Newspaper Page Text
The Democea -3 .
Entered it the p/ntoflicre at Orawfoidv; ic,
Oeorg a, m necond-eiewi mail matter.
With tins issue of the Democrat,
we are proud to say she is entering
her eleventh year with much nerv e
and confidence. The good people of
Taliaferro county liavi given Ik r Uteii
support during her existance and at
though the present manager Inis not
been with you that long, we thank you
for the entire patronage. We com¬
mence this new volume with a larger
subscription list than the Di- mouiiat
ever before claimed and if fortune per¬
mits she will reach still larger bounds
by the time she enters li , t.welth year.
Wears gratified to know that our
friends are the triends of the paper
and of course those who au* ardent
supporters of the paper we will h iiiere
to tliem with friendship diflu iilt to re
veisc. Mauy have laken advantage
of the “*i iii advance” system, ior
■which we return our sincere thanks.
Jt shows the true heart <>f a pe on to
Stick to his old county pap> i and help
build her up. Anything that any one
citizen erects in a county that beeonie;-;
an honor to thS county hIiouIu bo the
pride of every (rue countryman to
stick the lighter thereto mid let it
maintain its popularity. The s ople
have stuck to us in the last iifleen
months and the Dk mock at has been
on the increase, all the while. Adver¬
tisers are better picas, d with ri aits,
and readers are highly pleased with
the class of matter wo use. We hear
it stated often in our travels “that the
Democrat is a good paper and s ■ ■
paper for a county the size of the
plucky little Taliaferro and the histor¬
ic old city of Urawfordville.” Ail wo
ask is the continued patronage of our
people and wo will establish the second
Constitution if that patronage is sulli
cient. We want every man, woman
and child, to read the Dumoi iiat and
we guarantee them that they will find
In t welve months enough information
-ooil reading to more than pav
(inscription. If you want the
id have not the cusli, come to
tout ua , and” W BU l ttu 'iwrtre86ftHTaV- e 5iui«i-“
meets with you to barter a subscrip¬
tion for produce or anything else that
we cun successfully use.
Ilegiu the Nciv Year with Wooing
At the start of the Holiday season
tho usual Grand Distribution (tho
190th Monthly and an Ext.niordin.ii v
Drawing) of Tho 1 .oni ln:i Slate Lre
tery occurred at noon on Tuesday.
Dec. 14, 1SSG, under tb« so'e man., 'e
ment or Gen’lsG. T. Biaure nd of
La., and Jtihal A. Early of V t. No.
93,174 drew First Capital I’n/.e of
§150,000, sold in tenths at §1 each: nuu
was held by a client of «). Uouderna
gel, a notary public, 158 Common st..
N, O. ; two hv Frank Metz, Oshkosh,
Wis.; two collected by Well , Fargo
& Co.’s Bank, San Francisco, Cab:
ono paid to a depositor in 11if. Hiber¬
nia Nat’l Bank of N. O. : another col
lected by J. G. Lanlandc. a runner of
tlie N. O. Nat’l Hunk; the re -l else
where. The second l’rizt* of ;-7>0.0iL'
was drawn by No. 97, !0i*, sold u
halves at $5 each: one to 8. Ilcsslcin.
182 S. Clark St., Ciucaige, 111., eelli gt
ed tlirougli H. .V O. l-.xp. Co.; the ot ti¬
er to J. W. Meissner IS N. “rd St.,
Allentown, Pa., collected through
Germany National Hank, New Ot \
leans. Third Capital Prize, 820,Odd. .
Was won I v No. 92,.707; sold in tenths
lit SI each: one held by F. M. tiro- ,
Crawforiiville, G*.; and by Wm. 1».
Brady. No. 1515 Fulton ave., Evans
ville, Ind.;one by Linsev Hayden, al¬
so of Evansville, Ind.; one by Win. L.
G. quililiit of Savannah, (.a ; one j ii i
to Wells, Fargo A- Go’s Bank of San
Francisco, Cal. Fourth, Two l’n.vs,
If 10,090 each were drawn b> X S.77 -
and 80,300, two tooths \n\ d J. Piv:.
dergast-, through Suiu Bros.,
more, Md,; two-lent ha to l\ J. Me
Do well, Xo. 070 per: v
CU*vehind, O.; oue-tenth 10 t e N \'{ Daik of M-u sio. Al. *
one tent li to Wm. 11. Leink.uif .V Son,
Bankers, Mobile, Ala.; one by E. s.
