Newspaper Page Text
Friday, June 10, 18 5.
M l'. JONES,
Publisher a vi > Proprietor.
Tii(* gir.iff*; never l*Hiii knov^n to
7 h»/ , v iia! in vetted in wild animals
in tn a country is ustrnattd at $4,000,*
<,0J. .
> vynly-nii e pa cent, of the soldiers
i i ttie ,1 , . 1,11 oy are unable to read
or v. .ite.
T ..ft „|. r i lcs-i tlian 11,578 women
eng- ;**d n. g > mg mined instruction
in Ku{£-'iud.
A ton of t :>im ar.ibic is used weekly
at tl» K*»v *r i n M)t envelop factory at
Hartford, Conn.
jVrrv Davis the intent medicine
mu '.as lieen in the Mercer county
nliii'iliousc lor liftcen years.
Ii ts now reported that the crop out¬
look in Virginia was never more cheer¬
ing flan it is at, present.
Sam Jones left Miilay for Waco,
Tex is, where lie goes to stir up the
8 him I'm in tlie'Loiie Star State. ion is canted out so strictly
in the Prussian army that not a
a soldier lias died of small-pox since
G IV. Hill, of N w York, granted his
lit t, pardon to a widow with six chil¬
dren who ha i been sentenced to five
year's imprisonment for raising a Cay¬
uga o mntv p ’ inn ister’s order from
81 50 to ail 50,
Thu tax looks of Stewart county
were closed Mon lay. 'Fite Tax Reoeiv
er do'H not think the b inks will foot up
ns nut:.i by fi 1,0 t > tliis yeir as they
did last, from tlie simple fact that i>er
sons will n >1 it Lorn th iir property for
near vvliat it is wort h.
The lame of Florida ns the place to
make fortunes in has reached London,
mid a olooy of fifty families of fruit
gro vers ami market g r Ian o s are now
preparing to im uigi ito to St. Lucie,
Fit Jil V*** *»»U»*I it id
tin ir sloll a id km*\Je ige of horticul¬
ture will insure them .success.
Tlie N iw York World has oollocted
over 870.ikK) for the Bartholdi pedestal
fund, while twenty-live persons have
agreed to bee cli one of a hundred to
give 8-5 i lo m ike up the last 815,000
of tun 810 t,0 M the World proposed to
raise. There is no shadow of doubt
now that the money for the completion
of the pedestal will be promptly forth
The University of Virginia has re¬
cently com • into the p iss -ssiou of one printed copies of the
first constit til ion of Virginia, adopted
June 211, 1770 The pane.- is a st»i>pli
m,in to the Virginia Gaiitte, then
nriniod at Williamsburg: Tiie pream
lile is from the pun of Mr. JolTeraon,
w lie the e.institutiou is the work of
Mr. George Mas >n.
Freemasonry was introduced into
t lima liy , an Englishman ii, ......... about sixty
years ago, and among the Guineas in
Amci km aim, , it , titles, oil,. n >»ars m aim ago. The 1 he
iitunihas. (>f course, been translates!
indivCIiiiiese, and in China thiity-three
lie nees me administered, hut in this
c iiuiiry omy three aro allowed to lx
C inferred. l’.i, re are tlJ,000 Chinese
Freemasons in America.
Paris is eh* tred of rats by her municl
it council otT ring a preilHum , fot ., tlieii
skins. Two years ago tl.e premium
IV t#i per 1 100, l*ut It has recently
Vi en raised to 810 i»er 1.000, iu order
t„ get the eity ele ired , f the pests The
tats arc 01 the Norway kind, aud breed
four times a year. The skins when
collected are > *1 i to glove-makers for
fom cents cac.i. ;uui *-tMHH> skins are
s id lo lute Ikmii made into “genuine
kid" gloves last year.
