Crawfordville democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1881-1893, November 12, 1886, Image 7
m- ■ .si fcfMi j \ ’ j ' I te—«•*• • ' . | 8 li ?. vs • -• ’> .* ;■ „ v \ K $ 4 . \ [ ' .. i ■■■ , s <0r s,ri.j, 5 -W/i JlsssSk ..t j 2 r •'.■•j .„ - ... ... rcucre .'•?. '\u!Fs'r.V'i;-.^^'.:':v r';w!£?zbTkr}iM?ifi £.a f§fe*44 Y. St . 7*** ' ' SHEET- . i e v. --■■ “-•• .. vJ MORfig A«"i> CAY ,-i.ii F CWSEXS ' A 4 -• ■ ---------it jrcurz 1 f ) - v •> ". v ; Xp- ,/ ’• - v '■ r ' -• aAF [■ , . KO Hos?* will 'ID of Ho-? r Lvng I'k tkii, it Fontr.’f in t:;’ - Foutz’s How t; ORT Hoe CHOT.KRA. OI.K Foutz’s ITovt,'--s v. ; f’-.-vi-Bi .... G - Al°F.S Al*F.S IN IN For Foutz’s I‘o\v v;:| in- !•'. tlio ou-snGtv Oi iv.i-c and orcAtii twonty ;•• r cgd;.. a inti make tun batter Arm and sweet. nrcFitC '-A kvkrv FoutzAs Tow dors wW mfp of ' D S'rASi to Wliit .1 } 1 ' i I':- • * - J::'. t I :V ! !•’ HVD d'l.dt'Gt. FO’JT z’s ! ’o.vif ; 5 V. li.;. GIVE hATIS. ACi'IGK. Sold e ver rAVID s. FO'J' V, rvoprioter,, AID. FOU SALT BY TITUS HlvTlAUDS. OI oo 13 —> The VO! ICE GAZE" i E .v : H :••• mailed Secure’y wrapped to any address in the U States fo • tin .-.* i.mztl.s on receipt Of one holla;'. Liberal di e im: I ■ ,v* i to D id u isf er asentsand elub .'->•.>:•! • cop: i nv.ile;', free. Ad. ress all orders to Richaud iv vie.. Franklin Square, N. A ■MB»nV.X'V M. ' MUSIC p n fa * i, "• S- • V ----- l <• -O'- Want to se • yon, in fart lm ■■ go! -oilm¬ thing important to say to you. an 1 not owning t l iis. , nt;r;. p:i;iw, in bi-j glim it. d by th" ge a ;■ inn. Vi I ge 1 fi i’ll n! publisher to tt) incites space, ,ve. canimt begin justice to say al! we w pf to, o hop. d, i to the stock we have fm your in¬ spection It wilt not only delight you to come and see our Imuutiful Temple of Music and At t, but it will also pay yon. SHli we know how impossible it. is for everybody to come to Savnnmvu, and to those who cannot come, all we - ty is wrip us anil we will do or you ail \v.; can, by sending von complete descriptive logues of the goods you may wish to know about. You Here they are eleven of of them. will find foil ilescri tions of all v pods nn- dev different heads and |irie s. will he found, iower tluvi tuiv-byw 's ■ h«^d. of CATALOGUE -Vo 1 . F “ ,/ CATALOGUE Vo. % Or CATALOGUE Vo, Musi- *. CATALOGUE No. f- Baud Instruments. CATALOGUE No. 5 . Bund Orehe tral M«-ic. CATALOGUE No. ( 5 . Automatic Instru¬ ments. CATALOGUES':) 7 S'tvdl Inrtraut. nts. CAT \ LOG UK, Vo. fi. mil, > CA l ALOGUE No. 9 . Piano Stools and Covers. CATALOGUE G). io. iti i niki. CATALOGUE No. 11 . Fro Cata Please imFcato by number t the iogue that you wi d. PI \ V e Mason -S Hit, Mat’iushek. B mt .. rio . 52 • to ? 1,001), S52.5 easll atnl §10 '• ' lit > <HUJ : la -on ' i I) l :y a'e & Paekar*!. $ 27 .oo to - : .jj, < sh and $.5 per mouth. SIliiEt BIv FI“. 101 ),::.»