Newspaper Page Text
Entered a) the pestoffiee »t Crswfoldviile,
Q.-mpj a. K* tN)fiil-ulniM* lull i niatfor.
Western K ansas want- to be a separate
state. Its inhabitants claim that it if the
nenrst , jiartoi ,, ,ri of the mo state tan, but the 1,10 ear) -‘I" ta 11
being hundreds of miles away, and all
the state institutions located along the
Missouri border. Western Kansas is de
of both , •
pnved . a fair representation in
state and nation,
in a remarkable way. Not many yi ars
T utro 5 the fruit was mostly " skin and seeds,
but the , newest varieties arc almost , soim
pulp with very few seeds. Possibly, ns
in the case of the banana, the seeds may
y,.t disappear altogether and the plants
propagated by cutting.
An , oflieial „ , -„ in .i the Indian f, < -
figures to show that the future million
...... .... ....... **“
ingin number at the rate of live or six
thousand a year; the lands they occupy
are increasing in value, and when only a
i"W ........and Indians remain, he
aavs it is natural to suppose they will be
' ’
neb. . . Judging . from .. the pnst if is
natural to suppose ' that the longer the
, T , .. .
Indian lives f he worse on lie Will be.
St'F.z eanalcost tie French $90,000,005
and was 120 kiloinctn lung. I’anama it
seventy-foul' kilometres and lias already
cost $12,000,000 for little more than set
ting up buildings, sanitary arrangements,
and Hucb like. A similar sum is about
to be collected, and so potent is M. de
Lcsscps , , name that xi x the .1 money will -,, doubt ,
less bo forthcoming. The projectors
preserve u demeanor of undaunted hope¬
fulness, and l<K»k upon the carrying out
of their project as a certainty.
The largest barn in the world is situa¬
ted at 1‘apilion, Neb. It covers live
acres of land, and shelters 9,750 cattle.
It is Haiti to bo the intention , , to enlarge i
this stable to accommodate 8.bill) cattle.
he object . take cattle, and .
a is to range
finish them fat ns virime beef This
great barn is . said to hnvi , a ( i)iii|ilct,o
KVStem of water works The bam is
thorougldy A ,, washed . • twice . every day. . I he
cattle arc fed Upon cooked meal. Out)
., , " fr ‘‘ 11! a) tm- in iced run
< i
to them from the tanks
Tlie Washington correspondent of
New York Tribune snyst “Three Rep¬
resentatives, EUwood, Rankin mid Hahn,
and one Senator liave died so far, niak
ing a cost of $10,000 for printing eulo¬
gies outside of the Congre$»ional Record.
In addition the eulogies delivered on
Vice-President Hendricks, of which 31,
000 copies have been ordered, will cost
$11,000. The account then stands as
follows: Four funerals, $30,000; print¬
ing eulogies, $37,000; eulogies in Con
greuional Record, $1,000; total, $18,000.
In addition the adjournments out of
respect and days devoted to eulogies
make a loss of eight days’ time. It costs
$16,000 a day to pay the expenses of
Congress. ”
As a result of the instructions sent our
consuls in Europe to gather information
lu regard , to the land troubles existing
there our reiuesentative at Copenhagen ' '
reports that beiiet .
a exists among r.uro
pean philosophers that the prairie farm
ers arc making the same mistake into
which their forefathers felt, in not culti¬
vating closely enough. It is shown bv
closely compiled statistics that eleven
barrels of flour can be grown in Den¬
mark on the same area of land that it
takes to grow live barrels on our Western
farms," The point 1 is made that thes<
farms will, in a comparatively short time,
be considerably impovcrUhcd, when it
will be difficult to compete in the mar¬
kets of the world, for ns the land deterio
rates, the on-going flood of emigration
will continue to raise the price of wheat.
Speaking of the Congo climate a re¬
turned missionary says: “From my expe¬
rience 1 do not doubt that Europeons can
live there with comparative safety and
I have lived there myself for
nearly a year, if a young nmn in good
natural health observes carefully the rules
which apply to a tropical country, being
temperate in both eating and drinking,
there is no rea- n why his health should
not be retained. Unbridled enthusiasm
leads people to all kinds of indisc etions.
If Europeans work as hard as at hoim
they must fall. Other causes, for which
persons are themselves respor 8
to tlie loss of health. 1 have known
persons to live there ncaily thru years
without sicknes Lieutenant Taunt, U.
