Newspaper Page Text
The Democrat.
r ~'
■ntcrcd at tlii; pofloffl •« at CraofoiilriUs,
0> o-gta, a* acec>n<i-c!«** taa,! tua'Ur.
FRIDAY, .JANUAKY 11, 1839.
How many have observed
this as their week of prayer?
It was so intended for the
whole world.
When' the newspapers and
the politicians get through
with the job Harrison will sit
down and make up hiscabinet.
And yet the people look for
a mild winter all the wa *
through. It may be, but we
rather expect some hard weath
er yet.
About ninty men were
hanged, in the United States
during 1888 for murder, and
perhaps twice that number de
sr rved to be.
There is not a negro in
Crawford county, Indiana.
Ah soon as one puts in an ap¬
pearance he is advised to ‘ get
up,’’ and sure enough he
> < gets.”
The Augusta News tells us
of a thief in that city who stole
a coat off the back of a little
boy. That is what we call
getting stealing down to a fine
The Democrat is longing
to see the farmers of Georgia
in a condition to be proof
against trusts on any prov's
sions. Can they be this way?
We think they can.
At Washington the Chroni¬
cle r>" ’ *e Guzt
**?!b 10" coif it on ?eV!y
nereafter. They wifi come
out on different days, however,
thus making semi weekly is¬
The Sparta Ishmael itc gives
a remedy for hard times some¬
what as follows: Reduce <’\
penses, cnconomige and put
all idlers to work Happy
thought. There arc some loaf¬
ing negroes and whites in
every community who do not
make a living for any one.
It now seems that our poor
farmers will have to paygs.or J
$10 m we per ton this for r
year ‘
their . than usual. The
guano ..I
manufacturers , that the
say |
material cost more this season
than last. What will i
next j
there be an increase in. Far¬ i
mers, this will never do, as 5
there is plenty of manure wash¬
ing about your home. Save
it and let that go as far as it
In reference to Gen. Long
street’s accepting a /■'-.l l ADI : net .
position under President-elect
Harrison, Mr. \V C. Gunn in
the Cuthbert Liberal says:
At a reception tendered the
members , of r the t Georgia •
... eeekly , . 1 . Association ... by
w ress
Mrs. Gen. Lotlgstreet in
Gainesville, last summer, when
Mr. Clem Moore ol The
Ck.WV KORDV1H t. Democrat
was introduced to Mrs. Long- e '.,
Street she , said . , ‘we ye
gOOit democrats now. Shi*
was evidently mistaken as to
the old General, I'r else he has
made a terrible fall from dent
ocratic grace since the Presi¬
dential election. H** claims
to be a powerful ‘’good repub
Heart” now.
There are numbers of citi
zens of this town and commu
n ; t y who nre daily speaking of
the inconveniences at our
pot. A lady may go there to
wait for a coming train and she
has to be ushered into a dirty
room crowded with negros,
or else be forced to stand out
under the eves of the house
and take the weather until the
train comes. This is terrible
and is being complained of by
tlv public generally. We
know the authorities of the
Georgia R. R. have no con¬
ception of how badly this depot
is arrange in that particular or
they would have the matter
attended to. What is every
body’s business is DO body S
and we here by urge upon the
authorities to please look into
this mother and have a more
decent waiting room here for
ladies. It is about the only
depot on the road that is not
arranged with a saloon for
both races.
A good idea would be to let
the same waiting ® room remain
for the colored people and
cut off another for whites at
the eastern end of the office.
There is sufficient room in the
corner of the store-room, for
this much needed convenience,
that is not used now for
thing It will not take but a
few dayn work of three or four
hands to do the job up nicely,
and there will be plenty of
room then in the depot.
I f the railroad
would so arrange our depot it
would be much appreciated by
the traveling public and we
feel confident that the matter
will be attended to when
brought before the clever
mab .r >
—i • -^i
Tue Woman’s Christian As¬
sociation is trying to raise $5,
000 with which to build a
1 « Home’’ at Atlanta.
According to the Manu¬
facturer’s Record, of Baltimore,
the Southern States are out¬
stripping tin 1 Northern and
Eastern States in the produc¬
tion of the wealth. Especial¬
ly is reference made to Geor¬
gia snd Alabama. Immigra¬
tion will turn to the South
whether the negro problem is
settled or not
A he unit you restless at night, “nil harassed
by a cough'.’ I m> m j it. McLean’s
Tar Wine Lung Halm, if will secure you
sound sleep, and effect a prompt and radi
cl cure.
