Crawfordville democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1881-1893, July 27, 1888, Image 1
ic Cnunton k~“ Democrat, By CLEM. G. MDOHE. VOL. XII. XEW ADVERTISEMENTS. L. W.S1MS O.S. BARNETT V : BIKIItriK vrw&yp: M H t«i mil atfti ififi ARE TOUGH AND DURABLE. AH Hard Brick, per thousand, $ 6.oo Mixed 11 ii tc 5 - 5 ° Salmon ,< 1 1 5.00 Ic O. B. at Yard Send in orders at once as our brick are in great demand. We Deal Sash, Doors, Blinds, Lime, Cement,Laths, Shingles, and Mouldings, And All U* Timber HTTFe buy and sell LAND for 5 per cent, commission. Tut your property in our hands and ive will advertise it for sale. NO SALE, NO PAY. SIMS &BARNETT, WASHINGTON, (1A. Real Etate Agents, and Dealers in Builders’ Material. ATHENS FOUNDRY Machine 'WofJcs ATECEHUS, CD -MANUFACTURERS OF Iron ani Brat'S Castings* Mill and in Machinery Shafting, Pulley:, Hangers and Baxes, Cotton Prossss. Cane Mills and E?aporators Cotton Seed Crushers L circular baw Mills. ES.We sell the Atlas Steam Enginen, Injectors, Wheels Jet Pumps, Valves, Piping and Steam Packings, Water and Belting Cloth. 8®,WRITE to us or call and se us for anything you may need about your Engine, Mill or Gin. Address: ATHENS 101 NEK Y & MACHINE WORKS, Athens, Ga DB. R. J. REID i -Calls tli© ,A.ttention --»OF HIS FRIENDS AND THE PUBLIC To His Well Selected Stock of Drugs and Confectioneries,Toilet Articles, etc. He lias one of the largest ami best selected stocks ever this market, His store lias been repainted inside and out, an I with new fixtures added, it now presents a handsome appearance. Everything is first class, clean aud neat. After an E’lerience of Eig-ht Years in Business He knows how anil where to buv and feels at warauted in guaranteeing prices If you want pure Drugs and cheap Drugs, call to sec him at The, Crawfordville Drug Store, ~‘5TS SfflWSSU « night as in the day. Call and See Ills Stock and Grot Prices and \ on Will Be satisfied. He guarantees satisfaction as well as prices. cl's Dr u Store, Crawfor&viii:, Georgia. ____ ■ I i m •fmm Mr g. SHISgij:s — ■ ■ & H Hi AUgUSTAi Ga- ■ i ©evoted te the Interest T foplt ami General Hens. GEO I DAY, JULY 27,1888. A STATE SHOW. IMMIGRATION TO GEORGIA Send a Sample of Your Produ to Mr. Glessner. The attention of farmers and otlu citizens of the State is again called 1 < the efforts being made by the ‘‘Georgia Bureau of Immigration,” under the auspices of the State Agricultural So ciety and the Central Railroad of Geor - gin, to illustrate the capacity and - sources of our soil and clir"' thereby to attract honest, home-seekers and Induce them tie in our healthful and liospitab mate. One of the methods devisi unique in conception and will piove attractive and instructive. A speciii car is being fitted up, a “Georgia on Wheels,” which will be filled with il¬ lustrative specimens and samples of Georgia products and sent through the Northwest some tune in August, in charge of Commissioner Glessner and assistants. The following is taken from tlie Southern Empire, th or, of the Bureau: In the car will he a representation ot all tlie varied products anil industries of Georgia. From the mountains of North Georgia will come specimens of gold, silver, iron, lead, marble, manga¬ nese, graphite, mica, talc, and other minerals, with grains and fruits From Middle Georgia will come samples of wheat, rye, oats, corn, barb v, cotton, vegetables, fruits, bet¬ ter, honey and grasses. Fr r m South¬ ern Georgia will come rice, sug ■ cane syrup, sugar, sea island cotton, lives melons, palmetto, grey moss, yams and ! II the products of that ' region. From tlie forests will 00 ■ specimens of yellow pine, eed press, gum. oaksJiickiteimK.. pen tine, rosin, etc. From tlie factories will come samples , 0 M 0 : and wool ods, wooden v and a >ong in • of manufuctn cles. The Commissioner is sp ;*** pains to make the exhibit b< plete and attractive, and lit !..