Newspaper Page Text
832 Broad Street, AUGUSTA. GA.
Fireplace Heaters, Furances*
mm * Anil House-Fiirnishinar Goods.: mm
^"Conceded uy all to he the Best Stove ever made.
-MRS. KATE KENT, Proprietress.
Crawfordville, (iieorgia.
Terms : $ 2.00 per Day.
rooms ,r. large and « WSeKY“'K m.
IS^*Meliable Goods, Fair Dealing.
-Prompt attention. NEW STYLES- Call on, write to
No. 85. Whitehall St., ATLANTA, GA.
t ItpiiiesS DirciQiqrY
<IxIO-j^3L'^7v ir
The following firms and business houses have placed their cards in this directory
for the purpose of showing tiie public where patrons can be accommodated by their
•services in their respective lines of business. We recommend the following name
to the public as reliable dealers, and they will all serve you at short notice.
Watch-maker and Jeweler.
Watch, Jewelery and Gen. Repair bhop
Watches and Jewelry always on hand.
Attorney at Law.
Practices in this and the adjoining
counties. Office over S. Stewart’s store
Attorney at Law.
Practices in all the courts. Office ovei
S. Stewart's store
J. • W.HIXON, Law.
Attorney at
Office in the Mitchell Building.
"*■ Will practice in all courts. Office in
note! building.
M “ RS. M. A. ASKIN.
Dealer in
All Millinery, Neckwear, Notions, etc.
Dress-making to order.
\ f RS. M. C. TROPE,
Dealer in
Millinery and Fancy Goods.
Drugs and Medicines
R. J. REID, Practicing Physician,
Dealer in Patent Medicines, Drugs,
of all kinds. Books, Fens, Pencils and
ail fancy Stat ione ry.__
Dealers in drugs, patent and other
meiieines at lowest prices.
General Merchandise.
Dry Goods,Clothing,Notions. Groceries
vnd Fur nishing Good s.
_ .
Dry Goods, Groceries and , General .. , „ Mel- ,
chandise. Terms cash.
1 Goods, Groceries, aad General . ,
Practicing’ Physicians*
Offers his services in the general prac
J ij ce 0 f Medicine and Surgery.
Practicing Physician. Will be pleased
to serve all. Office in Gee building.
Work Shops.
171. H. OGLETREE, Dealer in
JFj Manufacturer and
Wagons and Buggies. BlacksmithinS
and General Repair Work.
Cabinet Work, Fancy Turning, anp
Stairbuilding. Gin and Mill Geaiing a
Vnuniol f V
H Manufacturer and Dealer
Buggies, Wagons and Harness. Black
mTiithinur and Renaming a snecialty,,__
General Black imitliing and Repair
«iop. Work Guaranteed.
Contractor and Builder.
Good work at short notice.
tor WORK DONE at the Democrat
*1 Office very reasonable.
5.000 Agents Wanted Oouole Uuirk:
to sell Joe Howard’s
—LIFE OF— BEECHER valuable because
Infinitely the most com¬
ing so close'y from the family circle and
by a master hand engaged in a ‘-Labor of
Loqe.” ^Richly rllustiated—steel Millions portrait
&o. Will sell immensely. want
this standard Life of the greatest Preach
er and Orator of the age. demand. Quick is Send the
word. Territory in great
for circulars and 50c. for outfit to IILB
BARD BROS., Pubs., Philadelphia, Pa.
The Richest Humorous Book ot the Age is
, 5 .SAWftNTHA»TS*RAT0Gft ..
all last season amid the whirl of fashion
at Saratoga, and takes off its follies, liirta
! tion9 low nPC g dressing, pug dog-, &c.,
in her inimitable mirth-provoking style.
i The book is profusely i Hus’r ated by Oj>
per, th- n-nowned artist of Puck. Will
sell immensely. Price, ?2,.V). Bright
s Kent _ Wanted Address HUBBARD
EOS., Pubs., Philadelphia, Pa.
Derated ta the Interest «f Taliaferro County, the People and General Sews.
Pattern Free. A Handsome Gift
to our Lady Readers.
In our issue of may 27th we shall
print a Coupon Older entitling the
holder to a pattern (free) of the above
jacket, in sizes for 34, 36, .18, or 40
inches in bust measure. A pattern of
this stylish garment is vetv useful to
any lady, as by simply leaving off the
reverse a plain jacket is obtained,
which is always desirable; and it is
just such a pattern as every lady should
have in the house. There will he no
excuse hereafter for Mrs. Smith send¬
ing over to borrow a jacket pattern
from Mrs. Jones.
We have made arrangements with a
New York house to furnish these pat¬
terns in the different above, so
that the holder of the Coupon Orde
may have the size she
is a great otferTas eaeVpattern mis <
full value of 26 cents, being
nied by an illustration, and
directions fi r putting together and
making. Ladies do not fail to buy our
issue of May 27th and cut out tlie
der, w hich will entitle you to this ex
eellent pattern free.
