Crawfordville democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1881-1893, January 14, 1887, Image 8

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    in I
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L km ML
" The Greatest Cora on Earth for Vain." Will
relieve more qui ickly than any either known rem¬
edy Nr-.nrtUjfla.,
HwelUrig . Stiff Sack, flnilnes, Lumb*
Bums, Mcaldn, Cuff*.
c-o, VU-ursy, So tor,
II I. kai ii. , Oniony, Horn Hoodocne, Throat,
BS’iaMfa, WouihIh,
F Tnnthurhf, Sprains. < U-. J 'lion
•jt, eta, a bottle, hold hy all
tlnucffintA. < 'autlou.—TTut gea
r^WP^Sr^uin* _ Salvation oil l^ara oar
*40c ri^ruanrr! T'v.iBU t ’ ti Trf«lf*-Mark, & Oo., and bole oar
A. Muyer
Proprioton, mIUisota. ma, u. s. a.
nr. Bnir* Uouvb Wyrnp «l ifl cur« ‘ your
Couih ot once. l*rk-e only 2 -> ■ Ct«. » I. bottle.
fOUTZ, “FOUTZ *3frotJ^
jo .
*to Hop.fttt will fli<* of Colic. Hot* or Lvtsa l*
WH tn. H lonu't J'ownr« used
out, I'ow'Ipih will'•are and prpventliCHit Gatks in nnhzv.h. Fowl*;
rOi 11 s I’owfit *m will prevent quantity of 1
i ontz/s E'*» r« will Im re^e the n »a
and fT<'fcn la’ri’.'.y . p'*f cvnt., and . wtiK .... •• the butter firm
and t or pr r^vent fllmort every
JjjHfA'-. to w ft* niul * ftttl** are HUD.ieet.
Koi'T/.’s x f'n it: u. oiru pa ti - r actios ■
Bold ever\ •*
DAVID E. FOUTI5. Proprietor.
© 1.00
* »> > \V KI$KS=
The POLIO); OAZKT'I E will he mailed
H-purely wrapped to any address in the
1 nitiul s! ue. a three months on receipt
0 dollar.
lit*.- i int ill lowed to posl master
mreli' Sample copies mailed
free. .ill orders to N.
Jin ti miii is Pox, Franklin Square, >
L-&B-S- -H
Want to so.i yo.i, 1 1 fact have got SOUK*
thing important to ay to yon, and not
owning tlilacuitfro paper, and in fact being llm
it, uuiilGher it by tlm gciitlcnianly good nntiirod
to 10 iiiclics apace, wo cannot
begin to say all we want to, or should, In
Justice, to (be stock wo have for your in
Bpeetioii It will not only delight you to
come and sec our beautiful Temple of
Music and Ait, but it will also pay you.
Still we know how impossible Savannah, it and is for to
everybody to come to
those who cannot come, all we say is write
us and we will dolor you descriptive all we can, cata¬ by
sending you complete wish to know
logues of tho goods you may
about. of of them. Yon
Here they are. eleven
will find lull desertftlons of alt goods will un¬
der different heads and prices, heard be
foubd lower than any heretofore ot
l Pianos.
CATALOGUE No. a. Organs,
CATALOGUE No. L Hand Instruments.
CATALOGUE No. 6. Band and Orches¬
tral Mu ie.
CATALOGUE No. (i. Automatic Instru¬
CATALOGUE No. 7. fjranll Instruments.
CATALOGUE No. K. Strings. and
CA 1 ALOUUK No. U. Plano Stools
Covers. Artists Materials. ■«.
CAT A LOG 11E No. 10. -
CATALOGUE No. n. Frames.
Please indicate by numbers the Cat a
logue that you wish.
IMAMIS. Chickuring, Mason & Ham¬
lin, Mnthushek. Lent .V Arion, S'-'CO to
f 1,000, $75 cash avid $10 a month,
«»««;,\N* Mason A lliunlin, Hay Stale
A Packard, $27.00 to $500.00, |5. cuSh and
$5 per month.
siir.i'.t XIt *11 . 100,000 pieces in
stock, new Music received as soon ic puh
lishod, 2c. a copy up' HOtiKM ForChurelios,Schools,
fs Schools, Lodges, Choir and Home use
nxxui I writ! MIN ts Direct im
portations from the world's best Factory, South.
used by all the leading bands ol the
He sure and send for pi Ices
lltMt All *ir. We furnish every thing
published published All neiv and pieces received as
soon us our cusRimers fur¬
nished at lowest price.
