Newspaper Page Text
E •lOR.t i
the Trail. |
Trapped on 1 ! i
A Thrilling Romance of the |
Silver Hills. i
Atttor cf “In the Shadow of the Beaffold,”
“Jorila," “Cripple of Loadra,’*
Ete., Ets,
Thi?words were ottered in a hollow, 1 *
the*time, , place, , and , gernril .
pulcnral surrounding* way; helped chill the heart of
tins bran from the tavern, and ho reeled
with a spasmodic trader cry.
‘‘-Now, while a strange
influence, when his very soul was horror, thinled
»ud racked with a superstitious a
Strang-thing happened. The night seemed
to s:,* idenly lift; ft halo of white light stir
roil n did tin. d’“’ , < at*
C, ir. ,d ec! the
" mound an Ob th d
ii l ,.w out this xviird ' whit-light
f.f’.M A . r . f. rn ^ cl . I
Silver an^ dhlv ^soUmu fr m,d with
J ba i r (wlf’indead urd se ev «
glass y and aw ful. f d *ed > st re up0B upon
hlecd'ino ‘I1T The bosom W.s bare
” .“n aw*.I a picture-«hl* ohastlv did wound' It
oome back
Utrbannt and condemn the lmng!
“lowly (bo right baud j’“ “
long, bony linger poraled to«nrd Jorr.v
Hwayne the left Hi y* «
-tw.c*od' ‘■/Limart 0 La MVmrfW 1 t”
And you murdered me. Jnru Jerry Hosr. uon,.
4*1 . illl'iT ,
fcon.2 'tavern' i, .llow and .omt. lilo. .trnpk
,! The Ltll keener lh s son lost all
mo } •!« „ * or a, TV be
fell fa hi. fen with-’ ’
"ii,«i,t Back! I i ,ii,i did It ii to save the bunny I-- i
R..» hl n,J blddi,^ Vi.uni/villHin’s tonirii- ,'X Stifle censed to
do " and he
. r . *.
And inotbei Il,cn llic white Unlit went place’ out and
»OO.i came to take its
gleam of a lantern held in the bauds of a
atnJw t
D. tectivetlmr knelt quickly «nd snapped
a pair of handcuffs over the wrists of the
insensible man tn’iiJI so that when ke waked ho i
•otiPl W0 Z rind ra“.H.,n^“d a Iirisoner ■
tlrnn in the .yes
of the detective. The wrists of his pris- j
oner was ornamented with cuff-buttons.
"Hal 1 thought so." congratulated the |
detective. "Here is the missing button, j
the male to the one 1 have in my pocket, think
So You were the thief, Mr. Swayne. I !
we have you safe enough so that you
won't lie able to escape r the clutches of the
l,. w ■■ I
At this . moment . a , hand touched the UQ so.
HIoi|ubing detectne. ^ ,
Ah, its you, uxord.
Is tlu chap dead, pardnon*
He will soon come out of this
Ip'i"' ymt uni t • well, Kile, jAttd unssed
lm, .............I......'
J . M *..........
“•" **
• You heard him............
“l did that I've suspicionod the scamp
Mil along, its I told ye. Now, what's the
next move?"
“To get our prize to the city as soon as
fMMMible." "To-night?” j
“Yes. I expect you to furnish a convey- !
snoe.” "I 1 kin do that,” assured Kile Ox {
ord. “We nmsn’t let the old tin get wind
« this?”
“Just help tote the scamp down to my ,
house, where he’ll be safe, and tlion I'll:
look ii)' a wagon ami bosses. ” I .
The two men then lifted the form of the
insensible Sway no, and in the darkness,
having fiid extinguished they moved their swiftly tight for and prndeu- silently
reasons, |
from •Two the spot later drawn by !
hours n wagon txvc
tare-footed hor-es was rnmbting oxer the
.toad to pilvernand. On the blond seat i
Srere three persons the detective, Site Ox
ord, and Jerry Kxvuyae. ;
The latter had recovered his senses, and J
sat in sullen dejection. He realized that
he had beeu tricked into » confession ot i
murder, and was in a venomous mood in
Jhis couseijuunoe. Kclietbing He seemed to feel damaging that all j
had failed. Tho
ifonfes-ion written out by Burden Hron« !
had. of course, fallen into fee hand ot his
Anemic#, and the shadow of impending
doom rote black as ink before his gaze.
o It was a little past midnight when the
yrn^on partv uminoil a point about a mite
Qtut«»!’ SilvtoHiuiih At thi ;4 moment a sad
den glare shot up to the he avens
“Good land' what might that ti !” ut
tered simple lixord.