n D.nitig r t ,e la-v l .s- aoven s«ven yta-s vean too toe l»l. mi
mice of ti.ule lias been against the
United States in three Aprils. The to
tal < \i> nt> of merchandise during the
sv veu nuu.ths ............... ■'!>'“
were V,lined at 8180.S»Jt»,0(H) and the
im.-nrisat s,IJ5.;lW.«b. a balance in
onr favor of 815 i,5.‘S.O Hi, During only
one month was the trade balance ad
M ise to tliis coumry—in May. During
tie - v-n months refer! id to the im
p.M ,> o: gol 1 were 8l’.'.5:!;t.lW and of
fiiT.u., • while the exports of
gold mu- tinted 8 ’*,3!d,UtH> and of silver
to 81*4 8 H.UU-). In April the excess of
the ex,* I t of cold over the import was
8375,4 while in Anril, 1*584, the ex¬
cess t»f a *■ ts was 818.0 J7,0Pt>.
n 11 J A N T 111: M O V ElJ.
The removal of the notorious s'tnla
wag, J, E. li yant, United States Mar
shsil for Georgia, and the appointment
j of Col. John YV. Neimes, princi al
keeper of the penitentiary, in his stead,
h;is met the hearty approval of every
true ami good citizen of the s ate In
the dark days just, after the close of the
war, when the negroes,a large and ig¬
norant class had just l>een set free.
Bryant came to Georgia and began to
excite strife and hatred injtheir minds
towards the whita southern men. lie
held negro meetings and told them
that the white southern me ■, their only
true friends, were their enemies. He
advised the men not to labor in the
fields and the women not to cook for
the white people, and inculcated ideas
in their minds which they would have
never dreamed of, and instilled
animo sity in their heats towards the
white people, which they would have
neves had. lie preached nothing but
false doctrines to them irom first to
laHt and did the country more harm
than, perhaps any other man. He,
of ooursa, knew better, but, being as
corrupt as it is possible for^lmman na¬
ture to be, lie was utterly destitute of
moral principle and bis only ambition
was to cultivate friendship with the
negro, and thus hold positions under
the Republics a government. Had
Bryant been an honest Republican,
a Republican from principle, he would
not liavs been so treacherous, so base,
*o corrupt, so vile as to work against
his own race and side with the negro
simply for personal gain. Bryant has
proven himself to be a man of no prin
eiple,no firmness,no remorse ofconsci
etuto and as such he is an enemy to his
own race and it is well that he should
go. We are taught that “All men
are created equal byjnature.” And
what does this mean ? Does itjmean
that they are equal in physical strength ?
Certainly not. Does it mean that they
are equal in intellectural powers 't
Certainly not. What then does it
mean t It simply means that all men
are equal in human rights. Now we
are all God's crateures and should be
liberal in our views and actions to
wards one another but whenever one
acts so basely, so corruptly, so vilely
as has Bryant he should be condemned
by all piwiple, au-1 should rojekv
iMlium he deserves
Austin, Texas, June 17.—Gov. [re
land had occasion to visit tho railway
station yesteuiay and mdtied tin, <lii\
er of Ins carnage to stop on the cross
ng, where the Governor w..s cil.nly
awaiting the arrival of the train, w tea
along came a big policetn in a a I order¬
ed him to tnove off the crossing. The
street is what is term -d a “blind street,”
and hence the Governor argued he was
not on the crossing. Finally lie told
the policeman lie would see him in
“Blieol” before he would iuo-’o. The
policeman then arrested the Governor,
took him to the station house and
| charged him with violating the city
j ordinance. The case came up before
: the Recorder, and his Excellency was
lined ten dollars and eosts. The fine
was paid.
lorn Jones, aged about 15 years, a Ma¬
con Negro Ins commence 1 turning white,
| bo barge iy, and white it spots is probable arc appearing that, in on slmrf his
while, a
I Tom will be a white man so far as
bis hide is concerned. Ho refuses to al
I * ow ^he doctors to examine him, saying
that the L>rd intends to made all the Ne
groos white.
i Georgia is still ahead in the wav of cu
nositics. For Instance: Quitman county
; unn a good working mule 43 years old, ami
i and lias recently proiluced a’ huge rattle
snake wit Ii 49 rattles, while Emanuel
county wliieli eoiues to the front with a rooster
I was killed a tew days ago, aud in
side of him were found numerous little
eggs and-even large ones, one of which
1V s licU and would have been iaivl
the next day.
