Newspaper Page Text
m M > •
Volume 9.
PE re
M, D. 1
Crawtordvillo. Ua
At Dr. Smith’s Old Stand.
HAVING been in the DRUG BUSI¬
NESS for the past five years I am prepar
ed to offer the people Of tins and adjoin*
ing counties the largest and best stock of
Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Patent
Medicines, Perfumes, Glass, Putty, Dyes
and Toilet articles of every description, at
prices that will down
Below we mention a few of these which
can always be found in his store:
Indian Creek Rem sly, Hop Bittert, Au¬
gust Flowet, f’ompound Syrup with Iodide
of Potash, Peruvian Ague Cure, Holme’s
Mouth Wash, Celerina, Caskara Sagrada,
Barry’s Jlalarial Antidote, Acid Phoj
pliate Lnctopeptine, French Pepsin, Bro
lllidia, Perry Davis’ Pain Killer, Mr;.
Bush’s Specific frr barns. Powdered Kid¬
ney Wort, Shiloh’s System Vitafizer,
Elixir of Beef Iron Wine, Seven Barks,
Hair’s Asthma Cure.
B. B. B , S.ninion's Liver James' Regulator,
Brewer’s Lung Restorer Or. Ex
pectorant, Taylor’s Sweet Gum and M . 1 -
lein, Ayer’s Sarsaspariha, Rankin’s Brown’s Fluid
Ext. Bueheu and Juniper, Iron
Bittters, Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver
Cure, Warner's Safe OioUetes Cure, War¬
ner’s Safe Bitters, Warner's Safe Nervine,
Oliver's Quick Relief, Railway's Ready J'a
Relief,-Perry Davis Rain KiUer, S
cobs Oil, Wizard 0 1 , Pitts’ Cnrrnin tive,
Hop Bitters, iiischee’s Flower, German D.rt, hj’rup. Propfc
Green’s August
ji viatic Fluid, Pavkei’s Ginger '*,
Ague, Conqueror, Peecorai, Honey of Tar, el 's
Cherry Green Afmnitnin Ast a
Cure, iioz.-.iges arm Cough l)r >ps, She
jior’s Baiseinie Cough Syrup, I.ydia E.
Pinkliam’s Vegetal.i 1 Compound, Bind
t&Jn£Z£2tt&, 8858»- Drops.
LiQilmim, Pa. agaric, Bateman
Svrup Epeeae, II it.’Drops or No fi.
fuel, G’lora.le Potash, U Il oinile, Quinine,.
15 . B. it., S. S S and il. 1 ’.
Mercurial Ointment. Pile Ointment,
Opedeidock Laiiueoit, faiirisli Linian-iit,
M xican Mastaag Liiiiuient, Kendall’s
S avln Cure.
"Mrs. Windlows Soothing Svrup; Van
durseit Teet.eing Ueiuedy ; Moil it’s l'ee
tliina ; Smith’s Worn <)i! ; Siirmei's In¬
dian Vermifuge ; Seidlete Powders aud
S.ringes: trusses; Perns Piasters.
Tutt’s Pdts : Aye ’s Pills ; Cook’-' I’.iis:
May Apple Pdis ; Holt’s Pills -.^losses In¬
dian Root Pills ; Crau Iret n’s Pills ; War
liar’s -sa e Pills an l 8. 8. 8.
Essena • of .Lima -a, ; Ginger nod the fol¬
lowing flavoring extracts : Lemon ; Or
range; Vanilla ; Peppenii Mit, ; Cimtni.iii ;
Celerv : ltaspl) -rry ; White Pose and
Straw! erry.
Nut Me-gs ; Gina aoit Bara . face
Gloves and S;iie.- ; : 5 . :>. : S. S- S ; A, Q.
