Newspaper Page Text
*r,-» ! H£ t n AJ-CaMOOKAl ! 'Urr\i <0 A nr 1
Friday. June 2k, 1*^5.
M-r. 4 ONES,
I*UBI.?sHfKB AN I* INt<*lMtlKTwR
Thomasville lias consume* a whole
shipmcMi of «i fioas.
Sei rtAwiy WhiUtc, will visit S»*w
|mrt in Inly to »i> 'ii tin* N ivai College.
A 1 r ;m':i eonlemplates VmiWing ata
oilier in •innaeiit to Wil lia a L V »ii *y.
It is sail that immigration from
Jinn ' ry has increased greatly of late.
II n Timm is 4. Jarvis, Mint»t r to
Pra/.d. drove a in nk -t cart in Norfolk,
'Virginia, tol ty years ago.
Over ain -tv onc tfious ui 1 barrel* of
nppji s were shipped to Europe from
jtirliand during the past seanro.
Senator Brown is now erecting a fine
threcKVtory lirick lunlding on Decatur
street, near l.loyd at Atlanta.
Sophy Ashhrook Hill, oeiere I, of At¬
lanta, has s «-d the State read for $10,
OnO for the homicide of her husband.
TmMilt a Tua. the violinist, is only
eight* eu yea is old. anil is under a two
years concert engagement at 846,000 a
The ninth annual commencement of
of it. Joseph’s Academy, st Washing
ton, Ga , will Is! hold at Floyd’s Opera
House, Ti u.‘*d»y. Ju y 2.
Bartholdi in ideled liis fain ms statue
of Liberty after hi* mother, who was a
lieautifui woman. Tue features were
Geo. P. Curry, of Augusta, undi r
seulrcc of live years in tins jieidteiilia
ry for embezzlement, has been grunted
a new i rial.
Atlanta prohibitionists U-lieve that
the Legislature will pass the genera
local option hill at its coining session.
They will then demand a -vote on the
temperance question in the Gate City.
Gov. McDaniel has appointed B. M.
Gross. Judge, of McDuffie County Court,
to fill tlio vacancy created by the death
of Judge Jas. JJ. Neal.
On Monday of last w«ek. Mr. Rich¬
ard Stillwell, aged seventy seven years,
committed sulci le in Butts county by
hanging himself.
The banks and insurance companies
of the State have been ordered to report
the condition of their business on June
Hj. anti file in llie executive office
'“'i an usys.
Governor Ireland, of Texas, was ai
resletl the other day for Keopiiig his
carriage standing oil the street cross¬
ing,a* d was lined ten dollars and costs.
According to theJDopait'iient of Ag¬
riculture, the area of the cotton crop
planted this year is alxiut eighteen
mill on acres, showing an increase of
4.Of |>«r cent, as compared with 1881.
Tin* ttiird ooill lest building building
in the world is the New Fork State
Capitol 1" A lb my. Strrted under a
legislative limitation of 81,000,000. it
hao already cost dearly 818,000,00. Tlie
closest i st imatus puts the entire cost
at 825,000.000.
In Sumter county, Oscar Speight
shot and kiilod two ruhhits at one shot,
shooting through the crack of a fence
twenty yards distant. The ralihds
were four feet apart on the opposite
side ol tlie fence.
