Newspaper Page Text
Belore You See what we Have
Holiday Gk>ods.
Lucas & Hammack,
No 7 Cliinaberry St., • a • • Crawfordvillc,’ 0#.
rk i 1 f S t& h e nv*st wtrfeci invented. Tricycle for Ladifi and
7 'Children (yet It 1 i#
meudcd by Physicians as the first and only
machine invented that ladies and .girls of a
mmk delicate constitution can ride with benefit.
The rider sits erect, appears natural and
graceful, making the benefit. exercise a genuine
pleasure as well as
The GEM has steel wire wheels with
grooved steel tires, thus preventing the
spokes from wearing loose, forged steel
forks, adjustable spring seat to suit vari¬
ous ages, and is handsomely upholstered in
Plush. the
Hundreds of riders testify to its being durable
swiftest, easiest propelled, and most
machine on the market. Manufactured Send for catalogue bjr show¬
ing cut and price.
Only S? GO
TIIECrawfordville DEMOCRAT
m |gi Demsrsst’s Month!/
A Many fnppose DEMORHST’S KOXTT?r.T
to b« fi fashion magazine. 'I bis i« a great mistake.
Plf# It undoubtedly contains the f:n<*bt Ea iiium I>b
rAHTMB.NT of any mapizfno published, but thfj if
the cast* fr«»irt flu; fact tiiut irreftt t nterprisp mul ex¬
perience are shown, fo ih»»t inch d« p?.-tm<nt is
equal fo a magazine in ftaclf. in lH.>sor:i.aT*8 yoa
1!I gut a dozen ina/azines in one, nnd secure arnu?c
mentoud inBtructh n for thf* wli#»le family. It con-
4 tains Stories, poems, anil other Literrr. rf tractions.
Including Artistic, Srientifie, and l!«»iu*. hold matter*,
find is iliutdruled with original Heel Rncmving*,
"3 rotjjw »YtA » Photogravures, Watcr-Coiors, rnd fine Woodcuts,
making it th« Model Mag^/hns ok America.
Kur.h copy contains of a I'attc Mamzinn. r.i <»wnn and er.tilling
the holder to the eeloetlonof Amt PjTTrr.s’ Pln.frslnl In my number the is ant
© r the hizEs manufactured, each valued et Iron go cents to CJceutJ, or over v .J.(-*J\;ortu of patierni
peI '?'ctn-Iy Mibserfptinn, ?2.C0. A trial will convince mn that yon ran grt fen times tho Taint
of tho money paid, bingitj copies (each coutaiuiiig I’aitcm Order), £0 cents.
Published by W. JENNINGS DEMOREST, New Yor.rr.
The shore combination is a splendid chance to get our paper and Dbhormt’s ZIoxtitlt at a
jtdnzcd rate, bend your eubticriptiona to ibia ofiicc.
, Ma-
Write for Catalogue. CINCINNATI, OHIO, U. S. A.
L*i Is Tie Best
^sa | Waterproof ErsrMaie. Goa!
p*«e fvea'.a* «nle**' Don't wa«te ttw h nvnifr <*n « (mm orT**berr«*t Tfc»riMX IWLAlCRtUCIuni
******* t!.* *boTr «r*««r *n«l vt**W rt<vr. » nd mil kevp jota dr' in (he h*f !«*( ft/wm.
_ f jUkfor tha-nSU BRASIV’ *uccss ®nd ukt no oUber. If rotrr *Wr*-ke*ptr Mtw, do^i
tar« the rr»H miiD”. *erxl for l i ^ M fi ptive rvtalocue to A J TOWF.K, jr>Sim»on«£t..
By CLEM. 6. M0Q9E.
42/1'0/ / 4""
Bmted U the iatenut if Taliaferro the sod General Hews.
The Georgia Farmer.
