Crawfordville democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1881-1893, November 12, 1886, Image 4

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Wealthy Negroes.
lohn W Cromwell 'compiled a negro journalist into
in Philadelphia, has an
rating exhibit of the hu.sim -» <<>n >ri
of his race in America. in the
The ('irolinas take the had
number of well-to-do negro. . North
Carolina has twenty who are worth from
$U) 000 to $;;0,000 each. In South Caro
linn'tlif l " itei’i™ own $I0 000,000 worth
of property. ..............
represent $18,00b, and ( ImrU •-> < . Ml
is worth $12,000. The family of Noi et
tes, track farmers, are worth $150,000.
In the $124*020.85 city savings bank the negroes |
have on deposit. One bough! man
has over nliiilition $5,000. He I'ei'ni! a
■tin 000 ....... and naid $7,000 in
In Pmlnrlelpjua .. . , , . John , , miim ;.x .... .
iialf a million. lb owns 400 houses.
Several are worth $100,000‘ i ll.
The llic negroes nemos r.f ol * Wiv « Volk own from
five to mx million 1 -m.i j
estate. I* A. White a whole- d ; - dr.,-'
giat, i» worth ft (piarier of a n ilium and
haa an annual busili'-s of $200,000, !
Catherine Black is worth $ HO,000. 5’J,
In Nt w Jersey tl;<* negroes own
000,000 has’more worth of real estate. Baltimore •
X: ij**,. neirro home, owners tlmn any J! i
........* —
worth a total of $M)O t 000. John Thor wt*.
iho wealthiest ’ in worth about $150,000. I
- Less than i a hundred , , . negroes in w Washing- \txrr !
ton are worth a total of $1,000,000.
In Louisiana the negroes pay tax on .
Al’i fin ’ 000 ’• 00!) in New .l" Orleans and $!«) ’ - I
000,000 in the . state. Iome I, , ifon f( , a ,
E’rench (iuadroon, is worth $1,100,000.
The illereer Brothers, elotliiers, carry a
stock stock of of?..0 «;-00 000 Missouri has twenty- :
seven edi/.ens worth a million dolUro in )
amounts ranging from $20,000 to $2.'i(),
000 the!
The richest colled woman of
south A a marida * l-,uh ink , L1 , mad-«> „ t... - a I,., -
will of her white father, is worth $100,- |
000, and lives near Augusta, (In. China- i
go, no the t it. home Home of or 18 I8,uu 000 colored n .r i people |
has three coloiul firms in busini is.
proprietors represent $20,000 < mh, one
$15 000 ami nine $10,000. The Hastlake I
furniture company } is worth $20,000.
A. . J. , Scott a has ft.,-,.,,,. $45,000 " 1V ‘i * | ln
the livery business, and is worth $100,
000 incl’idlng a well stocked farm in
Michigan Mrs. John Jones and Rich
arc! „...... Grant are worth .... r .i. *7(11,1,0 $.n, no .it. j, a. a
(J. White, of HI. Emus, formerly sur- |
vcyor to the Anchor line of steamers, j
after financial (n,t«iivr, revere ha.M, since the
nim.,f retrieved his fortunes -
and aceuniuhiteil $30,000. Mrs. M
Carpenter, a San I'.smi'. colored wo
man, has a bank account iff $50,000, and
Mrs. Mary l’l'-munt ha-a.) income Iron,
eight house, in t an I ...... -eo, a .......
iimir Han Mateo ami $H.u.00O in gown,
rnent botida. In Marysville, Oil., twlvc
individuals , , . arc* owners . Ol 1 ruin . ,,1, ll< S V.lliud :
,1,11,,. tli nirirrcirnti. n^gn,,nlc at st from Irom 81 50 000 to 1
in . >
$1 HO, 000. (hie <»f them, Mrs. leggy .
Hreden. has beside, a hank account of
&.i(l null
These Mastics show that, the I,roll,or in
black in milking some headway in the
world. He is learning to “tote his own
4 (hiekeu Killing Mat'll.