•■) pieces in stock, new Music received as . non as pub¬ lished, 2c. a copy up. music no* i .v ■ S Schools, Lodges, Choir mid Home use. IUM) IN ST ACM Hir-. bisect im¬ portations from the world’s lie ■ Fact ry, Used by all th.; leu Sing bands oi tilts South. Be sure and send for > ■> Yes. BAND MUsiiC. We furnish everything published. All new pieces receiv. ! a- sooii as pahlished and our eu-e i.ners fur¬ nished at lowest price. NDSICAh MKUCSi fGL-U’.Onr stuck is comp ete in all small . -o ’.-• a i.l ve “eK At prices that e.nahies the i to Bn c dirc-t it gest sales ill South. lug m the larges i i : i world we can s II -i :e i • ■ -. t:; i • ye.- ;l . petition. Our i l ls fe g-i:-i >aideed, and will be found ,y in - - . i--;. ST We import our strings di rect, and especially <■■■ .1 .. ,.o. ... our Paginim string w!i: c; is useu by ail tend¬ ing players. AKTIST’S K.VTIKIV!,. We veep everythin Beetle I hv in !'• -vci-iis and Amateurs, a i ur.ii -’j 1 * u : • r Ls us - ! ill Painting on (Jauva-, I’mii, ;J. 1 • .Blass or China. PICTURKX. Thu fill and hirg--U as- . sortmentever • ii > .*• 1 in tii • S »a U. It: will nay pmspe d . * pa. is is t 1 com.- ! to Savan th if . ,r;i ' ;; el - - ; dato i ml. through our i.a a 'ii-;. ■ *• .. ‘.V- have Paintings, Engr.i\ ing- Pastel Oli-o graphs, , d; ;. -mos. I),.*-’- . -. < . etc. PICTt'Ko i i - Ve e r asm.-!: Of tile finest il'l.i ' , V - it i ; 1 et 590 differen pa : J.v a eom p'ete manufactory. •.»i.ip!et« w • •* latest a.ld most impiaived III;, -hi . -ry. . ;.d hm.j facture the fines frames that can bt mad.*, <>ur prices t * • lov. -•. REP . i it >,'* r i t i. I It ir.M’N We a*e tiioroughlv * - i in - luaeltiuery fo and tie .test nt vvm km it that a>e be h Inganiloverhauang Pianos, Organs, Vio¬ lins. Guitirs. Bauio-. A*leo,is, Doj'.ii li'-ites, Fluf s, or .1 *y nisi Ogr prices avid be iwihi.i. • 1 **t t.r-t c-i'ass work and or I.t- wiii rei;.- v p. uapt af-i-eutioii. DON 1 x ... jLU a •iA!fos and ohoan r'.'.i.w! ;•*' er Me. » r es**li Pianos 0:1 p.- y (‘‘‘n s, a . 1 at lowest ;i. , i.vjii •-L -r d by- auv heiiM* in lin* F. Sr. P ; nos off 1 -li at - 52.5 if) cash and Ala-oo ner mo Ail new , ... ,i fully guaiantee I tm! call i> - r: ur.-:> d it noi entirely satisfact try, after hit*... days trial. likidea&Mu)’: TFi; ms Ynsi ■ H. i;s<-, .* v \ . Y. A (). Harper, of Elbert county, bus a field of cotton O'utliiining thii t)-nine uiid one-ei* r lilb acres fr< in which • e Ik s already im ked st.meilnng ever fi'i, 000 pounds. lie says he is confident that lie «i!i get thirty bales a hog- ther, as there is a considerable amount ot cotton now <*i en in the field, and a -le d dein , in i*- >< ... to oj-en, Le n ea. i tl voted thi Ik-id with one horse and m-.-"' — compound r* l . cie. This field is corn in on upland, a d most ot it has ben in cultivation t.*r all '".i ten years. He thinks he has 1-st about three bales of c ' ,tton 0,1 uceouut of .i had stand. ~ “Oft night., i re eh i bis could ree to dreamland rusin the shape m pnes, w! i -li n i ,c the night- horn >le. ; But that was before I found the remedy for it in - aider’s i'cckc.. e Pin* eminent which it a never .V i ur - ur 1 ft r piles, bo yon nee'dl.