G., and H. if. P
N nan’s N amli.'i a ’’erdod; Gon¬
dii is iervin ; l* 1; ,■ ;i nd
. Hart.i-r's
Neutralize!’, sure cure for < :
Iron I'uiiic ; Meilin’s Lila i' ■ , Kidne.j
g n ; Oils ; Turpentine ; Paim a Vai-
111 sites ; Horse and Kittle I’o
Paints and Lilly White for
Perfumeries of the best in 1 i< -
Hair and Tootli Brushes ; Ooiij >> arps ;
Money Purses ; Lamps and .amp fixt tires;
Vases, Gonfectionai'ies eie, aqd nuts of all kinds,
Crackers, Pickles, a’dd canned goods
Soaps, soda, starch, Baking powders, su
gar, ir. and coffee.
Powder, I>. shot and caps.
Fresh Garden seeds.
He keeps a well assorted stock of Tobac¬
cos, Cigars, and snuffs.
A 1 so a full line of Stationary, consisting
of Legal cap, Foolscap ; Letter and Note
paper ; pens ; pencils ; inks ; memoran¬
dums ; blank and copy books.
One thousand and one other art’cles, too
I umerous to mention. Come and see him.
Prescriptions Carefully
Filled at all hours of the Pay
and Night.
Professional calls answer¬
ed at any time.
Just received a
fine lot of fresh
Lemons. ■
DR R J.RRID, ga.
Ponnlarity at home is not always the best
test of merit, but we point has proudly to for the itself fact
that no other medicine won
such universal approbation and in all its people, own city,
Slate, and country, among as
Ayers Sarsaparilla.
The following letter from one of our best
known Massachusetts sulierer Druggists should beef
interest to every
had ‘‘Eight tin rears attack ago of I
3 Ithcumatisin, so se¬
vere tV*t I could not move from several the bed, or
t v.: 1-Out 111o. 1 tried reme
i\ • wiiii ut much if any relief, the until I took
o.vikSA i*.\hilla, by completely use of cured, two
: v , . 1 m of v'hieii 1 was
i | >id Dirge quailUties of your Saksa
' A ami it st .1 retains its wonderful
r 1 ihiritv. The many notable cures it lias
cie i in this vicinity convince me that it
.' best b.ood medicine ever oifered to the
li. 1 . i lARRlS.”
v v cr St., BucWand, TJass., 3 iay 1 U, 1 SS 2 .
mi mm. Cv Andrews,
OV< I' m-T’ in vhe Lowell
C.’UTe ( his orporation, removal
•yvl'r I-” ’ •ts 1)1 e
/l I Hi. t.Li t ait li:iewm in its
i >us covered
surface of ins body and
. y cared l y Ayer’s
; ccrUhcate in Ayer's
,1 \ Lows 5 i, Mass.
■ . 1 it ties tor 55.
Stokely Carter
Opposite Warren Block,
Clipwing and Smoking
CIGARS rnd SNUFF always on Hand.
at Dottomprices. 111 ay 1
HI jf g~|
f’tb’A ItLU.IL D Ti*f>M JilhUDAilL' R 4 K |) kl no
Foundry »
^ * J,
DfMT > ) tTT/\ 1 ilviVO o T^Q
it 7
Just a hove Depo-; ,
Augusta, Georgia
Buy, Fell. Exchange,Rent or Repair oil
best manlier aud terms.
saw <111*1 IflTlSt
^J Hilt!
I n 1 ill^rV ^ ^
(\j L ( . ^ -■
/ ilGtl' rOOU
Have on hand a L tree Stock of
Shafts. F ilDys and H inges, upwards
of 50 Engines ami Boilers, also steam
and water pip. need prices.