A well known fain ily of Macon were
all made very sick ly eating |x>isoned
beef. Nothing but prompt measures
saved the lives of t wo of Li em, and all
tt.e otilers suffered for several hours
Citqis are doing well in Glascock
county* the wheat and oat crops turn¬
ing out better than in many years. If
the weather will only continue favora
Me.the most abundant yield ever
known in that section will be the re
WilliamG. inure, of Kingston, has
v cur only in the way of a fowl. It is
a class U'lween a tin key and .*, guinea,
ulid ii i. tut ween tlie size of a tin key
and )i guinea, and it makes a strange
u i ks*. mote like a little lice dog bark
ing than anything else
Jli'iny Kt’liriilgtf, colored, tlie .T™,e»
a-uuuty . mnrdtnpr, . was hanged Clin
on on <>'••** ,s • - * ' lCl>u * u '* ro
aeenred Uie ro|« with which lus hand*
terra eoufiueW. , , ai.d . si*.d ... it m ,, hits ,
as damns to , ofla-r . nappes, TT , from which , ,
he . realized , . a consv^Wie . sim,
< Me ers Met Jus*, **4 Daniel, amis
It'd by Officer **resUsl one of the
directors of the UhaGanooga club at
Macon Monday *flennw,n at flic base¬
ball grounds. He was intoxuiatefi and
was acting in a most disorderly man¬
ner. lie was promptly Reeled from
t te grou ids and t»ken to U|i byrrveks.
Tlie following unique marriage no
lire appears in Hus Raj-mony Grove
Signal : Married, on Smuay evening.
June M. near David** will, under a
iiersimm'in tree. t!eon»s W. Smdlwood
and Miss Sallie E. W ddig, Alexander
Smallwood and Miss Charity O. Had*
in, 'qn e antes Yide
T heattorneys ror W. li. Robert*, of
Augusta, *u«ve taken hi. a P -
ptU to United States ^Supreme Court,
which will delay hi* extradition to
New \ oik ind< tlinitely, At present
Mr. Robert* is so 111 from nervous
prostration that hi* physicians think
his removal to New York would cause
tiis death.
The Atlanta and Augusta Use hall
clubs, who now rank first and second
in tho Southern League, crossed bath
in Augusta last week. The first game
was 8 to * in favor of Autrtnrta, this
is the first time Atlanta was ever shut
Oil t. The second was 5 to 4 in favor
of Augusta, and the third was 3 to 2
tn favor of Augusta. The 1 st was a
twelve inning game.
The Telephone says : Mr. E. A.
Smith set a fish net in McIntosh creek
last Friday evening, in Burke county,
and going to It on Saturday morning
found it in a jerk. He thought he had
caught all the fish tn the creek, and
tugged away to bring hi* net to the
surface. When at last it came forth,
he was horrified to find that he had not
a single fish, but had a five foot alliga
The officials of the Brunswick and
Western railroad have gotten wind of
the fact that a regular} organization
exist for the purpose of stealing goods
of the various sorts shipped over the
road. This band of rogues has its
headquarters in Brunswick an d is
made up of train hands draymen and
low grade Jstore keepers.Robberies
h i ve wen pretty frequent recently,
l ast week six of the guilty parties
were arrested near Brunswick with
some of the stolen;goods in possession.
They should get the extreme penalty of
the law, and notjhave to wait loDg for
either.—Albany News.
In Memorl&m.
Mr. Absalom Perkins, died at his
residence in this county, June 19th at
3 i o’clock, p. m.
In the death of the subject of this
notice, Taliaferro county loses one of
her liest and most worthy citizens—one
whose life is worthy of emulation.
Ifone would follow tlie example of this
good man and imitate his life he would
lie sure to have with him through life
the sole cheering presence of our savior
and in the sail and solemn hour and
article of death the death damp would
lie blushed from his brow by the plastic
hand of our Redeemer and when his
soul is called upon to stand before the
jiiiigiiNNii ihiwMi of God there would
ke naught to fear for the welcome
plaudit “well done thou good an I faitb
sejvant enter thou into the joys of
thyliord,’’would be wafted on the sun¬
ny breeze of the New Jerusalem and
would be echoed, and re echoed by tlie
spirit of just men made perfect around
the eternal throne of God. In his life
wa-Jt>ortrayeJ the Christian, an humble
Christian, a God loving and a God
serving Christian, a Christian possess¬
ing patience, humility and charity. He
demonstrated most clearly that a man
could live and keep hi ins »lf u ispot ed
before the world. He was a Christian
that was always satisfied with his sta¬
tion in life. He k mw what it was _to
lied* prived of the comforts of life, ysa,
t v n m my or the necessities of life, yet
no oi e ever heard him murmur or
complain. He knew w.iat it was to be
surrounded with a sufficiency of this
world’s goods to have his every tempo¬
ral want supplied. Yet no one ever
saw a look of yan ity upon his face.