Fool, a d another by Geo. Reid and
C. A. Dougherty of Bakei>:i -l.l i’ .
anot tier paid to W CHS, Fargo Co’s
Back, S.m Fr mcise », C l. A
inaltou about the uexi tire: i \;.
dillary Drawing, l-'eti. S, lSS;i, will e
furnislied on application to M. A
Dauphin, New Orio.u.s, La, Hem
the Ne" V. .t. v. ith »
We hope oar w 1. take up
the year with hojie, euergy l tvoi.o
my, aud it will brir. all v ■ Allied la
h better fail, .»:.«! s K*n :L - t od oi l
times of vare will return.
j Tills, in the foregoing paragraph, is
S not what we saifl, hut is from the
I highly regarded Atlanta
i and is as true as preaching and we
j f( , r ;t cot . of it to r ach
every good citizen in Georgia;
•‘The weekly press «f Georgia, after
, having taken the holiday recess to
,, , , . : X,..
j tin: field ready to do its fail duty to
v, .id tile !><• .;. ic, .’■ > 1.0wi. ' til.
without a newspaper,and no man with
proper sense, with home pride, will
neglect to patronize an institution
which advertises his community to the
world. The country press of Georgia
has l«en indifferently supported, and
hence has not come up to the mark
whJ(;S| a U(T M1J> . ,» rt wouM warrant.
People who that the local
paper is not good enough should first
ascertain whether their own mimes are
on the rigid side of the subscription
book. The editors are starting out on
their new year’s work full of energy
and hope, and if they fall by the way
ide it will be becai jisi; of’ unappreeia
live confjtii uencies which have failed
in maintaining their own self-respect.”
We are very sorry to chronicle the
misfortune of our young friend, Lee
Shackelford, who had just openfr up
an office in Walkinsville, preparatory
to publishing the Oconee Advertiser,
on last Friday night the flames swept,
the old town to the ground. VI)"
court luiu and all the principal build
jugs were burned
A Cure *>i Mueuimmla.
Mr. I). II. Burnaby, of Owego, N.
Y., says that ids daughter » >a taken
with a violent cold which terminated
vvilh i’neumonia, and ail the best phy
sicians gave the case up and s
could live but a few hours at most.
She was in this condition when a j
friend reco mmeuded DU. WM,
LUNGS, and advised her to try it
She accepted it as a last resort, and j
w*s surprised to find that it produced I
a marked change for the b itter, and
by persevering a permanent cure was
—If you want, a good article of plug
Tobacco, asiv your dealer for “old rip."
Tilt* Harbor s hop.
When you are m Augusta and want
a shave or hair cut go to the Centra
Hotel Harbor Shop. It is the jdaeo.
I have always been much annoyed by
neuralgia and headache and finally deter¬
mined to try Salvation Oil. lam gind to
recommend it aa it made a perfect cure in
my ease MARKS NEW
62 Aisquith St, B altimore, M. D.
~ ft Ys said to think that Nebuchadnezzar
after his gay life had to go to grass, but
sadder the thought that so many men of
promise and ability find early graves by
carelessness In not checking a cold in its
early stages by the use of Dr. Bull's
Cough Syrup.
Sickness the common fate of all, is not
regarded ns an ang.-I visitant In whatever
form it conies. Yn ellieient ivm.-dy l«.r a
cougli, cold, or disease of throat and lungs
can be found in Ceussens Honey ol Tar,
which is known throughout our broad
land ns the only effectual euro for a cough,
l e Coe reps Horn y of Tar.
Tlie ordinary i muue of life is often up
hill work, and at. our best \re need all our
health and strength to inert our daily
tiiub. No one likes to Ire relegated to
the circumscribed space of u^ invalids
Ointment is invaluable.
lw win
sens' Forney of Tar, makes mo poor in
health. When 1 have a cough, cold or
disease of throat or lungs, I want Cons
||one> e 1 Tar, tie,an e 1 have m
it tried for the.,,* iiL, with unv rjing uc
coss uml know it VI rtuos, J'M.
Happim*ss doponds very much on tho
oondHion of tho liver ami khluoys* Tho
ill.'of l-fo tnako hu‘ little impression on
is good. You can
ruirulate your liver 5 kidneys with Dr.
,1. H. McLean’s Liver and Kidney Balm.
$1 t)U per bottle.
Indi do.i re«u!ls from a part hit
y.of the .uiiactu* and is ; • ; ay
can a- of a very lai inn* irity of i
tinit hu-.unity i-!>, .r to. most: r.
tH.h offeeUvo remedy U Dr. J. II. Mg
Butte Faer tud Kidney Piliets*
i cents a vial.