A novel ......, onf.-st took pm«> ,
roeentl v ill Dciioit betwm ii 'on A.
Fisher and M. Duniphcy, rival chicken
.......... * 1 tr*
wager $tp0 that coultl , dn .vs vlll) |
chickens better and in less time tli n |
Dumphey would require to do the job, j
and tlie latter bi«putcd the claim to the I
extent of coverin' tlm la I.
The day was fixed for the contest, and
much interest was num i f. -t, d, private
be,-agorngatino $1,000 and nvm- Being
made on the 11 sn 11. Aitnhs ol a.
ment were drawn tip, the requirements
being that tie cliirk, n '•hould he kept
f.Tfffti' hall shoiild la* l<s\l in 11.n y \< - n«i
the remainder spring elm kens. ,
The chickens were killed with a sharp j
knife, which was plunged ml,, their ju . j
ulnr, and were th:i throw 11 into a vat ot
boiling water They ...... to the
contestants, who denuded them ol their
feathers. Each fowl w--.lo-cly sen,tin
i/.cd by the umpires on h. tl. sides and by
the referee. 1 he work was hare and
the excitement increased " hen l'isher
cffolt to (at' trL .1 up vv 0 O S < ( p > 1
was unKUeeessful. fisher dressed t lie
last of his 200 birds in forty four min¬
utes. Dunijihey finished twenty-one
minutes Inter.
Fisher . . s friends nay that their man < m
outdo any man in America in the chick, n
dressing husmess. and thev are vvdhng
to back i in» for nnv lumaint. Another)
match wilt probably result from the di-
A < j Sr Hirer.
“Here, leave those apples alone! You’re
the second tramp that has tried to steal
them to day!"
“1 wasn’t trying to steal them, 1 was I
just looking at them, and thinking of 1
the last atip’.es I saw in the eycloue dis I
triet, in Kansas,"
“Was you in a eyelom |
“I was. for a fact. AU alone in a cab- !
in. No artiele of furniture but a well
“ 5 S 2 ,i STor..........a „ ,
“It Has, when I S:nv the cyclone com
• „ x?
i ,• • ,
. •w w hat tin , lamp did- , , light , out. . „
Pastime, |
“I say Napoleon cro.-st il the Alps in
“Anil I say in 1802." I 1
“You depend on , menu , ;
“No, 1 dont. 1 depend pastime." .
“Cert -inly. Ain’t history a mere mat
ter of pastime?”
Srnvrncrr* of Importance.
Ve*t to the bowela. or rather in mninnctlon
•-- 1
fTi ;rov*ntu.g'h port, 'll- U t -Ki a:.,I. „rr> , I ff r, re! -r,'
5Je 1 U..-..U v. r -
amt OMn by t cleansing
work li *m<* terN s ntu h tters. when tlo
st.inevs e> neesten't, e\ ten .ot tlie a, t:vii\ »n.i
Zt thmir HUI‘-r ,u.t fe.r. t on. lei e„ , it,
Un» »*e t» rettsl nm.HiiH-. the m « itithcult
t„ cope with, sud wo sup. rind ce s fright
sv-r.p-om-of XVhen***'* renal ins. lion, - re they - .-I ehou hit .1 the at - uh:e-t
on. e re
cclre the ne,d' 1 »tinr .-.!■> from tm* -ab-t,
iureet an.i p es-« teat fdi re tcs. C i '-s ul
lever, dysiwi- ». c.metil'acon, ver cvuipbi.nt
debility are a remedied ^ by it.
slid *.
Wet at il l>ry.
When the Board o.' Trade of C hicago
moved from the old business r enter there
was a rush for the old offices vacated )>}
the naho s of commerce. After awhile,
the new tenants found the high-priced kinds
rooms didn't pay, and sought all
of excuses to move.