What a Pronoun did.
Dr. M. 8. Terry, of the Methodist Church, delights to tell the
story of a brother minister win) used to
be in the Indianna Conference, He
was a most estimable man, but he had
an incurable habit of adding a pro¬
noun to the name of any person of
whom he was speaking, Instead of
saying “John Smith is a great man,”
he vvouid insist on saying “John Jmith
lie is a great man.”
One Sunday he arose and announced
bis text,. “The devil he gjetli about
like a roarmg lion, seeking whom be
may devour,” Looking impressively
over bis gold-bowed spectators, he be
“Riethren and sisters, my subject
naturallyjdivides itself into three neads;
First. Who the devil he is?”
The congregation was slightly start¬
led, tut preserved due decorum.
“Secondly, my brethren, where the
devil be is going?”
An old class leader put his head
down and stuffed a bananna in his
mouth. The choir shook, and a little
girl in the gallery tittered.
“Thirdly, my brethren, what the
devil he is about?”
This was too much for the congrega¬
tion, and tor once there was a i»eal of
laughter in that church. The quarter¬
ly conference discussed the matter at
its next meeting, hut the pastor still
sprinkles his pronouns promiscously.
Clover Hay for Horses.
Eyerybody admits that clover is the
best kind of iiay for cows, hut it is
commonly objected to as food for
horses, especially those inclined to
heaves. It is often dusty because it is
apt to be injured in cunng. Another
objection is that horses like clover hay
so well, and eat so greedily of ie, t hat
their stomachs are overloaded. Inju
ry from hard driving under such cir
cUinstances is in evitable. Rut if
clover hay is cut or wet, then mixed
with a little meal, it is probably the
most economical feed for aoy horse,
and will do no injury to any, however
broken winded. Clover bay is extremely
nutritious, and only a small quantity
per day will b ‘ needed when fed with
It Vou want a ooou Article
in plug Tobacco, ask your dealer for
Georgia Democrats ought not to
send protectionists to the next Demo¬
cratic national convention.
WILL YOU SUFFER with Dyspepsia vitilizer
and Liver Complaint? Shiloh’s
is guaranteed to cure you. At Dr. Reid’s.
It nas been suggested that farm
horses be sold by weight, in addition
to other qualities, so as to induce far¬
mers to raise larger and better horses.
JnCfiOUP, bronchetis immediately WHOOPING relieved COUGH by and Shi¬
loh’s Cure, Sold by Dr. R. J. Reid.
In three months the New York
World has received letters from 613
women in New York City living apart
from their husbands and desirous of
marrying again.
Shiloh’s Cough and Consumption cure
is sold by us on a guarantee. It cures
Consumption. For sale at Dr. Reid’s.
In Ralls county, Mo„ a young wom¬
an in front of a farm house waved her
hand at a traveler, ar«d in three days
they were married. Let nil the girls
•who want to get married begin to
by SLEEHLESSRIGHTS, terrible made miserable
that cough. .Shiloh’s mire is
the rained y for you. Sold by l)r. Reid.
Cows ueed light, not only for their
own health aud comfort, but because
4 'ood butter cannot be made from the
milk of cows kept in dark stables.
Air, light, cleanliness and warmth,
are four essentials of a c'>w stable
where cows aie kept for pro lit.
CATARRH CURED, health and sweet
oriji briMth Price secured, by Shiloh’s Uatarrli Kem
00cents. Nasal Injector free.
At Dr. R. J. Reid’s Drug Store.
1 hen a young man courts and mar
riesla nice, mild speaking and modest
girl who, after marriage, turns out to
he t cross and ugly tempered wife, it’s
•cutting something like fishing lor bass and
a loud fish.
nee{ StlLOH’S V1TALI/ER Is what you
Dliness for aud constipation. Loss of Appetite.
Pricf IOC bottle, al| Symptoms At Dr. of lteids. Dyspepsia,
T|e announcement was made the
o day. that Jeff Davis had bought
p shot-gun, and the bloody sliiit
Tgtm of.titie Nintfi are publishing the
mtmf with- mum
| pf. T [ ame back, sl <t,> or chest, use Shilohs
’ "fl HAT Plaster. HACKING Price COUGH 2flc, at_Dr. Held’s, he
can so
ipllci ki> cured at Dr, by Reid’s, Shiloh’s Cure. We
All fowls that feather closely are
dually hardy. For instance, the
Minnas. It is owing to the fact that
le drain on the system occasioned by
ick feathering does not weaken
win. Slow feathering while growing
i indicative of hardiness.
