Newspaper Page Text
j 71 i 1 l *1 U )EMOCKA . o
Volume 9.
Attorney at Law.
Crawfordville, - Georgia
TrrLLL practice wherever employed j
TY Colle«ti«Qsmutly remitted. j
Clinavd House I
Athens, Ga.
A.D. CLINAKD, Proprietor
Porters at Each Tram
Commercial Rates.
Large OonnTllotis Sample Room
Georgia Railroad Company, )
Office General Passenger Aget. >
Augusta, April 5th, 1879.)
Ids Companv will sell ONE THOUSAND
MILE TICKETS, croed ovor main line and
each., t'hese tickets will he issued to in
dividual*, firms or families, but not t
firm ondfamilies combined.
General Passenger Agen
Contractor and Builder,
Crawfordville, Ga,
Is prepared to make bids, give esti¬
mates ond undertake building con¬
trols of every description. lie keeps
constantly on hand a full supply of
building material, which he is selling at
regsonable prices. He returns thanks
for past patronage and asks a continua¬
tion of the same.
Contractor and Builder
Rough and Dressed Lumber, D->ors
Sash, Blinds, ShinglcS,&c.,
Located in Off VWKORDNILLE, GA.,
mid would respectfully solicit a liberal
share of patronage from the building brick pub
Jic. Will make estimates on either
or framed buildings. Satisfaction guar
outeed as to workmanship, &e. All com
munlcations addressed to me at this place
Will receive prompt attention, times
MOTTO Prices to suit the hard
For Infants and
An instant relief for Colic nf Infant-'.
Cwes Dysintery. Diarrlinsi, Cliob ra L
aft the exhausting SffSf "und long
come eare n.v:
watches of tli- nioiber. It lias saved the
lives of many and given cheer ai d happi¬
ness to the household ; and the best (lough
Myrlip yet introduced. For sale by Dr. K.
J. Reid, Crawfordville, G. W. Overt on
S'uro iJ. T. lYrigbt,Raytown. m .CS SA-l
Gi^lb® H©fel
Augusta, Ga.
Located in the centre of business and
on the principal shopping squares.
Solicits a share of the patronage of vis
itors to the city.
S B Wright,
Wholesale and Retail
Aged Whiskeys a Specialty.
Can supply you with the NEW T LIGHT t, . rn
HOUSE, the largest and best in tne coun
Stoves and Tin Ware at wholesale.
W. J. XO
Crawfordville, Ga.
and tv • y
Contractor j)Uiaer
Dealer in
Buidin? Material Hi M
m ^nrsnsRa
:.-r' Xa
E *
M jiff )
tiou, ami relieves consumptive B
M 12 1
Chew Lance’s Piuga-The creat Tobacco An¬
tidote’—Price SO CU.—Sold by ail Druggists.
!s«| §tis% 0
R. J. REID, M. D.
Crawfordville. (ja>
At the well known stand,
Smith Building,
Will keep constantly in stock all
kinds of
Medicines, Drugs, Paints. Oils, Pat¬
ent Medicines, Perfumes, Glass, Putty,
Dyes, Toilet Soaps. Brushes and
Toilet Articles of
Lamps, Lamp Fixtures, Kerosene
Oil, Best Quality Garden Seeds,
of Standard Varieties,
...............ALWAYS ON HAND...............
Tobaccos, C&ars, and Snuffs’ in yllf
Best; and Most' Popular Brands.
S' ; ■!*,■■■ ' mm«f r f u t- Oft
«ST Profes ioiial calls answered at
any lime. ..
Georgia Railroad ( ; <>
AUGTJSTA, li A., Jan.. 4th. 1885.
U /'COMMENCING SUNDAY, 4th instant
the toffowing passenger schedule will
Trains run liv 90th meridian time, 32
minutes slower than Augusta time. *
No. I—West—Daily.
