Newspaper Page Text
Atm <k trt A , {gsHcaifr JHTI
ran .i...
V 4
By CL£^. G.
■h Ms J la *9
832 Broad Street, AUGUSTA, GA.
Fireplace Heaters, 7 Finances
Anil House-Furnishing: tS.:ods.:-
tSTConceded Dy all to be the Best Stove ever made.
made. Our own make Iron Well Buckets with w. od bottom in them ; Guano Horns.
Always keep in stock a General Line of Tin Ware Trimmings.
-MBS. KATE KENT, Proprietress.
Crawfordville, Cileorgia.
Terms : $2.00 per Day.
It is the most convenient hotel to depot an l post offl ;e; nearest to the business por¬
tion of the town. The best board and lodging furnished to all 'cu.-.tomers. The
rooms are large and comfortable at all times of the Til year.
ww; >r.dgM-<uuna jArvduvrvjM - t»* o vv'.*rwvvv«*jw>o-vow*g»iaF-M»'»i‘ir' KW^TJCTXIX^KItU®fW*V*a,
1 13 N& ~Y n SJ !
LliJ 3
S©^ sss I^liable Goods. 7 Fair Bealiuff. c5
-Prompt attention. NEW STYLES- Call on, write to
3fC. 'W. ■CPESOI^.'jSLO.
No. 85. Whitehall St., ATLANTA, GA.
x (. —ot-tm Tojrajsarria., ■ > - - i
rtT=t A, -e;;r FOgLS3NYZX.j.XjiE3
The following firms and business houses have placed their cards in tins directory
for the purpose of showing the public where patrons can be accommodated by their
wrviccs in th^ir respective lines of busin* ss. Wo recommend the following mime
to the public as reliable dealers, and they will ail serve you at short notice.
Watch-makeii and Jeweler.
Watch, Jewelery and Gen. Repair shop
Watches and Jewelry always on hand.
Attorney at Law.
Practices in this and tiie adjoining
counties. Office over S. Stewart’s store
Attorney at Law.
Practices in all (he courts. Office ovei
8. Stewart's store.
Attorney at Law.
Office in the Mitchell Building.
H ros i.0 E M. HOLDEN,
Will practice in all courts. Office m
Hotel building.
Dealer in
All Millinery, Neckwear, Notions, etc.
Dress-making to order.
Di aler in
Millinery and Fancy Goods.
Drugs and Medicines
J. REID, Practicing Physician,
• Dealer in Patent Medicines, Drugs,
of ail kinds. Books, Pens, Pencils a id
all lancy Stationery.
Dealers in drugs, patent and cth.*r
. at lowest ■
mecicnnes r .
General K ;r ±3.ndls3. i
Drv Goods, Clothing,Notiors. sfroceries
and Forn'-bing Goods.
Dry Goods, tnd General Mer¬
chandise. Terms cash
oyltestus s; EWART.
^ Goods, Groc* riea, and General
Practicing Physicia ns
t RTtlUIf G. BEAZ1.F.Y, M. I).
A general
OlTors bis services in the prac¬
tice of Mi uicine and Surgery.
jyi. L. A. STEPHENS,
Practicing Physician. Will lie pleased
to serve all. Office in Gee building.
iawiMw«»^ , '* ;i '"' 1 * 1 »w“ l
Work Shorn*
17. IF OGLETREE, Dealer in
| j Manufacturer and
Wagons and Buggies. BlaeksmitbinS
and General Repair Work.
Cabinet Work, Fancy Turning, anp
SIai'.‘building. Gin and Mill Geaiiug a
vluuoiu ! tv
•J. N. CHAPMAN. in
Manufacturer and Dealer
Buggies, Wa-’ons and Harness, Black
cmitiifncr and Renaoing a specialty .
rguuoMAS | J EVANS.
General Black tmitliing and Repair
Shop. Work Guaranteed.
! |
’yfT. J. NORTON,
Contractor and Builder. j
Good work at short notice. !
T'i'1 WORK DONE at the DesiocR ii j
»* Office v»!*v reasonable.
