Crawfordville democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1881-1893, January 23, 1885, Image 7
m »} pill night for week two, makes the human machinery run as regular v every a or blood and put life in broken-down body. ^ as clock work; thev purify tho Infallible, new theyoungestchild a Purely Vegetable, Harmless, Pleasant, may take 'fcsYvxi them. Sold by all Druggists and Medicine Dealers at IS Cts. a Box, or by mail. . •) STANDARD CURE CO., Proprietors, 197 Pearl St., H.Y. Emory’s Little Cathartic are more than ia claimed: they prove to be the test Pill ever need here. Worth twice the money asked.—W. V>. H. Goheb, Harmony Grove, Ga.- Emory’s Little Cathartio are the most popular of ah EMORY’S LITTLE the Cathartics.—W m. Bishop, Mills River, N. C.-My aped mother used one CATHARTIC PILLS box with wonderful results.—N. W. Baker, Locust Grove, Ohio.-1 recommend am nrcDarfcrt -from them.— John Collins, M. D., Athens, Texas. - They are excellent.-E. Benson, Y APPLE Jackson. Miss.-They are unexcelled— Mas. Elizabeth Keyseb. Moberiy, Mo._ mm B « La all its forms positively cured with Cmnfii’c Xtanriaffl fillfP. PtllS. NEW STANDARD FIRE-PROOF WAREHOUSE. STEWARD PHINIZY. JACOB PHIXIZY. JAMES TOBIN. PHINIZY & CO ■! COTTON FACTORS, .A.T7 GTJSTA GA Liberal Advances Made cn Consignments HER FORTUNE SAVED. SINGULAR SERIES OF ACCIDENTS THAT .nVOE AN INTENDED UlUDE HAPPY. Ilow liie Misfortunes of a Man Turned to a Benefit In the Bud. A letter from Middletown, Orange county, N. Y., says: A man living not far from this place wrote to a friend here about four weeks ago, to buy thirty shares of the stock of the Middletown National Bank, which has since failed. The money to be thus invested was a trust in his hands for a niece, who was soon to be married. The money had previously been invested upon bond and mortgage, which had matured and had been paid. The Middletown friend did not know of thirty shares for sale in a lump, but he knew where about two thirds of the required amount could be picked up, and he had no doubt that the entire number of shares oould he pro¬ cured at an early date. The amount of the trust fund was $3,750—enough to buy thirty shares at $125, at which the stock was quoted before the failure. A certified check was procured from the bank where the money had beeu deposited for the full amount, and duly indorsed in a letter directed to tho Mid¬ dletown man who was to negotiate the purchase. On the way to the Post Office, which was two miles distant from his house, the writer of the letter lost it out of his pocket, having it pulled fell it out with his handkerchief, into the bottom of the buggy. When he arrived at the Post-Office it was closed for the night, and, putting his gloved hand into his pocket, he drew out what he supposed was the envelope containing the check and deposited it in the outer box. The envelope so de posited was iu reality an undirected one that had been handed to him in the street in New York only a Jew days: loincJ on nrcular. He drove home, put the ggy away, and went to bed, feeling That he had done his work well. He waited a full week, and hearing nothing in relation to the transaction, he wrote a second letter, inquiring of his friend as to his success in getting all of the stock, and asking, as a matter of orm, if he had received the certified iheck. He was soon informed that no such cheek had come to hand. He went to the Post-office, but there noth¬ ing w’as known of it. •‘Are you sure you mailed it ?” asked the Postmaster. He remembered it distinctly, and gave the night and the time. This called to the Postmaster’s mind that the morn¬ ing after tho supposed mailing of the