Crawfordville democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1881-1893, November 12, 1886, Image 3
The DEMOCRAT. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY BY CLEM. C. MOORE. CRAWFORD VILLE, GEORGIA. Entered &t the postoffice at Cr&wfoi d?ille, Ovorg-a, an ueeond-cUsg mail matter. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER,12,18?6. INCENDIARISM. It will be.-seen that his Excellency, Gov. H. I). McDaniel, has issued a proclamation through the columns of the Democrat in which he offers $250 reward for the capture of the incendia¬ ry that burned Mr. V. R. Porter’s gin house on the 22nd day of last month. Mr. Borter is one of our worthy farm¬ ers and it is a shame to have property destroyed in this manner bv one so malicious as this party must have been. We are told that this was a horse-power gin and it had been sever¬ al days since any ginning had been done there, which gives strong evi¬ dence that the torch was apolied. Last year, about this time, Mr. Heard, just on the line of this and Greene county lost his barn and several hors¬ es. In the last few months there has been several other fires in the settle¬ ment of Flutter District, and it now seems that ttie law dip nut get the last incendiary when they sent Fed. Heard to the chain-gang for 15 years for burning Mr. Heard’s house. There must be another branch to this fiend¬ ish band and now it behooves every good citizen in tins county to watch closely and do all in tl.eir skill to find aud convict one oi two more of the torch-carriers. That is the only rem¬ edy to cure this disease, and God speed the day when they shall be brought to the bar of justice and given the full extent of the law-. A GOOD ONE. We commenced in the early part of the year to furnish our readers with that our effort has been crowned with success. Our readers have been de lighted with the selections used in the Democrat and we will be found on the line of improving this department with every new story. “Olivia,” r our prese nt o n e w ill / end in a while, and though' it has been quite’a long one it has been much ap preciated. It is almost daily that we receive compliments praising it. All who . ave failed to read It have missed a good thing. Now, we wish to call vour attention to our new story which will commence in our issue of Nov. 20th, 1880. and will he wholly worth the entire sub¬ scription of one year to the paper. The title, “Marion Delorme ; or the Worth of Wit.” insures a good story by the hands of one of the best au¬ thors in the country. It is very hand¬ somely written and you will lose one of the best articles of the age if you fril to r.G.d it. We wish to make this proposition to our readers. If those who are behind with their subscrip¬ tion a few months will come forward ai d settle up to the first of December next,and pay us one dollar in advance, will receipt and send you the IL.sio crat weekly for twelve months. We make this offer only through the re¬ mainder of tnis month and to the 15th of December 188G. It is an unparral lelled offer mid we only do this as we know the times are bard and that cash is scarce. Don’t think we are jesting about , this for we moan wlnit we say. j To ail who have already paid up to or ! about ...... that time we will make ... spec . al . . , arrangements on application. | ] | NOTICE- i I "VTotice is hereby given hat a bill will be introduced in the present Legisla ture for the purpose of conveying by deed ttie icademy iot, situated in the town of i Craw the Directors Corn vilie, of Taliaferro