Newspaper Page Text
Volume 9.
M. D 9
Crawlordvillc Ha.
At Dr. Smith’s Old Stand.
HAVING been in the. DRUG BUSI¬
NESS for the past five years I am prepar¬
ed to offer the people of this and adjoin¬
ing counties the largest and best stock of
Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Patent
Medicines, Perfumes, Glass, Putty, Dyes
and Toilet articles of every description, at
prices that will down
Below we mention a few of these which
can always be found in his store:
Indian Creek Remedy, Hop Bitters, Au¬
gust Flower, Compound Syrup with Iodide
of Potash, Peruvian Ague Cure, Holme’s
Mouth Wash, Celerina, Caskara Sagrada,
Barry’s Malarial Antidote, Acid Phos¬
phate Lactopeptine, French Pepsin, Bro
midia, Perry Davis’ Pain Killer, Mrs.
Bush’s Specific for burns. Powdered Kid
ncy Wort, Shiloh’s System Vitalizer,
Elixir of Beef Iron Wine, Seven Barks,
Hair’s Asthma Cure.
B. B. B, Simmon’s Liver Regulator,
Brewer’s Lung Restorer. Dr. James’ Ex¬
pectorant, Tavlor’s Sweet Glim and Mul¬
lein. Ayer’s Sarsaspari'la, Rankin’s Fluid
Ext. Bucheu and Juniper, Brown’s Iron
Bittters, Warner’s Safe Kidney and Liver
Cure, Warner’s Safe Diobetes Cure, War¬
ner’s Safe Bitters, Warner’s Safe Nervine,
Oliver’s Quick Relief, Rad way’s Ready
Relief, Pervv Davis Pain Ki’le.r, St. Ja
cob’s Oil. Wizard Oil, Pitts’ Ci’ru.inative,
Hop Bitters, /Josehee’s German -,,P Syrup. "iih-.
Green's August Flower. D>rt. r
nylatie Fluid, Paru-erV UWavT Tunic,
Ague Conqueror, Honey of Tar, Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral, Green Mountain Asthma
Cure. "Lozenges aim Cough Drops, Slier
RSWSrftwSff Female Regulator, Catholican,
field's Sozodont, Dentrifflce
Spirits of ( amphor, Pavagnric, Bateman Drops. j |
Lauduum, ltot Drops No t>, Cain
Svrup Epecae, or |
mel, Clorade Potash, Bromide, H. Quinine,
B. lb lb, S. S. S. and H P.
Mercurial Oinunent. Pile Ointment,
Opedeldock Liniment, Turkish Liniment,
Mexican Mustang Liniment, Kendall’s
S avlii \an
Mrs. Windlows Soothing Svrup;
dursen Teething Remedv ; M df-tt’s Tee
tliina ; Smith’s Worm Oil ; Shrinei’s In¬
dian Vermifuge ; Seidlete Powders and
Syringes Trusses ; Purus Plasters.
Tuft’s Pills *. Ayer’s Pills ; Cook’s Pills!
May Apple Pills ; Holt’s Pills : Mosses In¬
dian Root, Pills ; Crandretti’s Pills; War¬
ner’s Safe, Pills and S. S. S.
Essence of Jamaoa ; Ginger and the fol¬
lowing flavoring extracts : Lemon ; Or
range; Vanilla ; Pepperim-nt, ; Ginamon ;
Celery ; Raspberry : White Rose and
Strawberry. Cinamon Bark Mac«
Nut Megs; B. B. B. S. S. S. , A, Q.
Cloves and Spice ; ; ;
G., and II. II. P.
N* rman’s Neutralizing Cordial ; Con
dells Nervin ; II. II. P., Bonkocine and
Neutralizer, sure cure, for G.* (i.; Harter’s
Iron Tonic ; Meilin’s Infant Food; Kidney
gen ; Oils ; Turpentine ; Paints and Var¬
nishes ; Horse and Rattle Powders.
Paints and Lilly White for the compDx
ion. best kes.