letter the drop box on the door con¬ tained only an undirected circular, which he easily found in the office. The gentleman guessed out the matter and drove rapidly home. In the boot of the buggy he found the missing letter safe and sound. He put the letter safely iu an inner pocket, and went about doing his regular chores, intending to write a second letter and mail it that evening. Becoming heated by vigorous work, ho took off liia coat and hung it up in the wagon house. Soon afterward some friends drove up to spend the remainder of the day with him, and he went to the house with them, leaving his coat with the letter in it in the wagon house. He did not go to the village that night as he intended, and the coat and its contents were for a time forgotten. The next morning he wrote his second letter, after which he sought the coat contain¬ ing the first letter and the certified check, which, to his surprise, had dis¬ appeared. A careful search for it proved fruitless. None of the family or hired help could throw any light upon it, and he was compelled to come to the con¬ clusion that some tramp had stolen it. As it had not since been heard of, that was Steps probably its fate. to stop payment on the check were successful, and in the course of a few weeks a duplicate was issued by the bank. With this in his possession the gentleman started early one morn¬ ing. a day or two afterward, to drive to Middletown and deliver the check in person. When on the way he was taken suddenly eick, and was obliged to return home, and for over a week he was con¬ fined to his room. Ok the day after Thanksgiving lie again started for Mid¬ dletown with the check in his pocket, intending to secare the stock. His sur¬ prise learn may bejimagined on reaching there to that the bank in which he had been about to invest bis ward’s little fortune, which was familiarly known as “old reliable,” and which he believed to be as solid as the everlasting hills, was hopelessly bankrupted. Away Ur —Probably no one has reached a higher altitude by balloon as¬ cension than Professor James Glaisher, who, with a professional aeronaut, made an ascension m England to a height of 37,000 feet, or seven miles. He became insensible at the height of six miles and his companion, who was so nearly frozen as to have lost the use of his limbs, was obliged to pull the rope of the safety valve with his teeth to descend. HE I>KET THE LINE. The following story is told of Con¬ gressman Burleigli, of Rensselaer and Washington Counties: When he first ap¬ peared at Washington, in conversation with a brother Congressman one day he said: “A particular friend of that mine at home told me before leaving after arriving here there would he two im¬ portant things for me to attend to. One to stop swearing, and the other to appear in a swallow-tailed coat. Well, I liave stepped swearing, but I’ll be hanged if 1 wi'l wear a swallow-tailed coa * Glen's Falls Times. HARDWARE. CHAMPION Reapers and Mowers. Buckthorn Wire Fencing, Freezers, Eureka Mahan’s Post Vehicle Hole. Diggers, Ice Cream Sear. Sunshades, Fairmau’s let* Crushers,Sarvei: Patent Wheels, Carriage Makers’ Plain Supplies, Jacobi Patent Wheel narrows. and Stamped Tinware, Richardson’s Celebrated Hand Saws, Fishing Tackle and Sjine Twines. A full line of all kinds of Hardware. Write us for prices before prices buying. No matter lower. wha* others sell at, our are always THORNE HARDWARE CO., 1032 Broad St., Corner 11th, AUGUSTA GEORGIA hewHome 4 ^ | e wj n 93 l i ; r< Ci g ,[J 'G tvt- 1 0UT0F ORDER. NO EC uAL -J- __ NEW * How^hcMHINEC 0 30 UNION SQUARE NEWY0RK. I LL. mass. GA FOR SALE BY S. STEWART. 