Crawfordville democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1881-1893, August 29, 1884, Image 1
CRAWFORDVILtiE DEMOCRAT Volume 8 . OUR WASHINGTON LETTER, {from onr Regular Correspondent. J Washington,D C.,August 22,1884. There is very little going on in Way of earnest campaign work, it thought best to allow the most lent letter of Governor Cleveland the pointed one of Gov. Hendricks do their legitimate work. With the first of September a grand effort will made, not only by the committees here, but by those in New York,in the States of Ohio and West Virginia. To these two States the country is looking anx¬ iously as indicating whether it is possi¬ ble for Blaine to be elected. Cleveland with New York at his back can be elected without them, but to insure success Blaine must carry both. The loss of either makes his canvass doubt¬ ful, while their loss to Cleveland will only make it necessary to work a little harder, and make New York, Connec¬ ticut and New Jersey sure. It is now made manifest that the Blaine party is making the most possi¬ ble out of the alledged Halpiu affair, and those who depricate the throwing of mud and the introduction of person¬ alities in national politics, believe that ere November it will re-act and destroy those who, while, claiming all purity, are the worst assassins of character. Much of the time of the Senate was consumed during the last winter’s ses sion in framing and passing what was known as the “Blair educational bill,” l SEffiS?. “St 6 , °i!U' cSS could be made, particularly in will the South. The bill mentioned, it be remembered* got no farther in the House than to be referred to commit So«^“r6roTS‘ii«Vot to‘Sc™T(or‘tte 6 o S^teM™ b |. feat of so beneficient (?) a measure and a huge pile of documents °n the sub ject was (ux *>rdingly got leady. But no caffliDaod to dcconnt or Cdll for in SmS m kX s rstu, cS «nnebnstituQenal . is measures. The most 041 ving news has been •1J**’*- ' i’ll Ni‘W lerwy the work of the campaign, and en flmsiastie SteclSring over the prospects. For state of affairs much of wtCw.... fluid,of tl„ Ohio, «.,»» tm iminuiatiou n, II"... j I Frank Hurd here gm<1 to Congress. Mr. is r p ed as one of the lowers of the P ese it House, and he is very popular w.tli .ill , who .The know candidacy him. of General Butler j wbicli Republicans claimed would help j Blaine, is now not exerercisiug little. It is the now m de- . tta | from Maine a followers to form | teriniued by Butler’s a coalition with the Cleveland men in all the Northern States which will ena Lie them to carry all the the electoral vote to be divided between Butler and Cleveland in proportion to the votes cast. This will secure to Cleveland at least 60 votes m the North and most certainly assure his election. All talk of the Republicans carrying West Virginia in October is laughed at at headquarters, where all accounts re ceived are to the effect that the Derao crats will cast a larger vote in October than ever before, and that the majority will reach at least 10,000. No efforts, however, will be spared to make as surance sure as to that State, but ex traordinary efforts will be made in Ohio with every respect of a glorious victory. Illinois Commissioner Loring, ot the Agriculture Department has requested owners of herds of such cattle in the United States until October 1. armngS The Democrats of Washington are for a grand ratification meeting to be held here in the course of a week or so. Some of the most tinguished Democrats of the country are expected to be