Newspaper Page Text
j & ■A 7 a r£ 4 <^32^ K f8&& > ; T% ill
By CLE3S. S. M333L
Fo star & ouglity,
C’v/ItIa.iI. CA \ f "\S I CCT ( lY "\I 1? P F A \ ^ r | 's
Lv U- J- -h a. j ‘ >- 9
1 Warehouse and Compress occupying block bounded by Washington, Twigg, Cab
hoan ond Taylor Streets, and connected with all the rail maps centering here by
double tracts extending into our yards. Drayage saved,
fc^"Our entire personal attention will be devoted to the business in ah its details,
and to all who intrust us with <*o lsignments we guarantee prompt and satisfactory re
urns, liberal adeances made on Consignments.
ofFics: XO^ Heynolds street. .
(tJTRooiiis for Sever./ ears o* upied by Augusta Cotton Exchange.
KUMISS * Ctt w
New Sta/dard Fire-Proof YYarchoase.
!^“ Liberal Advance* on Consignments Jgl
l| 7^ 1
Reliable Goods, Fair )( k alin © <r.
--Trompt attention. NEW STYLES- Call o.i, write to—■
¥w I L W. ■THCO^LOE^aL®
No. a'. AVldteliali St., ATLANTA. GA.
mS$ i- ”
Business DliectosY
C01F1. S3 /il XI a; X-e jEm
The following firms an-! usin.-ss houses have placed their card* in this directory
for the purposejof showing the public where patrons can be accommodated by their
services;in lliAr respective lines of business. We recommend the following names
to the public as reliable dealers, and they will all serve you at short notice.
aura **# - .^m-.e'
Dealer in
AH Millinery, Neckwear, Notions, etc.
Dress-aiakinc to order.
JVJL Dealer in
Millinery ami Fancy Goods.
Drug's and Medicines*
R. J. REID, Practicing Physician,
Dealer in Patent Medicines, Drugs,
of all kinds, Books, Pens, Pencils and
all fancy Stationery.
c. S. LUCAS,
Watch-maker and Jeweler.
Watch, Jewelery and Gen. Repair shop.
Watches and Jewelry always on hand.
Attorney at Law
Practices in this and tiie adjoining
counties. Office over S. Stewart's .store
n '* MITCH Fl I
yy jv itornky at Law.
Practices ' . all the courts. Office over
S. Stewart’s -tore.
J. w. nixoN,
Attorney at Law.
Office in tlie Mitchell Building.
,T. F, REID,
At orney at Law.
Practices in ail the courts. Collections
prompt remittances a specialty.
-yyr. j. NORTON,
Contractor and Builder.
Good wort at short notice.
Contractor and Builder.
Good work and at low rates.
Contractor and Builder.
Good Work Guaranteed.
•I TOB WORK DONE at the Dfmocr vt
Offtw very ves-enaK*
HPIIE ouawfoiidville hotel.
J. E. Darden, Proprietor.
Good Fare. Terms 82. per day.
Practicing Physicians*
Offers ids services in the general prac¬
tice of Medicine and Surgery.
Practicing Physician. Will be pleased
to serve all. Oh/ e in Gee building.
Work Shops,
Manufacturer and Dealer
Wagons and Buggies. Black smithing
and General Rep ir Work.
Cabinet Work, Faney Turning, and
Stairbuilding. Gi i and Mill Geaiing a
| Specialty.
: T. X. CD A PM 'N.
D urer and Dealer m
1 Buggie., \Va .'ons and Harness, iilack
j smithing and Repairing a specialty. I
General Biaek <mitliing and Repair
Shop. Work Guaranteed.
General Merchandise.
Dry Goon-. Clothing, Notions. Groceries
and Furnishing Goods.
Fancy Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries
and everything in a 'em-rarl store.
> General Mei
Dry Goods, Groceries and
chandise. Terms cash.
Dry Goods, Groceries, Notions and
General Merchandise,
Dry Goods, Groceries, and General
Mercbandi co
Devoted to the Interest of tounty, the People and General News.