Leave Augusta lo-.r.o a m
“ Macon 7:2 '• am
“ Wasliiiigten Milledgeville 0 22 a vn
“ It 20 a m
Ariive Crawfordville I 20 p m
“ Athens 4 40 p m
“ Gainesville 8 20 p m
“ Atlanta 5 40 p m
No. 2—East—Daily
Leave Atlanta . . 8 00 a m
“ Gainesville . 5 57 a m
“ Athens , 9 30 a in
“ Crawfordville 12 45 pm
Arrive Washington . - 2 4 20 J) ill
“ Milledgeville . . 49 p in
“ Macon . . <5 45 pill
“ Augusta 4 3 35 p m
vo. 3 WEST—daily. NO. EAST—DAILY
Lv. Augusta9:10 p uuLv. Atlanta 8 : 20 ip in
Lv. Cr’f’v’ll 12:55 p mlAr.C’f’dv’i! 2:15 a 111
Ar. Atlanta 5:40 aim Ar. Augusta 5:10 a in
Fast Line.
, No. 2 /—West—Daily.
Leave Augusta 7 40 am
Arrive Washington 10 40 a m
Leave Washington 1 !’ r> ain
Arrive Crawfordville
“ Athens , 12 25 am
Gainesville s 20 pm
< < Atlanta 1 00 pm
No 28—East—Daily.
Leave Atlanta 2 45 pm
“ Gainesville ■’ 5,111111
Arrive Athens . . 7 3.7 pm
“ C'ravvfodville . . 5 57 am
“ Augusta . . . 8 15 p 111
toTSKS™’™ vf? Ii! ' I!KS
Train No 27and 28 will stop at and receive
pasengers to and froir. tliefollowing n >ints
only.-Grovetown unl^IVdiit^ireern'Mioro,’ Rerzelia,Harlem_,Doaring Vint
bulge, Social Circle, Coyington, Conyers,
stone Mountain and Decatur.
The East Line has Through Sleeper
from Atlanta to Charleston and connects
for all points West and Northwest, East
and Southeast JNO.W. GREEN,
E. R. DORSEY, Gen’l. Manager
Gen. Passenger Act,
A 1 1 nry 17 1,’ Send six cents for pos
tnge, and receive free,a
cost]y ef either box sex, 0 f goods to more which will money help^sdl. light
away than anything else m this wot id
fortunes await the workers absolutely
sure. At once address True & Go.
Augusta, Majne!
—Tiie people sav that L. F. Padgett,
: 1110 and 1112 Broad street, Augustaa, Ga.,,
downs all others in prices, carries the best
| line of Furniture and stoyes and the peo
| pie are right.
“billy in the low grounds this
Atlanta Constitution*
Write, mv child—write something ii i„ to
the Constitution. I don't car# what,
l am too nervous l can’t think my
own thoughts. It is perfectly l.orri
hie—awful, but I reckon it is n\\ right,
I reckon so. I wish there was, not a
tooth in my head. When they' come,
they come with pain and peril, and
keep the poor child miserable, and
when they go thev go with a torture,
that no philosophy can endure. Oa,
my poor jaw-just look how it is swoU
leu I am a sight. A pitiful b^er prospect. 1
I look like a bloated bond
one side of my face and no bonds to
comfort me. I wonder wlult would
comfort a man in my flx. I havi suffer¬
ed more mortal agony from my teeth
than from everything else put together.
Samson couldn't pull them hardly, for
they are all riveted to the jawbone. I
have been living in dread for a moult,
for L knew that eyetooth was fixing
up trouble ; and so yesterday
it sprung u leak at the breakfast table,
and I jumped out of my chair. The
shell caved in, the nerve was touched,
and in my agony I gave o.;e groan and
retired like I was a funeral. Five miles
from town and no doctor. Don’t put
down what I suffered all that day, and
the night following for you can’t.
Mush poultices and camphor and para •
goric and bromide and chloroform and
still the procession moved on, and the
jumping, tlirobing agony sent no ling
af truce-no cessation of hostilities,
What do I care for anything. Don’t
tell me about Hendricks being in At
lanta. I don’t care where he is. Yes
Ido. lie, is a good man, but I’ve got
no time to think about him now.Please
give me some more of that camphor,
I’ve burned all the skin off my mouth
now but it- is a counter-irritant and
sorter scatters the pain around. If
I had some morphine I would take it
for I want rest, I am tired. Oh for
cue short hour of rest.
