Newspaper Page Text
m 8 <3, /a FT A* $
51 k> if •S' 11 m !?' tH i § fi U: V,' Mi ij IS m
m II k & H/
m K>'
lit llfte M?«i Site!
All Hard Brick, per thousand $ 6.oo
Mixed ( I i < 5-50
Salmon .. yi l < 5 - 00
F. O. B. at Yard Send in orders at once as our brick
are in great demand.
We Deal Sash. Doors, Blinds, Lime,
Cement .Laths, Shingles,
and Mouldings,
Anti Ail JAimbor §
E5TWi‘ buy and sell LAND for 5 per cent, commission, Put your property in
our hands and we will advertise it for sale. NO SALE, NO PAY.
Real Etate Agents, and Dealers in Builders’ Material.
Machine 'W'orks,
AMP'S tESSVm 9 B Ell
Iron aL.L Bi-a-S kui anri in Mschmciy
Shaftinof, Pnllvy;, Hang-ers and Baxes,
Cotton Prsssss. Cans Mills an I Evaporators
Cotton Soei Crushors & circular baw Mills.
B@»VVe sell the Atlas Steam Enginen, Injectors, Jet
Pumps. Valves, Piping and Steam Packings, Water Wheels
and Belting Cloth.
BSL.WRITE to us or call and so us for anything you may
need about your Engine, Mill or Gin.
Athens, Ga
R. J. B.E1B
Calls tlio Attention
To His Well Selected Stock of Drug’s
and Confectioneries,Toilet Articles, etc.
lie has one of the largest and best selected stocks ever brought this market. His
store lias been repainted insi le and out, an I with new fixtun - a llied, it now presents
a handsome appearance. Everything is tirst-clas), clean and neat.
After an Enerienee of Eight Years in Business
He knows how and where to buy and fee's at w minted in guaranteeing prices
If you want pure Drugs and cheap Drugs, call to see lum a*
The Ci’awfordville Driur o tStore
Where he can always be found Day or Night to dispense Drugs correctly, Re
member that he sleeps over his store aiid cau wait on you as well at 12 o’clock at
night as in the day.
Call and See HH Stock and Gret Prices and You Will
satisfied. He guarantees satisfaction as well as prices.
IE^.oicl ? E3 Oriig’ Store,
Crawfordville, Georgia.
1 ' *
r '
- -
i e Perkin 5 Mfq* Co. ^3^
J > ^ ~ 4 li.
, —-i / - - —.- ’ —■■ - a- .1 •
v - r , •- T - - v.a x * -r-SS'. vw ,- •
Eaafp ^»wiBl
• .VZ I . sf
devoted to the Inter the Pwple am) General Sews.
, .
To Gainesville and Chattanooga.
On the morning of the 5th inst., the
Weekly Editors met in the court house
at Gainesville to do work that would
benefit their business. Several most
excellent resolutions were introduced
and adopted. The entire day was fill¬
ed with work of interest to our organi
The report of the committe upon
officers for the ensuing year was
ported and adopted, and the following
new officers were elected unanimously:
President—Ben. F. l’eiry, of the
Canton Advance.
First Vice-President—M. D. Irwin,
of the Con yets Solid South.
Second Vice-President—J. L. Un¬
derwood, of the Camilla tlarijjj).
Corresponding Secretary^-S. W. Ro¬
berts, of the Sparta Ishmaeiite.
Recording Secretary — W. A. Shack¬
elford, of the Oglethorpe Echo.
Assistant Secretary—Clem G. Moore,
of the Crawfordvili.e Democrat.
Treasurer—J. W. Anderson, of the
Covington Star.
The meeting agreed upon rates of
advertising and other standard rult-s
by which each member must bo gov
erned. Individuals were selected to
writs essays for the next meeting upon
some most vital points connected with
our every day work.
This convention property, carried oi
will be of great help' do elevate H -
country press of the Btnpire State "f
the South.