2AEEIS w crgasic cay- ccuro skillful KEPT find diseases, physician^. weakness ors riomcrou* DEBILITY, taffliu^ aul :esul* ob 1ft frora youihful Indiscrn* tiorifi, too free iuduigence artd over brain work. Oi Dot temporiie while sueb cacnnca lurk in your eys tan. Avoid being icveosrl BaSical Caro on by pretentious claim <f A other troubles. remedies Get our for free circa Les? FOR lay aul trial package ui.t mimmmn learn important facts befor* .„kin^ treatment elsewhere. Take a rr mtdy that has cured thon3an-lv, ai.4 does not in¬ 11W0TES0Y. terfere with attention to busi¬ ness venience. or cau-e Founded pain or incon¬ sci¬ on Tested, for over 5 entific medical medical princi ?n -’as. Growing wing iu ia favor favor Bad nad reputa¬ /3Z.T3 :>7 use in tbou- tion. . Direct V application to tho 'ancls of cases. Beat of of di<*ta ; e makt s its Bpe otn 1c influence felt without fr delay. The natural func¬ tions or the human organ¬ ism are restored. Tho animatir-; elements ct A TRIAL | » n life which have been PACitACE. g M. wasted ere g : - cn back, The patient be comes cheerful and gun# 8EN0 ADDRESS _ Btfougth rupidly. KA«f?i3 REMEDY CO., M’Pg Chemisfi. SOG)4 north 10th St., St. Louis, Ho. "uf UwtTH-.- TrEKUPT 891? Y£WTH3.6t : 3 MONTHS iJ !t»ntriiTT dr&na. SevernTfl<s O «rcw*neBt-, ote o ffca t a, 'tsw and uud AftcUiooB. f-urc ~w- 4 wfefi. Trwtid. OaJl or wrMe <hr lis4 ot qu**ier,', to enrsr«r<-<. tr? tLoaa rtc*ir uc traU#nect hy mftD. & er^tma • nZ‘r 1 Jiz (ros. fieptore ahoe’d msaA then l*fc.-n to te»P . W te not '•««*.#' | m i-y, c. L wdi.AB ( «k. Pr***t and R»yy»«m * Ytear IWL a &or»- 0*0 Lomt ac. * K IB. Bum Vinters• iM-xu*** s« **».- SPEARS Coil Factor and Commission Merciian 1 WAREHOUSE A! SALESROOM ioi McIntosh st„ coil Reynolds, , .AUGUSTS, GEOEGIA. o Will continue the business in ita various brandies. Advances of Bagging and Ties and Family Supplies, at lowest market prices. Liberid Cash Advances made on Cotton or other Produce in Store. Consignments of all Field and Farm Produce solicited. Personal attention given to Selling, Weighing, Storing and Sampling all Consignments. Commission 50c., and Storage 25c. per month on cotton not advanced upon. or Selling, 50c. Storage, 25b. M, O’DOWD J Colton Facto aid Commission Merchant ) ~A USTo, 6 Warren 13lock, -A.TT G-TTST.A. - - - - GKA. Liberal advances made on cotton and produce in store. Personal atten tion given to weighing and selling. H. FRANKLIN, -AGENT FOR pn CLIPSE ENGINES, GRAIN SEPARATOR?, COTTON GINS AND CONDENSERS AND FEEDER, SAW MILLS, iC. ALSO SELLS THE Peereless Engine and Geiser Separator, OSBORNE REAPER AND MOWER S. H. MYERS, (SUCCESSOR TO MYERS & MARCUS) job: 0BR IN' f),y G(oo<M, j^otioip) ht|d Society Boots, Shoes, Hats and Olothin?, rrVrTF undersivned would Sh rsioflUfullY .1i.»* in1>rm the merchants ol Taliaferro and and assortment is unequa edTly- W Ural «rfive?kre-P A special feature of my business h> tue establishment of a —W H O I E S A L E— BOOT SHOE AND HAT HOUSE Entirely distinct from my Dry Goods, Notions and other Dmarlments. In my chasers to examin) oar stock before purchasing e sewhere. S, H. MYERS, 286 and 288 Broad St., Augusta, Ga. ALFRED BAKER, President. JOSEPH H. BEAN, Cashier. 811 BROAD SiilEET. AUGUSTA, GA. Cash A ssets...... .......J300,000.00 Surplus.......... ....... 