Crawfordville democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1881-1893, February 20, 1885, Image 8
RUSSIA nm 1 __MANUFAC1 ( It Kits OF ®tobXiLcl£^x’ci lE^eutilizieius iy(jll _ S l A" ^ * A. a mr~i it .*> spw, ■ S . • ■ 1 'rrTTTTTr ’ L : > L^snrsn^H^S^L.,,, ,5;>i J,. v; ,||P ■' its 35 8? —'Of' ■: ; mastodon PHOSPHATE SOLUBLE ei«ht has trained a reputation tine Manufactured Mm! and sold l.v u« for the past years, bavin* the highest testimonial* hy of an> KKRTI UZEIt tins company to its superior merits. Oi r as ACID PHOSPHATE havin'; no superior. Anticipating a heavv de , , , i r.nnnnv venrs tofore made by *^ (nvE , s GEORGIA FORMULA Iwretoiore r(*uuii«** no c:oiiirri«*iidjitiofi from u*. We h*\ve i /i ii .....Sved Eone PHospMte.and Potash. ....... used alone. LE0P0LD3HALL KAINIT, GENUINE I'i'i', /!.!, imported The country lure, 1,1 Is " n 1 “* :V.ti 1 w i.i,-i, ..... dealers .......... representing mu i» to the si Die parties. s ’ Hants tor our goods. Many ns,—when are seeh is 11 e <d . . ! ' Cn „ IM „| S which they sell are in de by should he requn ed to fanners idwaysImutAidv N ,i, ( evidence of the fact, which they formula de show. ease, they Resides mir stand, , ( ,| 1(iv ,. i piepared the state top'd, in which up any it is to he sold sired, provided it dor wjUl , llWs central position, we an ^ X m -itiufaet " in iug, L.d and from our the future,** We have superior irS . s'aVist’reiion , , feel Meat, we can give in rhav,dX in Dm send to us entire for pritas. to all .......... of us. Ib’fore elsewhere, plea-.e STOVALJj, M. A TK RASU HER AND BUSIN ESS M AN AC Ell, Augusta. Georgia. Tlie "STepy Latest Things IN FINE Crockery, Glassware- Xeu Bets, CHINA, VASES, UKA( KETS, ETC. T. C. BI^IOK 005 Broad Street, Augusta. Ga. is uusurpnss.-l in heautv and cheapness Dinner sets in It Alv stock litis year K-v4*'Rt7diS5»“.iS. of the people 1 Tnliat. no ml rrtrsftr*'"""" adjoining, counm s. 1 ....... tl„. patronage , ^ ( , ft nov 7 tim ' To Users oi Rollers' o I mu pleased to say that I have what you need. Tlio Union Injector f The simplest, the best boiler fender made, ............... keep supply of Piping, Valves. Whistle., steam (hinges Oils. Ih’Ming. *ee 1 also U ’ill kinds k a* sho, l notice. W ouhl he plensod to has. Am prepared to do , pan wo, your orders. NEW WORK DONKIN REST M vN.NI.h. CH AS. LOMBA R D. Proprietor THE PENDLETON FOUNDRY and MACHINE YVOKKS 615 and 527 Kollock Streot Augusta. Ga. wi mmm Will'd 1 to IT IS THE CHEAPEST jVlaclclrcy & Jones 5 No. O,’ Broad Street, -Vthens. Georgia. < V\ \ND WILL NELL ANYTH \G IN PHK STOVE AND TINWARE EiSsU, \si Hl.AP As IT CAN HER >UiUT IN THE s l’ATE. A Splendid Stock! r Excellent Assortment yp I AU, AND St tC t!S OR YY It 111'. I'OU l>HI( I >. MADDREY & JONES Old Stand <svi N- E. Ga. Stove and Tin Ware Depot, Broad street atnt N. .Nt Cl t, U Str eet, Athens, Ga. Bnfus Carter & Co., Tobacco Manufacturers AND Wholesale Dealers in Cigars, Tobacco 4Sk SnuSi oil) Jackson street, Augusta, li;i We s,-ll to merchants only and give benefit of dealing w ith tir-t hands. All goo* i guaimiteed. brand Diploma auanbd this We call esjieeial atb ution to our ‘T IVIl \CK»” i Ga. State Fair. Cortespo.idence solicited. ia v Fl*S CAlffBR & CO. POLLARD & ROBERTSON Cotton Factors a:nl Commission Her liants, No, 731 Reynolds Street. AUQUSIA, CA. MANUFACTURERS amt gf.NRALAGENT FOR T^IEFOLLOWING MACIIIN lOOAufne Pulverizers and Clou Crushers. eommnect.) . N Um Reapers, hifTerent .Makes and Styles. (Simrb> and 100 Fairbanks’ Stand id Sealer, loo Thomas Smoothing Iiairows 25 lluhhapl Uleaners tkI Hinders. (Tndep »iifh*nt > 25 'I’ll eMi-r^ nod Separators (various sizes and styles.) 