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1 Vi 4
The following firms and business houses have placed their cards in this directory
for the purpose of showing the public where patrons can be accommodated by their
services in their respective lines of business. We recommend the following names
to the public as reliable dealers, and they will all serve you at shoqb notice.
*1% 1>1 TRS. M. A. ASKIN.
Dealer in
All Millinery, Neckwear, Notions, etc.
Dress-making ta order.
Dealer in
Millinery and Fancy Goods.
Stove House
"yyALTON P. HARRIS, Agent.
Has now established a regular Stove
House and Stove repair shop, Prices
and work competing with any city. Nine
years’ experience in this business. Will
repair and refit any kind of Stoves at
low prices,
Drugs and Medicines
R. J. REID, Practicing Physician,
Dealer in Patent Medicines, Drugs,
of all kinds, Books, Pens, Pencils and
all fancy Stationery.
Watch-maker and Jeweler.
Watch, Jewelery and Gen. Repair Shop.
Watches and Jewelry always on hand;
Attorney at Law.
Practices in this and the adjoining
counties. Office over S. Stewart’s store.
-ttt YV o. mitchell,
. Attorney at Law.
“moth** * aU-Jlie courts.
S. Stewart’s store.
J. w. mxoN, Law.
Attorney at
Office in the Mitchell Building.
Attorney at Law.
Practices in all the courts. Collections
prompt remittances a specialty.
Practicing Physicians
Offers his services in the general prac¬
tice of Medicine and Surgery.
jyt. L. A. STEPHENS,
Practicing Physician. Will be pleased
to serve all. Office in Gee building.
Work Shops.
E . H. OGLETREE, Dealer in
Manufacturer and
Wagons and Buggies. Blacksmlthing
and General Repair Work.
Cabinet Work, Fancy Turning, and
Stairbuilding. Gin and Mill Gearing a
yj T. N. CHAPMAN, Dealer in
Manufacturer and
Buggies, Wagons and Harness. Black
smithing and Repairing a specialty.
General Black smithing and Repair
Shop. Work Guaranteed.
General Merchandise.
Dry Goods, Clothing, Notions. Groceries
and Furnishing Goods.
-yy. c. BRISTOW,
Fancy Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries
and everything in a general store.
—s ,
Dry Goods, Groceries and General Mei
chandise. Terms cash.
Dry Goods, Groceries, Notions and
General Merchandise.
Dry Goods, Groceries, and General
•yyALTON P. HARRIS, Agent,
Will not be undersold in Dry Goods,
Notions and General Merchandise.
J. E. Darden, Proprietor.
Good Fare. Terms $2. per day.
Contractor and Builder.
Good worK at short notice.
jpv K. BOONE,
Contractor and Builder.
Good work and at low rates.
Contractor and Builder.
Good Work Guaranteed.
A Liver Medicine for dis¬
eases of the Liver, Malarial
Diseases, Dyspepsia^ Consti
nation, 1 ’ c i?k and "Nervous
Sour Stomach, Heartburn,
A idirei n Taliaferro County.
CrawfordvIlla, Ga. Feb. 3rd, 1880.
Mess. O. Barrett & Go:
This is to certify that my son
was greatly afflicted with Dyspep¬
sia, and after trying several physi¬
cians and everything I knew of
without any relief, I was persuad¬
ed by Dr. Reid to try II. II. P.
After using one bottle, I saw quite
an improvement in his condition.
Being so much gratified with this
result, the use was continued.
After using one-lialf dozen bottles
he gained thirty or forty pounds
in weight, and was entirely restor¬
ed to health. 1 fully believe it
saved my son’s life, and I cheer¬
fully recommend it to those suffer¬
ing with Liver Complaint, Malaria,
and Dyspepsia.
G Barrett & Co •’
Wanted! The World’s Wonders,
The most successful subscription book
selling throe times as fast now as ever
$?5°E of
; like it was ever known in the history
; b0< * publishing. Proofs sent free on
application. No experience needed to
injure success. We help persons without
means to do a large burinsss; no capital
guaranteed toViMii'TwinYo commission. We not wisii bust- to
canvass on mean
j terms a and j t d Jmccw^you full descriptions noVhinVt^write'for of plans
standard'^boolrato pSsonf Write &K for list
| names of book agents. our
of free standard books
U^ffThird G
4 Street, St. LouLs, Mo.
Devoted to the Interest of. Taliaferro County, the People and General Sews.