among the on the occasion. One of the things one nowadays talked about in Washington is the waning popularity of Fred Doug las Even before be married his pres ent white wife he began to lose ground as a leader of the colored race, and that step P seemed to give a fresh im-1 pulse to liis sinking popularity. autograph Ex- j senator Bruce whose is Douglas. jjiSSrtiaf the capital 1 for just raking tl ” g SrJtn. i ‘tb.fare tottS. ’f’3'“S;in e S g ™K »« ags MS” CRAWFORDVILLE, GA., FRIDAY, AUGUST 29 , 1884 . A PUINTKIt WITH A fISTOL. Atlanta. Aug. 23.—To-night a difficulty between Frederick 0. White,a printer, and Eugene Robinson, termi¬ nated in White sliootiug Robinson in the small of the back, inflicting wliat is believed to be a fatal wound. The attending physician is of the opinion that Robinson will die before morning. Robinson and White had some words, and Robinson left the saloon where the trouble occurred. He soon return¬ ed with a rock .in his hand, and hurl¬ ed it at White, striking him on the head and inflicting a painful wound. White then drew a pistol aDd fired three shots, one of them taking effect as above stated. Robiusou was par¬ tially under the influence of liquor, and White, when seen by a coi respondent a short time after the difficulty, was per¬ fectly sober and apparently had not been drinking. White was perfectly cool and said that he had no fears of being eonvincted when thejtrial was held. Robinson was so low that he could not ms're aoy statement. LATER. Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 24.—Eugene M. Robiusou, the young man who was shot last night at 11 o’clock by Fred White, died to-day in a room over Redds stable at noon. When death caused pulse to slop beating lie was sur rounded by his father, mother, brother and sister. Last night he made a state ment that White shot him down like a ** <—»» His dying statement,however, was much chauged. To those gathered about his beside Robinson said in substance that — . . and that nei ;„ b ““ i H “riar”hTd!rn« re w»« Whit, promoted harassed Apost !V^. n £ h g through the kid ranged upward above the heart anfl 3ettl(jrt against a r lb,causing afrac . frtoS” ■Ramn^nn a,r„oor<i was removed to ***£ his uJonauJ,* ” . draper cffcomiefi* ‘•.'xHl.V.Li. ; ,t wpy tunnufdctuw agents made a profit of over $-<> * k s harvest of gold will bere.alizeil by ^ a beginners snooem All new < 2 11 " ; 7r) ,_ ' II BtmW.o, .write: ravenous . ‘ ' desli flesh and spread spre great holes into my anu , rapidly n- ■ r my body. I received the , !« «• 1 “t'SKlll!tlmt”|SS.„i 1 = ' | wasaburden. : , n , y jjf,. >■ ■ bed-riddnn, and | ? tjlne ; w ls T was s0 iuteuse that l pray death as a relief. I exhausted tl , e whole catalogue of patent medi {n eaull cas(J following the direc ‘ ■'. u „ iou8 i v Each in turn seemed . of to .g^Tenefited ., 2ara v A te the malady, and none me in any way. W hen ijf (3Wasa ,.p 1 ^ al -ently hopeless I commenc * kJ S- S To this .Specific I . commenced _ u{e In tea nays I improving, and in a short time was per . wel j My ) ia j r has grown out r ; m y health and strength have re turned the u \ ce rs in my throat and “ are entirely cured; uiy appetite returne(li and f or the first time in rs j- ell j oy ray food. Every soar has diaa ppeared from my body. I weigh as much as i ever did m my life, and am f ec tly healthy in every way. The per ' of the cancerous affliction J me the terrible are dest royad. Not only in life.a id ma }., dy that was preying on toy wllich every one pronounced also relieved incurable, ot