At fi o’clock the convention adjourn
ed to meet again in Cartersvijie on Hie Tuesday in July iSSb, and we r<
tailed to the ArljngHjii h Pel Wile’
1 ifpueL'i Urn* li'il
(,'itmi. tiV
cam awaiting to convey us
“*ie Piedmont. Hotel, the home of Gen
longstreet, to vvliicli place we had
been invited by Mrs. Lougstreet to
partake in a reception, of which the
Con dilution speaks as follows:
“When Mrs. Lougstreet asked tho
Geoi gia press association to meet l.s-f
under her own roof, the Lougstreet j of
the past twenty years passed in pano¬
ramic review. But it was oiily mo¬
mentary. and then the gallant figure
which had led so many a hard-won
fight loomed up. It was the Loug¬
street of 1SG4, the Lougstreet whose
name 's already recorded in history,
and tiie Longstreet whose name will
live in song and stoiy w iile memory
of the confederacy lasts. At the men¬
tion of his name by the life of a wom¬
an, that woman his wife, that wife a
type of the womanhood of the south
which bad excelled the record of its
sex in devotion to home and people, a
mighty cheer went up, and private and
commander were as one again. Long
stri el was once more in the saddle,
while pressing close around him were
men as ready to do his bidding as ever
gathered to his side in the army of
Northern Virginia.
Thus tiie scene presented in the
beautiful parlors of Mis Longstreet in
the Piedmont hotel became historic
and one well worthy of painter’s brush.
The honors of the occasion were dis¬
pensed |»y Mrs. Longstreet, surround¬
ed by .Miss Lula Longstreet, Mrs. Ken¬
dall, Mrs. Ross, Miss Edmonson, .Yiss
Barnett, Miss Handers, Miss Ayeock
and many other ladies. Capt. II. W.
Newman, of Canton, who happened to
be there on business,was drafted by the
association to make the introductions,
which lie did in a happy manner. Ad¬
vancing toward the dist inguished lady,
Capt. Newman said:
Mrs. Longstreet: In behalf of the
Georgia Weekly Press association, we
come to thank you for this cordial
beptlon, :ir!| i to pay honor to the wife
of one who so gloriously illustrated
southern valor and defended the virtue
of our mothers and daughters. Moth
er, tiie sweetest name that was ever
lispe-i bv Saxon tongue. When Doug
]a.s, the Scottish chief, went to regain
t!ie toinb of our blessed Savior from
the ha ds of the infidels, lie carried
tim in art of Bruce in a golden caskei,
and when in tho midst of battle and
being hotly pressed he threw the cas¬
ket in the ranks of the enemy and said:
Go, brHe heart, I will follow Lliee or
die. Your gallant husband was the
heart of Bruce to the army of northern
Virginia, and when he gave the com¬
ma d they would follow him to vieLv
iv or lo death. We hope that yods,
lives may lie long spared as a benedie
Uon to your country. Mr” gentle
WlQ< i fair gales waft thee
sioo n man
ham oa high to a home not made with
will eternal in the heavens. You
of t! 1 v be introduced to the members
vidu 'ekly Press association inii
M mgstreet, in wiiose tears
red-as sbe listened to the elo-
11 iids of the gallant orator,
im (irmly by the hand and
V -
mJM so glad to meet my people,
no..! regret is that my husband is
to hear your words,
hea: v hi w tney would touch his
di one Mrs. Longstreet had a
l' 1 word or an encouraging smilo.
vi r Moore, of the Cuawkord
said emoci; at. was introduced,she
The are all democrats now.”
on', ■a which followed this was
with > ! by that which came,
diei . Fm rell, an ex-federal sol¬
Side id: “We were on different
the g the war, but w o are all in
on now.” 0.
i .ing leave of Mrs. Lo.ig
sink colone! Gunn, of the Ouihbert
Lils- el. “ad the following resolution,
Will' unanimously passed:
R was
i' ed, That the members of tho
I,,.. y^. 1 , 1.1 Weekly Press association liere
u ler their ciucei’est thanks to
‘ General Longstreet for the hos
y j t lie reception givi and
pi. u us; we ex -
m*f ’ii;feigned regrets at tho ah
w her distinguished husband,
ame is loved and revered by nil
\ e the gray aud who love the
s southland.
’clobk found us awaiting the
'ell trained wheels of tiie
Danville train to take us
to ^ minutes spent
tiei pliments from
tin Me of G iino.s
e, liospit.ality
•nucil lei]
.-'10 i, watch ianwirr o.
> ' 'vhir. and right here we
b,i ; tnftt this is one of , the , best
in : hi td" South,'large, roomy and
th \vgood enough lo win the,
j. L a king.
i ,i« Hudson House is another ex¬
cellent hotel, kept by Mr. F. IL I’.
