Newspaper Page Text
¥ -i
Si m ?? JV fell iltCIK e fl IS
til ills »i?tf Jsiti m
All Hard Brick, per thousand, $ 6.oo
Mixed “ “ “ 5-50
Salmon i6 <{ 5-°°
F. O. B. at Yard Send in orders at once as our brick
are in great demand.
We Deal Sash. Doors, Blinds, Lime,
Cement,Laths, Shingles,
and Mouldings,
And All Lumber m
i3F“We buy and sell LAND for 5 per cent, commission, Put your property in
our hands and we will advertise it for sale. NO SALE, NO PAY.
Real Etate Agents, and Dealers in Builders’ Material.
Machine Works J
JUT"!:: € -Xr-TB Ji^T ?E3 f T GrA.
-Manufactu rehs of-
i- ron A3ra‘S“fet;:ii^S) lliit uuU in
Shafting, Pulley:, Hangers and Baxes, l
Pr 3 5S03. Cano Hills and E zap orators
Cotton Soed Crushors. & circular bay/ Mills.
M., We sell the Atlas Steam Enginen, Injectors, Jet
Valves, Piping and Steam Packings, Water Wheels
Belting Cloth.
WRITE to us or call and se ns for anything you may
about your Engine, Mill or Gin.
Athens, Ga
Calls tlx© .ATtCiitloix
To His Well Selected Stock of Drugs
Confectioneries,Toilet Articles, etc.
lie has one of the largest and best selected stocks ever brought this market, His
has been repainted inside and out, and with new fixtures added, it now presents
handsome appearance. Everything is first-cias3, clean and neat.
After an Eoerience of Eight Yeaivi in Business
He knows how and where to buy and feels at warantedm guaranteeing prices
you want pure Drugs and cheap Drugs, call to see luma’
Tlio J IIP UidiWlUI U.V1HC ril lo Brno’ 17IU^ kjtUlL,
Where he can always be found Day or Night to dispense Drugs correctly. j> (! .
that he sleeps over his store and can wait on you as well at 12 o'clock at
as in the day.
C’iill aud See IIi> Stock and Get Prices and You Will Be
He guarantees satisfaction as well as prices.
Reid^s Drug Store,
Crawfordville, - Georgia.
mm * ' J: j * PERKINJi Mfg. Co.« ^5HES Gij :s M
*«K* AUgUsta, *§) 1
- p.,, I,.,,
D«voted to the Interest of Taliaferro Coy O eopla and Ceaeral Sens.
“Did you read that account in the
papers of the lynching down in
na? How did those masked men know
that the prisoner was guilty? What
right had they to judge and condemn
“None at all. But people are
such tilings all over the town every
“Wbatl lynching here-hanging peo
pie without judge or jury?”
“Well, I admit that they don’t han
them, but they stab them behind then
backs, and that is just as bad.”
“I haven’t heard of any stabbing
what do you mean?”
“Is not a man’s reputation ac
ble as life itself? What is life wx
without friendship, without society,
when one is treated as it he were a
leper? When a company of gossips
organize their lynch court in a parlor
or on some street corner and decide
upon the character of Mr. A. or Mrs.
G., taking only ex parte and heivsny
evidence, they commit as great an out
rage against justice as that mob in
Arizona. We have no right to think
evil of our neighbor unless facts com
pel us to. But how often do we judge
and condemn him on mere suspicion?
And tlieu we don’t keep that condem¬
nation to ourselves, but we talk about
him, we join witli others as unjust and
cruel as ourselves in murdering Ins
reputation without giving him any
chance to defend himself. When these
self constituted judges meet their vic¬
tim, he sees in the averted eya that
they have no faith in him or charity
for him. He feels that they ought to
be his friends, that if they understood
all his circumstances and motives.Lhat
tbey would give him sympathy instead
of suspicion, and esteem instead of
aversion. But lie lias no opportunity
to explain. They have not sought liis
confidence. They have not permitted
Dial L k.i v. fjtr to i ICO i« ID "umoii, i vrj
uat down L*dgetJiei and pti their own
construct ion upon what they heard
and saw of hin , and settled the whole
matter, so far as their inference can
go, against him. Now, this is the
height of justice and the refinement ot
cruelty. What have we to do with
our neighbor’s faults and follies? We
have enough of our own to attend to.