8. N„ w one of them. There is mi
distinction as to wet and dry si asons.
Rain falls oncecverv two ev three davs,
generally in the night. The temperature
maintains an average of 85 to 90 in Vt'S
all the year round. The nights ar e
and pleasant, w/th the tciuja r. tun at
to 75 degrees. There are a few mo
toes, but they arc not troublesome. 1 ’
killed Ast explosion in a rail mill at Troy, N. T.,
inflicted one man. iujuned fatally of injured four more.
and a serious nature on
six others.
A ( ABU dispatch reports the death at
The sum of *10,00 ) was presented to the
International Typographical Union on the
last day of its joint session at Pittsburg. This
sum was the contribution of Publisher
George 4V. Gh ilds and Banker A. J. Urexoi,
of Philadelphia.
Thk extensive woolen mills of \V. E. Har
ding & Co., Stamford, Conn., $£15,000. have been to
destl '°J' & ! by fire, loss
’* HK Maine Republicans have nominated
j Th’k j R_ Itedwell.a nch granite ...erehant,
Rhode Island Legislature has re.
elei-ted l lilted States Senator Nelson Al
be woa».-.«s
organizing for armed resistance against
the ( auodiauv.
Thk Democrats of the Second Maine dis
trict have nominated es-Uovernor Oarcelon
f■ r Congres ■■. ~
ba SMftrf ^^h^ken^anU SfUgfittVi inuch’friJl'.teno^byIn e™
feet over
Thirty thousand people witnessed the run
,. r horses t'hoWert and Pacific coast;. Th •
^e. wsn, m«Wv Woodf«rd won.
*' twspaper
nl 1IlU . r inJnJ. * men were more
or hiss severely
,.‘ ferry, MK J-pughlni W. \ a., have 'ml b len Winks partially at .Martins burned;
low, $100,000.
Six passengers thro-men and three young
ladies were killed by a train’s plunging
through a trestle into the Santee river, near
St. ttt/pph n’s Station, S. The conductor
and mail agent wore badly injured.
First returns from the Oregon election
Showed a victory for the Democratic State
ticket and a close vote for Congress.
Howard Remihh, a boy of six years, shot
*»! Kdward «■“«’ ■ McManm.s, ;;■* a lanjl agent,aiiesto«l
mlmits on a charge fH*( illations of forgery to the at amount ClevcOan^ of $>>0,(M). Ohio.
Thk greater portion of Hawley Springs,
V<l, including two hotels, has been destroyed
by fire.
( Jhk*aoo Aldermen are charged with
accepting bril>es from city railroads.
,,mm:,, i,
A rossE of revenuo ollheis have nuuif a
raid in < ’umlierlaml county, I enn., capturing
throe largo illicit distilleries in full operation,
und a crowd of moonshiners.
Unofficial return* of the Oregon elec
tion from every county in the Ktuto except
tw "> B> v »i Hermann Pennoyer (liop.), (Deni.), for for Congress, Governor, 00)
majority; 1,800; McBride (liep.), for Secretary of State,
" 00 i Webb (Item.), for for Supreme Treasurer, Judge, 400; 300;
Ktruhan (Dem.),
Up McElroy Instruction, (Rep.), for 900; Siiperintcndeht Baker (Rep.), for of State Pub
Printer, 900.
Fh*d*TCICK Tunsov, a resident of. Jack
son, Minn., aged seventy-two ***ra, -*• com- —•*
Fivk men have been anested in Chicago
for setting tire to the two buildings in w hich
cight lives were los-t reooutly.
Thk Senate has confirmed the nomination
of Governor Hwinoford, of Alaska.
htuU>.i .J- HW Mim ivston trr to 1 has . prsiti resigned . as tt l in ted a i
The House Committed on Invalid Pensions
has agrc»od to report as a substitute for Sen¬
ator nniform blair’s pen-ion pension bill a bill providing for
a of $12 a month for all
soldiers and sailors who are absolutely dis¬
abled and unable to maintain themselves,
anil recognizing no distinctions of rank.
Thk President\s wife will receivo from the
estate of her grandfather, ('olontd Folsom,
who died locmtly near BufTalo, N. V., about
The Canadian fisheries trouble was under
disi u>sion at u late Cabinet meeting.
Tub President has on bis table about 250
bills, including ltM) pension bills, Cor final
Postmasters nominated by the President:
George l’n I'. Stanton at Ktoniugtoii, Conn.;
wd Lutz, iSl.'itmgten, Beim. . William R.