■• listed in Ins aid enterprising men u every section of the State. He 1 all who have any special products pc- j culiar to their section, manufactured j articles or curiosities, to send them to him without further invitation. returned! A, tides of special value will he when so requested. Mark all articles j for exhibit “W. L. Glessner, Comm is sioner of Immigration, Amerlcus.Ga,” and ship by 1st of August. Label each article with name of specimen, name of donor and county, ami notify Commissioner ., . . of its shipment. f Papers throughout the State are re¬ quested to copy this article and urge the people of their county to piepare and print a description of its resources and advantages for distribution throughout the North, shipping them to the Commissioner not later than i the 10th of August.—Cum. Hender¬ son’s Crop Report for July. - 0 The Constitution. i We take the following from the Ogle j thoiqie Echo and heartily endorse what is said herein, and will testify to the truth contained herein. Read it aud I see what a truthful (?) paper our ; ' “best” paper is: The Atlanta Constitution is a great paper when it comes tc gathering the new-s and furnishing it to its readers. In thus it is a credit to the State and the Soutii, but we must raise our voice against its grasping depositions, and some of its methods resorted to to car ry its point whenever it wants a tiling done to its benefit. In tlie Weekly Press Convention which m t recently in Gainesville it inaugurated a move to have that Convention endorse it and cornmend it to the people of the StaL Very properly this move failed, s'nct the members of that convention >. no more reason for commendio; than any other paper of she Kit Haying H-.vinfr taUtd failed in m Hie me convention coin en non, it u. resorted to other methods to have - readers believe it was successful, ami when a complime. tary response *a* made to a toast to o e .if ils s ail, i was made to read is having lieen mad to the paper and so published by tin. , . t v* i : were in a posi ion to know the trut i.f the iu tter, rather it lias luweri J itself. » Foi wliat purpose tiie effufi 1 naade ti* have the Weekly Press C > ; ventinn endorse the Cnnstitution fail to see. The wieklv press of fld r i gia Has neyer failed to accord that ^ for its enterprise and j en tin igh most of the ! tial recently differed j politic d question that i.leted settled-a thing I 1 ■tithe Constitution stands [fijommeudations, let it isk for it in the proper given all well and good, is -t hope to gain anything .ding responses to toasts j ' ; ail. Buell conduct on j vi letice to us that it sees f its ways in some of its It the weekly press and good will at all baz move it lias failed i we would humbly offer our great contemporary ick what it lias said, and again in a more flattering • tie facts and the facts after. utliern Farmers lust Do. fefns Picayune says tli ey liked farming. The ex Ithern farmers proves iy cannot live and thrive f, nor on vegetables and -i> fled farming is their nd their last ditch in their C make au Honest living and * debts, T- supply for the farm is of 11 • to the , .. armei, th importance fjenty is made for table use an mo-tie animals the balance au ■ul farm expenses should be OBCB mat'd a farmer say in could run his farm ’an and farm expenses ,thout iiHiu , ... ......... mg _ . tv usii; t.iat he could pay Ins C hcoulit in produce of the and his family did oot'-.i.ig_°f hill, "and worn, o<- 1 hf* Y icher and fthwr- a i<’U in tb s warm cli* little. A ' goods at ? cheitj) Fp! iitrs must A ds tli) ay do not to rati' fancy or pride, if A M ml industry hnuhl be ( «« IS. farm, • b ; a , ,, st 0I1 Sunday. u humer * . ^" ul °" shmdd , Ime ........ agoo.