Among the-*- unfortunate - wen StuObs
and Stobl>s. Each had rented an office,
...........- '»"»■”>. «•«" "">«
attic* n hen tho renting agent enrnv
around, Mr. Stubb:* nunounrod hi.- inter;
Hon of movu.gj
“Rut you can’t do if, you know,” said
•\\ny not' _ »
“We’ve got you on si year’- lea-'."
“Well. ’» I liave ri aso;. for abandonin''
(}„, j '
hat , reason .... '
“This basement room is (l imp, ’i he
glue in the desks got "so moist they fed
The l.o- 1-^ • are ,-di mold'v and
I .e got rhemnab m bom it. I d ought ,
to sue you for damages.
I he agent, looked teare.J, mutter'd
t'-iething about -being ,ny. Drove, of
f oui. <, j, ,<»u ami Mcnt to
Mr. Htobbs.
Htobbs aurpriacd him will) a bimilai
***** ...........
\\ b your < ompUmt ; .......
kbe a k r eut. “Dampness here, too, I Mjp
pose ?” !
* ’ j . • / . . ' wltv sir ,j
Hie sun has bhst' . i ' d . tlie . floor . t ill i, s al.
3ut of I» hlmb . «'>>’ '>ew d-k is all K '.reli
cd, • and I’ve got b no blood left, > with the i
I „
V ou got very badly deecjve'i , by , t >
rbT * M'^'ved men,” a friend told the
agent, - : aday or two later. “Those scampt
oil those oflleei ' j ”
“How so? I hey said wet , and , dry— . ,•
“Yes, Stubbs was in the basement next
door to a saloon. Kept full all the time,
nn( ] got h . „ J j„ vi: ,| lh . t everybody * liked
^! . m Business Iioomed . ■* on nnr accoui r>f t , t
his rare good-nature.
« Aml g tobb9 r <
' W! . ( [ rv Basement
* uloon cght flights down J wn Kept | sober • •
for a ,no " t1 ' f, '' m uec .ssjty refortned
and , saved a farm in drinks in two
______ a
loo Mire.
I belonged to a company that made
the famous f m. l aiouud Aleidcllan 8 i;..,., lines
before Kichmono, umior uenenil htuart.
It bail been arranged we should divide,
ami, taking different routes, meet at
New Kent, Court House, the ihtei-net ion
of s-veral r.ud I was among the first
patty to arrive. \\c found I bat this lit
He villa-r- was a depot for large
or H,c ...on army hey were so con of their J.n ty hot they . nl not
oflookin- hen/ath 01 dust-laden
clothes for Omfederab’H. We were too
ffi 'V HI . numher to take . possession, and
,nust f i:.. * i.,... 0A until JOIIM 1 !>v oy others om IS of or our our
party, so we struggled around making
There were several finely furnished
««Her stores, ami one of tin *S with twe
of my comrades I entered As we
to the bar, which proprietor wan finely and
abundantlv stock'<1, ntlemenll” the asked;
“tfiiampume “ .
.... Certiuu)- | , I.IC oi yotir ttnest
h , gftmui.” we icplied. what cavalry be
“M „'4„. iv 1 ask to you
i on continued *.......'»»«"■
“»«' «*. *~i«»» •«
out after that rebel Stuart.”
i»y ou ( j 0 no t mean to say he is any
wheru uear boro , do vmt? Of course ho
not , ,,o would not dare venture here,
with tile whole of .McClellans army ill
f loll ( 0 f 1)s ”
.. U( . con'inued continued: quietly sampling J
flllill ., w i,i.e he
..| ,,, ,t a lighting man myself, but _
I’d show him how that case could speak,
if ( ,. v ,. r et eve-on him,” fuiiuting a,,.. to a
oshibii -.....
. J u - ? I b«*n flare was an umiMial noise
w ithout and we caught a glimpse of the
r ,. ni , j n d’. , of our command, and we said:
..y. „ had (letter set out a few more
L da -is, and open another bottle or two;
, bost . !lri . 0 { 0 ur friends. Yes,
, llu fooliu«>- " lom'cr " wc are
Sl eaV alr V .”