“Eire! * •
‘ “Koine buiUiiT seems to be burnim',
j* Oxorxl cracked Ins whip ami sent the
horses speeding sxvif ly onward. When
they entered the outskirts of the city the
whole skv waa red with • tieoioudous cou
“What did it moan*''
A sudden glitter of satisfaction filled the
»yes of the prisoner. II, had realized the
truth at hast.
“It’s the jail cried a man who was cross
ing the street, in answer to a,mesl.oi. ron
^gle Gray. Theresa big time, and nc
niteh hot I he mob s taken out the mur
dMtev and hung him. ami now have set th.
tail on fire the Mayor s nilliu' for help”
“To the jail’" cried Eagle Gray, a 1 dress
in* hi* companion. "Drive like the wind
the ittatl mob will murder auinnooent man”
Kile Fiord knew in what part of the
city ihe p» 1 was situated, but, even had he
not known, the glow of the burning build
tug would have guided his his steps. annuals Plying
the lash, 'lord sent steaming
down the street at a rate that threatened
demolition to the vehicle. On and on, un
til the swaving crowd with its weird face,
s*» before them of cried
'.“Hold, W lb.- name justice!" and fore- the
jtoetive,. spnnoipgfi m the seat
*cxune his wav juts toe crowd. “Stand aside,
with out hoi itx. “
K hoaise veil filled the air a# the roof ot
* prison, » wooden structure, fell in with
t mighty crash. The old jail was gone
Eleii had the officers of the law been
bl-sed by an arniv. they could not hive
saved the'building." It of had Silverwuid’s long beeu eiti- an
eyesore, and hot few
wens wet« sorry to see it go; the city would
** now look to erecting a structure worthy ol
the growing towu. As yet the only fire de
par!men*, the mtwhrooin'city hoisted was a
self-constituted “bucket brigade,” which
seemed not to materialize on this night.
The men parted and permitted the ex
cited detec sve to push his way to the frout.
'j h : moment he stepped into the hot red
apace in front of the jail he came to a had,
and stood rooted to the spot.
Dangling from the limb of a tree v, ,s the
form of a nan, with Ins lace disfigured by
thc scorchi g flames.
“Too late!”
Then the detective turned about, , with ... an
angry g o m tn his eyes.
" Where is the leader of this gangr he
demanded, hoarsely.
No one answered.
Eagle Gray was not disappointed, ringleaders ft was de
a cowardly work, and the
served the severest punishment. Being d
unable to save his voting friend, the -
tectivo hastened his return to the wagon,
which was now surrounded by a motley
gang, to wh m Jerry Bwayne was appealing
for release from bis bonds. Kile O.tor l
had tom hands full watching the prisoner
and attending bis horses, eonseqn ntly ho
felt relieved when the detective put in an
appearance, aitd from here, thundered the:
- Ht away
entaged little man, straightening both arms,
at the end of each a gleaming revolver,
pay dear for this night’s
work, let m e tell you. You have hanged
ftIJ nnocent man —it in murder!”
Then he sprang aboard tne wagon, and
Oiord deftly turned his horses and s nt
them living from the scene at a swift pace,
A suib.,. expression settled oxer the face
of Jeiry Swavtiu. He w is convinced
the mob had done its work, and that Wal ds
Wager, alias Robert Hunger, wa deid.
Th.» was a gain, and the future, u bo h
looked ho black before him it. the early
part 0 f the protect night, was now brightening. last,”
T will my innocence to the
thought the prisoner, “and it will be
to prove me guilty, even though I did con
'**»’ fn «*“ ened bv thilt “ wf " 1
” ]““'i
^ e Gray / had his .J. prisoner conveyed to
# )ace put „ tl(ll | oc k and key, and
g^ e Q xor( \ W;lH left to ^aarcl him.
The detective realized that Iva would
prove a most important \ witness in the case.
m) _ ,, lll|y ol th „ following morning,
still in the disguise of Mr. Hamlin. Eagle
Gray Ret out on his r turn to Hog Tavern.
riding in a light vehicle he bad
for the occasion.
He had passed half the distance, per
haps, > ,; when a man sprung sudd-nly from
th UBheB ftnd barre ,i the way. ( Hie hand
grasped the brallc-rein of his horse, and
«he other thrust forward a pistol, cocked
and ready for use.