.lolme. Long Branel, i „ v, N. J-. Robert H.
roll, Iavloi, W lhmngton, Del.: Il ls. Martin, Jer
Tex.; Reuben Stanley, Cre-tline, Ohio;
Jacob ’.Vo-ner, Hicksville, Ohio; John ]).
Thompson, Mount Vernon, Ohio: Samuels,
I’layt >n. Ida. Ohio; Cornelius A. Gallagher,
Springfield, Clieti.>ygan. Mi>.; Mich.: Gilbert Prior R Mayo, Petaluma, North
P. Hall,
Twenty-fovh dories, contaihing forty-six
men, ai*o reportotl l»y tlie most recent infor
ination from Great Banks, Newfoundland,
weeks as ns;rav from fishing vessels for several
ami not accounted for.
A.T a papal consistory in Rome‘the Most
Rev. James Gibbons. I).I>., Archbishop of
Baltimore, and the Most Rev. Klzear Alex
“ a l r Ta-.-h,.ivau. D.D., Archbishop of
(Juelve. and others were created cardinals,
Kighteen bishops wei*e nominated.
GunSToNK s defeat or; the Irish Homo
Rule bill in the British House of Commons i
was followed by a cabinet meeting, at which
it was resolvod to recommend the dissolution j
of 1 arUflinent to the qHieeu. This means a
new election.
Renewed rioting at Belfast Ireland, on
the 8{h. resulted in a pitch d hattlo Utiuvn
tho polio and the mob. Si; ts were fired ou .
both sides, and many oflii-ers and rioters
were injured. The police linally triumpheA
Late London advices state that Queen
Yutori:i tolugni plus l to Mr. tJ lad-ton ' lior
constant tv> the dissolution of Farliaiucnt after
conf i rin ; with Borvl Hartingtou. w hom she
a>k ‘ \ whothor ho was willing to form a
minis iy Lord Hartington advisod diss -
lution. informing her Majesty that he
w ould rognrd dissolution us desirable at tilts
time should he form a government.
Lknkwkd riotmg m IV'fust, Ireland, oc
curr I on tho 10 th Taverns aud houses werd
w e > in d viivd and pillaged, mid many The police ixilicenieu tbvd
were t y in is iles.
into ' rioters with bn kshot. w ‘iirdini
mam Kventually t ie military clear*.d the
sti Tv rot v have Many homes bctni iu Finuna. Fouiuv
ro r.e. a!-o wiv ked during 1 i >t
ous istur* mocs. tho result of the 1L ?:ae
Kulo agiun .on.
i hange for Roth.
'•H.-vvr arc you. Dubbim Fl:".«h th::
Biommgf would 1 d I. like a ::t jaiufi
' '8o ami if you don t ask nn
^' r money, well both have it .*—TUI
Pic'kt.rei. shotting has become a favorite
sport at Lake Whitney, with hi$ rifle near New along Haven.
The spot tsman walks the
ben k and when a pickerel darts out from
near t shore and sD'tys an instant nea- the
surface he fires, and, if he is a good shot. kUh
lilt' lixh.
»lrs. tlsv«I»nd I>nl> Installed as Mistress
of the White House.
Tlie President’s honeymoon trip ended on
the sth, and at sundown of that day Mrs.
Grover Cleveland entere 1 the White House
1 reparations to receive her, except that the
wedding decorations ha 1 been cleared away
B n 1 the gardener had placed in the bride's
chamber and on the dining room table
hunches of , . bright . , . and , , fragrant ... flowers to .
lend sentiment to her welcome. The Rev.
Wm. N. Cleveland,Mrs. Hoyt,the President’s
sister, and Misi Hose Cleveland were at the
White House to greet “ the pair, and compoL they, with
,. o) Lamont a nd hig wife, the
Cleveland should return home that the stay
tMT» eliaie lor family 9 meeting . 1 for long time.
e a a
The homeward trip of more than mo miles
took less than seven hours, and closed quite
an eventful day. Incidents of the ietdVn
trip are given in a Washington dispatch
The process of pa-king at the Deer Park
= mg ami y.v^.e^^e wagon
13:45 the carriage was at the door
ar 'd in less than five minutes the trice
and bridegroom Mr. and Mrs. La
manager of tno Baltimore and Ohio Tele
Delaware, which was the second car of the
train.. The Baltimore brought up the rear.