Written for the Democrat. I
oaiu \ m v.
menjf ; r
They say, they are gallent young
Ladies like to claim fuch as friends.*
Now what is a gallant young man ? t
Some people explain on this plan. •/
Most models of gallant young men
Claim certain of the fair sex as frie
They’re ever devising some plan
To make those few a happy band. «Jj m | •
Is gallantry attention to It
Ladies, hut oft times very few?
The word we do not construe, I
It does not mean a part eschew.
To gallantry and motives sincere, ■ l
Young men without fail should adh^:
If to all pleasant they’d appear, v
They must have courage not fear. J
„ , , ,
She sighs, “Cruel Death.” what a theft!
Who’s now my stay? She answers ‘self..
Her living to make she intends,
And will not depend upon friends,
All persons that spin t commends,
Though by action you’d think some con
Where now are the gallant young men?
A heroine would expect friends—
Thinking to number them by tens,
From a band wnich her course com¬
Though society claims no caste, }
That orphan by gallants are passed * t
With a bow, not offering to grasp
Ilev hand—his look causes a blast.
Those gallants are noble young men, J
All that’s laudable they’d commend, ; ‘®
They do not think who most heed friends.
Tlie orphan, eur God says, befriend, ,,
A Big Convention Held at Nor¬
wood Last Week.
The Sabbath School Convention for
the Norwood circuit was held on Tues
day 20th of July at Norwood, and vas
opened by Rev, James M. Armstrong,
loading the 53 d chapter of Isaiah, fo‘
lowed by the congregation sin
“All Hail the Ptwer of Jesns N
after whicj a bt-Ttiful
Smith, of W*it?c-htdfj. The l/wu,
tion then elected A. M., Massengalt?,
of Norwood, secretary, and E. T.
Moore, of Raytown, assistant secreta¬
ry. A call was then made for the
delegates representing the different
Schools on this circuit anil was re¬
sponded to by six delegations as fol¬
Delegates representing Norwood: J.
C. Evans, E. II. Williamson, Jas. A.
Ilondurant, Edgar Scruggs, B L.
Smith, Mrs. T. M. Parham, Mrs.
Anna Lowe, Misses Annie L. Scruggs,
Joe Heath, Mary Hall.
From Prospect: W. W. Swain, B.
A. Johnson, W. S. Hill, Misses Carrie
Cheely, Mattie Swain, Alice Johnson.
From Ebenezer: F. M. Harrison, J.
T. Gresham, Elly Byrd, Misses Hattie
Wright, Emma Jackson,Annie Ilill.
From Macedonia and Masena; S J.
Pate, C. A. Reese, J. S. Mandville,
William Johnson, Mrs. J. G. Mande
ville, Misses Fannie Johnson, Dora L.
Smith, Georgia Smith, F. F. Reese.
From Barnett: J. I. Harris, Dr. M.
H. Thomas, Eddie Elliott, Henry
Fielding, Mrs. M. H. Thomas, Misses
Jessie Hubert, Cornelia Harris.
From ltaytown: W. B. Barnet. Ezra
Reviere, E. T. Moore, Misses Demar
ius Moore, Fannie Evans, Alice Re¬
viere, Ella Triplet.
After enrolling the names of delgates
a resolntson was offered by the Ray¬
town S. S. as follows .
Resolved —That S. S. superintendents
local preachers and exhorters shall be
members of this Convention. Adopted.
A resolution was offered by tlie
Norwood School as follows:
Resolved— That all ministers of the
gospel present without respect to de¬
nomination be invited to seats with us
and also that the privileges and cour¬
tesies of the convention be extended to
them. Adopted
Also a resolution was offered by the
Ebenezer School as follows: ]
itotad-That present te
j 0D g lU! , to other Schools without re
spect to denomination lie invited to
seats with us and that the privileges
auu courte sies of this convention be | j
extended them. Adopted. 4 , .
