Crawfordville democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1881-1893, April 18, 1884, Image 5

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Fridiy. A.J.-d 13,-1, 13 > *•
•It. C. JONEl%, - - - Local Editor
—Read the Athens dots from Cur
student correspondents.
—Postmaster W. F. Holden, of Au¬
gusta, was in town last Friday:
—The yotsng people will pie-nic on
Little river, the 1st May.
_Our “devil’’ 1 was on time at Jack
Mitchell’s, Monday.
—Read the advertisement of Mr. C.
Bergstrom, in another column.
_Mr. W. O. Holden, accompanied
fay it is estimable wife, are oh a visit to
Augusta. and A.
—Messrs. 3 V Andrews
Broome went down to Augusta ye s
—Gentle reader buy your goods froth
the Imerchaats that patronize your
bounty paper.
_By mistake the date on our first
page is April 17th, it should have been
—Mr. A. J, McDonough, is doing
Some very pretty fettering on tlie win
Nlotv panes Of the saloon of W. R, Reid
-_Mr. J. O. Brdtike is our authorized
kgent at Sharon. He will receipt par¬
ties for dues t6 ttte Democrat.
—Mr. W. Pt.'Gunn, as discovered
what is believed to be a very rich gold
mine on his plantation thteie miles
ffom to*m.
—Mr. E. K. Boone, is now engaged farmer
in repairing and fittmg up the
residence to be occupied soon by Uapt.
W. F. Holden’s family.
—We invite the attention of our
tenders to the advertisement of Daly &
Armstrong, Augusta, in this paper.
—In another column appears the ad¬
vertisement of G. O. Robinson & Co.,
Augusta, Ga, This is the best and
Cheapest music house in the South.
—No better bargains can be had ih
carpets, rugs ahd ddor mats, lace cur
tuins, window fcOrmces-,window shades,
&o,, than from Messrs. Bailie & Ctiske
ry, Augusta, Ga. Read their adver¬
tisement elsewhere
_Messrs. Pollard Sc Robertson; have
An advertisement in this issue, Which
all those wbo arie needing machinery
tef any kind would do well to read. ,
—The Stephenq Monumental Asst^
teiation held a meeting Wednesday
hight and appointed the following
Committee to solidit edntribution* :
C. Myers, Dr. R. J. Rteid, and M. C.
dones. The association is on a regu¬
lar BdoM arid every man woman and
i hhlldshduld contribute something.
f / _Little Nellie, infant daughter of
Mr.O.T.Gunn, has two grand-mothers;
I two great grand-mothers and one great
\ great graiid-tnothers all living.
—Oneof the most important pre¬
sentments of the grand jury of Warren
county, last week wif a recommen¬
dation of a cdunty court. W 1 1 v can’t
Tal taferro do ltke-Wise arid save from
$400 to §500 annually?
—We are in receipt of Messrs. Day &
Tannahill’s annual price list of baby
carriages. This firm is one of the old¬
est and nioSt reliable in Augusta, and
is well kuowii to the people of Talia¬
ferro and adjoining counties, i’arties
who wish to purchase carriages will do
well to call at this office and make se¬
lection from their catalougue.
—Miss Eugenie, daughter of Hon. J.
T. Chapman, formerly of Taliaferro
county, now of Apopka, Fla., is visit¬
ing relatives and friends here.
—The young people had a gala day
at the hospitable residence of Mr. J. H.
Mitchell Easter Mondav, dancing, fox
hunting and dog racing- Jack knows
how to please the young people and
that is why such large crowds congre¬
gate at his house.
—Mrs. and Mrs. W. J‘ Norton, re¬
turned home Wednesday from a two
weeks visit to the “Land of Flowers.”
Mr. Norton says Florida is a delightful
Country to visit, but doesn’t think he
would like to live there. He,like many
others, prefers to spend his days among
the old red hills, of his native State,
— We were glad to see Mr. B. C.
Browne, on our streets yesterday.
Belle is undoubtedly one of the beat
itbotographers ih the State. He is now
making out door pictured by the new
Jightning process and is located at Sba
—The Democratic Executive Com
fnitte, for this, the Tenth Congression
al District met in Augusta on the 17th
Instant, and selected Sandersville as
the place and July 1st as the time to
hold the Congressional Convention to
nominate a candidate for Congress
—Be sure and visit tlie immense dry
goods establishment of James Miller,
| you go to Augusta A more
j complete and magnificent spring All stock thte
teahnot be found else Where
ftty’es. qualities and latest novehks
i*u be seen at this bouse.