4 , 00 .) Agents VV a:P :! i'ouole <tuick!
to sell .1 >e ‘ '-varU’s
Infinitely Hip most v.tlna lie bee i n-«- coin
*ng so cl i-e'V from the. family circle and
Wa mast-r h-ind-ngae **1 in n‘-Labor portrait of
i. Michlv ill usti ated—sf* I
Wiil sell im n>-useiy. Millions wmt
this stand ird L : l«* of the great-sf Preaeli
er and Orator of the a .'* 4 , 1 lick js the
word, 'l’erritory in great .'maud. S*n I
for -irc’d ir- and SO - for ou'fit to iiUB
BAliD BRO.S , Pubs., Philadelphia, Pa.
Tae H cllesf !l im e-- os s? >ok «? the Age is
S53RNTHS ’iTSlFTOR Miss ii >11
byJo-i th Vilen’s He v .-pent
?t Famt^a?and’rake - * f iVs f o Hi e - ,* fl i rta
tiens. low lice': Ores- n * pug dogs, Ac.,
' h r ini-n table mirrli provoking style.
'I lie book i- pi -tin elv illus r it‘-d by Op
n4>r, the vt k n«>wnDi' a 1 tis* - of Puck. Will
^ e*!l immeiHely. Price, f2 SO. Bright
Wanted Address HUBBARD
BRO'., Pubs* Philadelphia, l’a.
Devotfd to the Interest of Taliaferro County, the People'and Cmoral Hews.
The Grandest in the Oity.
In style it is Gothic, Queen Anne,
three stories high with attic and con
tains ten rooms, all of which are .ele
onnUy fimiished with imported furni
tore. The visitor, on his approach t<
tlie building, is first struck with the
elegant porches of the home of which
are 20 by 4i) feet and shaded by u raw
of water oaks casting their slvt'd uvs
upon them and'presenting a cool and
iuv ting appetoance. The structure
cost a laige sum of money, it is situ
ated on a beautiful eminence on the
corn! r of Marietta and Spring streets,
where the old Silyey home st u.d dor
ing the wai and at which Sliernmo’s
Federal batteries aimed their shots of
shell and solid balls, many of w hich
took effect on llm sine ent home, but
ag , a , ie Sunny souu,” Plicenix like, it,
has risen again in splendor and more
grandly. For a long time it was the
boast oi the wealthy and elite citizens
1 residing on Washington and Peach live
streets, that tlnse beautiful street.-*
contained the handsomest, most costly
and splendid residences in tile city, but
since the tree ion of Lie Si Ivey homo,
this coite ! high honor is won to Mari¬
etta street. The building is an orna¬
ment to that part of the city in which
it is situated and is indeed an a clii
tectual poem and an honor to Atlanta.
Both the extet u r arid interior are
picturesquely beautiful. It is built
of brick, brown stone trimming:;, th¬
rough stone being used in large masses
around the • < e and are more tiuishe 1
work around the openings and win¬
dows. The whole appearance of the
structure is grandly imposing and are
genial, comfortable and convenient.
The porches are wide and paved with
tile. The interior is perfectly splen¬
did. All the purchases were made in
Chicago. /
In the draw ing room are the follow
big art! Irs* of imported furniture:;
fnunogonv Ad' 4 *;.J»^a and «v jU-'. plush irMuftSEgUdrilj /mil's and oil; j
er elegant articles of that nat me. The !
parlor is lovely. In it are gems of fur¬
niture which Imrtl* description and
would defy the touch of expert artists
to paint. All the fscseoeings are ele¬
gant and the beautiful paintings of the
excellent young lady of the home
which so greatly adorn the wujls and
splendid tallies of the room, would do
honor to adapts in art.
This lovely home consists of only a
trio of mvmbers, viz., Mr. end Mrs.
Silvey and their accomplished daugh¬
ter, M ss Katie. Mr. S. is one of the
prince merchants of Atlanta. He is a
native of Campbell county Georgia, a
county noted for its having furnished
more successful business men to At¬
lanta ■ han any county in a’-y Spite in
the Un ion. After the war he com¬
merced business with hut little means,
now his money is estimated at a large
sum, a result of his honesty, energy,
economy and judgement in matters of
business and finance. Mrs. S. is a
model of a lady. M;sa Katie, who the
writer of thus brief and imperfect
sketcli first met at Tallulah, possesses
all the graces that so much beautify
the character of a lovely maiden. The |
grandures of her gentle and amiable
nature is equal to Tallulah’s grand
mountains and her beauty to that of j
Tallulah’s •‘Bretty wild flowers.” |
N. j
All ill a Line of Nature.
