. <J~
<vhy he sang onij in concerts. It s
verv simple,” be replied. “One da j
feli dowu stairs ami broke my voice, and
this is why 1 only smg in pieces. -
Hotel MaiL
Kwabkable transformation of color
_When the white stag turns to b:w.
Wap'Hirjtan. TTlinofa.
BriiT.KF.NTATivE Town-hend, of
h^fromfcheir markets. appeared in the district
^ Chinaman who
co u rtat .vVasniBg«»n tor the nnrp-ise of b«
c ruing a citizen of the United States ha 1 his
application refusal.
‘ labor ordered
The House comjp'ttee on Hopkins’ a
favorable the report- egtabll-hment: oh Representative of a department
bill for The provides for
of labor situ' i-tics. measure
th<- appointment of a commissioner, who
shall ac juirc- ajl useful information u;>on the
subject of labor, its relations to can;ta , aad
the means of promoting the materia!, social,
religious and. intellectual prosperity of the
eootradt convwt .ab.A wa.. dfetm^d^thout fie -U -ed without
“S'l.r r «|.
tnte persons'in the district overflooded by
the Ohio river and its tributaries, and mak
ing an appronrintion ^resolutlfo’was of &100,000 to then relieve
to the Senate, and that body pined it at
>* firmed the »■?>?• follow!^ ■» noniinat, ns. J ,hn M.
atCoatepdoaidd St. Oro, Heiioo.
Judge Brookings and Mr. Xnpp,
" ‘.....*.......
^ ** ™ sssx
mn ucation from tho secretary of war trans
mitting, in compliance with a recent showing resolu- the
tion of the Seriate, a statement
number of soldiers of the late war who served
one year, how many two years, and how
many three years, and the amount of money
required to equalize the bounties of those
' presented wh ’ s f r T^‘ the credential w , ar *;f of Henry B. Payne,
Senator-elect term beginning from March the State^of 4, 1«85. Ohio^ The for cro- the
den^ls -The were committee r^|d and SS naval oi*fe^ affairs £ be reported filed,
widows and children of those who perished.
m^raHaSdi^ojntt^nlsof for^i^’^mi^tee 8 to^toquiw’toto Senate ^
and House
emp i 0VE8 wa ,» the subject ef Vest, a long Riddleberl debate,
participated in by Messrs.
ger and Oooger. A message was received from
the House announcing that that body was still
unable to agree to the Senate amendmeat to
th; Greely Relief bill, requiring that the men
sent on that expeditioa should be volunteers,
After some debate tho Senate receded fram
its amendment by a vote of 99 to 82.
A oul appropriatuig $.,00,000 bnilAtng to commence
tbe construction of a for the ac
coramodation P as *q} D F a T°*f of the of f library to of « Congress n fy a • v ■ “ as r -
Voorhee; T asked and obtained , unanimous
coneeu. to introduce, ont of the regular
or-ler, a bill to States prohibit officers and employes
of the United government from con
tnbutlng money fee political purposes.
lowed. The bill waareferre’i to the commit
^IveS ^'"*•**•*•**• o/
The House adopted the report on the new
rules after a two days debate. Mr. Randall
f^eaday. t^’^xl
J^SmAo It appropriates $14,268,000, belaa
•»*. ...Ur. Goff i*treduced
a joint esoltttio n sufferers aperopriating $100,000 for of
t j, e relief of the tributaries... by the overflew .Mr. Fin
the Ohio river and its
ert V ' o{ nHllnis ’ ofTerM Q r ” col,,ti “ D d « cl * r '
- House “lamente the death of
ing that the
Wendell Phillips as a natioual bereavement.”
Mr. Eaton objected and the resolution went
0 vcr.
Bills introiucod: Bv Mr. Belford, to facil
Rate the settlement of private land claims;
by Mr Oates restorinsr Jroppe to the pension rolls
the names of those 1 therefrom on
account of dirioyalty; by Mr. Bisbeetoim
^ineapplos; by constitutional Mr. Townshend. ameudment a resolution
proposing Tiding for a election of President pro- by
the a
majority of the votes of the people and the
abolition of tho electoral college, and HtoS regu
SSwS’fiSSf SPSS'S. S?.
