Crawfordville democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1881-1893, August 29, 1884, Image 4
• *21 DEMOCRAT. tV F* I iDvn.UE, Ga., Aug. 20, 1KH4. M. C, JONES. • ' T< IIKK A ND PhOJ’HIKTOK. T’RKSIDKNT : •J V MU CLEVELAND, of New York. Kfll V1CK-PRKSIT>KNT : l HUM AS A. HENDRICKS, of Indiana. FOR GOVERNOR ! henry i). McDaniel. i on SECRETARY OF STAEK I N. H. HARNETT. , or: ( OMI’TUOI.I.FK GENERAL : Wm. a. WRIGIIT. or attorney general : LIFFORD ANDERSON. i OR S’l ATE TREASURER R. U, IIAIIDEMAN. i CONflUKSH- 10 th DISTRICT: i U )X. (i VAJlKi B T. BA UNKS # of Richmond. \ i I'ATE SENATOR—ltlTH DIBTK’T Subjirt, to Nomination : JOHN W. HIXON, of Taliaferro. FOR REPRESENTATIVE, Taliaferro County ; PRIOR G. VEAZEY. _ id fever appears to be unusu ale.<t over the State, i midnee for coroner of Bartow . is o':l iii a s irring letter of ac ■ •« *. fnwn of llarnesville, Ga., on • v last, elected the “dry” ticket i .. l ii'in majority. Atlanta Journal says that if bu ■ icreases in that city it will re . i vvo coroners to do the work 1 » w‘- t<l goelogical examinations reveal • i hedeltaof the Mississlppi.along v i .lanceof 300 miles, Leu distinct i are buried. r thirty-thousand two-horso i • .<re employed in the business of > fork City. Upward of #20,000, io.i ,u vested in this industry. . ,oneon dancing master named (»or it. la'inig to secure pupils, decided I • t > ms luck as a burglar. He visit i . B. Gartreil’s residence, was o .i and lodged jail. < O tnitt the coming of Mr. Sidney - i i the staff of the T. and M. did I**) u s in any degree its editorial pol it: . . i ids retirement cannot in any I • , ., . iffect its policy, Btatus or pur ■ .l’lUA.Aug. 56.—Dispatch, t » on says that the fire which ■ - early this morning was !*. urn mill nnd yard of Joseph The lost is estimated at #75, • i lie insurance at #7.000. , vnosboro cotton continues to i. The town has received leu .. in date, and expects to receive i . inty this week. Burke county 11 ,** Urn largest corn crop she has i , , ten years, but the cotton will ■* , ,i \ <»m i n will vote and work l because lie signed the bill e duced the exhorbitant fees of • eiatiou of New York Bilots, ..11 rich men, and have grown * *e imposition of a direct tax nei ce. . .. j iy Friday night Dick Kell’s ■ * allies were burned, conmim ,*. .iiity of hay, Imggy,tools, and ».t 1 * worth #150, th'longing to mtli, Murray county,who was at Mr. Kell’s. Ail at tempi S* IN. ^||«.|» nude to luirn Iris units, a lire 1**1 . iu the butting chest, which •> . The work of an incendiary “4. >’ nnie Boyd, of Troup county, . » IV^session a Bible which has . Vy 127 years. It was ’•'d brought from * . ■ liv. On a blank . * .imped, luit legi . . <-.< gift of Dismuk, to ,1 >ii. »‘ds 17' It contaios • >.d * <reut owners. ■ L »u;tiu t>’ S. W. llenley, ksl'.uo ^ C.) Intelligencer, 1 l ash Family of South CareU ........... in Columbia His* *11 * *.S , of -^y-four Colonels pagas, Lash and conu.u- Shan iht-r with those of BogauCash M . ,i*i oieu whom he shot iu Che . curuary, Richards and Cow v \ dekbilt’s account with *ws a profit of Sl9,000,ncur i*., leaving out the expense j :lie pretty beast and hor dri •*<i that Mr. Vanderbilt be J <■ ly when he sold Maud S.. r awhile that there was a .get is fast mare from b . h^ r | • -at his anus around her neck, Vu l.K a..ue was sold. * tVHV I<AI<MKH<S IKK i POl.K. Baltimore Manufacturers’ Record. Not witbxtan ling the many advan¬ tages of the South for Agriculture, ad¬ vantages that are admittedly superior in many respects to those of the great¬ er part of the balance of this country, it is an iindentible fact that the South¬ ern farmers, as a class, labor under very serious disadvantages, Their lands will produce a great variety of