the Stephens County, Monumen- Ga., to j I tal Association for school purposes. ' NOTICE T»> DEBTORS & CREDIT- !RS. x\_estate 4 II persons having claims against the ot Wm. N. Gunn, late of Talia¬ ferro county deceased, arc hereby notified to present them to the undersigned, ac eor ing to law ; and all persons indebted to said estate, are requested Wm. to Ii. make GUNN, im¬ mediate settlements. Executor. rr^ FTT" _ 1 I '(J 1 1 A iS Cd «rs. I 4}i 13 a F'K % 5 1 r 5 8*1 Sh ^ ^ ^ S w ^ -O I am pleased to say that I have what you need. The Union Injector i 9 The simplest, the best boiler feeder made- no exception. I also keep a supply of Piping, Valves. Whistles, Steam Ullages, Would Oils, Belting, «fcc. Am prepared to do all kinds of repair work at -hort notice. be pleasod to have your orders. NEW WORK DONE IN BEST MANNER. AS . LQ MBAR D, Proprietor feMHMjLBK V and MACH INK WORKS | I B* 39 pga ft x &4KIH0 POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder neAer varies. A marvel of purity strength and wholesomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, with amt the cannot oe sold in competition weight alum multitude of low test, short or phosphate powders. Sold only Wall in cun St.. s. Hoy.iL Baking Powdeji Co., too N. A. dec4 ly. Money! Money !! m~TO LOAN ON IMPROVED FARMS n Taliaferro County at legal rates of interest. It will be, to the advantage of the farmers to see me before applying elsewhere APPLY AT ONCE TO H M HOLDEN. Attorney at Law, Crawfordville, Ga. NOTICE TO DEBTORS & CREDITORS. 4 11 persons having claims against tin J\ estate of John deceased, W. Holmes, hereby late of noti¬ Tal¬ iaferro hand county their demands are the fied to in to un¬ dersigned, according to law ; and all per¬ sons indebted to said estate are requited to make immediate settlements to the un¬ dersigned. This the 5th day of Nov. 1886. Joseph VV. Farmer. Administrator. SHERIFF SALE. rfYiere will be sold before the Court A House door in the town of Crawford¬ ville on the first Tuesday in December 1886, between the legal hours of sale.about 4500 pounds of seed cotton, and also 20 bushel of corn, levied on as the propertyt of Walter A. Beazley, Jr., to satisfy il II. fa. issued from a J ast ice court in the 605 district, G M of Taliaferro county, in fa¬ vor of Lockmand & McClentock. Levy etc., made this the 4th day of Oct. 1886. C. U. Jordan, Sheriff T, C SHERIFF SALE. rpiiere will be sold before the Court 4 V/yise door in the town of < rawford vilie on te the inst the legal Vw'idfg Rtnirs ill of sale, B*«jr.v.hvx about t«86, tween 7500 pounds of seed cott oi, levied on as the proper! y of R. U. Port, wood to sail'd ' a fi. fa. issued from Taliaferro Superb r Court, in favor of Stewart & Bristow. Levy etc. made this the 28th day of No¬ vember 1886. C. U. Jordan. Sheriff f. C. CITATION FOR LETTERS OF DIS¬ MISSION. OTATE OF GEORGIA, Taliaokruo tic >UNTV. Whereas, Obadiah M. Saggus represents to the court in his petition duly filed and entered on record that lie lias fully ad¬ ministered Mrs Jane Lyle’s estate : This is, therefore to cite all persons concerned, heirs and creditors to show cause, if any they can, why said administrator should not de discharged from Ins administration and receive letters of Dismission on the first NOV. Holiday in Feb. 11 1887. This 11. 