It your teething child is restless and fret
ul, ft is an evidence tlmt all is not wel
dlh it. If it 1s from any undue excite
i \ctil. of the brains, gums or bowels, Pitts
arminative will soothe the moves,soften
e gums and regulate the bowels.
For old stock that cannot properly
ffmsticale the whole grains there is
tothing that will fatten so readily as
fen parts meal a nd one part linseed
meat. If the mixture he moistened
with warm water and slightly salted
to give it seasoning, the animals will
eat it clean.
No woman can have her patience more
severely taxed, than by a fretrul child,
whom nothing can please, and a (lose of
White’s Cream Vermifuge will relieve,
the child if it is troubled with worms.
Therefore do not allow your child to be
tormented further when such a remedy is
at hand
A correspondent gives a very simple
and easily tried means of driving rats
from the premises, and which he says
is very effective. Take copperas, the
quantity to depend upon the number
of buildings or places infested; pulver¬
ize it very fine, aud sprinkle it in all
the buildings—iri fact, every place
where they have been in the habit of
frequenting. In a few days according
to the writer all the rats will be gone.
Hoarseness is very aunoying to the suf¬
ferer as well as those compelled to endure
)jj g attempts at conversation. Rut no one
need suffer from that or more serious re¬
sults of a cold who wid use Coussens
Houey of Tar the best remedy ever offer¬
ed the public for coughs, colds and dis¬
eases of throat and lungs. Try it and he
Some one has cut down a tree in
on which seven different
horse thieves have been hanged, and
as it was t,be only tree in tiie country
^ (t} j n habitants are agitating the har
bo r hay scheme for all they are worth.
Burlington Free Press.
Jefferson Dwis has written a letter
contradicting the rumor that he was
a hout to visit Wasbn eton. He says
that be will never see the capital again,
., £t wouW he pleasant to view the
scenes which «ere once so familiar to
me ,» he adds, “though 1 doubt if I
would hardly recognize the city now,
as it has so impioved aud grown. No,
I shall never again see Washington,
r , u getting too old to tr*vel.”
Terms: $1.50, in Atfvane*
Sixteen Good Rules for Suc¬
cess in Life.
1. Keep good company or none.
Never be idle.
2. If your hands are not usefully
employed, atteud to the cultivation of
your mind.
3. Live up to your engagements.
Keep your own sec ets.
4. W hen you speak to a person look
him in the face.
6. Good company and conversation
aro the very sinews of virtue.
6. Good character is above all things
7. Ever live (misfortunes excepted)
within your income.
8. Make no haste to be rich if you
would prosper.
9. Never play at any game of
10. Earn money before you spend it
11. Never run into debt unless you
see a way to get out agaiu.
12 - Never borrow if you can possibly
avoid it.
13. Do not marry until yon aro able
to support a wife.
14. 15e just before you are generous.
16. Re temperate in all tilings.
16 Save when you are young to spend
when you are old.
An old an intelligent citizen of EI
berton says that sulphur auplied to a
snake bite will ki'I the poison and ren¬
der it barn dess. Take llie sulphur in
your hand, pour some water on until
it is wet, and then apply it to the
wound, and it will adhere to the place
bitten until the poison is extracted.
It is also effective in the bite of insects.
He thinks it would also prevent hydro¬
phobia when bitten by a rabid dog.
Bloomington, Ills, Sept. 18, 1882.
Messrs. F. .1. Cheney A Co., Toled *, O.:
Have taken Hall’s Catarrli Cure, Had
catarrh ail my life; am 48 years old. Had
asthma in years, and a dreadful cough
for live years. Have taken everything;
went to t lie J lot spring; 1 have doctored
foe doctor! h«w?t i/.av dowf-wo-honr
but take medicine for 1» years. When 1
eommenced using Hall's Catarrh Cure I
was almost dead. X sent for the doctor
the day 1 got Hall’s Catarrh Cure, and I
told him that I would tie any way and
that ) would try your medicine, 1 was
very had. How 1 suffered for 9 years! I
could hardly breathe at times. 1 saw
Hall’s Catarrh Cure advertised in the pa¬
pers and commenced taking it. 1 would
have been under the ground to-day If It
lmd not been for that. 1 have not had
one bad spell of coughing since, In
breathing my head feels well and I am
well, ft has done me a thousand dollars
worth of good. There are ten of my
friends, on seeing what it lmd done for
me, taking it, ard it is helping them, i
only wish tlmt every one who has catarrh,
asthma and a bad rough could see me. so
that. I could tell them all to take it. All
that know me here know how I have suf¬
fered. (I have been acre since lsns.) and
say to me that ‘‘I am so glad you found
something that could cure you.” Every¬
one says, “liow much better you loon."
I’lie doc ors say they are glad I found
Hall’s Uatarrli Cure as they could net
cure me.