—The clothing ot Mr. .Trifles M-ead
mvs was destroyed by fire one olili-st*
Windy days last wt*jk whiff the w.'sh
woman liad gong to the hotsse for some
—Mr. Thomas Kendrick, who
ded lhe p lt , sbvte ry,at Sparta, last week
imports thatthe next ivill be held fa
. ?n October.
—Little Clarence Brooke is the recip¬
ient of a p&ir of white mice and cage,
from his atfnt Isa’ Smith, which is
-Mr. Edward Croake. who has been
quite sick, we are glad to say, is able
to be out.
—Mr. L. A.Moore, is 3till quite sick.
—Messrs. M.C. Jones and WAV.Bird,
Were in our town on last Wednesday.
Would be glad if they could make their
visits more frequent.
—^We had the pleasure of trying our
luck fishing tin last Wednesday tfter
neon and a ferrible bad cold which we
tiiluk will measure a month lung, was
tbe “biggest” thing caught,
—Prof. N. E. Ware, had made ar¬
rangements to carry his entire school
to the riVer on Easter Monday,bnt rain
prevented and the children remained
at the Institute where they enjoyed
themselves during the day.
—Mr. Joda MtfOre, of the firm of
Moore k Fa'llin, life sold his interest
in the stock and the business will now
be conducted by J. W. Faliitl.
—The pay tram takes dinner with
Mr. KT. V. Edwards, once a month.
b¥ h. and a.
Special Correspondence Democrat.
—Easter was rather a bad day for
—Easter did not have much influ¬
ence over the professors as far as ex¬
cusing the classes was concerned.
—The Seinors are nearly through
their studies for the year.
—The College nine speak of going
down to Madison soon; And play the
NewtoWn nine again.
—A gteat many Of the stridents are
paying short visits home this tehri.
—Col. D. C. Barrow father of Hon.
Pope and Prof. D. C. Barrow spent a
few flays in the city last Week.
—Mr. P. A. Stovall will deliVer the
Memorial address on the 26th; H‘e is a
fine orator apd jno better Wj"ct(ion eonld
made. "
have t een
—An excursion to Tallulah is spoken
of for the 26th.
—A Sunday school Was Organized at
tlie Presbyteiian church last Sunday
—Captain W. H. Hodgson resigned
the captaincy of the Ilook and Ladder
I Saturday;
—The city court convened Tuesday,
Judge Cobb presiding.
— _Vliss Nellie Stovall, Who has beefa
visiting ft tends in Augusta, returned
home Sat urday.
—Mr. Flanigan is repairing the gtis
works of the city.
—Mrs. Mary Nesbitt, an old resident
of Athens, died suddenly on Mouday
night of apoplexy.
—Miss Lula Hurst will display her
magnetic powers in Atherts, on the
night of tiie 18th.
—The people of Athens, are eXultiint
over the Athens Hook and Ladder
Company coming out ahead in the con¬
test at Macon. This is not the first
time that Athens has gained the victo¬
ry in like contests and come away with
tlie prize, tin's time she comes with a
hundred dollars. A sumptuous ban¬
quet Will be given Thursday night at
Pioneers’ Hall, in honor of their Vic¬
—We in company with Mr. Willie
Bird visited the beautiful village of
Sharon, Wednesday. A more delight¬
ful place to visit than Sharon canhot
be found in middle Georgia. Her citi¬
zens are noted for their hbspitalit^
and we know no hotel in the 6oUnty,
with better accommodations than thfe
Edwards bousS owned and irianaged
by Col. N. C Ddwards.
Editor Democrat (—Several of ths
members of the Democratic Executive
Committee, for this county, having
met on T ae8 day, the 15th .instant, and
not having a quorum, Suggested that a
meeting of said committee be held on
Saturday, the 26th instant, on which
day the Agricultural Club, of Taliafer
ro county, will hold its quarterly frieet
ing. We beg leave therefore to state
that some of the members of the co'rii
mittee are members of the club, and in
view of this fact, and'in order to have
a f u ;j frie^ting of the comriiitteA W) g
W0Illd s^ ge st that the meeting U hk)A
at the cfmrt house, at 10 o’clock, a. m.