" J must have this rig, sir," demanded
the stranger, whose face under the shui.-he I
w W *‘ H black the face ot a negro. His
voictj betrayed him, however, und th<* <jiuek
peiveption of Detective Gray penetrated
thed'sguise. ,ol b,
You ,ire “ whlto mnn - anii 11 ' ' r l y° n
cannot deceive ms," sltcred the seeming
Jump here, ouh— 1 good
Kee ye a game as as yours,
cried the detective, producing a revolver
’ Raise that and von are a dead man,
hissed the disguised highwayman. I am
desperate, though not a tobber, as you
suppose. \S hen I escape from here, I vu,
in good time repay vou for your horse and
“Escape from heref Are you one of the
eompfmion B of the man who was hung by
the mob last night in Kilversand/
"I will answer no questions. I -
“See here, I almost recognize yon, young
mftn But for the fact that 1 saw yon <to
g u UR .f rolft ,, Hinb. 1 would s'-, i tl ihf W l fl fr i
te-? 53 85 r ’Si,
: 2 : S?
: ,,„„g Gray by the hand. ]
| am glad to see you, Eagle. 1 feared
you had left the country and given up the
chase. 1 had a miraculous escape from
tho mob, and have been hiding in disguise ;
It Mac. "Wallis Wager, sure enough, and
the lynchers had, in their blind rage, exe
cuted vengeance on tho wrong man.
Wuger seated himself beside his friend,
andInt once entered into an explanation.
a iZ'z.tiJt, STkiK ?:!"!
1 felt that Jerry Swayne had ployed his
cards well, and that my hour had come; at
that time 1 never expected to look upon the
sunlight again. As it happened, however,
the jailer was a sensible man. Powerless
to roust tho mob, he opened my cell door
and said that he would rather see me os
cape than suffer at the hands of the lynchers.
"Fact is, 1 have talked with the mau a
good deal since my imprisonment, and I
am of the opinion that he believes me m
noo nt. At any rate, I owe my life to him.
I escaped in the crowd without being fired, recog
nized. A little later the jail was and,
it seems, some poor fellow hanged in my
place. I thought it best to disguise my
*olf and get ont of tho cpnutry. and wait
until the trouble subsided. ’’
"And leave Iva to her fate?”
“No. 1 meant to visit her, and, if pos.
.ible, persuade her to flee with mo to the
East, where I am well known, and can re
seive a fair hearing, lm not partial to
mobs, and don’t like to he jerked into oak. eter
»iiv beneath th” limb n mountain
“Well, your plan would not have helped
you much. I fear: tint, now that you are
free, it is well enough to keep shady,” said
the detective. “People invigme it was you
who was murdered by the m b, and it ia
best to allow them to remain in iguomnee
for the present I have Jerry »«•>'«•« «"
prison as the coiifi sseW assassin ot Samuel
Fredon, so I imagine the day of your de
llveranee is not fur away.” New-Yorker
Of course, the youug was
surprised at what the detective said, but
he was destined to still greater
when Kssk* Gray had told him all that
baii btV , n , COO mpMshed during the pass
few llaTN
now whr.t WageJ. vou suggest?"
qner , ed u, e disguised the jaws of the
"That we spring You 1 evidence trap on ;
th( , Sway nee bring at once. them time avo for the !
enou ,. b to to mur.
jer of your venerable unc e-”
"I had. but I lost the most valuable papei '
—the confession of Burden Brono-at the
turns I was seized and hurled into prison.
It may be that the officers have it But the 1 paper; j
if so, you might secure for must
keep in the background the present,
you know."
“1 know."
That was all the remark the detective
deigned to make then. He knew that the
important paper mentioned by W allis \\ ag
er Wl been m tho keeping of Jerry Swayne
— be had seen it in his hand on the evening
previous, but in the startling and hurried
events that followed he bad forgott*a the
doeument, and realized that it must have
fallen beside the lone grave. Eagle knowledge Gray
concluded to say nothing of his
until he examined the spot where Jerry
Swavne had been seized.
It'was agreed upon, however, that the
time had come to act, and that the inn
keeper and his wife must be at once taken
into custody. of the
AY hen the twain halted in front
, tavern an ominous Detective silence reigned Utrongh
out the p'aee. Gray spraug cut
and hastened up the steps to the front door.