Ivortin lii-eutRS
Vamiuz ’* ! * I !l » Nut
Washers. G'neiil., .seif's Files, xc,
tre" ri,t« for •••timptn* j. and
ilk ChtiriB >v 1. lie onl .1
f A HD GATfi.£ T’ . -RS
r, b poutz >^y*^rourz ./( / pDUTZ ’ \
'1 1
' G GorsfItv HI of »’.«iho. Kotsot Lung Feveb, iS
I'nw.lf i s are in 1iu me
ler.s will c ■ 1 ’*e ai i«l nrevent TT IOO CsniJtKA.
iViWifers va ill r^t-etit Gap*: S IN Fowls
iy.w>lera \\ iil increa *' the qi uanlit ty of milk
n twenty percent .’and make the butter L lirin
- c. w i, rs will cun- or prevent almost rtltuv
!|J ” li Horses end O attl* are '*** ; rr t.
s WDKRlJ Wi Lip VAX f ;tion.
60M eV'A’A’
DAVID E TQTJTZ. Proprietor
For Infants and
An instant relief for Golic of Infants,
Cures Dvsiiitery, Diarrhma, Cholera In
fantuni, or any djseasq of tiie stoinach and
W saf;
w ami I* a pleasa.R
tonic. It will soothe the restless aud oyer
come the exhausting care and long night
watches of the mother. It lias saved the
lives of many and given cheer and happi
ness to the household ; and the best Cough
! ? yr *.TJ et (>Q»fnnreii;e , 'r Sa w’ by 1 vI'rtoii
'«ny o
Sharon,J. T. W right, Raytown. 23 * 8 M
-- "
—El Wizzard cigars at W. R. Iteia’s.
Every smoker of this cigar stands a
of (Ra ting a prizi of $ 2 , 000 .
For the Democrat ]
by tub mm »
°"v?stSo<nu 0 the 4 ^ %
And its waves H.ish^d lil< u
aSsss msv* iliv.# V
Amt so 1 di 1 not
Tuat shadows could fallLs
In For , 4 Srro*F« Wac^paftHf witUAv •
were you mt vnungRH*
And were we nut blight!-,
And life was so . /
Ami And youth 1 thought was so love strong we^uBtlei g**”* * i • g«fher
so Ion '
On the brink of the eaivnj rt# r
>Vr tint life’s alas brightest ; mist, daifi mm
< *1
Ai d daik !hiw« mg oi
Ciuise Ami illi slur,low SU ig l nWftg lives,
Still 1 did not dioaffl
Taat t be river boilf-ffil
Would elasp you Sochi# d
And would silently tells Y of the
And bear you away to!
From tin' brink of the! *
On the brink of the river
And 1 linger the alone from “ life’s ’*^3' settiiMsmi ~?|jr s
So long have grown
That they span the dark stream
And illumiija.its shore
And a dear lairbarred ' maiden
is waiting I lynow
r i'o guide my tired spirit I
And welcome me o’er'
When no longer i stand in thi strange
O11 the brink of the rift . r.
-Day vNAGH.
[From Our Regular CuftosjptMdent.l
W Washing-coir kuivutaw B. n r C., isq-. I880.—
Rumors contiuue tr be sent A ut from
this city that dissections exist ill the
Cabinet, and that Davarcf [must go.
All ah ,ucn vticli rumors Illinois have nave their iiietr .founuaiion found ition
only in the fertile brains something of tlie^.'uers, iufc
who, for want of
which to build a sensation, ftiU baefi ot.
tie cabinet, which is a convenient
, 0 «.m m
to pieces. The fact is tliere )s a happy
family in and around tlye White House,
aud the -regular. Cabinet meetings are
miniature love feasts ; there tire no
dissenlions 1 all aft satisil )d ml grow
ing more so in view ot the tact that
ttie Am aeticau people, wit!-, ut;regard
to past party alliliationsre**-' 1 . iug^io
tiie ad m iff fsirat ions '‘'.-.■f.v fromail^Ltious ..
bp the endoj*emettt, .o’
'The 1 mistake of the
m,uls “’* ,io " l,i,s '»*" t,1H 8, ' ier -
t on of Mr. Keilly, ot Richmond, Va.,
°' J t of whoui there lias been a persist-eift
d. siie to make an envoy extraordinary
or minister plenipotentiary. He d ies
111- seem to lit in any place to which lie
is assume.!. The fact is, Keilly does
not represent the progress and iutelll
gence the American people. lie de¬
nounced Hie unity of Italy as lie oppo -
ed the unity of the State of the Ud ion
He has ileiloiinced our public schools
and would see LHe entire system wiped
out. He is a iion-progressonist, and
rcprtsenis but a very small Ltclioit of
our people.
