Newspaper Page Text
lie is Advised to Wash His Face and Go
Bark Ea-»t at Once and >ee What C an be
[From the Milwaukee Sun. ]
An engineer on B. & M. railway in
Nebraska writes as follows: ‘‘In 1878 I
was working on a farm in Indiana, and
was considered a very steady boy until I
was about twenty years old. In the
meantime I made the acquaintance of
one of the best girls in the neghbor
hood; we had been keeping company
for some time, and 1 thought more of
that girl than I did of my life. Now
about this time I fell in with a lot of
wild boys, and we used to “paint the
town red,” so to speak. One day while
under the influence of liquor, my girl
happened to see me. She did not say
anything to me about it at the time, but
the next Sunday, when I went to spend
the evening with her, she greeted me as
ierm?.hU.°IwL°m 0
thought I could not brace up and let
liquor to henceforth we wo.ld be
S^v^iind^olie^a^nTwonwte up my mind to be a uian, I wonia do
S'lhe JonTd do .1
5? ”l b T £„ r totit"L“i1
s^v°<toL “the mK°?ver 3iT4.; m T w^
thinking tne matter over, 1 was so so
»M'.£Twto“e™X.”a SfkmSSS S-M
have® na „h„j „ ri u i started couX west ’ever and
have been been out out in in this tnis country ever
since. I have lived up to my resolution,
anil now have saved up enough money anil
tn to get tret ree me a a rniarter quarter section section of or land iana, ami
have a snug little bank account. And
,,i lit tlironwh turongn these tnese vears jears l I have nave never never
“ X S» li rta Tudilefi JCta ,5“ toiboi'
S“i,oldfriend"lm£j,h»tS no0,101,0,1 The other d-,v T heard
.till single. If I could cell ih„t girl mj
own, it would be the happiest moment
meTd%T’ould h nor7nIv beverTtlimik P
in’i^vou'carf ing,,if you can come'outVhi^way come out this way 'this tms
the V biggest Mr. fool Engineer, of the whole yon toe lot. That ton
girl is worth walking on your kuees for,
j^ssswv&yKSs 1, l
TO ^ tWrSlf W 0 XoOTlMrin“ng heffX Ill, e d toS VT,
thing 1 imagine how she felt, after she
had shoy.n you that you held her heart
in your grasp, to h^ye ^ou get mad and
light out. wht> You cared' we: a onjjgfthose smart
A!e*ikfi, did more' for the fo' • feelings yoiir own of
feelings than you best girls in all
one of the
Hoosierdom. And for six years, while
you have been looking for another girl
to take her place in your heart, and
couldn’t find one, she has been trying to
avoid seeing any one that would take
your place in her heart. That is always
the way, the girls will be the truest, and
suffer heartaches and tortures, while the
boys go all over the world and forget.
•She has been noble all the time, and ycu
ire just beginning to be. If that poor
girl has got the nerve to stand up against
the pleadings of Indiana young men
who want her to marry them, and remain
true to an idol of her heart who got
drunk six years ago and left her in a
huff, you, you great big stand-up-alone,
that can manage a locomotive with one
hand, ought to have nerve enough to
write to her and tell her what a fool you
have been, and how you have loved her
all the time, and how every night, as
you have run your engine in the moon
light across the prairies, with the lives
of hundreds of people in your hand, you
have thought more about her than all
the rest, and that the vision of the poor
little girl away back in Indiana, with
(ears in her eyes, has broke you up
oftener than accidents or loss of sleep.