He tried it only to find it locked No smoke
»as iisiiing from the chimneys, ana tne
silence of death reigned,
What did it tncan?
j[ was early on the morning after the
M i*nre of Jerry 8 wayne beside the grave
0 f the murdered Wondel, that Iva stood
0Ece mor e on the spot from which she had
jj e <j on , former occasion, when Jerry ap
p eare( j s< > suddenly at the time the old man
calling himself Ham’in was questioning the
tavern-keeper’s niece, footprints (he sandy
There were many on
goil about the grave, and Iva wondered at
y a ;jttle. 8 he often came here to brood
over the situation and wonder how it was
a j) to come out.
The handsome young New-Yorker, who
already done so much to rescue her
f rom this unsatisfactory life, was himself
' prison, not on., w.^cu..........
yie e( j 0 f mur der.
waB not guilty.” girl’s decision, and
xhis was the young
it satisfied her own mind, but ber believing
j n t j lf . _ onri g man’s innocence was not likely had
t0 be of he] to hi m , JO w that the law
craellv doomed him to die. It was while
me ditating upon the sad situation that her
eye caught sight of a packet lying half cov
er e<l with sand where a be d had pressed it
into the yielding soil. She at oace appro
„ x i a te<i it and felt in to -r band a thicknacK
“W-w f ire
1 u-s
, t , irl , ua not know, but as the
seal was broken she resolved to hike it to
her room and there mah- herself acquainted
with its contents. In this she made a nii,
take since «t would have been better for
her bad sh- read th- story of the past be
fore going to the house.
Hastening from th; spot Iva ginned Bog
Tavern unmolested, and hastened to her
r oom. Her aunt was ill. but did not need
her services then; at any rate Iva resolved
to read the letter before returning to her
ch ^
^j,'] n „ ,, orRclf bv tLe win , low thfl y0 , m< ,
2nd drew" forth the"damp, soiled envelope,
opening it began to read.
Soon a change cune over the face of the
2nd gentle child of the tavern. Her face paled
flushed by turns; her boom h-aved;
her lips parted; and the black eyes were
aglow with intense feeling. Minuto after
»inute passed, and as each one flit*ed by a
more intense interest seemed the depicted last, when on
the face of lva Swayne. At grasped in full
the completed story the was gir.’s brain, she
n ess of detail by young
crunched the damp paper, with dropped the fires her
hand, and glared about her
0 f a terrible indignation burning m her
eyes ‘ of Burden Mordo,” she
'The story mur
mured "It is the story of my life,, of the
llvf . B of my parents, of the cruel deed that
deprived me of home and friends, and sent
, ue to live under the same roof with demons,
Merciful heaven! xxEy did 1 not know this
before? It is horrible! And to think that
I have called these beings uncle and aunt.
I see it all now. Burden Mordo was a tool
in their hands—it ws they who murdered
that poor old man who might have revealed
to the world their awful crime. The name
of Kosebone is accursed; thank heaven, I do
n ot bear it, nor the equally odious one of
Swavue. I am a Thornrift, and--
The sound of a step without cut short
the aroused girl’s soliloquy. A hand lifted
the latch and tried the door.
It was locked. Iva had guarded against
intrusion, hut in her present state she was
in no mood to count the risk. That indig
nation burned in every vein, ami
concealing th".4>oH*«*b8tta« the letter of the outlaw.
ahoxe;! LuSusKwmv^ upei ^ ^ W fl ft
Them in the U. S.
_ )
Everybody tins country . interest- .
m is I
ed in live stock. Tlie man who takes no |
pleasure in looking at a thoroughbred spoils. |
horse is tit for stratagems and
j|j s judgment is not to tie trusted on !
* n * v political or religious filled question with sawdust of the I I
j tt y for his head is j
and his heart is i««»»-! a piece of inurble stained
ftiten. |
. - ,
Just look at a lew stupendous facts <
token from the report of the Department .
of Agriculture, just at hand. The “tot- ;
tie of the whole” value, as Air. Hume j
used to say in Parliament, of horseflesh !