The following article, taken from
the Georgia Enterprese we present to
our readers for their consideration:
Farmers of fieorgia awake, arouse
your selves this new year and see if
there is not some way to bring pros¬
perity back to the heart and home of
the tillers of the soil. The Enterprise
makes no suggestions, but it appeals to
you to exercise your judgement and do
all in your power to free your self from
debt and dependence.—The farmers,
all over the world, are carrying a heavy
burden in the shape of mortgages and
cbligations. This state of affairs Is
demoializing to every enterprise, every
calling and every proffession. The
only remedy we see is to raise the nec¬
essary supplies at home, make the
farm self sus taining, diversify crops
and by all means economize and try to
get on a cash basis. This is hard to
do, b ut it must be doue, or the worst
has net yet come. From the Augusta
Chronicle we see that the great West
is as bad off as tbe sunny South.
The discussion over the condi 1 ion of
the Georgia 1 armors reveals the fact
that they are not in a good condition,
and that as a class they have been
growing poorer each year since the
But investigation shows that tbe
farmer of tbe W est is as bad off as his
Southern brother. One would suppose
that on the ricli prairie lands, where
tracts were settled and obtained in
patents from tbe government, where
soil is fresh, markets new and demand
plentiful, farming would tie found at
its best and tb at there at least the
planter would lie prosperous and in¬
Reports show, for instance that ov< r
one-fifill of tbe entire acreage of Illi¬
nois, is under mortgage for loans.
That is, twenty per cent of the land of
Illinois has been paid for aud naortaged
al'lei wards by its owner und'r pressing
need of inmiey. The amount of mort¬
gage in debtedyutss of Illinois, ouu
of railf'>i*d~«H.A i*ttv-pr<+iH»i-'y,-i3—ii
000,000. Uaite cou..ty alone lias sixty
thousand acres under mortgage. Near
ly eight million acres are liable to be
sold in Illinois for debt.
Men w ho search for the cause of the
farmers’ misfortunes must go further
Ilian Georgia* And they must go
deeper than tbe tariff, for the planting
class in England and other European
countries is as deep in the mud as the
American farmer in the mire.
Swore Off.
Georgia can boast of a model citizen
in the senior partner of the firm of
Gann & Murray of Athens. To a re
porter of 11.. E.tolop d.ronlol. l.e
recently gave the following remarkable
record for the last forty years; ‘hor
ty years ago this Christmas I got on a
spree, and it was my last. In June
afterward, I went into a bar room. I
c-illed C‘ l1 e<1 torn ,or,i drink ‘ ln " K ’ gi cave *. a boy 0 7 who
was tending tbe bar a $o gold ,, piece , to
get 5 cents out of it, an ' be accused
me of wanting to beat him out of a
drink, but finally changed tiie money,
horse was standing about twenty
steps from the door, and between the
barroom and horse I made resolve to
never drink another drop. I got on
the horse, came on by where my sweet
heart lived, stole her, came or. towards !
Athens, married her at a small church |
near Princeton, sp nfc my remaining
815 for some clothes for her, for tlm j
old folks would not let hrrhave any-,
thing, ami commenc d hie without
anything. We both went to work
with the intention to have some of j
this world’s coods and every Clirist
mas found us with more and more. 1
chewed tobacco for twenty years, and
one morning laid a piece on tho man
«.*Hbu» ... .i»i<
and for over thirty veais liavo never
taste*! the stuff. 1 never bought a
cigar in my life, and never played a
game of cards in my life- Twelve
years ago I quit cursi. g. I was most
profance, but one night my wife told
me tliat l ouglit to quit it. I told
her not to say another word about it,
aU( j from that day to this an other has
never passt.d liy li|»s. lama inniuber
ot tlie Methodist cbuich, and of tlie
Masons and Odd Fellows aud Knights
of Hor.or, and ba«e never been up ou a
single charge in any of them.’,
One ( f the most profitable crops that
can lie raised in the South is onion
setts. Georgia pay* out ninet y thou
sand dollars every year for sett No
wonder we arc so i»o->r —xili je advo
Worth a Year’s SubscriRtUm
A note by a minor is void.
It is a friend to conceal a fiaud.
A note dated on Sunday is void,
It is illegal to compound a felouy.
Ignorance of the law excuses no oue:
Notes bear interest only when so
Signatures in lead pencil are good in
A receipt for money is legally con¬
P» ivtcipals are responsible for their
Tbe. law compels nffone to do impos
The acts of one partner bind all the
An agreement without consideration
is void.