Perfumeries of the ma
Hair anil Tooth Brushes ; Combs; Harps ;
Money Purses ; Lamps and .amp fixtures;
Vftscs eic. kinds, j
Confectionaries and nuts of all
Crackers, Pickles, and canned goods
Soaps, soda, starch, Baking powders, su
gar, and coffee.
Powder, shot and caps.
Fresh Garden seeds. 1
He keeps a well assorted stock of Tobac- |
cos Cigars, and snuffs.
Also a full line of Stationary, consisting i
of Legal cap, Fools cap ; Letter and Note
paper ; pens ; and pencils ; books. inks ; memoran¬
dums ; blank copy
One thousand and one other art’cles, too
numerous to mention. Come and see him.
Prescriptions Carefully
Filled at all hours of the Day
and Night.
Professional calls answer¬
ed at any time.
* I
ItAIvDJjIx , A -QTVPV ijJjljDij
Ji. 11C lin^t wlrwfp
Popularity at home is not always the best
test of merit, but we point proudly to the fact
that no other medicine lias won for itself
such universal approbation in its own city,
: state, and country, and among all people, as
Ayer’s Sarsaparilla.
! The following letter from one of our best
| known .Massachusetts Druggists should be of
interest to every suiferer: —
RHEUMATISM. 11 Eight years ago I
had an ‘attack of
K heu mat ism, so se¬
vere tli. t 1 could not move from the bed, or
<b-- t;, without help. 1 ttied several reme
t a v : i in much if any by relief, the until of I took
' viT’s gsapaiulla, use two
K'i’iiS « i which 1 was completely cured,
. sold large quantities of your Sarsa
j • lla, ami it still retains its wonderful
popularity. cted The vicinity many notable convince cures that it has it
< in this mo
i. ■ host Inoud medicine ever ottered io the
public. E. F. Harris.**
liivcr St., Buckland, Mass., May 13, ltS2.
tiiltln0 UiXUlill Carpet Corporation,
was for over twenty years before bis removal
to Lg v. 11 aill’.cted with Salt Rheum in its
worst f<ffin. Its ulcerations actually covered
more than half the surface of his body and
limbs, lie was entirely cured by Ayer's
Saks w See ccrtilicate ill Ayer’i
Almanac lor 18S3.
C:. J. C. Ayer &. Co., Lowell, Mass.
Sold by all Druggists; SI, six bottles for $St
Stokely Carter,
Opposite Warren Block,
Chewing and Smoking
CIGARS mil SNUFF always on hand
at oottomprices. mayl
m w i e s?
GEO.It. LOMBARD & 00 ■ I
Foundry Machine
Just above Depot,
Augusta, Georgia
Buy, Sell. Exchange,Rent or Repair on
best manner and terms.
saw and Christ
Ulills and
Cliea & Good
Have on hand a Darge Stock of
Shafts, Pulleys and llanges, upwards
of 50 Engines and Boilers, also steam
and water pipe at reduced prices.
Korting Injectors,
Vanduzen Jet Pun >■». B dts. Nut
dashers. Circular Saws. Files. &e.
rite for prices, promptness and
good work Cheap will be our aim.
4 J
jjHTZC—, ^
^^(wta’rp'ow^fer^wnrcorp No HoRSE^wiii riie of Como, anij bots or lung Fever, if
prevent hog Cholera,
;n^i«T ,wemx, ' er “' m ' and, ' I “ ketl,el ' utterfi ™
W,LL 8AT “™"
DAVID E FOT7TZ, Proprietor,
For Infante and
An instant . , , relief for Colic of t Infants.
Cures Dysintery, Diarrhma, Cholera In
fantum, or any disease of the stomach and
bowels. Makes thecritical period and of pleasant teeth
ing safe and easy. Is a safe
tonic. It will soothe the restless and over
?ome the exha'isting care and long night
watches ot the mother. It has .saved the
jives of many and given cheer and happi
ness to the household ; and the best Cough
Syrup yet introduced, For sale by Dr. R.
