Crawfordville democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1881-1893, May 13, 1887, Image 1

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    @hg @mmfmbv‘iflflg Elmmmfi.
By CLEM. 6. M003L
832 Broad Street, AUGUSTA, GA.
Fireplace Heaters, Finances 1
mm 0 And House-Furnishing Goods.: mm
ISP" Con ceded oy all to be tiie Best Stove ever made.
made. Our make Iron Well Buckets with wood bottom in them ; Guano Homs.
own Line Tin Ware Trimmings.
Always keep in stock a General of
-MRS. KATE KENT, Proprietress.-
Crawfbrdville, Georgia.
Terms : $2.00 per Day.
P is the most convenient hotel to depot and post office; nearest to the business por¬
tion of the town. The best board and lodging furnished to all customers. Tho
rooms are
fU 9
K^Iieliablc Goods, Fair Dealing.
-Prompt attention. NEW STYLES- Call on, write to
No. 85. Whitehall St., ATLANTA, GA,
w-- m- iisInesS DtreetorlT
The following firms and business houses have placed their cards in tiiis directory
for the purpose of showing the public where patrons can be accommodated by their
services in their respective lines of business. We recommend the following name
So the public as reliable dealers, and they will all serve you at short notice.
Watch-makeu and Jeweler.
Watch, Jeweiery and Gen. Repair Shop
Watches and Jewelry always on hand.
Attorney at
Practices in tiiis and the adjoining
sountics. Office over S. Stewart’s store.
. Attorney at Law.
Practices in all tne courts. Office ovei
S. Stewart’s store.
J. W. niXON,
Attorney at Law.
Office in the Mitchell Building.
Will practice in all courts. Office in
flotel building.
JVfRS. lYl M. A. ASK1N.
’ Dealer in
All Millinery, Neckwear, Notions, etc.
Dress-making to order.
Dealer in
Millinery and Fancy Goods.
Drugs and Medicines-
R. J. REID, Practicing Physician,
Dealer in Patent Medicines, Drugs,
of all kinds, Books, Pens, Pencils and
all fancy Stationery. ______
Dealers in drugs, patent and other
met iciues at lowest prices.
General Merchandise.
Dry Goods, Clothing, Notions. Groceries
and Furnishing Goods.
vZ Dry Goods, ,, . Groceries „___. and general Mei- vr«.
chandise. Terms cash.
4_1 Dry Goods, Groceries, _ aad , General .
Practicing Physicians
offers his services in the prac
;ice of Medicine and Surgery.
Practicing Physician. Will he pleased
to serve all. Office in Gee building.
Work Shops.
TW. II. OGLETREE, Dealer in
JPj Manufacturer and
Wagons and Buggies. BlacksmithinSf
and General Repair Work.
Cabinet Work, Fancy Turning, anp
Stairbuilding. Gin and Mill Geaiiug a
Wyio/ii'o I tv
J N <
Manufacturer and Dealer in
Buggies, Wagons and Harness, Black
omit.hintr and Repairing a specialty.__
General Black mtithing and Repair
' .op. Work Guaranteed.
\\ T. J. NORTON,
Contractor and Builder.
Good wors at sliort notice.
TOR WORK DONE at the Democrat
tj Office very reasonable.
5,<>0!» Agents WaliteJl Donnie (Illicit!
to sell due L"'arrt’s
-LIFE OF— the BEECHER valuable because
Infinitely closely mo-t the family circle com- and
■ng so from
bv a master hand engaged in a ‘-Labor of
L'iqe.” Richly immensely. illu-tiated—steel Millions portrait
A-e. Will -ell want
this -tandard Life of the, greatest Preach¬
er and Orator of the age. Quick is tiie
word, ’t erritory in great demand. Send
for circulars and SOc. for outfit to HUB
BARD BROS,, Pubs., Philadelphia, Pa.