XII -II \l. XII lu ll VNIH'sl-.Oiil stock
is comp ete in all small goods and we sell
at prices that enables us u> chum the lar¬
gest sales in the Ninth. Buying direct
livm the largest manufacturers in the
petition. world we can sell goods at prices fully that giift'ar.teed, defy com
and ’vill be found exactly us represented,
> i hiM> \Yo import our strings di
n Poginioi et. nml string especially which call is attention by all to lead- our
ing players.
turisT* I .ATl.iU \L. We t ,eep
everythin • needed by Professionals and
Amateurs, and > uruisii all materials used
to Painting on t'anvas, Cloth, Brass,(Hass
cr China.
SMI TI It i•*». Tho finest and largest as¬
sortment ever shown in the South, It
will pay prospective pun hasers to come
to Savatiali if for nothing else than to look
through our immense stock. no have
Fainting', Engravings, l’astels. t'hromos, Oteo
graphs, Intotiuts, Artotvpes.
Sketelies, Drawings, etc , etc.
iMLTLKi; l-'K \xn:«t We carry a stoek
of ...... the linest mouldings ,, iminufaetuaed. . . ov
et ,v.Hi patterns Have a com
plctc uiaiinfactory, complete with latest
and most improved machinery, and aim
factor.'the tines trallies that can be made.
Our prices the lowest.
Itt PVtlilN'. 1*1'.I* vurxil.M s. We
are thoroughly equipped best with necessary workmen
machinery and had the in tlie class U of repair
that aio to lie S. tor
lug 1ms. and Guitars, overhauling Banjos, Pianos, Aeeordeons. Organs, Oogui- Viq
netti», E'lutcs, orany instrument made,
Our prices will be reasonable for first
el as- work and orders will receive prompt
fiasos and oRCAXsSSand£10 per Mo.
We sell Pianos Organs on easy terms,
and at lowest prices offered bv any house
Ml the U, tt. l*iaiiOS offered at $33.00 cash
land $10-00 pr>r mo. All new instruments J
.fullv guaranteed and can lie returned if 1
not entirely satisfactory, aftri fifteen days
trla *
Intitlen&Rates'SoUlliernMOSiC House, I
J'lic liiiiin Holt -Throat-Cutting the
Favorite Xlet hoil in Some Places
unci Rifle-hliois in Others.
At the West Philadelphia abattoir
there arc two methods Israeiitish practiced and every the
day. They are the
ordinary methods. The meat which J •
killed for consumption by the orthodox
Hebrews is called “kosher,” and the
killing of it is done the according method employed to a Jew¬
ish religious rite, There
being directed by the Mosaic law.
are a number of private slaughter houses
throughout the city conducted by the
Hebrews, but most of the ••k'.-hcr meat
is killed at the abattoir.
The Hebrew butchers do not kill their |
cattle themselves, as the rule of their
faith is that it must be killed by a |
“schochet, ” who is appointed by the
rabbi after examination. it regular course Jfis instrument of instruction is ;
and an I
a long-bladed knife, called iu Hebrew a
cholif, the blade being of pure steel. j
without a flaw. The steer to be slaught¬
ered is drawn in up to the killing-place her
by means of a through rope looped around in the floor
horns and run a ring brought
or wall. As soon as it has been
to tin; right place it is “cast.” This con
sists in fastening a rope to its hind leg
and drawing that member off throwing the ground the
and, with a skilful jerk,
animal on its back. Jn that position its
head is placed resting on its horns and
the animal’s nose touches the floor, leav¬
ing the throat exposed for the stroke of
the •‘cholif,” One stroke by an expert
Jin a.\<‘, iluinUKT, or other implrnicnt for
stunning the animal is not allowed, as it
in fl rwiuiromont of the .Jewish f.iith ihflt
none of the animal's bone* dare be.
broken. Jus. I,-fore the killer draws the j
blade across the steer s throat ho ■wets
his finger in Ins moul h and rubs it along i
the edge of the sharp blade, and while
l.e is making the stroke he repeats a
For killing cattle to be sold for general the
consul..,-ti-u. and not according to
Israeiitish rite there are a great many
methods, , but all the A . cattle ... » killed •,, , at , the .i
Philadelphia .abattoir are treated in t lie
same manner. The animals are driven,
seven or eight together, into one of a
number of cages. The butcher takes his
stand on a couple of planks overhead.