en tirely cured, but 1 am the bad effects 0 f the mercury and pot as b mixtures that I was fed on tor tores, gotton up to imitate oui . pe , they are dangerous. Blood and Skin Diseases r)iHeaseg Treatise on SEBCiFic ^., mailed free The SwtBT Drawer 3 , AUantaGal.fflW. St., I L hila., N. Y., and 1205 Chestnut J. W. HIX01I, Attorney at I,aw, CRAWFORDVILLE GA WILL practice in all State and Fed¬ eral Courts. Any business entrusted to his care will receive prompt personal attention. COLLECTIONS A SPE¬ CIALTY. B lulling. Office in Mitchell \Y. 0 . MITCHELL, Attorney at Law. Crawfordville, Georgia WT ILL practice wherever employed. W Collections promptly remitted. insects on Canary Birds. To free canaries and other cage birds from the insects which infest them Urn following method is recommended by one who has snccessfully practiced dusk it for years : Every night just at white the cage is covered over with a the parasitica . cloth. During the night birds will crawl from off the 0I Y cloth, where they may be seen running about daybreak. when 1 the he insects cloUi 18 may ™™ ue ve k d in J a.-TSSS^S? JSSf »'■' :v doubt kill parasites, but the birds as From A Prominent. Lawyer WM.-OI S »vi«e, S Mans SKHlfll Cordial as a uoiver r 2St“ 0 , a »KS Js Skmll, i3 it m ^t? 8 s o ac in all aiteo ° p- fastij Norman’s Neutralizing Cordial becomingone of the. most ; sine qua non ine very household. to Alotb- their j j ers do not hesitate to give it children, being so harmless, hence Us hul " ,tJ -_. . . and . fragrant llACKMETACK“a lasting ior'sal D.'y perfume Price 25 and 50 cents. Dr. R. J. Reid. A NASAL INJECTOR free with each ottle ofShiloh’s Catarrh Remedy. Piice 0 cents, for sale hy Dr. K., J • Reid. All in the Line ot Nature. There is nothing in the flue and of magic or mystery absut that wondertul pumper ,simply medicine., Parker's Tonic. It .is tne best and most scientific combination possible of th essential principles of those vegetabU curatives which act now erfully ami dir etly on the stomach-, liter kidneys and b’. nod. Hut there neither nor wiil be, any successful nuitatio;. of It all the time curing those who had < spaired of ever getting well. For your <■ if your wife and children Kidney Complaint*.. For over six years I have been a terri¬ ble sufferer from a troublesome 'kidney complaint, for the relief of which.1 spent, over 8250 without benefit; the fgiluri must noted so-called remedies proving of B B» Ivif s. The use of one single bottle s been marvelous, giving more relief tniu all other remedies combined. It is a qui k cure, while others if they cure at all, a re in the distant futre. ROBERTS, » C. II. i Atlanta Water Works.’ — * Don’t Look Like a W reck. “When a man is going down hill eve ,y body is ready to give him a kick.” Veil, Unit is so. It is said, natural. employin't;It‘ Why warp a man and woman, seeking hadn't would have got it if their hair bee*n so thin tiud gray One bottle of Park, f's Hair Balsam is then the best investmen t. It stops tailing hair, promotes new grow- h and restores color. Clean, improvement highly pe«fm bv n ed, not a dye. A great and sold fit fcl ;;r any similar preparation, ie low price of 50. P. W., of Hampton, Ga., ha- ■« re Mr. A. the - cently emerged from one of most re markable cases of Blood Poison on reeoi ’ . His body and limbs had no less 1 than foil r hundred small ulcers—liis boned toriteh t Ed him with predented pains—his frifflitfuisyinplcp' appetite failed- - his kidneys - and all doctors and 100 bottles of tnqjfflo.' t popclar Blood