2nd dny 1886. KNRY C I.YNT, OrdfnarA Taliaterro County. A PROCLAMATION " /"N EORGIA : By Henry I). McDaniel, TGovernor of said Siatee. Whereas, offeial information lias been re¬ ceived at this Department that on the 22 of Oct. ult. tnc Gin House of V. R. Por¬ ter in the county oi Taliaferro, was de stro ed by fire—the I have work thought of an incendiary as is supposed. issue this Proclamation, proper, therefore, to my hereby offering a reward of Two Hundred and fifty Dollars for the apprehension and delivery of said incendiaiy with evidence ^[faud St-ate^ require And‘l all Officers moreover in ° f this charge and State, Civil and Military, to he vigilant in endeavoring to apprehend the said brought mcen <liury j,, order that he may be to trial for the ofiense with which he stands charged. Given under my band and the ^ r( , at ^ ( , a | 0 f the .state, at tie- Capitol in Atlanta, this the fifth day of November in the year Bundled of our Lord One Thousand Eight and Eighty-Six United and of the of j independence of the States America Henry the One D. McDaniel, Hiti.ered and Governor. Eleventh, j By the Governor. N. C. Barnett, Sec’y. of State The Legislative Halls of the beautiful Capitol at Nashville, Tennessee are damp, and it is no wonder therefore that Coo sens’ Houey of Tar, is in such demand among her law-givers. They want to be relieved of coughs, colds and diseases of the throat and lungs, and know that • Oiissens’ Honey of Tar is the only per¬ manent cure. If suffer ing with a coidtry it. Tried in the Crucible. ft About twenty years ago I discovered a little sore on my cheek, and the doctors pro¬ nounced it cancer. I have tried a number of physicians, out without receiving any perma¬ nent benefit. Among the number were one or two specialists. The medicine tney applied was like fire to the sore, causing intense pain. I saw a statement in the papers telling what S. S. S. had done for others similarly afflicted. 1 procured some at oncer Before f had used the second bottle the neighbors could notice that my cancer was healing up. My general health had been nad for two or three years—I hau a hacking cougn ana spit tdood contin* ually. I had a severe pam m my breast. After taking six bottles of S. S. S. my cough left me and 1 grew stouter than I had been for several years. My cancer lias healed over all but a little spot about the size of a half dime, and it is rapidly disappearing. I would advise every ouc with cancer to give S. S. S. a fair trial. Mrs. NANCY J. McCONAUGIIKY, Ashe Grove, Tlppt'canoe Co., lad. Feb. lfi. 1SSK. Swift’s Specific is entirely vegetable, and seems to cure cancers by forcing out the impu¬ ■1 rities from the blood. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. T)1K SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Drawers, Atlanta, Ga. s IIV FILL 11 TUTU GOODS! AUGUST Dill NJI Merchant Tailor, Hatter and Furnisher, <• -WHOLESALE ANI) RETAIL DEALER IN Gents’ Furnishing Goods, Umbrellas, Shirts, Hats, Etc. Etc. No 71H> STREET, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, Choice Novelties always on hand, and Orders Guaranteed to give satisfaction. A Choice Lot of Over-Coats, Our Own Make, Just Finished. FALL OPENING-. IS 80 *> ■i m 1886 . It is with pleasure and some degree of pride and gratification that I make tnv FALL ANNOUNCEMENT. I call the attention of my patrons and friends generally to the fact that 1 have the Largest and Handsomest Assorted Stuck of FALL AND WINTER GOODS That 1 have placed before you for a itimflier of years. with a thorough knowledge,of the trade, I was enabled to make such selections as cannot tail to please; each Department abounds in NOVELTIES of the Latest Styles. 