5^^^^ dl ,l, “«• "ft
Mr ». Utojwl toT: Uto ”’ * t
a .
^cpjed direc tiftg the committee justice, on expendi- mak
tures in the de;artmeut of expenditures in
ing investigation prosecution into the of chaffed on
account of persons
with frauds on the government, and
especially in the Star Route mall
^.t-viec. to inquire into the manner in
which such prose utions are being conduct- good
ed, and into the cinduct, efficiency and
faith of a 1 officials or ; ersons in the pay of
the government iir connection with such
^^dn^ ^ C *
^ °“ t
^ T legisl8tUre h8S , fenC ^
^. °
tln f e
Kansas la^^year predueed 407,550 pounds
° ter® ^ ’ I_ ““ac^h^ . ^ “
A seven-year-old girl is one or the fast
est tj-pe-setters at hew Hartford, torn
A race-pony. Seely, thirteen hands high, wai
recently sold at Texas, for $ 1 , 000 .
A pearl weighing the nearly of 200 the grains Panama has
lately beea found on line
Rhode Island savings banks have $53,
^^"Hnisted to their care by 1*>,483 d^
Xhi! Montreal ice palace, built of large
blocks of ice. is in size 100 by 150 feet and
An eleven-year-old boy in Corydon, Ind.,
committed su’eide because his jiarents re
fused to let him eat at first table. *
Salmon on the Sacramento river
jg now verv active, and is going on day and
night, more than J-Ood men being employed
m it.
There have been only two known cases of
female lvnching in this country. The first
occurred’ in 18.51 at Donnev-.iie. a mining
Faria ^ who ^ murdered and robbed a man
in her husband’s saloon. The second and
last ca^e is the recent lynching of Mrs. Ov •
ding ham ,n Oura y, CoL
,,, 5 Ye lv'Iieve , ,. it was ___ __ a_ r-TTOI! tser
.“Can such things be and
^,0 o'er us like a stmimer cloud.”
world,’ having been initiated in left* £
Palmer.—E x-Governor John M. Palmer,
of IWWoLs, Was in early We » cfrck peddler,
He studied lav by the advice of Stephau A.
Whittier.—,J ohn ft Whit ier, the poet
j s about the lust of the influential Abolition
ists belonging tv the Phillips-Garrison em
left alive.
Packard.—P college,who rofessor .Unheus S. his Packard,
of p 0 vJo:n is now in eigbty
fifth year, says that he has never been ill a
4 .- > m his life
-Henrv ! 7 ViUard is not a very
poor man-after all It is given out that he
HDa;a ^ save $ 1 , 000,000 from the
»*ssswsaaa^ft « ■■»«»> $». ...., c , H , ok .
stall, square Ahgu tiered and sinewy. Ha
features are handsome, and large, blue-gray
eyes look out above a heavy brown mua
taAe. . .. orty
George.— Henry Georro,who . 1 „ now
five years of age, began life as a printer.
its«M Post, and later
of tbe g an pr^ner-co
SSSTwST^SSS ii |.oilism, SS& TbliS the
et and for over half a century
Wom-A. Mi.o.t. frt,«d of M.
EUa H heeler, the poetess, sowln J?SX Ne^Cbj
and paid for a loVelv little home, m which
she resides with tier mother and a younger
sister whom she .educated,
Bradla ugh.—O hhries Bradiaugh, the infl
,j e j roem berof the British l arliament, has a
brother who is actively engaged in evangeli
cal vr 0 rk. The latter disclaims any dififer
mceswith his brother, except in fraternal religion*
0 p inicnS) and though there is no
companionship between them, he says hs
loves him as much as ever and confidently
took* for his conversion to Christianity,
musical ah# dramatic
Mm ~ will undoubtedly
. tbl count ^
«“« in "
A movement is on foot to establish a con
servatory of music in’ Feorla, Ill.
