Newspaper Page Text
Text: “I have 1 the work which
(bou pavret me to do."-John xv,i. 4.
There is a profound at.> fa tlou in tho
completion the of any with iind exhiluiation, -i ta ;ug. H« while put up
tap-tone d* o«
the other hand the;- - more
heartening than to toil on in v>n.<s dire 'i-m
and find it is a la lor-, or to maim
less Investment I ii i-t came to build a
h eh way on which th- whole human ra e
might, if they chose, mount into heaven. He
slid it. All the lonl mouthed crew who trod
on Him could not hinder him from the
wttlmo tati.fae em exprcscl m the test:
‘T Dfcve finished th worn which thou garret
men, ’
AJeiamlor the Great was wounded, audit
wa, supposed that he was dying, and the
physic an. w.-re powerless, but m hs dream
AU-andor thought ho aw a certom plant
with a very pw.liar (lower, and that the
tlowerw - bnmgiit and putunon hi. wound
and ,t entirely cured h.m. Awa.mgfrm
his si k dream ho t-11 hi-; d.-ctor, and the
iibyMcian sent out to find the flower that
Alexander had d-scibed, and ho found the
peeuliar plant and the peculiar blo.s im, and
ho brought H,-m tu.n.e an l be put then mien
the wound, and A - sand- r recovciol. Hell,
tho hi man race was MutTermg with the
wor-t of all wounds. Urn gha.tli t of all
Wounds .ho wound o Ui-ist to
ssstfSc z&sassift, X ■
how many obsla-hs llu [omul; lew nine h
resistance; what bitter hostilities; wlmt tre
men ious opp«.h.Uon. .Vow, when we have a
great enbupri. i- wo - ail our friends around
US and they b- J, us draw out the .-.ketch, an I
,s,rlmps they help., intli-c-ro Iiuon. Christ
all alone slaiU-l out.-n Jlismi-M-m with ail
d„- foi-o s of thi, world ng.-un-.t JImi, and I
.romr-e 1 tin- niornin - il the lx.rd w.ll help
me, hi to b-ll you h . 1 , 1 - of the obstu-le, that
- i-t had He eoul.l in
tnumpli litlerth- w i d. of t ,e lest: “I have
finish-.1 the IV. rk whi.-li lh--u gnvest mo to
of all, there was Hii w rldly hy,4,-pent,y, ocenpa
turn II- had to ear,, hi. living
a trade always r.<-ete I and ulwaysliomae well I
for ifes U!.er„liu r Jill von know-very
that in order to s,lire d in any trade, oeeu
pation, or pr-Je sitni, there must be entire
coneeutiati Iiupi n ti at one thing, and tho-so
fatigisr I or ear; elites w / 1 himJiare 0 . must
has e be.-n a hind ran e t, 1 his worko C „
I know we lot'll a Id - a, -Cal about wh it men
hav,- a. hie,' ,1 m h-t-lle-- m.l si ,.- .mis and
in moral reform, who at the same time were
eoi.,|«»iied any on -,„e worldly well ocnptt
turn. Hut you know as M
1 do, a bit:.;lied - -lv is » IW
a ll-met to a toll! Ig nilnd. Hero eamn Christ
forth U. do, Wlmt: I O upbuild a kingdom,
to "trmiu-ram-w vo-.oOi morals, to start a
religion whirl wa to rcv-lutipnm- ail .«•
Non know as well a I know that ,f
wo are going to a eo -y ball anythin m I he
world w< Urn I e-n-- nl ; to upon one ,-li.eet.