1 cordially invite you to call and examine my Stock, feeling CORNER c lifident that a look will make a customer. J will prove to you that, the OLD never fails to keep up with winch the times, the Low Prices, the Elegance of the Goods and the courteous attention every one receives, all add to its popularity. HIE GOLDEN RULE stands of first and foremost It customary ns one of at the the Mottoes present day of the to House, he big which blow is and the great great sc¬ ore success. is ma a say a deal, but me Old Corner has always and will still continue to be run on the OLD RELIABLE PLANT , 3TTwHill^rGB/Xnier’^oornor- CROUPf AMBER BEADS A SURE PREVENTATIVE FOR i .yess i» smmm £•-29 WHAT ? Why Our Splendid New Bargainsand Exclusive Styles for the !88o FALL AND WINTER. 1887. Ker> eseuling the MosrCompIcte r Lines of Millinery, Notions, Fancy Goods, Pousokiiig Goods, Underwear, Hosiery,Neckware and Cloaks ever offered or shown unper one roof m the Southern Stiles. WICKEE & CO’S » Homo of Fashion and Temple of Economy Is ttie pride and pet of the ladies of Augnsfa. Because we hove beat down Hie hat tlements of high ju ices and levied the field of competition here at home, ’tis, no reason why we should not reach out after with the splennid old shapeless trade that Hat finds Bonnet its way that to belongs Ail usta. to Ladies, are you satisfied t< put up sell mi jiretty, bright, or style at half the the dead jiast, when Wicker* Go., call you a new rice? A careful lady will see ’tis well worth her while to look into this matter, for we can show you goods in almost every distinct line in which you buy that is calculated to elicit surprise and admiration from you. They are here waiting for you, the best money, care and experience can procure, and we think it is not asking too much when you conie or send to this market to incluaing give us Vests, a fair ami Gowns, impartial Chemises, trial. Skirts, Remember and that we keep underwear of all kinds, Flannels with beauUful a great lines variety of Shawls, Balmoral Skirts, Corsets, of all styles, Serin™ of goods for fancy work, such as Plush, Satins, Felts, Cricket. Flannels, Persian Tapestry, Curtains nod all kinds of materials for fancy work. We carry the largest line of Millinery Goods Beads. in the citv, We showing everything new do, in Feathers. Ii ids, Ornaments, Tips, i mines and do not propose, assume to give our goods away, but we do pronose to sell them at priees that will induce the ladies to come and lake them away. For your sake aud our sake, come and let us sa e money for you. WICKER & CO., Augusta, Ga. LIFE, ACTIVITY ASS BUSINESS! -AT- \Y.M. ML LULLIN' & CO’S. WE ARE RECEIVING LARGE SHIPMENTS OF Do a is, S lio m ft. R 4 ffals, FOR FALL TRADE. We have received so much encouragement, in our efforts to furnish the peonle with ! a good class of BOOTS, SHOES and HATS, at moderate prices that we have taken i -peeial pain-to get the l»e-t class of stock for our patrons. We have a laige stock of wholesale trade, and we guarantee the Lowest Pric(;s. Our retail stock includes Miller & Ober’s, Stacy Adams & Co-, Zeigler Bros., Strih lev & Co., and wany other desirable makes. For the greater convenience of many pat roiis, we have opened a Branch tore, at 623 Broad Street, four doors above tie. Au¬ gusta Hotel, i ne store is in charge of MR. J. J. O’CONNOR W’ho will be pleased to see his numerous friends and acquaintances- At both store they natrons can rely on prompt attention,and invi our ed best efforts to supply them with just wha need in our line. You are cordially to call. Wm. MUIherin <& Co. Two Stores, fJ23 Broad Street, 4 doors above Augusta Hotel aud bid Broad St. | sign of the Large Red Boot. 1 ' i ,‘V \ I a. '. ‘ V ' ’ ‘I; V ‘ I * ‘ -: <> «>4 . ""«§"f=»~'¥:z‘\l¥{’f 1v 1 ‘s'...:ég;u.