Crawfordville democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1881-1893, August 06, 1886, Image 8
Money! Money! Important * to the People, 1 have perfected arrangements to ncgo tiate loans on improved faims in r«.aft< i to as low (if not lower) rates than those a any other agen 1 meaD lust what I . say. Call and learn my terms before inak lug applications elsewhere. May 10, 1880. M.ANDItEWS. MONEY TO LOAN. lam prepared to make loans on improv¬ ed farms in Taliaferro county at a cheap ,.1 ra te of interest than any one. You can repay the amount at any time. Call on me, J. W. IIIKON. FOUTZ’S powders morse and cattle GkSSttM** ™J 2 * mJS • FOUTZ Ho Hobs* will file of Colic, flora or Lung Vh wma jf Kontt’8 Powdcm lire used In tinu*. JSaSSm Foutz’s Powders will Jn«rea«« ti»<; quantity butter of nillk firm twenty per cent., and make the ^FfWtz sVowder* HorwfS will enre and or < prevent nlrnost rvury IL hr A ak to Which ION. FoVT/n Fowid R8 WILL OIVU hAHUFAOi Bold everywhere. PAVID E. POUTS, Proprietor. BALTMOiLE, MD. FOIt 8A I, K 11Y TJTTUS RICHARDS. Thin paper k kept on die at the office of YE SON I.DVERTISING kGENTS wanmoiM TfflS! P mcuhi*. {tniUTBKSSSRIffSKSFKE SOU'S MANUAL t-gU'lfER & LOST POWER AND SEXUAL WEAKNESS, however induced, not only relieved but 1 ’kkmani ntly cciu.n without medicine^ IT COSTS NOTHING to send for particulars, which we will forward free in sealed envelope opportunity. on appli¬ cation. Don’t miss this Address .U. E. A. (Jo., 1*07 Broad¬ way, New York City. AND MBkjs | tvetwhsto o WKECENTLY IMPROVED.^ Up a 3=1. ;■ ! > 1 r s v, » : Light Running & Noiseless Not dangerous to health like the Henyy Runulng Shuttle Machines. Send lor circular and price-list. AgentsWanted. AUimasH; Wheeler & W ilsou M’f. Co. Atlanta, Ge orgia BIRMINGHAM, ALA. MACHINERY.' ENGINES Steam&Water BOILERS Pips & Fitting SAWMILLS Brass Valves 6RIST MILLS SAWS Cotton Presses F 8 LES SHAFTING INJECTORS PULLEYS PUMPS HANGERS WaTer Wheels COTTON GINS CASTINGS GEARING Brass and Iron A full stock of Supplies, cheap & good. BELTING, PACKING and OIL at BOTTOM PRICES AXU 1A STOCK FOB PROMPT DELIVERY. ty Repairs Promptly Done. GEO. R. L0MBJ.R0 & CO. Foundrv. Works, Machine atul Boiler • AUGUSTA. <1 A. ABOVE PASSENGER DEPOT. A Field of Death. The sheep pastures of George Booth present a deathly appearance .says the Athens Banner-Watchman. Lying all ()Ver y |(! are the half eaten car . i t}t seH of Btie-ep, while at regular inter ' vals them the dead bodie I among are i of dogs of eveiy color and kind. The buzzards have been attracted by the carcases of sheep and dogs, and they, after eating the dogs, drop deed in the field. Mr. Booth has been promised a nice little law suit for killing oti9 or two fine hounds. lie says he is able to stand it, especially if lie can get farm¬ ers on the Jury who have ever raised sheep and had them killed by dog3. ►— • —. Disease lies in ambush for the weak; a feeble constitution is ill adapted to encounter a malarious atmosphere and sudden changes of temperature, and the least robust are. usually the easiest victims Dr. J. II. McLean’s Strengthening Cor; dial and Blood Purifier will give tone, and vitality and strength to your entire body. per bottle. —• • Feeding Growing Piga. The hog is usually fed as if he were capable of digesting all that could be crammed into bis stomach, and he has been treated as if he were as hardy as a wild boar, and could endure extremes of beat, cold, filth and neglect. Now, the hog can only digest a certain amount of food within a given time, and when he has eaten too much he suffers in consequence, and especially if the food is of a kind not adapted to his requirement. His digestive orgrns can be disarranged as easily as can tnose of (he horse, and filth taken in¬ to the system will cause him to be¬ come diseased the same as is peculiar to men. The accepted theory regard¬ ing cholera now is that it is a form of typhoid fever and if this true there is but one conclusion to arrive at, which is that filth is at the bottom of the difficulty. The eating of filth is bad