1 cannot exprees my gratitude to done you
for the good Hail’s Catarrh Cure has
me. You can use as much of this letter
as will do the afflicted good, Publish it
to the whole world-It Is all i rue and they
should know it.
40(> East North street.
Scarlet Fever and »> iplithcrla,
are spread by contagion, by the transfei
of living matter from the skin, the mem¬
branous lining of the mouth, nose and
throat, and from the Intestines and milia¬
ry organs. Disinfect promptly and tlior
oughly with Darbys Prophylactic Fluid,
the great germ destroyer. Prof. 11. T.
LnnfoN, of the Vanderbilt University,
Tenn., lays: “Asa disinfectant and de¬
tergent Darbys Prophylactic Fluid is su¬
perior to any preparation with which 1
am acquainted,"
An End To Bone Hera plug.
Edward Shepherd, of Harrisburg, 111.,
says.“Haviug received so much benefit
from Electric Ritters, I feel it my duty to
let suffering humanity know it. Have
bail a running sore on my leg for eight
years; my doctors told me 1 would have to
have the hone scraped or leg amputated.
I used, instead, tlireu bottles of Electric
Ritters anil seven boxes Bueklen’s Arnica
Salve, and my leg is now sound and well.”
Electric Ritters are sold at fifty cents a
bottle, and Bueklen’s Arnica Salve at
25c. per box by Dr. It. J lteid.
^ , _ _______
All in a lane ... Nature.
There is nothing in the line of magic or
mygtery snout that wonderful and popu
larmedicine, Parker’s Tonic. It Is sirn
ply the best and most scientific comblna
ti«r, possible of the essential'
andblood . But there neither is,
nor wl „ , M; any imitation of
jt j t 1H ali t he time curing those who
had despaired of ever getting w II. For
ourself, jour wife and children
NO. 21.
Compare thla with your pnroha—i
&■ AXSi
0 Y 5 IA.
a •Tmcnv »tocr»a»J
ann ul vam hj mi----
b , *M0
Price. ONE Dollar
w usjm& t jw i *J gfoii
Ai you value health, perhapa life, axaulaeaach
package and be sure you get the Oanulue. Sea
the red Z Trade-Mark aud th« fall title'
on front of Wrapper, and en Ike aide
the leal and elgnntnre of J. H. BaUln U
Co., aa in fha above faC< airnilc. Rant ate her than
la no other genuine Simmons Iivar Ragnlatoa.
Mention this paper.
Stone Mountain Hauta.
Office Gunkkal Manafe .1
Aiiousta, 11a., >lsy 16th
/'COMMENCING SUNDAY, sclrtidule lsth Inst.,
\ ytlie following passenger will
jie operated:
Trains run by 96 meridan lime, t$
minutes slower than Augusta time.
No. 1 —Wbbt—Dailt.
Leave Augusta . . . ... 10 * mi
ii Macon..... . .7 10 9 m
it Milledgevillo, ... ft 10 9 m
ii Washington.... ... A 90 m m
Arrive Crawfordvllle . ... 1 22 9 m
“ Athens .... . . S 05 W' id
Gainesville...... • w *
Atlanta.......... ft ftb a
No. 2 —East—Daizi.
Leave At.lunta....... m
ii Gainesville... .. ft n>
41 Athens....... m
44 Crawford villa. . 13 a>
Arrive Washington... m
4 i Milledgeville . . 4 m
Mncon ...... at
Augusta..... TtAihY. m
No. 3 —West—
Leave Augusta..... o m
14 Cruwfordvillc > m
Arrive Atlanta
No. 4— East—
Leavo Atlai ta 7 m
Arrive Crawfordville....... I m
44 Augusta t m
No. 27 - Wkht — Da nr.
Leave Augusta......... ..... 7 40 a m
Arrive Washington... .... 10 40 a m
Leave Washington ... .... 7 30 a*
Arrive Crawfordville. _____ Ml i a
44 Athens .... .... t* aa * m
(4 Gainesville... .... 6 28 p m
44 Atlanta...... ..... 1 W p a»
/ No. 28 —East—Daixt.
I/> /ii Atlanta..... 3 4ft p BE
44 Gainesville ft 6ft a a
Arrive Athens -4 20 a m
If Crawfordville . . . . <* OR a m
<1 Washington..... 7 Htt H ra
Leave Washington............. 4 2% f m
Arrive Augusta.................. 6 1ft p n
to Acocsta and Atlanta.
ceiv/pa^ngersTo . ^ lilm ... . lb fS<£
j n g point* only: OrMTetovm, Xarieiq,
iHj»nng. Thomson, Norwood, Laraett,
Crawfordville, Union Point, UMwmbwra,
vludmoii, Rutlouji., Social Circle, Cot
Kd Sr '
The f“ t J***#* bleeps*
(£ nnnaF Y
n xPw. Ag't. GenT «anager.
j u yy White,
General Traveling P