Tlie rich and poor alike were bis com¬
panions aud friends, lu his life as a
church member he showed to his breth
red what a Deacon was and what a
Deacon could and fshould be. During
his life no one could say to him, Abso
Irm Perk ins thou has wronged me,
thou has defrauded me.
^' s community in which
****'' vel * * IHS sustained an irreparable
loss and tlie church has sustained a
D"** that will take years to obliterate.
It lias opened a wound that will take
y« ars to lie tl, for our belove l brother
is gone and tlie place “that once knew
him will know hits no more.” ilow
» "1 it "ill lw for us to go to church
Sabbath after Sabbath and cast our
aud find no feobfo and p unracked form
lVn , H „ w ^ lo thmk that llw f<M .
Meant faltering 7 footfall shall bo heard
pacing . .. t ha isle . , to .. his accustomed .___ seat
moreJthat - , ... his , bent . and , trembling ...
no 7.
form , shall . beheld , , no more, ... that .. the
f.^ed and wrinkled face and hoar,
^ ^ ^ ^ no more . How sa 1
to reaiiz-i that we shall hear no more
on earth his feeblo and faitenng voice
in tlie conference of his brethren. LH
in remember how he lived as a believer
in Uhri-t its a church member and as a
Ik-ucon. Let no one ask, however, if
he was fieriect, if he was without fault,
f„ r lemember that if we say “that we
have no sin, we deceive ourselves and
trttth is not|ia us,” and “that we
make God a liar and his word is not in
us,”—lohn 1—8—U>. He Had his
f. 4U |t» just as you and I. and he was
a m4n 0 f jiassion es ourselves. Let
j us forget his faults a id not rememb-'r
bMng be ever upon the widow and
children aud nave them all in death
N. W. P. Bacon.
Sharon, Ga.,Jnne21, 1885.
Christrian Index please copy. *!K tj
All m theTiiae of Nature, .
There is nothing in the line of raafele
or mysteiy atiout that wonderful and
popular medicine, Parker’s Tonic. It,
is-si in ply the best and most scientific
combination possible of the essentia
principles of those vegetable directly
which act powerfully and on
r f :,.rV ™
successful imitation of it. It is all
time curing those who had despaired
ever getting well. For yourself, your
wife and children.
—White and colored matting al
grades from 15 to 25c,
signs at Copelan, Seals & Armors.
Fifteen cents will buy a hat off
the bargain counter, that is worth $1.
end 8125. For 50 cents, 75 cents, or
81.00 you can get a straw hat worth
just twice the money.—Copelan, SeaW
Jk Armor, Greenes boro, Ga.
88T A large lot of India and Victo¬
ria lawns in long folds arriving this
week, prices 6, to 12j cents, 100 pieces
fancy figured lawns, only 5 cents.—Co
pelan, Seals & Armor, Greenesboro,
Ilammacks all prices, 75 cents
up ; croquet sets, base balls and bats,
marbles and tops, can be had of Cope¬
lan, Heals & Armor, Greenesboro, Ga.,
cheaper than any whereeise.
GEORGIA— Tai,i afkbro Co untv.
V Administrator, the will annex¬
ed of Mrs. Nancy Rhodes, iate of said
county, deceased, Dismission, lias applied said to me estate.’ for
Letters of from
These are therefore to cite, and admonish
ali persons concerned, to be and appear at
my office, on or before the first if Monday in
August next and show cause, any they
can. why said letters should not be grant¬
ed. Given under my hand and official
ignature, this May 4th, 1885.
