Crawfordville democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1881-1893, November 12, 1886, Image 6

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Cbawfoiu>vu.i.e, La , I2Nov. , 1886.
Low Middling - 7 5-8*
Middling - - 7 3 4.
Good Middling 8 .
Horace M. Holden,
HTWI1I practice in all the courts. Of¬
fice over 11 old> n & Farmer's store.
—Our market men had a barbecue
last Saturday
_Mr. J. W. Tucker visited Milledge
ville this and last week.
—Our story department is equal to
any literary journal in tins county.
—Mrs. S. E. Cheney returned last
Saturday to her Lome near Marietta,
___Mrs J. W. Hixon is visiting her
relatives and friends in Tennessee this
—C. II. Golucke lias the best lobnC
c >s, cigars and snulTs at the lowest
— Miss Anna Itobinson, of North
Georgia, is visiting relatives here this
_ C. II Golucke has the best brands
of Hour on the market at the lowest
—We have had the (lryest fall this
year that was ever witnessed by our
—Everything in the line of tinware,
woodwure and hardware at C.H. Co
—Mr. G. II. Golucke and ye Ed. took
in the inauguration in Atlanta last
—Mis. J. W. Darracott, of Atlanta,
is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Taylor
of this county.
— Messrs. Frank Hardaway and Tom
it, ni, cl (iieeiicsboiu, were hero th/s
week a lew days.
—Tlu- Greene Itillos made a splendid
display in the dress parade, on Die
stie ts in the Gate (,'ily last Tueslay
—C. II. Golucke will soon order on
the largest and finest lot of Christmas
tricks and pre»euis ever bro light to
this place.
- Remember that our new story
“Marion Delorme,” » ill commence in “
Die DitMOi U.VT on the 2dtli ult ,
nothing Im 'pens.
—Jim Sanford, who has been slop¬
ping on the •saillord farm ill Greene
county lor the last few weeks returned
Jiome .Monday last to spend a while.
—Mr E. I'. Moore, of Simon, was
in town last Weduc -.Iiiy, aco mpituied
by his sister, Miss Touuui and bis
cousins, M’sses Rcame, of Guilin.
— C. II. Golucke’s new store is such
un addition to our lown. Why, be- i
cause he buys for cash and sells only i
tor . cash , at , a , low price and . small .. profit. ...
—Tin dwelling house and lot non
occupied by J. W. Tucker ami corner |
store house are lor rent. Apply to
Mrs. Fannie Tuekir, UrawCoidville,
—Pliurazvii’s show wound up here
last Saturday night and wt lit to War¬
ren tun - our office foico and the show
force came very near hitching and— j
of course nobo ly was hurt.
—1 have just made special arrange¬
ments by which I can lend money to
farmers at lower rat us than it can he
obtained from any one else. Apply at
—Siiakon, Ga., Nov. Uth, 'SO.
Mu. Ei».—l’lease announce iu your
paper that on and after loth, inst. no
one will lie allowed to enter the Elec¬
tric Shaft but those under treatment,
as they will pay fot this privilege they
must not be disturlied Yours Res’pt
Just received a beiultful lot of Lap
Riiliei and buggy mats. Also another
large shipment of Bugg v Cushions 28,
SOand 32 inches Copelan, Seals A Ar¬
mor, Greenesboro, Ga.
t loaks. Short Jackets, New Markets,
Mancie and Jersey Jackets—the Larg¬
est stock, newest styles and lowest
prices ltt middle Georgia. Copelan,
Seals ,fc Armor. Greenesboro, Ga.
“Hogkilling time, ts near at hand,
io view of which fact we have just laid
jn a large sup ly of Sausage Grinders
and Stuffera and 25 lb and 50 lb Lard
Cans. Prices low. Copelan, Seals and
Armor, Greenesboro, Ga
We are headquarters In heavy do
mestscs, Bleaehings, Sheetings, Shirt¬
ings, Drills, Checks, Tickings, Jeans
Ac, And quote the lowest prices.