Yet here Chi islliad all the lull ;,(•. of ear
pentry, while at the same time llo had this
tremendous mission, and the la t that, he had
to mu,.-h worldly wo, 1; t, - do must have been
a Imidrnn e. in His father s enrpenter shop
lfo had only to talk with men wh , leo (gilt
tilings to men 1, or who wanted some
ait,cl,) for a , ulture imuiubi tiire I,
amt it was a worldly conversation;
ami right out I run tins - ariienteid sli ip
Christ is called to l,o a public, speaker, to
Stand m (ho fa o of (lie mobs while some
blasphoin -land some Ii ok their ll-l.s at
Him. To add, - nn or.I r i and r.-s H , tfnl
aw-omhlage is not as - a-y a -mo mi-ht sum
)>< hc, but to-peak to an i-mis orut- il mob,
wbat eoui 1 ngo, what < -n- 1 1, at ion w. I'd do
omricli -1 ol ( In i t U liilo the villagers of
Naznroth.ho.ud ill ■ tliimijung of His ham
tner, nil nations wore t- h-ar the stroke of
ItiH spiritual upbuilding. Mighty had men
those times always some
thing iu their nppiuel to in Ii ute
th-i t they were ,1,sill,gu,shed robe, — some
ep'inlet, someth,,,., iu their Soma
a loin rn-nt ..r a so those
lug rtt.-h an «•-» turning would say; “Mike
way for him; here conus a dignitary, None of or 11,6 an
OtJleer of would the have Kovouenaut dared to • in ordi
, 'omars citizen'sdre-s. But here appear Christ •
nary eutims
in a plain coat It was far iron, ahab'.iy groat b
cause I find that after llo had worn it a
while even then the gamlders the thought it
worth taring about, Mill question !nn; plain
Whoso shall ,t I--, lint it was a
coat, just as you ami 1 might wear, and lie
went out like an ordinary ordinary man, olttimes,
"Ji what seemed nn mis ion.
Then Hi* diet, wa a ainsl Him. Nc
cupb aror lirought, in u g,,Id lln 'll chaliee, the
wine for Iliin to tlriuk bunkfusttNl ou
tho -MM^hoJv. i!r,t Inivin;.'. iMtHcl th Ii h
Ho want, out not ontrn lined. 1 now think
of only on rast u li , t . H,« wa> a a i>aiif,i.«*t,
mid that uji* Im from Mint} tu >us, hocauio, to
ndicve the awkwai Urnss of tho host, ono of
the - )rtd t o provilc o»no Wiin* lor the
oompanv. Otlun kin^s rod ; H - walk-d.
Other* had h raid ahead and applauding
Mihic. tsl clihnl; Hi went among tlio e who
won* not mllucii'ml. uth- r kn»-s slant mi
dor an orohmidertsl canopy; llo on a Ii Itor
]<hh hill llo rodo hut our on a colt, and
that, Po'Towod. Avo, His povonv was
« ”ninst him. It lake money to o
taldish institution-; ii take- money f
forward revolutions, whether for go.»d \Vln*n or
for had. Hero is a nenni.os i hrist,
if is tax w.isdnt* He liad to porl“rni a mira *'.e
in order t > puv the tax. The pie.*e of money
found in the llhli. Mm » f means arc afraid
of a penniless piojector Jest a Join be do
niRuded of them Hon* com-s i hrist with
Out n dollar in tho world, a Christ wlio was
born in anoUe r manhi tarn, aud to be buried
In another man's somlehre. And 1 suppose
ptmple sai«l: 4 *Who i-s to pay for this i*e
ligioiii 1 Who is t<» charter the ships
that are to carry tho missionaries*
Who is to pay the salaries <f the
Umchim. W hat: pull down an established
religion/ Can n be dome by \ a pomidess pro*
jector Mo.e than U, t want vmi to
notice the fact that the totis-d ration that
He had never ra luat d Irmn any schorl
was a a list Him it a man lias come with
• diploma from« ctdlege.oi* a cei tith ate from
a Ronu.mrv or has traveled through He ought toreign
lauds, we sav to ounselves: to
