Newspaper Page Text
$ m at
a r mm
By CLEM. S. M131L
Fo fete r '& Doughty)
rlTT _____ ^ ^ !%T Ij p^ 8 , __■ „ J i
J Warehouse and Compress occupying block bounded by Washington, Twigs, Cal „
houn ond Taylor Streets, and connected with all the railroaps centering here by
double tracts extending into our yards. Drayage saved,
E3F“Our entire personal attention will be devoted to the business in ail its details,
and to all who intrust us with consignments we guarantee prempt and satisfactory re
urns. Liberal advances made on Consignments.
office: 1 Q 7 Heynolds Street.
.SFRooms for Several years Augusta Cotton Exchange.
t ■iisii # m*
New {Standard Fire-Proof YYarchous^.
J5g>' Liberal Advances on Consignments
^MeliaMe Goods, Fair Dralin <r. &
---Prompt attention. NEW STYLES- Call on, write to-
3EC. T7CT-
85. Wliifeljali St., ATLANTA, GA.
...... . •*’ " * —■ * -.1
... —
'Business BirectorY
C2 JF1- J^C>JE^]0"^HXj8Xj]Eia
The following firms and business houses h ive placed their cards in this directory
for the purpose of showing the public where patrons can he accommodated by their
kervices in their respective lines of business. We recommend the following names
to the public as reliable dealers, and they will all serve you at short notice.
M Its. M. A. ASKIN.
Dealer in
_ etc.
All Millinery, Neckwear, Notions,.
Dress-Huising to order.
f RS. M. C. TROPE,
Dealer in
Millinery and Fancy Goodi
Drugs and Medicines
R. J. REID, Practicing Physician,
Dealer in Patent Medicines, Drugs,
of all kinds, Books, Pens, Pencils and
ail fancy Stationery.
Watch-makeb and Jeweler.
Watch, Jewelery and Gen. Repair Shop.
Watches and Jewelry always on hand.
31. T Z. ANDREW S,
Attorney at Law.
Practices in this and the adjoining
counties. Office over S. Stewart’s store,
attorney at Law.
Practices in all the courts. Office over
S. Stewart’s store.
J. W. Ill NON, Law.
Attorney at
Office in the Mitchell Building.
At orney at Law.
Practices in all the courts. Collections
prompt remittances a specialty.
Contractor and Builder.
Good worn at short notice.
Contractor and Builder.
Good work and at low rates.
p . B. FITTS,
Contractor and BcIlder.
Gooff Work Guaranteed.
Office v
J. E. Darden, Proprietor.
Good Fare. Terms $2. tier day.
Practicing Physicians
: Offers his services in the gpneral prac¬
tice of Medicine and Surgery.
| T~\ R. L. A. STEPHENS,
L/ pleased
Practicing Physician. Will be
to serve all. Office in Gee building.
Work Shops«
tm. H. OGLETREE, Dealer
Jtj Manufacturer and in
Wagons and Buggies. Blacksmitiiing
and General Repair 11 ork.
Cabinet Work, Fancy Turning, and
Stairbuildin" Giu and Mill Dealing a
j T.N. offltPMAN.
Manufacturer and Dealer in
Wagons and Harness.
1 smithing and Repairing a specialty.
General Black smithing and Repair
Shop. Work Guaranteed.
General Merchandise.
V Goods, Clothing, Notions, Groceries
! Drv
and Furnishing Goods.
Fancy J) Go.14% Notions Groceries
and i 1HARLE.S everythip^^a (GSTROM, general store. —
n" - i™ 2 ,r ndGene " 1 Mc
Dry Goods, Groceries, Notions
General Merchandise.
Devoted to the Interest of Taliaferro t'oua l y, the People and General Seta
Cotton Ui is year in Georgia, South
Carolina and Florida is good—that is
it is a good article—hut the price is
low. Farmers are asking
whether it will be higher and they are
afraid to iioid on to it because tl.ey are
afraid that if it does advance tiie in¬
creased price will not lie sufficient to
meet Uie expense of handling it. And
then tliere is the danger that the prices
will fall instead oi rising.
At present prices farmers can make
no money out of cotton’ unless they
pursue a wholly.different plan of farm¬
ing. -The present crop has cost more
than the average price to make it—
that is the seasons have been such as
to require more work. Mauy will
doubtless find themselves no richer at
the end of t lie year than they were at
the beginning,-and will have no reward
for the long year of hard labor, anoth¬
er year of hard living and lid pleasures.