«-k no further fora remedy K you have piit s. FOR THE Aleuts 11 - 1 ^ ONAL s^MoniES lf ,, GEN. liOHT. E. LEE. \V Aituios r (*{ in tht‘ tho ronft \varb( d v itr ! t.woon i’v .Sliitos. ]t is only once in a ■ dime that, ageris ; have sticii an < ppoitim as - tmv otter | ed them in th sr e of this book, and tho-e who desire to make nmre money in less time than tin y ever did b fore in their lives, will a< t promptly in wr.ting for fur¬ ther informs tiou. There are special rea¬ sons for the immense sales of this book, which cam,i t lie : iv n in an advertise¬ ment, plication hu| ; yvill Earnest, be fully intelligent explained on and ap¬ in n women, who '.m-an luv.atiess an I want to liiakc money rapidly, without risk or in vestment, are n ij. tested 'o write at once for full particulars, which will he sent free on roe J oi the request. Address 11: < i.•< a*. I.'iiii.i-tso ( 401» X. Tiled St., M. Louis, Mo. Ben Jones was a capital fellow, But lie was so confoundedly sallow I That lbs friends ail forsook him. E’en Ins sweet heart she shook him, Which made poor Ben loudly bellow. Now Benlnida friend named JVlcQueens, Who told l)im to take SMITH’S BILE BEANS, lie’s And And now has married as rosy,as any pink of posey, a woman means. Bile Beans will clear the complexion, and sweeten the breath, fioc.per bottle, $33” ’3 1“) "Q 5:751“ 4‘3”}? [33??? (5717’: 9:34:43 ‘33 ’2 W “5 .. .. m 5" . E?“ . <3 , 5‘ ' 435* 23-5 5? t .23 3; 5 2‘? a ~ 2:. [u- i 2:4 ERIE 5.: 5.: 5;” 3, ' 2% E: . - :r ‘ E: EEC {84: .».. x . 2 ., jg w .- 3 .13 ...2 {a ‘ a, LA‘ 71‘ .. E 4W mi .9, *3.‘;-1~§;?§ >... .- ,_ , ‘ , .2 !’ Efi" (“'3‘ ' 7' “E,“ {'3 _ ; 3 5.”: 5.1 {J {ii f‘“ (34?; E4:- ‘Jhéx‘; :7.” 2“ :1. mm. y 7-5 j- ‘12,] r. ix. . 4- .1.- ‘ E E 2 ’32 '% 7'55 3" :32. H 1-35. 2125;: “ 35 >1." Ls ‘~ ‘ *1, 5' u ” ‘3“ 5; 22$ h' 4' "2 5.3;) 1 ~ I é»: :43 :3»; 2:; §; i :3 2. 23‘ £7,225. “€13 “ 4;, 5’} 2.4.1.;é 5mg 3% z; firflafl 2.45.1 ”3% ‘ a ,2; “umaémf 2;.:.a 2.321 \efii’ Vary “‘ . d" :. ‘ :5; 23.93. ‘ 5.44:. 1“! ~ .4... r5: 4.. 5:9 11.3%,44‘ma- (4.: _ . 23.2143, ‘ the South. ’ 111 - ' . zwd - (‘tfihh .» I to 4 .Le . best . 1.; t h ,e ”iris“ 5,9, . M “‘1‘“ ”19 HKVI‘O CRUME mm the Ink leto. two 0:” 1:2.) most beautiful. .1344“ ml portraits made 122 ml CNN... 1mm (‘vvr styles .u‘c 2:8 x'he'Jp us (firm: on, and f 22" nicer, and H.013 durablefipy work of a1? kind: , I'm this p;’ and In r ; v.Uh von. - iiter V will be allowt H on an order f<>r one dozen PHo: f on presentation of ’ tliis check t o : THE AUGI'-TA PHOTO. Co., ~> 2 , Uh* ________________ For 13 eat. nsat very desirable bouse the n:,l Or. Rhodes adjoin lug as acres land known r.s plat** in the i cl«e of the town of i 'rawford vllto, is oreied for n ui for the year 1887 . For particulars, apply to Ji:IJ ' D ' J ‘ vK - i 's- s'OTIC K Is hereby j, a*'m that.the next session ()t - t t . i u .-., . .pi a w i.i in made f 11: r > divicil a i Zl‘V-' ! 1 .' ; , V: '• 'Tuau chare a n:ett, v .. is si. Spc Iag'c ! 1 most respectfully say to persons who have bad my s. rv.c*-> in the past, without showing any to pay me, thal I must ltavr a - it i mt or slop serving 1 naan sincere toil tills • to those .s'"*! at th, «■ time 7 , tnignUe,. that by my " ,rUlU '' i X i \ lie. N C-~ - a .*• ‘•Notice i r.