T^II Bor that the memorv of her love
and her gentleness to you when vou did
„„„„ 7 dearer to vou than all else
’ her for wife
“u and if ii could happier^^ have your
would be than you would
andTadTpay if rn„ owned the SS railroad vou run on
the morb
gages Or you might leave out the
to™,, -
Tell her that if she is wining, yon will
como back to Indiana so quick it will
make your head swim, ‘
braced . .
that you have p, P>
for the love of that g ,
the . .
said to you at t y > 1
and don t ..
has done it, y „ ’
And if you write such a letter to her,
that littie girl’s heart will jump so it
will scare her, and it will enlarge and
expand so it will break her corset
strings, but she won’t care for a corset
Btring or two, as long as her engineer is
coming back. Say, joy, play y° u cards ‘
mighty happy if you your
right just this one hand You have
plaved m hard luck and with poor judg
ment for six years, and have not taken a
trick. If you lead right now, got you to can get
win the game. But you have
up gall enough to first understand that
you have been a fool for six yeara, and
make up your mind that at last you
have learned sense. In regard chicken? to pay,
we can’t come out shooting
this year, but you can do us a favor.
Some day you will see a poor fellov
walking on the track with a bundle done
up in a handkerchief. He will be tired
and look sick, and you will hear him
cough, and you will know that he has
het’; out to Colorado to cure his con¬
sumption, and has failed, and he is try¬
ing to get home, in the States, without
money, to die in the arms of his old
mother, or to see the girl he loves. You
may take him on tc your engine, fix a
soft seat in the eab, give him a portion
of your lunch, and help him along to
era the BEST EVER MADE for Coeilvenee*. lndlg»«tio». followed by
On© good duee of tkroo or four Dmory’a Little Cathartic Pills, regular one
pill every night fora wook or two, makes the human machinery run as body.
as dock work; they purify the blood and pnt new life in a broken-down
w% Purdy Vegetabto, Harm less. Pleasant, Infallible, the youngest ohild may take
them. Sold by all Druggists and Medicine Dealers at 15 Cts- a Box# or by men.
STANDARD CURB CO., Proprietors, 197 Pearl S* M N-Y.
Emory’s Little Cathartic are mere than is ol&imed; they prove to bo the
best I 111 ever used here. Worth twice the money asked.—W. W. H. Goher,
Harmony Grove, Ga.-Emory’a Little Cathartlo are the most popular of all
Limp tho Cathartics.—W m. Btshds*, Mills River, N. C.-My aged mother used one
ciVMiBTmpiL^ ?_d fihtr box them.—Joan with wonderful Corliss, results—S. M. D„ Athens. W. Baker, Texas.-They LocngtGrove, are excel Ohio.-1 lent—Il. recommend Benson,
J -rio ? V Miss.-They unexcelled.—M Blizabicth Kkyseb, Moberly. Mm_
ufv «e'p Jackson. are bs.
! *^333SS£iS§sSHS© Oaimne
—-- - - -
; tbe q f d if the con P- uc
en 0 j 0ur rnUi an
tor of vour ’train kicks about it, tell him
wbo you are doing the job for, and that
he can , mncb the poor sick bov’s fare
i out o{ the Sun That wfll be all r i g ] lt
uow You go home and write to that
t,)..fvou wash the smut off your
[ aee _
The Blood) Hand 1 rint.
one of V „ D „7'7.' s 8 ^cessfcb » OTrT plans T , T
to dete ct a mu bdebeb.
M.jor Pmk.rton'. .mi
immediately *“£taIo“ resoitea to anotner. rus
| ™
I Wm to
fail when be had once set his mind on
! W You can form some idea of his
’«*,«4 «*•** **
'»*•*' »»■* »-•“
Major j Pinkerton was pretty positive
“bte oSrXifete , •*. v )U t it was JTgl imnos
to ehto
'>“ 0e - With the n.lnrj.etottoto.
of his race Johnson retused to fall into
any j of the man-traps set for him and
confession After’weeks which was Pinker
ton s object. After weeks of of natient pa. but
, abortive work a novel plan was hit upon,
TihA the murderer murderer was was surprised surprised one one moru morn
ing when he went to take a plow into In a
fheopen to find it soattered with blood.
held wliere he wee to work Hie
-»*r fouH d ii'tle pel. of blood
along the course he was to plow. When
be went b.ek to the tobl. he w», .tot
j M^bj .eemg the ^bl oody
other farm implement
^ paralyzed with fear that his teeth
Kctim^as“m“ ^
, The detective an<1 hia assi , stan t noted
J^ad ^le a f(- er a S fashion and there
; proof the next day
, £~XmX‘,o*'r m hS
i ki“«' 3plto n-«» »«■»«»rTds theHtod'^m«k.