j H this country is—what? Guess. Open;
your eve;, and’ be prepared to deny the
atfttem p U t wben we BlVy jf j H as c ] ose to
,i„msmnl millions of dollars as tig
UMS 011,1 nu *ke , it, . auc ,___ p y y
® no * ul0re when we tell you that the
value of horses and ot her live stock, as
mules, cows, sheep and swine, reaches
the enormous sum of twenty-five look hun- at
Arod millions of dollars. Now
some numbers. Texas and there Illinois 1,038,- taka j
tho heal. In the former are j
bor8es h’origin, Th<»y me small and largely a*t
of S p iU1 i 8 and find a market
fromtwentv ftom twenty to to seventy seven tyxiouara dollars each eacn. ^xn In :
Hie a ti r ler i i » u , , J
aro more valuable and larger. The fa
von to broods are tli© French draught 1
the Clydesdale, the English shires, and
the Cleveland bays. New York has 660,
gQ '2 horses, but they are worth some
Hiing over sixty-five millions of dollars,
wb jj e (jie million horses of Texas are
worth onjy •, a little more than thirty-three
j ,,
** . . , th ., .° ” , n t
with lots of total , depravity in their hud
legs and a very evangelical tolerates expression 2,117;- ot
countenance, the country their value is hun-
141 of them, and one
dred and sixty-seven millions of dollars,
There are no mules to speak of in Maine,
New Hampshire, Vermont, Massochu
^ t te, Rh.xle Island, or Connecticut,
prolsiblv ^ Viecause the old-fashioned Puri
“ nisin Jjan’t 1 care to share its total de
gravity with the brute creation and kept
it all lor itself. At least that is the only
reason discovered so fur.
As a four-lpg-gtNl study these facts and
figures have a peculiar interest.—.V, T
Making Sttn*l 1‘ipos.
The new method of making steel pipe .
at Borboch, Germany, is ssiid to be very
successful, and the process of manufact
ure is briefly as follows:
As soon as tlm steel is east into the
nHm a mould, a core is thrust into the
stool, mi that tlii> tulio is formed between
it anil the sides of the mould. In order
|» prevent during cracking coobng, of the* this annular made cast-
1!1 ” core is up
m such a manner that it follows up the
shrinkage thus of the steel. Tlie steel cup
obtained uiav then be rolled in an
ordinary train. Ir is stated that n large
firm in Paris proposes to applv the
; mot hod to the mannfactur® of copper
I tnbb u,
To All Wanting: Employment.
W« want Live, Energetic.and Capable Ag C ents
in eVery county in the United States and ana
da, to sell a patent article of great merit, on
ITS MERITS. An article having a large sale, pay¬
ing over ioo per cent profit, having protected n® compe¬
tition, and on which the agent is m
the exclusive saJe by a deed given for each and
every county he may secure from us. With all
these advantages to our agent sand the fact that
it is an article that can be sold to every house¬
owner, it might not be necessary to make an
"EXTRAORDINARY OFFER" tQ 5 «CUrc good make agents it
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ment Any agent that wilt give our business a
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in this time, above all expenses, can return
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work them through sub-agents for ninety days
and fail to clear at least unsold $750 above and all their ex
PES 8 ES, CRH return all get
money back. No other employer of agents ever
dared to make such offers, nor would we if wc
did not know that we have agents now making
more than double the amount we guaranteed profit of ;
and but two sales a dav would give a
over $125 a month, and that one of our agents
took eighteen orders in one day. Our large de¬
scriptive circulars explain our offer fully, and
these we wish,to send to everyone out of em¬
ployment who* will send us three one cent
stamps for postage. Send at once and secure
the agency in time for the boom, and go to work
on \yd £5 terms named in our the extraordinary address of all offer. the
would like to have
agents, sewing machine solicitors and carpen¬
ters in the country, and ask any reader of this
paper who reads this offer, to send us at once
the name and address of all such they chancd know.
Address at once, or you will lose the best
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Fit patients, thev paying W<««-‘;S»rsMO-iSor. on box »-t. - -en
IctBrjKuL. A'. .
! winmsca. I
I am how traveling through the country repairing Gins.
I will do work on them at shop-rates without removing the Gin from the giu house.
3 rl. "\ 7 \ 7~37 33 .] 0 _ 0 , Crawfordvi le, Georgia.
We, the undersigned, have known W. H. Wynne for many years past and this is
to certify that lie has been principal workman in the ginshop of J. D. A. H. T. Ham
mack for the past eight years, J- W. HOLMES,
Office of J. D. &. H. T. Hammaek, Cotton Gin Manufacturers.
Craxvfordville, Ga. Mar 31st, 1*86.
i Mr. W. H. Wynne, good ot this place,has and worked capable with of us repairing for years gins ongins, and were
commend him as a gin-workman,
f rawfordville. Ga., Nov. 8tli, 1886.
To xvhom it may concern. 1 cheerfully state that I feei no hesitancy in recom
! mending Mr. W. II. Wynne as fully competent to repair anv part of a cotton gin. Mr.