Write something^ my daughter—
OotWMitution and explain 5
Write to the
Tell them I aru “B iUyf. lie lo a
1 ’> ? ' J ^ j .-'in
I fr.. aim to con'ie, you. ■a.
can’t go through another u 1 . /o.i
my country. Let me try thill
ag,.iii. I’ll cook this old fat j.;w '
side and inside. I wish 1 had no tongue
for 1 can’t keep it from touching tiie
plagued tooth. Just look at my
they have sw< lied up sn you cun hardly
seethe old tooth. Give me a knifeciid
a hand glass. I’ll see if L can’, let
some blood out of thosestrui ting gains,
1 am so nerveus t can’t liardiv hold Liu*
hut here “lie goes. Oh. my conn
try, now give me the c unpiior ami I’ll
let it burn in a new place.
Jus write a line to The Constitution
I dont care what—say l am sick. 1
wonder if the doctor will come. lie
will kill me I know. It is awful to
think of cold ste< 1 clamping this tootli
and being jammed away up on these
gums. I’ll take chloroform I reckon
for I cant Stand it. Iam afraid he
will come. l want him and I dont
want him. The last tooth'I liad pulled
I went to tiie dentist’s office 'ike a hero
and I was glad In wasn’t in-glad his
door was loeked-and for two more days
I endured my agony and then ban to
have it pulled at last. And lie pulled
me ail to pieces and the chloroform
left me before he got done and I had an
awful time. The memory of it is ex
ci uciatiug, and yet I nave got to go
through the same thing again. “Oh,
the pity of it, lago, the pity of it.“
What lias a man got teeth for I would
jjijg jj now> 1 1 is the brute that is
in him, the dog or tiie old Adam th.i
evoluted from the monkeys. There is
nothing God-like about teeth, iiiey
Rite, that is all. They are called “ca
»>»-'• J
man’s nose off once--tiie t eth did it.
The . God-like , angelic, beautitul, .
eye is
|i ami i fcSS . The ear is a good thing too,
lor it takes in the harmonies of nature
makes music sweet—music tliat is
the only thing common to angels and
to men. The nose is gentle and omu¬
mental,but is not of much consequence
except to blow off a bad cold and tell
t he difference between cologreand cod
Iwh, ... but the , eetb. , Well, ... ,, I.thnod r .1 • , i ton , 1 ,
false ones are better than tiie genuine
for they never ache. I don’t earn for
atl Jh y now lam tired. These women
can have a v»dshUr eight or ,.... .en DU polled no d ... * «je
time—just to get a new set.
the world do they stand it ? Pride, 1
reckon, womanly pride, womanly na
lure. Iler love of the beautiful. Bui
we men can wear a mustacke and hide
a whole set of rotton snags. U women
had beard the dentists wov.IdJperisR.
There she goes again,and then boom.
Let me try some more paregoric and
camphor. May be I can go to sleep af¬
ter a while if I will kepp dosing.
wish I had just n small grain of ^Iyna
mite beliind that tootli. just at the end
of or the the roots toots. I would would exclude t xpiouc it it if it it u
killed me. ******
The doctor coming you say ! Merci
fnl heavens ! Well, let him come. In
the language of Patrick Henry. -I re
peat it. sir, let him come.” Lay on.
McPuff-cold steel forceps, wrenching,
twisting, crushing, gouging. 1 don’t
believe I have got a friend m the world.
I almost wish I was dead. Teeth are a
lmmbug-a grand misUke-a Huuder
an eyetooth especially that sends its
root away up under the eye and makes
an a) cess there. They say a child is
sir art when it cuts the eye-tooth. 1
believe I 1 ad rather do without and he
a fool. 1 have had rheumatism and all
sorts of pains, but I will compromise on
anything but tiie toothache. I’ve a
great respect for dentists, for they do
the b w st they can to relieve mankind
from this most miserable agony.
Good morning, doctor. 1 suppose I
the unfortunate individual you have
come to doctor. I am ready for the
sack. Get out your chloroform and
your steel-jawed grabs ; I am ready for
the sacrifice. Is that a dagger that I
see before me ?
Father is in his little bed. Ilti is
asleep now. The long agony is over.
For nearly one hour we all wrestled
with him, for tiie chloroform gave out.