The train started from the hotel station,
stopping at Ileer Park. The people had
gathered in full force on the platform to
shake hands w ith the President and his wife.
John Graham was brought up as tlie repre
sentative citizen and introduced us the
Mayor. Mayor, indeed. I know how that is.
T was on e mayor myself,’ Grahams said hand. the Chief
Magistrate, os he took
js*- .s asm &
S( ,ni.*wiiat (iifiident young the indy did hot seem
j n( .]i lie a to reach up to Mrs. platform where
Mi s. Clevelairl stood. Cleveland there
foro stepped down two 12:59 steps the to reach the
ba-hful one’s hand. At train moved
off and Deer Park had lost its greatest at
traction and sensation.
The train next stopped at Piedmont. Ex
A girl less than live years old was handed
over t |, e heads of the crowd, and she handed
a bouquet to Mrs. Cleveland as the train
moved away. Keyser w as reached at 2 o'clock
and here another crowd largely composed of
women surrounded the Cleveland car. Here
n ] S(J a c hild was passed up the rearplatform
with a bunch of flowers for Mrs. Cleveland,
The Brosidout greeted the frightened young
KteI . with:
~‘-Ixiok up, little one, don’t bo afraid.”
'Just as the train began to get grabbed under head
wav an excited man eageriy the
President by the hand and said:
“I am Sheriff of the county, but I d'
eT ' >llow f
% on,” Cumlierlund was the laughing trucks respoi.
At the were lined wi%,
people, but no stop was made. The Pre,i
dent stood on the rear platform with un
covered head, and bowed while the crowd
cheered and waved Hags. At Martinsburg,
passed, the largest place through people which the train
unly a few were at the depot,
•the run from Martinsburg to Harpers Ferry,
nineteen miles, was made in twenty
minutes. There was no greeting at this
pojn^ An hour later the train reached
W hen the train reached the K street cross
ing, out near the suburbs, some distance
from the main depot, a targe crowd, many
in carriage*, glimpse hail gathered in hopes of
catching a of the President, ami his
brine. But they were disappointed, as the
train merely then slackened speed at the cross
ing ml continued slowly into
tln« eeatral Baltimore and Ohio depot. Here
perhaps 400 or 500 people, more fortunate
than those at the K street crossing, awaited
outside the the de; ot the arrival of the President,
When traiu came ro a stop, the President
was the first of the quartette in the rear ear
to alight.
Mrs. Cleveland followed, and assisted by
tlie President, stepped nimbly from the
car. Colonel Lamont and Mrs. I*amont
came the tripping walked along a briskly few seconds later
and depot party the front of the out building, through
the to
where tho President’s seal browns and
his carriage with the coachman were wait
ing. It took only n few seconds for the four
to enter the carriage, and they were off for
the White House—home after an absence of
six days.
Gladstone is said to be looking very
worn and ill.
King George, of Greece, is arranging to
make a tour abroad.
John Bright’s oratory ' is still the delight °
„n .i,,.inhi-i i -es
lw’mc senator CV^stthi' n,- xv an l wife will g cote the
Miss Rose Cleveland lias a novel in
press entitled, “The Long Row.”
Lucy Larcom, whose poetry is widely
c I’ ied, om e worked in a cotton mill.
The Rev. llr. Sunderl ind’s fee at tho
Pi'csident’s wedding was a crisp $103 bill.
Ex President Arthur received a pack- i
age of I rest lent C.evelam. s wedding cake.
The richest man in Alabama is H. F. de
Boiaielebiue. He lives at Birmingham, and
is worth at) u $5,000,003.
Governor A3BETT, of New Jersey, has
just taken out a intent tor a new device to
regulate and enrich illuminatiug g*vs.
Thk great monument to Victor Emanuel j
'Piirin, costing y200,000 f h is lx?eu erertei
^, v Ki U <r Humbert entirAy at his own ex
{x»n>e. will attend the Grand i
Gknkral Sherman
.\rinv mooting in San Francis:*o in August.
au d on his return will take up his residence !
in Now York.
Seven hundred 1 allies have 1-eeu named
a ter Cleveland sin e he tie. aim* President,
and t-lioir photog’*anhs till three drawers in a
"White House cabinet.
Paste ribs theory revived a severe
strain in tde death from tiydrophobia. been treated Ol bv a
Roumrnian farmer who h i i
th ■ do ‘tor un or the most favorable circui^
st*n? s. The n an was bitten by a rabid dog,
and fourteen davs thereafter was in Pas*
t ‘ur s hau ls, * y ev ortho loss, hydrophob La
eanried him off.