Big drives in white, red, plaid, plain
and twilled Flannels. Copelan, Seals
& Armor, Greenesboro, Ga.
Our winter supply of Rubber Coats,
Hats \ Boots has just arrived,
buy these goods from headquarters in
large quantities and can consequently
offer bigger bargains than you will lie
ant to .iuii elsewhere. Copelan, leals
It Armor, Greenesboro, Ga.
Cotton Seed W anted.
I am paying the highest cash price
for cotton seed delivered in Crawford
ville, either at the gins or brought in.
Bring me all you have to sell.
Another Athens House.
On our 8th page this morning Mr.
8. C. Dobns shows our cotton planters
how to save $1 on each bale of
cotton. See what he says. Our peo
pie know Col. S. C. Dobbs, as our men
chants buy a great many goods from
him and tie always treats you right.
Y<- editor has sold cotton to hirn sever.
al times and we know he will give you
i the top of the market. Don’t fail to
try hirn.
Jersey Hotter.
Mr. A. J. Chapman, one of our most
enterprising farmers brought in the
prettiest lot of jersey butter one day
>«t w< *- k w « HV,ir frlw ' Mr ' C ' !
says be will have about 10 pounds of
this butter to sell weekly and you car.
have it by seeing him and engaging it.
We extend thanks for a nice sample of
this butter and we can say that i> is as
nice as any we ever eat. Ho will have
butter milk to sol! also. |
Itlg PerMUirooiiN.
Last week Mr. W. B. Gunn, one of
our most worthy townsman,brought in
a hunch of persimmons that takes
the blue ribbon in size and beauty.
The bunch contained only three and j
they weighed one and one quarter
pounds. They were not our common
P'Tsimmon but were of the Japanese
variety. He says they are too sweet
to eat good, when ripe. These meas ¬
ured ten inches in circumference.
Only a Keg ot Vinegar.
Monday morning, one of our lawyers I
Walked into Golucke’s new confection¬
ery and spied a new keg setting upon
a syrup barrel and he said, “Cider tli!
Well, I guess you will treat a fellow
will you?” “O! yes” said Charlie as
lie poured out a little in a glass. “This
is straight whisky” said the legalist as
he turned it into his mouth, an 1 the
last wo saw of him he was going down
the street spitting strong vinegar on
either side the walk. Don’t say any¬
thing about this to ‘Squire Aixon.’
Hug* on Vcgdtahli;'*.
Cnpt. II. I). Smith, of this county,
tells ns of the licit remedy ever known
to keen hugs from eating cal huge, tur
nips am' other garden vegetables. He
says he lias tried 1 his way of getting
them off and find it to lie a neverfatl
ing remedy. It is simply to go et.rly
in the morning while the dew is on tne
plants and sprinkle common wheat
brand over them. The captain says
thev *. will leave immediately. If they
(lo|| t , e;ive ,,| allt iu Ht!Ve „ days re
peat the application nf brand.
Advertised Tetters.
The following list of letters, remaining
u the l’ost-offioe, at Crawford ville, Talia¬
ferro county, Go., will be sent to the
Letter'office if not called for at tile expi¬
ration if 31 days from date.
William Ruff; Daniel Stewart ; Miss S
y s st „ w . irt: M A Stephens;
J A Shaw; T Stephens; 11 M Williams;
u s Wilkinson: G F Wymann; John U
Wimborn Finch & Willifre.
When ealtin ; for any of the above let¬
ters, please say advertised.
M. E Bhookk, B. M.
A Great lllood Medicine,
llosadaiis cures Scrofula, Swellings,
Goitre, Skin Diseases, Liver Com
plaint. Rheumatism, Ac., Read the
following : 1 have been a great suf¬
ferer for five years, not able to walk,
from an injured leg. Have tried many
M. D s’and their remedies to little
purpose. 1 believe llosadaiis will cure
tne. Send me one dozen by steamer.
It was recommended to me by a friend.
I have taken two bottles, and find it
helping me. The druggists who us i- |
any keep it are out ot It, Hit I t cannot
afford to wait the slow arrival of their
supplies. JOHN T. BEEKS, i
Like Irena. Florida.