He had taken so many things before
the Victor came that chloroform failed
to subdue him. It only m ule him de¬
’'nous, 1111,1 when we could not hold
him we called in our blacksmith, and
even then he pulled us nil over the
room, and the doctor had to take him
on the wing. The old shell canned
and the roots had to be dug out in 1'rng
meats. It was pitiful to hear him beg
to go homo. He lias morphine now
and will he all right in the morning,
He told me to write you something and
l have written.
Bill Arp, Per M.
Just now lie waked up and wanted
to know who whipped that fight, the
parrot or the monkey. M.
—The ipoj|t ruipbla agent for dostroy
: «t'W'. cl|ild reu
■ i'*#.
l i ngo tin (a tits ; P Je. Try it cveiy
, , ^ ... "
j | Mr. .Julius L. Brown give Jlhea a re-
1 ('option at, his at igaiii • "lit resid nice on
I Washington street, Atlanta a dav or
tvVl) slll( , t .. Thero we-e twelve iuv.ta
| lions sent out, and tliedi jiit was rov
: al in all its appointments. Mr Drown
has t ie finest residence in Atlanta, and
is the most elaborately funt shed of
, . t S itit.h.
—Mothers should Yetti 'inber. in the
absence of their physician, that Ayei’s
Cherry Pectoral promptly relieves tiie
Chattanooga,T onii., February 2.—
Four miles from Oolteewah, in Jones
county, Tennessee, twenty miles from
this city, lives two families named L
bridge. In each of the families th ere
is a son mimed George. Both of the
young men bearing the same name have
always been known as desperate cliar
acters. Sunday afternoon t lie cousins
had 0 quarrel over 1 * trivial matter,ami
one of them drew a knile and made at
the other. The latter stepped back a
few feet and, drawing a pistol, shot his
adversary dead, blowing Ins brains out.
The murdered man is a son of <1 -orge
Eldridge, Sr., and the murderer is a
son of James Eldridge.
“The moon of Mahomet arose, and it
shall set,” Says Shelley; but if you wil I
set a Lottie of Dr. Bull’s Gough Syrup
in some liandy place you will have a
quick cure for croup, cough and cold •*%
when your children are troubled will;
Mr. J. H. L. Benford has a calf that
has no tail and but one ove and
born timt way.— Carr >11 Times.
Oil Irom Niaturc'K Wells.
Tlie skin on the bead is kept so/t
and flexible by a secretion from the oil
? . ui ' ■ these are clgged, ’ the
|I<U1 .. (* , r,es . f ’'ii.s ,, on. (T 1 ,, a 1 k M .,..-, 1 11,111 .» ir
Balsam renews tiicir action, restores
,. -, rj , s co i or t0 t h* lmir ai d makes
, t hf)f J U1(I al(Hsy . Jt h!s „ (la( bem,,
(Unrulf , « - >ot "ot r|( , a lye. a,,);. -u 1
ciouMy perfumed. Delightful f u a l -
dy’s toilet tame. ^ I lie b c-st of (liessi"g
Preferable to nil similar articles be¬
cause of its cleanliness and purity.
—Car load G. U. b ilk sidos just re¬
ceived at It. Tappan’s.
The following is the list of grand and
traverst jurors for the county of Talia
ferro, liehiuaiy t.»im, l^S").
oi.and .u,u\ . |
A. C. Davidson, J. »5. Kpnt, O. W
* * . ..... i 1 ’ " t ‘ |
,j, Heard 1). X. Sanders, E. I. Andef
son, .T. T Wright, P. ». ▼«*. !
Sm|tl .,„ sse I)imlei! . A . .1. Chapman,
Keating, A. L. Hillman, J. N. |
n ,^ j. Mitchell, John lJnrke,
j. M . Lacv, J. T. Harrison, It. T. Edge,
Jch| , 1$rook9t Titl|S llich . ird3< w . O.
Hokk , ni w u, Gunn. S. J. Jones. J.
11. Moore, J. A. Woodall. (J. S. Ken¬
drick, D. A. Moore.
traverse jury.
J. II. Stone, I. M. Jackson, II. II.
Fiynt, W. F. Hill. J. G, W. Holmes,
T. F. If core, I). W. SJbert.G.C. Foucii.
X. 0. Edwards, W. J. Ellington, As
Imry Ogletree, Jr., G. T. Edwards, G.