1 tto which
| jr.rJtob.XSliS'iSdn"!
, P - fq • _ Philadelvhia —j Press.
Aristocratic Sheep.
j _ budding wheie -—*— the Central Park
i The
sheep are housed is not a model fold. It
looks more like a fortress than a sheep
; fold, and it seems to have been eon
structed under the misapprehension conveniences
, fhat sheep require all the
of t h e human family. The fold is
pierced with port-holes, like a block
j house or the gun-deck of a man-of-war.
These holes, however, are now stopped
j U p -with cobble-stones, bnt before this
was done there were many mishaps; tho
j lambs, in a spirit of investigation, often
squeezed through the holes to see where
; they led, and fell into the depths below,
a distance of eight or ten feet.
j At either end of the fold, there are
rooms with fine panels and furnished
with oaken book-cases and tables. The
intention of the builders was to make
j libraries of these rooms; but the sheep
j n the Park, though they do a great
deal of thinking, and no doubt at times
hold long conversations with one
another, or with Shep, their guardian,
don’t care much for reading, and don’t
require any books. This fact, however,
seems not to have become apparent to
the builders until after tho library was
completed, and these costly rooms have
been used, not as reading-rooms, bnt for
storing the wool that is clipped from
the sheep fold, there parallel
Inside tho are two
rows of pens, each haring beneath it a
diminutive row of the same shape,
These pens are filled with hay in covered the m
door season-when the ground is
with snow—the tail pens being ior the
sheep, the skortones forthe lambs.- St.
1 issrjsr
cloge to the United gtateg Mint in
pfaila<lel pHi a> on the roof of a place of
business, there is a small bird-box, which
is occupied by a pugnacious English
sparrow. Among the girls, and even
among the men, in the Mint, nearly all
of whom bring their dinners with them,
this particular sparrow has been long a
favorite because of his boldness, and so
freely does he fly in the window and flit
in the back door of the smelting-room
to plc k up crumbs, that they jocularly
say h e ls the only one who has the “free
ninof the Mmt.
A short time boy . the building
ago a in
went where the sparrow-^ has mane his
n est, and peeping mto the box to see if
there were any of the young folks at
bo me—as boys love to do—he was sur
prised up*n drawing his fingers out to see
them sparkling in the sunshine. So he
seized the box and carried it down stairs,
where it was found that the inside was
no t only flecked with gold dust, but that
the accumulations of the precious metal
had formed a sort of carpet of gold, the
whole proving a veritable “bonanza.’’
The sparrow had regularly in been caarving
0 g quantities of gold dust its feathers,
which it shook off when it made its toilet
j n ,' ne morning. The nest is being as
A magistt-ati: at Syracuse, N. Y., has
decided that the tanning of a human
-.kin is a crime, and that the persons
who engage in that business are liable
to the same punishment should as grave rob
berg. Schoolboys cut this out
and show it to their teachers.
How They Mnnujje the Steamer—Tlie l*e
euliar Sensation Experienced by the
Pause users.
“Several years ago, ’ says a traveling
editor, “the writer went through Howe’s
^ ^ ft man o{ auother tT gave
out so completely from fear at the
SfS&TiS was 7 said that he S™S was an
to™ m.n.
the rapids; delicate women often take
delight in the lurches of the vessel and
r i'/tJ of UU. d„^r, while.ttong entering
in the river at this place, the rapids be.
mg «S on the Canada side, while the Amen
«-* ■««: »» *> »«»
J” can be seen oetore tne f.’StX rapids are actu
ally reached. The passengers take their
positions upon the sides of tho boat,
bolding on to tho rails, and the down
ward war a rusn rush commences—a commences a slide suae down down a a
lull of water nine miles long. Four
good „_•) men „ n ar are „ at the tne wheel wneei. q.,, .nut t sm) sup .
pose the ropo should break ? wo asked.