-by given t hat a bill wi'l be inti ib : ttc- l,e'.isiature of tssti prey .... pa- -nt of the fund arising trout the 1 id * ufisdeiueanor eon viots to the payuc;: ! i 11 • cost of the officers of the (\ . o wt.ieit said e.onvie tion was hr.d and the manner of paying out said fund, in the North-nt Gireuit, emhiacing (he county of I’aliai'erro.” M 0 MY TO LOAN. I am prepared to make loans on improv eu farms in Tn iaferro county at a cheai er rate of iuterest than any one. You can repay the amount nt any time. Cull on me, J. W. HI YON. Fob Hii! is Tlie house and lot in ! e town of Craw fnrdvi le. belonging to .'he estate of (ieo. F. Bri.-tow— al-o a raet ot land belonging t.o slid, e .oiio. in 7 ’a I iaferro county, on tlie Non eon of i>. eliee river, von tabling lie acres, ndi .ininv Hie lands of B. K. Moore, Ml ■. J. li. Mitelietl ami oth¬ ers. For terms, a"pl\ V to Til OS. K. BitlsT.D ( nuvfitrdvllle, Ga. or JOLI. B. IillODES. Union Feint, On. Oet, Cist, 1 -Mi). Moia: t : ! »V 1 r osiey: 0 f;> Hie 1 have perfected arrangements tl tt * re Hate loan : on improved farms hereafter bias low i if not lower) rates tint! 1 use a any other ag.-n . i mean just odist-,! vty. Call . mi learn my terms before mat ing ap.dicn-i.timeiM-w’., iv. May lo, I.s-iii. J Z '. NDREWS. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY LONOEKN . t; opt; i \ l a i.i c:: u no County. I Jr." i G. G linger. VdminisfcriitriX of M. J>. !, <C ogcr, deco *•</» is in flm* lorm a pplii .l tn i li 1 e;i r.igned for !@iye to sell the la!', ! In In- giug to Hie estate Ot saiil ilt-eeased. ■ ■ ■! s;ti ! ap*.h".at ; iui will lie Ih*iii.< on fi. ■ M-uehiv itl November next. Sixth ,’av oi n -;>i r licet. Ili.M . it Fi.YNT, l iiililiaiy U, NOTIGF. I’D> > I HJL T- HI.*’. v. oliiv is hereby r iv li TU W pi r-. ” ■ A Uuvin : dem , ' ’ . ■ -j s' M i -s v ,.'i k. I " ,.. e:e:"'v d aeits,., to pres id t|.ion in :• i • properlv mailt' i;u within tim! ur pre-crib; d bylaw, so a lo .-how 1 heirf'G. F icirr ;io! goomnt* Antt ;t!l ]>f Vs<»* i iii.; ■ l ! o •• !.b(! I y tv hcivl'Y s*- lA’ii V{ to ni ‘u* Fumo-ila’i.t* pav i'uoiils 1.0 im*. M’lti . i ■> '>•• of (O'l. Ihiio. Tv.: w K. U;:;stow. A.ituiuistrutor ’it.:;, Naiii-y MeCeinnilOk. GiTATION. '1 EOF - '.I \ T.M.iAF* * no Uoiixty. /Notiee i . I.eia by gi veil to all persons ............. tiiai I on liiebtu da of May I8K0, Edward I ., • ;k . i of Taliaferro county de; ,tid. i tliis lit'*-, and no jiersim has apniic-’ lor .'lomini- iration -ot.f tlie cstiite of I.i;ward !., p. 1 t*.ills ill said state, 1 *io * riludii (■;! n will be rested in the eh i ;; of i :,<• ;--i : ..r *m.rt or some other * iui.| i f tiers:.„ a;:er tim pub limit,ion oi lais cit.ile'i!, unless valid oi) jeeti.m Ism - iutment. official slgna Given under m. h:.mi r.m.l lure. This tim 9th .1 .• of Keptem).er 1 D 80 . il; nky I! Fi.ys.' . i ; < M 1 ’ i ni rv T (' ! ‘ ' ESTATE MICK, Oi MBS. N VNG’V yUFUC Ye. VTlDY DM- | i) : v i M > I! LEAVE TO SELL ItEAL ikS- | TATK O I'ATK OF GFOIF.LA, TA-MAFEl!ttO k>( * Thomas 'DUTY E. Bri tow Ad.niinistr* tor of of Hie said estfit** eoi’iii'y of >Ls. V ,.i. lai, , M ini- •Loluluiek apjiiii’ l lute j i <!