Icimw a great deal.anvhow, ’But he ought to have
some information. here was Christ,
who had no diploma. He had nut attoiidt*»i
am a adoiny where he <ould have learned
tho alphabet of thelau<iiHp> He sjhiUv The
Jews were m nsdde win u they hav-ing cried out:
“How hath th n mait letters, phiioso never
IwiruedC And vet. here.with no hy
backing at all. He just comes out and Ho
exjHH'ts these white haimi thest* grav ail
boaixted meu wh > had studied theology have
flair lives long to b »w U'f re him. We
Icarred i» «»*ir tl n that a man may In* a>
flora lit with a diploma without it. aul
Clwit-• college caiiiio: turn a shux^nrd into a
phiU^opb *r, and that a seminary oaimot
ten h a tool to pi t ?i h. An emptv h n l after
the laving on oi thelian.isot the iTosbvtory
ts empty st.ll. 1 ut it choke 1 a 1 the pr ju
diee-^ ot those yevvple in oUl n\ times that a
limn without am sch 'lactic opportmiitic#
•ho ihl come forth to tea h a new theolorv
«ud a new religiou. and by it iwol itiom e all
nations. Beside that, my friends, ^e want
g.» notice that the brevity of His life was
thirtv-tlireu yours of a <• h,- ev; i od
Well. tif now. but vorv tow men a.-oomplteh
mu rl e . hv.r nor tor tue w.-r w t*« o.x
thirty three yiar>«-f aThe tim tifn-en
Chen years n e g.von t> iy a. .1 (lies liool,
it rh»f>s si \ years to getting utu s > ue
traie, Issi h-ss- > ,-u: at ion. I'hat brings
you t--twenty - -tie Tu. t, a-'t-r that if :n ,<-ii
year-vo ;-s-i i e a: \enrea lv m. i - ;i ii
get th.ireugUG - a -1 'll •. yo : -' ' »h“ - '
cei-ti ■» The men who are .noroiuhly e
to lish-al in b s.i. - . » - uput of on, pro: - « -tlirveyeais age, aie t -
•see''linn, a wl , «t i' t' o tm ai win I
Ghrs quit Site Th-brevity ol ill
against Him V, > m nn itarv life mfi
a he isl gnat sinsv-. l toucht liat
ties-efoie t!:.r;y thre vears.-f butyo
n-ver beard- f a vreat leg suitor under thirtv
three or at thirty thnv U ta .es prolonged
nxperieuo*, Ai isiotle old. l.ycuryus
, „ i. Sene a w old. all the great legislator!
, f the wo-11 were old Christ was “Itcanoot young.
It waiajaiust Him. iV.nple «a d;
be this young wtir. knows more about these
th ii"k than those wh > have lie'-n study, ig
them fortw •idy.tni: tv. f ,rtv an 1 even tosev
„ tv orel'ditv y-ur of age. I’ wa-all ngaintst
Him. Th • it wore -.bsa |i«< He ha 1 to over
tT-'.ry ' A (-.the “Weed fur-t th fa ^ j 1 ' jj^, r ’public who
' merchant
/ nnid the tajo
. a tiedown on the “file banks sod of the the
•, rj ir j-t ; . a ,d: are
* ‘ ' j: -ol is the
„ , tn ..... ...pi amid
who l,r ail :-i- ft-stivi y. and
**' ‘X | u :| ]>ivn “Bl-Wi 11 >- live, mid
are they
, ' theorv -aid: “blessed
1 ; whose wings
, ... nation!, th - Hep o. cruel
and whose
, , ”n,-el mit,, i- -• -u-lfv u>on all who op
; are t he
ir ., ■ bub h the rv Mid: “An eye
'‘-ran . eye, a ., ,. tooth ,. j tor { , - a a to > - if it a J mac
y y, t -oth you break his to th.
f „- . ar ea,m. > - et.on for perse
t;»'i, f h own ’iTp coin, " ' wound
[ .-^.Jofully r t (IT them
me and torment you " Was
‘ revolutionary? Was there
ftri .’ y thing so of the wor.d
““t linv „ lin " t i,-it struck thr tlirones
lyolenlly . , , , .a . n y f lt the solid ea-th
mid.-r .ten: but '-hrwt -e l: I uphold the
P 1 **"™ "J th i wijl turn it s41 into
TheyIwi-d at i ^ I T
1 t -‘ 1 '
V ^r^ “‘hC' 47 o,.,
^ lc 4 “ 1 ,Mi
sw asx V im , o ,p flt
lying down, th-n ugnly • exh-.i-b-l r r one .