Lexington*, O.V., Oct
U.o street. His form was erect, l# ;
step quick ami elastic, his face covered
witli a growth of steel gray beard, with'
an eye that seemed to pierce the gcn|b ob- '!
ject upon which it rested. Ilis
al I eating was so .striking that a by¬ *,
stander was asking his name. m
•‘Why,” said he, *’he lives in i V*.
country, and a braver soidier never
fought in the southern cause. He be¬
longed to Irwin’s artillery, of WilkeS .
county, this state, and was conspie
ous in handling her cannon during al
those dark days. It was in the year ’0$ i
that the opposing forces had been shell¬
ing each other all day, and each show-,
ed a stubborn detei munition not to
yield. Between them ran the placid
waters of the North Anna river. We
had a number of a. in line, d'iil
ing death blows to tRb ederals, who,
in return shelled us. Each had brought
their enliic batterv to play along the,
line. Our cannons were vvlieeled up
near the hanks, and a double s ipply of
an nmnitioii put in the cos-ions. These
cartridges were loaded, having a little
fuse on the. outside so that they could
he fired off without failure. They tveie
placed ui the ca sion fuse end up and
uncovered. In the midst of this heavy
artillery Cue a shell from the JJ’adei'ala
crime Iflying over and burst just a&ve
one ot our cannons, near tlie eassion ’
igniting the fuse of one of these car¬
tridges and causing consternation in
the ranks. It was but a moment ere a
hundred cartridges were ready to burst
when tY. A. Hardy leaped upon the
eassion wagon, and, one by one. seized
the fuse and ami
thiew each into a puddle of water
near by, putting them out. He stood
there, ainidstatlie cries of his etmmuie.
to leap for hmjife, ere the whole css
thrown from ttie wagon Into Hie Wa¬
ter, and then, witli the m rve of a true
southern soiildier, he stopped itown^ half
and diiacted IBs gun ,-.s if nothing
Mr. Hardy iives near this on
his little farm, surrounded by his lov¬
ing wife and children. On being asked
about the incident lie said: ‘"Yes, it
is so, b::t 1 can’t teli you i:w it hap¬
pened. Just ask some of the boys who
were wiih me. They can tell you ail
about it.”
Negro Labor.
The question of negro labor is wor¬
rying some of the it uiieal politicians,
especially the cl ampion demagogue
from Maine. Aiu’npoa of this subject,
tiie I’eiladeiphia Record says: “The
cneap labor "of the negro in tiie South
puts a cheap shirt on the hack of tlie
workingman. Tiie negro sells his la¬
bor on the Lest tei ms he can get and
manages to drive a better bargain
than the white laborers who dig ore at
tiie North. But Mr. lii ine proposes
to raise tlie market price f negro la¬
bor iu the without paying any
more for cotton, lie s going to raise
it by political agitation. Mr. Blni ic
might as well try to raise John Adams
by whistling Yankee Doodle over his
g ave. The prices of commodities, la¬ !
bor among the rest, are not lixed by
vvoru of mouth. If Mr Blaine can
make cotton very scarce and dear, or
negro labor very scarce and dear, lie
can send up price:;.”
A Word to Youag maa.
I want *o say a word to the young
men. It is a grand thiugto he a young j
man, to have life befor you. Life is
behind me.—My tecoid is pretty near
jy yours is to make. I can’t
ctiange my record to save my life, i
can’t undo a deed that I have dune or
unsay a word that I have spoken to
save my soul. No more can you. You
are making your record. We old men
have our record nearly made and can’t
change it. It is an a -vf-il thing when
a man is sixty five ve vj of age to look
outi.uon a stained,’“meared, smudged
reco d and know ho can’t change it
Thank Mod! there is a man who can
vvipe out the iniquity s utlicient to save
u» as the school boy wipes tiis sum off
the slate. Even if a man is forgiven,
it leaves a mark upon him he will re¬
cover from—never. —John B. Gough.