There is nothin'.: 1n the ne of magic or
my-tery about that .urn h-rful and popu
lar iiL-dicine, Parker’s Tonic, it is sim
ply the and most scientific combifta
tion possible of the essential principles of
those vegetable curatives which act pow
evfully and directly on the stomach, liver,
kidneys and blood. Bill there neither is,
nor will be, any successful imitation of
it. it is all the time cur i g those who
had despaired of ever getting well. For
yourself, your wife and children.
Two kinds of Girls.
There are two kin.L of girls, One
is the kind that appears best abroad—
the girts lit at are good for parties,
rides, visits, b ils, etc., «v«l whose
chief delight is in all sue;; things; the
olh-i* is a kind which appears best at
home—Hie girls that are useful and
cheerful in toe d olling room, the sick
room and u.b lie pieeints of home.
They differ widely in character. One
*» frequently a t-.rinct a* homo; the
other a blessing. One is a m itli, con—
sinning everyt hmg about her; th - o! n
**r is a sunb'/tai inspiring life and
(Tift-lilcS* ill ii^r .) lU) TV t/. SVlliiS 1) *Vill
you strive to be?
Don’t be in iv hurry. Spring will
noon b( here, and will last 92 days, 19
hours .ml 58 minutes. Paste this 011
v. in flannel.
'Vric"2«a?id 5U«Iu '
1-V; smc by Dr. R. J. Reid.
j Tin* tax returns shows that Georgia
is Hie wealthiest of the Southern
.states. Georg is in the lead and
A, ;ei .* :< to stay there.
' A nasal Injector free with each hot
He#of Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price
■ .yeeis. cur sale hv lir. it. J itt-id.
- 1 r * tie funeral services at the burial i f
Joanna Fertilizer Flm* hate are
about completed She will be i estn
r. g ! mxt fall to tin* tune of
l*< inds lint cotton, Peace to her dis¬
>vv- d bonus and umtuoniaied ashes.
Shiloh’s Cure will inniedut ly re
neve Group, Whooping Gough, and
i T'nehitis. For sale by Dr. it ,).
j j beid 11 a coi<1 wan* rudely crosses path
! •' |0U ‘ 11,1 Nrt '’ ‘‘" ,w and urn cic
1 your cheeks!” if you have a bottle of
Cun.ssi-iis Honey oi far, which will cure
all He oil 1 colus cough-and diseases of
tilt*. Ht and lungs 1 da: rv r u d on the
hack ot a bib ar l. - ry Ct ussens Honey
ol Tar far your cough,
One of tin.' slefions out on the ei
eni r.. 1 1 road extension fiom Americiis
1;. s lieeo named Desoto, tioni iht* fact,
li it tradition mils us lb it tins famed
explorer of name camped on the
idt ntica] spot upon rsHiu'h ti e to .' n is to
be h.'ea'ed on his mem,cable march
tin High sumpter county in 1540.
Lniiob’s Catarrh Ilemed,— a j osi
live cure for Catun h, diptheria and
i anker mouth. For sale by Dr. H. J.
1ji I.
T>*H me not in mournful numbers that
piles'Kounot be cured. Use Tabler’s
Buck ye i’jle hutment an I experience
the pi rmani.nt care whifli is always ef¬
fected; by III is preparation. There are
in aig.o i < mi culled leniedies; only one
Ta'iicr) on^irbut Buckeye I'ile Ointment good ior
life pii'V.s .-o good for tint oiseas -
at‘hirers wdh ii need only usetiw
t! ’ .reanviy.
v. Geo. IT. Ttuiyer, of JJou -
a, ! 'If'>', 4 i anyMclf .uid
• ■ y
v ..O' IW# to Million • •m
su ).i 'Jure.” For sale by Dr. It.
J. . pd.
Jf we hid a whole dictionary of adje
tive at our tongue end to use in reeom
meudat.or* of Cousseus Honey of Tar- as
a cu e for coughs, eoids and diseases oi
throat and Jung , we v-onld simply pick
out th * little word "best” and aptdy ii
sincerely to Cousseus Honey of Tar, be¬
cause it is ine only permanent cu.e for
a deep-seated cough or cold upon the
M'liv will you cough when Shiloh’s
Cure will give immediate relict. Price
10 cts. and !$1. For sale by Dr. It. .1.
