Crawfordville democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1881-1893, May 20, 1887, Image 1
Cratpf®ttollc Pciwcrai CLEM. fi. MOORL VOL. XI. W. s. JESSUP. (SIGH RED FROST.) GEO. K. JESSUP. JESSUP HBOS •9 •832 Broad Street, AUGUSTA, GA, -WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS’lN STOVES, HAM ANDTINWARE, Fireplace Heaters, Furaaces* • » • » Ana House-Furnishing Goods.: -BUY THE GELEBRATEd “FAVORITE" COOK STOVES, EST 1 Conceded oy all to be tlie Best Stove ever made. THE BEST AND CHEAPEST GALVANIZED IRON EVAPORATORS eve r made. Our own make iron Well Buckets with wood bottom in them ; Guano Homs Always keep in stock a General Line of Tin Ware Trimmings. CRAWFORD VILLE HOTEL -MRS. KATE KENT. Proprietress. Crawford ville, Georgia. Terms : $2.00 per Day. rooms are Urge and ^“^^^EVKRY T&. FURNITURE! fiSCst-Reliable Goods, Fair Dealing. --Prompt attention. NEW STYLES- Call on, write to 3EHC- ‘W. THOMAS No. 85. Whitehall St., ATLANTA, GA. Business T w otb i v . * - -OF THE TOWN OF Vali TTgy _ ___ flf— g "F iT ■ m -- The following firms and business houses have placed tlieir cards in this directory for the purpose of showing the public where patrons can be accommodated by their ••rvlces in their respective lines of busin.-ss. We recommend the following name to the public as reliable dealers, and they will all serve you at short notice. JEWELER C. S. LUCAS, Watch-maker and Jeweler. Watch, Jewelery and Gen. Repair bhop Watches and Jewelry always on hand. XjAWTERS M. Z. ANDREW S, Attorney at Law. Practices in this and the adjoining rounties, Office over S. Stewart’s store. w. O. MITCHELL. Attorney at Law. Practices in all the courts. Office ovef 8. Stewart’s su>re. J. W. HIXON, Attorney at Law. Office in the Mitchell Building. JJORACE M. HOLDEN, Will practice in all courts. Office iu Hotel building. IVfltILLINE RY’ M RS. M. A. ASKIN. Dealer in All Millinery, Neckwear, Notions, etc. Dress-making to order. 1Y1 \ f RS. M. C. TROPE, Dealer in Millinery and Fancy Goods. Drugs and Medicines R. J. REID, Practicing Physician, Dealer in Patent Medicines, Drops, •fall kinds. Books, Pens, Pencils and all fancy Stationer y. __ T UCAS & HAMMACK. Dealers in drugs, patent and other medicines at lowest prices. General Merchandise. C A8PER MYERS, Dry Goods, Clothing. Notions. Groceries and Furnishing Goods. ---*—* ----- . 1 HARLES BERGSTROM, I Goods, Groceries and General — Met Dry chandise. Terms cash. OYLVESTUSSTBWkETi T)rr eowij, Groceries and General Merchandise. CRAWFORDVILLE, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, MAY 20,1887. Practicing Physicians ^RTIIUR G. BEAZLEY, M. D. Offers lug services in the general prac¬ tice of Medicine and Surgery. JQR. L. A. STEPHENS, Practicing Pkvsician. Will be pleased to serve all. Office in Gee building. — Work Shops. p iV jj oGLETREE, in Manufacturer and Dealer Wagons and Buggies. BlacksmitliinU and General Repair Work. E DMGN GOLUCKE, Cabinet Work, Fancy Turning, anp Stairbuilding. Gin/and Mill Geaiing a Cnurtiolfv X N. CHAPMAN, in y Manufacturer and Dealer Buggies, Wagons and Harness. Black onithinar and Renairing a specialty.__ T HOMAS J. EVANS, Blacksmith. ieneral Black imltliing and Repair Oiop. Work Guaranteed. COTTRACTORs. . J. NORTON, Contractor and Builder. Good wort at short notice. X‘ iT>, WORK DONE at the Democrat • I Office very reasonable. 