Crawfordville democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1881-1893, August 29, 1884, Image 5

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    Crawfoedville,Ga., Aug., 29, 1884
Single Copy, (one year.) . . . $ 1 gas
Single Copy, (si* mouths.) . . .
Single Copy, (three months,) . .
Advertising rates moderate..
—Who will bring in the first new
—Newspaper men struck the to wn
this week.
—Dr. H. S. Smith, of Baldwin
county, is in town this week.
—For the sake of humanity, the
county commissioners should purchase
chairs for the traverse jury room.
—Mrs. Anna Hall after a visit of sev¬
eral days among relatives here, return¬
ed to her home in Greene county last
—Mr. Henry Perkins and family, of
Augusta, returned home Tuesday after
a pleasant visit to relatives in Craw
—Mr. Quintus Richards, of Ham¬
burg, S. C., is moving around among
his old friends here this week. Mr.
Richards looks as joyful as in days
long gone.
—Our brass band shed honors on
themselves at Greenesboro last Wednes¬
day. Gentlemen who hava heard them
say they have few superiors as an ama¬
teur band.
—A young man from Augusta re
mrrked the other day that according to
the time and practice of our brass band
it equaled the Clinch Rifles of Augus
—Nodoubt the Misses Corry, Reid
and Corry will enjoy their trip to the
Springs, Monday, as two of our hand¬
somest young men will accompany
—Mr. John J. Gallaher, one of the
whole-souled, clever and intelligent
newspaper men dropped in on us yester¬
day. Mr. Gallaher still represents that
sterling people’s favorite, the Augusta
—Those who want the latest news
druing the campaign will find the Cin
nat i Evening Post the very paper. It is
popular, brighjt and honestilAOQO news¬
boys sell it in Cincinnati, and neigh¬
boring villages.
—Our Senatorial convention meets
on next Friday. From conversations
had with prominent men of our neigh¬
boring counties, there is no doubt that
Taliaferro will receive lull justice in
tiie convention. She can t brow up her
ha t for a Taliaferro man.
—The decisions of His Honor. Judge
E. II. Pottle, at the present term of
the cou rt, ha ve been models in their
xvxy. Thau Judge Pottle, no Iwtter
judge delivers opinions in Georgia. It
is only a matter of time for him to
reach the Supreme bench.
—When it comes to killing snakes
Emanuel Rhodes is there every time.
On last Saturday he made short work
of a “rattler,” with six rattles and a
button. This isEmanuel’s daily work,
and we expect to have some fresh rec¬
ords for our next issue.
—In our issue of last week we should
have stated that there was a pleasant
gathering of young people at Miss Dil
la Rhodes on last Tuesday night week.
As a Mistress Miss Dilla has no supe¬
riors, and the affair of last Tuesday
evening week passed off in a most
delightful way.
—Prof. C. T. Boggs left last Satur¬
day for Arkansas, after a visit to his
friends and family in this locality
Prof. Boggs is a splendid gentleman an
excellent instructor, popular, and his
friends in Taliaferro will always wish
him abundant success.
—On last Wednesday the Confeder¬
ate soldiers of this district had a grand
re-union at Greenesboro. An elegant
barbecue was given, and the large
crowd which was in attendance had a
most delightful time. We will have
more to say of th is anon.
—Mr. H. Franklin, cotton factor and
commission merchant, Augusta, Ga.,
has an advertisement in this issue. By
strict attention to business and honest
dealing he has won an enviable reputa¬
tion as a cotton factor and thorough
business man: Read his card and give
him a trial if you have not already done
—Mr.Edward Young,of the Greenes¬
boro Home Journal and one of Geor¬
gia’s most talented writers was in town
vesterday. The press of Georgia can
boast of but few such editors as Ed .
and his ability as a writer is only
equaled by his cleverness as a man.
-Solicitor-General Harley is a faith-
1*1 * 10 - « W* » “ *“*
and efficient lawyer. While he is dill
gent in the prosecution of the business
devolving upon him as an officer he
uems disposed to do justice in all cas«,
between the State and the accused - We
regret that his term of office will soon
—Mr. B. C. Browne’s artistic skil 1
was displayed at Printup’s fish pond
Wednesday afternoon. A party of
young ladies accompanied by only one
young man rowed the boat on the pond
making a very pleasing and beautiful
picture. The young man seemed to
have been very much delighted at hav¬
ing his picture taken surrouuded by so
much beauty.