! on Thursday, May 1st., ins’Pad of the
day abo * e suggested.
W J. Norton.
| Sylvester Stewmit.
Meml ‘ ers Committee '__ 1 e
1 '
Cfa^rdv’.llte, ju , ..„ April , 17th,WM.
nv AKi.rS,
— Polities Utv topic ui the day.
—Says tin*\<>ung indies, thv H - !1 sl
timid youug'fuiM iin oi r v illage is Air.
^UMi. and Mss. J. K. Holrfluy. ot
Gteene countv,wore ttie guests ot Judge
the 12th instant.
K -Preaching last Saturday and
day, by the Rev. Mr. Arnold, at JL,
town Methodist church.
— Raytown whiskev will ttetep a twft
from freezing, When fire is n6t con, tu
—Dr. J. \V. Barnett is plowing ,ip
^ flf his oaU| prepara tory to plait
^ ^ collon ,
—Several of our farmers are usit?
strychnine ^ to destroy crows. Eoje
tint dogs J, i
—Bob. Moore, colored, , . is about ih Ijl
years offline • = and at last accounts wk
able ., to perform manual , , labor. ,
—Mr. Nathaniel Parham, a ri<i ,
farmer of north Warren, says there at
only two months of the year in whvi
to plant corn in order to. .succeed
Match and May. Th;k has '‘ x
peVience and obser v ation for moi’e .list
three score years,
—The Misses Revfere,wete the guesfi
of Mr and Mrs. W. O. Wright a let*
days since.
—Mr. Jessp M., 'says that a week’s
rain cannot wet a red pea any more
than a flint rock. He stated he has
Little seen acorns river rafted by the upon load. the banks Qf^
—bne of our matrimonial aspirants,
declares, that if the object of his lo-e
doesn’t V'e’t'irn soon, he will pine iwaw'
and be no more. f
—A colored man’s comment on edu*
taAtion : “Education is a mighty good
thing, ’cause it makes black white. *
—A Baptist lady says that to havefa
cyclone pit, does not invalidate the def
trines of predestination, because it w» s
ordained that |she should have one In
fore worlds were crested,
f—The pie-nic at Mr. JohnP. Moorl’s
taill was not largely attended owing m.
the inclement weather. But on Efts a
night quite a lively crowd assembledit
Mr. J. J. Moore’s and passed the tile
pleasantly by indulging in the folio:
Ibg plays: Fishing for love; Lai|h
i.m) atid <rc go Loot Font • , Present nesens the u# Key ; SUP
Coach and hopping jav-bird witm t
ftaiicini? dancing, The a lie vouug yo B people i n ten if
their thanks to Mr. and Mis. i.
Moore Moore for tor the reception p »ftd also ^-fth V'
Mr. lhomas Burke, for .lie p Alf
ercised arranghig the .XL—-— kpe;?>le. . ,
* ** '-t'. . 1 JJ
—We publish below tliU name
of all the members of tin
£.... «. ii. in» .. t a. .»«■»«*
this county, and trust they will nil
present at tli'elr Heit ibeeting as some
vety important tbatteis are to lie at
teiided tot Jesse J’ortwood ; .1. T.
Overton ; C. T. Lucas ; W.C.ltnodes ;
J. T. Wright; S. Stewart; H. O.
Murden ; E. I. Anderson ; R. T. V. Ige ;
J. T. Allen ; P P. G VeaZey 1 ' S. ,1.
Jones : W \V. J. t sN Norton 011011 • , W T A - Eiviit ly " ’
EL Croake ; IV. B. Kendrick i J 1 I ,
Stndivant; M. D. Wallace ; J . \\
-Attention is called to the new ad
, ertisement of Messrs. Day & Tanna
hill Augusta, Ga., iu another column..
The Taliaferro county Agricultural
Club will meet at Captain James W.
Asbury’s, at 10 o’clock, A. m., on Sat
urday, the 26th April. Any meiulier
who finds that he canridt be present
will please notify Cdpt. Asbury a few
days before tlie meeting takes place.
D. N. Sanders,
Sec. T. C. A. C.