'^'iioenu y not Defeated.
I'he great truth uttered by Thomas Jof
fersun; "Kducallon is tiie only sure foun
dal ion that can 1 m’ devbed for the preset'
vntlan of The Freedom and happiness'’ deter- still
lives. people of Shaton are
mined to have a school as good as any i it
Middle Georgia.
We have secured the services of Prof.
A R. Jarre), who taught with success for
us in IS87. He is competent, young and
energetic, and fully abreast with the im
proved methods of instruction of the age -
Hoys and Girls prepared for Junior class
jn any college lit the State. Hoard and
Tuition in accord with the times. For
further information apply to
p Kor \ u. J .MtitKt, Priii , Sharon, G*
There will be au examination of
applicants for Teachers’ Licenses, in
Crawfordvitie oil Tuesday the 29th
day of January at 9 80 o’clock, a. ui
The I«*w requites that all appli
ca „ tjl f Un ,isi! writt. n evidence of good
moral character, with their examiua
tiou unless accompanied oy such writ-
160 evhleoo*.
The Public schools of the county
wU '‘f ,ou « ht dudng tb * first four
inontlts ot the vear.
A list of the b H>ks adopted by
Board of Education Will be furnished
to all uitereated on application in
person, to the undersignett aud at the
*tor*« where the books are kepi for
Tlii* January 8th 1889
Wm. T. Flt.vt,
Co. Scti'l Cotuuiisaioner
' Grasses intended for
| hay
j should be cut when theji,- are
in bloom. Cut earner tfi-reis
j too much shrinkage.? Cut
later the hay b less ds^esti
Milledgeville had a $30,
j 000 fire on Tuesday night of
this week, destroying the
j stores of Haygood & Caraker,
W. H. Armstrong and
I lauft.
In Coffee county on Sunday,
a white man went to a church
pulpit and began beating the
preacher who self-defence drew
a knife, and completly disem
bowelled the man, who died
• —«
AflYertised Letters.
The. following !isy.f letters, remaining
in the Post-office, at Crawford vllle, Talia
ferro county, Ga , will be sent to the
Letter office if not called loi at the expi¬
ration of 30 da vs from date.
Mrs K Harris. L H Halland, W A Har¬
dy, Miss 2, Lizzie Mrs A C 1 Peok, terry, Miss Mrs Mgtry Henndta Ami Miles, Reek,
.) M Meder, Miss Sal lie Mitchell, Miss
Gallic Ross, Miss Annie Thomson, Miss
Minnie Taylor, Wm Word, Sain’l Dean.
When calling for any of the above al
ways say advertised.
M. E RltOOKK, P. M.
Mule Stolen.
Some one stole from my stables on
Thursday night, Jan. 3rd, 1889, at i..y
home in this county, a mare MULE/^tTark
color, of medium size, short head, with the
letter "A” on her right hip. The finder
will be liberally rewarded. Please report
tou,eat ' Vllile
ezekjel Johnson
Taliaferro Co. Jan. 7, 1889.
* s lEoRGIA Tauakbho Got;MTV.
Jf Will be sold on first Tuesday in Feb¬
ruary 1*89 at the court house in said coun¬
ty within the h-cal hours of sale, one house north
and lot of land, one acre, bounded
Woodstock, by public road by from lot Grawfordyllb* of Elizer Shop to
herd, south by Ga. R. U., east by lot of G.
E. Hristow’s estate, lev id on as t he prop¬
erty sued of Mainly Justice Gunn, under Jffstli a District,. (i fa. G. is¬
from court
M. Richmond county, in favor of J. VV.
lllxon vs. Man ly Gunn. Terms rash.
Jan. 3rd. 1889 G. IT. Jobu.vx, .Sheriff.
•timnlnf* 1 * <li«* lorpld liver*
cum ihf!» I ve orguiut. Vt*
bmulN *»nik« *
In niulnrlul <11*1 rlcf s Ihelr virtues f*r©
n itlel) recoin f'/eif. pcf*
n liar propvrl let* iiifreeinj; IlifftyMeili
from fliut poiwou. Llwitntly sugar
routed. IIONO Miiiull. l*ric«, locti.
Sold Everywhere.
Office, 4 -t jMurrny St., New York.
Bui do no! use the dangerous alkaline
and mercurial preparations which destroy
your nervous system and ruin the digestive
power ol the stomach. The vegetable king¬
dom gives us the best and safest remedial
agents. Dr. Sherman devoted the greater
part of his life to the discovery ol this relia
ble and safe remody, and all its Ingredients
Prickly Ash Bitters!