<• •, . to m<* lot leaee l ■ it lit • i’enl (g-tute beiun«»- I iiiR to said estate. This is tht-ivim.' to give lu.tiee to nil Jjereons com• rne l, o b! tinL ohjeetions it imv tii. y have <-!* or limou* . .,* Inst Mi " U,v- li' '.';h a. ...-Is- to I.e graidid id,nr Giv my t ii - ii! >i!.- d '.tieii.l * signn- tlie j *n - n is • ins ,1 V ot > ),■!:.' 1 -I Hi-.n'uy II F.i . . *••■•;,,ary, T. G. W^BBS mkoimmzY. ■BKJBBXZmOETr r. HKTSSESSSSHOT - rrr/Trcs 3 I engines I SJsai.tSiV/sfsr > I , f* ommrzAi-- -jaaBVfzBx.-srgm $f^vmamm boilers | 'n:.% h Fitting SAW fSH \J} ii Ub VillVji vr% mL-- 3 ^ZlSXX!ZS 3 ZA BURT Bills CABS Gotton Prassis a P files __ IvTBBMW—MB— bbk ^aBzmzsstanmmmmm ............ ~ ■ytY-y SHAFTIKG -■'-rzn-zT-saa J g mmaaaRminmKmtmmm irjJECTOfaS PULLEYS S 'f I V/stsr Wheels ■Wc . ... - -TEiX' 3 CDTTC:! f iS CASTIBSS xjasuaotcGi. wbm aw 'lewi .- 2 MKte£k ).72 m wrmn GEAEhif- . Brass and !n - V : : . _j rzrc 7 — - - - r—g—1 - —1 tm A fci stock of Surras, cheap & go ad. BELTiFQ, PA CKING and OIL at BOTTOM PRICES AND IV ST A R. f !(|! FI*OaZv s T IfEJ.IVRKY. gT Repairs Promptly Done. Hrl geo. R. imm & so. Foundry, Works, Machine UGU8TA, and Boiler ® A GA. ABOVE PASSENGER DEPOT. 1 lib I— ll-g ’•’TBYr-TT—— 183 Q. i if Al! PL ll\S* JIliuAZISB ILLUSTRATE D. Tla' December number will begin fh * Seventy-second Volume of Harp “Fast r’s Miy; azim . itiss Woolsoe.'s novel. Au ge! .’"an i Mi Howell s ••Indian .->ummer” —holding Urn foremost places current -erbil fiction—wl'iruu through several'- 'id towed by serial Sts; Iic» 1 1 mil K. ”; >>■ tie and Mis, 1 ). M. Ciaik. .v o. a . department, current tliseussing topi suggested by the lilv lai;-r ■ 01 An -i lea and Eu. opc, be contributed by IV. If., , ih’^liUUllg with the January number 7 Hu* " iii erary event ot tile year will be the publi¬ cation of a series of paper-—taking the s tape ot a story, and depicting cliaraeter i tie lecture.-, ot American society as seen at our leading pleasure resorts —written by f'bar es Dudley \V.uner, and illnst at d i.\ (’. 8. lh•inliarl. The Magazine will giv■ - espei i d attention to American sub¬ nets, treated by the best Amen an wi - ers mid illustrated by leading American artists. with They dumesof the Magazine begin iho numbers ol J nne and December ot each year. When n« tim. is spceiiieii. it will be understood that tl; ah .. fiber wishes to begin with the eurreiit Number. lb.unit Volume u. Harper's Magazine, for three years buck, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by mad. postpaid, <>n receipt ,il jy.i oo per voiume. ‘.doth Gases, for binding, 50 cents each—by mail, Alphabeti¬ postpaid. Index t > Harper's Magazine. cal,, mil i.i shied, lot v - times 1 to (in, ineliisive, from June, to June, lgSJ, one veil., Svo, i loth, SI 00. 188 WFHKJiV. (). IIaRFEK S Illustrated. Harper’s Weekly ha now. for more than twenty lending years, m tin .lined its position as the illustrated weekly newspa par in America. With a constant increase 'H litcruro-’and artistic resources, it is able to offer for the ensuing year attractions unevlulled by any previous volume, serial cni bracing t wo capital illustrated stii n s, one by Mr. Thus Hardy, and tip f,-r -most of living wnteis id liel.on, • :. otlmr by Nir. Waller I’..