And we are commanded to love him
and not. to judge him. Charity think
eth no evil.
“As a rule the most pure minded are
the most charitable. Those who are
houest and true themselves are least,
disposed to suspect their neighbors of
fraud and falsehood. The conscious¬
ness of evil in ourselves tempts us to
impute evil to others, and we get a
little comfort in the self-condemnation
that we cannot avoid by condemning
somebody else. Hence the gossiping
and criticising world is like a company
o! criminals denouncing all mankind
as thieves and robbers in order to try
to persuade themselves that they are
not as bad as they are. When I hear
a man or woman insinuating that Mr.
X. and .Mrs. Y. and Miss /. are no
better than they should be, I am re¬
minded of the Savior’s woids to ac¬
cusing Pharises, ‘Let him that is with¬
out sin cast the first stone.’ Their hy
poericy was a worse crime than that of
her they accused. And the conscious
ness of it, the moral degredation into
which i: Lad brought them, and not a
love of purity, made them quick and
relentless in punishing those wh) were
guilty of any offence against h t he letter
of , ,. the law. . bo now, we who are sin
ners ourselves i have . no right . i . to . be . cast- .
ing stones at others; and if there was
a D 1 f i ct s.unr „ii eaith, In, would have
the spirit or the baviour ana not that
° f tlle Uharises -I tusHcus.
jCCse ill. IlarilCBB.
A gentleman In mg m Atlanta tells
a wonderful story.
‘ W hen I was in Alabama, between
Porter’s Gap and Millerville,” said he,
“I came to a country place where a
man was dt ... i vmg , ten twelve ,
or geese
from a branch toward a cotton patch.
‘For heaven's sake,’ said I, ‘what is lL
you have on the necks of those geese?’
‘•Those are gourds, full of water, f
drive the geese into that out ton patcli
and keep them there all day weeding
out the cotton. There is no water in
the cotton patch, and I have to give
them .vater m this way to keep theic
Those will weed out more cot¬
ton in a day than two 5 »eople would.
T sey w ill eat the weeds and grass, but
they won’t touch the cotton.”
"But how do they get the water ont
of those gouids under their necks?”
gou 'dnnk Each gourd out has of each opening other’s j
111 ‘ .ido, i that another goose can
put’i ) 3 jii jnto the gourd and drink,
If.' -"ill stay here long enough you
wil It yourself.”
f |ed there half a day to see that
perf lice, and finally I saw it. The
gee just as the man said they
W When a goose got thirsty he
diarist walkfp,, to^his neighbor and coolly
of the gourd on his neck.
“ T Utory is good enough to print?”
" »but don’t you put my name to
it. It strictly true,and J don’t mind
belli”'. people who kuow me. but
ant to risk my reputation on
a stranger.” «• „
tory was repeated to another
an, who said:
G the trouble with a good
uianv-< jhp people in this country.
ITliey p 0 weed out their
C0tt0f S0 t 0 speak, while they do
somefrig else.”
A Being Done Tor the
\. Orphans.
B. Payne, Superintendent of
tl ihodist Orphan Home, Macon,
(i it i s: We have had a great im
p t iil in the health ofoui children
by of Swift’s Speci.'c. Wo
had 1 A'i the children some who had
scrofu_. tably one case in which it
We gu|, )r ,,, of Swift’s Specific and
gave ji^, ciii-j case, ami in a short
while i\y ;ui cured sound and well. It
was a%,i i( case, I think, as 1 ever
8aw , h . ;d been um |er excellent
physi-f,, .. lUl „„ pe.ruanent benefit,
Wc * . „ „ lvin „ lt u , all the chil
drin haye four
8 pi jr,
OtJ I In
they nil; without exception, passu
tlwuugliithis spring without a
of this dimplaiiit.
A yoiug lady of tne institution,
has b.'i l with us for years, bus been
troubl | with a most Hgravnted rash
ever siiioo site was a child. She tried
all the hi own remedies that are pre
sciibed|fd r it with no benefit; but she
has brnji cured by taki i Swift’s trouble. Spe¬
cific, a|i l lias no return of the
Treaj icfi on Blood and Skin Dih
eases touted free.
TiuiSwiFT L Specific, Co., Drawer
Atltfft Ga.
How V*“. Kothcnbmj' IB*
i oil 13 is >l«ii(‘y.
