Newspaper Page Text
Hon. G, Edwards Lester,
Late U. S. Consul to Italy,
author of "The Glory and
Shameof England,” "America’s
Advancement," etc., etc., etc.,
writes as follows: —
New York, August 1, 1888. I
Da. ,T. C. Atrr A Co., 122 bmrll, K. -.'Till st. j
Gentlemen:--A Mass.,
and the desire render sense service of gratitude
to a to the
public Itupe! me to make the following
Interrupted My college by eareer, at New Haven, wan
a severe cohl which no
enfeebled me that, for ten years, I had a
hard struggle for life, Hemorrhage
from the bronchial passages was the
result of almost every fresh exposure.
For years J was under treatment of the
ablest practitioners without avail. At
last 1 learned of
Ayei’s Cherry Pectoral,
w hich I used ( moderately and In small
doses) at the. first recurrence, of a cohl
or any chest difficulty, and from which
I Invariably found relief. This was
over 25 years ago. With all sorts of
exposure, In all sorts of climates, 1 have
never, affection to this day, the had throat any cohl nor
any of or lungs
which did not yield to Avkh’s Ciikukt
I’rctoh* t. within 24 hours.
Of course | hat e never allowed my¬
self to he without this remedy all ,,iy
voyages and travelx. Under my own
observation, it has giteti relief to vast
numbers of persons, while ill acute eases
croup of pulmonary anil diphtheria inflammation, in children, such life, ns
has ts'en preserved through its effects.
I recommend its use in light hilt fre¬
quent doses. Properly administered, In
accordance with your directions, it is
A Priceless Blessing
In any house. I speak earnestly Is-musa
I feel earnestly. 1 have known many
cases of apparently continued tiroricMfw
and larly cimgfi. with oats ot voice, particu¬
speakers, among perfectly clergymen cured and by oilier fuddle
cine. this medi¬
Faithfully yours.
Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral,
bold Prepared by Ilr.J.P. AyerfcCo ,Rowell.
by sll Xrrufuflsts sihI Dealers la kfodtclna.
........ TO
-A N l>
303 Jackson St., A UGUSTA.UA.
Restoring, Dying and f’leanleg of
gentlemen's suit* a specialty.
Caveats, and Trade-Eat ks obtained, and
• II Patent business conducted foi mode¬
rate fees Our office Is opposite U. S I’a- in
teut Office ami we can secure patents Wash¬
lea* tame than those remote from
ings n with
Send model, drawing nr photo side ,
deeeripthm. We advise if patent or
n<H, Ires of charge. Our fee not due. till
patc|il is secured.
A Pamphlet. • How to Obtain Patents,”
w lilt names of actual clients in vonrState,
county 01 town, sen* free. Address.
Opp. Patent Office, Washington, p. C.
Who are Weak, Nervous slid
Delillttatpd awl suffering from
Nervous Debility, Seminal
Weakness. Nightly Emails
sinus, and nil the cfleets of
;'"pl V D.'^ Treaties
s ud for Peats’ on Diseases of
Mot wdh particulars for Home Out--a.
i ur#** No mm* no pnv .1 S.
I’kvns, til2 iitid U14 Chu eh St , Nashville,
3 'iHi.
(SUBLISHtD 1844.
!• tlt« oldMi and most popiilur ftclnntiflr himI
mm >cli*nii iii pu ubllfthml and h»* lb* lnr*®*t
eir. uUtbHi of »n? papci p* •rr of H* cIum In th* world.
Fully lllunlrnlrd. Ikmt <»f W«M>d Knur*T.
rul»IUh#4 wp«kl» F»«nd month** ft»r trial, *i*«*oini*n II.
eopy. 1'rlrr IS a jrnur. Four K.X.
MUNN X n> M 1*11 IH4SBKill*,Uroadway,
A pi-rnf *ucop»*. Each I**tip contain* colored
IVIh.-atMplUt' plaice of country and cliy rraldnn
cm or nubile hulldtnsa. N«inert*u* engraving* of
end full i>l*u» nud *i*©otfle*tk»n* f«*r the uee
ea«^hM*ctttilem|>lit(e btilldlng. I’rlce |2 Ml » year,
36 CU. ^,ot»py. Ml NN A CO M l*i hmnukub.
PATENTS H ip year*’ eii»eri«nce nnd Itnvr mutte oy«c
■ fu.QO) api'llcenona for American and *«<r
■ elirn imteiiu. bend tor Kandboofc. lorraa
jMiidsmv HiicUy CtmRdcnflal.
In c*»* yonr murk I* no* WdUlrnnl In th* I*»t
UOrVaiHIITH preouind. for Adilrea* book*, chart*, map*,
ale., quickly
MI NN * CO., Pnlrat Nallctinr*.