^ ’ _ . , 0 hi |j j n - J “ s „ lus t0 s ,.ir. If he - ll truck farm it .shoiilfl bo on a luo,! ' *' and sale scale and shouTn'ot : with his bread and meat m| re . in ”, "J 1 ' 81 ' ' ' t e ,i L e in the stuilv and practice 01 .if, vlc[ We -, they must study the soil and fertj dizers and rotation of crops, and stoi'k frnodel raising. Tin y should al! try “gilt to 1 *, farmers and to run edf !«” farms, of which tliey arid their Uu lilies may justly be proud; and I" ice. ci nteiJtment n»d plenty should ill ii he found on such farms. On ill . li fauns cotton, vegetables and in * ; s should occupy back seats, and br mad and meat should come to the fi4>nt. . TheS. H. S. Company. Among the very lirst establishments Atlanta to become nationally known y,. iien the Gate City bad set out on its vvonderlul carter of fame and fortune v* Ta ® *hat which lias tor years riianufae lured and sold the celebrated “S. 8 . tf.,” or Swift’s Speciflic; and it «h tlirougii the uninterupted and uuyield ,r,g success and increasing use and 'Popularity of S. S. S. that this house . one famous. It is too late m the day to recount with brevity the long and unvarying ! riuinphs of this soveieign tonic, and it is much too late to question its un doubled efficacy and merit. Other preparations have been brought into Iieiug by the needs of human woe. >i 06 oi tin se have been meritorious iir.t 1 have met tlie expectations anil claims built upon them. Others have b":n falauous. ornt or them ■ ll<i vc . - vived. Others have disappeared— have gone under by their own gravity or u-eii swept away by supenot, rain-J dies. To the sterling and established repute of .S of course toe fate of i.fii- f (forts could tile tit noth in r Tneir success could not abate that of the S. S. 8., and their failure could ive it no wider Held for us triumphs A remedy so well known and so uni - verbally Successful could well afford l> » submit to all tests. S. S. S. happens, too, to he a sp die fdr the very kinds and ilegiees nf ali¬ ments and afflictions to which tLe va3t percentage of human flesh is lieu in all climates, conditions and circumstan¬ ces. These are rheumatism, scrofula blood poisons, blood taints, mercurial and vegetable poisons, ulcers, diseases of the skin, catarrh, cancer, etc. Elsewhere we print a full page show¬ ing the wonderful scope of diseases over which this specific presides as a confessed annilnlator. Our readers will find there a fuller account oi its conquests than it is possible to set forth in tins space.—Greenesboro, Ga., Herald and Journal. Treaties oil Blood and Skin Dis¬ eases mailed free. Tile SwitT Specific, Co, Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga. — Florida’s orange crop is said to be worth two million of dollars to that State annually. The latest Arkansas sensation is a baby with two heads and faces, one arm and three legs, upon which it stands tripod-fashion. A Georgia woman has had four teeth pulled and her jaw hone broken every time. Her husband is now coaxing her to have a liflli one pulled. The mail who sits down and waits to bo appreciated will And himself among uncalled-for baggage after the limited express train lias gone by. > \ 011 r Huime on I-'irov, Not the liou.e of wood, or brick, or (jtono> W | lich you | iv „, i» lIt bodily tenement may he hi terrible danger from 8mo ulderhig five wiilcli you m ake no «f fort to quench. Too great danger from impure blood U that, it debilitates tins sys turn, anil the digestive organs grow weak »ml inactive. Hoof s Sa.aaprrHhi corn bines the best kidney anil liver invigora best alterative and tonics, ^ rfW> 1 } . 