products besides cotton, and in three smaller crops as well as in dairying, the poultry yard, etc., there ought to be much profit ; but unfortunately it is not so, except to a limited extent. Unless near some city or industrial centre, their efforts in trucking or similar enterprises meet with rather poor reward as they find no consumers for their goods. With them there are too many producers and too few consu iners. The vast possibilities of the South for fruit and vegetable production, dairying, Ac., are thus almost wholly, we may say, undeveloped. We have aeon the linest kind of fruit left to rot on the ground or ire fed to hogs. Why ? Simply because everybody in that neighborhood had all that ttiey needed and no market could lie found for it except at a long distance and at high freights. And so it is with other things than the staple crops of cotton, wheat ami corn, and hence willing or unwill¬ ing, Southern farmers must coniine their attention to these. It is true that in Home localities the trucking business can be made profitable bv shipping to Norlhem markets, but this cannot be done except in certain sections. If they raise fruits or vegetables there are no purchasers, and if I hey attempt to sell butter, eggs or poultry, even to the country stores in exchange for goods, the prices obtained are so small as to leave no profit. The liojie of the South is a changed condition of the agricultural interests, in diversified farming,and in so increas¬ ing the number of the non- agricultu¬ ralists as to furnish a home market for farm production of all kinds, This cannot lie done by a general wholesale immigration Vo the South,ns this would add more to the food producers than to the food consumers, and still further in crease the disproportion between these two classes. What the South does need above all else in this line is immigra¬ tion of non food producers,aitisaus and manufacturers. If we can only build up all over the south scUffe tlie question of how to improve the financial condition of Southern far¬ mers. The farmer will then find a good home market for his pioductions, and he will soon do emenenmted Irom the slav;ry of all-cotton system. In view of these facts,tiro great ques tion for Southern statesmen U how t*> develop the industrial interests of the South. Already there is great progress in that line, and a lew mine years of uninterrupted development will find the South a great manufacturing and minln K e, ‘" lM '’ T,lis ca " Sw u:, ‘ l oul >' b >' a i udic,ou “ I>‘" tariff. U l U,at ***“ ■“ urM * " nd the South wiH cm,tinue to make ,a ‘ ,id adva,,W8 > w buildi »« u ‘‘ >*" facl0,k ' 8 a,ld those wl, ° m '» the « re * tw,t be,,t ' tils from Buch would the farmer. Reduce the tariff, or keep tinkering at it, and depression will follow, capi¬ talists will refuse to invest in iron works or cotton mills or coal mines,and the South's industrial advance will be checked and the greatest suffereis will be the farmers. The Cleveland Piain-i Valor, the only Democratic journal in Northern Ohio, j and one of the most influential papers m tiio West lias this to say of lion, George T. Barnes: a The Democracy of the Augusta(Geor gki) district have nominated as their candidate for Congress,the Hon George T. Barnes. We have the pleasure of a personal acquaintance witli Mr.Barnes, having servinl with him in tlie IVmo erotic National Committee for four yesus. lu that bixh be stood dcserved nigh, being a co-.scrvative uiemlier, a clear thinker and a good speaker. Ills old associates on the committee are gratified at the honor conferred upon him.and are satisfied that if he is a ;;t ed to Congress lie will make a •. d and iuttueuiial member <slllii>i* nv,: «A < * r*K<Rii Catarrh. i’kmfiiv • tanker cure for DrITj. Dipiheria and Mouth, for *ale b> Reid «r L»nw» -husnent ol: GoJden C. M bite Lx. L„ and Granulated sugirs still < oslain old prices.