Crawfordville democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1881-1893, July 27, 1888, Image 8
Prohibition Of the LIQUOR TRAFFIC. By Rw.S.M. YERSON, D.D. The most active end ejCKressive render* period tlmely ev« tne known in temperin'c work »odvigorouj hppearnnee of thi» iri«p, original of the sohime. It is a book <iulte brietimr out with tell * trn V , newsy and piquant sprixhtiy, candid, «. points, Pricf, clear, full of X* K convincing, fair, dispassionate, rl (a< is and bright witii sterling truths. li popularize! the burning question of era inn," brings it down to every mind and tin r e nee, marshals its many startling frets invigorates in new and cmpt sing form*, clarifies are! its logic, paints in vivid «nd Impressive hues the monster whose daily victims hut «»£«*•« it-, liungcr, and the poison cd wh o»e br.>th I : -Ms wba;e’er it touches CIotMl-M. byAKe'i’to 2'tsp.T 30 ct». Supplied lMtalertiot Mooli nellero and ftews mailed postpaid *o any address by kruBklloSewsCe., K * W \j i, mudtlpbls, Pa \\ <» will H»* fl<* nlwtvf* LodU. with J - months mciltlis, *1-20, . I>; M . iuvi 12 or HIx 4O cent t.lntli bound, dO cunts extra. EMPEROR SrSKS&gg. of tha Print .xv.ys™ SSSS German EMPIRE zzi ffMI'AK3 l| i?twa' C 0 y ,‘sox tiOL mitwniphU, n We will send the above book, with This Pemxckat U months, f lor 0 r <*] .i 20* -u, hix mot lbs .70 cents. Cloth , bound, , M) cents % . extra. fa. (VS STANDARD ‘ ^ POPULAR WORKS y f./ - iV.'.tosiV $1.25 One Il«»<4t ndfb :• you vmir home rr-.ily uf at balAOce S’" ti'ii ,i,/w tu mieo, ; j nn \(“ ! 1 «-| fl Writers. ti>« A l.lteriiry llnnuurt b«n»ri9 «.< 1 ttoirr • biiors u«tifig ent»n» year. s::‘,£ n *'T:i H«c.tM»n* Booki*, # 1 .00. iili.i.s ( 7 (M n. 3 ni..ii'<S. « imuiiiM. to .nr arfSrwu* stirnip. uk»n. HUMilh m;WS to., Box 1 tof, 1‘MIMIS.. Pi. _ —--- $m4 i'liiVfoeiii , ”ia« l niftMnfr” , b > *^^^*’“^bo^ ^ f' 11 ® S*iMS t tfEWs'c*Sr^"woL fuw.i,ut. rn. W« will send tlie above book, with The P oiMOCUAT 12 liioiitliH, for $1.15 ;hix months jful‘ 1>.> CUlltH, synTiji £ » bn •, New SI 1 le. I'leiiwuil Tnnte, purilUis the tilissi, hesul.llU'H U 10 eomplexioii, HtTmigtheni tin* iktvth, inufci’h’H, mhI brain, wiu rcgulutw the atomacli ami bowel*. iiri \V I 1 I I IMA r XT Writing to or callingim yi* an advertiser, Democrat. always 51,1 saw Ills ad. ill tho TIIK CIIINAUERRY STREET DRUG STORE, Still roiifrols and Regulates Prices. JtarWE ARE STILL IN TOWN. Selling the Cheapest Drugs and Patent Medicines in the World. t)F'- OUK SODA FOUNT has arrived ami we are ready to cool you off when you get too hot. lvSc< WE ALWAYS KEEP a full assortment of Watch¬ es, Clocks, Jewelrp, Spnctacles, Silverware, Etc. ('omc and See Us to Buy What You Want •w«m\VK WILL SAVE YOU MONEY. Lucas & Hammack, IDru^gists: Nt>. ? Uhinaborry Si.. • • • • Crawfonlville, tlu. — Attention! $100 to $:M>() Per Month for Ministers and Book levs. We want you to sell “The King of Glory.” Tin- hum i liunuin^ lift' t>f CHRIST ever written: ;t history more interesting thin iv ii. (hiri >. !!-. ;u >ight tn nearly mvi v tamily. One agent has sold and delivered near l .mki copies since Jan a, tsss, less than four month’s time. He has no help or sub II.;. i:ts NCOI'' of oth is are selling from 50 t>> 1W copies per week. Exclusive Terri t. r\ given Do not delay eemi 90ets for full outfit at once, naming the territory de sat',l Ini: do ask ter'too much Full instructions free with outfit. Address mH'THWKSI’EKN vrii. llOl'SE. Nashville. Tenn. \ I: Oldest House in the Smith. Large line of Subscription * Hooks and Family Bibles. .j.. I—I- -T- --I-1* -I- -5* -I- -I- -I- 4* -I* Jk , fr»»m litre* •#*» " c on>r the* m.ui who w*ut» .