He, as well as several finely dressed
loafers, was too much astonished to make
,|ie sli-ditest resistance, and we were
— — —«■
‘Gone into the coal business, eh :
J lies?’ 1
,, v o ", ,1
holesale or retail. -i u
»•] ither. 1 make it a rule to sell my
l( . :i l j„ lots to soot,”
. ----------
vs .,.,1 Toy (in a shop)—“1 want to get
(q ir istu,as" prcieiit lor my mother.”
|’r, - rictor % llow would a pair of
pets do, sonny (T Small Boy—“Have witlinul
v ou cot ’em made ef cloth, «n' Small
any liny heels (eagerly?—Gimme ?” Proprietor—“Yes.” a pair.
Architect Kdmond I-egendre, «9 Puttn
street. Siui Francisco, (’a ., »ratp^ that having
suffered for a long time with u severe cough,
and failing to obtain any relief from doctort
and the numerous preparations he to’k. lie
became alarmed. Tried Red star Cough Cura
and one boulc entirely cured him.
iff. KKW-T-r'gaV^^ , H
t'd!'‘oriHl A\ • ? tui » fashion journal other
tti.iMi . i manag«»T \>y h gentleman.
Mr. Kd. f. Wells. Thetis i\ o.. Sterens Co.,
Wash. Territory, was entirely cured of rhen
inatism b} the use of St-Jacuhs Oil. He-a>s:
“1 c nsider t a wonderful remedy »ml will
alw ays s; oak a good word for it."
Grace K n,\ the new writer to whom Imd
le> Warner is nctimr ns literary sodtather, i<
ixilli eeeentr c and untidy if it in had tier t-een altire. brushed Her
hairu-ua ly looks as be
the wrong wav, and her hat seems to con
ttanUy defying the laws of gravitation.
.4 .lew Wonder
Is tiot of ton rev x tuv>e w ho wr te to
Ha.lett vY Co., Pori mini Mane, wiUlearii ot &
genuine o u». Vouc u earn from $.'>ro and $£>&nd live
up want® a nay. You can do ti.e work
at home. \n herever > o ; are located* Full par
titulars will bt- sent you tree. Some have
^Arnctl vva-; o\ cr $.0 m ada> c »fiital not needed.
**”>«;*• Wui aelaliosld be to writ*
tor i art., mars.
, ----, ' 7 ~7 ~
s ’ort , it ough that tickfimr nine . throat,
Moi* thtt i ei—umpt ive l omi t - n .
You < m he cured 1 You can', afford to wait!
Dr. KHuser’s » ougb Cure v C,m*uniptiff CHll
will do it quickly snd pcrrjHUentiy. Scents.
Why go limping sround v. th your boots
run over, when l.vou's H,e. ritff.ner* will
keep them _*__ straight?
‘’s Remedy for Catarrh is screesble to
as.. It is not s liquid or s snuff. 50t\
,,ow !c< “" ,r *rtui.- Jiawt«.
"B summer
b (1 saI , l t , ,„ ir rewrt er, that the thing •
t >, a t im'nrovel him most of all was the num
i,. r ■ f hoi day one encounters abreact and,
tbc ifcu-w* *M*a Ss .*-t '■
hewid, “that they work for years with- j
(ml ^ , iay (iir . iu Europe that would be cou*
crime. *'
a '^ffUtXSSSSft .
VI thft water
ar- that T have not silent on
go n t >i. Liny.” have been ad vert is
•• i lien, ! vmpose you
, ;
mgexuns v^y.^ We have *iring'July, always heretofore Angurt
elo-edour laboratory tlii. La.-e
and be. t-mher, out we
y,. t it running day and night to supply the
demand, which has been three times great-*
thau ever before in our history at this ses- •
son. * •
“How ilo you a'count for this?’* . .
from the _
■ The in ri .-ise has corns unircr
r»l >«•'»:;> <•>'»» , l '“ exerllme-s or out
prep,u"ti<m-. H a have'been , nearly ten
vean-; lK*lorc Iho public, aiul tbo sale.-. ar«
. u w ide cur maper
*d\«r i-mg is ron.lantlu dimiiitaftmgr.