A Factory Town,
Old man Watkins of Piedmont, S. C.
says Norman’s Neutralizing Cordial
beats anything he eter heard of. dJ
came near making , a speech . on *, tlie won
deXul cure twd 25 cents battles made
oil his baby. He says the niere sight of
th»t W, w«M convince
doubtful as to the efficacy of Norman’s
_ _
—‘■My wife wants a sewing machine,’ ,
says Mr. Cosey to Mf3. Neisotf, "ami re
quests your aid lit the selection.” "Am
glad to be of sefvf6e to her. By all mean*
boy the Davis High Arm Ve.rticoi Feed
It sews from lacrio leather without change
of stitch or tentioh, sews backward or for
ward. Is the lightest running at all ma-
6 hl ^es and never gets out of order. You’
caC pfocure 11t,,m Mee8rs - CodelAn, Seals
ft^Zh r 'f« r . C Th e . 8l,0r ” E^tey," °’ °V ? h °
Thev alg0 carry tr which riaml.
hext to'the Davis $ 17.50 to 82 , 00 . It as
tonishes tne how they can staiwf these pri
ces. Still they do it—go buy of them.”
—^ ie handsomest and most complete
as{ort - rn v n, °f Dres* tioods, Silks, Satin.:
Nuns’ Veilings, Mohairs,Buntings,
« olla ".handkerchiefs, fans and
Armore . TheirXre** neafand ‘commo
dious and everything so well arranged
They have w „ |, courteous salesmen *nd
their goods are so cheap it L a pleasure to
^ with them.
«T Canary ware, the newest thing out
in Stlw =1,;; ware. Library Lkmps, entirely
new patterns’ very handsome,—Oopeiau.
Seals * Armor. Greenet <*r* Ga.
G. r
pj mu. :*= ’** m -.W
t jj. K3
R0B1N80X tiC
Selected from Ten of the Best J/a
kers, trie so much Sopevim to Oi hers ot
Prices so much Lesv, that Purchase in
save from gio to 8IU0 by visiting or
writing to
Q, ’..... H0B12T301T cA CO..
f ‘
3. on; .
/ ---iwj
L 0
D, fat T 1, A ill---1 li - I L n (\ v^. Fir
V 7 . j. .
Large «n< increas ng sain* of Musics
licrchrindise verify the fact tlia- G. O.
IOBINSON & GO. Nave money lor every
|AT1UN», MUSIC BOOKS of every da
tription r ; the. best Italian strings.
fhe latest and most popular SithdaV
School j ook,
; “Love and PralsA,”
LOWEST PRlcfeS, at
8.11 Broad Street, AtTGUSTA, GA.
CARPETS. itnri House Funmning Goons. „ Th
Carpets Baltimore. Mo
Largest Stock South of
ipiet, Brussels, 3-Ply & ingrain Window Carpets
Rugs, Mats and Crumb 'Cloths,
tu in s' Cor t li c es a ml i"’ i >1 e s fll oc i >a a' C a n tu>n
Mattings, Upholstery, Engravings, Samples Coro
inos, Picture Frames., Write for
and Prices. ItttUL & (uskl.HT
successors to Geo. A. Bailie, Masonic
Temple, AUGUST At GA. Ju nelS.ty
ADVICii to Mii rrikn!*,
Are you disturbed at i.iglit atti broken
of your rest bv a sick clijijl s,.tiering ll alld
erving with pain of cutting teeth V so,
send at once and get n liTtie of Mas.
Winslow’s Soothing tSvaoi* tmn Tkkth
oChildhkn. Its value is inealculal.le,
ivfU relieve the poor little sufferer im
|e tiately. Depend «i«m it, mothers,
* Is no mistake ab it. it vine,
nten- jut} .dR^H...... ■•.•g| : .la.tes
A„ c ,r, v t \ tJoxVWtVttre? wind e.Mie.soft
the the guilts, reduces inilainntU.n,and
Teething is pleasant to the taste, and
,, jjtat-s. an l i< for sti- or all dnii
'itstur.mghoiu tu -. >v *ri t. 1'fi‘M? 1'» et*ill'
botih .
