Newspaper Page Text
'j i±Lu
Crawfordville, GA.,Feb. 20th, 1885.
Publisher and Proprietor.
IiOUtsvir.T.K, Ga., February 17.—
Miss S. E. Ivey, the slayer of .1. C. Mc¬
Cauley, bas to-day in justice court,been
tried and committed for manslaughter.
She will doubtless give bond. Tbe pros¬
ecution was aigued in a forcible and
masterly manner by Attorney Colley,
and Messrs. Tutt and Gamble came for¬
ward in an able and eloquent defense.
The case is a very strong one, the law
vers, and indeed others, declaring that
they had never read or heard tell of an
other similar one. It is to bn hoped
tbe true merits of the cafe will be ar¬
il ed at when brought before the next
term of the superior court.
Mr. David Dicks >u, one of the fore.
most agriculturalists not only in Geor
gia hut in the South, died s ddenly at
his home in Hancock county, on the
inm ning of the 18th inst. He was over
seventy years of age at the time of Ins
denth, and was a. nan of , rare financial „ . .
ability, and had amassed an immense
fortune. We doubt f there is a man
in Georgia wtio has done more towards
advancing and developing the interests
of the state than had Mr. Dickson.
Owing to his practical business knowl¬
edge and line common sense his name
has been mentioned in connection with
the office of Governor. He never at,
any time, however, sought political
honors but always preferred to follow
his chosen vocation-that of farming.
He was one of Georgia’ marked figures,
and in his death she lias lost a useful,
vaiuahlo aud honored citizen.
The* nomination of Emory Speer for
Judge of the Southern District of Geor
gia was confirmed after a session of
nearly four hours by the Senate by only
one majority. Senator Colquit. oppos
ad tho confirmation in a long speech
and Senator Brown favored tho con Hr
ilia ion but for widen Speer’s nomina
tlon would not litve been confirmed.
Wliile we adinll|t!mt Mr. Speer,as Sen¬
ator Blown stated in his Speech, is a
young man of line ability, yet we think
Brown acted in bud faith towards tho
Democratic party. If he is the Demo¬
crat he claims to he, he could have veiy
consistently oppos. d the confirmation
of Speer and thus the matter might have
boon left open so that when Cleveland
goes into office some good Democrat
Small l*ox in TIimhou.
McDuffie Journal.
Since our last issue we have to
port two new cases of smallpox and
death* The new cases are a negro
man and a negro child, both of
had been exjHwed to the disease
ther of them, however, is
ill. There are several others who
lieen exposed and are expected to Ik*
tacked, but all are under strict
tine- No uew cases have developed
since Sund .y- Yesjerday a negro wo
man, named Hanuali Simomls, about
40 years old, who was one of tin* first
to take HinalllKix, died in the
tine Section, where she has been
fined since the first symtoms appeared.
Miss Reese, in the country, is stea
]y recovering and will soon In*
All of the other cases are doing
and it is hardly probable that any
er death will occur. Not a single case
has yet developed except upon
who have been exposed to it, and the
disease has not at any time even ap¬
proximated an epidemic.
Mayor Durham requests us to reiter¬
ate the statements of his recent pro
clatnation, to the effect that the disease
la under control, is strictly quarntined,
and that there is no danger whatever
in visiting the town for business or
other pur|Kises; and he pledges himself
should such dangers arise, that the
public shall lie promptly notified.
There is now no excitement hereon
the subject of s nail pox. \ ery few peo
pie have left the place on account of it,
mid some who did leave have returned.
true* ill tUe Utir -nlelc Wanted.
Any ol nnr ...Wri!,-,, « «rtm
having old files of the Chronicle, prior
to the year 1800. will confer a favor by
lending them to this office.
A»V of our friends having old copies
of the Augusta t .. hromcle.or - i „ 1 1 tin „ An. ,
gustu Sentinel prior to 18tK), are re
questeti to send them to this office.
Augusta Chronicle.
L. E Pail get.
The well-known uptown furnit ure deal¬
er, is always on the alert in offeriug
bargains. His stove business has been
greatly develo; ed, a d he is sealing
lliem to tlie best fain. * in the city,
•a.i... r a*
ingthewvrk. lie has also added the
coffin business to his other departments
*U’d selling >hem very low.—Augusta
Sunday PiKcnix.
IN Nl I :.N1< >1< 1 %M.
Written iri memnrv of little Picrcie Bt
con, the only cliiltl of our he'oveil friends,
Mr. and Mr*. Bacon, of Raytown.
Oil ; give my darling back to me,
1 can not live alone.
Again, in smiles around my knee,
Let llome once more be home,
And tell me not the spring is near,
When flowers sweet shall blon n.
While one is nursed with tender ear
Must wither in the tomb.
The fairest blooms, the tiriglit sun— shine
But fill my heart with pain,
To know tne Joys tnat once were mine
Van never come again.