J. Reid, Crawfordvilie, G, W. Overton
Sharon, J. T. Wright, Raytown. my23’84-l
Dear little hands. I loved them so!
And now they are lying under the snow—
Under the snow, so cold and white
I cannot see them, or touch tlierp,to-night.
They are quiet and still lit last, all me !
flow busy and restless they user! to be t
But now they can never reach tip through
the snow.
Dear little hands, I loved them so !
Deni little hands, I miss them so !
All through the day . wherever I go—
All through the night, liow lonely it seems,
For no little hands wane me out of nfy
dreams. »
I I miss miss them them as all others through miss the su Sin « hours, and
flowers ;
Day time, or night time, whenever 1 go,
Dear little hands, 1 miss them so !
Never again will they rest on my brow—
Never again smooth my sorrowful face,
Never clasp me in a childish .embrace,
And now my forehead grovik"' Vrinkled
wit 1 ' care,
Thinking of little hands- once resting
there, '
' ;
But I know in a happier, heaveulierclime,
Dear littie hands, 1 will clasp you some¬
Drar little hands, when the Master shall
call, cordfe *
I’ll welcome the sermons that ‘'ll to us
When my feet touch the waters so dark
and so cold, 1
And 1 catch my first glimpse of thef City
of Gold. V
If I keep y eyes fixed on the heavenly
Over the tide where the white-robed ones
Shall l know you, I wonder, among the
briglu hands,
Will you beckon me o ’er, oh I deaf little
hands. Mamma.
—I ou Her-J our p al.
[Ilamptom, (S, O.) Guardian.]
Last Friday morning’s Augusta
bound train rolled up to the depot at
McNeill’s on time, and the passengers
and those of the citizens congregated
there for business witnessed a
that either froze them with ■ ustoi l
xsstwz w = ' Jt
two Massachuset s S- • *
at the station to board the train,having
determined to go ••north” to spend
their summer vacation. The platform
was black and redolent with negro
men, women and children, the latter
composing the scholars of the institu¬
tion presided, over by these school
marms. The hour of parting having
arrived, the goodbyes to the adults
were most affectionately said as the
hearty hand shaking went round, and
sorrowful adieus were bidden* So far
the scene was interesesting, but when
the teachers reached the scholars the
exhibition became nauseatii g to those
witnessing it. The school-marms began
to kiss the little negroes with a relish,
and tor a short time the business like
“smack ! smack ! smack I” of oscula¬
tion went on, until the ruby lips of the
white instructresses had sipped the
nectar from the capacious mouths of
every blessed little African on the
platform and bestowed a number of
“busses” on the shining black faces of
negro women. The “toot-toot” of the
steam whistle resounded above the
kissing throng, the females stepped on
board the cars,and the train moved off.
If it was the intention of these females
to disgust the passengers and citizens
by this spectacle, tiny succeeded.
Such sights are new to people in South
Carolina, and they are not disposed to
indorse aid or abet the performers.
The female teachers are respectively
aged about nineteen and twentv-two
years. The name of one is Miss Carrie 1
E. Warren, of Newton Mas*., and the
other bails from Erving, Mass., and is
k „„w„ „ urn cur,
They are employed by some benevolent
society in the north, and no doubt re*
gard themselves as missionaries in a 1
benighted land; but for the sake 0 f
decency and good order they should '
not give any more public exhibitions «f
their love for the negro or practicle les
sons in social equaUy. We do not
think the society which employs them
will approve of this method of enlight¬
ening the blacks, and we are nut quite
prepared t believe, even after the dis
gustmg performance at McNeill’s Sta
tion, that trie people of Massachusetts,
as a whole, , , fond , of the southern
are so
black as these “downeast” scboolmarms
seem to ue.
j —Ayer’s Sarsaparilla requires a
smaller _ ,, dose, , and is more effactive,dose
for dose,than any other blood medicine,
‘ " _
] —Large lot Flour at R. Tappan’3.