0 v « R „table kingdom, carefully 1 q,.r.itunihugly prepared in a eon t od from. It purifies, vitalize*, and " - l^looil' aud toovs up tl(j! JS f,'in ' vigg the w! „„„ 'dUkgtttedi i of diseases. - , in 13 1 w- b I llucklen’M iruie. -1. . Ilni'm Thk. BkstSalvK in Salt tlie world Uhei.m, for Fever Cuts, j ; Sores. Ulcers, Hands, L’liilblains, iSmes r. tt r, Chappell Eruptions, ami pos Corns an I all Skin required. It lively mires Files, or no perfect pay satisfaction, is guaranteed refunded, to give l’rice 25 cents per or money box. Oitation. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY (JONCEllN t \ E0KU1A Tamakkiiko County. \ jsusan the A. undersigned Overton bus in for due permaiient I 111111 ap¬ plied to of ailmiiiistratinn on the letters Julies, late estate of Jacob of said county deceased, nml I will pass upon said application on the first Monday in August 1888. <Jiveil under my hand and official signature, this the 2 m'i day 01 July, 1888. llKNUY II Fl.YNT. Ord. Taliaferro County. NOTICE TO DEBTORS & CREDITORS. 4 II persons having demands against Inn 7Vestate of deceased, Lovioy Omni, hereby late of notified Talia lerro county are to present them to tlm uiidcrsiglied indebted ac - cording to law, and all persons to said estate are requested to make im¬ mediate payments. W. It. Gunn, Administrator, Loviny Gunn deceased. Citation. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. < i KORGIA Tauakkiiro Coitnty. I W. Robert Gumr has in due form ap¬ plied to the undersigned for letters of ad¬ ministration on tlie estate of L. It. L Jen¬ nings, late of said county, deceased, and i I will pass upon said application on tin :: first hand Monday and in official August signature, 188 H. Given this underlay 2nd day of July 1888. Y 11. Fl.YNT, Oril. Taliaferro County. Citation TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. 1 EORGIA Tama KKitno County. TJames W. Edge having in due form apniiixl . o die undersigned for guardian Na¬ ship of the person sand • roperty of than Taylor, Charles Taylor and Lena Taylor, minors of Joe Taylor, late of said county deceased, notice is hereby given that bisaiiplieation will lm heard at my inline on tin) lirst Monday in August next Given under my hand and official .signa¬ ture, this 3rd day of July ikxs llKNItv II. Fi.yxt, Ordinary. Taliaferro County. TO ALL WHOM IT MAV CONCERN. i EORGIA Tai.iafi uiio CoijSty. | Noi l M. llunilihri y has in due form applied letters to the uni'.i)r.->igiii)ii for jinrinaiieiil estate of of administration on the M tilda F. Humphrey, late of said conn t,y, deceased, and I will miss upon said a]>pIicHtion on the first Monday in .vug 1«88. Given under my hand and official «'Kt'ature,,tIns 2n,I ^rJ,^ ary Taliaferro County. Citation. Ti) ADD VYIIO.M J .... I MA\ ... v DON ^DiiN. (} MraW guanlian- for app icd to tin* unth*rsi^in*d for ID shipof tlie person and property of Will Jeiininjj.s hihI Mary Jennings, minors of \j. Ji. L. Jennings, inte of said county de ceased, notice is lierehy given that his ap¬ plication vvi 1 lie heard at inv office on the fii>t Moinlav it» next. (»iv«*u im <1* hi; It ?i 1 and signature, tills' Uh* Jrd dav <>j July ilihXKY li- Fi'YNr, Ordinary, Taliaferro County. $ 1 . 50 in Advance. NO. 30. A WEAK BACK. Not otic mai in five can boast of a strongback. There are many Indiscre¬ tions producing these complaints, and it may be relieved by 15. ID 13., as witness the following. ■ li.ll.Tl MO > E, May 23, 1887. Per five years I have been suffering in¬ ** with a weak back from results of an jury received, attended by rheumatism, i had to give up my regular business and take, the position ot night watchman- I have d- rived great relief and benefit by using Botanic liioud Balm,” and have regained my strength sufficiently I think Botanic to re¬ sume my regular work. Blood Balm lias given me permanent work re¬ lief. I am now able to perform five that I have not had strength indorse to do for It. B., years, and cheerfully B. which has proved to he the only medicine that would give me relief. oi.i . .'li secou, 1114 Strccper St., Baltimore, Mil. It (iives Mitlsfaction. Oni.ANDO. FIjA., June 1st, 1887. We have lieen selling Botanic Blood Balm ever since it first came . before the public. We sell more of it than any other blood purifier in the market, and it gives perfect satisfaction , 1 . 