Many are doubtless asking themselves
what profit is tliere in growing cotton.
This'question is quite ably answered
by a Louisana farmer. He says that
the profit upon our labor is growing
less every year; hardtimes are weaviug
its chains more securely abo it us and
Wc mu l be np and doing if we would
break them ere it he too late. Can we
break them? Undoubtedly we can,
sv.fely and surely ; but to do this must
change our system of farming. We
must become self-supporting; at least
our farms must be made to support us.
Lt is strange anomaly .fanners purchas¬
ing food at the stores—even butter.
are susposed to feed the world, and
it “Is stnMige how any part of our agri¬
cultural people should be consumers
and not producers of food. We can
produce in great abundance our meat
and bread, and can live upon the fat of
the land. Cotton is a paying crop at
the present price when it is maile
only a Aiirpi.'is. Pro«Lim e
vTcan Wi on V'Q farm, and what stn
phis land we may Imvc put it inL> cot
ton lor a, money crop. We are gprtain
to sheeted then ; we are certain of one
thing at all events—us good living us
uny people in the country'. Cotton as
now in a u aged costs mart to produce
than it will sell for, and it is folly n>
continue a system so ruimous. Ii
makes us the most dependent people on
eaitli, and for debt-well, we will nov¬
el get clear so long as we adhere to it.
I do know that eveiy farmer In the
South can produce almost everything
that we need to live upon, and it does
seem folly to buy from the grocery
such things when we can produce or
raise on our farms. Suppose the cot¬
ton crop this year is larger than for
any previous year in our history, what
will the farmer do? He cannot afford
to seil his product et a loss, He has
produced nothing except cotton and
depen > upon lair prices for it in order
to live next year. Disappointed in
this, left w ithout means of subsistence,
with credit impaired, I c nnot think
what will he the result. Many of us
will v be found in this situation.
We must resolve , at once to . abandon .
this suicidal system and hereafter di
versify our crops. w ith cribs filled
with grain, our pastures with cattle,
our yards with poultry, we have a lull
(.uarautee guard te.j of plenty l for the future re
gardltss of merchants, and it we nave
no ready cash we can manage to get
! along very well without it until anoth
i er cotton crop is harvested. It is so
easy to do this it does seem strange
that people will not do il. We exist
on sea., tv allowance—that of tb*
I roughest kmd-and ... » what * . is • worse still. 5 *i
are living without hope.
This won’t do; it must be stopped.
and while no club or organizatioa of
any kind can be made effective, perhaps
a little individual resolution may ac,
complish something.- Savannah News.
How to Blow up a Town Witb
j Os-pose improvements, *
i Mistrust its publics men.
j Run it down to strangers. , .
Go to some other town to trade.
j . ! rT?:«z!:z M *
- yo„ **
e « c hi a s« h . i “b„ 7 orr,wy er
\ Refuse to see anv merit in a scheme
that does not directly benefit you. 4
I* you fHfj't jiog vieirueP everyttfinC ?
wrwbnAv I.v and m cffse
A million people participated in the
I Bartholdi celebration.
The chestnut crop in the State seems
j*, abundant this year,
The war feeling in Europe is growing
.md war ships are on the move.
Take om of Dr .1 II. McLean’s Little
'Silver and Kidney Billets at idglit liefer,
i you go to bfd au 1 you will he surprisoe
liow Inn)) ant and vigorous you will fee)
tile next day. I>n!y 23 dents a vial.
Naval stores have been rolling into
Brunswick this week at tlie rate of 500
barrels a day.
Life,will acquire new zest, and cheer¬
fulness return, if you will impel your
liver alld kidneps to the performance of
their functions- Dr. J. Ii- McLean’s
Liver and Kidney Halm will stimulate
them to healthful actio , iflOO per bottle.
Col. I. tV. Avery lias just published
another editi m t his History of Geor¬
gia, which will be immediately put up
on the market.
Do hot allow worms to cheat your chii.
dren out of their living. Sluiners Indian
Vermifuge will destroy these miserahit
pests, and give the little fellows new ar
nafis for the cattle ot' life.
Two brothers, wealthy farmers of
Rockland county,0a»ied Difany, were
drowned last Monday while canoeing
irom Nyack to IMskhuid Lake.