The Richest Humorous Book ot the Age is
SAMANTHA Wife. AT SARATOGA Miss Holly spent
by Josiah Allen’s
ail last season amid the whirl of fashion
at Saratoga, and takes off its follies, flirta
j ow ne ek dressing, pug dogs, &c.,
j n i 1( - r inimitable mirth-provoking style. Op
The book is profusely illus'rated Puck. by Will
imr, the renowned artist of
sell immensely. Price, f2,o0. Brigiit
Wanted. Address HUBBARD
Os., Pubs., Philadelphia, Pa.
Bevotfd t« the Interest of Taliaferro (Jaunty, the People and Geaeral Sews.
US 1
Pattera BY». A Handsome Gift
to our Lady Headers. t
In our issue of may 27th we shall
print a Coupon Older entitling the
holder to a pattern (free) of the above
jacket, in sizes for 34, 30, 33, or 40
inches in bust measure. A pattern of
this stylish garment is veiv useful to
any lady, its by simply leaving off the
reverse a plain jacket is obtained,
which is always desirable; and it is
just such a pattern as every lady should
have in the house. There will be no
excuse hereafter for Mrs. Smith Send -
ing over to borrow a jacket .pattern
from Mrs. Jones.
We have made arrangements with a
New York house to furnish these pat¬
terns in the different sizes as above ’
that the holder of the Coupon Q:
nsjjkj tuye the Size she uiav desire, T
fall value of 25 cents, being raccoon J n
ni«d by an Illustration, and explicit
directions for putting together and
making. Ladies do not fail to buy our
issue of May 27th and cut out the or¬
der, which will entitle you to this ex¬
cellent pattern free.
The old Pilot,
Augusta Chronicle: John Bell, the
old Savannah river steamboat pilot,
who died in Savannah recntly, deserv¬
es more than a mere passing notice,
lie hail been ori tiie river forty-three
years—first as a cabin boy, then as
a deck hand, finally, through his in¬
telligence and thorough knowledge
of the river, he was raised to the posi¬
tion of pilot, in which capacity he otti
ciated until the day of bis death. He
was considered by ail the river cap¬
tains as the roost efficient and trusted
pilot on the Savannah river. He lias
experienced many dangers from burn¬
ing steamers, etc., and, through bis
coolness and presence of mind, saved
many persons from the flames and
watery graves. lie acted as pilot o u
the steamer Carrie when that ill-fated
boat burned, a. d on that occasion his
conduct was such that nearly every
passenger escaped. Notwithstanding
he was literally surrounded by fire, he
heroically stuck to the wheel, running
tiie boat six times ashore, but without
avail, as the ropes would lie burned in
two as fast, as the attempt would be
made to tie up the steamer. When
compelled to plunge into the river to
save himself from the lire, lie did not
take to the shore until he had exhaust¬
ed himself ny his efforts to save those
who were forced to jump into the riv
- m —i
Domestic Life in Georgia.
Georgia Man-1 want ter borrow
some more money on rny farm.
Omaha Financier—What did you do
with the last?
“Used it up digging a cyclone pit.”
“Ah! I see. What improvement do
you want to make next?”
“Wall, you see, I want ter put a lot
of hanging beds in the orchard.”
“Hanging lieds? whit under the
canopy are they for?”
“Them is for earthquakes.”
If your teething child is restless and fret
ful, it is an evidence that all is not we)
with it. If it is from any undue excite¬
ment of the brains, gums or bowels, Pitts
Carminative will soothe the neives, soften
he gums and regulate the bowels.
SHILOH’S VITA LIZ ER is what you
ne<*d for constipation. Loss of Dyspepsia, Appetite.
Disiness and a![ .Symptoms of
Price 10c per bottle, At Dr. Reids.
For lame back, side or chest, use Shi lobs
Porous Plaster. Price 24e, at Dr. Reid’s.
Douglassville is soon preserving to have a fruit- fac- J
tory for canning and
V. T. says during his life as
a showman he lias received over #80,
:000,000 from tiie people.
T11.VT HACKING COUGH can be so
quickly cured by Shiloh’s Cure. We
gm rantee it; at Dr, Retd’s.
| Of the 38 States 22 have D< mocratic stand 19
Gov- rnors. The Legislatures
Democratic and 19 Republican.
