Crawfordville democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1881-1893, January 23, 1885, Image 8
IT* 1 FREE PftESS . v V v I,-' ■Si/ and The Household._ ■mt WITTIEST, BRIGHTEST A»I> HIST OF WEEKLIES. the GREAT FAMILY PAPER. To* r*o»8 or K*adiko Mzrria a Isdnits ONE etrBSOFViBiii isrcrw AND RECEIVE THE I'AKKR FOB TH* BALANCE OF 1884 FREE “WAWlMl&to-KlSS GENTS THE REE PRESS CO., Detroit, Mich, free press P O U TZ’S PiORCE AND CATTLE POWDERS A* 55£ me. rcoiT?. roim > No tioMv, i lib- iii Both or Lcno I‘kvkr,1( Kllpl/f I’m’ ,LV )ir<’ f 1«• ’-1 ID lime Hog Cholera, Foul/'- l’i iWtll‘1 t* .vill cm • hihJ prevent Fow h uwder* will -n i .» nt <« apkh in !J4 Koiitt r.iw.lcn will in< ( rrj»*«* th<* ( luaritifv nf milk go*' cr* in per fvtit., and niak •• tin- butter firm l»»• > 1 >*W nlmoNt Piiwdon* will cur v *>r u.Tttl* prevpDt MiLject. t vv.Kf It rb.t'* - ..n/1 arc J*OtVfM in WILL GIVE HATI.NKACTION. DAVID E FOUTZ, Proprietor, BALTIMORE. MO. — DM newspapers, first-class for wrapping at thD ofliee, dirt cheap, only 30 cent. |ier hundred. W&ry Latest Things ,xHS r rockery, C ii lass ware. Tea Sets, 9 china; vases, brackets, etc. T. C. BLIGH 005 Broad Street, Auarusta. Ga. Mv stock this your Is unsurpassed in beauty and cheapness. Dinner sots in fin Dresden Chhm, tea, breakfast and dlnimr sets, everything which can please and f ie mite, The trad-<d Middle (Jeorgla, when in Augusta will hn I m.V emporium worthy of a visit. 1 offer the most beautiful goods iitid am offering them wav down. 1 soliui tlie patronage 1 of the people if Taliaferro and adjoining counties. m ,v 7 ism T. C. BLIG1I Augasta. <7>t. To Users ol Boilers o 1 uni pleased to say that J have what you need. The Union Injector, The simplest, the best holler feeder made, no exception. 1 also keep nsupplv of Piping, Valves. Whistles, Steam Cuftges, Gils, Belting, Acs Am prepared to do all kinds of repair work at short notice. Would lie pleasod to hav. your orders. NEW WORK DONKIN BEST MANNER. GHAS. LOMBARD,Proprietor THE PENDLETON FOUNDRY and M ACHINE WORKS 615 and 527 Kollock Streot Augusta. Ga. *•■ • i'ift—n BUT A iTf¥l WIIK11K IT is T1IE CllEAPESX '■M i I Made v . I -JA. v. y & Jones, No. 9. Broad Street, Athena. Georgia. <’\\ \\D WILL SELL A.NY I’ll NG IN THE STOVE AND TINWARE LIN li, \S1 i| VP 1- I f i \ \ BE 1! >t GIIT i\ THE STATE. ASSplcnlid Stock! An Ericellcnt.Assortmeit. », ( \| I. IM) 81 1. 1 ^<»l< WKITK IOK IMtlC E8. MARDREY & JONES. Old Stand «t N E. G*. Stow and Tin Ware Depet, Broad Street »nd lie, 33, Lift,fit* Mreot, Athens, ii*. ooti< "R JfiL tk V l ? H < 2 - s- ; Carter & Co., Tobacco ^Manufacturers AND W'holcsalc Dealers in Chcis. Tobacco & 310 Jackson street, Augusta, Ga We sell to merchants only and give benefit of dealing with first bands. ••* \ i coon • guarautcsl. •(•'I brand. Diploma awarilwl this )\Y i ill e oceml att-nt . n to our Vli ACK>” at Ga State Fair. C>.nerl>o. deuce oollciLd. RUFUS CARTER A CO. ^•*•••777 Id B o ' 'V'%. No . /v ^ 4 A •fti G? ? It a: *1 ♦.* *.-i V PER (Roripa Railroad Co T >> * M UST US HOUT tA. OFFICE GENERAL MANIGER, ) AUGUSTA, GA.,Jan.. 4th, 1885. 4 /'COMMENCING SUNDAY, 4th instant l^i the following passenger schedule w.ll Tnrins'Vun hv 90th meridian time. time, 32 minuti s sl-wer than Augusta No. 1— VVkst— Daily. Leave Augusta Hi:,Vi a ra “ Macon 7:2 '• am “ Milleilgeville 9 22 a m “ Wastiingten 11 20 a m Arrive Crawfordville I 20 p in <( Athens 4 40 p in “ Gainesville 8 20 p m “ Atlanta 5 40 p in No. 2 —East—Daily Ivcave Atlanta . . 