(iKkaiiAL orrie, Kl liaoanwav. N. Y
Dobbins’ Electric Soap
It is Striclly Pure. Uniform in Quality.
T HK original fv>rniuU for which *rc |Mid
ttvemfy ymn +£* haa nmr hern mtxlfficd or
chaBfM fttlfiifIcnl in ih« Ui£h(e*t tills (o-Umy mmp with la
An qniillljr
i it mi niiMtc («unt.v jwri n«n>.
TT comiiiui iiotlitng (hnl rnn in*
* J«rt ll*«* <tn«M»l iMbrlr. 1* tn^hi
«n* co’or* and hleachca »h;ica.
T 1 wuhn and bkskrts a» no «hrt >oop
A in the world df*ca w ithkHit ahnnkiH^ - lc*vn\f
thsin »oA a Us! white a tv! like new.
n'HF.RK J it * rre*l Kd, n*v(n( cf nm*. of labor,
of %o*p of and of ih* f»hnc, whm Dob*
Kna* Kiet im Snap * uacd aK C«rding Cm dlrr^v
QNt *ol (rial pry you w.U to rfemowtnw m*kt tbs* mat. i»* treat merit. It
T IKK at! fecal Ihtsn. it U extra* etiy tai
J* tat«U aad cx>unwrtnnd.
peware of Imitations.
TN8IST ^ upon Ikofefetna* Electric. rVa*i ate
MaptyrDC, Uccrro kla^tc. PblWHjkbta Ekctr»C,
at *B\ W! fraud, umph Iwiaxxw u is ebrap. TVy Aw
wM (vi« tiotSw-, uik! «*t ikar at toy pner. Atk
-r—f IkOBHlNN* KI F.ITRIt' f--e-—
•krisi t*Ic rx> Oibrt KearJv r+cry jnxrr from Alum*
lO Mnav krVjte It ffi Mcdu If TtHilt h*b* l it, he
w tU onW from ht« i«wtrrai >» a m •
FAD _ each
J* P U*r. *nU nrrfuRy be iw«*ui ihe ittaide anipief tilrrrli
mm em h mmttk wrapper Xov rNMnnl Mffoni to
•jk! «r«t: ktoafcrbefire ity*Mg for yourself iKis
tndy wcmtkrfU
Dobbins’ * Electric * Soap.
A Consolation paragraph,
The IndinanapolU Journal, edited
by JnluiG. New, and generally regard
ed as the organ of wen. Harrison, says
in reference to the incoming Presi
dent’s civil service policy: “The
tenure of office law and the civil servi
ee law must be observed in spirit as
well as in letter. Officials confirms
sioued for four years Irom the date of
their ap)ioifitment, who are competent
and efficient, ar.d who have given no
cause for the removal, will probably
be permitted to serve out their terms,
many of which will not expire till a
year or two after the new administra
lion goes In. The new President can
not l>e expected to make sweeping re¬
movals in such cases. At all events,
those who do expect it will likely be
disapp doled. ”
Thkiik are many accidents and diseases
which affect Sl<s;k and cause serious in
convenience and less to the farmer in his
wotk, which may l»e quickly remedied by
Oil Liniment
Thu Memory of Mother,
Blessed is the memory of mother.
It floats to us now like beautiful per¬
fume of some woodland blossoms.
The music of other voices may lx: lost,
hut the entrancing memory of her will
echo in our soul forever. Other faces
will fade aw y and he forgolton. hut
here will shine on until the light from
heaven’s porfal shall glorify our own.
When in the fitful pauses of busy life
ot.r feet wander back to I he old home¬
stead, and crossing the well worn
threshold, stand once more lti tho low,
quaint room, so hallowed by her pres¬
ence how the feeling of childish inno¬
cence and dependence comes over us,
and we kneel d,wn in the molten sun¬
shine streaming through the western
w imlovv, Just where, long years ago
we knelt by our mother’s knee lisping,
"Our Father.” II.iw many times,
when the tempter lured us on, has the
memory of those sacred hours, tint l
mother’s words, her faith and prayers,
saved us from plunging Into an abyss
of sin. Years have filled great drifts
between her and us, and they have not
hidden from our sight the glory of her
pure, unselfish love.
Fait better than Ihe harsh treatment of
medicines which horribly gripe the patient
and destroy the coating of the stomach,
Dr. J. I! McL'an’s Chills and EeycrCure,
by uilhl yet effective action will cure.
Sold at 50 cotits a bottle.
Alarming Symplon*.
UllATTANon , 1 ’knn , Jan 28, 1888.