Contracts made on Sunday cannot
be enforced.
written contracts concerning land
must not be under seal.
. A note obtained by fraud or from
one intoxicated is void.
If a note be lost or stolen, it does
not release tbe maker; he must pay it.
Each individual lu partnership is
responsible for tbe whole amount of
the debts of the firm.
An ndoroer of a note is exempt from
liability if not served with notice of
tsdi'!t onor within twentyfour hours
pf its non-payment.
A Festal card took a trip around
tha world recently in 75 days.
SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made miserable
by tha* terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is
she Kernedy for you. Dr. it. J. Held.
Y. Richards A C'o., an old and Pro m
nent dry goods Arm of Augusta made
a consignment on last Saturday, week.
posit tv# cure for Catarrh, Reid's Dipthcila and
Canker Mouth.—At druj store.
A Chinaman named Ah There has
just gone down to FI 'rida. He likes
it so much he thinks he will stay there.
— Wlbi Exchange*
»*,i YOU Of SUFFER plaint? Sell with oil's Dyspepsia VifalizT
iyer n
>• I'Jat*'? to care you. Dr. It.. J. Reid
q*> uff 'joui.ouiiif perforated
Cl. .., a,is a,, .c „. .u, d. ■ 5. TH'Y.-.oh
ject cai'tfbe seen through, and will b.
suL d*ywu upon.
For lame luck, sid vtir chest, use Shi
lull's Porous Plaster. Price 2.) cents. Dr
li, J. lteid.
Old boots and shoes, steamed to a
pulp, arc now converted into tho soft
stamped, ornamental leather so popu¬
lar, for artistic bookbinding.
SHILOH’S COUGH and Consumption It
Cur.* is sold by us on a guarantee.
cures Coi .sumption. Dr It J. Reid.
The an a of Florida is greater than
Georgia, yet tbe population of Geor
gia is oger five times as great as that
of Florida.
ftS'UT 1 |S Wl""
w jj Vanderbilt has been dead
uvm| \ During nil this time
h|| tomb as been g , Iiiriled ni ght and
( ay ’ bome ® . ,g , U . < f „ ''' '‘
detecllre* are kept cnna.antly on duty
Unmchitis immediately relieved ny Shi
Joh’sCure. Reid’s Drug Store.
The Waycross Reporter says: A
mortgage on the home makes the lire
side gloomy, frtr it shuts out the sun
shine of prosperity and free-hearted
ness. It is like the old man of the sea;
you cannot shake it off. Its shadows
darken the bouuseiiold and repress its
••jIaCKMETACK,*’ a Iasi in ’ iirnl fra
jcG ume. Price ;r> and 5u .cuts
1 ^
. ....
‘ ov ''' ie ' A " w 1,1 ’ ' 7
ances tha are resolving to make tlu-.r
farms self-sustaining. Tins is »*'*
* ,cy ‘ * 'J ™ ' it’only
» ll « rU * ! ' t r °ad. and in fact, tin. > iy
r ' ) "' t0 m«lepende .ce.-rhomaston
Frank Melville, of Clay county, V«.,
himself in a < ave almos hllLd l
foxes, lie bad only a club with him
and they made it 'ively for him, but hn
succeeded m killing ten of the animals
and dn.v. the others off.
Tlie daily pa|*ers are still discussing
the question of tbe negro’s future, if
the; will let tbe negro alon *, with
honesty and industry, and lie will set
lie tlie quest ion sstisfac'orily to hi m
self and those most nearly concerned,
i. e , the Southern white people.
Tlie “brother in black” is clamor
jug for a cabinet |w»ition and tie
clairn is not without raas'rn. Not only
j u tiie South but i» tt»e North the col
ored votes did much in electing Mr.
Harrison. .Some colored
threatened to bolt wiUi Mieir race, if
ine rep.ioiicans continue to in tkx
tarn promises.
Publish tlie Laws.