enough, but the drinking of filthy wa¬ ter i 3 worse, as the animal is then thirsty, and the filth being in a solu¬ ble condition, is at once carried to every portion of the body. The suppo¬ sition that the kidneys cause the im¬ purities to ho eliminated is true only when the animal is m a healthy con¬ dition. If the surroundings are filthy the pores of the body will be closed. If, in feeding hogs, the fa’-mer will j abandon the practice of attempting to keep them in an excessively fat condi¬ tion while they are growing he wi'l find that they will entail less labor of management and be more thrifty, while tho excellent health in which lie will find them ready for being fattened will enable them to take on more fat and at less cost than to keep them fat tho whole year. All that is required with growing pigs is to afford them a variety of food and to keep their quar¬ ters clean. Above all give them as much fresh water as they can drink, if slop is fed, place it in a trong, where it will lie eaten up clean, iustead of being scattered about to ferment. Slop is not really filthy food, It is only when It is in a state of decompo¬ sition and filled with disease germs that it becomes injurious; but to com¬ pel pigs to oat in a filthy place or to drink water that lias been impregnat¬ ed with tho same, will cause disease to break out in herd.—Ex. Imperfect digestion and assimilation produce disordered conditions of tliesys tom which grow and are confirmed l>y neglect, Dr. J . II. McLean’s Strengthen ing Cordial and Blood Purifier, by its tonic properties, cures indigestion and gives tone to tho stomach. $1.00 per hot tic. - • m -13=: 851.00 WEEK8= Tlic POLICE GAZETTE will bo mailed securely wrapped to any address in the United States tor three months on receipt o i ONE DOLLAR. Liberal discount allowed to postmas ter a cents and dubs. Sample copies mailed j free. Address Fox, all orders Franklin to Square, X. V ' Bit'll am) K. i INVEST ONE CE1TT. | For a postal card, and send for a Free ( Sample catalogue'of copy of the Detroit Free. Press,and a offers. their A great chance premium and combination raie to res I cure an abundance of the choicest reading matter for a very little money. T11F. \Y EEKLY DET BO IT FREE PR ESS. Teh Great Dollar Weekly. The Most Readable, Vivacious and Origi nal of No wspapers. Genuine Wit, Pure Humor, Entertaining Sketches, Anecdote, Poetry, Tiavel, Romance and Literary Essays of the of Hit Genius best Order, and by Writers Renown. Known and Admired wherever the En¬ glish Language is Spoken. Mailed to any addre„s in the United States and Canada for OXK DOLLAR A YEAR. Lon t Fail to Send for a Sample Copy. FREE PRESS CO., Detroit Mich. j osso Thompson & Co -MANUFACTURERS OF Doors, Sash, Illinds Mouldings Brackets, Lumber, Laths, « and Shingles. -DEALERS IS Window Glass and Builders’ Hardware. PLANING MILL AND LUMBER YARD, Hale Stroet, near central Kailroad Yard, Georgia. N£W YORK HDUINERY STOKE! MISS NELEIU PURCELL, Fine French Millinery, Velvets, Ribbons. Novelties in Neckwear, FANCY AND JET JEWELRY. 732 BROAD ST., under Central Hotel, AUGUSTA, Ga. HAS® All tat AS m teiaititlili Your Chance to Secure a Good Instrument at a Bargain. Come up,' Buyers. Here’s your chance, 100 Pianos! 100 Organs ! to be sold out regardless of value. A genuine Clearance Sale to reduce stock These Instruments are over and above our regular stock; must get our money out of them. Nome are now, not, used a day; some nave been used a few months.