Why, high seientiho and mwl.eal autl.oU
£* and for all the
idn^y and li 1 - *-*r diweates, them.”
many deca-es' Bused by
* Have you evidence of this.’
for tfa« cure of nar otic, etc. .habits, told me
that a numLerof eminent scientific medical
men hud b en e'.'perirnenting for years, test
i, :K and analy/mg a’l known remedies for
the kidneys and l.ver; tor, ai you may be
nware t h>> c-e.-asivo u e of all narcotics and
, and until
„ imil |antsdertroys tho-e organs,
they can be rest red to health the invest!-* habit*
cannot be broken up 1 Among the
gatom were such men as J. M. Hall. M. It.,
j ro grdc,it of tbo State Beard of Health of
jowa, anil Alexander Neil, M. D., Professor
of .Surgery in the College of Physicians and
Burge .ns and pieedeut of the Academy of
Jledi f meat Columbus, who, after exhaustive
( , ..ported that there was no remedy
kn , )V . n to schools or cure!" to scientific inquiry
equal to Warners ^afe
“Are many persons addicted to the use of
deadly druesr of people in tbs
“There are forty millions
world who use opium alone, and there are
many hundreds of thousands in this country
who are victims of morphine, opium, have quinine such
and cocaine. They think they no
p a bitabout them—so many habits. people are un
roI , sdou , vi thus of these
niv. o nla'aria pains utnl symptoms of what they
and other diseases, when in
it is the demand in the system
for these terrible drugs, a demaud that
is caused largely by ptaysi ians’ prescriptions
which contain so many dangerous drugs, U
and strong spirits, ami one that must
ftll3Wered 8 il en( .ed in the kidneys and liver
i>y whftt Dr. specf.le. Stephens nays is the only kidney
and liver He also says that moderate
opium and other drug enters, if they mtS^ sustain
ti(in ,
“Well does not this discovery give yem a
^ ^ K^fsrfe^uref
J ^ „ ori ., inato in .me disorder of
the kidney a or liver .and hence I have
locically declared that if our specific were
used, over ..^, nr nim*t umety V n«r per font (ent.ot th*> tbo ft e ailments auraenra
woul<i disappear. The hver and kidneys
feom ^ a b sol b these poisons from the blood
and become depraved and dtaeamd.
When those ernmenlauthoiities thuspuD- _
^btfSl.^of^l! * —
deadly dru^s and
emessivo use of stimulants it is an admission
of its power as great as any on© could desire;
for if through its influence alone the op um^
im-rphinc,quinine, roomie and
(ftuilpow, amr; yfett-higner teptunou *1 af
its spo -ittc power could b-asked foi f”
“You really behove then, Mr. Warner,
that tbc ma ority of di-eases come from kid
jxjz^&msisxz after surely put him
vinr year, you may and
down as having some kidney liver
? o'uli-t of this city xvho
mid that half th- patients who came to him
for eye treatment Now were affected people by advan wonder ed
kidney dFoaso. nany
with Wannn'- me cure is wbat they n'fd
more thau a j air of eye glasms. Tho kidney
pois-m in tl.c t lood always attaoksthe weak
f/nmnoh •y.Natts&'ssrafasiS the lunijs, rheumatic disorder
or or
follows and >1 nralgia tears thorn to pieces,
or they lose the power* of foxtc, smell, or he
'^h„^ would Jt’gi'eXis J to
h vm> the v igor ef youth at couimandl M
-Th- intelligent pbvs.-ton knows they that
tlaso com: Inintstiro lait s inflows: aie
J "fd^ase' rttZ' heaVSev'e snriiy! fait
viriUty. no <• of ffie kidney
joison in the bf od and they may j revail
and aSRiisss^Jir^PBais no pain oc nr in tho ki Itievs.;’
liis jieahh own remedy, which restored him to
jive whoa the doctors said ho could not
six months, should become infectious
and that the entire world should pay tribute
to its ) over. For, as .Mr. Warner says, the
sake are constantly advertising increasing, constantly while dimin- his
new caper is
ishieg ,xtnuird.,fry lliks speaks volumes h in praise of the
merits ot ,s prepa , ations.