-ant, one of :!, most rapidly riling of Knglisli uovel isis : graphic illusti utimi.s ot unusual in t list to readers In all .sections of the country ; enlcitaining sliort stories, m >stIy illu-trated, by tile host writ rs, and ini p iflaiu papers hv liigh am mritie.s on Hie enief topics of the day. K\ery one who desir s a trust worthy political guide, an entertaining and in ssrnctive objectionable family jinnaml, • ntitely lie h trim feali.res in ither - ter press or illustr tion>, -hoai.i -ub-ei. . In ilarper's Weh Tub Volume o', the Wild ■ 'n‘ in with th 1 first tuunm r ior January if e.t ■ i V'u Wnen no li :s men Ioned, it. will b.- uu lieisto i I that, tin* subscriber wi lie , . commence with tin* numbei next niter the receipt, of order. Bound Volumes of Harper's V'eeitl\ lor three years back, in • it ninth laudini:, will tic sent by mail, peslage paid, or by express five 01 expense exceed (prow!.at dollar the fivigiit does not one pvr volume), tor 97 no p •!' volume Cloth cases tot each volume, suit aide for binding, will be eaeii. sent by mail, pustpiu. , on receipt of gl hi) SSHti HASH It f ; BAZAR o.lLaTkA 1 ED. H:. i per s .',\r i the only nee p ipei hi Vll.e Wor.M th t ro.nbiii s ttm elmieesl, id< rntuie end it e linesl ait n.n i.iiu.n with i tie lat*si tasloo s and '..■i.od.ol houst'holu iidoniU Ght. Us v*o i-iy )!iUs* tlfttioHS Rlol <i • liptl >iis (>. | «* 1 ,1 ' ' A 1 ; ami Now 4 ios, with _ l oru Sb;, !"> o Uil |miU*rn sh.-« t s'ii»pSoii,t*nis uml i-»i. paffcoruv l>y < nablr» ahuv U# br thru own (Iros Sin:*k4*1 s, mu v • ii.g ,-y Imios iIn* CO-, 1 , 01 U i.'-eia; U*ie. Li s pa pel t -i o.s t '>ok mg, tin -,uai;agemelits of se »vait!s, uiid tiouseke uiiig in it . various «i. tails aie emiiumi y | met ical. •■*(i.c at Leut.ion s given to th.; inter -sting topic, of soi-ia I e!i ipietti , an - if.-, dins!iau* n oi art lieeili. v.urk ere . n-- u-d ■<> be uueqnuled. l*s lit* rary merit is o I I Iv fence, a mt t o unique charm '< i of its liu morons iu li . . wun 1,.r : tm* liiiuie of the Amor.can Punch. The voium.-s of the li * .. -in will. Uh ' ir st Vumhei ot Jaim-.i) 0. wiJiboiii. n y al. t\ lieu no time m me . d, i ‘kisiood thut th • ....... wi lies oeom '««nee with the numm-. .exlafUti the ro¬ "• “‘del BiiiUid Voiimvsor Ii;u';»r.a Iia/.ii, fm ,. lltR yea' s biu. k, iu m*at (ggI li v» iii !«’setil by i.ia.i, ......a .• yr...l. or by ticiklit ex* 1'1'ess, In-ot ex 1 :im e ;u.v 1 i< l; >•* does itot exeenl one itmlar pel volume), ler oi 00 i>er vol* on*. (.’loth Gases lor eaidi volume, suitable lor H- lou, •Mil In* sent by mail, pontpai , on 1 meipt of «) 00 each. HAnt „. r n,-nir hit r> i , 'i*! , uUuILAL-j ,„. TC - /Vr ) ("f‘ n A BPE U’S W K KKL V . . . . *4 00 |J A. iti Klf'S M AL AZiaN L . . . ,*Vo 0 11 A Hi’EH’.'s i,.\/ A If . . . . si oo | j a F.i'Kit'S VOL' N < < PEOPI.K S 2 0 ) GABBERS FRANKLIN NtjU.lilK I li>K It)' One yi ,u pid Nuuiliirs) idt) /’'istouc T' rci to nl 1 - iitucriOers in Ik , niitii ftt>U(:x or Bemittanee should he made by Posld diiio* Mom y Order or Draft, to aviml ebanee ofb !