Now that the question of tlie chiiT of our represeiitatRes abroad, is
being discu sed. through the refusal of
Italy and A iiH'.ria ti receive Mr. Keilly,
and-the latter nation’s refusal to ac
cept Mr. Jonas asja cans 11, it is wll
for the American people to carefully
look into this subject and see if changes
in our .-ystem could not well be 1 "made.
From our stnmlpo id. it is tbought that
ail our representatives abroad should
be fair samples of native Amerioan
progress and intelligence, ft must up
ueai p;ai si st’- angt mire to 10 G.iinany, Germ inv .yusu Vustria ia,
France, or. other European govern
ii’ei.ts. i .at of the sixty mill bus of
Aineiicau cit izens so lew are found
capable or Tie Lo represent this ^real
Republic, and it is necessary ft select
some refugee to return to his native
countrv countiy to to make make it it ani-ear appeal that that we we ate are
a nation of incapables who keep up ap
pearances through the borrowed
of tiie refuse, revolutionists, anl re
rupees fu„ees who who leave leave their ineir coun muniy ry 01
the.r country’s good. It. as r.presen*
ta.ives to foreign governments 'mere
is not ability enough among tie native
born and bred we would suggest that
the mixing process be tried-seud ar ‘
Italian to England, an Englimmaii to
Russia, a Russian to Turkey, and do
not .1,1 let it appear to .1 the nations , of p the * 1
eartli that we have to return to the n
their own to represent us.
The government author ties
oecome not " a little u,‘ V alarmed .gain h over
the1 rapid spread of cMers , . .
m spam
steps’are being taken wiprevent it
from reaching these sb .es. It is
tliouglit that tl.ere is no l:«dihood of
jM.em >t jeing * brought hron-riit her*dire-ly, here dir. lv but but the re
fear is that it may be can a to Cuba,
because of the constantii.:ercourse be
tween that island and Spa. n, anl from
spread to the United States.
The Secretary of tfce Ireasu.y has
asked Mr^ Ba/ard of the
State Department to apjoiut medical
n specters at all the Cuba consulates to
watch immigrants from Spain and to
make prompt reports ot their mo\ e
ments to lhls government, so as to i* -
v ent the introduction of the diem 1
t " , ‘ rr
bev. rat large batches oi , \ srgu ]t
postmasters have been removed dm ii ,
the week on the ground of “offensift
partisanship.” The prospect is that
there will be , one of ..... the liveliest poltti- ,
cal contests in the Old Dominion this
Till 1 that bus ever taken place it: that
State, and the administration is deter
mined to lend all tho aid that it, can
give to prevent Mahune from
to the trout again. The notion that
the President and his ndvisres are in
different with respect to the approach
ing elections in a number of States is a
miatake. They will do their utmost to
Secure Democratic success this fall in
New York, Virginia aud Ohio, at least.
The dispatch t oat Dolphin. con¬
structed by ship-builder John Roach,
is exercising to Navy Department to a
high degree. The vessel was built un¬
der the supervision of a hoard of seven
work'as d 'gross'!Una dellgluM
ship in all her details, and" 111 tho end
accepted and approved tier. Now an
other board, appointed by the Secretary
of the Navy, after numerous trials of
the boat, has condemeu her. it is not
improbable that the matter will event
ualiy be carried into an 1 settled by the
The Agricultural Department is tie
voting a good deal of time to the study
o{ Uu , |uutlts of tlw seventeen-veaV
i 0C( ,sls. whielt are infesting some see
tions to such a great extent, and do ng
much damage to fruit and other trees,
Wll V 1,118 llmi discovered for Poison
. oj . q ( . s t,,,,,,,,,, r t | l( . ul t|, rtn killim' gemu"
t .|, em outright. The opinion is
ally prevalent that they are likely to
/" 'g persons who handle them, an 1
^ -theirsting is deadly, but Frol,
.r&sxsyrssi ?srwj
j rue .