Such , life.
A voun" man anu a youncj woman lean
over the front gate. They are leave,
It is moonlight. He is loath to at
the parting is the last..He is about to gc
away. She is reluctant to see him depart.
They swing on the gate.
“I’ll never forgot you,” lie says, -‘and
jf deatli should claim me my last thought
will be of you.” you,” she sobs. “I’ll
“I’ll never ’ forget
,, nv i KH t v else el L or love them ai
long as tine.
They Six part. later lie returns. Ilis
S'.,. »«** vm
the m >\_n. luU ' 1 > 1 ’ • *
“Let she 'with . , , h r iai
me see, muse??, hand.
beating a tattoo on her pretty
,. w . ls j t VO u or vour brother who was ml
\, , . V>
- '
"Reallv, _ I don t p know. i, , He p SAVS. c-ivs
“Probably uiy brother.
The conversation ends.
The Lost Cord.
“Hear that piano—hear that piano.
“Yes.” just
“Old Snagsbv’s daughter. They
do it to tantalize me.”
“Why, it seems a very nice song. ‘The
Lost Chord,’ I believe.”
| “Is that the name of it?”
“Yes.” cheek ol
»*\f ( ,« n pr arwl meaner iT^iLthing • The
jj lure { me j oiu 0 y ^ nuu^ioie an , to!e half uwi HIT j WOOdpiK* J
last night, and hlS daughter 8 MUgun* ,; n n „
.i,..,, lost Cord, riifllt under OUt
^ "
noses .
— — ---
CHAWLEY—“Who’s the Old gentleman
VOU n diled to h wed?
the old chap Over there? Oh,that S ft iauiez
of mine. it
At the Circns.
“Funny thing the circus last night. ” I
at '
“What was that?”
.“I saw a tumbler full of whiskey jump
over four . elephants.” , ,
Oh. some one threw it!” 1
“No, went alone; personal volition, !
‘•Tumbler full of whiskey jump over
four elephants?”
it “Exactly. drunken Only the tumbler that chti,
was a acrobat.”
"yior* than all other Lamr Jiemed. : ‘ -.** ; - -s
w'lut E. W, Futrman, drugKiHt, i aytoa, la<I.,
writes of AJIen’s Lnn^ Balsam. He twis sold
“ for ei-^ht year ami ;* given ’ ’ n :?i
ftileases. 2Gc., 30a. 6c $ 1 per bottle. Druggists
Why Will Yon Die.
ScotriLL’s sarsaparilla, OB Blood and
Lives SvRr-i’, for the cure of Scrofulous Taint,
Rheumatism, White Swelling, Gout, Goitre,
Uonsuraption, Bronchitis, Nervous Debility, i
Malaria, and all diseases from an im
condition of the blood. Certificates can
|>e presented from many leading physicians
minsters and heads of families throughout
, he , and< endorsing Heovxu.'s I5noo» and
LtrfiR Sybup. We are constantly in receipt of
terUftcate9 of 0UrC3 ft om the most reliable
Purees, and wo recommend it as tho best
known re£aedy f or the cure oftho above die.
dyspepsia well distressing complaint. It
neglected, la a dangerous it tends, nn hv bj* ispsmr.g mtinticc. «n<i d o
the t'-no of tL< ay&tora, to prepare tna way
for Rapid Pfl _ pe**l
i mm
¥ iwtiv*
- \%.