-#“News|ia;>"r.s are not, to copy orderfium tills ;« 1 v i tis ineut wit lmit the e\ju'es 11 irpi 1 A l/j-oiliei ■- ,\* I ■ 1 r e-. IlAi.i'EU & BltO'J'i K.,S, .New fork. TO ALL WHOM If MAY ( ONLKUN. I l 1 K.OBGI A Tai.iaK imit*. OoI NTV. Jtt heri as. .foim i.lio'f ami Tim-. J Khoite;, Kxeeut i s ot tin- in-.t vvill and ties tamen! • f John llhod s, Sr,, deceased, aj> pli; *, to til 1 .):*'•-» - i.. 11 • -< I tor liu.ers I > 1 - u.; -.1 ry. I ruin He 11 I. ■ 1 e a -hip. 'I here - I* re, nil |»c!-• ns enpceiii'-il ar -liei chy re 111 i * < I to >h w ejiiiM-. ii a ■; ; 1 1 y can, - li sen! Executor-*, siionld on tin: fi. -t Jouday in Januniy, IfiMi, not Pc iliseliarg ed, v. Pep I w i , pa u an Ve- in . Liven upd.-i ii v In 1 el uni oltten ! signa turn, this the nib day Old. tent; IlitMtr ii, Fi.ynt, Ord. T. C. ADMLVIST BAKOBS SALE. W'iil be sold tw-fore the eonrt bon- • m-i" V “'“‘u.mvr 'iVeul r^; v'YL ftil’' Flvu'c 1 "!' : U Or.iVmuy I, ' T " 1 - emoted nv as; siSrxz 1 .'..a e.ii.K 11...' I.. ' *■ ,„.i.i 'ii. I*. !• m Li.' . „• Y ' ii ' Cba, in late oi sa.d .vil: A certain tract, of laud in -aid county . all*! -1a 1 c eo.itu ning out him ti--d and s-v* eu j< res more W T. of less, hap a lamis of J. s> amt 1 nan, on th- South ti John BliieP'S, oti tlie Best b\ lands th- estate <• I. v.reuee Battle, 1 u forth mid E; tend lying four mi j South of Cravvtordville on the load lead¬ ing 1 rum Ur,1 vvtiu.. ilie to Carters, bridge, on ! lie i'owettoii ma.i. l'ertus of sale cash, i Ills 4 »h day of O- t. 18 ) 48 . B. T Epwk. I 4 e 3 G-OT^ — * .-At: ON FACTOR ATHENS. GEORGIA. Liberal Advances Hade or. Cotton in Store <gTll is now a d ■inoiistrated fact Un* Athens is the hr* cotton market In Georgia, and L can give you the liigbe t limit on all grades. ^-Freights are cheaper front Taliaferro county to Athens than anywhere else, to reach a good market. Semi ut.i your c<»tr. ■ i and saye Olio Dollar per bale. MOSS & THOMAS »■ v^otiaa, Paetors, ATI! IANS. (JA. {Jgi'AVe solicit shipments and will make libera! a ivances on all consignments. 6 = 2 "We offer t he advantage of a market always equal to Augusta or Atlanta, .‘mailer charges lor Commission ami Storage than in anv other city in Georgia, gis"Freight rates from Crawfotdville and vicinity less than to any other maikot. uim and 3 Lo« a- ksmltb. # 1 kt‘t‘|) oil hand a good stock of NHW ;vnd SECONIE I! ANI) (TUN'S, whico I will sell at the lowest figures. I list.) keen ;i good selection of NEW GUN LO IAS, Shells, Wads, 1 * ? ri" ■ u ‘ i d., Caps, 'i’ubes and Gun Mountings, Loaders And Ej actors’ Tools, Trunk Locks a^d Iieys Will repair Guns and 1 'istols. W ork guaranteed. Ffo extra charge for Htting new locks. IT yon need anything in my line fail on me before buying elsewhere. JULIUS DORN PLATT. No. 51 GlflyUy.i St. ATHENS, Ga. ,, te r- l i .;a 5 ?::G % ■»>.» ■ .