^ i. Gothenburg, the editor of
j| 1( , ^ P i gland Htaitteu Zeituug, dfi
reet, Boston, Mass., last
” ‘
month, the fortunate owner f
one-tweif ji of ticket 49,505, which
drew the Igpnd capitol prize The of Louisiana $50,000
in tne f ’.awing oF
State, L I 1 * y. lie was averse to say
irig nj' > I.J 1 about the matter; but
the din ojne iai'k prize that and lie I did got make, dev money, was:
“I r
Now* b - ’lone.”—Boston (Mass.)
Iiee< )’d, I ,ie 2.‘5.
Axi wl.. vta, Tex., June 7, 18S8.
jj r. KG* Pitts,—Thomson, Ga. -
Dea r Please find enclosed $2.00,
f ( , r whiehieud by first ex pi ess one
d<>z m bottles of Pitts’ Carminative. I
can get lave all kinds of syrups a“d
K lefts’Carminative g [licines for teething children
1 r ,1 “ and u I x have “* v ' tried UR
Uitini 1 altiabul my J child continues
gr dw wijrse Your Carminative is
be |d, dt of dll medicines that I have
us ,ui i I must have it It
my kD!<; ^joy’H life when all ot.'ier
ic to d failed. My little girl
is feet hi Ig and has a bad case of bl
fli x, and the is growing worse
a j the treatment we can get for her.
It e can Sufi nothing to check its
a{ Pitt s > Carminatiye saved rny
jj .He lH)yi,|jfe in a case of the same
«• s >11/, , r t when w m u «« we naa had worked WOI Kea with WIUI Other OIIIU
ti :etbn g medicines and bowel rerne
dies . He grew continually worse .in
l we got hold of Pitts’ Carminative.
j|rove j t act 1 like a charm, he began to im
fid continue J unt:l he was w» ll.
D saved hia life. You may us#; this
ji„ ail y way for the good ?. of humanity.
to let otfe *rs ! K OW that , IM,., i His 'll I ill
jttive wii V the lives of their little
jifieH. V jui s very respectfuily,
For y . »ur Jruggists.
A peculi t !, of Hood’s Sarsaparilla
is that wilt's purifies the blood, it
imparts new gor to every function of
i <8 f
Fortlto Ladies to Remember
A sweet smile from a beautiful young
lady is rendered all the more charming
vvlien her mouth discloses prettv white
teeth which may bo produced by the
use of Dolectalave, the pleasant and
fragrant dentifrice. Young Indies,
don’t lose, sight of this fact, but go at
once to Lucas & Ilammack’s and buy
a bottle of Delectalnvo. 50 cents.
% Strike . at the l ouutain-IIead, the
snm ' rt^royed c « ® f 11,1 ev the ‘ K health Is f of f orma child? V'**
V ?, 7*"" ^ be¬
fore it Is loo late. Only 25 cents a
Is Idle Worth Hlvlngt
Not if you go through the worid a dys¬
peptic.' positive Acker's for tli Dyspepsia TiblotH of are Dys¬ a
cure i worst forms
pepsia, stipation. Indigestion, Flatulency and Con¬
Guaranteed and sold by Dr. It.
,1. Reid.
Are You Skeptical t
If so wo will convince you that Acker’s
English Remedy for the lungs and is is superior positive
o all oth o' preparations, a
lire for nil Tluoat nod Rung troubles, We
Whooping Cough and and Colds. give
sample (lie bottle preparation Guurateed will and
ou a free.
by Di. it. J. Reid.
I’lmplcs Oil Hie Pace
an impure state of the blood and
looked upon by many will with suspicion.
Blood Elixir remove all im¬
and leave (tie eomplexlon smooth
clear. There is nothing that will so
ami build up the constitution,
strengthen the whole system.
and gu irantui d by Dr, R. J. Reid.
Your House on Mro.,
Not the hou.o of wood, or hrluk, or
stone, in which you live, hut your bodily
tenement, may be in terrible danger from
smouldering lire which you make no ef¬
fort to quench. Tne great danger from
impure blood Is that it debilitates the sys¬
tem, ami tlm digestive organs grow weak
and inactive. Hood’s Hiwsapu'iHa com¬
bines the best kidney and liver Invigora
rs, with the best alterative and tonics.