Poison Oak.
Spartanburg, S. C.,March 13,1884.—
VTour most valuable medicine (Swift’s
Specific) has done me so much good
that 1 feel like saying this for I lie ben¬
efit of those who suffered like I did. I
was poisoned by poison oak, and saw
not a well day for six years, until I
used Swift’s Specific. In the six years
used most every kind of medicine,
but none had the desired effect. After
using six bottles of Swift’s Specific 1
am restored to perfect health—with no
sign of that awful poison left.
David Nksbet.
1 had for thirty eight years suffered
every spring and summer with poison
oak, which i contracted in bathing
when a boy. I tried everything for it,
including many physicians, but with
out any benefit. I took six bottles of
Swift's Specific (S. S. S.Jfour years ago
and it cured me sound and well. Three
summers ha ve passed, and I have had
no return of it.
Joseph Beasley,
Columbus, Ga.
I was suffering lroiu Blood Poison
and Mercurial Rheumatism, and have
spent *300 for treatment with no btne
fit, and it seemea that I was doomed to
die. Caught at Swift’s Specific as
di owning man would at a straw, and
it has saved me from a horrible death,
and cured sound and well, It is the
greatest medicine in the world.
C. II. Smiley,
Quincy, 111.
Thousands of persons are poisoned in
America by the continued use of Mer
cury, Iodide of Potassium and other
minerals, for various diseases. The
Mercury works its way into the tissues,
producing rheumatism and decay lot
the bones. The Iodide of Potassium
eats away the coating of the stomach"
and dries up the gastic juices which di¬
gest the food, and the patient lingers
..long in agony or is glad to die to get
away from miseiy. Swift’s Specific is
a complete antidote to all this poison,
It eliminates Mercury from the system
removes the evil effects ot Iodide of
"#"* ......
The Swift Specific Co..
Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga.
What is the Cause.
Editors, as a rule, rarely ever agiee,
and consequently are continually at
loggerheads. They will take up the
same subject and discuss it in their col
uiniis, give it a thorough analyzing,
show up all the points, and if you will
take their articles and compare them,
there will always be some point of dis
agreement. There, are, of course, ex
ceptions to this as well as to all other
genera! rules, and we propose to give
an instance,where three Georgia editors
are unanimously of the same opinion :
The editor of the Southern World,
published in Atlanta, says : “1 know
the proprietors of Bradlield’s Female
Regulator, and can vouch for their
high standing in this community 1
also, from my own knowledge, can tes
tify that it is a great boon to women,
and has no superior, and every lady
ought to send for and read their nook
on female diseases, which they mail
The editor of the MilledgevilleChron
iele says he considers Bradlield’s Female
Regulator the greatest blessing ever
discovered for suffering women; says
lie knows of six ladies in his communi
ty who have been cured sound and well
by its use, and he would advise every
»»«' Eng wo.,.an to use it.
From the editor of the Gainesville
Eagle: •‘I consider ra i field's female
Regulator the best medicine ever com
* 1 am well acquainted with a lady
who never had any health until she
commenced using it. It gave her im
mediate relief, and from that time un
til now she has enjoyed the best of
health. I can say with hearty good
will, -God-speed Dr Bradiield in the
8il,e of his never-failing Female Kegu
■ lator.” -
Send for our book containing valua¬
ble information for women. It will be
mailed tree to applicants.
Tub Buadfibi.d Ri <uji.\ i gh Co.,
Box 28, Atlanta, Ga.
—Thousands of children die under
the age of five years. Why ? I’livsi
ciansattribute it to various causes,and
. have a vocabulary ,, of infantile <
too ntnnwm:; to mention. Worms 1
Worms ! Shriner's Indian Vermifuge
will kill them and restore the child.
[From our regularCorrespondent.]