*<•« * -■ • • * . Stefsm Healing, Fiumbiug.Tn.lGas Fitting, Motel it un&es ssutl 11 H^r/es for Piib’ie MuiMan^> r- SpReinltv. Tim largest ; >ek «uid r« ;iU»st vuriuty II *> »T 4 ti iV&COOIvl NCi Sl'OV hS. Marblei/i*d Iron and Slide Mantels, n -rd 'Vood Mantel Wnlimt, » tierrv, Oak and Ash, with { ';i. n» f' 1 ' |»-•, Nickel triimned Ciratcs, l*;ain, Hiill li" and C/luh IIooho* • irate-, Himsh FhiJfi , and 1 ‘bie S* ts, Tm* i!cjirths, l-’acinu^, Ve-tilMih* Pile, .'•'late J! <*ii rt It*, < in * ii-lici , I’cndaiits and Brack- • of the b ’-I and m>»st popiilur mm u r.wtm *, . i i, •,» ni r'» * t, tyjM» of meeiunic.U inRMiuitv and kill. viaiu\* aeturerH of I'lain To \t •• a ml J./.itjci s of Stamja I and .Tuimncd VLir* , Tin Ida* 1 an Metals, rjimcrs’ IJ.aek and Oalvainzed .she t Iron, f 'oju>er, ♦*t<*. I ’Jnnil)Rr * rfrjf! ? team Kltter ■’> Sujirdies, Vv nut lit Iron !';■,»*• and Kn tines. Ho e, Pumps. S a-u • ticks, '»iiages, Will les, Wat) (‘ ios« i Wadi, t iiid-, \\ * h T’ u Us, Marlde S|a>» Se ks and I* UiHher^’ < roods rally. (and rail or for I'liiino .team ami Hits Pbttin^, Oal vanlxed Iron and * Work. Our wortvo.*n arc tii * l.v . d : work f/uararitcad. I'eison i wi*-11 i;. '• a )•«. i !iin*j m the nuse ni hiriu 1 o* will d > well to write us for pile, s or call aji hi e on ’nek before i»ur» Fa-iim i*» > wlieie Mamitaeturei *> ol ( dme.rete ,Se\ver ami l>rain l ip**. /*, i nts for Knowles* Steam Pump* lIUNNIClJ'i T at HELLING! R A PH. :)G & 38 Penciltri'i* Stu-et. Atlanta. Ga. WHAT IS NEED JOJl TTTf i AND tn Spinel If.! The render * of the Dfmo m will a;»ree with ns wh» r<; we assert that what has bi'dii hriitf lan ded is a Uou.-o ’ .a n ;tkeH a specialty of KirsM 'hiss Hoots and Shoes, AihI of goods sold ■ jnnweticoi with s ich hiisinons. For-1ver.1l \ «-;irs the tendeoey has h en toadver!' e thiy selling of gissls at half 1 1 »- i r 1 aim*, ami then w lie 11 customer- eal led, 1 ey world Is* either ili-app- luted in the goods or be nn-t a it li tin* information that they wt 1 e all sold. The unitersig; * d pro puses to A void A II Sho.'dy Work, He intends t o keep Solid and Kelii,Pie goods, allow m niierefM-c-ciitation to hh customers and t« guarantee to visitors whether purch <s ers or not, that .emu te-v and attention they are entitled to. An experi*’!i* - e of Fourteen Years in t I.e Pn-im e, makes rite confident that I make no idle Pea t, 1 n as-ertiiig that I vvill be able to show vidtoi 1 the Best assorted stock id lb-liable LomL ol any ilOUSK IN TIIEGiTY OF AUGUSTA. f have, also, in st^ tbe line of Umbrellas riiaiiuf actured by Brown A Go. These ^'“'a ; fu| V | ,,, ||!i'e Vd ’ the Goodyear Glove Rubber Go. Celebrated Brand of Rub ,M ' rh wi 11 l ”' , -'nek This is the best brand known to the trade. A full line m , ; i'Y!.'::.v: x ;uv:, slsaftSSS tii State, rft will *- be found .................... the., in* old stand, and ' ' .d n a util v,ib be i)l.isml to iiieid li ! -many friends. 8..I Agent in Augustu fm tit- CeiebraU-d \V. L. Douglas' $2.00 Shoe .... for Men and ' ’' Nine tor L<» s » ■ jw;AV TO'I IIK IiEADE tbOFTIIE DEMOCR.VT : Give me a trial and ii I don’t please you don’t try me any more. A. . 1 . «!OlLEY 7 -TE OF WH. KULESfUir &C 0 . 722 Itriail Street. 0 ;>posite 51 oilIInil'll 1 t