Dr. J* Pi Melrt\;n\s Strenhthenim: Oor
dial , : i l -r. hr . s \
propeith s will hri^hteu pale cheeKS, and
trimsiorm a pr.U\ luv4.^\rd, dispirited
worn a 0 Oi spill lUg W Uh and
per t itle.
i M ! Jr? ind lea VS
111 Liver
uoved by
aver and
in r t
lHl for
Slood runner.
T. R’\
iU ift
£ fordvill nt
envnxm ev ea V. ith
fascinat i i v
par;. We ha
was never a j
this wa
le.iv.. ..
mMMmvaamuxmm# '. tamsBUtMnMmmatmam
i ; iA
\ j.
¥ Vre* vr
- !'*‘L
m%) . ’
aM ■ lp^ . r I d
U a tJ fc*
jrjp*- hy)3 srerel h A r-? 2/
Ahso!ute!y Pure,
This po ri ir n r varies. .V marvel
tirifcy ' M; hand wholesotm ne
(*C0‘ 3 n the ordinary 1 kinds, with end
cannot, oo i in competition i the
] < i v weight alum
hoHwi&te ' i , S<>'d only in cfins^.
Y .L i>AK']Ni owDEii Go., XoU wall
dcc4 ly,
~%\T * ( oait Hoiue
S * ! ' dnPvilUi 'i
Tali v irti ir. of j
e.n o ti-ii' by Henry . Fly lit Or
ilirmi v m 1 within r^t the Tues- legal ]
e , to lie fii.'.'K ■ ii.dder, the
a ot saidcouu- I
'.V I in said county |
»•> <
lc-s, known
. auj oil ting lands
' ;lo< ! .1 nd of hers,
u m iril-WC:
Cia ■dvil i frais of sa •ash. This j
e,i3. 1880.
as:■ ,.K, Administrator.
\ K Pil A T'.vf, TV.
G/'l. n Uiod-s and Tlios. J.
t. i ..he last will and tes
lament ol :Ueceasea, a*>
tdies ^ ietter.s I)i
iulHhOl *5 ship. There-
1 or " ■ iiereby re -
lUlIVCl to : -1 > can,
why Haid Ext Mon da
in January, , should not ho discharge
oti. when i v* ; s upon the stunt?.
'iveii miller / ham! ;ad oflieial sigua
(.ure, this the ) i day Oct. 18<%. .....
L Flynt, Ord. T. C.
The Veiv.iet Unanimous.
W. 1). Suit, Druggist, Hippus, Itid.,
testifies: “I can reeeommend Electric Bit
............ '■‘■•■y "“»)-'■• «*"» "«■
tie sold hits given relief in evety case,
Oil" mail took six bottles’, iiud was cured
of Klieutnuli.sui of 30 years standing-”
Abraham Haro, druggist, Uellville, Ohio,
affirms: ‘ The best selling medicine I have
ever bandied in my 20 year,’ f.-rFyU
is Electric BittorV*.
< ers*Havo'iufued their te<«:y, so that
tho verdict is unaniiuoii • tl: t Kleetrtcs.
Kidneys Bitters do cure blood. all diseases Only of half the dollar IJver |
or a a
bottle at R ,1. Reid’s Drug Store.
What True Merit Will Do.
The unprecedented sale or Boschee’s
German Syrup within a few years, has
astonished the worUl. ft is without
the safest and liest remedy ever discov
<‘vcd for speedy and effect cure of
Canglis, Golds and tho severest Lu|g
troubl in an irely differ—
out pr m j. 1 prescrip •
lions > tv does !
not dr ■y up a Cough X leave the [ lS .
ease till in the the
contrary reinovus tee cause of the
trouble, heals the parts effected and ;
) ea ves tliem in a purely healthv te cond*
Z 1
| ranonce, will ; ave c.*ctor,3 bills and |
icll ot si-noi nllnt =». A , 1 ' 1; d
oral dealers in tilt land. Brice 75 els., j
ar-i! bottles. !
SlUCXSt-.'r Will! ‘reive.
The best Salve the world for Cuts, !
Bruises, Sons, r , Salt Rheum, !
Fever Sores, Te r.
tioti?. cures o
piv S tc Vi
,,. 3 i>ur
f ih v. r:
n x
tius bii \\ 3
dread ar
tr.o syateia.