After a song by the Norwood School :
there was an address of welcome tjr T. :
j? Massengale, followed by another ’
song by the Norwood S. S., No. 401 in
Prayer and Praise; after which came 1
reports from the Sabbath .Schools as
follow’s: i
ebenezer Sunday school.
We report 60 names oa our roll, com
mencing with 24 in" January. Since
then it has increosed' steadily all the
while; average attendance 25 to 30;
some improvement in interest. We
use our own literature and find it very
instructive and clear as to oar doc¬
trine. We have a variety of song
books of old and new music. We feel
somewhat encouraged iu our S. S.
work, while it is not near what w r e
desire it to be. There is a great room
for improvement and a wide field for
woik and doing*good. We feel that
we are not doing as much good as we
ougtit. We have had no conversions
i>> our School this y,ear but we trust
6orfte mteresfc has bten awakened
in that direction. Behavior is good
and we urge our School to always re
,lave bufc few m our community left
out of Sabbath School, only two young
men anil one married man. We are
encouraged to believe they will
join ere long. We encourage our
School to talk whenever we can; wo
give short lectures occasionally; we
are glad to say that we believe a good¬
ly number of our School are always
glad when the time comes to go out to
the house of God, either to preaching
or to Sabbatli School. Upon the
whole we.lrust that we are going on,
as we *«-e ta light in tho Scriptures, to
perfection, there being no stopping
place in a religious life and a Sabbath
School is prosperous for good only so
far as it is religious, and a Sabbath
School conducted upon any other prin¬
ciple is a fafluro, and wo believe will
do harm rather than good. Let us all
pledge ourselves as a baud of Sabbath
School workers to increase our efiorts
in this great work; every one can do
something, us pray much and
work as we pray and by the grace of
God get to Heavon and onrry every¬
body with us. Respectfully submit¬
’ Sup’t.
ted, P. M. Hill,
• Organized March 21st, 1880. Num¬
ber of officers 3; of teachers 5; names
enrolled 79; number of catechims 50;
•/Mig bisvks, entitletl Melodies of
wels, 6; of New Life, 2; of Tlie Gem
®; (it Prayer and Ptaise, 18; of New
Life No. 2, 18. Average attendance
of members, 60.
Number of names enrolled 100; of
teachers 9 We use our own litera¬
ture; no conversions; number of deaths
2; contributions raised for Sabbath
School purposes $5.00. Our School is
progressing. J. F. .McCarthy, Supt.
C. A. Reese, Secty.
Wo use our own literature from
Nashville. Duortolies Intermediate
16 copies, Lesson papers, 20 copies,
Onr Little People, 4 copies, -Song
books 14, Joy and Gladness. We have
adopted our regular order of service
for our School which works well.
Number of teachers, 5; officers, 7.
Our School has been running si ice 1st
of April. It went into winter (limi¬
ters last winter for tlie first time I
have ever known it, but it lias revived
and I trust will never go into wi nter
quarters any more, 1 think it will
press forward now, the church 1ms
shown a stronger interest in it.
Jas. R. Harris, Supt.
Average attendance about 30, No.
of volumes in Library 250; scholars in
School, 60; sessions 48. We do not go
into winter quarters.
W. II. Pilcher, Supt.
W. W. Swain, Secty.
Number of scholars enrolled. 116;
average attendace 75. We have a full
quota of books on hand to supply all
demands. We use international les
sons and catechisms, published by I).
C, Cook, Chicago. One death in our
School. The School is in flourishing
condition, and much interest is nmni
fested. W. If. Cooper, Supt.
After songs by th e various Schools
at 11:15, Dr. Thomas intioduced the
Ilev. A. M. This,.™, or Hal,cook »l,o
as orator of the day addressee tne
Convention for nearly au hour in a
fine logical speech that made a goou
impression, after which the congrega
tion . sang, ‘ O, vvhdt a gatnenn^ Hmi
will be,” and after the melody had
ceased arid died away the Presiueut of
the Convention aro3e and adjourned
the meeting till 2:30 o’clock, p. rn.