\\ AsmN'crox,D.C..lune 10th. 1881.—
This is the season of comnieneements
in Washington, and troni about the
middle of May to the middle of June
there averages at least one a d ay. They
are great occasions for the display of
(lowers, and the stranger asks win re do
they come from ? The fact is, Wash
ington is a city of parks and trees and
flowers, and the visitor at this season
is overwhelmed with the beauty and
loveliness that everywhere surrounds
It is now stated that President and
Miss Cleveland will not occupy the
cottage at Soldiers’ home. They iu( ,
so well pleased with the White House
j and its surroundings, the beautiful
lawns and clusters of trees and floweis,
as well as all the delightful wallfS and
drives in and about the West End and
along the winding valley of Rock
Creek, and in fact hi eve.y direction
they may go, that limy feel that it
would be a matter of affection to leave
all this loveliness in the vain effort to
find something more enchanting.
With the beautiful attractions of the
Capitol, inviting to thoughts of peace,
plenty end paradise, there are now
gathered here about 450 representa
Lives ol the different societies of char
'ties and corrections throughout the
country,* who have met in National
Conventions to perfect plans h r the
good of the poor and the eon t ot ion of
those who made a falsej step in the
drama of life. As preliminary to tm
teriiig on their labors, they yesterday
visited Mount Vernon on the steamer
Corcoran. It w as a notable company ;
; ,11 but seven were men, and the major
ity of them were of those who have
spent many years of their lives m doing
At this season Washington is the
Mecca to which all the devotees ol love
and matrimony Hock, and there is not
iV train or a boat that arrives that does
not bring from one to a dozen newly
wedded couples, or couples who, lleeing
from old inaid aunts,heartless brothers,
ov »r particular parents, find hero the
ever willing Squire or smiling
:"^ 2 , ...............
who have just committed it come, but
occasionally from the land of many
marriages they come, as was recently
the case from Monnondon). In this
case the delegation was composed of
Monogamists who insist they are
much-abused community, and if their
statements are cmivet it would appear
that such is the case. They insist that
the Edmunds law is less ini ringed by
Mormons I h an others, while it is only
executed against the former, They
stale Hint there aio less than 5,000 peo
pK who practice polygamy in their
e.hurch, while there are many more
thousands outside, who, il they do not
profess, practice polygamy* anil they
ask that a thorough investigation be
made by the President through a com¬
petent authorized committee, Having
full powers to visit Utah and the adja
cent Territories. 1 his looks reasonable
and it is but just that Congress author
ize, the appointment of such committee. ,
Commission c*i Montgornciy ol the
Patent office, and his aide assistant,
Mr. Vance, although but a short R rae I
in office, haye made reputations b>i in- *
dustry and an intelligent grasp of all
the intricacies of the purely scientific
and legal Bureau over which they pro
side Unit mark them as peers among I
the many who ha"e gone before them,
In laet, their deal judgment, earnest,
intelligent determination to do even i
>"•'» (
tiality in the conduct of affairs m ets
and receives the hemty commendation
of all who have business to transact |
......................- ;
lined at home for several days by ill- |
ness, is about again as lively as ever,
and moves with a step : s elastic as
that of the youth in Ids prune, and is
so smiling and dever that it is said it
is even pleasant to have him .efuse you
fully that you feel that you arc being
* complimented by his refusal.
The appointment of General W. S. j
Rosi-cratm us Registry of the Treasury I
to succeed Blanche K. Bruce, is receiv
ed with great favor here where he is so
well known. This is an appointment j
eminently proper to be made, as the
old hero will discharge his duty faith
fully, anil should be provided ior as he
moves grace! ully down the declivity of
Wasiimgton lias had an exodus of
sweetness in the last few days, the
belles of the West End lleeing towards
Number 24.
Annapolis and West Point to inspect
tin 1 embryo defenders of the nation’s
honor on the land and sea. Brass but¬
tons and blue coats have an irresistible
charm for the fair sex, but th«*v say a
greater charm resides in the manly
breasts of the brave boys v\ ho are icndy
to offer themselves on the a-tar of tueir
country for a few thousands a year.
U. C. J.
The Fourth of July in Macon.