i> rom that position he hits the steers on
the head with a poll-ax and knox them
down. It takes several blows of the ax
to knock a steer oil liis feet, and it has
often happened at the abattoir that it
was necccssary to almost beat a steer’s
brains out before it fell. As soon as a
beef has been knocked down it is dragged of
out of the cage, from under flic feet
its companions, and its throat is cut and
the dressing is done with dispatch, if not
The chief end of the use of the hammer
is to destroy sensibility devoid and to make suf¬
death, as far as possible, of in
fering. The implement mostly used
America is the poll-ax, by which tfc'
animal is stunned and knocked down,
but in places where a large number of
beeves are killed every day, as iu some
of the beef-butr hcring establishments of
Chicago, they are shot down. They are
driven into a long row of single stalls,
and a man armed with a repeating ride
walks along a gangway and shoots them
in the head, ho expert have these men
become that a second shot is seldom
necessary. In Boston and other parts of
Massachusetts the rifle is also used.
In London, England, the poll-ax is
used. It is a hammer like affair, and
the through strong-armed skull butcher into drives brain, the poll
the the pro¬
ducing almost instant insensibility.
Some of the butchers there strike the
bullock on the back of the head, just at
the base of the bruin, with the same re
suit. Anotber method employed in
France and other European countries is
a mask which tits over the animal’s head,
face and eyes, either by straps or
springs. Through the face of the mask
there is an aperture for the insertion of a
punch bolt. A heavy mallet wielded by
the strong arms of a brawny tho head butcher the
will drive this bolt into of
animal, and death quickly follows the
1 n Spain the butchers must need have a
strong wrist and a good aim, for they
kill all their beeves with a broad-bladed
dagger. The one selected to be slain is
pulled down secured to a ring by means of a
strong rope around the horns.
The operator takes his stand at the head
of the animal, and with oue downward
plunge of bis heavy broad-bladed knife
lie severs the spinal cord and kills the
animal instautly. Another European
practice, though not . general
in use, is
killing by dynamite. A dynamite ear
tridge is fastened to the head just below
tho horns and in tho center of the face.
The cartridge is so loaded as to be ex
plodcd by means of a fuse, and its dis
charge semis an iron bolt into the head,
and instantaneous death is the result.
Another French implement causing in¬
stunt death to the bullock is the guillo
tine, similar in construction to the ter
rible implement which came into smh
prominence during the reign of terror,
and which was daily balked in blood
during that awful period, As it would severs
the spinal cord at a hum single stroke it
seem to be a most tue contrivance,
notwithstanding the horror which its
name calls uj>. There are many other
devices put 1 to the same use, and alt made
for the purpose of rendering d.-ath to
lood annuals as devout of sutiering a
(>ossible. Meanwhile the Philade phia
butchers continue to slug the braii.s out
of bullocks with sledgc-h will' ;mmers and
p ill axes, and they keep oa in the
use of those instruments until they are
forced by the Society for the P e dition
,.f Cruelty to Animals to use some more
humane system.— Phil iklpf.i: X u's.
A Haggish Bachelor.
Rev. Sam Jones paused in a discourse
on patience at Omaha and said if there
w ere one man present who never had
spoken across word to his wife he would
ask him to rise. By and by a round
good-natured . , stood ,
fa oil, , man up.
“Thank Cod.” said Sam. “there’s one
man who never spoke a cros-* word to
j,is wife.” Everybody took a good look
at the paragon, when he broke the silence
with the remark ’I haven’t any Wife.
I’m a bachelor
L‘ln‘fi "“‘ y \ v l’l’l’ I
‘ " ‘L < ‘ Pl Y
A . ) \1 .‘fll ( . L1,.\ \. 1‘ ‘1
No. 719 Broad St.‘ Rem Muuulm-ut‘ AUGUSTA, GA
Is t I
Opeumg Mugum ‘ MIHIUM) I Mock ‘
| am V l 1‘ V
'l‘o whiclwlw imites yuurat'mxtiun. Oulcrs for Huts uml Bonneh‘ and Notion
prom lmlfiss fly fillnl n! thv very lowest pl‘imw.
uml DULMON‘S made in latest stylus at reasonable prices.
Mt urniug (Instumes gotten up for any limit.