Within a week past the Irish societies
throughout the United Sia' es, concern
ed in the home-rule moveiii "it, have
awakened to great activity. T 1 -v have
p e i ve that the time Sots arrived when
at least partial jnstiei will lie done to
long-oppressed Lreland. An.enUiu i
leader of the movement, who is here <m
^rVreiiidei '' M ! l , , T^m. n .Tuieother -^^ n Ts.iVs' l sahbto'“voiir
d ,y : “ I see
not lists *t future a happy, pr-.s
v'mTliai'tlie agu!,tio.;
1(f ttM . t ,j ( -stio'i will u it cease
until that is >eeo uplisheil.”
The recent diuige by neat' lightning hat to
Hie Was ling: on 10 toil been
qo.te nearly repii ed. and the gre-tes
precHutioii is iieing t iken l" nrev -ut
anoLlirr like ocenrren "t; to the raiiown
ed cenotaph, tlioiigh the R qinlilic 111
Clerks in the Depart meats are ui bout
hone tii it w iys aud means will be
fonr.d fir p evui ing the lightning
from eventually striking them.
From t ie prose it oullook it is not
probable that any other name than that
o John*G. CiilisD will in b ought lii
fore the caucus of the Democratic
ms.nhers of the next House for nomi¬
nation for Spe, k a’. Toei'o lias Iijcu
some tal > and juessing as to who . lie
Republicans will minor with a no n'iia
tiou, and lion. .John I*. Lmg. of Mas
sachusetas. lias li-cu mentioned by no
a few. Gov. L mg is .Massachusetts’
favoiite so', m Congress, and it is alto¬
gether likely that he will com * promi¬
nently to the front next session as one
of toe leaders on the Republican sid 1.
A cyclone 3 of dismissal , struck , the , At ,
torney . General’s . 1, Oilioe and ,, 1 the n,,, Sixth c; vl i,
Auditor’s O.iioe of the Treasury Do
|, a n meat dm ing the week. aud t‘;e
whole force 01 Federal employees _ ia
Washing on has become ly al.u in -
thereat. It is said tdiat cmtng-s on
H wtll)lM: de seaie are shortly to he m 1 le
in the Interior Department, and
ulai’ty in the land Office. It is not
probable that Commissioner lontgoina
1 ! <>f Lin* Pci lout Office will in-ikn in my
changes in Ins Buret \ as 11103: of his
force are int-ch li,id 1 deal exper^ts and it is
difficult to men who can satisiac
iorily y fill such ^ positions, even after
S. ..... 13 . it.
" ___
‘‘Lemme tell y eh, Mars Bill,” „ said .
iu ol(] Ileg ,. 0 aldresstig a mm to
whom „ e ft>l . in .. rly pdouge i, “
ain - t Hke (Ja „ster be.”
“Not, eh‘f” I
, J £0 ^h, dey ain’t W;y, *.h
*! (l W1 q"-/ a ’ “ „..... ’
y,,,, ,j sal,,'
“ Fas, A l did. W’ydem wimmin,
sail, „ ,i,,, knowd ,, 1 how tei tiea. et pusson. onsson
Didn’t ketch ffem wimmin setlm’ er
rouiF doin’ nothin’, letting dar husban’
honoiv like W’ sab luster eat wid
er snak with Nervy, and
den wnen I got ter Silvy’s louse, ta’
J kere Chile d m I’d eat sho’mill. Q,«ia
llljs r-ady fur me ;
but , jfs saau.e de way ,ny pres
eut wife acts.”