T.ierc wore over live thousand people
in Contra! City Park last Fourth of
July to witness the many attractions
1 arranged by tin* Macon Public Library.
This year the Library lias doubled the
flttli ictions, presenting m ire interest
i'"S‘ eil t nl|, s, and M moo invites all Ine
j of Uui t " ,)B We
giv<! below soma of the leading features
ol programm > :
1 Grilll:i -'Iilibary
ol s ' xt ' pen lniMI t,om tl,e varioUff*
1 ,):ulles of tllfl SUl!a> There will bo
from ,lfte8n t0 tw « nt y to;UIH l' re9ent >
•«>•> «*ey will nuko one of the most
I'rilbiuit military displays ever seen in
the State.
Grand Tournament, in which the
young men of the State will cuter. The
successful Knight will receive a J. P.
Stevens & Co. Georgia made Watch,
worth *13 >.00, and also crown the
Queen of love and beauty.
Grand Swimming Match in the Oo
inulgeo, in which a number of expert
swimmers will take p,i i t.
Grand Hurdle Race. This was ope
of tiie most interesting and exciting
exercises of last year.
Grand Bicycle Race, in which the
experts will engage. Tim Macon Bicy¬
cle Club have their own track it the
Paik. within good view of the Grand
Stand. .S”
Trotting and Running races between
the best horses of the State.
Matcli game of Rase Rail between
the best amatoures,
Grand Rail at the Park at night, at
which the Queen will ho erouW) (
will-be lighted with tbie »c.
tll c light. I
Wreworks at night, and numibus
other wi ” " 1 ‘ °“° T lfi
**** iUld ni * ht " Ti " ; van ‘ gC
" anrth <* ' ,ul ^ *ver se
Ul **•
^ 4
Don’t Look Like a Wreck.
“When a man is going down bill \
everybody is ready to give him a kick.” \
Yes, that is so. It is sad, but natural.
Why, many a man and woman, seeing
employment, would have got it if their V
hair hadn’t been so thin an 1 gray. One
bottle of Parker’s Hair Balsam is then
the best investment. It stops falling
hair, promotes new growth and restores
color. Clean, highly perfumed, not a
dye. A great improvement over any
similar preparation, and sold at the
low price of 50 cents.
All in the Line of Nature.
There is nothing in the lino of inat’o
or mystoiy about that wonderful and
p t>I> ,,| ;l |- metliclrie, ITirker’a Tonic. It
dimply the best anil most scientific
com |,iiiation possible of the essential
p r j I)C jple8 of those vegetable curatives
vvhioh act i owerfully and directly on
t(*e Btomach, liver, kidneys and blood.
(;,j(, (jn,re neither Is, nor will he, any
Hll( . C( , ss f (1 l imitation of it. It is all the
( ctll irif r vv | 1() j ia ,i despaired of
(; ver getting *.*. *11. For yourself, your"
w j| ( , a j H j ciiii,ijt:,i.
f ,v Large lot remnants in Misses
Veiling assorted odors : worsted dress
u,, , ; oloM ilL f °
muslins b . 5 els. worth 1-Jj ; white lawns
below cost ; colored lawns 3, ets. yard.
We have a large lot of these remnants
and they are the biggest drives we have
"»*^ - ***,
Greenesboro, Ga.
IlKi’HZUJAil. Ga., July 8th, 18*3.Dr.
W. M. Fitts : Dear mit—P itts’
Carminative sells well. 1 use it in
my own family and it gives satisfac¬
tion. We expect to keep it as a family
medicine, and recommend to others for
their sick teething children.
v ?;■ A new lot of Toil du nords,
Jaequores, piaid an l soi’d Gingham-,
plain and brocaded seersuckers just ar
rived and offered at the lowest prie*s
you ever heard of.—Uupelan. Seals &
Armor, Greeuesloro, Ga.
— I got there Eli I” You did ? “Y’es
I did by following the crowds to Hol
den & Farmer’s and such bargains as I
got there I have mver seen in Cra.v