5,000 Agents Wanted! Pouole Quick! to sell Joe Howard’s -LIFE of- BEECHER because Infinitely the most valuable com¬ ing so ciose'y from the family circle and by a master hand engaged in a ‘“Labor of Loqe.” Richly illustiated—steel portrait &c Will sell immensely. Millions want this standard Life of the greatest Preach er and Orator of the age. demand. t^uick is Send the word. Territory in great for circulars and 50c. for outfit to HUB BARD BROS., Pubs., Philadelphia, Pa. The *•lu^rou. Hook ottbeAge >» oAmAtllnA Wife Al oAnAiUuR Miss Holly spent .Insiah Allen’s fashion alt last season amid the whirl of at Saratoga, and takes off its follies, flirta ttons , | 0 w neck dressing, pug dog?, style. &«., in her inim.table mirth-provoking « A^no'iv'lntwi. Philadelphia, AMrera'niJBBARP Pa. KGS., Pubs.. Beritfd U tin Interest ef Tslisferrt Ceaaty, the People and fieaeni Hews. A GREAT OFFER. f ft v \ * rr 'mk m v. FliEDERICA JACKET. Pattern Free. A Handsome Gift to our Lady Readers. fi In our issue of may 27th we shall print a Coupon Order entitling the holder to a pattern (free) of the above jacket, in sizes" for 34, 3(5, 33, or 40 inches in bust measure. A pattern of this stylish garment is vetv useful to any lady, as by simply leaving off the reverse a plain jacket is obtained, which is always desirable; and it is just such a pattern as every lady should have in the house. There will bo no excuse hereafter for Mrs. Smith send¬ ing over to borrow a jacket pattern from Mrs. Jones. We have made arrangements with a New York house to furnish these pat* terns in the different sizes as .above, so that the holder of the Coupon Order T ’ full Value of Sf cents, lie!tig ampmpu nied by an illustration, and explicit directions for putting together and making. Ladies do not tail to buy our issua of May 27th and cut out the or ' V1 ^ 1 6 ^ ^ ______^ m w nw t.h<* Annstle* Died, Atlanta Constitution in answer¬ ing the Inquiry of a corn spondent, gives the following brief history of the Apostles, which may be new to those whose reading has not been evangeli cal. St. Matthew is supposed to have suf¬ fered martyrdom or wasslain with a sword at the city of Ethiopia. St. Mark was dragged through the streets of Alexandria, in Egypt, until he expired. St. Luke was hanged upon an Olive tree in Greece. St. John was put Into a caldron of boiling oil in Rome and escaped death. jj e afterwards died a natural death at Ephesus, in Asia. St. James the Great was beheaded at Jerusalem. St. James the Les3 was thrown f roin a pinnacle or wing of the temple, and then beaten to death with a fuller’s club. St. Phillip was hanged up against a pillar at HierapoHs, a city of Phrygia St. Bartholomew was flayed alive by the command of a barbarous king. St. Andrew was bound to a cross whence he preached unto the people until he expired. St. Thomas was run through the body with a lance at Coromandel in the East Indies. St. Jude was shot to death with ar rows. St. Simon Zen lot was crucified in Persia. St. Matthias was first stoned and then beheaded. St. Barnabas was stoned to death by the Jews at Salania. St. Paul was beheaded at Rome by the tyrant Nero, % —i la Consumption Incurable. Read the following: Mr C. M. Morris, Ark,, says: “ Was down with Abscess of Lungs, and friends and physicians pro nounced me an incurable Consumptive. Began taking Dr. King's New Discovery ^“aWr^^eZ the work^on mv 3 farm. It is the finest medicine ever made. , ,, Jessie Middleware Decatur, Ohio, aays: .< Ha d it not been fer Dr. King’s New p jscoV( . ry for Consumption I would have WMllJ* Try it isemple bottle free elB. J. KeW'fl Drug Store. —* A learned fool is more foolish than an ignorant fool. ‘•Hacmetsick,” a lasting and fra grant pertnme. Price 2> an d 50 cents For sale by Dr. R. J. Reid. , Anthony Wilson, member of the legislature from Camden county, has recently been fined *50 for carrying concealed weapons. A nasal Injector free with each hot tie of Shiloh’s Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. For sale by Dr. R. J. Reid, Work on the new o;»eni house at Athens has begun and the building is promised to be ready by next season. Shiloh’s Cure will immediately re¬ lieve Croup, Whooping Cough, and Bronchitis. For sale by Dr. R J. Reid Petitions are being circulated in Cobb coun’y asking the Legislature to pass a law forbidding all trains run¬ ning on the Sabbath. Shiloh’s Catarrh Remedy— a posi¬ tive cure for Catarrh, diptheria and canker mouth. For sale by Dr. It. J. Reid. Another citizen of Georgia has in¬ vented a perpetual motion maclii lie. (t is i ime to call the previous question on this sort of thing?. 