Tlie afternoon exercises open :d with
songs by the various Schools, then Miss
Lester, of Augusta, representing tne
Prospect School, recited “ rtie Lost
and the Saved” in a manner that
Term»: $1.50, In AOvanoe.
ited much favorable comment, and
this was followed by a song from Pros¬
pect School. Song by Baytown School.
Dr. Thomas, of Barnett,‘then enter¬
tained the Convention for half an
hour in a speech of much force that
took well w'ith the people and this was
followed with a song.
Col. J. D. Pilcher, representing the
Norwood School, came forward and in
one of his happiest elforta made the
best speech of his life.
Then under the head of miscellan¬
eous business, Bro. E. T. Moore nom
icated and elected Secretary tor cne
year, and Bro, J. C. Evans assistant
secretary, Then a series of resolutions
was passed as follows:
Resolved —That the preacher in charge
shall from this date ce the president of
S. S. Con volition of the Norwood Circuit $
2nd. That the the like of t his Conven.
tion he tendered to the president, secreta¬
ry and assistant secretary for faithful
performance of their duties.
By the Prospect S. S.
3rd. That the thanks of this Conven¬
tion is hereby tendered Bov A M Thigpen
for his admirable address on this occasion.
By Raytown S. 8.
4th. That the thanks of the Convention
be tendered the citizens of Norwood and
Vicinity for the sumptuous things provid¬
ed for the inner man and that we will
cherish hospitalities with of recollections this Convention. tho unfunded
By the Mocodonia S 8.
5th. That the Convention having learn¬
ed of the death of Rev W B Arnold, wo
hereby tender our heartfelt sympathies to
cur pastor, M W Arnold in his bereave¬
ment and will ever remember him and
his at a throne of grace.
l!y the Convention.
flth. That the next S S Convention be
held at Raytown, tl the e time Convention. to be appointed
by the President of By Convention.
7th. That Dr A C Davidson, l)r M 11
Thomas and Dr W If Pilcher be tho Sun¬
day School lecturers for this circuit.
By tlie Convention,
8th. That tlie Secretary of tills Conven¬
tion be furnished a hook to record the
proceedings of the Convention. By Convention
9th. That tlie proceedings of this Con¬
vention be. published in the Warrenton
Clipper and The Crawfoudvillis Dem¬
ur at. By Barnett S. S.
Old people suffer much from disorders
of tlie urinary organs, and are alwiiys
gratified at tile wonderful oSects of Dr.
.1- H. McLean’s Liver and Kidney Balm
in itani siting theit troubles fl -00 per bot
‘ "' our T* ' ' " -
Atlanta, June 12,1886.
It is onr firm belief that B. B. B. is
tho best Blood Purifier on the tlie
market. We are selling four or five
bottles of it to one of any other pre¬
paration of tlie kind. It has failed in
no instance to give entire satisfaction.
Merit is the secret. W. P. Smith &
Co., Druggist.
When you are constipated, with toss
of appetite, headache, take one of Dr. .1.
II. McLean’s Little Liver and Kidney
Billets- Tliov are pleasant to take and
will cure you. 25cents a vial -
St Mary’s Oil is a god send to tlie ba¬
ton as it will cure all pain of every des¬
cription, both internal and external. Tills
Oil ts a family doctor- Its merits are un
oxualted. Sold by all dealers in medi
ciens. Sample bottle 25 cents; full size
50 cents and dollar, a suie cure for rheu¬
matism, All that Is asked is a trial.
.1. 11. Goodwill, I’roprletlor, (50 West
Fourth Street, Cincinnati Ohio,
A Generous Proposition.
We are credibly informed ttiat tho
«»- “?“*• "‘;r»
to cure any of tiio following complaints
for one-third the money and in one
half the tune required by any known
remedy on earth. Tho diseases em
. brace all n forms of . ,r . .
Scrofulous Ulcers and Tumors, all
stages of Blood Poison. Rheumatism,
Catarrh, Skin Diseases and Humors,
Kidney Agections, Chronic Female
Complaints, Eczema etc. Men J to
them for a book fille d witli tlie most
wonderful cases on record, mailed free
to any address.