t“ rv
m iie
ii U h***“ ~- YKC
I well-known tnnlder. Mont
j Mb. W. T. Wyatt, a WSfS
j | dies without much relief. Brown’s Iron Bitters lias
entirely cured me. I cheerfully recommend it . 5
, Mb. J. M. KiNBERGEft, cor Philip i* and time Magazm I
Sts., New Orleans, I a., twtyn; “ or some was
a martyr to Dyspepsia and tried various remedies
without relief. 1 used Brown s Iron Bitters, »nd 1 if.” > m
now enjoying excellent hoalf h and do recommend
j Genuine wrapper. has above Take Trade uo Mark other, and crossed .Made only red by lines
) ^ "IHIN’T UUJW 1 lAI PAY fi A PIPt Ml PRICK 1111011 ! I”
65 CeOtS p*v. foTTiw w^.r mericaj: .absertp
, 5 0 und Dollnr y««, Book suoto WOpp... «»d paper 50.000
; one year, r-ostpetd. pt'stage. them Uk-. I.a Kxtra. Without
' books g ven Family avvav. Among Are: oyclop.-dia; »v
Dwyers: Cyci„w«m. ; Farm
j tanners’ and Sbockbr^enerH’ Guido; Coin non Sens*
In Poultry Yard, World Cy lopedla ; Danielson’s
stares; < nlversal Htetoif nf All Nations; Popular
yenr.a„ p istua.d.fov
Und Weglj-mrmon^y remnde
j R. Pajwohs, Mayor Kocll ^^ 1 homk ^T'Ltd
»-,• U «, »».•« 1 iioin^Tci.11^
flftHM I ,|11 1 Art'll ii Tlfnfmn U 111 All Hi DlKnTV ll||U U V
UUliiUfeU, I fl U If IIU&U11 A U1 UUfe&J
ovn bftt Abti^b, 1 errsp x • V x *
****"*** iri.BW rRICKS TO DEWERS.xl
mmm VW ■ B a ■ A A
.teX perfecTm. T, .
equals any »5 or |6 .hoc
Button anrt Lace. Tam??t'}f«?f?e K«ya aak jJP
5S:£S?^JS?»P^i me tnwskoc. lit ron cannot Jbf
jA. ^ ^
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on tbe e v^y r \ v ment r;Mn-.i. fr'm <
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UPWltHl noBifsiiT niAMrtC Hfii-—!
Coastructcd t^n the new method of strin^ng, cn
similar terms, ^nd for detcriptive Cata o i.e.
Boston. Now York, Chicago.
Manufacturers of and Dealers in
• Saws and Saw-Mill Supplies.
Reimiriug n sipeeiulty*
Aennt for L. Power i OOMrxSY S
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/ Don't bny a watch until yon
' find out about the latest improTe
ments. Send for new illustrated
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For Circular. A IlTc ar'nal Idiainrss
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33 Hose -t . New
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0 Bo*
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4SP n IS s liar. Ssnipie, werth IZ50 TRES
X*t Linn not under too boree * feet Sddreea
Jw BstwsTss'.SKrn n tuxuRotoss.H olly 4 Ucn,
P Odl*iq*vL s«ni U*mp for
laveacor** Uoida L.
sen. Patent Lawyer. Wssn-agtoa. D. C.
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C P|ll||| Habit Cured. Treat n: entreat on trial.
l/MUIT) Hr Maxi IvEmsd y Co., LaFayeue, Lnd.
A nnlform ami natural result la prod need tjy :
: j, r.g Buckingnam’s D,efor the cough, 'X hiskera.
'-V r» si grit told, a Cherry hacking Sectoral. or lung
Uo .hies, take Ayer's
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V V the Mucous
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tic-Fever, and Death from
B 25c, 50c, $1.00—0 bottles $5.00.
I Prepared at Pr. Kilmer's Dispensary. Blnrii ree). amton,
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offer includes the Thanksgiving and Christmas Double Numbers.
Please mention this Paper.
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