C’hasi.ks A. Beazlyy,
Ordinary of 1 alia ferro county.
GEORGIA— Tamakeuuo County.
\yriIEREA8, Vf Administrator Welcome de Inin is A non, Stone, on Sr.:
estate of Elijah Meadowes, late t
» admonish
are therefore to olte and all per
son* concerned ; to -how cause if any they
em, on or by the first Monday in June
next, why said letters should not be grant
ed. '
Given under my hand and official signa
ture, this March 2 , Jhkt>.
V. A. Ordinary, T. C.
GEORG IA —Ta li ake uno County
imrllERKAS, W has applied WILLIAM to for Letters C. BENTLEY of Ad¬
ministration on the estate of Will. M.
Ludceford, late of said county deceased.
These an* thereforejto cite aud and admonish
all persons concerned to bo appear at
my office on or by the first Monday in July
next to allow cause if any granted. they can Given why
said letters should not be
under my hand and official signature ibis
26th day of May 1884. Be
Chaklks A zlky.
Ordinary, T. C.
GEORGIA—Taliafkkko County.
Court House door on the first Tues
day vifle in July sa’id next,in the between town of Crawford- the
in county,
hours of sale, the f ollowing property,
wit.* The entire stock of goods belonging
to Walton P. Harris, consisting principal
ly of dry goods, notions, boots, shoes, and
groceries, stoves, iron and tin hritania
wooden ware, tobacco, cigars, drugs, oil,
soap, powder, shot and store house fix
ture», levied on by me as the property o f
said Walton P. Harris to satisfy two mor -
gage fl fas issued from the Superior court
of said county, one in favor of Julius C.
Jordan, assignee, Ac., against said proper
ty, and the other in fav< r of Mrs. Martha
M. Harris against said property. This
June fith, 1885. M. D.L. Goooek,
DUtCh BOltlUg im w j t __ GiOtll* ^“-**=1 t . H ^
Now is the time when every one who ha* a mill should be looking, how he can
maxe the most and the lies! flour. In order to do this he must have a good Bolting
Cloth. You eah get that by calling or sending to
,T A T \>TTr!!C8 T V/f _ T~^~ ■ T ■ 1-* Z tf—
Millers Corner, AuguaU,^.
M ANUFACTURES THE AUGUSTA COTTON GIN, with feeder and condenser.
w him foj tine sample, clean seed, fast work fine finish and superior construction, is
not gins j^r** fair , \v ( ^,p ftjr gj ns of any make in the best manner. Exchange new for old
on terms. TOrl,a te:l ***
° “
* Mills,
Sell Anes emgints, Birdsait eujficeK, 8idd«!ls Boss I’ivss, Saw Mills Grist
ami the best Traction ermine made in the United States. It will go any where.
We have no agents to pay in Taliaferro county, you cau therefore get bargaius
and ruck bottom prices by applying to
Office; No*l Warren Block, on 8th Street.
r <v i£\
y«j^Wfcwf§jPilP •4T JMSr
ir -■ -
For the BOWELS. __ _
Dr. Bigger,* Huckleberry Cord let l< ft, r-*t Ronthem
yti—tly for curing I>l»rrh<ra,I>y*entery, CpAmp-t’oIlc and
%11 bowel affections, and restoring the little one suffering *aeh a
iraiaagf upon the *y*tem from the effect* of tmthino. For
M Ie by mil druggists mt 60 cent* » bottle.
Ague Cure
IS WARRANTED to cure all cases of mi e
lariat disease, such as Fever and Ague, Inter¬
mittent or Chill Fever, Remittent Fever,
DumbAgne, Bilious Fever, and Liver Com¬
plaint, In case of failure, after duo trial,
dealers are authorized, by our circular of
July 1st, 1882, to refund the money.
DrJ. C. Ayer &Co., Lowell, Mass.
Sold by all Druggists.