. V _, ,, AMYouLQrdwemmuLyimm Mrs. N Brum , (xlurk. "
‘ ‘ ,\
BOOKS, The following books published THREE jn pamphlet, form, CENTS handsomely EACH. illustrated, and all
are neat many of them are
Anecilntca of the Rebellion. A collection of hamoronn, OntoftheMea. A Novel. By Clara Augusta.
Affttllm'i* Ilbtorj. Farm a Novel. By Mardarkt Blount.
Collins. Tnc Morwluk IUh nitrated. Myatery. A Novel. By WiL*r»
Tin* Cast of the KuthveaH. A Novel. By Miss Mulociu
fvitt*otheruiH«rationB. Illustrated.
A Iltml Iftdvrf. A Novel, By Author of” 'Do- ra Thorne.*
f Out of the Depth*. A Novel, lly Hr. m Cos Conway.
J?™* to The Komuiitlc Adventures of u .Milkmaid- A No\«L
By y r 1 human 11a Hardy,
•— f ii the Holiday A Novel. By Mary Cecil Hay.
Tlic Hc-lr to AnIiI ley. A Novel. By Mrs. Henry Wood.
I'nrlor Amuwumunt*. A large collect Ion of Acting Cha- MIm or Mrs.! A Novel. By Wilkie Collins. 1 Unstinted.
“ ; More Ilitft-r than Oeulli. A Novel. By the author o2
u Dora Thorne."
"jKElKftJj t’arrlHtoii'w tJlfl. A Novel. By Hugh Conway. Jll'd.
he* the Lest melhod of prop- T hu Fatal Lille*. A Novel. ByAutiu >rof ” Dora Thorne.**
««timt»inii:...nTM...i,.unM. tells how to cure diBean<‘ amleruil- \ Shadow on flu* Threshold. A N ovel. Bv Mary C. JIay.
ieafe insect r>ea»N, «ive» dfreelfoiw for tusktug beaut ifnl floral Thu Chii-M- oft'aruw. A Novel. By. author of “I Iot a Thorne.’*
*00 other i.tvi.- l"r win low gat .Idling,etc. Illustrated. The Itlnteliford iicqucNt. a No •vel By Huoh Conway.
o.u.n- o. nv uudlmvorh. Knitting and Crochet. Con- Illustrated.
talnin.r <1 Embroidery, s gns ami ilfreutiotw Work, for Kiiiltitig, all klndaof Tatting, Fancy Needlework, Crochet ” Dora X Queen Thorne.’’ Amongst Women. A Novel. By the author of
Artfaflc I*wc<s and
N‘*t Work. Illustrated. The Fatal Marrlagu. A N'oval. Hy Miss M. K. BraddON.
Famou* Bctcctlve 8tnrlc«, A roll-etfon t>f fhrllflug n»r- A Tale of^in. A Novel. By Mi a. 11 k nuy Wood.
rativraof iR-teeUve e*perlenc€j many of them written by actual A llrldirc of Love. A Novel. By author of” Dora Thorne.”
member* of the profesxion. A l»as*lve Crime. A Novel. By B ” The Duchess.”
Vnnkur Wit and Hu in or. A eolleetfo »n of lit amorous lngluduw Thtt Knlght«l>ridgu II oiim'. A Novel. Mystery. By author of‘‘Dora Thorne.”
•t irl'-s, i*o-tns and paragraphs, by tu o leadin i* funny A Novel. By Charlie*
ol the Aiiierieui ii |.i-o. Illustrated, KKapk. Illustrated .
hu It A.'ink* v etury at Kluekivood Grange. A Novel, By Wedded ami l*arle<l. A Novel. By author of “DoraThorne. **
tt '. A t . May M F LEM I NO. A Fortune- Hit liter. A Novel. By Ansik Thomas. Jll'd.
Thu IN It fit Util UH- A Novel. ll y M. T. Galdor. A moiiff t he iiulna. A Novel, lly Mary Cecil Hay. IU Ti.
T lu¬ Morjr of u f^t orwt. A No vel. Hy Mr*. Jana Q . AtrrriM. XtoHu Lodge- A Novelette. By Mrs. Henry Wood.
itjr Wn will ppnrl anr four of the abore books by mail post paid books) upon receipt of only Twelve Cent*»; any for
Kith B-■» ('uiif.*{ ultdh ba- »ny k, tu'f'nfi/ 5#J.10. jlre for/tO€enta( These tho tlio cheapest entire list books (40 published lor and guaranteetl the entire worth list i»f>un«i three in boards the
i t are ever Postage times
money a-iked lor them. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. stamps taken for fractions of a dollar.