—A large crowd of young folks at¬
tended the moonlight pic-nic at the
residence of M. Z. Andrews, Esq., on
Thuisday night of last week. Among
the visiting young ladles who
graced the occasion were Misses Carrie
Daektnai, Rosa Richards and Katie
Harper, of Washington ; Miss Alice
Browne, of Augusta ; Miss Mary Wil¬
lie Smith, of Lexington ; and Miss Liz¬
zie Corry, of Greenesboro.
—We deem it unnecessary to call the
attention of our readers to the card of
W. N. Mercier, cotton factor and com¬
mission merchant, Augusta, Ga., in
another column, whose superior busi¬
ness qualifications as well as his hones¬
ty and integrity are well known to eve¬
ry farmer and merchant in this com¬
munity and which entitle him to be
class ed among the first business men
of the country.
—On Monday morning, His Honor,
Judge E. H. Pottle, opened the August
sitting of our Superior Court. After
swearing in the juries by Solicitor-Gen¬
eral Harley, His Honor delivered to
the Grand Jury a clear forcible and im¬
pressive charge, which was listened to
by them jand a large audience with
earnest attention. The court h as been
at work earnestly aud has dispensed
of a considerable amount of matter on
both the civil and criminal dockets.
—We note in attendance upon our
court, Hon. M. P. Reese, Hon. F. H.
Colley, lion. Samuel Hardeman aud
Col. E. T. Shuorick, of Washington ;
Col. H. T. Lewis, of Greenesboro ;
Col. J.C. Hart, of Union Point ; Hon.
W. D. Tutt and Hon.T. E. Watson, of
Thomson ; Hon. Samuel Lumpkin, of
Lexington ; Hon. A. S. Morgan, Col.
J. V L. Battle, Judge Wm. Gibson,
and Col. James Whitehead, of Warren
ton ; Col. John C. Reid, of Atlanta 1
Hon. John Jordan, ef Sparta.
—Elsewhere can be seen the adver¬
tisement of Messrs. Anderson & Fuller,
Augusta, Ga., agents for the Excelsior
cotton gin, the best, simplest and
cheapest on the market. Each gin
guaranteed. Send for prices before
purchasing elsewhere. They are also
cotton factors and commission mer¬
chants. This firm has established a
reputation for honesty, fair dealing and
business qualifications which cannot be
gain said. The^ have given entire sat¬
isfaction to all those who have dealt
with them, and all those who
have not as yet patronized them, should
by all means give them a trial during
this season.
S— •
A Report.
It is currently 1 reported on the streets
and throughout t lie entire county, that
Holden A Farmer are selling goods
cheaper than any house in town
—£40 will pav for a three mouth
course iu Ware’s Business Institute.
(gjT In a few days our buyer will
leave for the northern markets. In
the meantime please remember that
our remnant stock of summer goons
must go, and don’t fail to see the ex¬
tra inducements offered iu every de¬
partment. We are always in the lead
on low prices ; position we propose to
keep or split a trace and bust a flue.—
Copelan, .Seals & Armor, Greenesboro.
—Prof. N.E. Ware has the only Prac¬
tical Business Institute in this par t of
the state.
<@T Our Bargain Counters have been
filled np this week for the last t ime
this season. Goods on these counters
will be sacrificed every day until Sept,
loth, when they will positively be clos¬
ed. Come while the opportunity lasts.
Copelan, Seals & Armor, Greenesboro.
—All kinds of turnip seed for sale at
Holden & Farmers.
A new lot and full assortment of
gents shoes, Chas. H users celebrated
make, just opened. Prices way down
oelow Atlanta or Augusta.—Copelan,
Seals & Armor, Greenesboro, Ga.
—Young men wishing a practical
Business Education should attend
Ware’s Business Institute Sharon Ga.
SHILOH'S Cure will Immediately liron- re
lieve croup. sale Whooping Dr. cough J. Reid. aud a
chitis for by K.
__A new lot buggies, harness, sad¬
dles and bridles receiyed this week.
Prices low in reach of everybody. We
handle these goods largely and will al¬
ways make it to your interest to buy
of us. Give us a call.—Copelan, Seals
A Armor, Greenesboro, Ga.
ge^ion, a pr yott Constipation xr a tip mkprahip hv Lss Trwii
Dizziness, of
Appetite, Yellow Skin? Shiloh’s Vitalizer
is a positive cure, for sale by Dr.R.J.Reid
W One car load lime arriving this
our customers the benefit of the deduc
tions we secure by large purchases,
Price our lime reduced. Send us lyour
%£££%*£■. * A '“”'
—Finest lemons in town at Holden
t Farmers.