. 'j* s i , W . . attorneys . of - Mr. r __ "
ChuM' to* f , th^^uialUmrof
of suspnd RolH the rUs
,| in Ui to !u ,^
^;«wns.n» HjvWvw h* is physically U :i..blt» to ri ».
moved and it is not vet known what course
his will ‘
case take
good f , . „ advice a ,, • "T* In *dvertu.n« "/ , ,, H . llrtwe hta , ' 1 .* gowla. gives soma “Pay
couples in Hart UH^oung marH^i
county if they will start
out on th«- jouin,*> of life with -pav as
bouse looking alter pro|-*rtv to satisfy a
* dl
fy bill next and chip hi for the preach!*r
Watchman. T>'rtvetheSa^-B^iwr ‘ 1
-----— . ----
gj* That tgvrgain counter at Cope
l«i, Seals A Armor's, Ureenesboro.Ga.
treats tlje Jews. Goods are honestly
a ; Im)st given avV . tV
------_ . _ _______
—Go to R. Tapi>an and get 87 Amer¬
ican sewing machines.
Atlata. Ga., June 17.—Sergeant' !
Phillip Reilly, of the New York police
force, arrived iri Atlanta to-day. He
comes to carry back to New York, VV.
S. Rotierls, president of the defunct
Bank of Augusta, who is under indict¬
ment in New York for grand larceuy.
Roberts is to he delivered by his bonds¬
men to the UnitedSta tea Court, in this
eity, next Friday.
Gainesville has two banks and wants
two more.
A new Episcopal house of woranip is
being erected at Gainesville.
—A3k for Ayer’s sarsaparilla, and do
not . . persuaded , . to . take . , Other . .
1)6 any .
Sold by all druggists.
Eugene Bowers, of Sumter, killed
three chicken hawks at oue shot last
Cartersville has a brass band com¬
posed of young girls from 14 to 10 years
John Longs 1 , who had the mis¬
fortune to break bis leg while playing
ball at Gainesville, is getting along
Ten years ago there was not 8200
worth of premiums on insurance sent
out of Gainesville, but now there are
over 80,000.
Tne Clarksville Advertiser asks, per¬
tinently : Can a man have religion
and prejudice against his neighbor in
his heart at the same time ? i a
The Legislature in sets on the secon
Wednesday in July. We suppose it
will continue in session for about three
Alf Prater, tho Atlan'a pedestrian ,
his returned from Covington, Kv../
where he took part to the six dayf
walking match, Prater won first mon¬
ey over his competitions.
The Thomson Journal says : “Mr,
Thomas E. Watson left his sife ui*
locked one night last week, and soiuf*
h irdened reprobate embraced the oi*
casion to relieve Rim of about twenty,
dollars. Thieves must be hard ui'
when they get to robbing lawyers.”
The evidence comes from every sec
t.ion of Hancock county that the wheat
crop is the finest that has been seen i I
that county for many vears.
The Sparta Ishmaelite says
this time of the year when p
suppliestur-lima,—« pi7
crop prospects. ‘ Liter o i, who' 1
day , comes, tin crop Will appear
ally short. ‘There’s lots of fun in
America.’ ”
Mr. Julius L. llrov.iliis tho ori li
j j na | tii.tiiusgript book of the Irish poet,
T(>|11 M( C0:lt;lillin , lu ori „ 1 , l ,
text of Ins must famous poems in his
own handwriting.
Darien Timber Gazette : The Brit¬
ish steamship, Captain
Allen, loft for Aspin wall ou We lues
day m li ning, carrying a very vain ihle
and expensive c irgo of pitch pine lum¬
ber. This is the first steamship that
has loaded in our part since the w ir,
Bills will be introduced at the next
s.ismoii of me LJg'stature looking to
A bill le luiring tho registration of
qualified voters will also be introduced.