25 U’;it«*rtown Steam Ki:''in«*s. 'all sizes and Styles.) styles ^ 20 & <i. <’;K»i»ev and St am Engines fo 11 sizes and lo Oneida Steam Eot'im*-, < 11 »iz'*' ai.d styles) 75 Smith’s ilond P"V»‘i Lnftnn and T! v Presses. 50 Pollard Oliainjdnn ';4, Oins. Pei»tJ.-r> n/i-j GVi/<i!i*i!'uu 25 N ddett ,y- !;i •’ f XT, at Sugg per * id ((•■•Ur Nebh'tt fXL Cetuu-Cu-. at ~ n 10 I' G'>*>.!i : .d Ul. f i 5 Korible Engines. ffooil Work! -.....'-Iiiix-ry (nil aind-T ( otton M 111 Supplies a r Spoc « i 5 l * }]tv Kjoura ,d i;*>un MU - and Mill Machinery, Otto s m* Oas^ Engines, Han pirat«ii>. lleate ? -ain Lump.-, Miibiun Eobyr Urea >'• 'ins, I . ede - aid 1 Oml arvi r Se« d i "t >n \ l ah- r-*, ^icvwll C’otMm Hut * ; nd S*r»«uiit«»s, Power (ii i'ii - e.s. s-iaftiuir, Pulleys and li.n „i ' sui and Water I pes tings. Ih'ltin^' Laeiny, Hose, Eta*. ck and >ale low. Call and examine . A full line oj Maehiiicry of all kinds in f» < Catalogue. u»r Corresp ndenee solicited before pun'lmsiii*' and save money. S**nd tor and promptly attended to. l’OLI.Ain) & ROBERTSON. 723 Kids St AU3’JSTA, C-A. $50,000 Worth ot Furniture 'I'll V SOM) AT xmw 73 ^tLA’JETEH m ♦ * m \\TEnre vvolinum itetenniried to LO^E MONEY through Sacrifices in Goods in order to secure il ( iiotuuliatt 1 advantages of HEADY t ASIi . WEE sliall malic it m-e-istihle to every one. It is necessary for its to reduce our \\ present. Stock to oni’-lialf its nresent adv'uitatre sfte within hi;ass,st tile specified .as cverytbuisr time is what isto we he want to do now. You will find it to vouf n; ILL I I > I HEM. 11 marked down and sold \\Y PRICE WITHIN REASON U von live r. miles awav, if von live 1 or 100 miles away, it matters not, it. will pay you to come. We will show you Fiirnitm* at Prices 1 abulously (lie p. RUM KMIUvi!. this is no scheme to lure you on. Our reputation is established, amt advertisemeets. WE ALWAYS t)(> as , w u w , w r, we cannot a fiord to risk it in sprtHons will find it to advantage to act upon this nn SAY hashies-. and you vnur all through the • diately. We will L'lmraiitee von ti saving of 25 to :«> pel; cent House. ( <mie soon as you can, as uadi day will dose out some desirable speciality. We Stand A'one as Leaders <>f P-icc*. "ur Goads Stand Upon Their Meri Platt Brotliers. 708 and 710 Broad street, Augusta, Ga. C' IdAT'LAN!) IN POLITICS fur nit u bk OUR MOTTO like hi ■ REFORM "—Old High I’ ices uiu-t get out <>f the way mill Hi- r ....... ... ft-.,, vK v L'k.V I^.DESjr We huy lor Cash, lienee are alnej to get sit the BOTTOM as out* Pi i< • R - 1 tr^Te.’^A ua ?rra cornier, Solid Walnut .Marble Top Suites, With Toilet Wash F a 1 , 10 pieces fur -f 5c This is what e i-n 1 •■•s. \V • h rv * suite- from this up to ?.'>)). We have just fitted IIP tw i hotels, wil l Ii hi rlit is eh • i > sr > n i, as cue • o i,n I i> i v fro n tile Factories and i little cheap T, WE DEFY Oill’E L*1 CION . Call and see u>. t^r AU goods picked and shipped free of charge. J. la, BOWLES & GO , 840 llrtmd st.. Augusta, Gi. IVapols ?w=4 hisinmsh 7^ ^3 V.nJ £SAS.