Lotta is announced to open the new Casino
theatre in Washington next autumn,
Winch, the Amei-ican tenor, is sing
hig with success In oratorio in England.
^ ‘ Havekpoiit is T.kvim- £y “receipts “Fedora”
on . roa(l ' avwaee S w,. e y I of
tfi.CKW. r >
h the principal cities
Mrs 8 ! Langtry 0U ° wiU .*?, not, “»cipai after mties. all, says an
Enghsh j«per, go to Australia, but will hav
a London theatre after the tenunation of
her American engagement,
Edward Miluken, of the “Jahua” com
SS&7^S7^tSS55SS» novel scenic anil mechanical effects.
jouS* well,” which deals with the history of tho
W“^ tor U P to ' ailJ deluding the protec
Mbs w g n 0 A h, one of the great ac
tresses of fifty Tears ago, who play&i rival ^
Evui^ m*Rochester, N. Y.
Edwin Booth, who recently finished, very
series of disconnected 5SJS
Shop” in into a of the word, making scenes,
not, any sense a
The New York Orchestral society has an
orchestra of amateurs composed ak follows:
Ten violins, one viola, one violinceUo, two
double basses, two flutes, one oboe, three
clarionets, probably), one saxophone, horns, two trumpets trombones, (oor
nets two two
UIie p ‘ J ano a , 1( j two dnims
A T Mod -"oajesK. to ka ranch ranen ollt out in in California, Ganiornia,
wlv:ch , cost±er has commeiK^dyi^d
™nf ' in Mau
rA nmiilw ,T'
Ier lull Mall /• Gazette notes , an interesting . ,
fact with reference to tho well-known song.
l-«i by'SctopK. 1
Bntamon ,
tl, “
a™, <
Philadelphia on March 17. The tide m
Kentucky Belle," which applies not only to
tho heroine, but to a celebrated race horse
that has been named after her. The play
l as a number of sensational effects, a novd
fire scene, and a reproduction of a race
Louis Wai.tehs, of ALron, while intoxf
^ 8 ^ 18 ice ^ 1
A He Kalb County, Term.. man cut a tre«
until it was ready to fail,ami then let it crush
A San Antonio man cut his throat be¬
cause a lottery ticket he had purchased
P Z! ^om . hl . nt ;
a Paxton, of Howard Lake.
m^to^ed^rself because she was married
Mrs. Joseph Wagenhauser, of Youngs tie
tow., Otoo^cut her throat on account of
■ Tri _., her knee in J innrninc- Readilg, a hu?g rone*
Jane Becker, ared bedpost. thirteen,
herself from a
While sufferingfrom inflammatory rheu
matism, !ur , Mrs. Benjamin Watson, of Bloom
in ^t^DL^threw ^ + rii threw lierseir herself into into a. a cistern cistern and and
4xr herpetdog,’teari^ ; g^jp, o{ Columbus, ff^t^ou*. Ohio
goj. W
kill herself with strychnine.
Lemuel Whisten. near Enterprise, tied a
haher around his neck and hitched himseU
to his wagon. He then scared the horses and
made them run. Whisten’s young wife had
died but a few weeks before
Henry F. Mill ward shot himself after
participating Some in a mod: trag dy Mill at Spring
field, (h:o. weeks are ward, as
osted by a bundle ^>f friends, -o .strueted a
dummy opt of 8 number of tywei^ ana pil
Lws, and laid it on a bed in the Arcade
bote, in that CD v jterejxi ka carerally
painted features was attached to the body,
as *2 ^ ^ Tf“ 6n the sheet
t^t Tfrenrrer^ad^mStt^
suicide at the hotel. The report attracted
hundreds of citizens, inc.ulin- the coroner,
W h.> were killed pi’oted hiniself up to the room one by oae.
Millward in the same room.