—Hurrah for Hixon 1
—Mr. O. D. Moore is preparing to
repaint his dwelling.
—Mr. W. A. Moore has harvested the
finest lot of hay we have ever seen.
—Mr. L. T. Lewis has cotton on or¬
dinary land with 60 matured bolls tojthe
—The question is otten asked, can
any true Southern man be an honest
Republican ? We answer in the nega¬
—Prof. J. W. Stone has resumed the
exercises of his school. The professor’s
trip to Florida has added much to his
personal appearance.
—We regret to learn that Mrs. Dr.
Barnett and George Moore are quite
sick. We wish them a speedy recovery.
—Mr. and Mrs W. A. Stone, jr., vis¬
ited the family of Mr. Thornton Moore
in Greene, this week.
—We have been informed that Jim¬
mie Jones will run a steam gin at our
town this fall. Jimmie is a clever
young man and will no doubt receive a
li beral share of the public patronage.
—The Mt. Vernon Baptist Sabbath
schools are in a prosperous condition
and greater interest is being manifes *
ted, than at any time since their or¬
ganization. Perfect harmony exists—
“In union there is strength.”
—It is due Col. N-. C. Edwards to
make this statement : That he is and
has ever been solid for Taliaferro’s
choice for the Senate, and the report
circulated abroad that he has been un¬
faithful during the Senatorial campaign
is gloriously false. Col. Edwards has
Jetters on file from several of the Sena¬
torial delegates, showing that he has
worked zealously in the interest of Tal¬
iaferro’s choice for the Senatorship.
Besides, we have known the Colonel
tor •» long ti me and have ever found
him to be a true Democrat, inflexible
in his principles aud a gentleman of
integrity of character.
I have been appointed by Hon. John
S. Davidson, commissioner of the 10th
Congressional District of Georgia, the
commissioner for Taliaferro connty, to
solicit contributions for exhibition at
the World’s Industrial Cotton Centen
n ial Exposition, to be held at New Or¬
leans this fall. I urge upon all the
friends of this enterprise to exer ,tb
Belyes in collecting and forwarding all
the botanical, mineral and agricultu¬
ral produbtions at an early a date aft
convenient, say by the 1st of October.
The ladies ate respectfully invited to
send in specimens of their handiwork
and ootanical collections.
Any articles sent in will be carefully
stored with Mr. C.Myers, of Cr.iwrord
ville, who has kindly consented to fur¬
nish store room until ready for ship¬
The articles will first be exhibited
at tlie Macon fair and thence forward¬
ed to New Orleans.
Please confer with me at once, if you
have or will have an article for exhibi
tion. II. D. Smith.
Aug. 19,1884. Cora. T. C.
*JT Sugar reduced ; one car load in
store and arriving this week. Prices
lower than they have ever been since
the war. We can save you money
Send to us for prices.—Copelan, Seals
<k Armor, Greenesboro, Ga.
Thomson, Ga., May 15, 1882.—This
is to certify that I have used Pitt’s
Carminativr in an aggravated case
of Dysentery ,n my little eleven months
old child. Where other remedies fail¬
ed, it has acted like a charm m arrest
ng the disease. B. F. Toole.
fjt One carload 2 and 2{ lb bagging
received this week.
One car load Arrow ties received
this week. Send for prices before you
buy.—Copelan,Seals & Armor .Greenes¬
boro, Ga.
Thomson, Ga.
Dr. J. Bradueld: Dear Sir —
Your Female Regulator has been asuc
cess in my hands. As a druggist I have
sold it for several years, and as it be¬
comes known it increases in popularity,
until now I regard it as a standard reme¬
dy. I have also used it in my practice
as a physician, and always with the
most gratifying success. Yours truly.
W. M. Barton, druggist and physician.
Treatise on the Health and happiness
of woman mailed free.
Bradfield Regulator Co,,
Box 28 Atlanta, Ga.
-- — - • -<^M***—
fg- One car load nails just received
and prices reduced.—Copelan, Seals A
Armor, Greenesboro, Ga.