Golds, coughs, and incipient eo nsump
tiomcurijd by Dr Unit’s Gough Syrup, a
remedy «f fifty years slimming, known
andjusedartll over the world, JDo yourself
tlie i vor to give it a trial,' You will be
amply repaid.
lt in aid that several members of
tli ,f l|pgihlntiire have forwarded their
s of good old whisky to Atlanta,
lu' l^ed Librarian. to the care of tiie popular
I quality of the blood depends much
«!’ ” y-rpd or bad digestion and assimila
the blood rich in life and
•••stl- / /-s use Dr. J,
flmiriswfhi ........ .
hi.....I from Which the elements |
of vitality are. drawn. St.on per bottle.
JJoiih Stone says that there is a man
in Nutwood so lazy and slow that if lie.
happens to be looking towards I he east
wlie the sunrises, lie never gets him¬
self tinned around in tiuio to see it
You should avoid a,!I mediciies which
cause you horrid griping pains; they <le
stroy the coatings of the sumach and
may make you ail iuvdtd for life; the.
mi Id pow-r is the best. Dr. .1. II. Me Lean s
Little Liver and Kidney Bdints will cure
chills and fCver, biliousness, etc,25 cents
a vial.
A white buzzard was seen among his
"black brethren” on the fawn of .John
D. Benson in the Noonday sett lenient
ill Cobb county bust week. It attracts
the attention of all passers by, and is a
novelty. It was seen in Florida and
Alabama a few weeks ago, and now
pays t obb a visit.
Sick Headache and a sensation of op¬
pression and a dullness in the head, are
very commonly, produced by indigestion:
m ilablility and oi l.
of tiie nerves may, m a
■ (11
ty f „„ Ir . l( .,. „
( , ause i>r..T, il. McLeans Liver and
K'dney Balm and PilDt.s will positively
’ " Kelianle.
Il.J. Beni . Can always be relied upon to
carry in stock the purest and tiest gods,
aml 9Ust ain the reputation of being active,
pushing and reliable, by reoonicnding ar
tides with wed establish merit amt su h
as are popular Having tin;
the celebrated Dr- King k n w , w.mvmy
for consumption colds and coughs, wd
sell it oil a L.y positive guarantee, It will
gure)y cure and every affection of
throat, lungs, or chest, and in order
J ployi . our claim, we ask you to call and
et ,. dTvtal I4 „ttU 5 Free.
W)1 , (am c ....... of
^ ^ ^ { M <>f im , Whg
! taken with Bleeding of Lungs foliow
| ed by a severe cough. I lost my appe¬
tite and flesh, a..d was confined to my
tied. Ir. IS77 l was admitted to the
! Hospital. The doctors said I bad a
! h be in »ny lung us big as a half dollar,
j At one time, the report went around
■ .--z r , , T ^ .
V* Ws < *«
i Good News from. Wasliin >«« ton.
One application well rubbed in of Salva
tiogOil cure(l me of rheumatism in
................. I n.v.r
rJL. 'n 1 -V.
Terms: $150, In Advaijcs.
Moses Martin, of Buford, a pronii
nent citizen in that portion of Gwin¬
nett county, is a candidate for door
\ keeper of ihc house of the ll.qireseuta
tives, and is backed bv a strong list
of friends. lie \v:;s a member of Coin
[ any A Forty-second Georgia regi¬
ment d'ini g ti ■ \s. r, in which snug¬
gle lie enlisted at its inception and
through which he fouglit and remain¬
ed at the front for four years and up
o Match 1-1, 1805, at lid) tonville, N
0., tie lost his left leg.
Tire.l am. Languid H omen.
llovv many women tliere are of whom
these words are, ti ne: “They feel lanjfuid
and tired, hardly able to bear their welkin
n tiieir feet, the bloom all guile from
heir el eelfs, irrafable and cross uithoic
meaning to be. nerves all upset, wonie
with tli© eiiildreii, fret led over lltth
tilings, a bipden to tiland y-.t
with no acute disease.” Went a pity it is.
But a few bottles of Barker’s Tonic will
drive all this away, and relieve the troub¬
les peculiar to then sex
S^atistactoiY lovlilenno,
J. \V. Graliaiii, Wholesale Druggist,
of Austin. Tex., writes; “ I Intvo been
handling Dr. Win. Hall's Balsam For
The Lungs for the past year, and have
found it one of the most salable medi¬
cines I have ever had in my house for
Goughs, Golds, and even consumption,
always giving entire satisfaction.