—(Aqaslan, Seal A Armor, Greenesboro, Ga. —tall , on .... Holden A Firmer „ and .. have jour home insured. Fref. Harris’Ptotilles nervous .le bility, etc., are offered on fre« U L Their failure causes no loss event to •tt- ft- k '-, w r nt Jairis Remedy t o., st., Louis, Mo. Shiloh's Cure will immediately re.j 11 '^ C ' 2 ^ d Br0n * ch,lls ,or K4le L ’ r - K - j J Hpld ' Are you made miserable by indiges Don. Constipation. Dixziness. Loas of Api>etite, Yollow bkin? Shiloh's Vii ai.rer .* H j^uiv* cure, for sale by Di. i R. J. Reid. ' Gr. H. i **, R H v M ’M E THE GREAT ARTISTS OF THE WORLD ACKNOWLEDGE THE SUPERIORITY OF THE PIAN¬ OS AND ORGANS SOLD BY G. 0. ROBINSON & CO. writing to G 0, ROBINSON &, CO., Pay freight to Dearest depot of purchasers E. I. 0. M—L P. Q. 8. Large and increasing sales of Musica Merchandise verify the fact that G. O. ROBINSON & CO. Save money for every purchaser. W- N- MERGER, COTTON EACTOlt -AND General Commission Merchant, 3 Warren Block, Augusta, Ga. Will Give Personal and Undivided Attentiop*to the Weighing nd Selling of Cotton. LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES MADE ON CONSIGNMENTS. H FRANKLIN, Cotton Commission Merchant, AUGUSTA, GA. Lbieral Advancements Made on Consignments. ib ___-JN . nr F. LOVE FU ’i.EE ANDERSON & FULLER. SUCCESSORS TO J. M. ANDERSON. Cott Ri Factors and Commission Merchants, 903 Reynolds Street, old stand of R. A. Fleming. Augusta, Ga. f-pr* Pi-r-nnnl ottrntion givnn to all holiness, lagging ami ties luniished at lowest prices. Liberal idTznm made on cotton j st ore. A. ' Y?.-v. •f ..T-t. ’ IS ** I M ; "• pa iE' ; i v 4; wm I 1 / < V* L< s - « I *. L _ Also ngentsfor the EXCELSIOB COTTON GIN. the best simplest and cheapest on the market. Each gin guaranteed. Send for prices. ang28-5m Augusta Cotton G-in Company, FORMERLY GULLETT GIN BRANCH WORKS. We are now prepared, best with kille wivkmen and the best machinery for thet pur pose, to repair in the manne., Cotton Gins and Steam Engines OF ANY MAKE. W e would inf.wm Planters that by sending their Gins to our shop, where we have machinery adapted to the purpo-e, they nn fcnve the work done in much .better sliape thaa it can possibly Iw done at hi»Bi« tv-test every Gia w i -n completed, returning it guarair * *1 to work well. Send -ms at once d t«re |the work weB now when we have tim -------. xi ■ : Do not {Krt off until late in the .season. It w^oso^u no more^ha. •< >er w E -lAunfRJgH llrtlUlirer. • --■*>:• __ _ *—J f «.'■ -*■ ^W- *-■, f\ » J M-Jm A lot of NEW IMrKOVID GULLFTT AND BARRETT GINS,, at redneed pri « ' Also, se*era: seewml Viad Gins, in good order and very cheap. Bird-ail En giwes. (traction, po rtabl e amt semi-portable^) Anew Engine, stationary; portobte and Liddelt's Band Tower Screw Press, Grist Mills, cloud Cretk Rock (low figures.) Flamniing Injecmr, warrantel to lift hot or eoM water. . Mach re-ry. strictly «U *»d we me. or.writeV before pnrehiring .^nd you will get bottom neur,- .m reliable work.and ullr cuaranteed. Dri Dm vS'BeifcuAr‘ iag Be.u. Ac , promptly nr^Dtlv fiUed^Add^*’ filled. Address, *^ S ° ® m **’ W “ ^ end,esS () \ J nmAVr W * OIUllLl, Pi junei4-ly MANAGER. AUGUSTA GA j scnptfim ; the l>esi Italian strings. ffhe latest and must popular Sunday School i.onk, “Love and Praise, ’ LOWEST PRICES, at G.O. ROBINSON & CO’S, SSI Broad Street. AUGUSTA, GA. BRIDGE NOTICE: GEORGIA—'Taliaferro county. Cl BALED proposals will be received nn JS til Monday, of a' September and substantial 15th,. next bridge, for building river, new the residence of R.T : across Little near Bndge.) in said Edge (known at Malayers