%erv»ce . , !; v.i ; •» 1, ut*s r O' *ml M m (uol Myif) a garment that will keep ’ U -' \BkE ^jf Sbr 1 TT* ! a f ry i'Vy kR 's'* DAI I 111. a bids- \5 a *• >U(.’KKli, a name »-ailiar to every «*.»!»* nrtttn not on *’»il 9i on-ittg >o badly i a'.so 9 M J 3*® J the '-tily ;* rtVct Wind WaterpnwT i! ht* Cot k CMCtil itkt '' ‘ i’lwcrs Ki>h Hrand SlicUr^ THE DEMOCRAT, CRAWFORDV 1 LLE. GEORGIA. L WE/o/yr - - Pii R E___ H- ICTs CHEAM ■‘QWOEft |AKlNg Up ST PERFECT MADf Tt.i superior excellence prove n in mil lions of Immos for more than a onarte of a century, ltis used by the United States Government. Endorsed by (be beads of the Great Universities as the Purest amt most Healthful. ,, f> r |,.,.- s cream Raking Lime, Powders does not contain Ammonia, or A lain, Sold only in Cups, ritluE BAKING POWDER CO. NEW YORK- CHICAGO. BT. LOUIS. -THE Is KG RET OF OUR- S u o c e s S your*" that we make ns good pictures as y*;#n It't ItHfl ill I MO Soil ill foi IDS'* DlOllf) ti>»« <•»" ^ »«y « th<,r «»t-ciass (iallury. Pictures made in ouawr t’liililrcn’H a Of a second. We never fail. Old pictures copied an .1 enlargcu. W« were awarded the first prize at the Piedmont Exposition for lest \ lews of Have of yi ur residence. —r.HADOUH PlllCKS.— ; ;d5 clear, as we use the instantaneous process. EDWARDS & S 02 T, Gallery of Photographic Art Qb'a >V iiitehau oi. ATLANTA, GA. ----- ” — TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONGERN 1 \ EORGIA Tamakehro County. \ T(G rrie Jennings, widow of L. R. L. Jennings, deceased, having applied of to said me foe years support, from the estate deceased, for luo'sek and Will H. and Ma¬ ry Jcnnnuis, minor children of said de ceased and the appraisers having tiled this their return, setting apart show the same, before, is to cite all persons to cause me on or by first Monday in August next why said application should not he grant I ed and saui returns admitted to record. Tills lilh July HRs. 1 Ienrv Fi.VT Orel. Taliaferro County. A Good Appetite Is essential to health; but »t this season it is often lost, owing to toe imverty or impurity of the blood, de¬ rangements of the digestive orgaos. and the, weakening effect of the chang¬ ing season. Hood’s Sarsaparilla is a wonderful medicine for creating an appetite, toning the digestion, ajid giving strength to the whole system. How is the time to take it. Be s |re to get Hood’s Sarsaparilla. There is a very remarkable apple tree in Rockingham, S. C., it is c ‘d, which lias born fruit for a nutubeijof !to years but lias never been known blossom. The fruit, while resemblinn an apple in size and general appestr a> ce, taste like a pineapple. A natural soap well lias been disl ! PV ered sixty-eight miles west of skimhned ulj^lo, Gup, Dakota. The soap is from a boiling spring and hardens by exposure to the air. It is 1 ike loft clay, and can be gathered with a slfov el, and is suprosed to be a rnixtu, of alkali, borax and the lubricating oil found in many parts of Wyoming A sample lias been tested by a prom:rent Chicago soap manufacturer, a d. be reported the discovery worth the full weight of tlie manufactured article. rjv Parties surrounding the springs used tlie natural hi tide as l ie g 1 e, by adding a little of the oil disco!i ed there, and it is pronounced the ti# t material ever used for that purr The soap will wash in the harde of