.iii most ; IS Ol
*■), I 16.
vr in
I'l'iCG, to ii
D r
Aren St.
i,, I s.
w iron?th
i •
V Y\
An Ordinance,
mnti 1 by that fhe from town and council after .Jan cf
he allowed to
: Or f^l 4 the ithin the eo; orate ■
i yruj ft tov of w ford ville nor j*- 'racks at the de
.t while! tie cars are passing or standing 'j
I ■■ A L ne without having important j
screen. For any violation of
nutli ay nart thereof, the I
ir shall be - 5T _*d by a tine not
Ilian one i ar n- more than five I
ilf trw or imprisonment in the calaboose
e>8 ifiiiii on u ay nor more than five ,
a Jr, or work on the pubic than streets not
| j jmt fiian one day nor more five. And
j ray Hhposed one or more in of these punishments may
ic the discretion *t tin; com- ;
<-• OR T5.
! • Dme by order of Council .Jan. 12th 1387.
v W. iiOBEBTh), il. Z. ANDREWS, I
g Fieri, Chairman.
t7 T i!l Pe sold before the court house
. ro count v OOF
i>y \. Fly eg, Onimary :
JQ ,t Tuesday in
; j- v itSi1n the b*gal hours of sale, |
hi jii ■■■ t bidder, the following prop¬
raging to est a to oi Mrs. Vail- :
ui tl , late
X lertaln lot _f Jan
Late containing one aert |
. > T It .vitii buildings, adjoining j
c-i; lie north and east, |
oath I). ILimmaek, and jail lot 1
vest. Terms ol sale cash. i
Th O' )ec. ibSfi.
T. K. JiKiSTO\ , Administrator on i
Estate ot trs. hTancv McCormiok.
N10RGIA TAU.vr:::tRO C ).:.vrv.
’¥ Will lie sold before ths Court House
1 y- Said, county, on the first Tuesday in;
Jitruary following I'-'e-T. between the legal hours of j
sale, the of land, property: situated in I
167 nears said conn
ty, known Reid, as a bounded portion of the home place
of Wm on i lie Month by
of .... .1. it.-id, o„ tioi East by Della
the South by balance of Home
Place, and on the ’.Vest by It. .J. Reid and
Julias Jordan, hoi >j :ct to the rights j
of tin! widow c {.-iii, for Dower
tlnuvin. i ' rGc. tract laid off
for u,*.r <b a! Commissioners an- !
1 d at hist : irior ( ourt—the pur- I
fee in remainder irt '
cas the return of said ComciissionUrs is I
made tin* judgement of -aid amount.
Also at, tiie seme time and place, 183
acres of land, more or less, situated in
county lown us the Rogers tract,
bound -d ou tiie Nortii by ids of Mrs.
Louisa D; Oil t Last !iv the Craw
fordviile. ami bite Plains Road .11 the i
Soul ii bv J 1 J t. Moore and on the West I I
by R. J. Keid. All of said mom •i ! v h-vied
on at lands of the Estate oi i.‘fid, de¬
ceased, by virtue of a fi. fa, •• d from
the comtof Ordinary of said <•> • ty in fa¬
vor • N ey R ■ : d, vs. Alex. it. Reid, Ex¬
ecutor. r- U. JORDAN, Sheriff.
Cl TATE OF GEO HA Talia "’
OCoJINty. William II. and George M. Poss,
Executors of Henry Poss, deceased, rep
■ smds tn the e.iurt in their petition duly
filed 'and ente red on record i .fit th ey have
fully administered Henry Poss’ Estate.
SSA.lSLSS'SfaSSS.i This is therefore, to cite H all persons eon
not be disemirgod from their Exeeutorship
and receive letters of Dismission on the
BrMMonday in January 1887. This 4th
lla '' UcU h
' I! kkey 11. Fr.TKT, Ord. T. C.
iLOiiUJA Tai.iapbi-vV.o Comm-. adminis
:v. A. Q. Dickinsuii,
■ nnd ‘y, [ireki'Pts l n
■rt : - it mi, duly fil'd entered on re
vl, that in- has fully This mlinJuistered 0. T.
.ton’s esnue. is, therefore to
C i fait persons concerned, kindred and
creditor, to show cause, if any they can,
why said administrator should not. be dis¬
charged from his administration, aud re¬
ceive letters of dismission on the
MoiuF.v in Irefi. ’ > ; 7. November 3rd 1880.