1'lease send me another gross.”.
Renews Her Ytmili
Mrs. Phoebe Cheslev, Peterson, Elay
Co., Iowa, tells the following remarkable
story, the truth of which is vouched for
by the residents of the. town; “1 am 78
years old, have been troubled with kidney
complaint and lameness for many y ears;
could not dress myself without help.
Now I am free from all pain and soreness,
and uni aide to do all my own housework.
1 owe my Hiaiilts to Electric Bitters for
having .renewed my youth,and removed
completely all disease ain^i iip.” Try a
bottle, only .We. at Reid'S Dru^ Sidl e. ,
- -w- * -*— - J ■
What wilt tsuroiv «'•> It.
.o..»y.->. safe -• .*•»— in again? /“*• a, afeOTu
Is to make it grow
ng t, > the tfstimeiiy • f thousand*, Bar.
kor's Hair Balsam will do it. It qufokly
covers bald spots, restores the original
color when the hair is gray or faded, era¬
dicates dandruff', and Causes tiie scalp to
cool and well. It is not a dye, not greasy,
highly perfumed,safe. Never disappoints
those who requires a nice, reliable dress
From ’l’he ttuuUer Lit;
PHILAIlELlMnA, .lime 1, 1885.
My Dang liter, Lydia Ann, leas been
afflicted with a tunning sore under her
chin which baa proven very stubborn.
She has used four bottles of B. B. B.,
and I i'm glad to say all ulcers Imve
healed. She is enjoying good health
and line spirit. 1 attribute her cure
U> the B. B. B. — Botanic. Blood Balm.
Thus. J. l’ieket.
No. 401 N. 18th -St., l’nilueelplna.
The" Life of the Hash i i Ufejlilood fiinedonal tliure
«f;’’ pure blood means iiealthy
activity and this bears with'it tiie cer¬
tainty of quick icstoraiion from sickness
or accident Dr. ,1. ii» Me, I avan’s
iStrengtheni' g Cordial and Blood Buril’u :
gives pure rich blood, and Vitalizes and
sireegtheiis the whole body. 91.00 ijyr
bottle. /
acxun "TO
To all who are suffering from the errors
and indi-cretions of youth, nervous weak
ness, early decay, loss of manhood»fc«. 1
w in hB ,id a recipe tlmt will euro you,
FREE <)F CHARGE. This great remedy
was discovered by a ndv-mmary in SSoulb
p, 1 ",:', 1 ''ttev.NN'pu'r. f'cm.'im' 't-Autuiu D,’
N, ; w York City
Accordj|| • n.^UiT-r^ose,' wife., a
|11#rrj(W hj , troubl « begins, but expo
rience teaches hiui tout some evil can be
remedied. Hence when it is needed he
procures a bottle of White's Cream Ver
; *““*»«« » preparation that will euro all
the children on the globe. they are
What True Merit »ViII Ho.
The unprecedented sale of JJoseliee’.s
German Syrup within u few years, has
astonished l e world. it is without
tin- safest and best remedy ever discov
ered for speedy , eilnctiiai , ol .
aim cure
Gangh.s, (-'olds anil the severest Lung
; rouble ,, . ft axoS . oil an en . tile , • y (Idler
cut principle from tbe usual prescrip
......... •» ^....... - •• •■•;«•«
t t.
tmn. A bottle Kept, at t ie house toi
use when the diseases wake t'«
penrviiieuce, will R”.v<5 <loetoi,»b:Us and
a long spell of serious illness. Atrial
U It,;
NO. 43
€’ l’ II K H 8!
JT ing is Invigorat- end Dc* \- ]T 1 LIFE five, NEW
JwSP^jL to tb«
lightful to take, v < whuU SYSTEM
ami of Medicine great value for fv by Strengthening
as a the Mnicies, Ton*
weak and Ailing in* the KttRVBS*
Women and Chil¬ end completely DU
dren. editing the food.
fYY'fY v YYN
CONTAINS ft.'™ . • ^-b A Hook,
no hurtful ludlnj
Minerals, is com- ffi physicians, tailing
pcsed ot carefully I\ ( how feu treat dis¬
selected V c j, /e t a - jk \ \ \ % eases at LOWE*
ble Medici new, w \ j mailed, Kj*ether
combined skill- Ht with * a«t of hand*
Safe fully, and making Pleasant a uome Heliotype «rarda by new
Remedy. mi ractipt of 10 c.