A right. Several of the boys stopped
ilieiJe and hud a must delightful lime.
Tltie Gainesville Eagle, one of the
bfi^i weekly papers in Hie State, has
our, thanks for their untiring efforts lo
make our stay pleasant.
Gainesville succeeded admirably in
capturing the hearts of all of us, and
the mode they had of doing this cap¬
turing was treating us kindly and fed
us extraordinarily well. Long may
the people of tins lovely city live and
Through the kindness of Mr. J. M.
. rown, (ten. Gass. Agt., of the Wes¬
tern & Atlantic it. R. we were tender¬
ed a nice excu siou to Chattanooga,
Tean., on the night of the otli, Friday
the (5th was spent in this growing city.
We visited tiie princifial parts of the
city over the Union fi, IL, a dummy
railroad that is stretched all over the
pliice, Mr. J allies, one of the directors
went with us and extended us all the
coLi tesies possible.
We met President Campbell, of the
Lookout ML. Incline JR. R. and the
Hoard of Trade of the city, who took
charge of us in tho afternoon and car- j
riedus all over the great lookout
Mountain and showed us all the sights.
Wg went up this mountain a part of j
the way on a broad gouge railroad and
then took the incline road. II: is an
exciting thing to get upon a car that
pes up and down a railroad track ole
vate.d about 40 degrees. Mr. G. N,
Woodworth is the manager of this
wonderful road and did all he could to
make us enj ly our trip over the steep.
We fou ,d on the top one, of the iriosL
[deasant hotels we ever saw.
After leaving the Hotel we too*, a
g^j around in tiie heavens as it was on
a narrow guage railway ami scare I ns
a ll half to death,had our picture M ruck
ou Ule ,, ig ,, , wint „f .Sunset and
then returned unliarmed but ihijcIi
relieved when we put our feet on s**iid
^ Ilf j j ( jv'el ground egaiu. U'e were
1 jnging for “tene firnia” of tiie
’ terra” and ol.,,- •>! roe ’ linn i.”
We extend thanks to the p ople of
Cti;*tUiuooga and Lookoui mountain
for their kindnesses to ih while tlietc.
We could write page after page upon
i he subject of tiiis trip nut for the
want of space we are compelled to
close our comments ami Ilia reader can
imagine that wu were well taken
of on this trip. Some of the I’n-.i s
-oys have writti-ii four columns* de¬
x, ’olive of their trip.
Lee Shackelford fell in love with a
Gainesville young lady and has been
singing “The Lily of the Mountains;
the Fairest of Ten Thousand to My
.AIf. Herrington, of Swainsboro, has
been in a trance every since lie retuin
ed from Chattanooga. Ho can love
harder in a few minutes than any
“boy” we ever saw.
The scenery about Chat tanoogo is as
pretty as can bo found.
Mr. Paul Alkerson, tho young man
from Madison, Ga., who married Miss
Lula Hurst, is living in Chattanooga
and is well pleased with his home and
Gainesville’s advantages are very
superior and the place is destined to
be one of the b st cities inllie South.
For eighteen years I had Eczema.
During the last live years the physi¬
cians pronounced my disease chronic
psoriasis eczema. Three years ago I
was so week and ieduced that 1 had to
go to bed, where I Uiv helpless for six
months. At this time my feet, legs,
neck and body were much swollen.
My whole body resembled a dead iisli,
the scales dry, dead llesii falling from
me in thick (lakes. My itching at
night during these six months was a
terrible Last Christmas a
year ago, I went blind, and my sight
did not return for some time. This
sad plight continued l ight along, ex¬
cept, that occasionally 1 would manage
to get a day or so at a time, uni il I si
spring i,'tilonel II. .1. Lamar met me,
aud gav me some 8. 8. 8. I begun
taking the specific at once, and have
continued it up to now, when 1 am
Aftiy I had taken t.lm medicine two
or th ;ks ! noticed a change for
til’ "’he mending was compiu
mi Javo ttoiiU
"* Ike*
J o-din’ J ii’V skm is an clear, nil pu.ilde
and as oily as ever. My pairs are en¬
tirely gore, and, more, 1 am again able
to earn my living.