Supt Board of Public Instruction.
l-'amiun. I- acts.
It is a fact that Copelan, Seals &
Armor are he uhiu 1 triers for fashion,t
ble Dress Goods and trimmings.
That their Millinery Department in
charffe , of , Miss . Mc- .. , olgan of ,,, Baltimore, ,
is replenished every week with new aud
latest styD goods.
l’bat Miss Met olffan is an artist iu
her line without an eutril iu the state.
rimt her department has become fa
mous as being headquarters for all the
latest millinery fashions.
Thither lliattiei Fill tall aud nid Winter U inter stock stock m in
point of style and variety of assort
meiit is unsurpassed by any establish
meat in the State, and that her charges
• the most reasonable.
That she is receiving many new and
beautiful things this week which all
the ladies are invited to call and see.
Copelan, 8eais A- Armor, Greenesboro,
The ,„ mt line ,he
the purest ......rr;....... family drugs iu - town ,me at Co- " f
Several from our town left Tuesday
for Atlanta.
Taliaferro is now numbered among
t]i(j (]jy C0UI1 tie 3 of our slate,
The moon and weather this week
ha8 beeu favoraflle for saving pork,
Miss Lizzie Ah earn, of Washing on.
j. air , or) g relatives and friends of our
Our farmers are still delayed in sow
jn slna u g ra iu in consequence of the
dry fall.
.Some have finished picking cotton
while others have late cotton which
opens very slow.
yj r vVillie Kendrick was absent
Tues j ay attending the burial of his
gran(lmo ther, Mrs. McCord in Mc
Duffle county.
Many who have visited the Electric
s | la f t0 f Rev. A. L. Hillman, express
WOIM j er ( u | surprise at the mysterious
benefit derived.
Nlr. L. M. Thompson, who is up
with all the modern styles of vehicles,
has the one spring buggy in stock,
which can be highly recommended.
WKITTKV roR t „e democrat.
s as he lies under the sod.
a3 it is aboVe ;
Uut W( . know he has beeu cal . ed to
heaven by Goo d
Who gave us life and love.
Ile leaves no troubles to foil iw him,
lie was gentle, kind and true—
And no one never asked of him,
That which he did not do.
Has a greater man ever lived than
We should endeavor to never forget
To answer for his beloved name,
And tell them no, not yet.
Cau we but ever get there,
Above where he has gone.
Can we but ever reap the seed,
The precious seed which lie has sown .
Oh let us get there,
But n ver by this way;
For we are forever putting off
That which we can do to-day.
Now let us cis' these thoughts away.
And try to get some more—
That leads to a better world above
Where all good people go.
But there’s something else to think
And that isio.jyiiVigour. Gydi___
When we will lie pie pared to meet,
That place just under the sod.
Oh ! wont we be happy then,
When we meet our God above,
And won’t lie receive us with a wil¬
ling hand.
Together with his love. C. A. II.
fiuckten’K Arnica *alvc.
The best Salve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter. Chapped Hands,
Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Erup¬
tions, and positively euresjl’iles, or no
p.iy required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or money refund¬
ed. Brice 2o cents per box. For safe
by Dr. It. J Reid.
Keccomment'll by Gov Ireland.
Austh, Texas,Aug. 8 1885.
To Mil. A. K, II,\wk ks-. Dear sir—It
gives me pleasure to say that 1 have been
using your glasses for sometime past with
much satisfaction. For clearness, softness,
and for all purposes intended, tney are
notsurpassed by any that 1 have ever worn.
I would receommend them to all wii o want
a superior glass.
I am respectfully vours,
Governor of Texas,
All eyes fitted by Dr. It. J. Reid.
I tolicrt Bortwood 1ms applied for ex
I Vcmption ot personality and 1 will pass
upon the same at 10 o’clock on the first
Moedav in December next 188 ( 5 . This the
2nd Nov. 188.5. Henry II. Flynt.
Ordinary T. C.