'Oh. »e have two me,, »tthe bon tiller•
™ lint tlie man only snruggea ‘hta”Sri- ms suom
g’"f)R'r ““ X°l" ^“Kt S, l l"Tt.S <>
rock she struck and go rolling down
a fair start is taken and contrary to the
the vessel to keep steerage way. The
bubbling water now whirling about m
‘“.ffS,‘XlVh. "eX
the roar, the watchful appearance of the
men at the wheel, and the occasional
&&£%& rope', 11,o other .ronndhu .XTo'.ndX wife; .ore.
that at times it would seem as if the
steamer would swing broadside on, but
awny she shoots in tho new channel,
headed for another target that looms up
0I1 shore, for this is what these cu- ous
objects are that appear hero and there,
a n(j by keeping the bail on our bow
headed for those for certain distances
fhe rocks of the channel are avoided,
Tlie sensation is a singular one. slid- One
man sa i,i that he felt as if he was
jng down a hill on his back; another as
jf ] ie was falling; while a iady was In so
affected by it that she became dizzy. hill
fact, the steamer is sliding down a
0 f water, and at the same time the vari
ously moving currents give the hull a
curious quivering motion hardly do
“ ‘The first steamer that went through
here,’ said an officer of the boat, wiping
the spray from his face, ‘had a good
deal of nerve; they went down with the
chances all against them. It was the
old Passport. The trip was made in
1848 ( and a man by the name of Mc
Ganon, who is still a pilot on the river,
held the wheel. The first steamer that
ma< i e a n the rapids was the Gill. She
vvent down by accident, they say; got
going and they couldn’t stop her, so they
crowded on steam and let her rip, and
sho went through all right.’ ”
A Painful Experiment.
A Pam correspondent gives an ac
conut of a horrible experiment made by
M. Brown Sequard That experimenter
wanted to see whether life alter a vio
lent death is susceptible of being recalled
in an animal killed in a healthy state. He
therefore beheaded a dog familiar with
his voice. The blood of another dog
xrXrXM'iltX- was beforehand preparedito be trans
head became animated, the eyes opened,
and on the professor calling the dog by
his name an attempt was made to an
swer by a caressing look. When the
arterial blood was exhausted life disap
peared. This painful experiment was
suggested by one made by Dr. Laborde
on Campi’s head an hour and a half
after execution, and when presumably
the cerebral matter had greatly lost ex¬
citability. Nevertheless, when arterial
blood was injected J into the head, the
“. take a ] ivi ng ciiarac
contracted ^ the elldfl wt .re raised, flashed the pupils
when light K was upon T
h ^ d by an ori ,; ce Ui the aknl it
that ' circulation
rily established in the intellectual con
volutions. Dr. Laborde wanted to op
erate on Campi’s head directly after it
fell into the basket, but the rule in
virtue of which a form of a Christian
burial was gone through at the Champ
de Navele cemetery stood in hls way.
It is to be hoped that it will not be de
parted from in order to solve incom
pletely a psychological question. make A
detached head could not speak or
signs or replies to questions put about
sensations were consciousness for a mo
ment restored, as it was in the case of
the dog. Moreover, there is something
inexpressibly shocking to an experi
ment of this kind on a human being.
It Ls said that the girls now have a
regular code ef flirtation signaLs. When
the point of the parasol drags off anoth
er woman’s back hair it is a signal that
there i3 danger ahead.
For more than a third of a centnry the
Mexican Mii«tangj Linimeiit)ms\)ticn
known to millions nil over tho world ft?
tho only safe reliance for the relief of
accidents and pain. It is a medicine
above price and praise— the best, of its
k ind. For every form of external pain
Mustang Liniment is without an equal.