'Vhy will you cougli when Shiloh’s Cure will give immediate lelief. Piice 10 cts. ami *1. For sale by Dr. It. J. Reid. A South Carolina negro, who was wronglully accused of stealing a hog, committed suicide on account of his feelings. A searcli of his premises brought to life a stolen calf. Are you made miserable by Indiges¬ tion, Constipation. Dizziness, Loss of Appeti e, Yellow Skin ? Shiloh’s V - lalizer is a positive cure. For sale by Dr. R. J. Reid. The body of Captain Clinard, who commuod suiciue at Rome about a week ago by throwing himself in the river, was recovered last week about thirly-iive nules below the city. For Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, you have a printed guarantee on every bottle of Shiloh’s Vitnlizer. It never ♦V' iDcnre. For sale-by 4-LrtM- Dr. R. J. -**C- -- -> - A, 11(1 ,u ' ' '■ John Calvin Johnson, noted iu the old days as a wig leader in Ocouee and as a preacher, but of late years libra¬ rian of the State University, died In Watkinsvllle on tl.e 3rd inst. The Rev. Geo. II. Thayer, of Bour¬ bon, Ind., says : “Both myself and wife owe our lives to Shiloh’s’ Con¬ sumption Cure.” For sale by Dr. II. J. Reid. Fred Fit zgiVbon has probably the oldest book in Rome. It was printed in the year of our Lord 1704, just 183 years ago. It is bound in calfskin, good print, and is in a wonderful state of preservation. The subject is a de¬ bate between two prominent preachers of that time on Schism. If your teeth inn child is restless and fret ful, It is an evidence that all Is not wel with it. If it Is from any undue excite¬ ment of the brains, gums or bowels, l’itts Carminative will soothe the netves,soften h e gums and regulate the bowels. Charleston, 8. C., boasts the young murderer on record. His age is seven years and lie calmly stuck a fork in his baby sister’s head, because the child cried, and he wanted to quiet it. The blow being fatal, the young man hid the body, though he afterward confess¬ ed what he had done. On account of extreme youtii he will not be tried for “manslaughter,” but his career henceforth will be an object of inter¬ est to moral society. It has been well said that a single bitter word may disquiet an entire family for a whole day. One surly glance casts a gloom over the whole household; while a smile, like a gleam of sunshine, may light the darkest and weariest hour. Like unexpected flow¬ ers, springing up along our dusty road, full of fresh fragrance and beauty, so kind words aud gentle acts and sweet dispositions make glafl the home where peace and blessing dwell. No matter bow humble the abode, if it be thus garnished with grace and sweetened with kindness and smiles, the heart will turn longingly toward it from all the tumults of the world, and home, if it be ever so homely, will be the dear¬ est spot beneath the circuit of the sky. All In a l.lue of Nature. There is nothing in the line of magic or mystery about that wonderful and popu larinedicine, Parser's Tonic. It is sim¬ ply the best and most scientific combina¬ tion possible of the essential principles of those vegetable curative, which act pow¬ erfully and directly on the stomach, liver, kidneys and blood. But there neither is, nor will be, any successful imitation of it. It is all the time eur» g those who had despaired of ever getting well. For ourself, your wife and children. Tormtt $1.80, in Advanet. Diversify Your Crops. Fanners of the old school maintain that editors are farmers in theory only, a,,d . that vvl,en yuu „„„ attempt t0 P ut ru,es for farmin *’ Md down b V « ew9 ~ P a P er8 ’ inl ° Practical operation, ‘‘the old th,,, « woo t vvork ” We have tiu med - ne y » P u8hed the 1 > ,0W or hoed our row, but we have seen a fireat deal ol farmers. We have seen them come to Augusta and buy meat. corn, meal, sugar, oats, potatoes, hay, and they paid for these things with money which they bad obtained for wagon loads of cotton. Rather they paid for last year’s goods and mort¬ gaged a crop not yet in the ground for this year’s supplies. We have seen them do this year after year. Now there is not a farm within a thousand miles of Augusta that won’t grow nay and corn, or on which one cannot raise hogs and cattle, and it does seem queer that a farmer should raise cotton ex¬ clusively and exchange it for articles which he can himself produce at a cost something like one-quarter of the price paid for it iu markets. The thrifty farmer of to-day is the one who supplies his table and the ta¬ bles of his laborers from his farm aud not business places of jobbing mer¬ chants in the cities and town. When a farmer brings to market live bales of cotton, one hundred bushels of corn, fifty bushels of peas, five bales of hay, one hundred dozen of eggs, one hun¬ dred chickens, a couple of fat porkers and three or four cow hides, you can put it down that man will go back to his plantation with a few articles of clothing for the home folks, trinkets for the little ones and a certificate of deposite for u round unouiit in his fa¬ vorite bank. But when a man comes to town with twelve bales of cotton— nothing else, be goes back with loads of hay for his cattle, corn for his hors¬ es, meat and meal for his laborers, and lea\6 b hind nob a round amount with liis involute banker, but anxious for a large sum secured at a large interest late. This is a lesson from life, not mere speculation or fancy painting. When we urge the Southern farmer to diver¬ sify his ctops, we urge him to be Inde¬ pendent of the Western farmer who furnishes him with his bog and homi¬ ny. Plant cotton, plant as much as you can, but save an acre here for corn, put peas iu another corner, grow hay, grow cane if you can, raise hogs and cattle, breed stock—and be a far¬ mer in all that the world implies. •— • ■ Bloomington, Ills , Sept. 18,18»2. Messrs. F. J. Cheney A Co., Toted , O.: Have taken Hall’s Catarrh Cure, Had catarrh all my life; «m 48 years old. Had asthma 11) years, and a dreadful cough for five years. Have taken everything; went to the Hot- spring; I have doctored with the doctors hcre;I have done nothing hut take medicine for U) years. When 1 commenced using Hall’s Catarrh Cure I was almost dead. I sent for the doctor the day 1 got Hall’s Catarrh i-ure, and 1 told him that l would lie any way and that 1 would try your medicine. I was very bad. How 1 suffered for 9 years! I could hardly breathe at times. I saw Hall’s Catarrh Cure advertised In the pa¬ pers and commenced taking it. I would have been under the ground to-day If It lmd not been for that. I have not had one bad spell of coughing since. in breathing my head feels well and I well. It has done me a thousand dollars worth of good. There are ten of my friends, on seeing what it had done for me, taking it, ar d It is helping them, i only wish that every one who has catarrh, asthma and a bad cough could see me, so that 1 could tell them ail to take it. All that know me here know how I have suf¬ fered. (I have been here since less,) and say to me that -‘I am so glad you found something that could cure you.” Every¬ one says, “how much better you loon.” The doe ors -ay they are glad I found Hall’s catarrh Cure as they could net cure roe. gratitude to I cannot exprees mv you for the good Hall’s Catarrh Cure lias done me. You can use as much of this letter as will do the afflicted good. Publish it to the whole world-it Is all true and they should know it. CHRISMAX, __... JOSEPHINE street. 