'I’here I will be sold before the Court House
door in Crawfordville, on the first
Tut'stluy in December bttween the
legal hours of sale, the following proper
aiiont"r> 4 no pound- of seed cotton and
bushels of corn, levied on as the
property of Walter \ Bea/.lev, Jr. to
in>»fv a ft. fa i-sued from a Justice court
tiic'tiii.4 District, G M , in the countv of
Taliaferro, j_,. in favor of Wiight Jfe of Crane
vy t , tc llia d,. this the 4th day
1888. C. T. Jordan, Sheriff T. C.
\ ( 1 I 1 1 11 ^ lJ
t loth ( hurchtt oj iUI „ Denonunottons n .. in .
joliiferro Umtntv.
rpue following resolutions were passed
,A.? V \} w V l “‘ h at Barnett
,U Jf assembtedon • Jet. 30th l!Wt).
Srse/rcf IM. that we. ai a church, m the
name anti eiitw* af our Ma>tei, ask the co-
2minari‘ms in rile 'counties of Warren
and Taliafeiro in (HUitioning the L'gisia
tore of our Siat > not to repeal the law pro¬
hibiting the sale of liquor within three
miles of the Methodist church at Barnett
barren county.
2nd, that, as a means ef in
forun g the various churches of the fore
going resolutions and of asking the aid ot
th sc who favor the cause of temperance
and feel interested in the wvllfare of our
_ , „ A JARKLLL, bee y.
rr '
|'0 m
..... -VS
Dr. J. S. Pemberton, of AtJan
conversation,“ I had a most severe attack
of inflammatory rhenmatism, which
broughr me down upon iny bed and
tirely inticjpated me for business.
“The disease appeared to have a lien
op my system, and all I could do did not
dislodge it. llunnioutt’.s Kneumatic
Cure was recommended to me, and I
took it. Ill a day after beginning its use
I began to improve, and in five or six
days I was entirely free from pain and
al.le able to to resume resume my mv business businr ss. 1 1 believe believe
what l told Mr. Hunnicutt at that time,
that Ivs cure is the best medicine the
world has been offered for rheumatism.
When I r was m the wholesale drug
trade Zeilin, the “ Liver Regulator man,”
of Pliiladeinliia, and Simmons, the “ Liv
« Regulator m*,,-- or ». got into
a newspaper row in the South, and on ac¬
count of my position toward the jobbing
trade each of them was very desirous of
getting a certificate groin me. I was ap
proached indirectly by both of them
through my friends, but refused every
time. Finally one of them made me an
indirect offer of $2,500 if I would say his
medicine ... was the hot, . or equally ... asgood, „„ ,
as any upon the, market. I eonld have
done so conscientiously, but I had all the
money 1 needed and gave him to under
stand so in very terse language. In rec¬
ommending llunnicutt’s Cure I believe
I am benefiting any person suffering with
rheumatism or impure blood, as I know it
is best formula prepared for those diseases
and I hack it cheerfully.”
Dr. Pemberton is a member of the Geor¬
gia Pharmaceutical Boad of Examiners,
and no man ranks big ; er in the south as
a pharmacist. Iluiiniciitt's Rheumatism
Cure, niamifaeted by .L M. Iluimtcut A
Co., Atlrlita,, Ga hut one dollar a
bottle, and is for
A nnouncements.
I announce myself a -niididat" for re
election to the office or Tax-Collector, of
Taliaferro county in the election to he
held in January next. I return thanks to
the voters oi my enmity for past favors
ami hope they will so tavor me again. If
re-elected I will fill the office the best that
is in my power.
Thanking the voters of Taliaferro coun¬
ty for the confidence reposed in me by
giving me a large and respectable support
at tile .’ast election tor Tax-Collector, and
trusting that 1 have done nothing since to
lessen their confidence; I now announce
myself a candidate for I’ax-Colloctor for
siud county at the ensuing elected election to shall be
held in January next. It I
endeavor to irnthfuiiy perform all the du¬
ties pertaining to the office to the best of
my ability. Very Respectfully, JONES.