Unfold the dimple hand so soft,
Uriel use those dark brown eyes,
Make new the babe I kissed so oft
And iiirl him too arise.
| )( . ar that whisper, ‘‘come to me :
r calmes my aching breast,
Kar, far beyond death's dark, still sea
My darling is at rest.
It calls me to a home so fair,
Among the blessed above.
And Heaven blooms my Ilower there
With bright immortal love,
For the Democrat.
Mrs. Olenzo Hopkins, wife of T. L.
,j j kj atl<l daughter of E. C„ and
M died at her residence in
e<Mlllly . (;w) ^ H , Jai , ; U st 1885.
She was converted and joined the ap
test church in early life and lived a gen
time Christian until Hie day of her
death. Tin | beautiful life which lore
was hid with Christ in God is garnered
forever witli 11 im.
This humble and worthy Sister de¬
serves something more than a passing
notice of her death. Her de > tli fills us
with sorrow and we arc loth to give her
up but we sorrow not as those without
hope. Heaven is made richer and earth
poorer but the tie is stronger which
binds us to tbe “belter bind.” Ob;
bereaved husband, mother, father, sis
ter, brother, relatives and friends, do
not weep for she is at rest. Stic lias
crossed the River and gone to the laud
where the inhabitants shall no more
say, “I am sick.” She left an infant
baby who has the sympathy of a large
circle of friends and if it lives as she
lived it will meet her ir the “sweet by,
auu hv.”
Her life was one of beauty, simplici
ty and devotion and while we mourn
with sad hearts that we shall meet and
our loved ones no more on ea th, we
bow with meek submission to the will
of the great God who moves in myste
\ rious ways, Ilis glories to reveal.
| Our, home is filled with gloom "I and Z our
look up through tears to tlie God of na¬
ture we would say Thv will he done not
ours. A host of loved ones welcomed
her on the other shore.
Farewell Olenzo, may we meet where
sufferings and trials are no more.
Seivant of God well done.
Rest trnm thy loved employ ;
The battle fought, the vicl ly won
Lnter thv Master’s joy.
J. If. Sma [.[.WOOD.
Washington Gazette, please copy.
It is painful and annoying to he dis¬
turbed in public assemblies by some one
cougliing and sneezing especially when
you know that there is a remedy like
Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup easily to be ob
—Violins all grades troni 125 up :
Extra violin bows, keys,tail pines.b id
ges, rosin and strings. Accordians, the
Iwst assortment to l>e found anywhere,
all prices from 75 c. up. Harps all
makes from 5 c. up.—Copelau, Seals A
Armor, Greenesboro, Ga.
Arc You Tired of llctiig sick ?
We want to say a word to the men
women and girls who work in stores,
j 0 |j) ces „ n d factories. There are Inin
( |,-eds of thousands of yo" in the conn
try Wry few of you are well. You
urp s i,ut up too much ami exercise too
|jm„. In this way you get sick. Yout
i,j O0( i pad, your digestion poor, your
he;t(1 0 f len aC hes. you don’t feel like
work. Your liver, stomach and kid
tiers ate out of order. Parker’s Tonic
|, as cured hundreds of such cases. It
j S sun- and pleasant,
P. A. 8. M. A. T. li.
G. O. ROBINSON -t GO. offer a Mason
tT» it
q* h a* these letters have a double in¬
reading*. The names, with solution, will
tie entered in a lunik, and when the
root answer is received it wilt be adver
alu j t \ u , party notified. Plus otter re
mains o|H*n until May t-t, isjCi.
.4 Ouri rut liutding of our Advertise
meat is Advised.
T. M. 11. 0. m s.
Augusta, Ga.
xdiks, mi.iiig\ r. viivis»*r,
^ t omplete MoUn-al Wv>rk for Women,
handsomely bonnd iti cl- tli and illustrated.
weiight in Gold to ewrv lady suffering
|< llNt l | \„ t ,. „r :*--t Stamps. A **
So other blond-parlfvlng me*t>ins !»:• • ‘dt s
or li.-ts ever been j.r-; ar*L v,
plete;v meet* tbo vi&SAO 0 *
the general public a.
Ayer’s Sarsaparilla.
It lea4« tbe r.- f as a truly scientific prepare
tion ior nil Ui J f'i disciis* ' 1 . If mere is a luric
Sgrofula a?-" % ^r«f£r w
ti i wi,.".- constitutional if. and expel it ir-*.-;*your oL eystem.
lor ’4 or Saus.i: t >ua lea. catarn^ fe fffie
OT.r-FH Avcic lx
true reme I v. it iiii cured
Iiu. • ;»3 casus. It v :i “f -1 t U'iGS 5 ‘lU;J
cr r i i!j cinirges, an l r*r. tove l iudiva.ioaa . ; stcSen
T i .uj brcatii, Wu.oa i-ie
ox bcr-Huious or» e '.i 2 .
III rPRTR ‘‘Rutto,Tex.,Sept.