With the new yolume, beginning in
December, Harper’s Magazine will con¬
clude its thirty-i ftb year. The oldest
periodical of its type, it is yet, in each
new volume, a new magazine, not sim¬
ply because it presents fresh subjects
and new pictures, but also, and chiefly,
because it steadily advances in tlie me¬
thod itself of magazine-making. In a
word, the Magazine becomes more and
more the faithful mirror of current life
and movement. Leading features in
the attractive programme for 14 85 are :
new serial novels by Constance Feni
more Woolson and W. D. Howells ; a
new novel entitled “At the Red Glove;”
.descriptive illustrated papers by F. D.
AJilIer, ft. Swain. Gifford.E. A. Abbey,
H; Gibson, and others; Goldsmith’s
: “8h« AUwTt.nportant Stoop* to Conquer,” 1 illustrated
papers on Art,
‘ Sqienoe,JPIC. of tlie Magazine begin with
The volumes
the numl>ers of June and December of each
year. When that no tlie time subscriber is specified, wishes it will be
understood to
begin with tlie current Number.
Tlie last eleven Semi-animal Volumes
of Harper's Magazine, in neat cloth
binding, will tie sent by mail, postpaid,
on receipt of 83 00 per volume. Cloth
Cases, for binding, 50 cents each—by
mail, postpaid. Alphabeti¬
Index to Harper's Magazi Classified, lie,
cal, Analytical, and for vol¬
umes 1 to60, inclusive, from June , to
June, 1280, one voi., 8vo, Cloth, §4 00 .
Enlarged January 1. 1885, to an
8-fage, 56-column paper.
$10 a Year, Including the Great Sunday
Issue of the “News.”
The DAILY NEWS elves AGRICULTU- prominence to
alt matters relative to the
TURING interests of the country, a s well
COMMERCIAL news, Local
Its Telegraphic, State, General.
news and market the departments and most are ac
knowledged to be best corn
prehensive of any poper in tlie South,
Subscribe through your News Dealer or
Postmaster, or send direct to
J. II. ESTILL. Savannah, Ga.
—“Our Boom,” the best Sets, cigar
in town at W. B. Iteid’s.
To the Interest oi the People.
UtlttiiilVS V
will 1 j limit
Notions, Ulillinery, Fancy (woods,
Dress Goods for spring and summer*
I domestic and Staple dry goods, Hos¬
iery and Gloves, Embroideries ami
f races, Handkerchiefs, Ties, Scarfs,
Half Hose. Upholstery, Linens,
Parasols and Fans.
A Complete stock of
The Finest Tailor Made Suits in Middle Georgia,
HIGH PRICES PARALYZED ! The general p Uic wildly enthu¬
siastic over our Superior Goods and Matchless LO W PRICES. Never hr ilw
history of the trade has the purchasing public had such an oj.portuoiy to buy
lift! All ilt t
In LADIES and MISSES SHOES we lead all competitors by a large
majority. My constant effort shall be to please my patrons not only in the
style presented but also tbenecessa y qualities of the goods sold and am de¬
termined to make my prices so low' that none can omplain.
TIIEIRINTEREST and convenience to call at my store as I have fitted it ir>
with special regard to their comfort.
Stiff wool and straw from the cheapest to the finest and styles that wil
sun f * ,e a,l< * .'oimg, the beautiful and astidious, the ugly and
ecrepit. To see is to believe Come all and look for yourselves.
CROCKERY and GLASSWARE, at prices never before heard of.
Fancy Groceries, Provisions and
To irrouraerate my stock in an advertisement would b- something i' t
possible All I can sav to von is to come and look for yourselves. Mv sto k
U 5a a11 f ^ with Iterance and experien ;e
and cash, 1 am satisenu that a visit to my store will not only give yoilple s
are but profit.
In conclusion allow me to return my sincere thanks for past favors and
PT or a continuance of the same. COME ONE, COME ALL.
C. 1 IK