M. G,
I take tills method of announcing my¬
self a candidate for the office of Tax-Re¬
ceiver for the county of Taliaferro, amt
ssticit your vole for my election. I ask
your sympathies and thank you for past
favors. It elected I will serve you to the
best of my ability.
Thanking the people for tiieir support
in the past, 1 again announce myself a
candidate for re-election to the office of
Sheriff of Taliaferro county.
1 this day announce myself a candidate
for the ofihe ot Sheriff of Taliaferro coun
^ eicotionto be net^ in January
^ i caI , allJ the satisfaction of the
people. ‘___!__ J. T. HARRISON.
„ .
/ 3 EoKGlA Taliaferro County.
\JJoseph John Holmes, W. Farmer, A mmistrator of
VV. deceased, has in due
form applied to the belonging undersigned fur leave
U) s el ‘ »*»« Kind- to the estate ot
. , deceased and said application will he
sal( *
oa tno nrjst Moudav m Decombt-r
next. 1 his is therefore to give notice to
Persons concerned, to tile their ohjee
ti( if any they have, on or before the
first Monday in December 1886 . else leave
to sell will be granted -aid applicant a
applied for Given under my In ml and
official signature, this the 1 -t day of >• ov
ember, 188ti. Henry H. Flynt.
Ordinary Taliaferro County.
o EORUIA Taliaferro County.
rj Dickinson, adminis
ti.iioroit. 1. liiorntoii, represents in
his petition, duly ti.ed and entered on re
cord, that he has tuilv administered t. I.
creititois, cite an^lHT-on^^oiicenicU show kindred'and
to cause, it any tliev can,
why said administrator should not he dis
charged from his dismission administration, aud re
^eive letters of on the iirst
Monday in FeUW- 1 f 6 '
. (
A A creeriilv i„ U : un *r nrrW „r n, 1 k ‘ < ourt of t
, fu mIPis Li , J; i rv t TV' 'f, *, V- Lo , 1 Urt , ^
House w,^ of r miv > unt> ;..°" on th *1 e t- T l ",' s ' . lay
1 ^ toRowVn^Vropcrtfto .
of sale t oZ wit"
One house and lot fvinc cm • in and^beiniT c n
acres of laud situated in
cash. Norenib r 3rd,
Administratrix el Ji'd. ttS,.
% id- 't. JL
---and a
I i 5
fe a
On Thursday, the 7th of October just passed, Mrs. Wise called to spend the after
noon with Mrs. Strange. After exchanging the usual preliminaries the following ;„n
versation ensued, consuming the whole afternoon. Says Mrs. Wise, “I have just reliev¬
ed mvsejf of a great burden, so pie isantly, easily na agreeably too, that I must tell
you about It. Ours, as you know, is a large family, four gills ond three bows, most of
them now at school. To buy all their outfits for the fall and winter is a great task.
Mr. Wise suggested, as our bill would amount way up into the hundreds, that we first
visit Athens, Augusta and Atlanta, before purchasing. To these places thither we
went. Their stocks were full, varied and attractive. Prices moderate. Not beirig
tuUy ^'^nd having heard of the great Southern Dry Goods Emporium ef
o RE £QJX L a ^' SI ALS & ARMOR.
We decided to pay them at least a visit and see if the reports current were true;
So we went, and straoge to say, spent the day.” *
“GO OF.”
“DO TELL ME ALL ABOUT THEM.” 8 froin' e h< ^ttfc 1 *
largest for an interior town iu the State and brim full hasmnirU to We
asked to he shown first through their Dress goods department, which alone covers one
entire section of the building. They showed us fancy Dress Geods at 0.5, 614 8l< and
Id cents yard, the prettiest I ever saw. Mohairs cashmeres, twills, brocades and lus
piai’n dn-ss flannels all and wwl. M cts. vT\ip.' U Sing^and^liubm 1
shades, 3:51:3, 40. 50 55 cts. yd , in plain, striped, brocades and plaids Black
double < idth cashmeres and Mourning crapes from go cts. to .$1 2S vd. Their stock of
velv, ' ts n nd velvetine.s, eclipses anything I ever saw—plain, striped, checked and tan
cy> fr(JIll colored ,50ct.s. to 93 00 yd. plain They are gems, yes lovely gems, and their stock of black
a nd groagrain credit -ilks. and fancy satins all colors and prices from 50 cts. vd
up, would do lavish to any wholesale house.”