Wynne was engaged in tlie shop of the Messrs. J D. & II. T. Hammaek, gin manu¬
facturers, ol this place, for the past thirteen years until the year 1886 and 1 am sure
, fulfil le.- In's duties to their satisfaction, and the repairs recently J. made J- KENT, upon mv gin D. by
Mr. Wynne is entirely satisfactory. M.
Greenesboro, Ga., Jan. 21st, 1887.
Mr. W.H. Wynne, Craxvfordville, Ga.
Dear sm:—The work that you did for us, last fall an our gin gave us entire sat¬
isfaction. We ginned the crop of 1886, under your sharpening tlie and overhauling with
less trouble, xvorry and expense than any crop since wai, all due to your efficient
workmanship and skill, as a gin sharpener, repair- r and overhauler, and wc cheerful¬
ly recommend vou to any ‘ one who Very runs Respectfully, a gin, as being entirely competent .1. N. ARMOR, and reliable
in your profession. " F. ARMOR,
Sharon, Ga., Dec. 14tli, 1886.
Mh. W. H. Wvtjue, Crawfor vilie, Ga.
Di-.ak t in; Tlie work you done on my gin this year gives entire satisfaction. You
shall do work in the future. Yours <fcc. A. D. KENDRICK.
Barnett, Ga., Jae. 20, 1887.
The work done tor you for me last fall on our Gins has gtvmi^enture saCsfac
Lexington, Ga., Nov. Kith, 1886
Mr. W. II. Wynne, Ciwwfordviilc, Ga. perfect satisfaction. Wc
I) sAn Sin:--The work you did for us gives Respectfully! can recom¬
mend you as a first class gin workman.
Thomson, Ga., Jan. 33tli, 1887.
W. H. Wynne, Crawfordville. Ga.— I)eah Sir: The Gin work that you done for me
K st fall gives pet feet satisfaction and I can recommend you to all that is needing Gin
< ork as a good Gin workman. Yours Truly, N. HUMPHREY .
Louisville. Ga., Nov. 15th, 1886.
M. W. H.Wvnne, Crawfordville, Ga„— Dear SIr: The work that you done for
me on ny gin gives perfect satisfaction. I can gin nearly twice as much cotton in a
day as 1 did before you worked on it. WM. G. SCRLGGb.
I w o wor for responsible parties and allow them to try the work before
paid for I d n work that I can afford to guarantee.
Platt m
Artist & Photographer,
HTFormerly head > A rtist « cf the f Davis Gallery, v of . y w b . »» hmgtom IE </m anti aftftr f'
. L. Corm
KftJIMoSrak OTTOS feOT?OTA!I»Oo/rfo<«S. rS. SETJ5W*-, •M.lnl™, lb. tot
«S5®;S, ! K , or ha. to
kgs ^ *»«*«**«. *na 8^ s»» adocsta, a».
i" i l|
. m . w
’ b . v.: s;
r :
r . : 5: -
A—Tail Pipe. ISB-Stiar» DD\j)eliv- Jet
G—Suction Tube. H-Valva.
ery Tube. E—Ring. Cap,
822 Broad St., AUGUSTA, Ga.
Our former place of business. Masonic Temple, htiving
been destroyed by fire on Feb’y 12th, we art now located as
above where \ve have on hand the best and cheapest stock of
Dry Goods and Notions ever brought to this market. Two
thirds of our former stock was burned up, so that in present
ing a full stock for Spring aud Summer trade we offer a far
larger proportion of new goods than any other house in this
section, and the well-established reputation of our buyer, Mr.
Daly, for ability and for being painstaking, is the surest
guarantee that the selections are the best, and the prices the
° certain,
lowest that could be obtained. To make the matter
now as always we give an unqualified guarantee on prices
against every market in the United»States. Samples sent on
application. In ordering goods or samples, state as exactly
possible the kind of goods desire i and the prices j also
whctllCt WT will substitute something else when we have not
" “ v
the precise article oidered. DALY & ARMSTRONG.
Chas. F.L03JBAKD,Proprietor
manufacturer of and deale* in
Mill Machinery,
Engines & Supplies
Repair Work a Specialty
Nos 015 to 6'27 Kollock (11th) Street.
Augusta, C a.
6r«DR PROPOSITION:—As every factory, Injector is
tested bv the makers before it leaves tlie we
know that ! f properly connectea and instructionscar
ried out they cannot fail to work. We, therefore of
for to Pay t he Expenses of i'nynij'ntocome to our
factory, and *io feu day while here it the Hv
jector does not work, provided it has not been mis