8 00 a m “ Gainesville . , 5 55 a in '• Athens , , 9 30 a m “ < Tn wfordville , 12 45 || ill Arrive Washington “ Milleilgeville : l • • Macon “ Augusta so. 3 west—daily. no. 4 kart—hah . Lv. Augii»ta9:lo p rnLv. Atlanta h: 20,(> m Lv. CrTv’ll 12:55 p tn Ar.C’f’dv’ll 2:1.ft a in Ar. Atlanta 3:40 a m Ar. Augusta 0:10 a in Fast Line No. 27 —west—Daily. Leave Aiigrsta 7 40 atn Arrive Washington 10 40 a rn Leave Washington 7 55 am Arrive Crawfordville 9 39 am “ Athens , 12 25 am •* Gainesville 8 2d pm “ Atlanta 1 oo pm No 28 —East—Daily. Leave Atlanta 2 45 p m “ Gainesville 5 55 a rn Arrive Athens 7 35 pm »( Crawfodville 5 67 am < < Augusta 8 15 p 111 r-fTSI PEKB IMPROVED SLEEPERS TO AUGUSTA AND ATLANTA. Train No 27and 28 will stop atand receive pasengers to and from thefollowing p lints only: wiiiy . Grovetown.Berzeiia, ■ >iw*i iwn ■ <■, Harlem, —i Dearing '' — n Thomson, Camak, .Barnett, Crawfordville, Union Point, Greeneshoro, Madison, Rut ledge, i.olge Social Circle, vy..w.,, Covington, Conyers, Stone Mountain and Decatur. The East Line has Through Sleeper from Atlanta to Charleston and connects for all points West and Northwest, East and Southeast GREEN, E. li. DORSEY, JNO.W. (ien. Passenger Agt,, Gen’l. Manager ~ ' A PRIZE Send six cents for pos tnge, and receive free,a costly box of goods which will help all, ef either sex, to more money right away than anything else :n this wotld fortunes await the workers absolutely sure. At once address True & Co. Augusta, Majnol POLLARD & ROBERTSON C’otti n Factors aud Commission Mar hants, Nc, 731 Reynolds Street, AUGUSTA, GA MANUFACTURERS an.’ OESP VL A CENT FOR THEFOLLOtVINti MAGTIIN ERT.O (INSISTING IN 1 A« l, KKl Acme Pulverizers and Clod Crusher*. combined. ion I!paper's, Differ. <t Makes anl Styled, (S’nrte and 100 Fairbanks’ stand id Seale*- 10»> Thomas smoothing Uarro t s’ 25 11 utihard Gleaners lid Binders, (Independent styles.) ) 25 Th esliers and Separators, (various sizes and 2.1 Watertown Hearn Engines, (all sizes and styles.) 20 C. A G. Cooper and Steam Engines tall sizes and styles.) 10 Oneida Steam Engines, ( .1! sizes and styles) 75 Smith’s Hand Power Cotton and Tiny Presses. SO Pollard Champion Gins, Feeders and Condensers. 20 Neblett & Goodrieit 1XL CfttonGies at *2.00 oer saw. 10 Neblett A Goodrieli second-hand IXL CottonGinsat $1 00 per saw in good order 5 Kerible Engines. Wood Wo,’king machinery (all Kinds( Cotton Mill Supplies a Specialty Flour and Corn Mills and Mill Machinery, Otto Silent Gaft- Engines, Hanco c spirators, Deane Steam Pumps, MilDim Poller Breast Gins, Feeders and COnden ( arver Seed Cotton Cleaners, Newell Cotton Seed Mullers and Separa tos, O Power Cotton Presses, Shafting, Pullsys and Hangers, Steam and Water l j > : 1 , tings. Belting, Lacing, Hose, Etc. low. Call and examine A full purchasing line of Machinery of all kind's in slock and Catalogue. for sale Correspondence solicited before and save money. Send for and promptly attended to. POLLARD & ROBERTSON. 728 Reynolds St. AUGUST A,7GA. $50,000 Worth oi Furniture THAT ftfUSTBE HOLD’AT IMMEU 3S3 SLAUHTEIFt! ! fiTE E are aro wilhngm willing ai determined nurtuninou to to LOSE MONRY .hij> ra through tunm<iii Sacrifices oaurm in Goods in W order to s«cur« 11 < immediate advantages It of is KKADY CASH! for to reduce our ”11 EE shall make it irresistible to every one. It is necessary necessary tor us >Y present Stock to one-half its present size within the specified time is what we want to do now. Yon will find it to your advantage to assist us as everything ift to he marked marked down down and and sold. sold, ANY PRICE WITHIN REASON \V ILL BUY THEM. If you live 5 miles away. If you live L oc 10Q miles away, it matters .not, it will pay you to come, We will show you Fnrnitnr' at Prices Fabulously Cheap. REMEMBER, this is no scheme to lure you on. Our reputation is established, arid we cannot afford to risk it in spurious advertisements. WE ALWAYS DO AS WE SAY. We mean business, and you will find it to your advantage to act upon this im¬ mediately. We will guarantee vou a saving of 25 to 30 per cent, all through the house. Come