Are you made miserable by InHiges
tion. Constipaiion Di'/'/unesS. Loss of
Appetiie, Yellow Skin '< .'hiloh’s VI
liilizor is a positivu euro. For s.iio by
Dr. B. J. lieiil.
For Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint,
you have a printed guarantee on every
bottle of Shiloh’s Vitalizer. It never
fails to cure. For sale by Dr. It. J.
The annual farm scratching has
commenced. Tlie lean mule plot's
away drawing tlie commercial i
zer (juhanuer) out to the farm, while
tlie unfortunate mart.;age maker signs
a death warrant on all expectancy.
And thus we expect to grow rich and
roll in the. fat of the I and. We have
talked upon'this subject so often that
we are tired unto Suffocation. We
will simp \ make this statement as a
truetsm; you ha I just esAvell attempt
to rifle a Kansas cyclone with a linen
duster amt a pair of spurs. :vh attempt
succeed at farming by buyir.g gn.iii"
and planting cotton altogether, I)o
nob forget this next fall when tie*
merchant It is a special deputy sitting
around on the fences watching you
pick t! c* fleecy staple.- Ex.
• -
\yjjy Stokes ;Vill Never Deal
i arc Again.
John W. I). Stokes sent -ii for the
purchase ol a ticket in The Louisiana
State Lottery in the February draw
ing. He received a fifth of No 45.151.
and when tie learned that it called for
a pari of the $50,000 prize he resigned
as dealer in a prominent gambling
house. The money arrived bv express*
He is now e, j. ying- a season of rest,
and is having Ids wife, who is nearly
blind treated foih-r affliction. Stokes
says he A ill never deal faro
Detroit (Mich.) Tribune, Fib. 27;
If votir to‘thing child is restless at* I fret
fui t ft js an evidence that all is not w*-l
with it. ffitisfr-m any undue ex-ire
ment of the luains, gums or bow.-is, Pitts
Uaraiinative will soolhe tin* ne ves, soften
he gums and regulate the bowe.s
Tgrms: $1 53, in Advance.
I A Hoad Man Dead.
j i Madison, Ga., April 20.—Mr. Sum
uel P. Dobbins, over seventy vears
! age. died at Lunkhead, Sunday night,
' b ri ^ ,,W
T." 8 " ° ? esle r d,iy ‘ llt '
j was tor more than twenty-live
i tlie !lgenl at ,5lK ‘ khe:Hl of tllB f; «"igia
i ra t? ’' r " h,m il1 '' llllrt 11,18 one of ,,tion llis sona W 'H sue
i Ce 1,1 po ' *
He came to Morgan county during
1 the war from Craw ford vi He, and
I was
j 0,10 ***? most devoted of the friends
"I Alexander 11. Stephens, lie has a
sou named Quin, probably for old Mr.
Quin O’Neal, for many years one of
the household of Liberty llall. About
ten years ago he was converted and bo
cs me a member of lie Presbyterian
church. He was, though humble,
m il of si rung influence for good in his
coiTitmiiiity, for he was esteem >d bv all
as a truthful, honest, knidhearted gi n
Ueumu. His 1 uneral yesterday,preach¬
ed tiy Rev. Tom Swanson, was Jaigei.v
at: ended.
Bloomington, Inns,,,Sept IS, 1 R 82 .
Messrs. i<\ .1. Cheney & Co., Tolcd , O :
Have taken llifil's Catarrh Cure. Had
catarrh all .av life; m 48 years old. Had
asthma 111 years, and a dreauful cough
lor live years. Have taken everything;
went to the Hot spring; J have doctored
with the doctors here;! have done nothing
nut. take modi elite for 19 ye ra. When t
* laiimerieed using Hall’s Catarrh Cure I
was Utmost dead. 1 s uit for the doctor
'in* day I gat lull’s Catarrh tire, and l
40 UI him that l would ie any way and
that. 1 would try your medicine. 1 was
very had. How I suffered 'of 9 years! 1
could hardly breathe at times. I saw
Hall’s Catarrh Curu udv-rtised in the pft
pers and commenced taking it. I would
Have been under Ho* ground to-day if ii
had not heeo for that. 1 liavo nut had
one bad spell of coughing since.. in
n-eathing my head feels weltaml Z am
well. It has dout) me a thousand dollars
wofth of good. Tli re are ten of my
I'iends, oil sceiii ' tvliat it had done for
me, tak ng it, umI it is helphig them, j
mly wish that every one who has catarrh,
asth'imand a bad oiigh eoufrt -ee-iiit*. so
that ( cimid tv- 1 i tjiein ail to take it. All
that know n>e here know bow l have sn*.