W. Stewart. J II. Jackson, It. J*.
Rhodes, A. S. Fiynt, T. J. Evans, T.
J. Fiynt, W. J. J. Ileviere, S. J. John¬
son, 15. 0. Dyer. 0, W. Moore, II. T.
Rhodes W. T. Nelson, J. S. Jones, W.
II. Wynne, It <). Taylor, F. M. John¬
son, It. II. l’oss, J. W. Luncefonl,Hen¬
ry Googcr, J. C. Griffith, J. B. Fiynt,
Osis Mitchell, W. A. Stone, Jr., II. II.
- *
Skin Diseases.
I have a little daughter seven years
old, svlvo for the last four years has
been afflicted with a peculiar skin erup¬
tion on-the face and one hand. 1 have
tried seven or eight physicians, among
them the best in California and in
tins province, but to no purpose. The
child kept growing worse. Fortunate¬
ly, I saw a statement in a St. Paul
Minn., paper, of a cure of a disease
similar to that of my child. It was ef¬
fected by Swift’s Specific. I secured
six bottles and commenced giving it to
my little girl. In less than one week
this terrible disease, which li i <1 baffled
all the known remedies within reach,
began to disappear. She has been tak¬
ing it three months—is perfectly well,
and her skill is as clear as wax.
G. A. Smith,
Trenton, Ontario Province, Canada.
March 28 1S84.
Wins a Minister Says.
Extreme weakness and general debil¬
produced by j
gradually developing into an utter pros¬
tration of my system. Adopting the
suggestions of i t imate friends, who
had expel ieuced relief in similar cases
by taking Swift’s Specific, I now find
myself restored to a perfect condition
ot health and strength. Accept my
fervent wishes for your continued pros¬
per ty in your well c mseti and success¬
ful method for relieving those who suf-
Lev. B. Stockton, D. D.,
Stillwater Place, Sta nford, t’oiin.
Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases
mailed free.
Thu Swift Specific Go.,
Drawer IS, Atlanta, Ga.
Are You Tired ot Itvlag Hick?
We want to say a word to the men
women and girls who work in stout,
offices and factories. Tit ere arc hun¬
dreds of thousands of yo" in the conn*
u . y _ y ( ,,.y f.-w of you are well. You
are shut up too m an I exercise too
little. In this wny you get sick. Ycut
blood is bad, your digestion poor, your
head often aches, you don’t feel like
work. Your liver, stomach and kid¬
neys are out of order, Barker’s Tonic
has cured hundreds of such cases. It
is pure, sure and pleasant,
-------• «*»»-
Omaha, Nbil. Feb’y 8. An accident
happened at Orenston, Iowa, to-day.
r p| :e <j. jj & <£ train went through
l | 1 „ j, r( j ge , jjo particulars have been
iveeived, except that Iff were wounded
;ujd 7 k illed.
—A child tossing in its sleep indicate
worms. An army of them are tit work
eating the vitals away. One dose of
Slirin-r’s Indian Veimifnge will de-
11 m a*id save its life.
We imve in the county of Dooly 100
white men over sixty years of age, and
of that number there are 27 overseven
ty and 10 over eighty years of age.
1 here ai a not now mn* '■*
ty but ten white mai who v, , g
forty years ago and who were then res
1 ents o •>.. < *■ Mriiiti.vnm ' . ’
Ga - Nos. s’ 0 « Iff T^Tm a chines
... ,.| it iK,rately trimmed and ornament
w , Ui , Jrop ^ ittld :J drawers on
^ ^ enl j ^,,,1 are tnodles of beauty and
elegance. We sell these machines from
■idl to $3o lower than the inanufactur
er’s prices.—Copelan. Seals & Armor,
Greenesboro, Ga,
Number 7.
Oglethorpe Echo
A Week 0[ , ^ a ._ fo ;l rfeat ieman fr art
tins county was in Washington,an l Iw
mg quite inlimite with General
1 P ootnbs, . called , to , see . Inin . ,n Iieg*ner- „ „
al was very glad t > see his visitor ao i
J ” . “ " fT , "’L . t , . lT\ J , ,, ' !
J* 11 Tv his^utu I
e in
tent ions were.
“I’m out of employment just now,
General, and don’t know what I’ll do,
but I think I’ll go to Atlanta.”