The lawyer i& a familiar charater in
all dommnnities; but Mr. Alfred Her¬
rington, of Emanuel, thinks he is not
This gentleman, a young lawyr of
ability, has intrduced a bill in theLeg
islatnre which provides that all gener¬
al laws shall be published one®in every
county, and all laws affecting each
county shall be published ouce in such
Said Mr. Herrington to a Journal
“My bill deserves more than pass¬
ing attention. It provides the means
by which every citizen of Georgia may
keep Informed as to tho laws of the
State. It will thus afford tho < best
of the interests and
of the people. To preserve tho peace
and harmony of tho Stnte, the citizens
must know the laws 1 Now whenever
the most trivial tiling is to bo done,
or any invasion of the rights resisted
lie must appeal to some lawyer, espeeil
ly trained to tell us what the laws are.
We would know what they mean if
we only know wtiat they are 1
*‘I want the people of Georgia made
familiar with their laws; and my bill
seeks that end by providing for the
publication in every county of every
law passed which affects that" county
generally or specially.
“I would practically make every
man nls own lawyer, that desideratum
of the book-makers; for every man
would have an opportunity of aoquuint
ing himself With the laws. The pet
«■>««•■ »>.» -roulll in B»n.;
as only , in the grave questions would
ei.amw.ul ,ui appeal lie be made mudn to to tl.e me courts, omul* tr If
the people know their legal lights they
would maintain them; if they knew
tile , legal . , rights . , of ... their neighbors .. they
would respect them.
“l lie only weak point i. in it. the mi bill t. is
the amount Io be paid to the publish
era. It is, perhaps, insufficient. But
the good which may bo accomplished
bv tiie bill as it is, Is liiculeulnble. * •
1 He,. r‘
Macon, worth wsu.......a i'JO o irb, ere
o, fn..n
that some one threw over tlie fence ol
tlie captain’s yard. In consequence of
this calamity of teeth among the chil
dreii of tlie Ilervey household. This is
tlie first case on record where a goat
died from anything it lias eaten.
There are 25,000 colored votes in
Indiana, aud only a Harrison plurality
of 2.J00. Tlie number of colored vo¬
ters in New York, is also largely in
excess of tbe Ueoi.blican plurality. A
party that is .dependent upon colored
.bould introduce . lit...
ootor lot. U» t»bl»«. TM. k tb.
A'rican problem of immediate interest
in this countiy .—Augusta Evening
I'l.e effects of lawlessness die daw
ninjeadly upon the city of Birming
,l >“"* Business u,wi„ e ,s p-ts lias decicsstu uw-ieised 50 per | er
cent. An estimated loss of a quarter
of a million dollars has been ielt and
the city has been given a bad name,
Tins is in addition to llie horror ot the
tragedy. Lynching bun me, expen
sivc. The only right way is to let the
law take Its course in the usual chan
nels.—Augusta N* ws,
The Culhbert Liberal fires the fob
lowing sensible cartridge right in the
midst of the Georgia Legislature:
I “The greatest curst* that evi.r fell upon
the poor men of Georgia was her
hwme9lrill( i exemption law. ft has en
J ^ded the money lender secure such
i,,lC,e8t 1W hB “"J SU “'‘
&H wou)d ruaUe him safe in Us
^ col | ect i„„. If collections were easily
forced money would be cheap and pleu
: t jfuL Cannot we get rid of our draw
it is thought that the census of 1S90
will show an increase of population
0TW - jggi, 0 f 14,(j()0,0(», miking the
nun] . >e( . of i.iiiabitaotis of the United
States lit.WLDO'), The details of the
census are being considered, and sev
r;t [ suggestioi luive been made by
differ til patties. One is tha' theTium
Jjer ( >f surviving exiinioii and ex-conf
e ,jcrv e aoUliers *lo ascertained,* anoth
er is Unit the recorded indebtedness
of tlie people be found out, and ano' h
er is to make a complete classification
of the colored people of tliesoulh.stat
| rl jr (tow many are pure negroes, and
|,„w ma »y are mulatto*-*, quadroons
and octoroons.
If there is anything in the survival of
the fitt*e;t Lax.ulor must be counted in; it
| ja , iiv*-i longer a»<l do.:s better work
than eyer.
Terms: $1.90, in Advance.
NO. 2.