Life will acquire new zest, and cheer
fulness return, if you will impel i your
liver and kidneys to the performance of
their functions- Dr. J. II- McLean's
Liver and Kidney Balm will stimulate
• porn to healthful actio -. bottle.
rtp.-i 1)0| L VT/"N V O
V | J » L i X.' X 0«.
thanksgiving tor the favors ot the past
.fear. lie makes an uppiopi Lilt- le
©fence of the past.
Take one of I)r. J. II.McLean's Little
Liver and Kidney Piliets at night before
you go to bed and you will Vie surprised
now buo\ ant and vigorous you will feel
the next day. Only 23 cents a vial.
Tiie test of a telephone between
Washington and New York,a distance
of three hundred miles, having result
ed satisfactorily, we see no reason why
we may not proceed to telephone our
,ni " 01 1 • Science
does not travel in leaden shoes.
Tha quality of the blood depends mueli
ppon good or bad digestion and assimila¬
tion; to make ihe blood rich in life and
strength giving constituents use Dr. .1,
II, McLean's Strengthening Cordial and
Blood Purifier; it will nourish I he proper¬
ties of the blood from which the elements
of vitality are drawn. $1.01) per bottle.
The jug trade between Allan! t and
GrilHn and other neighboring tow ns is
Mid to lie something immense since
pi liibiiion lias been really enforced in
Atlanta, '."lie day passenger train
that carries the express from Macon to
Atlanta is now called the ‘'jug train.”
You sliould avoid all mctlicii cs which
esu .) you horrid griping pains; tn.iy to
sjroy tlu* coatings of the ten and
make you an invalid for life; the
juild power is tile be-t. Dr. J. II. McLean’s
Little Liver and Kidney Piliets will cure
cnii s and lever, biliousness, ctc,2f> cents
a via).
Winnie Johnson, who is on exliibi
Won in Cincinnati, is probably the iar-*
g St woman in Uie umid. She is live
feet eight and a halt inches in heighlh,
measure:! three feed around tins upper
r/o, four Wet five inches arotiml the
i high, eight feet nine inches around
IP- imsi, ami is said to weigh 7811
'■^V os. ..............
" i h M ?'A - * ’-’gI A • v '*
pfessiofnium a dudo.Ms in In- head, arc
very common!pro:iu-»M by tud; -e-,tioii:
moihid ijespoiiiiei n-y, irrltahillity nnd nth
cratmsltivellcse of tlio nerves may, m a
majority of eases, he traced to the same
cause. J)r. .1. 11. Me Leans Liver and
Kidney Balm and l’iliets will positively
John Turpin, of Americus, while
outti g some millet at his home :i day
or two ago, cut a huge moccasin in
two before lie r. allied v. at. ho had
done. As if this was not enough to
shatter Ins nerves, he went to the well
o thaw a bucket of water, when, jus!
as he went to Lake a drink, he saw an
other reptile securely wrapped around
tlie iron handle of the backet, evident
iy enjoying tiie novelty of the situa¬
tion. He quickly dispatched it also,
lint from a fear of further contingen¬
cies, will coniine himself to milk diet
here.ii ter, until the snake season has
passed, at least.
Persoiiol Memoir* loGen. lloht. 17. I.eo.
The whole world lias bought and
read the ‘‘Personal Memoirs” of Gen.
Grant, and now following upon tins
we have tile anriouiiecmeo of tiie |>ul>
lication of the ” Personal Memoirs” of
Gen. Lee. 1 iiis is as it slioulu be, foi .
it will i ring up for comparison and . :
criticism tlie individual histories of
these like two Green great military chieftains,
who, meeting »t>ieek, I’’ 1 '
tlie opposing hosts in the final sting
gles of ’ lie rebellion. i
Geti. Lee’s .Memoirs will lie issued iu
one, volume, but it will contain more
matter than Isitli volumes of Gen.