fere I (t have bt-eij, e wg sin«e.* ta.oH,) and
• vet
Of it! Rn lmwu ■ B'j , *,.••#».•
I’lo- -lee ms -ay th y in-- they ghul could 1 found
Hall’s uatarrh Cure as not
vine me.
I eanuoi exorees Hall’s Catairh my gratitude to done von
for the good Cure has
lie. You onn It- 1 - as lull h of this letter
ii will do Hit* nillicit"! good Dub i.-di it
i.o the whole wor d-it is all rue and tliey
slmuM know it.
40i) East North street.
Scarlet F'*ver aim tpbUieiia,
are spread by contagion, by the transfei
iff living matter Irnm tin skin, the mem
hi'aiious lining of the mouth, nose and
'hroat, and linn ih< intestines and niitia
i y organs. Disinfeel promptiy anil tlior
ouglily with Darius i’ropliyhictle Fluid,
the great germ destroyer. Prof. II. T.
Litton, of the Vanderbilt University,
Tenn., lays: “Aija disinteetaat and lie
lergeiit Darliys Pio|>hyi.ictlc Fluid is su¬
perior to any preparation with which 1
un acquainted,"
Tlie Verdict Unanimous.
VV. I). Suit, Druggist, Bipptis, Ind.,
testifies: ”1 can reecommend Electric Bit¬
ters as the very best remedy. Every bot¬
tle sold bus given relief in every case
One man tool; six bottles, and was cured
of Rheumatism of 10 years standing .» t
Abraham Hare, druggist, Bellvllle, Ohio,
dliniis. “The best - idling medicine 1 have
ever handle.! in my 20 years' experience
IS Electric Bitters.” Thousands of oth¬
ers have added their testimony, so that
the verdict is unanimous that Electric
Bitters do cure all diseases of the Liver
K dneys or blood, Only a half dollar a
bottle at It J. Reid's Drug Store.
Don't Look I,Ike a *.* rei-k.
“When a man is going down bill every¬
body is ready to give him a kick.’* Yt s,
that is so It D sad, bu'*nulunil’ Why,
many a man and woman, seeking em
ploy meiif, would have got it if their hair
hadn't been so thin and gray One hoi
tie of Parkers Iiai r Balsam is then 111
best investment. It stops falling hair,
promotes new growth and restores color.
(Jean, highly perfumed, not a dye. A
great improvement over ritiv similar prep¬
aration , an<lsold at tin*, low price of f be.
Wutiderlul < iiics.
W It. Hoyt <fe Go., Wholesale and Re
tail Dnu'gistsof Rome Ga , sav . We liav.
been selling Dr- King’* New Discovery
Electric Bitters and Bueklen’s Arnica
Slave for t o years. Have never hand¬
led remedies that sell as Well, or give
such universal satisfaction, There have
been some wonderful eur--s effected by
h "“ ""'diD.e s in this city. Several
«»f pr;,m„.m:ed C n-umplioo ha-.
mien entirely (‘.ittwi liy use of a few 1» »ttl«
!)r , Ki „,.. y el , Discovery, taken in
onnection with Electric Bitters. We
guarantee them always. Sold by K. J
- •
If Ion V> all a (ni-u Article
in plug 'lobac-o, ask v'.ur dealt r ior
1 ‘VIW) Hlr.”
270. I F
*.*«». ***--,«
the 6mr
1 *'
SYMPTOMS with Drown fur; in s SY tlie A!,?] 5Si joints—odea - ra r4i
mistaken » for Rheumatism pain Yack, tides, or
D«?tlte; sometimes ; winr •t«>nae!l» indigestion; lo*» of a*
flatulency and id uau*ra and waterbrash, or
and ac er . H.vtums; bowels alternately costive
lax; headache-, loss of memory, with a painful sen¬
sation of having failed to do something which ought to
have been done*; dvhllStr; l«w spirits; a thick, yellow
appearance of the skin and eyes; a dry ceugh ; fever ; rest¬
lessness ; the urine is scanty and high-coUred, and. it
allowed to stand, deposit a sediment.