#3 1 M. U tiMf/l'-c f f/ ‘ f o / :/ \ \ / -^xt \ ( ojm ' V, j\ \ J .'At .;Vk V' s ■ w ijlp* S> u I T ) J ' —2g"3»j? > It L m V Vs P s ii\’’ s 7 / ? / /d vV *pT~l vT; /Il !, X ’ cvn m KCJ,/Vt/V a Tlip Exorcises of this School opened J nuaiy 13th, 1885" i a Happy New Year »■— • T T .VYING entered upon another year I beg to return thanks to my customers fm Il their generous support in the past, and trust be that added. in the future thvy will tie ttieir urtronage, and that many new ones may P will be ouraira to keep on hand, at all times, a good assortment of General Dry Goods, GROCERIES PROVISIONS, CLOTHING, HATS. BOOTS. SHOES, HARD W vRK (l.OCKTY Ac., ard w ill sell at REASONABLE PKB ES. fo everybody I w,n sky-C ALL BEFORE PURCHASING. ■ m WHITE PLAINS, GA. MASONICT :3MPUE AUGUSTA, GA. The Acknowledge!! Headquarters inthe South Atlantic States for Fine Reliable 2j -ft* Cl Cc C& i -reifies .v tor. O- ** OTTR STOCK THIS SEASON ! \ME\D < >i V v'YTillN" » EVER BROUGHT HERE BEFORE and COMP. i■ Y.\ K \ CUTICLE CONNECTED WITH THE DRY (.GODS BUSINESS WE OlVE AN Aebsol u te ( i ;L66 Oil ■ UiCCc j . <; iiN.ii EY£n r • MAifKur j.v ////•; r sited states Fair ilealingand polite attention auu U>r i- very body, Orders tiiied i i'imjity carefully, and samples sent on application. BALT & AEiMlR,tIf % N. H. In writing f -Tmipfcs please specify the part culm* goeds wanted fgagr .vwi t u 1 vu nm^ffi 01 - v A T .4 S A HULL 733 and 735 KKO.YI) sritliHT. AUGUSTA, GA., rhe Carriage EmporinnoJ cae LOutli A Complete Assortment of Vehicles. v Victorias, Extension Tops, .lump seat Roekaways Ton and No Top Buggies, ail Styles and Prices A full line of WAGONS, ail sizes. Our own make one horse wagons, with sides and spring seat. Rest Quality Light two-horse wag ns. Rest quality medium two-horse wagons. Best quality heavy two-horse or three-fourth wagons. Agents for the WOULD RENOWNED” Wilson, Childs & Co.’s wedge poke hammered axle wagons. I I !H /:? I ''j A 1 X X -) -/ Iu L__—i m -T L' 5 A m mm .5 Agpnt for the Frazier Road Cart ; the first and last, and only perfect Hoad (’art, in full assortment. Also Saddlery, Harness, Leather, Fine Oak arid Hemlock Non Leather Leather jitmI Seamless Gum Belting, Children s Carriages,\\ ajions, «.vc A\\ AT LOWEST PRICES. Dav db Tannaiiill. mch!6thly GRAND i y SALE 01 s* 460 ROLLS CARPETS In arquets Rrussels, Three-Plys, Ingrains and Venetian, a 1 new goods. 1,460 Hearth Rugs and Door Mats At 10 per c • nt. less than mannfaeiuver.s prices. Goods must hr sold to ma k 300 Rolls New Canton Matting, Arriving. Will also offer great bargains in Upholstery Gooods and Fringts, j Haw Silks,Portier Cloth, Hair Cloths, Fringes of all kinds. Lace Curtains and Window Cornices | In style, quality and price never excelled and in Wi ndow Shades. D™ „Jh n nenedthe ^Q,id finest stock ever shown south in new styles orspringtrnde, an I d EK ROOM DECORATIONS. BRACKETS Our sroek POCKETS, is replete Picture with new d mettY-styles. PICTURE FRAMES, AND Tut, es j H t , b^* eS f\^R\VrVGS?mLTA?VTiN4s, ll C*HKOMOsL^auHfnr n subfects! tS ’ eyi^n \ W at half *Cloths former prices width. F oor. Crumb Stair, Table (Roths, aud all Crumb sizes, Cloths, half price. Floor, BASKE'iS, Stab t,ni Table OR an\' BRUSHES. A full assorted stock. Carpets made ana laid fiee BROOMS charge’ MASTERS upholstered. For goods, prices and solid bargain* of Furniture new ow come at once to BAILIE <£ GOSKERTS .Masonic Temple, Augusta, Ga,