Sun vt 'H Leland Stan ro an is a man of
i-ortlv Irame, with a large, . hair-, well-shapxl slightlv
Inal.'covered chestnut .
with moustache almost
rav His lie vrd and are pointed
white He has a s'eai'-ht nose and
hu-iiv eyebrows, wh h overhms; ••wrn «»
gray oros. He di-ess. s iu bkiek. and displays
an oxj.'aiisive area of bneu.
FexrY GeoROB, tbe political ol4 aud OCODO* about
N jortv-seven years
{c , t ^ inches i n height
l r Alii A X hi SO DEPOSED.
Uls Uncle. Prince IJntpoM, AH«nmc» ilie
Kegmcr Over the Kingdom.
The physicians appointed to examine the
mental condition of King Ludwig, of Bara
r ia have reported that his malady incapaci
Luitpold, uncle to the King, has issued a
proclamation, countersigned by the Mims
ters, in which he assumes the regency an l
summons the Bavarian Diet to meet on the
Count Holstein, who wis instructed bv
the Ministry to wa t upon the King anl
ask him ta authorise the appointment
of a Regency of Cmmvil, was arrested by
order the King when he entered
** Castle of Hohenschwangau. The
King also gave orders that ,a guard of gen
Count Holstein and to surrender the Jot
the State Commission.
from Munich, the Bavarian
d^itil, s*ys- 1 Tuere is great excitement in
Suon^f King TSfwfg, who* in sp.te of
Ration ^ ^
interests of the country suffered to
Any appreciable extent. In fact, so long as
the price of beer was kept at the normal
2£ bleS IntC rate l or Xvarian° threul
the 10th of March WH1.
started in Paris that the Kings Wagner's madness
comes from an over-enjoyment of
music, which His Majesty They was the attribute first toap- his
predate itfirital in Europe, and iiis bankruptcy, rather to too
calamity the and
gr at a fon iners for manners cist >ms
of the time of “La Grande Monarque.” built His
new Gothic castle of Srhwanstein,
ou the Bavarian Alps, cost him only a fr ic
tioa of the vast sums he has scent in attempt¬
ing to carryout n,"his on the Horrea Inseln, in
J,a':e Chie imitations of Versailles and
t'no Trianon. His expen litures for liis new
chateau on thaCh'emsee have bsoa fabulous.
A gigantic (‘handeiier cost him $100,00 ), a
bsd more than a million of francs, and a
single covering in Chinese embroidery some
hundreds of thousands of francs.
Within a short light tirna the depose dinner, 1 King in- i
vited a corps of horse to an
j)y t on his uniform as its Colonel. He pro
po^cd the mens hoalth in a speoch, did
ziv sar^sr^'tse
form a new Ministry. He once let;an official
dinner in Nuremberg wait while he called on
the Burgenmeister, at a village some miles
Twd years ago his un do. Prince Luitpold,
pai l out a sum of ^750,003 t) satisfy the
i»yal creditors. Siuee then, however, the
King has made further debts to the amount
of $+,000,0J0 or $5,033,00). Very of re the -eutly \Vit- a
family council of the members
telsbaeh family was held at the house of Priuce
tpold, the head of the house, when the
dute necessity of a lvgm -y was decided
Prince Luitpold's eldest son, Prince
resumotiveto the Bava
’ f U«
brother, —... - - Prince . SW1/J1L. Otto, born XI.U& in .LIU 1848, iWlg
f -«i is incapa-itated for the success sion.
K. ig Ludwig's civil list has been $1,500,000
FlR ? T T ,Rl “ y ^butter sells in Minnesota
“t , sixteen et s P° '
A of oats eight feet three inches . , m
height is displayed at \V inter, LaL
Crystaxiuzed violets at $(i a pound are
the very latest things in confectionery,
“Azov” wheat, splendidly recently imported Manitoba. from
Russia,, is doing in
t . W ??- D f N dish manufactory Sian
eelona, Mith., a car load ot dis e, a
A * Mbthodist missionary has been ap
pointed chief physician of the Chinese
More than 45,000,0 )0 persons have passe 1
over the Brooklyn bridge since it was op-eiiod
to travel.