->u I ho vegetable kingdom < aiel'nlly
standingly prepared lit a con
mi It ptuii vit&MzfH, a ml
llliloK ‘ .djPitiSffiy,
gi ving-uic wHir... and
effectually guard; ng it against the attacks
of diseases. jil 13 1 111.
Ilucklen’M Arnica ■* alve.
Tiie Best Sacvk in the world for Guts,
lirusi s, Siircs, Ulcers, Silt Rheum, Fever
Huivs, Tetter, Chapped Hands, GIiIIIiIhIiis,
Gums iiii,I nil Skin Kruptiims, and pos
tivi ly cures Piles, or no pay required, satisfaction, il
i i guar.inte "I t.n glve perfect
or money refunded, price CO cents jiei
/ i K.OKG1A Tai.iafkhho Co untv.
TSusan A. Overton has in duo lorm ap
to the undersigned for permanent
letters of administration on the
ul Jaeoh Julies, late
said county deeeused. and I will pass
upon said application on the first Monday hand
in August 1HHH. Given under my
mid official signature, this t,lie 2m', day of
July, 1888. II i .n it y II Fi.vsr.
()rd. 'i alialei to (Jutmty.
/\ » B per am having demands against tne
estate of LoGey Gillie, lute of Talla
lei ro county deceased, are hereby notified
to present them to the iindersighed indebted ac¬
cording to law, and all persons
to said estate are requested to make, im¬
mediate payment II. ,s. Administrator,
. Gunn, deceased•
|xivicy Gunn
< i F.oKGIA TAi.iAKKitno Countv.
f W. Robert Ounn has in due form ap¬
plied to tin! undersigned for of letters L. It. L of Jen¬ ad¬
ministration on the estate
nings, late of said county, deceased, mid 1
will pass upon “aid application on the lirsl
Monday in August 1888. Given undermy
hand and official sigmilure, this 2nd day
of July 1888. IIkni y H Fuynt,
Old. Taliaferro County.
T 1 . .. .
f.lanlcH W. , having . • : Hup . r form
i in
n.-.i „ he aiidci-igned for guardian
shin of the pci-on ^and roperty of
, Taylor, minors of .Joe Taylor, late of said
■ county deceased, notic*- is liiuchy given
j X’on tf^ fifsl'Ma/to' ‘ZtSnfJX
Givi-u Iimh-r my Ii.-nd and official sign a
. tur,: > ^'NIknkv Vl i-’nvxT^ Taliaftno Ordinary.
: county.
.... \ p-oVciA . . , whom , I’ M\v CONCERN.
( Txi ixfp uuo < olntv
jr.wi m. l.a, m dm form
aiqilicd to the iiik:i i igm-i for pei iii-uh lit
|„,;,. rr „f adminDtraliun on the estate of
M.uida K Huiiiplirey, late of said conn
ji 'E V
(,jy. n under rny hand and official
signitture. l tin- day of July 1888.
“ L ‘
Tuhaferro County.
1 mI
TO A . M- " u HUM iif»\i X ix- I •’* A y i conff” MWhr...
j , E'fRG \ Tai.I U'KIlHO Ohstt.
up |Jo!> rt Gunn having in d ie forn
app i< d to tli- un.l.'i -to.....I U,r guard,,.,
,r ; mi,;:,: 1; ;
L. R L -Unnings. itoc o^udeomity de
I?. ic«i cion avj be heard at my office ori the
iil>t Moii'f'.E iu August next, (..veil iui
d-r my lid and official signature, tins
the 3rd iy of July 1 *uk.
Ht.NJiY H. Ft vvt, Ordinary,
Taliaferro County.
Terms: $1.50, in Advanos.
NO. 31.
Not one mat in five can boast of a
_ ‘ti!twe l eoni , pla?«ts," < amf
may be relieved by B. B- 15., as witness
1,10 billowing.
15 vr/rlMO'iK, May 23, 1887.
Per five years 1 have been suffering
with a weak back from results of an in¬
jury received, attended by rheumatism.
1 had to give up my regular business and
take the position ot night watchman 1 I
have derived great relief and benefit by
using "Botnnic Blood Balm,” and have
regained my regular strength work. sufficiently I think Botanic to re¬
sume Blood my has
Balm given me permanent re¬
lief. I am now able to perform work
that 1 have not had strength to do for five
years, and cheerfully indorse B. B. B. t
which has proved to be the only medicine
that would give me relief.