Grant’s memoirs, as the pages are
much larger. The puce will also lie
very low, and the indications are that
tlie sales will be the largest ever known
for any book publi hed mlhis country.
One house alone has contracted for
£‘25,000 c pies, ami the pubiisheis
expect to print 500,000 copies in the
first edition. I lie hook is to be issued
m the United States
and Europe, and we learn that the de
maud in tiie ol I country is tin* great
est ever known fur an American book.
This is particularly so in France and
Germany when* the Military spirit
runs so high, and where Gen. Lee’s
genius as a soldier was so greatly ad¬
mired. The book will be sold exclu
e>i y c*ly by subscription, and firms /fe
siring agences will find the advnstn nt
in ari other column of Unspa|>er. The
work is clouting a decided sensation
nnd will no doubt have a large sale.
—— - —
», Pams in tlie back , , are frequently caused
by a sudden wreneemg of the spine. ,\
few applications -n -Salvation Oil will give
permriient relief. Price twenty-five cents,
For sale by all druggist*
Terms: SI.50, In Atfyanes.
Tired and languid n omen.
How uuvuy women there are of whom
tf-se woras'an; tine: “They fe,-!
u> b( , . ........ wol ,, ( , a
vvitli the children, fretted over
things,a Hut den t» themselves. and vet
with no acute disease." \V hat a pity It is.
itut a few bottles of Parker’s Tonic will
drive all this away, and re.ievo the troub
lev peculiar to tlirir sox
Shrilu , rs ia ^. u 7'\VmiTnge'is perfectly
safe ami easily administered, it is cheap
and will give satisfaction- Try H<
tViimltriul ( arcs,
tail Druggists of Rome (la., say: We have
been selling Ur- King’s Now Discovery,
Klectrie Bitters and Bucklen’s Arnica
stave for years Have never band¬
ied remedies that sell as well, or give
such universal satisfaction, Them have
been some, wonderful effected by
Mbse medicines in Ibis city. Several
cases of pronounced i’ usumplion lumc
been entirely ear.-d by use of a lew bottles
Dr. King’s New Discovery, taken in
connection with Electric Bitters. We
guarantee them always. Sold by It. J,
Dr.Bull’s Cou .h Syrup—The working
man’s friend. You who have to ho out.
in all soi ls of weather and can t afford to
lay by, cannot afford to be wit lmut Dr.
Bull’s Cough Syrup. Consumption follows
in the wake of a neglected cold.
What will Surely Do It.
One’s hair begins to fat I oyit from many
causes. Tim important question is: VVliat
Is sure, to make il grow in again? accord
a.; to tie testimony «f thousands, l’ar*
ker’s ih.ii- Balsam will do it. It quickly
novel , bald spots, restores the original
color when the hair is gray or faded, era¬
dicates dandruff, and causes the Bealp to
cool and well. It is not a dye, not greasy,
highly perfumed,safu. Never disappoints
IUo who requires a nice, reliable dress¬
Tlie uiaiuiliicturos of Coussens' Iloney
' ,f remrdy in the world
for Oouglis, Cold |ud dtseasef throat
wittem i An h.«,.,»t
>’ !t‘ .•■.tahlishuieirf • tbrt'
,q a large Til Ml f, mLi*
for the m nufacturc of this and other re
liable remedies. For a cough use Cons
Often neglect arid delay in giving
proper attention to their children who
have become unhealthy, l’laeo your
sickly daughter upon the use of 15. 11.
B. as a tonic and general regulator;
give it to your weak ami feeble chil
oren: prescribe it to your husband and
sons as a general ton a: and appetizer
Wore breakfast, and they /ill nevi r
have any use for whisky bitters.
Tlie" Life of I lie II ■ h i .the blood there
i>mv bluo<l imnuirt UusUt! i imcUonal
acUvity uiui tuis bums witli it t.bu cr-j
tainty of «juick lustoniJon from siukrioaM
or accident Dr. .1. It. McLean's
•StruD^Uicnin^ f;ordial and Bloo<| I'arilin
^riv't s pui" hub blood, mid vit.ui/-us and
Hiroocsthens the whole body, $1.00 pur
I-’rom The I .one -iar Stale.