“Shame it is?”
“Yas, sail, er wet-pin’ shame. W’y
slie ,d take up dat parasol o’ her’..
an . ,,’rade oil ter .mur li, 11. diffuse.! if
I didn’t liab er mowful to eat. Doan’
Jpearter know nuUd.F
^ ; ^ ' ^ ter’s ll0I ‘ atJ W)) , olllv ’
oine 1 , elU a»’ meat an’ er few
a jg S . O,da ain’t like da us;e. be,
sail.”—Arkausaw Tia v clei’
What is the Cause.
Editors, as a rule, rarely ever agree,
ami consequently are cent in tin ily a!
loggerheads. Thev *—* will take up the
s "" iret . . .....
umns, give it a thorough analyzing,
show up all the points, and if you will
take their articles an i compare them,
there will always be soinr point of dis
agreement. There, are, of course, ex
eepl ions to this as well as to all other
general rules, and wo propose to give
an instance where three Georgia editors
are unanimously of the same opinion :
The etli lor of the Southern World,
published in Atlanta, says : “[ know
the proprietors of Bradlield’s Female
Regulator, and can vouch for their
high standing in this community ]
also, from my own knowledge, can tes
tify that it is a great boon to women,
and has no superior, and every lady
ought to send for and read their 000k
on female diseases, which they mail
The editor of Hie MilledgeviRe (.’hron
jele says he considers Bradlield’s Female
« e * ,,ltttor t! ‘ e blessing ever
discovered tor sulfering women; says
he knows of six ladies in his comm uni
ty Who have been cured soun I and well
b y its use, and he would advise every
snlb r ring woman to use it.
From the editor of the Gainesville
Eagle: “I consider 1 nuliteld’s Female
Regulator the best medicine eVer com
nmmdi il -11111 nffererl f 1 to the 1 iiiiiilif 1 for
'he disease , tor which , it is recommend
ed. I am well acquainted with a lady
who never had any health until she
commenced u using using ff 1.. it It gave gave her 11 im
mediate relief, and from that time un*
til now she has enjoyed the best
health, i can say with hearty good
will, ‘God-speed Dr Bradfleld in tho
- - «• .. ......
>St?iul for our book containing valua
ble information for women. It will be
mailed free to applicants.
Tuts littADFiKLU lti-oui.AioiiCo.,
- — - -----
-p|, ( . i M . H t time yet made between
N#fw York and Liverpool s six day’s,
nil ,c hours and li.ty minutes.
T| m corner stone of Georgia’s new
w, be laid t ,e July
ol the .emgia . Jagislaluit.
Il your heard is not of a pleasing
shute, i- the defect by the us, . ,,f
Baelcinghain’s Dye for the whiskers.
■’ll 1 cannot linvn the fat of tho land
1 can taken little lean,” said a trump,
m lie rested ins should; r against a iamil
To • in 111 agers of the Allan a even
ing (I idy eevvspaoer, the Capitol, have
dotermieed Lo puotish the first issue,
.1 ,ily -I
Diii'iu ; the >;nl two vve ks I he It.iv.
m h is hum Holding
Ion at Waco, Pots, with signal sqo
In no j other blood medicine have
1 lie results of s -ieiiti io inq iry iiet* 1 so
strndily utilized as in Ayer’s Sarsapa
rilia 1
Tii nisaads of chi'dt’m are navel
1 I'iiii dis. a e and deatli ev -iy yeai li>
ilm timely use ol Shnn *r f Indt.tu \ c;
uiifnge. ijoUie. the popuiar remedy. —Only - <
01*11 ts *1
A little girl showing her lift,Ip cousin
about four years uid, a star, sud :
‘ Tout star von see up tinsrc is lugger
than tne world. ••No, it* isn’t*, n Siii I
| H . - Yes, it is.” ”Tuen wliy J (ioesu , , t
il keep the rai 1 off.”