•The Beethoven Organ leads the world
for variety of tone and beauty. See ad
veiilsement in another column.
It is estimated that more mdes of
p'U'oad ilian will be built during 1873, this and year
in any year since a
large proportion will be in the South.
Shiloh’s Cough and Consumption cure
i isold by us on a guarantee. It cures
Consumption. For sale at Dr. Reid’s.
# A little grammar found in an old
garret in Portsmouth, N. II., lias an
! i)|cmtratlon representing the difference
jawtKiveen It the is active, picture passive of and neuter father
; urbs. a a
shipping bis bov. Tin, fatliei- is ac¬
tive, the boy is passive and the mother,
sitting by herself on a stool looking
on but doing nothing, is neuter.
WILL YOU SUFFER with Dyspepsia
’^jaSRi^^Sk'WK tendon,
- Ky.. comes lo tl>c front
yirito the strangest case on record. A
few days ago a mao named Perkins
( was tried in the police Court of that
town for using profane language in
gie presence of drum mere, stud was
sent I to jail for thirteen days.
Dromiictis immediately relieved Reid. by Shi¬
loh’- Cure, Sold by Dr. II . J.
t “Women of the South are generally
the best students, aud pass m ire cred
itftble examinations than Northern
■fosiien” says Civil Service Commis¬
sioner Oberly, has “and her the credit, highest figure
Bostoir to uu the
,r«gi.sLer at present is seventy three,
while many Southern States can go
twenty better,”
"here lives jn Phib delpflla a man
•IMs.tftMe n hard km', but who
, v;at -erv ; vuJnabt ,<■
m * , ,lt« t hus tells ^1. his cure*
/.'After I (trank so much that I became
; nuisance to my wife, she t ried the
ithisky cure, in the home where she
pit me they poured whisky over the
'.neat we ate, the potatoes, the fish, the
lUlads, tiie peas, butter and tomatoes.
There was wnisky in our coffee, our
Soup, our milk, our drinking water and
the water we washed in. We went to
lied alter eating veal stuffed with
whisky, and got up to clean our teeth
witli whisky and water and enjoy t lie
day on a breakfast soaked in milk and
whisky. I stood it for a month. Un¬
adulterated water is good enough for
Hcarlct Fever ami * iplitlieria,
are spread by contagion, by the transfei
of living matter from the skin, the mem¬
branous lining of the mouth, nose ami
throat, and from the intestines and urina¬
ry organs. Disinfect promptly anil thor
ougldy with Darbys Prophylactic Fluid,
the great germ destroyer. Prof. II. T.
Button, of the Vanderbilt University,
Telin., tays: “As a disinfectant and de¬
tergent Darbys Prophylactic Fluid is su¬
perior to any preparation with which 1
am acquainted,"
KxcUemeut in Tex R s.
Great excitement has been caused in
the vicinity of Paris, T ex., by the re¬
covery of Mr. J. E. Corley, who was so
helpless lie could not turn in bed, or raise
his head; every body said lie was dying
of Consumption. A. trial bottle of Dr.
Kings New Discovery was sent him.
Finding relief, lie bought a large bottle
and a box of Dr. Kings New Life 1MI-;
by the time he bad taken two boxes of
PIUS, and two bottles of the Discovery
he was well and had gained in flesh thir¬
ty-six pounds. Trial Bottles of this Great
Discovery lor Consumption free at K. J.
Don't I.imk I.lke a Wreck.
“When a man is going down hill every¬
body is ready lo give him a kick.’’ Yes,
that is so. It is sad, but, natural’ Why,
many a man and woman, seeking em¬
ployment, would have got it if their hair
hadn't been so thin and gray. One hot
tie of Parkers Hair Balsam is then the
best investment. It stops falling hair,
promotes new growth and restores color.
Clean, highly perfumed, not a dye. A
great Improvement over anv similar prep¬
aration, andsotd at the. low price of 50c.
All in a I-Inc ot Nature.