Mr. Row Peacock and Miss Flora
Lietch, daughter of Mr. W. N. Lietch .
who resides near Chauncey, and is one
of the most solid citizens in Dodge
county, eloped and wt re married Sat¬
urday night. Mr. Lietch says he shall
sue the Ordinal > m 8500 for issuing .
the marriage lie •' 'cause the young
lady was only tifU eii years of age. He
says, however, he will make no ado
about the marriage.
And Health for the Sick,
ls found iu that delightful nerve tonic j
and invigorator, Pemberton’s French Wine
Which positively cures and prevents
mental and physical depression, loss of
debility,'iTidiiev iieuraiga.sick tZ
al diseases
deb ‘ ,Ui ’’ nuis '
The Medical Sava ns of the world award
to (3wa. the most effective amt wonderful
remedial powers for both mind and body,
and tho profession and people award to
Pemberton’s French Wine Coca, the p thu
of victory over all other known tonics and
Then* For'silc is iov and good cheer in everv bo»- 1
by all druggi ’
We are offering our entire stock of
GARFTT8, that were saved from the
rtre * th « 19th, at a sacrifice and ask
you to call and inspect sum . Remem
ber everything must be sold before we
move into cur new building. We will
resume manufacturing as soot, as the
building is repaired,and ask our friends
to remomlvr us in placing their order.
31l\ Jackson Street. Augusta. Ga. j
m l
For the BOWELS.
iir.m**.™'Hooki.berry cordi.i >.u,e r-.« soon,.™
remedy for curing IMarrh'r*. I>y*ent«ry, Cramp-Coil* »i»d
%]l bowel *ffection«, and restoring the little oo» aufTerlug such a
(raiaage upon the system from the effects of tkctbino. For
•ale by all d raged at* at BO cents a bottle.
Tarlor’n Cherokee Remedy Coughs, ofSweet Cnm
and Mullein will cure and U bottle. Croup and C'on
sumption. Price 15c. a
Merchants ana Farmers
Via GEORGIA RAILROA D from the fol¬
lowing stations to
Now is your chance ! Just notice the rates
and date! THURSDAY, June 2.1, 1885.
Pickets good for return passage the night until Sat
urday, 27th, including train.
From Union Augusta and return, 2.30
Crawfordville * - ■ 4 1.90
“ Barnett z 1.75
“ Norwood i t 1.50
“ Cemak «( <« 1.40
Unless you purchase Tickets from the
Agents, you will have to paj regular rates
as Conductors have no authority to sell
the Excursion Tickets.
You should Ample avail aacommodation yourself of this for all. oppor¬
Tickets will he sold for trains Nos. 2 28,
and No 4. Get to the Depot in time to get
your Tickets before the train arrives.
Geu’l DORSEY, Traveling Pass As?t, Augusta,
K. K.
General Passenger Agent, Augusta.
Strengthens and Exhilarates.
• Sustains and refreshes, aids digestion,
liaust.ed imparts new mind energies to the worn or ex
and body, and excites every
faculty to healthy action.
is a wonderful invigorator of the genital
orgains complaints, and is a specific, (tick-headache, for all nervous Neu
such as
ralgia, Weakfulness, Joss of Memory,
Nervous Tremors, loss of Appetite, l)e
jn'cjjsum of spirits, etc.
! i W wri te -H S 'itn. Gnjy, -- -
| Will vitalize your bb-ol aim build up
I | Teachers, vour health at once. Lawyers, Ministers,
Orators, Vocalists, and nil who
speak lu public, will find tli - Wine Coca,
t ikon half hour before speaking, a specific
for the voice.
i is endorsed by over 20, JUJ eminent M -fli¬
cal Men in the wo,Id. and Pea,ne, ton's
Wine (locii i** Imrtlie palm over all
other invigorants by phy-nci.ins and peopi.e
who have used it. There is health and joy
in every bo' tie.