soon as you can, as each day will close out some desirable speciality. We Stand Alone as Leaders of PnceL "Our Goods Stand Upon Their Meri Platt Brothers 7 708 and 710 Broad street, Augusta, Ga. €LE v ELA ND AREA I) IN'POLITICS PUB HIT U R E OUR MOTTO. lik-> Ids, is “ CL and give place to the PRICES. Cash, hence are able to get at the BOTTOM as our Read an Solid Walnut-Marble Top Suites, with Toilet Wash Stal l, 10 pieces fur $50 This is what cash does. We have suitei f this up to $300. We hare just fitted up two hotels, who bought as chem ,r mi us a ,MUl 1 b ly from ttiu Factorie* *nd a lilU w Ksec via. fciT All goods paoked and ship/pedfre® of oLarare. J. la. BOWL115 ^ CO., lirDatlbt.a Augusta, G . •r s 8'BR§ fiMimslasIttitt 5 SSitSOE GA. V TjtM (/'V- €■/{' d & u ' at y>?v t \ U wu ;v _ \\ j/ii> Mvn <is: V LtvAM (: -— —‘vAMi m: Ch XsX'JirsJh i7TQ i 77 >h - * = SL/yp- <7 / / ’ 7 ♦u > i / 1 m i\WM this School : will January 13th, 1885 The Exercises of open —S3! jy Happyf Hew Year -—• —- 1 t WING entered upon another year l beg to return than’ e to my customers for their generous support in the past, and trust- that in tht fu ‘ire thvj will ue tiieir intronage, and that many new ones may be added. It will be our aim to keep on hand, at all times, a good assoitma it of General Dry Goods, GROCERIES. PROVISIONS, CLOTHING, HAW, BOOTS SHOES, HARD ■ jan 2 tf WHITE PLAINS, GA. MASONIOTBMPLP9 AUGUSTA, GA. The A kit* wit dgrd Atlantic Hoadquartew inlhc South States for Fine Reliable DryGoods and Mo/eMl*® *as a kve«? ahfeirsssSK WITH THE DRY GOODS BUSINESS. WE GIVE AN Absolute Guarantee on Prices GAINST E^'EUY MARKET IN THE UNITED _ STATES Fair dealing and polite attention insured for everybody. Order* tll*d prompty and carefully, and samples sent on application. mm 4s mww : t N. B. In writing for samples wanted plense pecify the particular goods ■ ■ . - r Ell A TKT J^[ IV A ¥¥. U ¥ ¥. ¥ JLi T A m T33 and 735 BROAD STP.15ET, AUGUSTA, GA., The Carriage Emporium of the South A Complete Assortment of Vehicles. Victorias, Extension Tops, Jump Seat Hoekawajs Top and No Top Buggies, all Styles and Prices A full line of WAGONS, all sizes. Our own make one horse wagons, with sides and spring seat. Best Quality Light two-horse wagons. Best quality medium two-horse wagons. Best quality heavv two-horse or three-fourth wagons. Agents for the “WORLD RENOWNED’’ Wilson, Childs * Co.’s wedge »g*k • hammered axle wagons. •u i U { L 1 7 Agent for the Frazier Road Cart; the first and last, and only perfect Road Cart, in full assortment. Also Saddlery, Harness, Leather, Fine Oak and Hemlock So* Leather, Leather and Seamless Gum Belting, Children ( s Carnages,V agoas, «c All. AT LOWEST PRICES. I)av db Tannaliill. mchl6thiy GRAND FORCED SALE OF 460 ROLLS CARPETS In arquets Brussels, Three-Plys, Ingrains and Venetian, a) new good*. 1,460 Hearth Rugs and Door Mats cent, less than mannfaciurer.s prices. Goods must be sold to ma k At 10 per 300 Rolls New Canton Matting, Arriving. Will also offer great bargains in Upholstery Goootls and Fringes, Haw Silks,Portier Cloth, Hair Cloths, Fringes of all kinds. Lace Curtains and Window Cornices In style, quality and price never excelled and in VTimlow Shades. W ALL PAPStL anu bfckscomplete. - FI; \ h BRACKETS AND POCKETS, Picture Units all sizes with S fflassand 1 ? 9 ^ fvG^OlL Wall and Comer Brackets and pockets, th/k bfw P VIN TINGS, CHROMOS -Beautiful subjects, Stott Mid art J 1 <)fl hjGf'foriner ^Cloths prices width. P oor, Crumb Stair, Table (Moths, aud all Crumb sizes, C laths, half price. FI oor, BASKKIS, Tahlp Table Oil E anv full assorted stock. Carpets made and laid fen BROOMS, Furniture ..stERS upholstered. BRUSIIE-, For goods, ow prices and solid bargaiw of charge, new come at once to BAILIS &k CSiKERTS Masonic Temple, Augusta, Ga,