Use Pitt’s Carminative for all ilurange
ments of the stomach or bowels In child
or adult.
Use Pitt’s Carminative In cho'erinfan
tum and drains from the tmwcls of any
chai actor.
Physici In tns use the Carmintntive exton
sivt ly ttieir practice It is pleasant to
take; on v -• r > cents per bottle. Vourdrug
gists keep it for sale.
Any article of genuine merit ought to
sell.some place B. B. H. against the world.
We present below a remarkable showing
from an obsenro section, not traversed by
rnflroad», which carries its own convic¬
tion. It is the same way wherever B. B.
1!, Ims been introduced and given a trial
with other remedies.
Putnam Co, April 3», isST.
I have been suffering for most thirty
years with an itching and burning all over
iny tles face and body. I took eighteen did bot¬
of one blond medirine and it me
no giXHi. li, B., 1 commenced last, January to
use B. and after using live bottles I
felt better nnd stouter than I have in thir¬
ty years, my health is better and I weigh
more than ceased, I ever did. The itching lias
nearly and I am confident will that a
few more battles of B. B 11. cure ine
* Iitirely. do I am good sixty-two days work years old field. and
can now a in my
1 consider it the best medicine 1 have ever
seen, for it oei tainly did mo more good
than nil the medicine 1 have ever taken.
I had, in nil, nearly n hundred risings on
my face, nccK and body.
_ , , , u „
i cheerfully state the following fuels in
regard to the use of your........... in my
suilei ed from an acute attack of rheuma
tlsm, caused uy undue exposure and chill
!^ , *LS^W«T!S MonerWf Kresoolt, Ark.
bottle of & Urn.,
In about one month, lifter using this bot
t | (lf |„, „e *» much better that I got
the second bottle which is now being us
soniis nearly w.dl, and 1 think
bv removing him to a cooler summer en¬
m „te (which 1 will do) ami eon tinning its
use, a perfect cure will he effected. I eon
aider II. B. B. n most excellent blood pnrl
( has H. Titus,
li. it. Agt, Houghton, Ark.
All who'desire full Information about
the cause nnd cure of Blood Poisons.Ncref
nSoas Swellings, Ulcers, Sores, HVmums
idee, Coini>lnlnU, JJatsrili, #Ui.,
•ftil, free, * •* **
piige .ou *.«». ■ |V3
Mi.onn Bai.m On., Sth.utu. U».
_____ ____ t** ST
No. 8 W. Hunter St.,
A + ljjw + o - Georgia.
......... U| „„„
from 11 :.'ib to 2 o'clock.
Oysters In every style. Game and Fish
in season.
Among which may be mention
|)y _ I JlDtl'IlCy,
. .
I/lSUtiSB 01 tll6 ElVClj
KlU.ICyS, u*;i 111.<11 I|., Q1 ,i I, LlI) J .S,
/U * I»,.,
ElllOlllC J 1.1111X01, ru| »..
1) “ VSOIltCIT, J ’ Svph’lis, • J 1 ’
GoilOIThlJl’a, CatflTLl,
U1M1 1 JJlOJlSy
A|| Dlse4M , ,, eculiJr w „ mM /
V4T Will visit patioents lit any part of
the State to perfor.M Surgical Operations.
Patients wiio desire to lie under his
personal care can secure Isiasd near hi#
0 fljce.
Twer ty Years Experience in the
Treatment of these .Special Diseases.
No. 5 V/j Peachtree St, ATLANTA, CiA.
Cl. fclaffStt’STEETHIHA (Teething PowdeiX)
Allays Irvltatlrm. AS^y I>le»-Uion» tb#
Jewels. HlffftiglllFna tb» ( hll<l,i«*k*r> Tetthina leelJblnif
nd « OA14 only m Cent*. equals curcw Itlbr
, „ 1 Hores, ••'fi nnthfnjr H
tbenomiMr ircniwi* ■* ot CbilUrea a/arty agt,
is$*/eandrttre. Try It and yort wiJi uev®r bm
w:* Krftt'i Ft/J (1^; \ 1r»n^ an there Are ciilU*
tui la ta»; L. A&k yu^r