Ch'itLiniioga shipped 25,000 emtif o'
st ra wherries during tho season ju.t
,,| ()S .,| more th in any other point in
Lhe. U.T'ou. Tne town of Gadsden, in
West'i’cnnesce, shipped nearly gJ.OO J
( .. (l
There will be only three or four con
tests for seals iu the next Con tress, a
mimIIit iiufnbGi’, the OlBi'k of tu6 If ! > u u o
says, thin has lieen known in forty
Two of the contests come Irmn
the Slat” of Ohio, and are due to lie
publican fraud and corruption.
Call a girl a chick, and she s idles ;
call a woman a lien, and she howls.
Call a young worn,in a witch, and slid
is pleased ; call an old worn in a witch,
, , is indignant. Call a girl a
and she rat her likes it; call a
worm,’, a eat, aud she’ll hate }ou.
Queer sex.-Excliaiige.
maude’.s hoses.
Alo io all day in my cabal,
With never a mortal to see,
r »*• Maude’s delicate roaes,
And she loses look at me,
j.jke her, they are fair and stately ;
Like . .. her, , they . are 1)rou( proud i and an( } sweet sweet •
A-ndi tf.eir line seems made of ber
w Wheie , trie loses n.scs and and lilies lilies meet meet.
A nd what is their subside fragnance
But the love she that bade th -m tell.
Oi tue breith siie breathed through
their petals farewell
When she lingered to say !
Ab ! roses that stayed when she van
tlmt Sml , *'*
Ah °'
How you mock at the sadness of part
ing, pissionless, prefect
With your con
Number 27.
Ho y Sh . Kept Har Age.
From the Merchant Traveler
Miss It.ttv was a remarkable - nnnf
* l,n ^ handsome looking u *m.o» or er
S 5 .*sr.........*.....*
' GiacTons rr.e. Miss it Er;- 1 .. <1 ,-. t
old ucquuiiitiMjcu, admiringly, him *M.» f
well you keep your'age.”
I hanks,” sbe r.-plied, wttir m smile.
How do you ever manage Ur do 11 C’
‘-Ub, easy enough; 1 never give it
This ia Without a Superior.
Eastman .Journal: A c‘> to iwiii ►
was ero died upon a limb i 1 .1 tail
tree. Perch d itnon another Irnb,
thirtet n feet above the snake, Wit is
squirrel, All of a Slllldoit tht> S nv*’.+
head siiot, tip into 1 lu air, ami ll«#u>
only took in the squirrel, hut s ripped
the limb, three inches in diameter, it»
two. The limit, which held a iie.,l con*
talning eleven young hawks were at
pulled oown by the snake’s male,
which was lying concealed by the foot,
of the tree.
The IV uaic House of the South.
NoVt , mI){ .,. last( Mh f ; eo . Q . ,j lb _
msou, issued an advertisement embrae
ing the initials, *’P. A. S M. A. T.II.”
offering an organ to the party wit >
ed. ^““‘d i Ik? s.dve solut the ions two were meamugs written mvolv- SLah*«l
ami placed in the respective oiliun of
the Chronicle anil Evening Ne.vs, to bo
opeued by theta Uiiliiusoa M,ty 1 vtsfled 1 SS. 3 . Ab.m.
that (kite itr. Grove-
10W| b f, xP l 'Cti ng to ret urn the follow iog
day, l»ut already 111 leeble health, ho
wa« suddenly proslratod witii wliat
proved to be a long and desperate ill—
lie ss, le--uce the delay. 1 lion sands of
:l S s J v ' t ‘ |-! * l,; ' v e f 13 ' l '*! l!olV {“ n
ot them with . the first solution, "Fur •
chasers Always Save Money at This
Hut the second solution.