If you suffer with Sick Headache,
Constipation, Dizziness, Sour Stomach,
or Bilious attacks, Emor’s Little Ca¬
thartic Pills will relieve you; as a regu
lator of the bowels they have no dose.-15 equal ,
very small; one to three at a
We will gi^e exclusive sale at and
near Crawfordvllle,of our Entire Whea t
Flour to a dealer who will push it. Cov
ered by pate nt. Easilysold. Weguar
antee 100 lbs. more bread to the barrel
than any other flour.
Franklin Mill Co.,
38 Clark Street, Chicago Ill.
1 JIM*
I respectfully announce to the public
that I will have the BIN, I-'EKDER. and
PRESS in perfect order for this season's
ginning. The
11 ns takei- many premiums over all conipe
titors, both as to its superior yield of qu at.
ity ami quantity of lint. No effort will be
spared to secure the greatest eonye nieuce
with prompt an honest attention. Cotton
will be delivered at Depot when desired
free of charge. The entrance to the gin
department has been changed to the out¬
side. A liberal share of patronage is solic¬
ited. Wheat and Corn mills will also be in
operation. Parties having grain to grind
can be satisfactorily accommodated.
Cinciimati Evening Post
Independent in Politics!
Delivered b y boys to the houses of
of subscribers in towns and villages
Within 300 miles of Cincinnati, the
night of publication or next morning
For Six Ce^ts a Week!
liy MAIL 25c. A MONTH.
Latest Tki.kor aph News !
La test Market Reports 1
Agents Wanted.
Apply to office,
Nos. 96, 97 & 99 Longworth Street
New Steam Gin!
The undersigned having purchased a
a first-class improved
with Hall patent role box and a Van Win¬
kle feeder is now prepared to gin cotton
for the public. Entire satisfaction is guar¬
anteed to such as will give us their patron¬
Cotton will be delivered at depot when
ao desired.
Georgia Hail road Co*
OF, ~ lost.
COMMENCING SITS D A > rtth instant
Ithe following passenger schedule will
be operated : by 90th meridian time, .12
Trains run iban time.
minutes slower Augusta
No. t—W est— Daily.
Leave Augusta 10 ::u» a in
i i Macon 7:lo am
“ Miliedgeville 11 it all o.'i a in
“ Washington a m
An ive Crawfordvllle I in p 111
“ Athens — ;>n j> p ill
“ Gainesville c. I 5 m
“ Atlanta - 4 > p in
No. 2 —Exsr—D aily
Leave Atlanta , . 8 25 a m
“ Gainesville . . 5 ..0 a in
Athens . il 35 a hi
“ Oriiwfordvlllu 1 14 p in
Washington " 2 45
Arrive . - P ji in
“ Miliedgeville 4 4!* 111
“ Macon . . <; 45 p in
“ Augusta . . 3 55 J) in
Lv. = II 2:4o a m
Ar. Atlanta i>:40 a = m
Fast Line*
No. 27— West— Daily.
Leave Augusta 7 40 a m
Arriva Grawfordville 9 3s am
“ Athens I 12 30 am
Gainesville » 15 pill
11 Atlanta 12 55 pm
No 28 — East—Daily.
Leave Atlanta
“ Gainesville 45
Arrive Athens pin
“ Crawfixlville wT 30 am
ii Aujjustft
Train No 27 Will stop at ami receive pas¬
sengers to and from the following pants
only : Berzelia,Harlem,Hearing, Thomson
Oamak, Crawfordvllle, Union Uimt,
Greenesboro, Madison, Rutledge, Social
Circle, Covington, Conyers, Stone Moun¬
tain and Decatur, and receive
Train No-28 wilUtop-at following pas. sta¬
sengers to and from tin*
tions, only : Berzelia, Harlem, Hearing,
Thomson, Camak, Crawfordvllle. Union
Point, Greenesboro, Madison. Rutledge,
Social Circle, Covingoon, Conyers Stone
Mountain and Decatur. Through Sleeper
The East Line has
from Atlanta to Charleston and connects
for all points West quid Northwest, East
and Southeast JNOAV. GREEN,
E. R. DORSEY, Gen’l. Manager
Gen. Passenger Agt,
Office OboroxAvRailboad General.Pamenokk Augusta, April Company, 5th, Agkt. 187!*. S
hlsCompany will soil ONE THOUSAND
MILE TICKETS, goed over main line and
each., 'these tickets will be issued to in
dividuals, firms or families, but not to
firms ondfamilies combined. DORSEY,
E. K.
General Passenger Agent.