A<» to our reliability, vre refer to any newspaj>er published send ins; iu New tlie York, likewise list books to the Commercial will Auen-uus. semi, without
v9$Jt7\slcll _ | Uiier To every one for entire, ol as above, we
• extra charge, either sixtjr cents’worth of the Iiupuidnl Finnutl Paper
^atlerua.tobe *elected by yourself from a catalogue which will be sent you, or The People’s Home Jouniali
t. Jarye 16-pasre. til column illuatratod literary paper, tl for oue year. All orders filled by return mail.
JAldreos all letters: Y, M. PTOS. X»ubUaher. \o. a l*atk Place. Xew York.
£T. S. Insole Co. (Incorporated), Manufacturers of Magnetic Appliances, Chicago, 111.
liglig M ague lie
v, n
ii ii No iieadache or catarrh where theY I i ^ 11
H* 1 s ‘«!gN|^y- t'
i ii
Magnetu Hand
i III Head
for same Gent’s Magnetic Kidney Kelt. Positively
i> 'in! use as Cap,, cures lame back, weak kidneys, constipation,
but not etc.; will prove it with pleasure to anyone.
to* Host shocks. application ’ No poisons. in the No world. unpleasant No electric sensa
Magnetic Vest or Jacket but surely the world tk >ns.
for gentlemen. Vest and Slowly Drugs and poisons
Corset combined for la¬ progresses. giving Magnetism lor
application for ure \vjy to
dies. Best the treatment of all diseases ol a
general ity and constitutional or n^vniG debil¬ ail nervous origin, debilitated building up 1 no
weakened and enfeebled consti¬ cir¬ I m
ments. tution. or restoring .‘.ef,
culation. a
a?/j 1^ ,¥ Ilf
jjiii'iiiijJS »i mlm j| H | | 8 S>
| h J| ik ‘ L \i bbiInS suITmcls lirtve been cured by tin.- Belt, and
u I r.< 11 «a» K « U » c oi
£S gm 1 BB i S'* Mill m leg (!**| J^b. a* i SilI$Zg£>'sss
.-fct N—-
1 <b#r« a i / r v - -•s
'ml/.T IHtUy ten !il Death ■Majjnetiu to lameness Krw Ca\). or Ill
j ubi i!u Magnetic for i tifeebieii Leg”ui. circulation Very com in ir. the n fort the knees. able limbs. and va'u- II E Garment.
pjiam be Magnetic without e. No it family should A]*- s “ ■} min' Sciatic
a or
m sBSfn Ml Magnetic the Insoles. I^et and Warm limbs, cold ami valuable feet, cure rheu¬ nw mu Leggin
matism in to overv by Magnetic
sufferer from whatever cause. Should be worn
Til everyone. Send 50 c for or.c pair, or St for two Rkn ■ m m k
PllS ft jiair. Ltrel demonstrate for yourself that .Magnetic treat- ®1 II g I
ment is suited to your particular cusp, t .ive size of
(in Skill shoe. you the Re'iiit Insoles, in postpaid, the most health, convenient and also with a history valuable method, of treatise and Magnetic we on will restor- mail Si.
ins and preserving full information the and prices of ”0 other Appli- treat¬ CM 1111
ment. ami our demon
Anklet anccs. No experiment 10,000 witnesses prove it a
str ited success The V. S. Insole Co. embraces several successful business men and two
prominent phvsicians, and is the oldest legally Incorporated Company manufacturing
Magnetic Appliances. Its reliability may easily be ascertained. Don’t delay. Don t
suffer any longer. Write now. Address. . III. Magnetic Minea
United States Insole Co.. 133 LaSalle St., Chicago,
n mwwtiiwxfiviw sssssssssss uiwuiwwwww
For Fifty Years the great Remedy for
I Blood Poison and Sir n Diseases.
For Y ears. 50 TRADE S.3.S. MARK. It Fails! never
Interesting Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases
mailed free to all who apply. It should be
carefully read by everybody. Address
ENGINES Steam&Watar
Pips & Fitting 1
SAW WILLS Brass Valves
Cotton Presses FILES
HANGERS Water Wheels
GEARING Brass and Iron i
A full stock of Supplies, cheap & good.
Repairs Promptly Done.,jg3 !
Foundry, Machine and Boiler
e Works, AUGUSTA, GA.