"l’iccolas aud String Music and li uni
ciUileia^id^'m^ilveVto ..... thta dVy'* U ' 1
Roliaf From Catarrh.
Prof. W. F. .1 iliuson, of
tho Public Schools in Hniton, Araa.i
sis, under date of M treli 17 , writes:
1 ^
fetor from Catarrh for nearly IS y sirs,
i»oh.g a portion of the time lm-:» mci
! ; tutor! from attending to my business. ■
Tried a mtiu^or of most dmffieut phy-
1 aiciuns North and South'; spent,
#.■()). [ was partially doitf, n quantity
of tiones roseuibling IHli s ’ales
out of my iiosn .mil head, and I was at
tli time refill:efl to 70 * pounds. Ten
Lotties of 3. S. S., cm ed 1 me s.iuu I and
well, and 1 an so today. If is liitj
best blood puriildf I have ever u ted.
W. F. Joints > ,.
My wife has been suffering for swell
tong years with what the physicians
.utlled-infiamm ition of the veins. I
tried dootors Liin • and-again, with oat
deriving any lien hit, whatever.
At tho suggestion of my druggis , J.
C. Hightower, I was induced G try
S-vift’s Specific, which 111 ilu incre iili o
short tine restored her to perfect
i H ..tltli. 1 migitt say a great deal m re
.. , o p, ,
it ought to he in every house. Ii, is i
cheap doctor ; having Saved me hun¬
dreds < f dollars. C. F. Duncan,
Clayton. Ala , March 2 H, IKK'.,
Swift’s SpeciCrc is eniirely vegeta •!«.
,,, 1 reatise ,. 011 Blood ... , and , Slcin ... Diseases ,,
The Stvit r Srarnnv Co .
Drawer :! Atlanta, G 1
Atlanta Coastitutiou : Aiiusio 1 his
am made m these eoliiiniis to 1.1 ■ 11.
favorable eritiuisin provokul bv 1, m
.-I rung language of the Rev. Sam Jmies.
1 Iib Diviii^Ioii, AI.iIriuiI, in
discussing the mailer says; -if wo
were to print the Journal in the su lo
in winch Mr. Join s preae ,es .......
ibc same language, .w«t won.d,. t_ n.v,
a single res,, ctah e subscriber , , s,x
weeks.” Ine Mobile Register ev,
dently agrees with tne J 1r
cimi.ietenz"^ m i . .1 >nes 1..1; . as -uidig
timed am Umpi op-r, and cx,. ■ -s, s 1
opinion that the evangclis wind I m
cea.e his us", "in-■, l.y ”eurbnig Ins
c;»' 1 se "t cni"ces. Ni>s Uu Register ;
'Ve believe that Mi. J ones, like all o.
uiu* e'U.'mm th ■ Bildi oa‘Th' t S i »
ject of charity. “Though . speax wiU.
tiie totign s of men anl angels anl
have not ciun ity l mi ben- as
sounding brass and a tinkling sym >al. ”
Hi, J,.n ,es iim does mil not « soetk a « wil I., , l u, "
}- ,nt? "‘ ;S ol ,ulg ‘'. 8 ’ ‘ l,,d L Ju *> 1 ! ,L ‘ ,u
,i charily lie . need
HV e s > me is union n
of 1Il0r „ if he corrects the laid s w„
have noted his present reputation will
b« succeeded by one mqch more Dsn .g
a 1 " 1 .^'; a Hy increased.
As , 7 1 w ouL'to ;**•»:’f' bi'ar ^om'-'inio "1'," ‘ '
*{ .. ’ |, ' k ' oi
,'^01’. . , r . , *?
to s ;o/t do 0 R o.teu .. remain to
| ray.” Mr. Jms is a man o. t ->
in turn good sense to Im off n led be
..i’sUlU young uS'and ",s'“,i"m ,;i!
anxious to get in the right “‘in
follow it to th- < n I. A free c J
Ins methods wm 4 m him