S I For Fifty Years the great Remedy for s
s Blood Poison Skin Diseases. S
S For~50 TRAOt V'-r-.'n -c m c/i --y •yyvw It S
Y ears. Fails!
• -a s
s . Skin Diseases
Interesting Treatise on Blood and
S mailed free to all who apply. It should be S
carefully read by everybody. Address
NO. 30
Georgia Railroad Co,
Stone Mountain Route.
AUGUSTA.GA. Apr. 17th fsse. t
1 /COMMENCING the following SUNDAY, scedule April, 18tH
j passenger will
he operated : 90th meridian
Trains run by time, 82
minutes slower that! Augusta time.
No. l—W est— Daily.
Leave Augusta 10;50 ft m
“ Macon 7:1P am
Milled gmilld 9 13 a m
Washington Crawfordvllle 11 20 a m
Aritve i ■ i . 1 20
, “ Athens A? 6 20
“ “ Gainesville Atlanta H 2ft p
ft 40 p m
N*>, 2—Mast—Daily
l,cavo Atlanta , .j. . •r, • 8 oo a ra
“ Gainesville 5 55 a in
* .
*• Athens 9 oo a m
“ CrawforiJvMle 12 42 p m
Arrive Washington 2 20 p in
“ Macon Milledgev'ille 4 49 P rn
“ 'imp m
“ Augusta 3 35 p m
3 .....
Lv. Augusta 9:40.p miLv. Atlanta
Ar. Lv. Or’f’v’ll Atlanta <>:40 1 15|plm auiuAr. Ar.C’f’dv’ll Augusta5:00 1:09 a in
a ui
No. Fast Line-
Leave Augusta . . 7 40 am
Arrlva Crawfordville 9 41 am
“ Athens , , . vl 35 an!
Gainesville , 9 25 pm
“ Atlanta • 1 CO pm
No 28 —East—Daily.
Leave Atlanta 2 45 p m
“ Gainesville 5 55 a m;
Arrive Athens 7 40 pml
“ Crawfordville 6 08 pm
“ Augusta 8 15 p ni
Train No 27aml 28 will stop ntnml receivo
pasdngers Grovetown. to ami from the following p »ints
only: Thomson, Harlem, Ciawfofdvllle, Hearing,■
Union Norwood,
Point, Greenesboro, Madison, Rut¬
ledge, Social Circle, Covington, Cynyers,
UiUiouia, The Stone Mountain and Decatur.
East Line lias Through Sleeper
from Atlanta to Charleston
Gen. Passenger Agt, GiSl'l. Manager,
Joe \V. White,
Uen’e. Traveling Passonger Agont
Home Council.
tention We take to pleasure remedy hi calling'you: 'siUlimg -he r oiled atten.
a in
carry lug children safely tlnifHiglt the crltj
civl stage of teething, an incalcula¬
ble blessing to mother and child. If you
are ilisfciu-lied at nigtyt with a sick, fretful,
teething child, use
'give iijstant re**-*
nrrv o'abmiNA'I^E colic infnnts. It is will nn promoto
relief fur of th«
digestion, give tone and energy to
stomach and bowels. The sick, the puny, fat I,
sintering child will soon become
ai’d frollclng Joy cf the household. It Is
very pieftsunt to the taste and only J- REID costs
25c. per STEPHENS bottle. Sold bv ltAMMA I)r, R. K, Ciaw
and & OV.ERTGN
ordvill e, Ga., and GEO. W.
liarou, Ga.
y j
Since I opened last September for strict¬
ly cash, my trade lias increased and my
customers seem to wear a pleasant siniiti
on their faces over the great bargains re¬
ceived by their thoughtfulness of saving
as;sa So, in issstSrss^J^S accordance with tlie above
fact as cucmirngement, 1 again invite my
y (11 n „,j H!l ye trouble and extra
charges. 1 have on hand a handsome lot
of dry goods, boots, shoes, hats groceries,
p lass-ware - and everything that can liu
found in a general store which 1 will sell
low down for the cash.
who would pass safely without danger
through great trial of motherhood,
sent free. Also, “Men’s Diseases.”
men only. Add ress, Dr. STA1N
BACK WILSON, Atlanta, Ga.