For a (|
f Jr/ / BuifnfNs Alton(1 Kdnratlon the //i /i yr/fyt. }
Of Kentucky University, LEXINGTON, Kl,
, pr ,„.B e „| 0 , l b^cl„.A„Hiaa, tSBL Tlrnttoeomrilrt#
the Full Diploma Musmess Courau about 10 wt-cki. Average Tetal
>»t. including tuition, Hetol BooknanJ Board in a family grad
rt’legraphy a apecifltv. Ladies received. 60H0 successful
lgtes. Over 4<W pupils la«t year from 15 to 4o year* or «g«. from
»8tate». InttrucUon in practically and Individually Imparted
hr 10 teachers. Special CAUrses t or Tcaohers and Business Men.
t'oiversity Diploma presented to its graduates. This bsautl.ul
«*t is noted Xur l(A boalthftiluess and society, find I* on le*d!n«
! w.M.smDu.Lxi^k,.
ft a i t s
In 0 e blooa is apt to slh>w itsetf In tIt
Spring, an I natur-' Should by all m sun in
^ in throwing it Rwitt’s Spe
cific dees tliis effectively. ren.e'iy, It is a purely
vegetable, noil-poisonous wliieh
helps nature to force it II the poison or taint
out through the pores of the ski it,
Mr.Roliert A. Easley, of Dickson, Tenn
clubland writes under date Mart'll Ul, lHSt; ",I UU<I
fever, followed by 1 lie iimal able I v id,
fortltree years, so that I was not to
attend to lay business: had tried almost
every kind fir nVdicine, and foaml no re
,_^-f tried one bottle and my heaith
to improve. I continued until 1 had
t iki i six bottles, J„ and it hAs set me on my
t , SHl f n(l al weJJ a , ,. V er. J recotii
inetiidt to all similarly afflicted.”
SSj’fc’JSSjSaPS&f Letters from twefi'ty three ^3) of the
Speciliie than nv other one leme
iiy. and three to ten times as much as any
other blood medicine. We sell it to all,
-rinses, ginefa! and many of tlie, best, families use it
a a a heAlth tonic.”
j am sure that Swift » Specific with saved malaria, my
uf e I wa*terribly poisoned (Swift’s Specific
and wa* given up promptly to die. and entirely. 1
t£i,lk relieved me
il to the areale!,t ***'
sun’t ' Gas ' Work's ’F,. ^Konu^u’a '
J than't'wv'iity years."and . U havc'scmi /
fo wonderful suit's front its than
rnorB re use
u’h aC n ui„°and f &
^ r safe a
a » 80 * ( digKS^^'sMITH 11 Atlinta, M D
our Tr'-tl i*eon appiji-aWs. Blojvi and skin' Diseases’
mailed feeo o JTFtL^O„^
I, IE SU ^
y y. <xgi ] e , 1.50 W. zad St., bet., 6tb &
7 tU Avs.
=- i
A DR j N - iR 8end six htln^r o
7^1^ ,, , T «* m.i'ne^r S
aWa y titanAnvthing else :n this woi Id.
Fortune* await tlie workers absolutely
sure. At oti'-e address TRUE A ‘. O.,
Augusta, Main*- mb 7-1'
The Immense i.uialinu' d^Mossr.'OOT’Xt Vs\ SSAlite Vor\
(Irp'.titd.eiil.H i . now idled t‘«» overflowing fruiU
B.iS'ement to Atti'ii
department With the chftlcM con.iiBU s'^t-lpn of the strek.^Mdom fittest importations If ever seen trial in northern Arweiieiifabf cn e&steru .jtJttV DRtLs uiaiket* count
Sorron\a silk w«rp», Seville, sjHk checks, silver gray suitings, Oofatipk clracte s&itlturJ,
Silver gray Molmir. Gratia Moh vie, il uro.vby cheek suiting, B*fjy Blue check cndjlfa-,
«II ing, shades ail Nunn’s ami Veiling the toll Tnm. leal tilings U«|<t creams to infant bine,latest style* fanned In figured aud nroegdii^ Buna
the go, <m tHesriMkvt ,*1l shades fn
Lun>:tigs. Laces. ButWus Buckles, silks, Satins Velvets and linings to blend with
■ac !i shade, uud at nuees that bury the past ami make bright the future.
E (i V „ V r r I A N h . A w ft s
thp p, ve He,t».pattern* . Vic'erH LivTdsf tom S' j to Vi • yard. India Liwh ft; i|;
ills eifliipt lViM-vn Jvuvn . -.ill I'Ovii iiS whin and •*>*.« <tt p-it term, imrs
M nl Mu.->l»ns. tparr-ut and dfttteei *wis< Bishop Lawns, Tarlton. ptiuu barred
-triped Xain^*i*k.ftfi»in depAttiueut V>. cents staadr Utf; , • . ,, , ■■■■, /
Our white gm.ds unrivalled beyond Question in point of beatify
eleiraiice and 'cheapness.