There is nothing in the line of magic or
mystery about that wonderful and popu
lannedicme, Parker’s Tonic. It is sim¬
ply the best and most scientific combina¬
tion possible of tiie essential principles of
those vegetable curatives which act pow¬
erfully and directly on the stomach, liver,
kidneys and Moml. Eat there neither is,
nor will be, any successful imitation of
it. It is all the time curb g those who
bad despaired of ever getting well. For
ourself, yiur wife and children.
Terms: $1.50, in Advanss.
Oh, If Boys Would Only Under¬
stand Their Mothers.
Sometimes hoys think mothers are
in the way; that they would have more
liberty i f it were not for their moth¬
ers. Mothers have such searching
eyes, eyes that seem to look right into
the heart, especially if there is any¬
thing hiding there that mothers should
know about; and this is troublesome.
If the boys would understand that it is
love that ulakes the Mother’s eye so
keen, tier voice so anxious, her ques¬
tions so searching; love that knows all
the temptations that may come to a
boy, and the trouble if there is no wise
confidant about! It is not tiie anxiety
of a l’aul Rry, but the loving guar¬
dianship of a mother. A wise man
said, ‘God could not be everywhere, so
he made mothers.’ God «uay seem far
off to us some tim s, but there i t a
mother near, who will lead us back.
The wisest and best men have honored
their mothers. Few men who have
accomplished a special work in lb
world do not give credit to their moth¬
ers for the help and inspiration that
made their work possible, in giving
this credit to Mioir mothers they have
honored themselves, for it proves that
as boys they Honored her instructions,
were guided by,her advice, and made
a confidant of her in their hopes and
desires. When tiie late President
Garfield was inaugurated, the first per¬
son lie saluted was his mother, show
ing plainly the place she held in his
heart, his lih*.
The world honors and respects the
man who honors and respects his
mother. The neglect of a mother
stamps a man or boy as heartless, uti
grateful, if not cruel. The truly greal
men have never forgotten those to
whom they were most deeply indebted
Many letters have been written about
mtilHvvs, but .few that show the sor
row that Lines it the fall raewufire G,t
a mother’s love has tecei red no i etui n
until too late to make it. The poet
Gray, in 1705 wrote the following let¬
ter to it frit nd:
‘It is long since I heard yon were
gone in haste Into Voikshire on ac
count of your mother's illness, and tie
same letter infornu d me she was re¬
covered. Otherwise 1 had then wiot,
to you only to beg you would take care
of tier, and inform you that I had dis
c o'ered a thing very little Known,
which is that in one’s whole li e one
can never have any more than a single
mother. You may think this obvi
ious and (what you call) a trite ob¬
servation. \ r ou are a green gosling!
[ was at the same age (very near) a.
wise as you, and yet I never discovered
this (with full evidence and convic¬
tion, I mean) until it was too late. It
is thirteen years ago, and it seems hul
ai yesterday, and every day I live it
sinks dee|ier into my heart,’
BlOOMINOTON, Ills., Sept. 18, IMS2.
Messrs. F. J, Cheney A Co., Toled , O
Have taken Hall’s Catarrh Cun*, Had
catarrh all uiv life; am 48 years old. Ha
asthma lit years, and a dreadful cough
for five years. Have take, everything;
went to the Hot spring; 1 have, doctored
with the lioctors here;I have done nothing
but lake medieiue for 19 years. When I
commenced using Hail’s Catarrli Cure 1
was almost dead. I sent for the doctor
tiie day l got Hall’s Catarrh ure, and 1
told him that I would tie any way aim
that I would try your medicine. J win
very bad. How I suffered for U years! I
could hardly breathe at times. I suv.