water a..d leaves the hands much ft er than the ordinary article. The supply is supposed to be iriexhaudble. Personal. Mr. N. II.Frohticlistei n, of Mobile,'Ala writes: 1 take great pleasure in r. -uin mending Dr. King's New Discovery >r Consumption, having used it for a m "e attack of Bronchitis and Catarrh It gave me instant relict'and entirely r d me ami 1 have not been afflicted s e. 1 also beg to state that I had tried 1 er remedies with no good result. Have Iso used Electric Bitters and Dr. King's ew Life, Pills, both of which I can r nn mend. Dr. King's New Discovery for Con¬ sumption, Goughs and Colds, is sold on postive guarantee. Trial bottles free at any drug si e. lion. Primus Jones,of Baker ad uty, known as tlie r t bahunau" of leor ia, reached Albany Thursday, July 5th, with the first bale of ti . ; yeais’ cotton crop. It was sold for li’ 'f>ts per pound, and weighed 5T0 pou »o. tV underfill fares. W. |). Hoyt ifc Go., Wholesale anl Re- | tail Druggists ot Rome Ga., sa : We been selling Dr, King’s New Wseov ery, Electric Ritters and Bueklen Arni¬ ca Salve for four years, IIAVi Lever handlu.l remedies that sell as wdl, or give such universal satisfaction. There have been some wonderful cures tea; f jl by these medicines in this city, >ev\e of pronounced Consurapt' ! iav cases entirely cured by use of a few b* of Dr. King’s New Discovex»take eon nection witii Electric Ritters, unr antee them always. <y Sold by any Druggist. Most men who succeed in tbo ;U muiation of property have smart eco¬ nomical, sensible wives. It is • tri saying that a wasteful worn can throw more out of the window th a spoon than a man can throw the door with a shovel. • - -m Sam Jonea is neglecting his » 1 ged mission and is dabbling in p iti s. The following is a prediction he made in 1’etioit, recently: “Four , years from now we (the prohibition element) will break up the solid South. The issue then will be God or no God, drunkenness or sobriety, Sabbat J or no Sabbath, heaven or hell. Tin t will be the issue. Then we will wipe up tlie ground with the democratic! party and let God rule America from that time on.” The Barber Shop. When you are in Augusta aud wan shave or hair cut go to the Centra Hotel Barber Shop. It is tbo >1 icb El. Moffett’s TEETHIKA 'Teething Powders) Allays Irritation, AldsD 'ion. Regulates the \ Bowels, Strengthens the iU,makes Teething . Easy and Cost* only 25 Cents. TeathUia cure! Eruptions ai d Sores, and nothin? equals It for the summer iroublo* of Children ofonp It it raft and sure. Try It nnd you will iever he without TFETJTIJJV as long as there are child* ten In the House. jKukycur Dru^ioL FOUTZ’S POWDERS eORSE AND CATTLE ^ -YycuTZ; fcOjz u t^utz-rPo^ers eow.ier.ran-an:*frowu! m melt in time. r<«w» pwa!?™ n niieresm £*£•» win ne?U» make qn.ntKv Uie butter or »u» arm iwentj- per mdi_ mu 1 .n-i nr -,r. v »nt aim«t *tx*t nJ^wtowierti i”,gz-Tpown.TO Her*? ■; ■ , s.TiwscTto*. raWeet. *iu errs sou everywhere. pavid E. rotrrs. Propri.tov. BALTXOIUS. O. For Sale by Dr. K. J. Beid. KM _ subject to SPASMS ’Aelr trooMed ntt , BS«S!