• name everyone can remember, and to the
present day nothing has been discovered that
is so beneficial for the BLOOD, for the
LIVER, »or the KIDNEYS and for the
STOMACH. This remedy is now so well
and favorably known by all who have used
II that arguments as to its merits are use¬
less, and it others who require a correct¬
ive to the system would but give it a trial
the health ol this country would be vastly
improved. Remember the name—PRICKLY
ASH BITTERS. Ask your druggist for it.
~ ^ FOll 110 YS AM) GIRLS
Crawfordville, Taliaferro Co., Ga.
\ . T. Sanford, A. >1., Principal incharge
and Teacher of Advanced English, Nat. Sciences,
Ancient Classics and Mathematics.
31 rs. 31. A. Sanford, Principal of Prima¬
ry Calisthenics. Dcpartwent and Teacher of Elocution and
3liss3I. E. Collins, Teacher of Music and
French ami Assistant in Literary Department,
Spricg Term Begins Jan. 14,1889.
Course of Study liberal; Instruction Analytic;
Discipline mild, but firm; Teachers energetic, com¬
petent and experienced.
Incidental fee 50e. for Soring Terra and 25e. for
Fall Term. Tuition from *1.50 to #4.. and Hoard
front StO. to •13. per month— pagnSt nwnthly. Pu¬
pils can obtain board tit private families of the town
or to the family of the Principal at “Liberty tlie Hall,”
the home of the late Governor Stephens— avow¬
ed friend aud patron of Liberal Education, aud
whose name and memory his admiring friends
w old fittingly perpetuate in “Thb Stephens High
wTokp patronage and influence are solicited
- -> .no r ~nf a—A.'
■ i •
Jmby ft Dr. BULL'S facilitate* Ttvihing and
H mm \mk
BULL’S Cures Hoarseness, Coughs, Asthma, Colds,
P lJronchitis,ftf|||pi|Croup,Inci- ien t Con- (jUUUll sumption,
** tar>*. pru*ioct*. AtamnniMt,
lae By giving and tone building to and itrengtbanlng the the.fTtar- health.
System INDIAN up WERD general
correct! *11 lrrcgnlarltlM and annoying trouble*
from which >oinany ladle! suffer. It give, the
weak,debilitated cheerful the woman deipondent, health and strength,and
makes spirits. In change of life no lady should depressed be with¬ la
out Indian weed. JtitaafttMiUnfaUbko.
Aik your Druggist. „
For sale by Lucas & Haramack and al
Dru "gists.
is guaranteed to give satisfaction. At d rug
gists or mailed for 60 cent*. Prepared by
G. C. BITTNKB &. CO •»
For sale by UR. R. J. UEI1), Crawford
The Best
■ V
Of Toilet Articles,
Ilenco it is nothing strange that
nas been rendered in favor of the, pl.-as
ant ami fragrant
The most efficient preparation for clcans
j"f rl'1*0 aVjoii tit” 1 ^° t H tl1 ' Ask y ° Ur
' u r ' '
Read what Dr. A. W. Calhoun, Deiecta- the
i lave: clebiated specialist, says about
‘-It affords me pleasure to bear testimo
ny to Its v in uc, and to state that its eura
Delectalyve will
Whiten tliv teeth,
Uardeu and beautify the guuis,
Purify the breath,
Prevent the formation of tartar,
Aid in preserving the teeth,
Cure tender and bleeding gums.
i' sk for Delectalave and Have
Nothing Else.
A «• A c;. t' A > I >1.1 .IT A Cl>.,
Wholesale Druggists, General Agents,
Atlanta, Ga.
MfFor sale by LUCAS & HAMMACK
Crawfordville.Ga. apr6 ly.
and O.
1 protect my customers by buy.
In & tn ® best Gmods m the market, in
s D ,e and ‘lual'ty, and sell them at
Thereby protecting them from
all harm of sending off tor floods,
and not getting what they want.
Casper Myers,
* ‘ " A THE LSADEE -A; ~ 4 *'
Has the Prettiest Stock of
fill iii \ m flttti
Ever brought to
Cra wfordville.
Come and see them and buy them.
By this I mean that you have
full access to my store and can trade
freely, with no fear that you are not
getting: your money’s worth. When
my Fall Stock is see n you will freely
trade and he happy.