A Nebraska, swarm of bees attacked a freight train
jn and it was fully an hour before
the etnrineer ° could proceed
These are liJ.OJt) ; , bicycle . riders ., in • r, Great
Britain, 50,(DO on the continent of Lurope,
and 7,500 in the l n:ted states.
Millions of small jelly fish are being east
upon the California coast. Why so many
appear at this time is a mystiry.
New York was astonished recently Norway, by tho
arrival of a cargo of i e from The
article is sometimes taken from Maine to
India. Less than thirty years ago ice from
Alaska was retailed in Sacramento,
Mrs. Margaret Arnold, of New Hol
land. Ohio, is 109 years old. Her youugest
son. with whom she liver, is a sprightly
young man of seventy-two. She has two
sisters living in Iowa, one of whom is 196 and
the other 113 years old.
The Gorgeous Masher and the Simple
Village Maid.
I -z & -A‘
& *
fea"- 11
mg L 1
• L J ’•F
“Phoebe. T love but the? a’ou?:*'
Thus sighed the tend r youth.
“Oh, hear ire. th n. my jiassion o'vn.
With trembling lips ;tnd earnest tone;
Indeed I speak the riu.b."
He paused. The blush o'erspread ha»
She let him draw her lira*'.
Scarce for emotion could she speak,
Yet she did a^k. in accents meek.
“How much have you a year:" Jill.
—Jack and
No. 810 Ero.ul St., AUGSTA, GA.
Miw liw
We are prepared to show a line of SPRING and SUMMER MILLIMERY’ in great
variety and at lower prices than ever before.
GATS, bonnets, feathers, flowers, LACES,
IH-FAKniNI active and tut m'iik
is in successful operation, in vouir orders.early for
1 - J ■ Kespectlully, ML 8. A LLl M CLARK.
White Plains, Ga >; Felnaary 9th, 1880
Sttiwta liiiii I jf%
All farmers he study their interest
buy the best goods for the
least money.
Dissolved Bone
E$ ^Stmid at the head oi the list.
deliveredl at
W. G--
2iv<Cerid.e^. ? Cona.,
H, H. PdCS l CO'S,. Solid Comfort Buckboards and Spindle Wagons, single and do# sealed
V }
t-- A
Riding qualities unsurpassed. No jar to the feet. Durable and stylish. Prices reason
able. Shipments singly or by carload to all parts of the United States.
Responsible Agent wanted in every town. Send for Price List and descriptive Catalogue.
Correspond puce earnestly solicited. Agent for 'our Wagons, will have his with advertise,
N. H. Every person acting as leading of the county town name where Agent resides,
nieut of Wagons months. advertised in the paper or
gratis for six
P. M. PARRY. JY-s'. T. H. PARRY, Sees,
Tiic Only Successful and Perfect Planter, sired from quantity
made to Plant both Cot- I quart
^ton nod L'- rn. t- to '! lye; he is to
NO SPRINGS. \g II file aero,'
NOT COMPLICATED. 1 f&O' M They arc Cheap com¬
pared with other Plan¬
Any body can it. manage fcn iiJTL ters.
and run
Flants Colton Seed as it \ DON'T buy until you
Comes from the Gin. ,.is= i 'A—- this Machine,
The Georgia Chemical Works
m I k Lc s rn-md y $ jpMf v
above standard brands. They are so well and favorably known that it is unnecessa
ry to sav anything in regard to them.
Call on MU. J. W. ROBER TS, at Crawfordville, and MESSRS. YOUNG & KEY
NOLDS at Greenesboro, or address me at W HITE PLAINS further information.
Feb. J5, 1SSG. Respectfully, H., TAPPAF*
Goowin’s Cocoa-Nut Oil Cream.
It keeps your liair from falling out. It promotes the growth,
prevents dan ruff, keeps the scalp clean, makes the hair and
-x A whiskers glossy v. restores hair to its natural color, and will grow
k.r.r on bald heads.
Sample Hotti.e 33 Cents. Regular Size 50 Cents.
ItA J. II. GOODWIN, Proprietor,
v Western Laboratory, Cincinnati,Ohio.
m > T *
RSKSri Tronbles. andSpiu&iDiseases. Pamphlet free. Dr. I. S. Johnson Sc Co., Bost Xl&es.
Diarrhoea, Ki-iney on,
* These pi ills were a wonderful discovery. others like them in the world. positively cure or
tafiHEHESSLAY* manner of disease. The information around each box is worth ten times tho cost of a box of
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