For said l>y *TI Pr i-nggfsfn Aficf rimr***. flliouM tt»a Amtor OMf
yon not keep VOLIN \ ( OKIM AL, ruiult $1,00, auU • fell iUA
Loll It; will bo scut, CitAt'KVN |>ltf<l.
Volina Drug and Chemical Company*:
1 IA 1 .T 1 UOUU, MD., l. tL k m ,
Georgia Railroad Co.
Slone Mountain Route.
A I OUST A,G A. Sept. 18tll 1880.
». 1 t lie iollowing passenger sceduie will
he operated ; 90th meridian
Train,-, run by time, 83
minutes slower than Augusta time.
No. l— West— Daily.
Leave Augusta . 10:.1f) a m
“ Macon 7:lp am
( ( W’asliingten Milled gnvilla » 13 a m
“ D 20 a m
Artive Crnwfordvlllo 1 30 p m
il Athens 5 *) p m
“ (iniiieHvIllo 8 2.1 )) Ill
“ Atlanta No. 2-EHf-DAlLT It in pat
Leave Atlanta 8 oo a m
“ Gainesville fl 85 ft m
Alliens 9 00 a A
“ (.’rawfordvillo 12 42 p itf
Arrive ** MilfsCw.lim Washington w 2 20 P m
4 49 - -
vj. :i w*itftT.
8,V. Align-ta i>:4",p p'in|Ar.C"f'tD'JI mi7/v. AtUyiiw.
I.v. Gr’f'VH i 1> l;<m» m,
Ar. Atlanta H:!(> aim Ar. Augusta S;00 ft'nJ
Fast Line.
No. 2 /— west— Daily.
Leave Angesta 7 4.5 am
Arrive Washington 10 40 am
Leave Washington 7 20 am
Arrive OrawfonlviHo o 4i am
“ Athens , 12 38 am
Gainesville 8 28 pm
t 4 Atlanta l 00 pm
No 28 —East—Daily.
Leave AI lantu 3 48 p m
“ Gaimwville 8 5.5 a m,
Arrive Athens 7 40 pm
“ Orawfordville C 88 pm
Arrive Wimtiiugton 7 MS pm
Leave Washington 4 20 pm
Arrive A Mg le-ta h lfl ii m
Tr.iin No 27aiid 28 will stop at and receive
pa oic." • id and from tin-following p lint#
only: Gtovelowii, •Harlem, hawfordville, Gearing,,
q 1 1 loin on, I’oint, 'oiv.oml, Baniett,* Madison, Kut
Uiiion i rconevhoro,
ledoe, Oirele, Ooyington, Conyers,
Litlionin. Stone Mountain and Decatur.
'I'lle Hast I/iiie lias Through Sleeper
from Atlanta to Charleston
Gen. j’nssenger Agt, Geii’l. Manager
Jor: '.V. White,
Gen'e. Traveling Passenger Agent
L < l 1 ^ "4
opened last September for V
Since I strict¬
ly e.a-.h. my trade lias increased and mjf
eiisHmiers eeiii to wear n pleasant smiia
oil their faces o<'er the great bargains re¬
ceived by l.licir thoughtfulness of saving
dimes and dollai , knowing that cash Is
ruling and regulating business of every
kind. So, in accordance with the above
fact a encouragement, 1 again invite luy
eu-lomers to come ami liny for cash al
.V u and - ive trouble and extra
charges. I have on liniid a hamhmine lot
'if dry goods, boots, shoes, hats groceries,
glass-ware and everything that can be
found in a general store which I will self
low dow nior iho cash,.
s •I ATE OF GEORGIA Taliaferro'
| deceased, Alex II. Reid. has ill Executor due form ot applied William to Reid. tiie
undersigned foi leave to seil the real estate
belonging to Ibc estate of William Retd,
I j deceased, and said apidication will lift
|,card on ti e first Monday in Dec. next.
1 ■ tHKO. 1’liLs f) :t. 5th, Ikko,
i„|i V administer.-,! Demy r«.,s Estate.
i Tt»i« is ♦hcrefoiv, to tit- alt persons c«w
hfirs mui unHlUoYs, to show
if anv tl.ey can. why said Executors Zt'ti should
Tin* 4th
•n Flys <>d.T. C.