<>•' them b id _tue i.o did not thm.: ho could
have lifi- d iiic her- 1 t' e . hi in<-, it w.,
b !-l that a favi-r-:- n -.,.1 a, c-iiii-.-ig
along the I me, and 1 limy ml got up
»mi they gn v- . .. r u-o.g el, er. -
' hll/z.,. huzze ho -, Aliho.igh a 1 -,v
n.oments I efor • they !-lt d liar. Hr
Eft a ha ul to save He ir lit- So
great win Nnpol.-n tho imignCism first of some
men. ufb-r his n;,,
tivitv put Im foot on the earth and it
shook all king loins, an 1 350,00 J men gatli
.red to hi:, standard, b ,t Christ hud min re
wonderful magnetism than t at Napoleon
bad a I around b r„ the :„o nones - -f Mam, o
and Austorlit- and Jena. Her ■ com, a man
with re, parade, no brand, died sword, no
|«rulinrit.y of api arel, mid eomrarn
tively no reputation. I do not now think
of any re markable person com, ■ t. dwidilf.s
name .->.eept hi-, in,»ther, hour and nbe > poor that
inliiemo, s ,n .hat ever eom s to
a won,.-, , - -or,I h - : -u -t lie down amor u the
- nan ] driver, groom,-,g their head., of h ir
den. Ah! notwithstanding all thiik what do
ym. s • - A man Hun on the street
so,,,- day an, says: Mv father wa-, n, gov
iiiue-d ami ,„v grandfalh-r and great
grit d. - tier. U le» was >onr fath-rf'
Clo-i-,, ay e “My earthly lather was Jo
genii. I,., <-ftr| entor Another man -.....Is
(,-1 and he IN 1m scroll and say
, C - m a do h»„a fr-,:o Ih- best S-.-I on! ,,,
Athens HI. -f • did you rnduato Hr Ht
-"I never gra.iit-if -d. It w-i bong n l,ir,u-.;h
K , m- lltt e Id lung -. ilia o on ,si,and
should arraign N 1 v York. t ill, what a stir
lie make . 1 It you have am nd to rail it
mu nctism of |.<- on call it that, but what:,
tt i lie makes, lie comes inton villa T e and th -n
J(e siep-s out into tho field-.and all the people
go alter Him,ami though they had taken only
( -n ,., h food to lost a they day, they are right so fa
-minted with Christ foil ov clear
, ut mlo tho wilderness, and in danger -f
starvation. A man falls llat on tho gmu.i J
h-lo-m Chri t„ and saw. ■ .My dan -;Iu -r is da -ghtor i. -b-a-l. ’ A blind null i
„ s to rub the -limn- -s out of his ever, an
h-says: “Is r-I, that my wyes j might I,a
opened.” that Tim light of day mire he through
g-ter has no or before -u opened.
And iioro- uni s a sick and fainting woman.
his She-uys: ••Ifi-ouli) -that all,” iust t meh And the the hom little of
garment is
eioddren wh-, riAvavs liked th-u-mothers b-s
fora struggled to get, out of their Christ’s mothers'
nr ms. Hioy wanted t> go to arms
au( ] tb. y want'd to kiss hi- cheek,
am | they wanted to run their fingers
through his hair, and they put Him so in love
with chlldreu that there is hardly a hom j on
oarth from which Christ has not taken'one.
“Oh,” lie says, “I must havo them. I am go
ing to make H««tven of these. To one i-edar
that 1 plant in Heaven, I plant fifty white
lilies. The rhildron loved me on earth, a id I
,, ow / have come to a throne, ought not
to love them! Oh, weenia; mother, hold not
bark that child. I.aviton mv loving and
xympatlie.'i-- t tio o;n. O, . u -h is the Kingdom
c Heaven."
more I remark, lack tit organization
„utat!y was against Him. If men nre going to carry
grea ,o.-t t hev b„„ l toget.l, -r,
mul their completeness success is generally the in orgnui'ntion. proportion
to tho of
Who ran t -ll Ii ,vv m ,c-h < an Ik* a com
plislu-d Lather by a lar m* number of men h ind l
for a ri-ht o hjoct, Chr id- had
nn sl , j, nssociat.ioii. no one to back
id w up. if pooplo canto into His
corur*nnv. \Vu all ri^lit—if they loud wont salutation. a wav, all
s V n'i n they cam<\ no follow -
When they "cut nwav. no up o’
anathema. Toler loft Him, and what did
rir ist .lt Th * Bible says H * looked ut him.
Tnat is all. Oh, my trends, and did anyone through ovor
Ktnri through such obstacles run
suchohsta lus to achieve such siuvoss.- Nut
withstanding his worldly occupation
wnfi Against Him and His trade
and His diet were against Him, and
His poverty was against Hi*n, ,r: l His lack
a dioo.'in wiis a ainst Him, an 1 tho
brevity of His liio vie against. Him, and tho
reversal of public maxims was against against Him, Him.
and look of organization was
yet you hear His voice th s m Jtning cadences: ringing
through the ages iu everlasting
“J have finished the work which fho igavesfc
n ie to «lo Oh ves, Christ is a
conqueror. S'* li<*w The Atlantic Hecoupiorod Ocean—wliit all tho
forces of nature.