At one time 1 preserved the scales
that fell horn my body, and they
amounted to live pounds in one week.
Very respectful, *
R N. Mitchell.
Macon ’ Ga. j. February K 1887. ! 1
, have known . It. N. .. Mitchell ,, many
years. The last two years or more lie
. has , been , a oil , i il y inmate of the liibh ,
county hospital, mid the fuels as slat
ed by him in the above are D ue and
correct. 8.8. Harmon,
8up’L Bibb Goinity Hospital.
J realms on ,,, ILond , and , 8km Dis
eases mailed free.
Tub Swift Spiogific, Co , Drawer
J, Atlanta, Ga.
V urn House o.i ■ ■ ,
Not the liou.e of wood, or brick, or
.stone, in win - J i yon Jive, hut your bodily
,,,a -V >H’ ». ■’•nihle danger from
Sinouldering fire vvliicli yi.o maile no el
fort to quench. Tfio tjrcal, tl umi!r from
f'npuru [ is that it c(<*.hilitat ;s the ays
tern, and the di go dive organs grow we ik
and inactive. II ml's 8a,sap irilla con
bines the best kidney and liver tnvlgorn
tors, with the best alterative and tonics,
all from I lie vegetable kingdom, carefully
and uriderstandingly prepared in a con
ecu Hated from ! I, purili vi I tlizes, and
enriches the blood, aud tones up (die sys¬
tem, giving the whole body vitality, and
KlliinlinK lt a„ alIlst the attacks
of j M j.d i m.
2: _— £29111 clflns
$100 . to $308 . Per Mmhh ‘ ior 1 Minastmw o I ‘ and ‘ book j , - bol- V ,
lers. \V 0 want yen t9 sell
W13 .L 1:, K" .- 111g: o f G1 my. .
Tim must chm'mhu: 1va m‘ (‘IHHST mun: wrim‘n: 2! histm-y mnrn intvrnsiiw: t'qvn
fix‘tinn. Salk at sigh; m vn-zn'fv rwr)‘ fuznihn 0'10 mym hm; .mh‘ 1H“; duiiwrwl “011‘.
I)‘ 1500 Canine since Jam Z». ‘8“. kw than fnm‘ mum‘n" tiznu, Hp ‘13) Ha th «‘1‘. sub
fl‘h‘ms SCOF-‘~ 0f utiwrs arc 50151195 from .‘M hntvzi " wins nmr \Vm-‘x. 1:”,\r'.:x~'i‘.:w \‘vrri
fury flh'on Du no? delay. “vhd film‘ts :‘m‘ mil mm}! a' mum. 3: Huh": ‘ Hv ‘n‘r‘ 12m"; dv
>iwd, bu: du nut ask for mo m:n'h, Fm; §lt§f:‘l:;'f‘ll)‘,)~' E'rw \\ Est; “Lift? .\-!.H'u.~'~
NH"I‘H\\'§"S"€1~‘.R.\"l‘l'R.“|“1't\!’..N-H‘MWW‘UVWN. :n‘nl 1-‘.):n12y .
.V. B. Ukicst Ihusc i2: Hu- mmth. 7.1mm) Bin" 01‘ Nnin ~r';r‘_i«~n vaih‘
Terms: $ 100 , in Advance.
NO. 29.
Not, one man in five can boast of a
strongback. There are many indiscre¬
tions producing tin',sc complaints, and it
ma\ lie relieved by li. B- IS., as witness
the following.
H u.TUro e, May 23, 1887.
For five years 1 have been suffering
with a weak back from results of an in¬
jury lent received, attended by rheumatism.
1 to give up my regular business and
lake the position ol night, watchman- I
have d, rived great relief and benefit by
using “Botanic Biood Balm,” and have
regained my strength sufficiently to re¬
sume my regular work. I think Botanic
Blood Balm inis given me permanent re¬
lict. 1 am now able to perform work
that I have not had strength to do fur live
y ears, and cheerfully indorse li, li. B.,
which has proved to lie tile only medicine
that would give, me relief.
Oi.tvi ii Secou,
111 t .Streeper Wt., Baltimore, Mil.
li Ulves Sntistaotion.
Orlando, Fla., June 1st, 1887.