It penetrates tleslx ami muscle to
tlie very Lone — making tho continu¬
ance of pain and inflammation impos¬
sible'. Its clients upon Human Flesh ami
the Brute Creation arc equally wonder¬
ful. Tlie Mexican
Liniment is needed by somebody in
every house. Every day brings news oi
the n&ony of an awful scald or buna
'Subdued, of rheumatic martyrs re¬
stored, or a valuable horse or ox
saved by tiio lieaJing power of this
will ch speedily cures such ailments oi
Rheumatism, Swellings, Slhlffl
Joints, Sralda, Contracted Muscles, Bruise# Uig'ih un<ljW| A|
and t'uts, |J
Npraius, Poisonous Bite# and
Stings, NtifDiess, Lameness, Old ft]
Sores, Sore Hippies, TJlcers, Krostbites, tnked Breast, t’lilllilnins, and Hi |1
Indeed every form of external dis¬
,1. ease. It heals without soars.
For the Buutk Crkation it cures
Sprains, ftiwiiiny, SUIT Joints,
Founder, Foot Tlaruess Rot, Screw Sores, Worm. llool Scnli, Ills- JjV i
eases, Scratches, Wind-K
Hollow Horn, lhti«hoin*,|M
galls, 5l»l Spavin, Thrush, nponffl
Sores, Poll Evil, Film
the Sight and every other ailment nH
to which the occupants of them
'} Stable The Mexican and Stock Mustang Yard are Liniment IJ able. 1$| [Fj
nlwuys cures and never disappoluta; Ml
and it is, positively,
l i
Pv^ 3 c(iLn e
wm m &s
J \3 s 4
1 „ uto d £ r.
0 ^A (jU/lfK GA
PROF. KKBVOCS Dxnrurv, If*
% crgUtlr we.alneM au1
cay- fol rib
HARRIS *to«r*» riineawa, tutSioj
skillful pbyaiciuos, re«*jl 4
i tiona, from youthful lu'luigeute lD<liv;r‘■
too free
< j vjA over hraia white work, W:b fto
Hot temporize
enemliS lurk lo your impQ«4 «y»
tKD. Avoid bfclnij
A Radical Caro on ty pttknkou claim* 'M
other remedies tor tbfM J
FOB troubles. Get our frw circa
lar aad trial package «uid
SPERMATORRHEA ldarn lmprirtant facta be tor*
iaktng treatment elsewhere.
JLXTX) Take a remedy that h« cured
thouaati'te, ool d</es not la
(^POTENCY. terfere with attention to busi
new or cao u e pain or incon¬
venience, Founded on ecU
BaVToatod forovsr 0 cntlflo nv^lical jrinclplefc
la Growing la favor or.'l reputtw
years by nne tbou- tion. application in the
lands of causa. sentofdiioaM makealte epe
effle | oQ nonce fclt wiftooC
i d'jiay. The n mural fuoc-
1 PACKAGE. trial I 1 H i*m actnaafiritr llfa wrmV/i tlona tin i, are of whi-X the re«tor»yL h ete given tUl.hil e 'ezneots t ,av<5 of b*/.£. been «aa- Ti of >
Tho pattoot beoaott*
ADDRES8 1 cheer fa I awl «*!*■
HARRIS REM Cbemltt*.
808J4 North Kith 8L, RL LooS*, Mo.
tx Utacart iMixumn. 68 tS notmM: 8 mouths, il
As American Steel Gun.—A new
steel gun, thirty-two pounds calibre,
made entirely of American steel, which
was completed a few days ago at the
Watertown Arsenal, has been taken to
Kan dy Hook to be tested. If this gun
proves as successful as is expected, will the lie
excellence of home made steel
proved beyond question. It is inter." .od
to supply our batteries with thtoe steel
breechloadera on the interrupted screw
Engines, Gins, Saw Mills, Etc.