Liberal Advances Made on Cotton in Store
fgylt is now a demonstrated fact the Athens is the best cotton market in
Georgia, and I can give you the highest limit on all grades.
^■Freights are cheaper from Taliaferro county to Athens than anywhere
fclse, to reach a good market. Send me your cotton and save One Dollar per bale.
6otton Factors,
We solicit shipments and will make liberal advances on all cousignmen ts
i^-We offer the advantage of a market always equal to Augusta or Atlanta,
mailer charges lor Commission and Storage than in any other city in Georgia.
Igg-Freight rates from Crawfordville and vicinity less than to any other rasrket.
Gun ami rjooksanltli
I keep on hand a good stock of NEW and SECOND
HANDGUNS, wliico I will sell at the lowest figures. I
also keep a good selection of
Shells, Wads, Prim e: Caps,
Tubes and Gun Mountings, Loaders
And Ejectors’ Tools, Trunk Locks a^d Keys
Will repair Guns and Pistols. Work guaranteed. 'NT
extra charge for fitting new locks. If you need anything in
my line call on me before buying elsewhere.
No. 51 Clayton St- ATHENS, Ga.
Steam Heating, Plumbing and Gas Fitting,
Hotel Ranges and Heating Stoves lor
Public Buildings a Specialty.
The largest stock and greatest variety of HEATING-& COOKIN r OV E
Marbleized Iron and Slate Mantels, Hard Wood Mantels. Walnut, Cherry, Oak
and Ash, with Cabinet Tops, Nickel trimmed Grates, Plain, Half Low and Club House
Grates, Brass Fenders and Fire Sets, Tile Hearths, Facings, Vestibule Tile, Slate
Hearths, Gas Chandeliers, Pendants and Brackets of the best and most popular manuf
facture and of the highest type of mechanical Japaned ingenuity Ware, and skill. Tin Plate Manufacturers Metals, o
Plain Tin Ware and Jobbers of Stamped and and
Tinners’ Supplies, Iliacfe and Galvanized sheet Iron, Copper, etc. Plumbers' and
Steam Fitter's Supplies, Wrought'Iron Pipe and Fittings. Hose, Pumps, Steam Cocks, and
Ganges, Whistles, Water Closets, Wash Stands, Bath Tubs, Marble Slabs, Sinks Gal
P.umbers’ Goods generally. Contractor for Plumbing, Steam and and Gas Fitting, guaranteed,
vanized Iron and Tin Work. Our workmen are first-class our work
Persons wishing anything in the i ouse Furnishing line will do well to write us for j
prices or call an.i see our stock before purchasing Drain Pipe. elsewhere. Knowles’SSe
Manufacturers of Concrete Sewer and Agents for i
3(1 »fc 38 Peachtree Street. Atlanta. Ga.
Where to Find It!
The readers of the Demoshat will agree with us where we assert that what has
been long needed is a house that makes a specialty of
First-Class Boots and Shoes, s
And of goods sold onnnnceticoi with such business.
For several years the tendency has h en to advertise the selling of goods at half -
th-ir value, and then when customers that called, they would be either disappointed iu the
goods or be met with the information they were all sold. The undersigned pro
po-es to Avoid All Shoddy \( ork. lie intends to keep Solid and Reliable goods, allow
no misrepresentation to his customers, and to guarantee to visitors whether purch is
ers or not, that courtesy fourteen ami attention they are entitled to.
An experience of Years m the business, makes me confident that 1 make
j no idle boast, in asserting that 1 will be able to show visitors the Best assorted stock
of Reliable Goods of any
I have, also, in stock the line of Uinbrelisc manufactured by Brown & Go. These
rroods advertise themselves.
' V full line of the Goodyear Glove Rubber Co. Celebmted Brand of Rub
ber' will be carried in stock. This is the best brand known to the trade. A full Iin</
of trunks will be kept in stoek, and sold at small profit.
Mr P. Keen)an so well and favorably known to the readers of your papers, aut|
whom there is no better judge of goods in the State, will be found at this, his old stand
md will be pleased to meet his many friends*
Sole Agent in Augustu for the Celebrated W. L. Douglas’ £5.00 Shoe tor Men an
tJ.DO Shoe tor Boys,
Wive me a trial and if 1 don’t please you don’t try me any more. m
,ate of wm. hulherin & CO. .--a,.
722 Broad Street, Opposite Monumer