P rsou remedy faffed to giV ie him any relief. He secured B. B, Env coneutrated quick dure, and ftv< botti liealcd the ulcers, reitlved all na-fn. c his kidneys, healthy restored hisappetit» ,aml i„ ... * him a aud happy man. and, Any can secure his full name COM vilth him. Dr.R.J. llEID’d Drug Store. Below we mention a f«'W of Uiesc which cun a I wavs Vic found ill Ills store : T! i, i> - summons' Liver Regulator Brewer’s Lung Restorer ; Dr. dames Ex pectorant; Tayu.r's Sweet Gum and Mm Hi, ; Acer’s Sarsasparilla ; Rankin’s F.uid Ext. Biicheu audJiipiper; Brown’s Lon Bitters : Warner’s Safe Kidney and lever Cute ; Warner’s Safe Diobetes Cure ; .Vai¬ ner’s Safe Bitters; Warner’s SafeNerv ne ; Oliver's (Juiek Relief; adway’s Ready Relief ; Peiry Davis Pain Killer ; St. Ja¬ cob’s Oil ; Wizard Oil ; Pitts’ Carminative; Hop Bitters; Bosehee’s German Syrup ; Green’s August Flower ; Darby’s I’roph nyJatic Fluid; Parker's (finger Tome; Ague Conqueror ; Honey of Tar ; Ayers Cnerry Pectoral ; Green Mountrin Aah ma Cure ; Lozenges and Cough Drops ; Shernor’s Balsemic Cough Syrup ; l.ydia E. Pinkham.s Vegetoble Compoumi Catlioliean; ; Brarlfield’s Camplior Female Regulator Sozodont; ; De.utrithee; Spirits of Paragoric ; Bateman Drops ; l.audnum ; ; No. (> Calo¬ Svi-up Clorftle Ipecac Potash ; Hot Drops Bromide. or Quinine; ; mel ; ; Q. C.; and ; II. H- I B. B. B ; S. S. S. ; A. • W. J. NORTON. tKA»VKOBI)VlU,K GA Contractor and Builder Dealer in Bulling Material of all Kinds. CPDy A A TXT \1 ULii U v ul xi ('A i TY TY u vx * --:o: I AM now prepared to fill all orders Scale and Mirror Carp at the very lowest prices. Frompt attention given ordprg Address, \ D hS.. J - “• KE , unrt (Jlinard House Athens, Ga. ^ D.CUNA.KD. - Proprietor. Porters at Each. Train. Commercial Rates. Large CmmUm Samplet Rooas POLITE and ATTENTIVE SEItVANi i INI. F\ Ej h—4 JL-A * MACHINERY BROKER and COM- , JJJS^ION GENERAL AGENT till 1 . | ^ jraSSiJj^ „ m raVTOR'S ,^«gR r 1 UK I W «§K3!? flGE* v Ir; tlbnlmJciSloa 0 oyg patent 0UB 0DT DFFENQIN8 AmMiiiCLuac V i h FUEL L ^w iifei TAYLOR MFG. CO. —AND— North Carolina Mill Cl -DEALER IN— Steam Engines and Boilers of every de ription. Saw Mills, Wheat and Corn Mills, Eagle Cotton Oins, Cardwells Hy¬ draulic Cotton "Presses for hand ot steam power, the best press on the market Separators, Reapers, Grain 'drills. Wood Working machinery, ami machinery of all kinds, Prices low down to suit the hard times. Prices. Send for illustrated circular ami 738 Reynolds street, AUGUSTA.Ga. HA RDWA RE CHAMPION Mowers Reapers & Buckthorn Wire Fencing. Eureka Post Hole Diggers, Ice Cream Freezers, Ma¬ lian’s Vehicle Seat Sunshades. F airman s lee Crushers, Sarveu Patent Wheels, Patent Car riadb Makers’ Supplies, Jacobs’ Wheelbarrows, Plain and Stamped Hand I in ware, Ricfiardrton’s Celebrated S5l 5 v ^» Fishing Tackle aud Seine Twines. A full line of kll kinds of Hardware. Write us for prices before buying. Ko matter went othersat our prices are always lower. Tim|ii6 ' l’-ioad Marti »Li! et, Ware Come" 1 Co «r. .L - !uti1fY-8ni S -MANUEACTUllEU AND DEALER IN Lemon Soda, Sursasparilla and Ginger Ale, | glass. or SUPERIOR EXCELLENCE. Best Brands of Beer in wood or Doine »nd Foreign PORTER and imported SEl.T/ERS In jugs. Motts and Kantucky D Hit in wood aud lass. Orders solicited Write for prices and terms, Ice of good qualities and just weight furiiishbd at market price. Mercuriel Ointment; Pile Ointment; OpodeldOck Ltnimenr ’ Turkish Lmniieiit ; Mexican Mustang Liniment ; Kendall s Spavin Cure. Mrs. WimllowH Soothing Syrup ; Van d tires it Teething Remedy ; Moffett a 1 ee thina Smith’s Worm Oil ; Khriner s In Vermifuge ; Seidlete I and ilian Trusses ; Porus Plasters. Syringes ; ; Pills; Tutt’s _ ... Pills . ; Ayers -------th". Pills . ; (jook’s < 1 Mosse . l n ner’s Safe Pills and S. S. »S* Essence of Jamica ; Ginger and the f'd lowing flavoring extracts: Lmion , Gr¬ ange ; Vanilla P.ippcrirmnt ; Cmanmn and ; , White ivosc Celery; Raspberry; .Strawberry. Ca^\ce C ! B.Tb.?S;V: S.; a!