Colored Lawns nnd Ginghnis
entirely new in designs, dlfferina tvididy from any bef re exhibited, •uvMwe.tnqT' a r
odds o,i last seasons s'tadcs, tiin^imins from 10 ot up vLnwi»s*«,«. Uoo.'N.Jsi)npprtop ">y 5 «.. nv .a>q jneorf
seersucker (nUHlsatim (;, dresses heantlful - 11 ' ill UlvelMii.Ww
of tlie prettiest, I’orsi iii n.ud, Amble prim* jhnilhafnA ever utwaaea
EkqutSfto lVoe of uumruiug ftml second Prints ami
D^ntelli' m IV1 vvuiss.
VertfsF, PAint tlri Cardinal, llroinint. □ Vntncnu. Dhitidh f .'orallnn, ’ K ISS li A
oroitleries, ValanWa* lawa, getuiifie lltVead Luces. ToreIjuq, , M . L
The, above arc the crown oLtrie-tUark-ts and the handsomest Dees ever Imjjort'
ItotVofa F* Vijastlng 'Wee* Edgings frottuVl^c Uoiu «. r ,c dozen up. /
tip ,
Hainhuttfs ami from sijk «t» fepaulsh JfLcO. laces and . nil the .,, ■ sliades i". matek dress goods
Jtlaclc department, enfant 1' ritore tvitliin itself. ne w
Our lace is
ftlent tatl
Jersey Ganritlcts lpc palf. VroiWl 25, 15c worth 50. This is a solid fact. It may look
unreasonable, bat is never t for e less pair true, ! bilk Ladies Mosqueiaires white base ail pair shades c-:hired 50c to He pgjj
Think of this, Silk Jerseys all the 50c bright shades. The 5c complete up, f (
up to Hi, childrens hose in moat assortment o
cents half ItoVe to be found anywhere. unearthed. 300 dozen hose in stock
Our (promise kept—bargains
fries fistlrihitis perldti* ’rf 1 f
ih arid stocks. The most tdiffeult and please on bjitl*
shown through these departments, smile, and .say, ''this is tp** plAce . we Jojtg «,“»«
sought." ill v<o th.'.ic pit o i Hesuiri l iteri xt , l,i ne w i', ^out fftarri in search of m.>r«
Imrgailis. Fans tvom le, each to the IL idsimie plush facud and satin lined at. fl.75.
Parasols .roni 10c to #7 00. aipl IJ#iidsome , ■ ,i assortihyntuif o „ PHr**pl*.tf va retail hour
in t Georgia^ To say wehaveifi is hilt to Kliealt. lai'ge the Inuli. Come and he convinced. m any
Gofanrg , Ellen Terry, IteUpmt, Sunshiny, Koselyn,M»«ell«,
Thyustip, Beveyly. beginning of Uosceaf, u variety «f i i,
Ami Montague, an- sm c ly tlie tlut crowd Miss the almo* 1 innuroer*ble E«portwm. • u
just tpl and artistic hpen spring putt, iele i >, ns re.tltced and refurnUlrad Egta's .vUMupry wlthq. atock>cleeted with tt*« at-,
recently expeneiient r-uio ml'iiners. You wltl.rtnd it* soiirce of Pleasure and a adut
most cure by Think—hat* Sl«
of profit, t > spend Just halt ap n<wr in this d'partuiBut. from 3 c to v
Here *11 the new style* can be imraur -d at oim fourth ealt than *al*ee «er *nT < W, It >*m wff
etilemls uni .wited mvititionfo too." '' the. ’.adfats or ^t>rro to
jufl \Owr Uifm t^-.iute; in the DEMOCRAT > ' will . not .. allow as . to . mention . ,.ti. ..
; space
] One Sixteenth Thoiisanth _____ . . . I , Part ^3
1 •*». . *
**w ixooils e^iibmci'd in o« t Hut please rf»nif|n?bfj tfreamed and ,w*
' j*o t k‘\ yL«‘CiifaC y° ^ eyer li u.ti <>l <uul more than you ever or, co»a
Lu sr»* L • .<»'•' * <•*
tlieir favors, .
Willi many .thunks toon TdUf^rro friernN for pant ^
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