a terrible shing it is in its wrath How the
ocean will take down the Spam h Anna ta,
or the I’re idont, or the c .mtral Amen a as
e:i*.lv as it. coni l swallow a ' y. but have
brm told by tho ; o "ho have visited
^ ; 1 M noi that a st rm t n dic»o
jm-md hc8 h worse. An l vet
Christ came and He lookeii at one of tho^e
f?»va inland sens in cyclone a id the sea
Vf°V hetl Hl V ! uvl Hls h 'fr
He knew all the winds ami , th - waves. He
beckoned ami thev came He frowned
and they ihul. 1 he heel •f Hid foot
matl' no i«uU>ntiti.ii on the sobiiii.ol
water as He walked it. In the ba k
part of the 1 oat s.nind asleep, ‘V*h, v v*ou
sav, ‘‘poor man poor Christ, so tired, sound
asit'Op in t-lio l lb* a k part ot the the boat.” But of the Ho
r-mses vin conitG to prow
I,a,-it He looks out. Hi' lias two words one
f,-r lho « in-ls mul the ,-tlior for the s.-n. anil
he says: tva bo sail. au» vno wave.
crouch like whippet sjia.ncls at his tee t*
> j!" ■ f i /k a.v. i ehold t..u ir-j-.i
1*; l.oUi the Go l
Modi* a. seicut o has dona much f*>r the ai on of j’hcu i ati ail.m'iits and to cure
tiis- ii tlbliKMi: but when the* mus *les are ail
wiihc wi up Hum an power call ew r re
stoit* th *m. U hen the lmad and the arm art
dead, they ave dead. But here h a para yt u
ii the presence ol Christ. Ann in rfectit
u eiess, helpless. C hrist secs it. He could
no see any dpi 1 g of that kin i without pity*
iu^ it. He siys to this man wuh tn<
paralytic arm, *si:etch toith ihy ha»*d.
Ibv fith v-f (lie >. a No lntn-an ' i <"«t
wrn.ruvu vi a— --.'l of fish, but Chr. ts
voi.-o marshals tho fiunv tiihv. and th-w
come ia a |daeo "h .re a UlUj wiuls
i-.-tore p s>t,l - wore hsumg an-t -a n
j,,g nl n. t air; ow tae gei-a' the a;aii
in. ] ; the net. and t i->v pull uu il net
brval.s The e s the gra e. The hinge# of
the a nily va lit get very ru-tv be’au-'-ie
door is so sol i.»m op me l It is only whim
no of u- go tn to stav th-re :or thelis
s! . A k rob on the outs -ta of the d>or of
the family vault, bit no kuob «v thi i. Toe
knob on the out id > we onea to-'as- in. but
no knob on t >e inside. They w o pass tn
-! »y there until the rvs.srre t on. ChrGt -line
through all that real na-ui He said: “Da.igh
ter of da-.rus Hse up" She rose up. He
sail- “La-aius. come forth,” an 1 he -a ue
forth. And He sa d to the widow s sot:
.'Get off that bier and go home with thy
,h. r j-fi - s.,o H'o aril «vent ft'MU*
jp, Uio he »nd . T.ion sued Christ them pi to fced His uo girdle.and thj kayj
a' <| -tub fast thro
.ittere i a voire whi 'U still r isoua-is rgn
all the graveya-ds of tie earth: Oh. asitti,
I will bo th-. - p'e ?uel Oh, grave, 1 will be
(,bv tie .traction!" t#s-r il-Htratioi of
I do not know any ir
and ot Cnri.t .
th j vicari-vn ku Teroig the brotherhood wot** tj.s
!t mn l Chill J fill I in
tiny here presented an 1 her * welcomed with
a il on hearts. Vi arious sulfering. He
so <1 times ta'k as though it were an abstract
word, and we try to illust atn it this
way and that way. but it has
ic-ri illustrated in the lives of
that proles-ion and There occupation railroad perhap* .
as in no other. is not a m
lit 1 nib-d States mat has not been thes.ene
of heroic endurance on the part of railroad
engineers - a . cue worthy of poet» eapto chifttl
and pai-itera pen -il and sculptor«
bud--lators appropriation. There he is,
V» in? along rapidly. He is at hts post.