specifications of which county. Plan and office can be seen on tile in the Ordinary's reserved in said county ; the righr is to re¬ ject any and all bids. By order of the Board of County Commissioners. This, August 12.1884. Test, C A Beazley,Clerk. APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF DISMISSION. deceased. These are. therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned, to be and appear at. my office on or by the first Mon¬ dap in September next and show cause if any they can why said letters should not be granted. Given under niv hand and official signature, this May 18th. 1834. Charles A- Beazley, Ordinary Taliaferro county. Shiloh’s catarrh remedy, a positive wo ire for Catarrh, Diptheria and Can ;r Mouth, for sale by Dr. R. J. Reid. WARE’S BUSINESS INSTITUTE, r»r^"n fl. / NS if. / 1: / Jr/ Lf N" v \ \ i v/ _\v V il'.P •N V \1> % 0 & V) / =: ^ Wp< fn ft W 4 i The Exercises of this school will open Sept. 1st, 1S84. GRAND FORCED SALE OF 460 ROLLS CARPETS In arquets Brussels, Three-Plys, Ingrains aDd Venetian,ad new goods. 1,463 E tli Rugs and Door Mats. At 10 cent, less than manufacturer,s prices. Good* must be sold to make room f# per 300 Rolls New Clinton Matting, Arriving. Will also offer great bargains in Upholstery Gooods and Fringes, Raw Silks,Portier Cloth, Hair Cloths, Fringes of all kinds. Lace Curtains and Window Cornices In style, quality and price never excelled and in Window. Shades. . s . ._ We have opened the finest st.v, T ever shown south in tew styles or spring trade, and in WALL PAPERSam) BOOM DECORATIONS. Our sroek is repl. te wild new and pietty styles. PICTURE FRAMES, BRACKE TS AND POCKETS. Picture frames all sizes with glass and hacks complete. Wall and Corner Brackets and poekets, new styles. ENGRAVINGS, OIL PAINTINGS.*; I SO-PH -Beautiful subjects. Ihgli Art at half former prices. F oor, Stair. Table aii>l Crumfi Cloths, Floor. Stair and Table Oil Cloths, any width, ttriimb itiirtiis, -ill sil»»if price. BASKKrs. BROOMS, •’I'STKRS. BIlUSHES, A nRassorted stock. Carpets m ule ami laid tre« of charge. Furniture upholstered. For new goods, ow prices and solid bargains come at once, t«» BAILIE! <£ COSEER 7 S RSasonic Temple, - - Augusta, C*a. prllT- ICES! ICE! XITE have now ®n band l,(KX> tons of Ice and are making more every day. W« bay W every carefully, facility for give shipping weight ICE, and either by the car load or in Toe pound sack* We pack winter, full day and night. are at our factory prepared to fill orders a) the time, summer, THE ARCTIC ICE CO. Augusta, Ga. Telephone, i\o. 98. ROBERT Wm ROBERTSON General l Snpermten&en Athens Foundry & Machine Works, ATHENS. GA. NEW and SEC05D-HAND MACHINERY. THRESHES, HORSE-POWERS, FAN MILLS, COTTON PRESSES, SOR¬ GHUM MILLS. SAW MILLS, with SCREW or RATCH¬ A ET HEAD BLOCKS. m f Ti ON HAND FOR SALE. k> ■ t'l i 2 10 H, P< Monarch engines, new, on wheels. 2 6 H- P. Monarch engines, on wheels, t *H. H< P- Atlas engines, new, on skids, Semi-hxed Atlas Engines, new. 2 6 H. P. Upright engines, second-hand, in F^ationarv^^i^e°in*good order. order. 1 30 inch Georgia woter-wheel, in good order. 2 15 inch Eclipse water wheels,in good order. 110 H. P. Ames engine, on skids. Brooks’Sulkey Plows, a splendid [abor saver Herd's Cotton Seed huilers. what every far mer wants* j'u ^ C^liUtoT w sell for 3-7s.Oh Shafting. Gearing. Phlleys. etc, ^ gj-a Tarbine -st -pun-agf- wheels, road engines. water Cook s Evaporators, Victor Cane Mills, Combined SSlMcStSB nSS^^l^a faliTi^or Hancock Inspirators, the great Boiler teeder, Korting Universal Imectors.Steain Jet Pumps or raising water, and a Engines. foil stock Mnistones_ of fitting- ' r - of all kinds for St^m fhon^ti^ “ d M,U Tnol^iiLEY may 3-6m Ageut ami ^upt. A