“To Atlanta, eh I” ejaculate ! the
General. “And w> at do you ex pro 6
to do in Atlanta V”
Don’t know, sir ; anything to in ike
an honest living.”
“An ho,.est hvaig ! Then you h ive
struck the right*. 1 1 Atlanta
you will have no competition.” »
The Oonsti. uliou is not compelled to
To make children healthy use plenty
of air, plenty of milk, plenty of si - p,
and always have a bottle of Dr. .j 1 1 s
Cough .Syrup in ease of ciknlp.
Home, Ga., Feb. $-“Fancy,” better
known as “Old Sorrel,” tiie famous
horse that Stonewall Jackson rode, atijl
from which he was stint, arrived here
at *2 o’clock this morning en route to
tiie New Orleans Exposition, Hund¬
reds of people, including many ladles,
assembled to see “Old .Sorrel.” The
hotse is in charge of Maj. Letcher, of
Virginia, who stales t eat over fifty
young ladies surrounded tiie famous
sleeii at Bristol, Telia, and kissed it.
A great deal otits mane and tail has
been cut off by parties anxious for ev*
eti a hair'
m —■
—To create an appetite itibl give tond
to the digestive apparatus, Ayer’s Sar¬
saparilla is uneqtuied.
CiiAULKsToN, 8. (J., Feb’y 8.—The
trial of John C. Ferguson at Oobbville,
for the murder of Benedict,last Christ¬
mas, has resulted in a mistrial.
Summkrtown, Em v nit ioL Go.,Ga.—
I hereby .•» rtii y t .at Fitts’ Cahjiina-*
tjVk is the last medicine lor teething
children I Imve eytf wed. Having
tried Several Atlter remwif@Y si "■‘Iir
not give one bottle for half dozen of
any other kind. I do heartily recom
mend it lo all mothers. It will save
you sleepless nights and vour child
from suffering. Yours, etc.,
A. J. Taylor.
*155" We warrant tiie wear and tear ot
the Davis and White machines for a
term of live years. Should any pure
prove defective during the time, w<J
will duplicate it free of charge. The
warrant excepts nee lies, bobbins and
shuttles, warranted foi live years.—Go
pelan,Seals Ac Armor, Greenesboro, Ga,
We will send Frf.k forovit entire year,
11) evel'y lady, vvlio semi j ih AT ONCE the
names of ten married ladles, at same ad¬
dress, mid 12 two-el. stamps lor postage,
<mr handsome, entert aining and instnetive.
Journal, devoted to Fashion-., Fancy Work.,
Dee.oratiitg, C okingand Household mat
tors. Kegular price, §t,et>. Address. ,Seni> to-i»ay DO
and secure next immll'r.
aiu,STIC JOURNAL, Xiinda, X. Y.
tW A handsome and elegant line of
spring elothiug samples just received
)>y (Kids the most sightly and attractive
we have ever had, measures taken and
fits guaranteed. Made by the most re¬
nowned and experienced merchant tai¬
lors of New York.—Copelan, Seals &
Armor, Greenesboro - , Ga.
I, A Ilf US, MUIltCAf. 4DVI8R 1C
A Complete Medical Work for Women,
handsomely bound in el t li itnd illustrated.
a treatn.fmt a'thomL" Worth
its welight in Gold to diseases. every lady sufTering
from any of tie's;', Over in ,000
sol dalrendy. Postpaid only .70 Cents.
Postal Note or 2-et. Stamps. Address
A few remnants of worsted and
cashmeres left going at half cost. Gail
and get a great bargain.—Copelan,Seals
A Armor, Greenesboro, (ia.
P. A. S. M. A. T. li.
O. O. ROBINSON & no. offer a Mason
& iiam, n Organ to the person who s,'nd»
tin* correct Interpretation of P. A. K M.A.
T. II. A - these letters have a double in
tern ret Hion, each person w II have two
trials, ami tin winner must find, out both
reading-, The uam-s, with solution, will
^ 'i? ZX? l.e'
tiseu and the partv notified. r i Ins offer re
mains open until Mav it, 1885.
^ (Jarful lleudouj „f our Ad«rli*>
merit is Adcised.
f F M. II. 0. T S.
Augusta, Ga.