J here has been some wrong order
or there ha. been some recklessness,
-me where, and there comes the train down
on the same t a ;< against him at tbs rate of
ft ty mile- the hour. Standing at his post he
-avv “H' shall I dof for how much a
man can think in a se-ond ‘‘Shall I pump
and save my life and be the support t of
my hcdpl c family, or sha 1 stand
hero and save my three hundred pas
senders Oh God. hell >." He conies awfut to quick *bap
^ bmte to th ,
ti.m of fire an 1 aiding an 1 whirlwind and
before gore up to take h.: place among th- martyrs
the throne. Thro is one hook that
needs to bo f» written, Ma^i anditnee'lstobsen
tUted: “ T I-oconofive Engineers
of America.” I am glad thiy are
rs^^^ss.'sgst’TXXfft dav alitlegirl
I h nlr.iwdavsfter ? ‘ saw
/ _ . « , father’s cabin and
t : „ • , „ waved \ ba -k and overv
*<£'*** .. . the lo^lnotfveove? old en 'ineer’s
>eart, ns pa.singfl ong in h 1:'' is sl f
J-l?° P r '‘ -J*!, 1 ,'
hi n and he wave 1 ba. . Kutoneev-ninv ' the
train was belated and it was belat d , until tjJ
theidancn^sjams^on. and
of the rjmisithjt the cd, 1 ‘ t
little /.hi d on the old tr.iX . . . L “
lo iking for tm engm r , , .
derel why so long ho tarn -.a. one
knew not her po >h '“o
onzinwr (feat boripr «w fr f the >o his ^ . i ■ ™tcher
en an q"£ 1 though a "l the L?in tra n wa ■ slowfnTSnaud g
sl ,°, wl ^J'" ' e ‘J ,:l gaaiin- in
0 J el fi,. ’, ii were
f„P a in „ th a” „. 0 nn ,t walt
. the ^ r'eht ^ mo me with al mat
' sei ed h-r and fed
b k , „ ( . ow ,, ltchor . Th „ train halted,
|)0 assen e ,., ,, r , e arou nd to sea what was
’ j the old engineer
J , tt , ,, t , le e ay
ainte|l dead away, with the little child all
unhurt in his a ms. lie had saved her.
J{ , V , bravo' for the o rl engineer,
who,! .. . , , , t son Q f God.
Ion - trahis of d,-a ter were ■■ ming
} () , | . lt ; trains of ever
, u wo0 and and doom, He
t mat in his own Aim, chty strength and
tlj „, „,, t doom, and snatched
' ' ,'pi't .... , Hi ,,. l, h n- m the
” l.“ I,.',-r t-id - of the vieari us
,. s , ; oi wh . t ;,i down
., . i or. iri- „ n ,. a _
' IS ;V > le-'h'if h „n, it i. i . - , ; ' - : t ii so’lorrt ' 3 it-i so
i 'Tl H . svrnpx n
,r 4 V< V e nave a ■ •
in this f.-lins' 1 know „ ,at You ca e .
»-o'l, nn 1,.- -t- -.--r, y-m ■ anno., tell iriy . isu«.,
yon cannot te-1 Cmi,t a-i’tiimg a is
-m onum-. II r lias b on t-n oug . - “
' “ u wll ‘ novor nave a 1 a-t as
hmivy to-■••rry a. the load llocarrmd up th3
1-lo-i. uioimt. Y' cl e-:: 'j 1 '-p
than that which Chmtleit ,
tmH-rmg wore* ho# and
wli-n. with tongue | a o.-
‘V ,l i'm 't'!’ 1 “ ‘
All, wil . 7
thir-t. you no c
" “ so r ," ; < ' n ' ‘
i ne X . h-iile I do-u . .. “is T i>r.a>c . ^
l Vi« g hoiltit i ,.
;“T This day I I.-i.v v Hh vo r‘e»t
ob l tt niust have been Cemendotslv
earnest, or all tha obsta-Ios '
driven Him ban ■ • -. n-N no. H i - nes
right on. and He is h- , i.,ror
y."' W J’ 1 .1 b ‘ r «. H* “ ■ '• ll p R 'L t “lPfi i
with His praj-neo, an 1 1 put H» l t-asbefl l .
heart at your feet. (»i, 1-1 it not told m
Heaven that al ter nil your o mortoiHes of
aicepbng this^ aid after ad that
Christ has done to >^ou you ,b - ,s « , * ! } 1
grace and putoXthw tumty. Many of
you I see for tho list time an 1the last time,
u ls so eve^T ba,i ,ath lnoinin, and it
is 80 e \ el j£ i -,T„ f
once throne and of the .•udgiiiet t never is a Ht a,n until m,til to l-it »*y- , gr^t shall
coni.'fiom ths Nmrf u and tua feoutli and die
' a ' ’* 1,1 ’ s Wh will all be there.