*Q G., and . M P. Norman's Neutralizing Cordial ; Con dells Nervine:; 11. H. V.. Bonkocim-. and Neutralizer, cure cure for t;.& stf G.; Hai ler s ssvwj y,; 1 “11 on. Perfumeries of the host makes. Hair and Tooth Brushes; Combs ; Harps; Money Purses ; Lamps and Lamp h xtures Y(jtC • of all kinds, Confectionaries and nuts Crackers, Pickles, ami canned goods. Soaps, soda, starch, Baking powders, sugar, and coffee. Powder, shot, caps, cartridges all sizes, Fresh Garden seeds. Be Keeps a well assorted stock of 1 ol aco g, Cigars* and snuffs. Also a full line of Stationary, consisting of cap, F*ch»Ih cap ; Letter an paper - pens ; pencils ; inks ; memoran¬ dum, blank and copy books. One thousand and ori<- : other articles, too to mention. Come and see him umerous l)r. 11 . i. KEIB, CRAWFORDVILLE. GA. Number 35 . ALFRED BAKER. President. JOSBPU H. BEAN, Uar.hier. . TT/ U ^ T' IMA r V^ r l 1 V ©A C A V 1 V J © J> Tf A A "TV 1> "Lf’ IV U 811 BROAD STREET, AGUSTA, GA. Cash Assets, 8300.009.00. Surplus, 50.000.00 Transacts a General Deposit and Discount Business, Interest on deposits of five to two thousinfl 1 'ti ns. accounts or banks, Special Att ntion (Jiveu to Collecting -DJKKf'.TO'.,. I,FRED RAKER, W. 1 Tf V. ‘ . EDWA RD O’DONNELL. E. I;, si: JOSEPH S. BEAN. A 6 T'C‘L 0 NI? lias struck the Funiitur'* Business in A ’’ Ve keep it moving by our LOW PRICES.. We must VmC mpnev lid if you must have FURNITURE, it, will pay you to Imr . Y\V !! ^qBarti*rs M row money at 1 r» per cent ami Buy now. <1 < > comp* irom n (• n _ h iiux vt'iA'G'iihiK, t; ivv ..i'.-y ■ v;,: ;;,ot t," t.u 'e\ a;u i-i; s-i: TURK, ever seen in the South. Write for catalogue and price list. J. L. BOWLES & CO, 8 tO Broad Street, Augusta, tta 9 I » Steam Marble ami Granite Works, Broad‘Street, Near Lower Market,, AUGUSTA. GA. Marble Work, domestic and Imported AT LOW PHICE8. GEORGIA AND SOUTH CAROLINA GRANITE MONUMEN" iPEUALrV. ft MADB A A large selection of MARBLE ami GRANITE WORK always on hand ready LETTERING and DELIVERY. - SHEEHAN’S x.tM’lHifte;: il 'oitHrr: A. m 11 W1Eli;H 4Y. Prop. G reeue Street, : AUUGSTA, GEORGIA T. W. COSKERY, President J.T.NEWBERRY, Cashier. Pj a nte rs Loa n & Savings Bank Augusta, Georgia, A L*r r 0 L, nil paid up ■ # 100 , 030 - Collection Oiirefully'Attcnded to and Promptly Remitted for. Drafts on all parts of the world for salo. Interest Allowed on Deposits in the Savings Department. DIKKCTOK8. T. jCOSKRKT, G ITST. VOLGEK, J. A.A. W- 77 -A JOHN T. Si -e— McCORD F. GOGIN, W. II. HOW > RD II. I). If WRIGHT, H. B. KING, VV. M. JOKDAjV, Rufus Carter &: Co* Tobacco IManufactrcrs —and— —Wholesale Dealers in— iilww i 832 Bkoad Street, Augusta, Ga. exclusively at wholesale only HOLDEN & FARMER CRAWFORDVILLE, GA Have constantly on hand a full line of Family Groceries —AND Farm 9 BOOTS, SHOES. DOMES. Jeterm.n^ To the farmers, we would state that %ve are celling af the very lowest prices end not to be undersold. Slide in and buy. Cash must come Meet a re will show are your friend. HOLDF.A X FARMER. V.s half way and we y u we