Malaria. D.v.pepiila,
Const Unit ion, IWUuuxnoM.
Hick Headache, dutmdlce.
Nausea, Colic,
Mental IScju-csslmi, Bowel Complaint*.
Etc., Ete„ Etc.,
I* Rcni-rally used in the South So arouse she Tor
pid Liver to a healthy action.
It acts without disturbance to the system, diet
or occupation. It regulate* th© Liver, and
causes the bile to act an the purge. The excess oi
bile being removed, a tonic e ffect is produced
and health is perfectly restored.
The Regulator is given with iwtf«t.y and the
happicKt For all results to the most delicate infant.
diseases in which a Inxative, altors
tlv« or pnt*gftHve is needed it will give th»
most perfect satisfaction. The Cheapest, Pure*!
and Beat Family Medicine in the Wi orld I
i See that you get thft gonntnes wiib the red 2
; •ft front of Wrapper, prepared #nly by
j J. H.ZEIL1M A CO.,
^ m J)
typ’s> ** 6a
° / Wtk
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*<, %, 4 ,.*V«
■*«»>>- 'w,
■ v „
-wj,, V. *5^ w,
Mention this paper.
Stono Mountalfi Route.
Okfich Arot hTA, Gknkhat, Ca., Dwi. Maiumbr, lh, HiSfl. I
V ytiie following priHaengcr .-ekedolK wiil
be operated:
Trains run by t’O mcrfftiin tima, 08
minutes slower limn AvigvwtA tiiwe.
No. 1 Wdst- Daii.t,
Leave Augusta . ... ,. 141 Ht a m
t ( Macon. ...... .. 1 M »«
< i Miliedgeville... .. t 1* a m
. * Washinguai.... . u M « w
A i rive Cm a toif.lviiW .. «** M , u
Atiicns ...... Or M> p m
( i Gninesville...... M
1 i A tlttnta........ to
No. 2 - K«ue*- D*«5«.
Lcsve Atlanta ...... .. K)9 ,«
“ Gainesville..,. .. t lift h III
i ( Athens...... 9 M » tn
11 (uawfonlvlll*. • .. II 41 f m
\rriv<; Washington .. . * BM 9 m
“ Millcdgeville. .. 4 49 p in
“ Macon ...... .. « <* y o.
Ii Augusta........... % m jt ta
No. V. T/fflcr T) »n.v.
l.cave Augusta........... 49 f m
i 4 Crawfordville...... II P ID
Vr.ive Atlanta........... M ( n
No. 4 —East—BA n.».
,e*vc Alla fa ........... IMS p iu
ri ive Crawfordville....... <W a rn
Augusta ..........- Mam
No. 27 Wtot -Damw.
Vrrive vrrive /■ave ave Avurus'a......... Crawfordville. W)i W sshingtrm hingten. .. . .... ..... W 7 7 £S*fc a a a a m tn m m
iv A Gainesville. Atlanta til* ns .... . . 1* 1 2SSS p p a m HI m
No. 2 1 East—Dafi.t.
i/vive Vrrive Vrrive .euve 4 44 4 4 4 Wa*h«vg1oa. Augusta.......... Atlun Athens........... Gcines Crawford VV »*'hm ft,....... villa... 5 po»... vflie. ... » m * SS*f^8Sl -5 -!5 *TS a “3 -r m m tn ID m m m
Mf*8UI*EKB IMPF.OYT4D fcwn«i«i
ro.ArorftTA and Asf-akta.
Train No. 27 «*d W wig atop tmi r«
:cive j> ivseugCTS to vrrrM Hi-*
ng point* only: Grev»t*ww, teir.wa,
Feuing, Thotiiwm, Nor«'•»>«, ftawiett,
rawfoidville, Union Foie*, ro,
'adison, Rutlad wr., Social OitM-1*, iho'
-igton, Oewyws, I.ithoists, fllo*e Mofln
ain and Ilecatwr.
The Fast Line has TVithci^i We-ywr*
rom Atlantal to Charlc4»<Hi.
icn’l. Paw. Ag't. Gen'l. Managwr.
Joe VV. White, A
GNrnmtl Traveling Pa»«cKr^ Afr r