II T .waver deep , downmath , . earth ,, we may
!*• binmd ( wo will h i t w ®
trmnpot. and sha 1 c'o a Q uo. we shall
ronw n >. An lyot lave t» teU youi tins
tnornm ; a id 1 - ’ '' ,l ' 5
tell you-tlrit n->tw.t'Htan 1 all n that t
( * ias ^'* ne n 0 e -‘ ‘ *
ail His magnificent work nn l a'l tho st-try of
cro>s and crown and lh»ni<aro for soaia
people a dca l find failure. tho Helena, Holy the Empress,
wont out to in Idand across,
Iho particul ir cross on wiiich Christ was
crucified, and tradition sHy\r-~of oonrs' there
* vas su]M*rstition in inch'd with th ? tra litioii
—tradition .‘■ays throe crosse? werocxijuiu^i.
They did not know wo• they m of the doa three was
the cross of Christ, so too'c a l »o ly
and ?»nt it upon one cross an 1 the body
moved not. Then thoy fc >ok tho dead body
and pul it upon t-lu 83 *ond cress, but the
body moved not. J hen toey t >ok tho
dead body aril th *y pat it upon the
thir l cross and it sprang into life—it
sprang into lite. It- may have b on—Mb it
story mav luiv T -.» l> *en m *rc fcrodicion or super*
stitiou; blit it is not a s leerslUiou thatiu th3
cross of the Son of Hod there is a liio giving
power for yo ir dead soul and mine. “Awa ce,
thou that ^looped-, a id aris* iron the d*ad
oud Christ shall give thee liie.”
Not So Remarkable.
( > ne day f a solemn man entered a Wash
. t s;l oon a nd allied:
Is this this lilt the saloon s iloon where ulure Booth HOOth p-ot got a a
drink of brandy
dent ; ’’
“Ye-, sir-'’
“Have vou any of the same brandy
left f ”
“Yes, sir.”
“In the same decanter?”
“Y'es, >ir.”
“,>ive me some of the same brandy out
of the same decun r ”
I; is given h.m and he puts down the
fifty cents and the li juor.
“G that the same brandy that Booth
dr ink that nigh # ’
“\es, sir.”
“And when he went out and shot the
President? ”
“Yes, sir.”
“1 d n t w uidcr. One drink of that
V-randy w .i!d make a man go out aud
kill his grand.uotuer.”
F. cis Overlooked.
An Pf-dial, reviewlnif
General r Grant#, says that
“Grant was the son ot a farmer, who
gave him a much better education than
htf h ., d hi|nsclf rec Ived.” that “the
obi . d lir-int to 1 l»-com-- a
soldier, ,. wachiapa , ty lie served for
m i
fourteen years, wh n he again took t J
farming, which be ha I to relinquish on
UCi . olIU t o lit lea th that “he th n be
< sme 8U CC'-ive-l st.i.v agent, . clerk , . in . a
store. .'euotor u: <i resilient” 1' is a
1 tt e strange that the English reviewer
should have o frisked the fact t' at
- , f apta
‘ ‘ ' n,
manager o. a c utno-'|K-ra opera c>m|iaiijr,
pitcher «>f a Liaseball, and Go.eruor
0 . Urookiya.—„Y rr««.. an UeruUL
Flw (truth: 310mm) Ihinmwn’ him 0f
the age. Nu mmilv titan:- mum
Tl(P.\ on the market for A It h < ( If h
fr»r KtrliifUf Pile**. Has never tailed to give
prompt relief. Will cure Anal Ulcers. Aliens,
j i -tula, Tetter. Salt Rheum. Barber’s Itch, Rnisr
iw/mE, Pimples, Sores and Boils. Brier .ih ci*.
N \TU« E’S OWN KEMEOY, Erysipelas. Cure* -il
Wounds. irbnncles. Cuts, Bone Bruises, Felons, Hprains, Ulcers, Sores. Sore Boils.