“They have everything you could tnink of, conceive of or imagine, and strange to
say, they have the newest ana the latest style trimming and buttons to match each
pj ece of goods. No trouble, it is indeed wonderful,
..ran\ ?»
to X&$Sr?S(** mm »**<*"«**,
“Zephyr shawls all colors, shoulder shawls 12jg cts. up. Large shawls 50 ets. up
white, cream, tan, red, blue, scarlet and black cashmere shawls in plain and embroid¬
ered all prices,all the go.” ladies merino underwear,
“Balmoral sirirts. Hamburg edge and insertion laces and
embroidery, in white and colors, toreiion laces, white and colored and every otherkind
you ever heard of. Truthfully, 1 never saw such a grand and varied assortment of
t * iese goods,
u GO OX.”
"'Fell, they showed us next their lines of cotton, linen and silk handkerchiefs in
which there is even thing the heart could wish from 50cts. to $1 50 each. Linen m
bro i,|^ rv „ 0 o,ls, all ready .stamped, in chair tidies, splashers, bibs, mats, napkins
watchcuses, umbrella covers, wall pockets, etc. etc., with new shades in U ton id em
broidery, linen to work them with, They also showed us the loveliest assortment of
Turkish tidies and splashers I ever beheld, this is so.”
“GO ON.”
“The temptation was growing too great, so we asked to see the prints. I tell you
Mr«. Strange, they showed us about five hundred pieces of the prettiest dress prints
my eyes ever rested on. 5, t>, and 0% cts. They can suit and pi ase any living being.
By the way, they showed us the prettiest lines of spread prints, indigo prints, first and
s- eond moaning prints and cretonnes, I believe that were ever made. It is the truth go
and see.”
“GO ON."
"We did go on until we came They to the had Jersey Jackets and there we stopped, and
you would have Jerseys, stopped Blue too. Jerteys, only Brown Jerseys, twenty.five varieties, this is all that’s
made. Black lied and Garnet Jerseys, cream
Jerseys and Beukle Jerseys in plain, plaited, braided striped, checked and I don’t
know' wliat else, only they asked from 50cts. to $5 00 each. This beat anything 1 ever
saw. Don't take my word for it hut go and see for yourself.”
did until reached "GOON.” New Market. Cloak
•‘This we we the and Jackeft. departments
end tialf ri the "r-.-.mvs” stores could mn ed._ n<>t a ealn—L»t hold. New me Markets tei'^ia in HicwJiay| black a f staab brown,’plain, .of_tA & ,,u ititV
New fur and as
troehau trimmed from $3 50 to $ 20 . Bancle Markets all prices, cloaks from $1 23
ut>. Short Jackets in blacks and browns all prices. This department is the show of
shows. I could talk a week aoout it.”
*<• €3rO OJ\T.”
Next they carried to the F|aonel and Domestic __ _
and prices, us of red white and colored flannels, departments, where arel kept
all grades colors lindseys, Checks, sheet*
mgs, shirtings, hie veilings, is tickings, in itse’f.” drills, pillow-casing, sock and shirt flannels. Id
fact this department a store
“GO ON.”
“Well, we went next to the Linen Department’ where they keep table donrtSsk all
colors, widths and prices, towels cutlery, lu.pkins, books doyler* and crash, cassintere, water-proof
stationary, ......... and table and Bibles, gents collars and tuffs, canned
I goods by the «a r load, pocket books, Blioto and Auto Albums, visiting cards and ererv
thing else you ever heard of.”
“Then we went down to the Shoe Department, where they keep, it would seem to
me, all the shoes that have been made in Boston since the war. ISO lines, everv style,
all the celebrated makes from lOcts. pr, to $0 00 . They cart and will suit you and don’t
you forget it.”