- some used six months ora year; some used from two to five years. Some are good Second-Hand In¬ struments taken in exshange and thoroughly repaired, renovated, redolished and made as good as new. IN TIIE 200 toore are SFmare Pianos, Upright Pianos, Grand Pianos, Church Or¬ gans. and Parlor Organs, from over twenty different Makers, it eluding 0H1< KER JXG, KNABE, MASON & HAMLIN, HaLLETT <& DAVIS, MATHUSHEK. VOSE, BURDETT, ARON, GABLER, PELOUBET, SHOXINGER, ES TEY and BENT, DESCRIPTIVE Lists are printed, and a purchase can be. made by correspon ence as well as by person. Instruments are represented precisely as they are, and if pur¬ chasers are not suited we refund their mom' TERMS EASY -.Rwnos $to per tb otT aug S3 per month. Great induce meets to Spot Casi;4 fcSr -Write, ana v»„ ; uif’^bat'giriiQs^tLa.KvHL open- yo&h oy‘'«. ___J _ OVER TWENTY of these Instruments • sold during Centennial week, but there arc 200 left, which must go iu the nextlwo days. Front three to five are sold daily. Write quick, if you want to secure one. This advertisement (in 50 good papers ) will clear out the lot. WRITE FOR Piano and Organ Clearing Out Sale Circulars, and mention this adve. tisement. Write at once. Address Lndden & Bates Southern i Music House, Savannah, Ga. # NORTH GEORGIA MUSIC J HOUSE -and- SEWING MACHNIE EMPORIUM. T OOMEB. & HASELTOK, Proprietors, No. 55 Clayton Street, ATHENS, Ga WE DEFY COMPETITION, And will not be under sold. We em- je ploy no canvassers in your section there- £j|| ■mm: \ by we can sell you goods fully 10 to 20 Ipf ran per cent, lower than any house North or South. We are the only dealers m North- MX IfeiS! A the ast factories, Georgia that purchase direct fromjig|S- —- - PIANOS. Belir Bros., ( bristle <fc Sou, Wheelrek, Emersos, and Others, Pianos from §180 to §800. Everything Sold Fully Guaranteed. T3?y j£L 11 HF’ireigrlit, -O I am pleased to say that I have what you need. *371ao Union Injector, The simplest, the best boiler feeder made no exception. i also keep a supplv of Piping, Valves, Whistles, Steam Cuages, Oils, Belting, Ac. Am prenared to do all kinds of repair work at short notice. Would be pleased to^have your orders. NEW WORK DONE IN BEST MANNER, CHAS. LOMBARD. Proprietor THE PENDLETON FOUNDRY and MACHINE. WORK S 65 and 527 Kollock Street AucmstaJGa. IEWSNG MACHINES. Domestic, New Home, Household, White,; Singer, Dayis. Machines from $10 to §50. ORGANS. Kimball, Sterling, Feloubet, Dyer & Hughes, Bridgeport, Estey. Organs from §22 to §400. 11 1 m opened WARM FIRING ALONG THE LINE!. fsTEVERYBODV STAND ASIDE BUT LISTEN TO THE BOOMING GUNS,^3 Respectfully announces that he is continuing his popular policy of LEADING liich lias characterized his business ideas for so many years, and which others have vainly sought to follow. lie has stocked bis establishment with goods Unequalled in Assortment, ■AND DECIDEDLY BEYOND COMPETITION It will require the mention of only a very few of my LEADING BARGAINS ssure the public that I MEAN BUSINESS and nothing but BUSINESS. That Lead everybody in fine Novelties this season, I know to be a fact, and if yon buy be fore examining my stock, your neighbor who bnys of me will knock all the “fixings ff you when you meet. Fancy Colored and Checked Lawns: I will sell my pretty Lawna at the lowest pritc, from 4, 5,6, 8, lo and up to 12)4 -8st§~pg¥-yasi-. No Stock in the South can compare with my WHITE GOODS DEPARTMENT filled as it is witli every possible Novelty, all of che most exquisite. It simply cannot be, and never has been, equaled in a Southern house, containirs as it does every Novelty known to the modern manufacturer’s art. This is not gush ot trash, not uonsense. Prints! Prints! My stock of calicoes is complete, and I will sell them as low as they ^can be had in Georgia. Prices from 5 cents up to 7 cents for the best. MISCELLANEOUS. keep onand a good lot of Fans, Parasols, Collars and Cuffs, Cravats, Laces & Trimmings, Crockery, Glassware, Woodware, FURNITURE, AND GROCERIES, And anything else you may want. I only ask you to come and examine my stock of goods before buying. SALLER LEWIN’S CELEBRATED SHOES. In shoes I have thevery article you want, every style and variety. Gent’s shoes* and Ladies’ Misses’ and Children’s shoes and Slippers at remarkably low prices. i ; . CLOT II ING ... n this lino of goods I have a pretty lot, in all the late styles. I know how and where to buy such goods that I may seli them at very low figures. TIME AND SPACE Is so deor that I am compelled to close this column and wiil ask you therefore S call and my goods and you will be obliged to buy at my low prices. Real Bargains in all goods. c asper ImS, CR A WFORDVILLE. GEORGIA,