Oliver Skcor,
1114 fcStreeper St., Baltimore, Met.
It Gives hatlslactioii.
OlUiANOO. Ki.a., June 1st, 1887.
We have been selling Botanic Blood
ever since it first camo before the
Wo sell more of it than any other
purifier in the market, and it gives
J. 11. MK0G8 A CO.,
Retail and Wholesale Dolors In Botanic
How it .sells.
I’ai.atka, Ki.a., May 15. 3), 18H7.
We have been selling 15. 15. for two
and it has always given satisfac¬
in every ease.
Lo why & Staiik, Druggists.
For Fiiii.
All wlio desire full information about
cause and cure of Blood 1’olson*,Scrof¬
Swellings, Uleeis, Sores, 11 lieu mu¬
Kidney Complaints, Catarrh, etc.,
secure by mail, free, a copy of our filled 32
Illustrated Book of Wonders,
the most wonderful and startling
ever before known. Address
Bnoiii) Baum Co., Atlanta. (ta.
(T* SafvC h.
.-''feasseai .1
it:.’ •
Jewkuu, G a —Canadian Catarrh Cure
Co • Gentlemen—! have for 2p year* be*ll
afflicted nasal cata
i-fit IawI 1
Cure’ than any flake turn as a in
for local pleasure It is
commending it to others. easy
apply and has a very pleasant odor.
seems Unit it does not dry uy the
charges until the ulcers are all
coliseum fitly will not drive the disease
tliu lungs. ltespUy, Rev. Jah L. Ivky.
Mi W. D Wilson, of Hammond, facts:
Keb. I, 18 * 8 , slates the following
“Ml: little daughter had suffered with a
terrible ease of catarrh for the past bottle seven of
vein ami alter using one tiial
“Giinaib iii Gala'rli Cure,” she was en
tliely cuied Me goes on further to skat*
that the discharge from her cart ami noM
was so great that it, a as necessary to u»*
a cover over her pillow’ and it wa* ala*
very offensive, even her little sister* ob¬
jected to sleep witli her. lie had triad ail
kinds of remedies and sought advice from
prominent physicians and still the little
sufferer grew no belter. Almost dispslr
h.g of hope, a friend advised me to try
“Canadian e.iuurli Cure,” as she had
km wu its use with good results. With *
faint heart I called at your office and wa*
given a tiial bottle of your Cure, and be¬
fore site had ice I the bottle si e was en¬
tirely cured. Now lie says money could
no' purchase the happiness “Canadian
( utairli dire” has caused In his family.
Mr Wilson requests any one who is suf
ering with catarrh, and doubts the abov*
fact,, to write to him at Hammond, Ga.
Tlii i.. only one of the many rcinarkabl*
uiircH of catarrh that is cans til by the uso
of “Canadian Catarrh Cure.”
The Canadian Catarrh Cure Is an old
remedy, and lias cured rnrnj severe case*
of catarrh Both In this country and Can¬
ada. liku
We havu, ]iui»(li *‘<l s of t(*Htoinoni'*U
tin* above. Send for our book of inform**
t ion. Tar:.'** •!/,»*. bottl»*s $1; small, if
your dru Rl t does no* keep it, send direct
Canadian Catarrh Cure Go.,
11 E. HiiiR r st, Atlanta, Ga.
you will call at office we will give
you a trial bottle. apr20-ly
S&'w Mills,
Boss Cotton Presses*
Cloud ( ruck Grist Mills,
(Iiii Repairs Machinery Supplies, <£c.
-Write for Catalogue and Prices to
0. U STONE, Salesman,
No. 7 Wa it© ii I Hock, AUGUSTA, GA
mar ‘id dm.
yiiit"SP 2 ?s
n»i.i.ifo«« i»yeii. I ,«tHom«.
T „ ;■<: cverythii'io They *r* oidMMys
>■-■<■■■ ■■ . e. Ti.ey h»venoequ»i JP**hip*
t ■> '■ ',':,***, Amount in
i- •• wfartwmy
Money tor Funnera.
I f am pn paied to n gotiate loans for
mers at a total eoniniission of 12
nt., with interest at * per ,'eenl.,
once a year, to wit: On
M. '/. Asuntw*.
Crawfordvill*, (i