Hutchens Texas, February, IH8.1
For many years my wife has hoen
afflicted wiGi a large eating ulcer of
the leg, which has iiad the attention
0 f several doctors, and the use of all
Kimls of niediciue, without beneiit,
Siie was told that H. B. B. would
p,,,. She has used two bottles,
a-MOie ulcers improved rapiiPy until
entirely cured.
It was the first and only medicine
that ever did tier any good.
To all who are. suffering from tlie errors
and indi-ni *di‘»«is of \ . irTyous weak
nuss, uarly duuay, los manhood,&c. I
j send a recipe that will cure you,
,)■, ot' <, ii Aivill. i his gir ■» remedy
dlvu.iere I i -y a mi •ionai; . i .Soinli
Atueuea N ml a -.e.| ttddl envelop
to 12.e Rev. Jo .J. 1. il.until. Station D,
New folk City
j 8Vih: Merit VV ill Do.
The unprecedented sale <■! Boschee’s |
Syrup within a few year.-, has
astouisheii t «•. world. It is without
safest an t Is st remedy ever discov
ered , , ter speedy , and i effect a , nal i Clue . of <• !
UauMis, Colds and the seveiest Lung
........... I*,-| i
eut priuci le from the usual prescrip !
tions given by Physicians, as it does
not dry up a Cough and leave the
erase stiil ill tiie sy.iteni, but on the
eintraiy removes the cause of tiie
trouble, heals the parts effected and
ic.ves 1 lieiu in a purely . > altbv coleli
tl'.n. A bo!lie ke.'t at the house for
use when. drs-as. , make . "W an
|M 4, uHiH'.iij^, wi ‘ >ei‘>i\su:H.Ha!nt
a lo g sp. 11 of serious liluess. A 1 1 ial
.1 convince y-u ol tiiese Ucts It is
| ostively sold tiy all ilruggist and
erwl dealers in the land I’lice To elk.,
* Urge bottles.
NO. ! 1
C V 11 K S
WEAKNESS, chills and feyers,
Is Invigcrat- - JT gives NEW
Irtgf and De¬ ? y\ 3 LIFE to the
lightful to take, ■ V ,vh»l* SYSTEM
and ot Medicine great value I 5 ' ' v\ S by Strengthening
os o for ' ' ' | tec IVI useie*. Tnn
weak and Ailing \ l * »ri£ tl-.« NERVES
Women ami Chil- and completely tile food. 1)1
o 1 A 1 N S 4 I- 11
(J no IN hurtful a
Minerals, i3 com- fc? \ ^ < jn physicians, teiiinjf dia
posed of carrtully how to treat
selected Vegeta¬ ’S . co^rn at I.OME,
ble combined Medici skill¬ n «* <i, r J mailed, v/ith sftot together hand¬
fully, making n some Heliotype carda by new
Sale and Pleasant process,
Remedy, cm receipt of ioc,
For * He by nil Wnpg1»1 * mi* 1 U,ror*m, 8 'iouBj tlie (ttolur ne»f
rjj HI lint keep \|||,IM It iKUiAL, remit fl.OU, «MUI A fuU »US
ll« will bo sent, dial ■
rm.r ikKN WIT *t
Volina Drug nnd Chemical Cempanyj
tui.n.uou*:, ini., l. a. ▲.
Geonria D Railroad Co.
Slone Mountain Route.
AIKinsT.V.G A. Sept. ISI.ll iHHC. I
* /•COMMENCING SUNDAY,'lSth sdtGule inst.
the following passenger will
he Trains operated : by 90th meridian liuie,
run 32
minutes slower than Augusta time.
No. l—W est— Daii.t.