11. Mkoos & Co., Uetnil anil Wholesale Delers in Botanic Blood Balm. How it S-etis. 1’ai.atka, Fi.v., May H. 31, 1887. We have been selling B. II for two years, it has always given satisfac¬ tion in every case. Lowin' & Stark, Druggists. I Vo I Fun. All who desire full information about the cause allll cure of Blood Poisons,Scrof¬ ulous Swellings, Ulcers, Sores, Itheunia tism, Kidney Complaints, Catarrh, etc., can secure by mail, free, a copy of our 32 pagi Illustrated Honk of Wonders, filled with the most wonderful and startling proof ever before known. Athlribss Bi.oon llai.M Co., Atlanta, Ga. •uir: rimi & feci w Jew K1.E, lii_Cunndiaii da tar'll Dura * -1 have for - v .1 been ,#.-t »- d HCT ai a ha\ eilci 1 Fhen ill fr..... me. e of “C.iir . and diem* than any other, .... in for local treatment i take pleasure It is W* « coiiimeiiding It to others. easy apply and lias a very pleasant odor. It seen.s that it does not dry uy the dls clmrges until the ulcers are all healed. eonseipieiitly will not'Dive the disease t the lungs. Hesptly, Kev. J AH L. ivbt. Mr. W. I). Wilson, of llan'mond, <»s., Feh. 1 1888, states the following facts: , had suffered with “Ills little daughter a terrible ease of catarrh for the past bottle seven ut years, and after using one ti ial "Canadia'i Cata'rh Cure,” C she was cu tiiety cured, lie goes on fiirtlior to sUt* that till) discharge Irma her ears anti ui>»* was so great that it was necessary to u»» a cover over her pillow* and It was also very olleiislve, even her little sisters 0 I 1 - jeeted to sleep with her- He had triad all kinds of remedies and sought advice from prominent, physicians and still the little miHVrer tfiew no linttur. Almost illipiif* ii.g of hope, a friend advised me to try “Canadian Catarrh Cure,” as she had km wu its use with good results. With a faint heart I e. died at your ortten and was given a t,iie' ottle of your Cure, and lie lore she 110 used the bot tle si 11 was nil— I, rely cured. Now lie says money could 1101 purchase the happiness “Canadian ( atari'll Cure” lias caused hi Ills family. Mr. Wilson requests any one who is siif eriug with catarrh, and uoiibts the above facts, to write to him at Hammond, Ga This is only one of the many remarkable cures Ilf catarrh that is eaiis-id by the use of “Canadian Catarrh Cure.” The Canadian Catarrh Cure is an old remedy, and lias cured 1111115 severe cases of catarrh—Both in this country and Cali- 1 of testomonisls liko We have hundreds informa¬ the above. Send for our hook of tion Large si/.e bottles 51 j small, Sle If your III a ' does no* keep it, send direct ' ’ Co., Canadian Catarrh Cure Ga. H 15. Hunterbt, Atlanta, 11 you will call at office we will give you a trial bottle. apr 20 -ly FOR a in mm. VARIABLE FEED Saw Mills, Boss Cotton Presses* AUGUSTA Cotton GINS, Cloud Creek Grist Mills, G.ii Repairs. Machinery Supplies, Ac. MTU'ritu for Catalogue aud Prices to 0. M SI’ONE, Salesman, No. 7 Warrtoi IJlock, AlKiUSTA, <iA tunr2-» Cm. UDIES-P 2 SI »>.» Your Own Pyelnj?, at Horn®. Th y vu dye everything' They are«oId eTery where. l*n i iOc. ' e. 1 'n»*y hnvenoequ®! f., r Mi-.‘ r . ic. , Amount, in Package* (J , \,, r j .-.sir ('olur. or no '-lo-ling For Qualitiefc i»»le b* do not < i ' Ck nr smut; 4 / colon;. LUCAS A II VMM VCK.C'rawfordville.G* Money for Farmers. F am prepared to ni*g<'tiute loans for far j me', at a total coainiissimi of 12 per. cent., with interest at s 1" r .cent., itla pav»- 1st. bl« once a year, to wit: lin Di-ce r M. Z. Am'kkwh in ay CT. iwairJville, G