He.\uv H. Flykt, Ord. T. O,
__ JuLOKIOl) M. Holden,
EFEWiU practice in all the courts. Of
flee over Holden & Farmer’s store.
ifiOUCY ? imOIICy. ,
" "
Important to the People.
x have perfected arrangements tonego
tiato loantJ on im j )roV ed farms hereafter
a any ofch, ' r a sem . 1 mean just what I
Call and learn my terms before mak j
ing applications elsewhere.
May ip, 1886. M. Z, ANDREWS.
HPi* i^S and cured WRlsfecy r.t homo If with
©Wfl oat pain. Boofc of oar- i
: S Ucalars jnt FREE.
w“ B. M.WOOI.LKY. M.I>.
iB'. .u/‘t4tu. o&GQ Coh WkiWliaU SU
f Sr°
., ^. ii.
T C. irssmsnt.
r. *.j
r Sir From that personal j |
say your
i© a ,t yon claim for
•. Col. P nt ib , of G.e Inter- !
OCCRD, 1 e. 13, li!
fi V f f7
I -AQQ7 -00
I ! i
-j A -C. pCii*
EALTlMO.a f,U., U. 3. A
iV e.
Insane Persons Restored
votS. Sec>*
dieted to DR.SLJXH, %
Sft-'ngzaK, £i ,-iJW v.' > . , r...... A w- w .
l! H Pil !* tl tij Tm
fi :
hi III s IIS L-J il ■ i If
III i j va v-f- ik H ^<3$
'txf V ¥ If 1, E ■ 3ID.
Or. vwiord ville ■a Georgia.
I have opened up in the Grange Store on the
Norther side of ilie square a choice and complete
JBx nd o’w BtocibLof
' '
nd Canned Goods of ail Kinds.
xpeet to keep always on hand a full si • . >-ls in the above bine to suit
all seasons at the very lowest prices, In TOBA( land CIGARS J have the best
bran - t. Call and me w i you/want anything in my line.
Highest in price paid for
country produce. W. R. REID.
—• Nk j \\ Taj -r.- Y ?| b -M-a a ti & 1 M t 5 Zfd.
I have bought my brother’s, Tlios, E. IJri ow, entire Stock of Merchan
and have moved to the building recently cur* led by J. W. Tucker as ft
where I will keep a Fall Stock of
Also a full line of FAMILY GROCERY S, Best Brands of FLOUR and
always on hand, at the lowest rates for CASH.
-Mi ’ I PiTKIIMl
Thanking you for the liberal potronage oi u ast, I solict a continu SEC
of tho same iu the future. I am now receUin ■ ■■
' ^
T... JS.
k W I W* E ■IjIDAir ; £1 'DBS,
I will offer to this market the finest lot i 'BENCH CANDIES ever
brought here, and at less money. I have ell selected stock of Stick
Candy, the best made, I keep in stock all me a nic e line of
Ca&DCil CJOOdft 5 GF* m . ..toes, Cora,
Pine Apple. Salmon, Mackerel, Sardine etc. J have a beautifu
line of TOYS ,Horns, Trumpets. Horses ou v* fi jels, Horses and Wagons.
Dolls from 5 cents to one dollar. Musi Instruments of several kinds
In fact I have everything that tickles the fane d pleases the saste.
6' ome and buy you t > i ifectionaries
ibr Clirisfuias anu t . l • ; UI f. t .0 your
cbilclrcn happy s *tla toys.
I have also some Beautiful
Christmas Tree < aments.
Tobacco, Oi; 8 md Drugs.
^ * ' > WWJ%
) ..■idzdLskk. 1SB7 " Art'
1SS7. FOR BOYS AND GireLS. [1887
V. T SArtFor.D, Principal.
Miss 1 S. JOKDAS’, - - - Assistant
Miss M. K. Collixs, .... . Music and French.
Mrs. M. A. Sxsford, - tent - and PrimaryDtpartm d r. Calisthenics aud Elocution.
Fea ex u - . ng session, will begin, Jan
ntinoi six months. Every branch idy accurately and thorongh
ly taught i > ! i: Music, 83.30 per month.
Bo kd fr- 3i0 ti ; S iai nd religious
privil l. AUeinli.:: to r.mrals au-i manure.- .eii as to mental culture. Give
_ . _
Ls your patronage, and monthly, at leant a p of tuition, and we will make
::d srs?HEaTs hig • « HODL
v . : e> HO'.-’- v ' a. :s a hiessir.g r '- ...roa- lev an enduring hen o
ar. ■. Em -at to -.... whosts iiius’.rious mamc : . rs. :• —. PRINCIPAL.