A PRIZE Send six cents for pos
tage, and receive free,a
costly box of goods which will help all,
of e ' her sex, to more money right
a way than anything else :n this wot .
fortunes await the workers absolutely
ure. At onceaMrcAS True & Co.,
Augusta Maine. mh.7,
The justly popular, widely known, and extensive establishment of
J Of)
j s a j| stir, preparing for the coining fall. The kind hand of Providence is about to
open to ns a bountiful harvest, and spread the sails of prosperity over our land, res¬
cuing us from the tightlv drawn cords of financial depression, reinstating us to the
Therefore freedom ami this privilege of date days gone by, when peace and plenty reigned in every home.
at early we are making ample provisiod to adequately supply the
wants of every one in every department.
We are agents for these popular gins, which stands ahead of all others. Our
friends who bought of us last season, testify that they clean the se si better, makes
better lint giving perfect Feeder satisfaction and besides bringing 'X cent per pound, more than
any other on tlie market. condenser If desired with each gin. Give your
order early and be in time.
11, 12 and 14 Incli.
Roller Cane Mills, Cider Mills'end Cotton Presses, on all of which we duplicate
manufactuiers prices. Are agents for the very best makes of stationary. Portable
and upright engines and earnestly request that you get prices and terms of us before
buying elsewhere. We can, and will save you big money.
A full and complete line of Reggies and Phaetons to arrive at an early date for
trade, ranging Timken in price from $45 to 8-so with Sarven patent wheels. Dexter Queen;
Storm side ; side bar and End Springs with and without tops. Doctors Phae¬
tons and Sulkies. A large lot of one and two horse wagons to arrive' sOolY'and at bot¬
tom figures.
The Thomas Smoothing Harrow
is a grand labor saving implement, With two mules and one hand to drive will do as
much work in one day as can be done with three hands and three mules
inthsee days. A number of the best planters will corrobate the above. Every farmer
should have oue in planting his grain crops. These harrows are sold In 1, 2 and a sec-'
tions. Prices very low:
Wc have a large lot of those celebrated Syracuse one and two horse Chilled
Turners, llaimeiis well known one and two horse turners . all of which we will close
out at reduced prices ; Plow hoes aud fixtures in abundance.
German millet , Blue Grass ; Orchard Grass ; lied top or Heard’s Grass ; Timo¬
and thy Pope seed good and stand. Red Clover ; ail of the almve in store and ready for sale. Mow early
insure a
Fresh from D. Lambeth A Nona, Large Norfolk Amber GIboe, White Purple top
Rutabaga, Kftrly Flat White Dutch Stone Ilavover or improved, Yellow Yellow Rutabaga; Poineradean. White Globe: raised.
Sow time and buy ; seed Turnip of ; Aberdeen and Green county
in your us.
We have only mentioned the outskirts of our Business, There are still between
40 and AO departments, of which a word lias not been said or space will allow us to
Will be open nnttl September 1st, where goods of every’description will be sacrificed.
10 pm cent off our remnant stock of summer and white clothing to close; mens and
boys summer shoes marked down to close, straw hats, parasols, fans, summer dress
goods of various kinds going nut at slaughtered prices. Now if ever in the time to
come ly for these goods, Tendering many thanks for 1 patronage, we are tru
Copelan, Seals A Armor,
Eclipse Engines, Grain Separtors/ Cotton Gins
| and Condensers and Feeder, Saw ‘Midis* Etc.
P3 33 -Ei^LaBxal Geiser Separator
Osborne Reaper and Mower
jipi * 11
For all makes of gin are made and sold at
Having secured a full set of Gin Rib patterns and prepared tools for grinding gin
ribs l am prepared to furnish them for for any make of Gtn, please semi one old Rib
when ordering 1
am also selling the
: The best press made.
i I am prepared to do-casting in Iron and Brass at short notice and give special a t
i tention to repair work.
Chas. LOMBARD, Augusta,Ga.
w, i, mills
; T] 1. |«a Cl Ilf Vi A* f(A]* "l (1 "A. Vlllp v CI&.
Fine Wines Liquors, Ciars, Tobaccos,
j J %g- I have attached to my saloon a splendid
| T ■ "" T TT T ■ T ■ Xl J 1 "# T " ^ TT XXx /% X T M * M M
Fitted up in first-class style, with new Table, comfortable seats and good lights. I
tLanR my customers for past favors and invite them and mv new friends jmake my
place of business their headquarters when in our town. Those indebted toineare re
I quested to come forward aud settel. W. R.REID.