Sole proprietors an l Manufactur ers,
GEORGIA —Tamakk nno Cor nty.
estate of Elijah Memlowes, late of said
ESSSHSSjs if they
sons concerned ; to show cause any
can, on or by the first Monday in June
next, why said letters should not be grant
Given under my hand and official signa¬
ture, this March 2, 1885.
C. A. Bbazlky. Ordinary, T. C.
GEORGIA— Taimapf.rro County
\\ has applied to me estate for Letters of Win. of Ad- M.
ministration on the
Lndceford, late of said countv deceased.
These are therefore to cite aud admonish
all persons concerned to be and apiH’ar at
my office on or try the first Monday ill July
next to show cause if any they can why
said letters should not be gi anted. Given
under my hand and official signature this
2t>th day of May tsH4. A Be
Charles zlev,
Ordinary, T. C.
GEORGIA—Taliaferro County.
Mrs'^Naney , RhTvdes Dt'e
appiied of
county, deceas, si, has u, me for
Thcscare [hcraforc'to cite.'a.ffi'kdmonish
all pvrsons concern» h 1, to be and appear it
my office, ou or befor.-the first itulajiii
August next and show cause, it any they
can, why said letters should not be graut
ed. Given under my hand and official
ignature, this May 4th, 1881
Cha les A. Beazrey.
Ordinary of i aliaferro county.
GEOKGIA-Tahaueruo County.
ffll d av in InKxHn ^id com" the town of Crawford- legal
in v, between the
To Skof1<wi®«^
Walton P. Harris, consisting prineipai
ly° f dry goods, notions, b.x*ts. .
wi^toiiaeco.riiw^ drugs, oH,
soap, powder, shot and store house ttx
^dWaltTn p" Harris to'sstit^ the SutH-rioi 1 ’two ntor court -
gsge fifas issued from
jonDn^sisnie^!*,’ 1 ! W
slid fa’v ss*inst of M said ptoper- Martha
ty the other in r s.
? n JWufif"* Sheriff.
him if ui fins
UShA -w
To the Interest oi the People.
; ;
1 1 ' ¥
M O ? 1 LT
Notions, Ulillinery, Fancy Goods,
Dress Goods for spring and summer
Domestic and Staple dry goods, Hos¬
i iery and Gloves, Embroideries
Laces, Handkerchiefs, lies, Scarfs,
I I Half Hose. Upholstery, Linens,
j Parasols spid Fans.
' '
A Complete stock of
The Finest Tailor Made Suits in Middle Georgia,
HIGH PRICES PARALYZED ! The general p blie wildly enthu
siastic . over our Superior Goods and Matchless LOVY PRICES Never in i ha
................. - -r
j AK® Mtl
O ♦
In LADIES and MISSES SHOES we lead all competitors by a large
majority. My constant effort shall be to please my patrons not only in the
style presented but also the neo-ssa y qualities of the goods sold and am de¬
termined to make my prices so low that none can » omplain.
| tt 111EIR1N tuti , tv .pl-iil-vT 1 EliEs 1 and j convenience * . t. 'ill n at my store I — have fitted it
as up
with special regard to their comfort.
Stiff, wool and straw from the cheapest to the finest and styles, that wil
suit the old and young, the beautiful and astidious, the ugiy and
ecrepit. To see is to believe Come all and look for yourselves.
! CROCKERY and GLASSWARE, at prices never before heard of.
Fancy Groceries, Provisions and :
Toinnnraerate mvstock in an advertisement would br «i m «hinc i .
« complete in all its branches, and with ene-aj- peraeAQrunce and exi^riet -e
a d cash I tm stf.sefi-1 that t visit to nv s to - vi tvitoulvgive vodple 8
re bn I' roUl
. !a condasioo allow ne to re mu mj sincere thanks fi> past ,, lavors :te.
a-k tor i oontinuanoe of the same. COME ONE, COME AUL.