-1;Is3wi:ai;v-43§r'$15573: _ 3-3.2:;‘1 14‘", ;,~. 7‘55? 1... .,-;.,. 21:3“? ‘7; " .;7;¢7.EW~‘-».2.7§~“2'»§ ‘1’?! f ' M ””1553“ a‘fg-fi'fiifig‘aglg:fi.,:.3:.v~v".-r77fiif'_-:+:.-,3m x*7§”)\*‘§..¢§"fl‘ -75774757/7 , :7, 4.1+, $36.75* 7 4-. fi'i"f~:if—"‘-J—“f 7.‘ mi; W7: ‘ : -.-, 2’7””: «7.3? "Me -. 7 vg‘-\\! .2773: -’ 37.. 5'7: 7 ,;v,n:;sa..:; >77 ‘51::775273‘U‘3fg 5 A»: {fouf‘YMTf‘W' Warm i . / ‘» 1 , ‘71 . 7 hi: ' 7 ‘ 7 7?“; /7 ‘1 ' 1.}; * : »- 7e 7:7 .-... «g; . 1&4» 17:7 §£fi7¢j .7 1:”!- u" “n 2 1, 7. ‘7‘1'31’7 -,-v.x«....~;"~: 5.57;: 41%;; “1"“ ~:t~r'»-- *7 “77:77:33; ,-_. 1“ mga... 7. :7'—='-= : . *,\ u . 4.3 7 >1;,,.,-._{_,-~.,‘;» mfi’g" .73.? ”Fig” ~§§7 “2‘ 91*: .7 {:23 «r7», 7317‘"- 7:}; - ;P‘v‘aifdu ; V. "(é‘r‘Zx‘i'gg-Sfi"? *ikig‘at‘gkx 7: .— ' 71477." ‘7‘“7'ic'sng" “-7.7“? 37—77%579 7m 7137.777: 57.1,," . g :7‘7 V .. £»»«»-.';>;.;‘t . 7.. ':.;;(~t—_;f 7:}.-_3_?;§n;.ajym__f‘; "'1:— 6 ix. ‘2, '7 4’ a “‘79 —— MANL‘P‘MJTU'L E1: 01’ ——-—‘ W a rOHS 11!". ‘lBr'vlll‘C’ 11" B [CS 9 allL ( ca (’1‘ m OfllnS. I keep, 101-11,“:er \‘wan-P of the people in Lhe county"; :ermd hrrP, THI‘ 4 A!»“. B" < "1‘ III‘ 4 Jr ' \RS‘I‘ LJLL3E.JJT.A. 4 IV \I' r )DI 1‘ 4 (“FORFI 4 14. x I can furn‘nh (50mm uf any urmlv. »' 'Ixé, stylv :m-( p rive. 15 \yuf me un‘i ham: thw 1w: “wane. IN WAGOXS AND IH'HUIES. l (fin fumi‘h tlw lwst :1: tHs- Irvw-ut priw. I am zmw fzxrnithq V(?hiClPan!‘ tlwsm‘rmnmin: (-nnntl'ysatismt-turily. -{mhing but the bmt nmturiul \xwd. “Mrk guaranteed. (Jail and .wr 1m: Mum you want anything in m‘; Hm. L I M. Ti . H HIPSON A , ‘ L 9 SH ‘ A APOV‘ l J. 9 G 4 ~X . rrr Sfca In Sting mi NEW GOODS A1B MEW PRICES. I have bought my brother’s, Titos, Ii. Bristow, entire Stock of Merelian dis ! and have moved to the building recently occupied by J. W Tucker as a bar-room, where I will keep a F all Stock of £-*' FANCY AND DOMESTIC JH nt jm j Also a lull liue of FAMILY GROCERIES, Best Brands of FLOUR aud MEAL alwitys tnv divest ®a j ,mtwA'A-SII — -— W. C. BRISTOW, CRAWFORDVILLE, GA. imm* €■ f w ■U % i) A A fresh lot of i warden Heeds just received at Or. Reid's Drug Store. Remember thoit I hu^ my seeds lor easli and keep no old stock on hand. All of last season’s seeds burned. Come and iret a fresh seeds that will be sure to come up. mwtth wmssBk I also have a fine stock of the latest School Books, Stationery, Pens, Pencils, Lettet Note, Foolscap, Legal Cap and Ledger Papers, r Just have everything you need in the Stationery line. Paints, Oils, JLamps, Ac: I also keep a full line of Oils and Paints. Paints mixed of different Colors, White Lead, Lind Seed Oil, Castor Oii, Sweet Oil, Sewing Machine Oil, Kerosene Oil, and Sperm Oil. Paint Brushes of the le t quality. In fact, I have every thing that is usually kept in a first class drag' f«ro. I will sell you as Cheap as they can he bought in Georgia, REMEMBER that I sleep over the Drug Store and will wait on you at any hour of the night. I am keeping a full line of Lamps and fancy fixtures Come and buy where you have a Larire assortment to select from. MRS N. BRUM CLARKE No. 719 BroaA St., Near Monument, AUGUSTA, GA Is Opening an Elegant Miiiiiury Stock To which she Invites your attention. Orders for Hats and Bonnets and Notion prompiy filled at the very lowest prices. latest styles reasonable prices. DRESS and DOLMONS made in at Sb.urning Costumes gotten up for any limit. Ycur Orders Respectfully Solicited Mrs. N. Brum Clark.