&uSSS^S\?JSt^iKSS MYERS’ COLUMNS I ! X X X X X X X X X X —«- 1 !9gs| mbA I Ibkr C. MYERS ' -DEALER IN- DRY GOODS, ittiiM Ib ti® FURNITURE! HARDWARE. GROCERIES! -ANP : . evebytein m G-. x V x X X X X X X X CRAWFORVILLE, GEORGIA, /c;/^Xu»i|J»^ THIS preparation,withoal irijnrv,removes Freok ples, Black-Heads, lea, Liver-Moles, Pim¬ Sunburn and Tan. A few applications will render the most white. stubbornly Viola red skin soft, smooth and Cream is not a paint or powdertocoverdefects, other but a remedy to cure. It is superior to all preparations, and is guaranteed to give satisfaction. At drug¬ gists or mailed for 50 cents. Prepared by G. C. BITTNER & CO., TOLEDO, OHIO. For sale by DR. R. J. IiEID, Crawford Ga. SHOW CASES Is CASES asfiEB 1 - , |r w perry Show CASE CO., Nashville, Tenn . - *, DR, MOFFETT’S > FEMALE rVIEDiCINE iADIAlV WHT51> corrects all irrocrnlaritieg and annoying troubles from which so many ladies puffer, it gives the weak, debilitated woman health and strength.and makes cheerful the despondent, depressed la ppirits-^ln no lady should be with It U Safecmd Unfailing . Ack your Druggist, #ll B*" A AGENTS—Teachers,Students MONTH AND HOARD Mi»- for 3 Wr in cacii county, to take orders for tho MOST POPULAR NEW BOOK of Jiven. Uie |eir, ^ Above sa]ar.vor circuit liighest^commissi(^|. 1 If- Send for m, d tenng to Agent.. P. W. Z1EULKU k CO.,7-0 t best nut St. l’hiln. Pa. SAR ^N<?w a s RS Stylo, Pleasant Taste, cures consti¬ pation, strengthening headache, dyspepsia, and is especially to tho iter ves aud brain. Brain Workers, try it. WOOS I a Ml J71 » ■ —v fPrescribed by the most ^ ^ emisient America Physicians of Eu rope and as a rem¬ edy for Kidney Disease, Rheumatism, Gout and Dys¬ pepsia, and as a PREVCHT1VE OF BRIGHT'S DISEA^X *•>1 For sale by all first-ciass \ Grocers Stii! and Druggists. in Barrels and a> water V Demijohns, water charged A< fX with Natural Carbonic Gas the in bottles, Springs. put up only i at tJhr, THE UNDERWOOD CO., Falmouth Foreside, Maineu. | HEiLlGH & GO., Aiaif 11 facturers* PATERSON, U. J. Factory: Cor. 11 th. St Uadison A ves. Size of Facto by, 60 feet front by 100 feet deep« 4 Stories. Capacity, 40 Pianos per week. GT BEFORE YOU BUY WRITE US. 2 S-Oni' PIANOS surpass all others.-Qt Our Style C I: tie 7l:zic: of the nineteenth Century. A Special Oiler ia localities where wo have no Agents we will i 11 one of our Stylo C CABINET GRAND UPRIGHTS. List Price $1,000 for $350 Cash, as an Advertisement and au Introduction. We will give you 10 days trial in your ownhoua# (it you give security for tho Piano. Warranted 7 yeara. Cannot bo duplicated for $450. Through any Dealer. This offer we make to introduce onr Pianos. Satisfaction guaranteed or all money refunded, lecond hand Pianos of all Makers constantly oi land at Lowest Prices. Cash or Installments. A New 7*i Octave Piano List Price $600 (of® *ew York Maker) for SI50 Cash. Write us at once. Ref r any Business House of our JOHX J. SYVICK, General. Manage®. i nt ' 8 ESfWAV , To get a Flrtt-CIanWatch x la In our Co-Operative Clubs. H WITCHES AT THE if® LOWEST CASH PRICES Thousands of the best $38.0C Gold Watch ever made are sell¬ ing' in our Co-operative Clubs. 9 This is the Hast, Cheapest, Moaf Convenient vratche* and ontf; co-operative System of selling The watches am Am rican Lever Bern Winder* I containing every essential to accuracy and dura¬ bility, and have, fo :nd in uddiuon, in numerous watch. patented They improves- nts no oth- - art absolutely the only Dust and Dan.pproof Move throughout merits made With in GEXZ'IAE the World, RUBIES. and are jeweled Th« Patent Mem Wind and Set is the Strongest and simplest made. They are fully equal for op pearanee, accuracy , durability and sorvivo to any $75 Watch. Our co-operative ClubSystdB brings them within the leach cf every one. “E-THE fSmm keystone co. I THE XSBYv? cub 1 933 Chc.tnat St, V i 5 / E V --.Untiy fontint. Jo.a Now tai £sn ttoscy.