Hall’s Catarrh Cure advertised in the pa
per* and commenced taking it. I would
have been under the ground to-day if i;
bad not been for that. I have not luu
one bad spell of coughing since. Ji
breathing my head feels well and I a in
well. It has done me a thousand dollar
worth of good, There arc tell of in;
friends, on seeing what it had done foi
me, tak'ng it, ai d it is helping them,
only wish that every one who lias catarrh
asthma and a bad cough could see it. me, At
that I could tell them all to take
that know me here know how I have su
fered. (1 have been here since 1 s.",K .) aic
say to me tbai “l am so glad yon Every foum
something that could cure you.”
one says, “how much better you loos,’
The doc ors say tli y are glad I found
Hall’s catarrh Cure as they could m,:
cure me. gratitude
1 cannot exprees my to yin
for tin* good Hall's Catairh Cure has dom
me. You can use as mu* h of this lette;
as will do the, afflicted good, Publish it
to the whole worhl-it i-> all rue and the;
should know it. CHRISM AN,
40tt East Nort h street
SLKEHLES8NIGHTS, made mi erab
bv that terrilde cot gh Shiloh’s c re 3
the ramedv tor yon. Sold by Dr. Ke,u.
. - • -
If Von Want a »*uuu Article
in plug Tobacco, ask v< Mir dealer foi
»‘01.11 HIIV’
NO. 10.
Compare this with your purchase *
’VSfStdlnf-bZEiuMii iq
M co.
a armcruv visit* ui
I bassii. sa.
Price, ONE Dolly
A* you value health, perhaps life, examine each
package and be sure you get the Genuine. See
the reel Z Trade-Mark and the full title
on front of Wrapper, and on the aide
the #»nl and ilgimture of J. JU. Zellin Jfc
Co., as in the above fnc- simile. Remember there
i» no other genuine Simmons Iiiver Regulator.
Mention this paper.
Stone Mountain Route.
Onficii Auolsta, General G a ., Dec. Manaobh, 18, 1880. i
/COMMENCING SUNDAY, tilth test.,
\_Jtlie following passenger schedule will
be operated: ,
Trains run by 90 rneridan time, 83
minutes slower tliiiu Augusta time.
No. ! Wkst— Daily.
ucave Augusta..... .... 10 56 « SBSBSafiB
I 4 Macon....... .... 7 U) a
44 Milledgeville........ fl f# a
U Washington......... 11 20 30 a
Drive Crawfordville ....... 1 J>
I 4 Athens .. 6 20 E
(4 Gainesville 8 85
A Hants 6 46 p
No. 2 East—Dav;.y.
I,cave Atlanta 00 a EcEEESBB
Gainesville..... 5.1 a
4 t Athens........... 00 a
41 Crawford villa....... 1 42 p
irrivc Washington......... 20 p
Milledgeville....... 41) p
4 4 Macon ............ *m p
(4 Augusta........... 85 p
No. 3- Wkst—Daily.
cave Augusta......... .. « 40 p BBS
44 Craw ford ville ..,... *»*► 15 p
.reive Atlanta........... 35 40 u
No. 4 East—Daily.
UHVC Atla. la .......... 7 80 p BEB
it) ve Crawford ville....... 1 00 a
Augusta ..... ..... 5 00 a
No. 27 West— Daily.
■ave Augusta........ ..... 7 a EEESEBS
vrrivc Wellington......... 10 a
,eave Crawfordville........ Washington 9 7 a
Arrive a
44 A thins . 12 a
4 4 Gainesville......... 8 P
44 Atlanta ............ 1 P
No. 28 East—Daily.
.cave Atlanta......... ..... 2 EE5BEBS
Gainesville............. 6
Arrive A tliens........ is
44 Crawfordville......... 6
44 Washington........... 7
,enve Washington....... ... 4
Arrive Augusta............. ... 8
ro Augusta and Atlanta.
Train No. 27 and 28 will stop and re
■rive passengers to and from til* follow.
rig points only: Grovstewn, Harlem,
.ring, Thomson, fforweoA, Buiactt,
rawfordville, Union Point, Greensboro,
iadison, Rut lodge, floriol Circle, Co -
igton, Conyers, Litbonfa, St-obe Moun
sui an I Dec itor.
The Fast Line has Through Sleeper*
rom Atlanta to Charleston.
ien’l. Pass. Ag t. Gcn'l. Manager.
Joe W. White,
General Traveling Passenger Ago at