Leave Augusta 10:,mi a m
“ Man in 7.10 am
“ Milledgeviile » 13 * 111
“ Washington 11 tv a m
Ai*/ ive Crawlordville 1 20 p m
tt Athens r an j) p in
“ Gainesville 4 to in
“ Atlanta fl 44 p in
No. 2 —East—Daily
Leave Atlanta s (K) a m
“ Gainesville fl flu a in
Athens 0 oo a m
A “ ]vo ( $$$$&"* . . 'ISIS
„ sviiUedgevlUe ,
> •* n.a.-..» u
** . ■ it* ,-U
*Jjo- !crT’v'll lTep ’mna (^'.Tv'lll :*lVra
L v nPAr.
Ar. Atlanta (1:40 aha A r. Augusta fl:00 a m
PlSt LiH0»
No. 2 7—vv km'— Daily.
Leave Augusta 7 4flam
Arrive Washington 10 40 aiu
leave Washington *■! JO Hill
Arrive C’ruwfonlville 41 ant
“ Athens , 12 3fl am
Gainesville s 2 f> pill fun
I ( Atlanta 1 su
No ?8 —East—Datly. 41
Leave Atlanta J 4 fl p m
“ Gainesville fl Sfl a m,
Arrive Athens 7 40 pm
“ Crawfordvillo (5 OS pm
Arrive Leave Washington Washington 7 sfl pm
4 20 put
Arrive Augusta 8 15 p ill
: ■/! si bi.iii; I .riNtoVEI) si.EEl’EBS
Trai n No 27 a ml 28 will stop ai and reeeivo
]w eiigers to i 1 i \ i following p lints
TI::ini.,mi, >u!v • G i .vidowil. Harlem, Gearing,,
\oi wood, i ,i nn-l.t.l rawfordvilln,
Union I’oint, Gmenu.dioro, Madison, Ruf
ledge, S ». iai Circle, Goyingtoii, (ionyers,
I.illioiiio, Stone \l i itoain and Decatur.
Tlie l/r-.i Line Inn Tlmmgli Bloepar
from Atlanta to Charleston
Gen. Passenger Agt. Gcii’l. Manager
JOK W. WlllTK,
Gcn’e. Traveling Passenger Agant
•Ip E3& 7
Si nee I opened last S/ptemhev fc» strict¬
ly cash, liiy trad*- has Increased and my
en !ojieo - mem to wear a pteasant aruiie
on their faces o' er the great bargains re¬
ceived by their thoughtfulness «f saving
dimes and dollars, knowing that ea-h Is
n.Hu« amt regulating business of every
kind. So. in nivordanne vriffi the utiovr
)ae| as eiieoniiigement, I again invite niv
eustomeis to eonie ami hoy for east: al
y n can and -ave trouble and extra
charges. I have on hand a handsome lot
„f ,| rv g<«id-, hum . ho- a. hats groceries,
. in- -ware aiel everything that can he
fi. nd in a genera! store which J will s«d
low dotv nlor die cash.
— -
flex I! B'-M. Ex-cn’or ot William Reid,
deceased, has in due form applied to the
II; „| . r T,o,,,.,| leave town the real estate
ta-tongiiiu to I tie e-t-ite of William Reid,
IssC. 'lln-G-i -SL’W'TttrtS. flth
Hi.M'.t II. Fly. nt, Ord. T. V.
i ocntv.
‘ Wh-p as William II and George M. fan,
Executors of Henry Poss, d«a a«eil. n t»
\ [" t! “' *« lU, '| v Petition duly
!' n' "’.'.VT*' 1 7‘lT?™ ! !
f nilv a t ru.l Iluury Posb P EltnUf.
;This is therefor,, .to cit- all persons eon
curuftd licir* and uru'litor^ to f t *iL
1 if an v thee i a„, wh, said Execiitors should
j aruliveeive not b (iix-iiart{,s! letter- from of i/lsmis-hm their Exccutm-hip «n the
i J;U!lmr; ’ 1KM "' 11,is 4,,t
*°* ? hV.nrt Fl Fitm 'ml T