We have been selling Botanic Blood
Balm ever since R first raino before tho
public. blood We sell more of it. than any other
purifier in the market, and iti gives
perfect satisfaction
.1 . II. Muons & Co.,
detail and \\ holcsalo Dolors In Botanic
Blood Balm.
Uciw it hells.
Pai.atka, Fla., Mav 31 , 1887 .
We have hern selling B. II. ]i. for two
years, and it lias always given satisfac¬
tion in every case,
Lowhv A u, Druggists.
Pill I'llII.
All who desire full information about
the cause and cure of Blond l’oisons.Scrof •
iiloiis Swellings, Ulcers, (Sores, Rheuma¬
tism, Kidney <'oninhiints, Cgtirili, etc.,
enn secure hi mail, free, a copy of our 33
pagi 11 lust ruled Book of Wonders, filled
with llio most wonderful and startling
proof ever before known. Address
Blood Balm Go., Atlanta, Ga.
-ivf m !g . ■■■. Wm%
(-Canadian Catarrh Cure
1 have for 2 o years been
* »*„ -•<»
oi,. fiity
' tm ” tiiau oilH..,......
for local In afcmont I takr. plBJisvm; in rt—
commciittnu; il t,<> otin*i*H. It is vasy to
apply and lias a very pleasant odor, it
septus t hat it dons not dry uy the dis
charges until tin*, ulcers are sill healed,
const ijuuntly wilt not drive tho disease to
the Julies. Jlesptly, itev. Jah L. Ivky.
Mr. W I). Wilson, of Hammond, Ga.,
I'rh. I, 1888, states the suffered following with facts:
"Ilis little daughter had a
L riihle cere of catarrh for the past bottle seven of
years, and after using one tiial
•‘,: i u m ,ii„n Gum rh Gure,” she was en
tiicly cured. He goes on further to state
that, tiie dischurgc from her eari> and noso
w ,i. t so gr-al tlnit, it was necessary to us*
a onvi'r ■over her pillow’ and it was also
kinds of remedies and sought advice from
prominent physicians and still tim little
sufferer grew no better. Almost dlspair
j, „r hope, a frieii I advised me to try
•‘Canadian Gaumli Guru,” as slni I mil
kin wn i; . use with good results. With a
faint, heart I e died af, your office and was
given a tiial lint tie of your Cure, and be¬
fore -die lul l used ttlll I>0tt,l(! Si e WHS (!1I
tirely cured. Now lie says money could
' Idle liapp.ness “Ganadiaii
nol purelinse caused ids family,
( atnrrh Gore” has in
Mr Wilson reijuesls any one who Is suf
Tltis is only one of the many remarkable
ciibh of <• G n rh that is caused by t.lio ujjo
1 ‘Cumuluiit Catarrh Cure.’
The Canadian Catarrh Cure is an old
remedy, and lias cured man} severe cases
of catarrh - -Both in this country and Can
We have hundreds of testomoni ds like
the above. Send for our book of informa
lion. Large size bottles St; small, 80c If
your dru • gi ,L does not keep it, send direct
Canadian Catarrh Cure Go..
I I E. II outer St, Atlanta, Ga.
. If yon will call atoffl;e we will give
you a trial buttle. a p i-30-l y
Saw mEUIs
Boss Cotton Presses^
Al'GI ATA Cotton GINS,
Clou il Crook Grist Hills,
(J n !•■ 1 i rs, >f;ie!iin«*r> Supplies, &c.
I 'Writ f<»r < f » and Prices to
0. Vi S rONE ( Salesman,
No. 7 '.Vanell Block, AUGUSTA, HA
i I'J i dill.
i* > Vour Own Dyeing, nt Home*
. dy»; 'Hiey «re 30 W ercry
I'mo i Oc. u icl. i_-o. They have no equal
• ( • : h, BriK', Amount in Pncka^es
fer i-’ i ■ . J zr or norj-fadifij.” Qualities.
They do not rant; 40coiors . For sale bv
I.UGA8 .v 11A M M A G K.( ’ raw ford vil Ie,Ga
Money t’or Farmers.
f J am pruparod to m gotiato loans for far
niers at a total commission of 12 per.
c»*nt., with interest at 8 pir.;C(‘lir., |iaya
b!e once a year, to wit: On Decenil icr 1st.
M. /. Andrews.
m.*y Crawfordvill“, (i