L J -J
fv; M A , -a. E
I h - : j.- L i*" ■ v
a ■ri Id N) «
”% * m
--f m 4s
The largest dealers in the South in Steam Engines, Boilers, Saw
Mills, Circular Saws, Steam Pumps, Boiler Feeders, Jot Pumps, Steam
Gauges, Whistles, Piping, Wrenches, Shingle Machines, Planing ‘and
Matching Machines, Water Wheels, Grist and Flouring Mills, Separa¬
tors, Horse Powers, Cotton Gins, Feeders and Condensers, Presses,
Plows, Brass Goods, Engine Fittings, Belting, Machinery Oil, etc.
8te> Second-hand Machinery at low figures. Got our prices before
—tobibiejIR. insr—
f)ry G(;oo<l 7 , ]\fotiop$ hml So^ieYy )
Boots, Shoes, Hats and Olothiner,
undertiigned would reHoectfully inform the merchants of Taliaferro aod
jL adjoining counties, that hie FALL Stock is now being been brought received, to and this in markeu prices
aud assortment is unequaled by any that ha* ever
A special feature of my business is the establish men t of «.
Entirely distinct from my Dry Goods, Notions aud oth»r Dimrtments. I" “7
store will be found the largest and best selocsed stock of SHOES and If IS. rn, 1
ever brought to Augusta, and we feel satisfied that it will bs to tho interest of par
chasers to examine our stock before purchasing e’aewkare.
S. H. MYERS, 286 and 288 Broad St., Augusta, Ga.
Mar-30 ’82-1 y
I ! rdE<!! IC K!!!
Corner Jackson and Ellis Streets, AUGUSTA, GA.
t Lcounties TAKE THE LIBERTY of informing the people of Taliaferro and adjoining
that I have considerably enlarged iny businesi facilities and I am now
ore oared to furnish my patrons with the following articles at wholesale and retai
and at lowest prices: ICE PACKED AND SHIPPED TO ORDER.
I HAVE also added a BOTTLING ESTABLISHMENT to my already exteu*
Live business, and is the I am best now in prepared the market to and furnish recommended you with a highly first-class for article its lead¬ of
Bottled Beer. It
ing qualities, especially so by some of our leading physicians, also by a great num¬
ber of our best merchants and citizens......
Hoping that you will give my goods a fair trial, and also that you will kindly
;:ive me a share of your patronage. I remain, RESPECTFULLY,
E UEBSCHER, Augusta, Ga.
U„I will eon.pI.iteU U.« bloo.l »n too ontiro sysOim In tore.,*. Any
Who will tako 1 Fin oaeli *.i«ht from 1 to 13 work*, may bo rortored to sound
if *nrh a thiriK bo possible. For Female Complaints Hu so Fill* have no equal.
I'hvsleUn* use than for Mr euro of l.IVKAt and KIIJNliV disease*. Sold overywben,
sent by mall for *0e. in stem,.*. Cironlar* frto. I. H. JOltWfio.f & 00 ■ Ikaton. Mato
M feov * CO., umkto M«».
vy f., Nothing dorse ■aylliu- j v .-tu-r if ,, worthl«-s; and . a wefl Sheridan ahMjotelvpnre CaUlr on knoirn Earth ’hat powder fart * Sheridan will Condition a .sW that ad make very In mwtor s thl* Conditkin valuable Cow- bon* emo- the MAKESENS LAY
They were sitting on the sofa in the
front parlor and he was holding her little
hand in his own. Suddenly a thought
sweetly: !?. Adolphus, are you you a a ‘tolter’r ooiier .
T i t then the old gentleman’s footstep
KO'lfififed Dll tnC top Htair, Adolphus anci HS DO
wildly grabbed his hat an
swered: “Yes, darling—good-bye.
f K Tfvx\ft\VlAT\'CTlT'HTlTPO |L itll ^
^ ,^ Bsrfr *, a t
SMiSSti £
'ri.*»i coil nr mi ft.. u*< at
brwa»«to* o,m»*a by*alL
j Unrn *.-cMdl»i«rq Ui WiFtlr arivzntajf*. Itftnat
1 C«aaufiui«.i>uu» niMKiwy. lmm t« im»