ULur.u Jv/O “At the age of two yuur r
Onpro wunto my with chihiren ie was running terribly sore-. ; ’ 8 1
face &i ul ueck At the same time iu i
were swollen, much, and very so;
QflDC OuKt CVCO i'hvsi * tM.i told us trial a pow
LiuO erfulaltunitive medicine must
be employe 1 . They united in few recommending doses
Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. A pro¬
duced a perceptible improvement, which, by
an adherwue to your and directions, was oontin- No
ucd to a complete has ed rmanent of the cure. existenco
evidence since aj -
of any scrofulous teimeucies; and no treat¬
ment of any disorder was ever attended by
more prompt or etfectual results.
Yours truly, Li. F. Jonirsox.’*
ritn-AitED BY
Dr. J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass
Hold by all Druggist*; si, six buttles lor Sr.
JT\jl Jg, cf d**® TE® iCJ
(HY) \{ LOMBaRP LILuDA LiL & tV 00 bU
Foundry I’lluchine
Just above Depot,
Augusta, Georg* a
Buy, Sell. Exchange,'Rent or Repair on
best manner and terms.
Kaw and Christ
Mills and
(Jhea L / & Good
Ilave on hand a Large Stock of
Shafts. Pulleys and Hinges, upwards
of 50 Engines and Boilers, also steam
and water pipe at reduced prices.
Korting Injectors,
^ p , n H K<u ,, * ut
Washeri< circular* Saws. Files. &e.
Write for prices, promptness and
good work. Cheap will lie our aitn v
information as to rates, routes, sehed
ules and sleeping car arrangements.
Business is Business.
I WILL come to see you if necessa¬
ry, no matter where you want to go*
Drop me a line, before yon make any
arrangements. Write at once to
Yours ti uly.
Joe. W. W 2II tC
General Traveling Passenger Agent,
Augusta Georgia.
The high arm vertical fee I Da
v is machine keeps peace and order ;n
the liousehol I.— Copelau Seals & Ar.
mor, Greenesboro. Ga.
Proprietors of the Best
in Cra“ lbrdvil'e.
We sell only
First-Class Grooeries,
TION OF Ol'K PATRONS, Also on hand a large stock of
goods We iu b onr y for fine. < as Give therefore us a trial. we are ei, to 3^
H. U.
: o :
Best in the World.
: o:
: o: —
$1010 $100 SATED !
.• o:
L- P. Q. S.
Prices Lower and Nearer Cost Than
B. I. O. M .
-: o :
Our Pianos and Organ*. Selected from
Twelve of the Be*t Maker.* are acknowl¬
edged to he Superior by the Great Artists
of tile World.
We Deliver our Pianos and Organs,
Ereicht Paid, to any point in the South,
with Music Book, Revolving Stool, and
instruction Book. Also, a Good Cover
with every Piano.
A 5, M, A, S. A
emf rS'flong experience of over Forty Home Years the
es us to place in every
Fill t Musical Instrument in the World, to
guaranteeing Satisfaction and our Price
be the Lowest.
Musical Merchandise and Instruments
of evjrv description. Sheet Music and
Music Books. The Latest Publications.
Orders filled on flay of reception.
Write for Catalogues, Prices, Discounts,
and Easy Terms of Payment.
T-M. 11. O. T. S.
0. 0. Robinson k Co,
If faithfully used. Ayer’s Sarsaparil¬
la will remove tho scrofulous taint in
whatever form it may exist.
Southern Malarial
A positive cure for
pwamp ami Low Country Fevers n
' i
| Malarial T, ■ ul Y L>— Diseases rS [* 4 „
of all known f
' Forms aid Varieties.*1 I
For circulars semi to •-J
, a
ii I
For sale by all druggists* f;
O corner of Broad and Campbell 1st
Neat Large & Airy Rooms
Transient Board,$ 150 per day.
Regular and Day Boarders Desired.
Will Sell TICKETS for Single Meals.
«a4 HENi)ft|«K*,
TH. ( OUNThY S- F ;
The next and most important que
ton to settle is where to get the best
■m. % T1 ilia Pi "
it: j
A- . ... A.
1 Wi ■m mm 1
n If m.
r w
iUii t^r mm *-.— a' i ”•% r$\x ■ r v
isw -iu
JL O W 1* It ^ Ms. W w
in Crawfordville,
Will TOE THE MARK for the
next FORTY DAYS and sell bis
entire stock of
J® Bl^iAllfif lit;
At prices lower than ever known
in Crawfordville or in Georgia.
Meat, Corn, Molass. s anti Sugars
are daily advancing. Eon will save
money by buying your supplies at
p fie* u t CASPAR MYERS wlii not be undersold and that his sU>*;k in
let- mb aces everythi gin the dry goods and grocery line ifl w-41
. business and being lderiti
;,i ering He has bui.t up an immense he
with all theleading houses in the Northern and Eastern markets can
land does bay goods at BOTTOM PRICES and sell them accordingly.^