4(H) East North * •—-rift Scarlet Fever and l> iphtheria, are spread by contagion, by the transfei of living matter from the skin, the nifiii branous lining of the mouth, nose and :isrs* "»•»<■ »■">“'"sr;■"*“.** oX : r «. the great germ destroyer. I rot. II. 1. Luvton, of the Vanderbilt University, Tenn., says: “Asa disinfectant and tergent Darbys Prophylactic Fluid is su¬ perior to any preparation with which 1 am acquainted,” i— • —* It You Still a «*oou Article in plug Tobaec.^askj^our dealer for NO. 20. THE SHUT SIMMONS FOB LIVER * DISEASE. mistaken Bottles sometime* lor Rhcsimatim; and mwMmmmI| waterLwjk. indigenUnai Um«C“ I nauaea or Par Henry and acid eruAationt; bovr*)e alternately roeCDB and aation las; of h having rala disi failed loas of cW memory, something vtafc which a jmtnfet h nb» to oug t t» hare been done; of the felilUr skin f low spirits; dry rongh; a thick. fever; |«Uv appearance ana eyes; e rest¬ lessness; the urine is eceety and hi gh r a l ese d , and. If allowed to stand, deposits a sod l aaeeL SIMMONS LIVEN RESULATOK* PURELY VIORABUt All (FFECTUAl WHIFW FM Malaria* Constipation, Bfilonww Blok Headache, JFeoadlee, Nausea, Mental CoUe, CanlkMa Depremton, Etc., Kte., Bowel Bte., ls Kencrall; used In the South SO Be Tea¬ pid Liter to s healthy sAioa. It acts without disturbance to the mum, dies or occupation. It regulate# the Elver, and causes the bile to act as the puree. The excels ol bile end being health removed, it perfectly a tonic restored. cHeeS a produced The Regulator is given with safety sad ike happiest For all diseases results in which to tbs ant WsaaOva, delkssr altera¬ isfass. a tive or purgative It sesdsd it will (ivt dta most perfect satisfaction. The Cheapest, Purest and Beet Family Medicine in fee World I . asr { THERE IS BUT ORE SIRIORS LIVER REGULATOR! See that vou get (he vife tfhc ltd B Oa front of Wrapper, prepared <*}f hf J. H.ZEILIN * CO •» tout morttsTOM* FHILADILVIUd* Fd* fir.'* fj*, % '*•>> ‘'Ve*^ Jtr . Mention this taper. (jbvKUlA KA 1 LK 0 AD COMPANY Stone Mountain ItoNtBe OPKICB Auousta, OBNKKAL Da., JSst MaKASBK, 18, 18Ms I u /COMMENCING SUNDAY, WthinriL, \_>th« following passenger schedule wlO be operated: Trains run by 90 mcridan tin*, M minutes slower than Augusta tiafa. No. 1—^Whit-Daily. Leave Augusta..... Id ««••«••€ Macon........ 1 fe 14 Millcdgc villa.. a Washington... H % Arrive ti Orawfordville Athena .... . erw I n t( Gainesville.. Atlanta...... ...... .. .... ^ No. 3 —Eapw-Dmiby. Leave Atlanta............ • smaiii 14 Gainesville......... * <« Athens........... « it Crawfordviil*....... aa.a.a. Arrive Washington......... . t Milledgeville....... it Macon ............ S u Augusta........... 0 -West—Daily. , No. 3 Leave Augusta............ Crswfordville...... aa.« ana . < Arrive Atlanta........ .... 4 No. 4 —East—Dari. Leave Atlai ta....... .... t «0 ata Arrive 14 Craw Augusta....... ford ville ., ,V. : : {• e » FAST LINK. No. 97—W Leave Augusta... • Arrive Washington......... • Leave Washington......... 7 * Arrive Craw ford ville........ * 44 Athens ........... n • 44 Gainesville......... S CV 44 Atlanta.............. 1 (A No. 28 —Ea*p— Dark*. Arrive Arrive Leave Leave <( 44 44 Washington... Augusta........ Atlanta...... Athens.......... Gainesvilla. Orawfordvifk Washing tea. ••aeeseseeee >•###« • »v« ......... ».«»#• ewes b t 7 8 4 *f«SSSA vvvvv »-o B^“SUPERB IMPROVED to Acotirra and AitumrA. Train . No. 71 mm* K I w» Mg> M r* STfSTSv"JinShToSS; M|W j l|Ion Rutl*dga, Social CIpcU, i Ow j n g tOBi Conjcra, i-ithoola, Moo* w i n ao d Decatur, The Fast Line ha* Through hi i«g— from Atlanta to Charleston, E. R. DORSEY, JMO. W. GRXBXK* Gen’l. Para. Ag’t. G«rt. kfu gra. Jo* W. White, General Traveling PaaMOpqr 4 |nt