“GO ON.”
“We did and crossed over to the clothing, hat and slnrt departments. Let me take
off my specs and tell you—they and have the grandest clothing stock we ever saw. Chil¬
drens. hoys and mens suits overcoats every stvle and color at prices that will
starve the manufacturer. Their hats, I do believe they have one thousand styles and
colors. Childrens, hoys and mens in wool, furs and stiff brims from UOets. each to 95.
This is the place of all places to buy clothing, ON.” hats and shirts.
• 4 GO
“WELL, DON’T HURRY ME. They next carried us up stairs and showed us 1
believe, the finest Carpet and Brussels Rug Department in Hie state. Hemp carpets, 8'* c. up.
Ingrain carpets all prices, carpets 65cts. up, Rugs to match. Near by is th»i#
great Art Gallery brim full of fine chromes and oil paintings. To the left is tbeirgreat
crockery and glassware departments, containing everything in these lines. Tea sets abA
44 and 5U pieces, 5. to $12 50. Dinner Sets, 144 to 200 pieces, 25, to 950 00 ; plain
fancy bed room sets, plain and division.” c bored glassware. This department is a show—mora
like a wholesale than a retail
“Then we passed Departments. through their great Tin, Wood ond Willowware divisions. Har¬
ness and Saddlei r I can only say that I never, in all my life, saw tiieir
equal. You can buy anything here jou want at wholesale prices.”
'‘ vV’e did go on and walked right into the handsomest Milliirefy Department that I
have been into MvColgan, fur io these of many Baltiiu days. Were .ntrovluced to that polished and artistic
milliner, Miss ire, wiio showed us her stock. Here, Mrs. Strange
suffice it to say, her stock is all that heart could wish. I cannot say more, go and see
, for yourself. u m
. . oit,»
“From her,- ttiey earned I gazed us into that their great Furniture room, 30X105 feet. My eyes
! opened wider still as on pala-e. Truthfully L had n-ver seen half'its
equal. Suits all prices and descriptions in Walnut, Cherry and Ash. Bureaus from
$ii up. Beds from St .TO up. Chairs from $2 .50 set up. Wardrobes, Safes, Lounges,
Mattresses, Cribs, Whatnot*. Tables Hatracks, Writing-desks. Book-cases, Cornice
Poles, Linen and Rustle Shades, Duplex Bed Springs and everything else that you can
possibly think of ’
44 G*D
“Well wp decenffpd aud passed through their Hardware and Drug Department*,
w hieh, like all the rest, were brim full. Nothing you could ask for but they r,ad it.”
‘ Then came their great Grocery * Department, where all heavy groceries are kept 9
i >v t i, e car load.”
“GO ON.”
“We did and soon reached their big Stove and Range Rooms, where are kept all
sixes i f Cook and Heating Stoves, house. Piping. Grates Ac,. Ac , Stoves all complete front
810 to $3.5. Here, as ail over the v»u can get suited without the least trouble.”
“From here they carried us down to theii large (Vare looms, filled with buggies,
wagons, coffins, caskets, cotton, bagging and ties. and They have anv kind of a bttggy or
I pluEton vou could wi-h from f-5.5 to $. 100 . One two horse wagons in abundance.
Rubber belting *11 sizes, all kinds of packing, I a, tell sizes cotton and grass rope, gins,
pre—•-- and all kinds of farming imuliiiients. you tfiev nave got anv and every
thing, and besides at man .faeturers price- This so go and s-e for vourwlf.”
T k: ow it cannot be strange, hut nevertheless it is wise to tell you that we bought
! our whole bill from them and were never better pleased."
neighbors, “ N<uv ’ tell 1 T* your «'.¥“'*■ trn-nus. tel, everybody Mi' 0 you ' 1 tlle meet lm i f about ', “'IT- tins b gcheip yonwrtf. house Tell where your
you can find any and every thing you want.
i | GltEFAESBORO, Saving Mrs. Wis3 Bais Mrs. Strange Adieu. GA,
I S 3