< Neuralgia.Rhenmatisra. Eyes
Sr,re Throat Bunions,Corns.
Orch»ti- Gout. Rheumatic Gout. CoMs, Coughs. ,
Brnr.ctiitts, Milk Leg, Snake and Dog Irritation Bites. Stings
of Inject*, i*C, In fact allays all local and
Inilamtn . i n from whatever cause. Price J.'t cts.
Prepared aceordin^ to the most i cieiifitie
PiviscildcN, ol Ihe 1M REST SEDATIVE
I N<JREmENT>* and compounded specially recommended with th* purest f*.T
i b tcco Flour, is
i roup,Weed /jTitant ov Cake inflammatory of the Breast, maladies. and for Aches that class and
'■* or
p 'air.# where from too delicate a state of the system.
; hft patient Tobacco is unable Cake. to For bear Headache the stronger or other application Aches
f t i invaluable. Price
,;i ! Flirt.-, ir i.< |.i els.
Auk i otxr druggist for these remedies, or write to t he
DUMHAiVI, N. C., U. S. A,
4t % 8 b *
O %
• it m
1 ' % ■fc Us* s'*
| ;
- Kct Hoe Soiii Machine Co.
, Y. III. St, Louis, Mo.
30 Union Square, N. Chicago,
Atlanta, 6a. Dallas, Tex, San Francisco, Cal.
/-VURE Biliousness; Sick Headache in Four hours.
(<S) One prevent dose Chills relieves Fever, Neuralgia. Sour Stomach They cvra *>. Bad and
^ give
Breath. Clear the Skin, Tone the Nerves, DEAN. and
Life Vigor to iho system. Dose: OIS.E
Try them once and you will never be without .hem.
Price, 25 cents per bottle. Sold Sent by Druggists receipt and of
Medicine stamps, Dealers postpaid, generally. to address, on
price in any
Manufacturers and Sole Props., ST.
gsEEsgjj, INiiJ
m :i Q
M ms
i i
In all forms and stages.
l)r. O. B. Howe, Athens, Ga., eavs: “CERTAIN ( A
TABRH CURE cared me of a s»vej-o ulcerated sort
throat, and I cheerfully onaorseit.
Lucy J. Cock, Oconee Co., Ga.. writes. Sent.
17th, J8S5, “One bottle of your remedy entirely cured
me of Catarrh with which 1 had suffered greatly for
five years.” *1 had
J. H. Allgood. Athens, Oa.. writes Sept. 2Z.\ : Z,
ly cur
£lnly a Id ^ of our many ce rtificates are eiven here,
jiddiesainrf Offers cjui bo obtained f rom your druggist, or by
8 C. CO., ATHENS, Ga.
DH. fl. J. KEID
I n
■ y
h^tid I
! 7
Hus mud“ Mnno ur nw Mo»! “on
dvrful “mm on rerun].
The Biggest -
4 mmmm K&m/ V
mm v M I
■— • '•j
p r / \
I H m
i m§m m
m ii
r c. -1
WM :
- -w
► : YER X
lias hand in his mammoth store, not a CIRC US SHOW, hnt the
Greatest Show You Ever Saw In
m I
m w *
I have this season titceil out my store with everything that will please the people
and will make you prices that will cause you to be amazed and delighted to know tha t
you can buy line goods as cheap at home as elsewhere. Don t say that I have not the
rtiele you want until you examine my stock. I can and will offer you bargains of a
life-time, if you will only come and see me. You will have the biggest s'oek to select
* rom l ' iat 1011 ever had in the town of Crawfordville. and I am determined to offer the
best goods for the least money that has ever been offered in this town.
l ou Can Count
On baying from me vthen you come, because I have what you want and you can
c<!t **■ ^ Iom me cheaper than you can buy it in any of the cities in your re-ch. Not on
y the best and cheapest but the prettiest and most stylish lot of goods 1 ever had All
bought at the best
New York Prices,
And sold at the lowest Georgia prices. When you come to town, come to my store
first and I will save you tire trouble of walking around and will save you mone; on
even a small bill.
Don’t fail to examine my large
stock and see ay 1 1 at I can do tor
you in bargains ot all kinds.
s ‘m
i rapi*
■ MM
-•» * -^1. '
J it
Wls § “o t;.a
V. l-'J
Z 's