50 000.00 TRANSACTS A GENERAL DEPOSIT AND DISCOUNT BUSINESS. Interest on deposits of five to two thousand dollars. ACCOUNTS OF BANKS, BANKERS AND MERCHANTS RECEIVED ON FAVORABLE TERMS. Special Attention GiVen to Collections. -DIRKCXORS ALFRED BAKER, W. B. YOUNG, EDWARD O’DONNELL, E. R. SCHNEIDER, JOSEPH S. BEAN. Theo. Markwalter’s' >^tekn\ Marble atjd G^i?ki\ite Work^ BToad Street, Near Lower Market, AUGUSTA GEORGIA. Marble Work Domestic and Imported AT LOW PRICES. Georgia and South Carolina Granite, ■Monuments Made a Specialty. A large selection of Marble and Granite Work always on hand ref.dy for Lettering and Delivery. •w. U. MBRCIBR, COTTON FACTOR -and GENERAL COWMISSION MERCHANT, 3 Warren Block, Augusta, Ca. :o; Will give personal and undivided attention to t weighing a-id to-A ig of cotton. L BEIiAL CASH ADVANCE’ MAI >N CONSIGNMENTS. H. FBAN-KLI1T, COTTON COMMISSION MERCHANT, A-TTC3-TTST.A, GA Liberal Advancements Made on Consignments. T. W. COSKEBY, President. J. T. NEWBERRY, Cashier. Plate Lb mi Saras Bant j Augusta, Georgia. Capital, all paid up, - - $ 100 , 000 . Collections Carefully Attended to and Promptly Remitted for. Drafts on all parts of the world for sale. Interest Allowed on Deposits in tie Savings Department. DIRECTORS. motoi™' 2EbK““‘ *.V.^v 0 L A g K '£ > KS iBE z * B D. R. WRIGHT, H. B. KING, W. M. JORDAN. AT GOODYEAR’S CARRIAGE REPOSITORY Can he found the largest stock of Carriages, Buggies Phcetops, Road Carte, Plantation Wagons (all sizes, 1 to 6 horse), single and double harness, saddles, belting, leather of all kinds, wagon material, &c., &c. FOR THE NEXT 3« DAYS I will offer SPECIAL HARD A INS in a lot of Open and Top Buggies AT LErS THAN MANUFACTURERS’PRICES. These Buggies are all Fine Northern and East rn makes, which 1 will guarantee EQUAL TO THE BEST. Gall and examine thorn and convince yourselves that they are Absolute Bargains. A. R. GOODYEAR, AGT., (Successor to It. May & Co.) AUGUSTA, GA., Opposite Georgia R. R. Ban v Sales Booms, 704 Broai SI. Faclo y, 703 Ellis St. COMMISSIONS REDUCED. PAMSBPUS Atul will completely change tho blood in tho entire System In three months. Anflr person who will toko 1 l'llt each night from 1 to 12 weeks, may be restored to health, if such a thing be possible. For Female Complaints those Fills have no Physicians use them for the cure of LIVEK and KIDNEY diseases. Sold eve ry w h ere, or sent by mail for 85c. In stamps. Circulars tree. I. 8. JOHNSON A OO-, Bouton. Haas. dlsoases* of and Inlonnaftou will pQiifirufy cnee nine emm cut ten. ttiat wfll ntvm nuunr lives Prevention 8ont Ore by rnafl, Don’t delay a moment* la better than caro. i n'MlTcorLen, T OUJH59 Influenza, Hired in at sod vy Any fMorxa Powder Nothing 1or, sfc ----..... Is like Is wortbleHs; and Dose. a v.’d! Sheridan absoluteiypnni Cattle on one known Karth teasponnlul thi Powd p that 0W( 'h fact Shcrld j er will Condition avia hq|-» that old S a vnakt to very , n’* in each m0#tof this Condition v e alu pint I’ow- -'*•••■ coini¬ able, Iho of HUE HENS LAY (bod. It will fllHo positively prevent and cure I Hog Cholera, Finished Ac. Hold everywhere, or sent $1.00: by mall bytnfflL$X& for2gOji|l xPA ujf if* UAI bwi *?> stamps. in law* rims, price ii&tuT). i <i'cu!uy 3f.LO. 1. «. JOUNSON & (JO . MW* Engines, Gins, Sav Mills, Etc. rri fi" fflfe PERKINS BROS. I V. Af.KRH IS - ,co] ALL KINDS MACHINERY. Wl ST ------- e Ll . lytliis "t i/ \V>yb;Vv 7/ ? , .. A ?■■<? jA S'/yy,, ■< i) i’¬ IAi % ?v car / •O’ w Ml i I 1ST m ' U V’v k / fiV, f !£M ’ .S *1 -A5 A WM v 25 'Q- ZUrm Tho largest dealers in the South in Steam Engines, Boilers, Saw H Mills, Circular Saws, Steam Pumps, Boiler Feeders, Jet Pumps, Steam I Gai'»;es, Whistles, Piping, Wrenches, Shinglo Machines, Planing and is Matching Machines, Water Wheels, Grist and Flouring Mills, Sopara I S tors, Horse Powers, Cotton Gins, Feeders and Condensers, Presses, Plows, Brass Goods, Engine Fittings, Belting, Machinery Oil, etc. 9 Vfa-'J" Second-hand Machinery at low figures. Get our prices before ■ buying. PERKINS BROS., ATLAilTA, CA.