The 8 w 1ft Spec ific Co., Atlanta. (Ja.:
Genllvmen.-Between five and six
years ago boils and carbuncles tuipctUN
rd upon n e, to an extrt eniely dtsagree
able and alarming extent. My genera!
health Secuted good, but there was
• ver indication , .. of , u riotus . condition .... of ,
my blood gave me gietit Irouhle and
I*«n. PhjaiclanN t.ea ment did not
aeem to avail, and finally 1 decided to
K | V0 vour J S. S. N a trial. Before the
first bottle g ive out I noticed the im
proyeineul. Tli* tail Is and carbuncles
disappeared, mid with the six bottles I
quit. 1 was then perfectly well, and
ever since ttiat time my blood has giv
vn **wry fvitlrnce of iwfcet entity.
I Httnhiite tiiy coin|>lc»te cure to jour
medicine aUme.
W. 1J. Dunlap.
Pass. One A. G. S. 1*. 11
I'n ail,-s on Blood Had .Skin Diseases
mailed free.
’Lilli SWIf T Sri UIF 1 C ('«..
D tnver 3, Atlanta. Ga.
Pkiison, who lead a life of exposure ar* -
subjevi luuiluigo to i lieutuatls'U, neuralgia tnd
ami will ml t vAlu.ihle rened
iu lit J. II del, • in’- > kMinc fill Liai
nicut. It wUl it Ulliil p = 4u i subdue in
Ihe New IM»rovcr>
You have heard your fri -tids and neighbors
talking ahoai it. Yi u may yourself be
one ol thetimii) who know from personal
experience jn-l liovv good » thing it u, if
you lime ever tried it you are one of its
staunch In lids imanse the wonderful
Discovery ever allei liolds a place in til*’
lionse. Ii you lime never used it and
should lie affected with a cough cold or
any Lung or Oti 'si tr ruble .ird
a bottle at once and give it a t.ur trial.
It tsgiiMruiieedevfiy time, or money re
Minded Trial Bottle- Free at Ureas A
ilamraack i * Drugstore. i, ,
Siv k headache, wit.d on the stomachs
biliousness. nausea, are proiuptiy and
Mgrevabiv banished in Dr J. II Mcl.ean'
Ldlle Lti ei .Hid Kt lilev I’llle te 25c.
• .
* ,a *’
There is it t’oiisLuit U si« la-ittg
waged lietweeu ihe V.ittoils s weirs of
llie i'.uitllal kingdom. 1 look of tl;«
itoi i itiieiiess <>l all at 111 > of woiuis
SUM tiling t he citadel of lit**. A does
of SiuiiiCi’s liuii n Y<iuiifuge wiil
destroy tilt in.
Phtsivias* prescribe or. J. it. Mr’> far Wine Lung liaint; in it tin y
‘"'ll’'’* el «|nuni Ol mo! phille, vvl.ile
" «* U.*di > 111 ittl* ilU I Gt»*4l Ul lUU^
is ttoiliL ltlU
A el ,tr sk n vdds t * ihe tenuity of u
i • « filer, ai d ItMldS .* tO
To U.auUIv your cuim4i x
ion, you should j itnfy y**nr Mill*
Avt*rN S.n *1 ? tLt. A. a tome anvi
itt . .5 v It Il ls ID
The Two Very Lucky Men
of Vancouver,
In last Sept. M. C. IIar(II, a laborer,
bought onetwentieth of ticket No.
45.7.35 in The Louisiana .State Lottery
and that number drew the big 8300,
000 prize on Oct. 9th. J. C. Proelwtel
owns half of this ticket, which enti
ties them to 815,000, which . , was de
posited for collection with Wells. Far
go A (,o s Express, at Portland Ore
^an, and it was promptly paid by The
Louisiana State Lotte y of New Or
leans, and the money is now in Port
land ready to lie paid over upon proper
receipt for it.—Vancouver [Wash,
Ter 1 Independent, Nov. 7 .
Chii.dwin will freely take Dr. J II.Mc¬
Lean’s Tar Wine Lung Balmjunlike cougli
syrups, it contains no opium will soothe
and heal any disease of the throat or lungs
quickly than any other remedy.
Tartar ori tbe Taetb.
^ , fetid . , . , breath ... is greatly to , be de- ,
plored; al most every one shrinks from
a near approach to one thus affectep
The habitual use of Delectalave
purifies the breath' heals the gu'Qs,
prevents tho accumulation of tartar
on the teeth, and makes the month
sweet and clean. For sale by all
If you sutler pricking pains on movin urts
the eyes, or cannot boar bright light, an
find your sight weak and failing, you
should promptly use Dr. J. II. McLean's
Strengthening Eye Salve. 25 cents a box
You know enthusiasm when you see
it. Judge of this: “I believe Corn
IKiuiid Oxygen will cure consumption.
‘•Mrs. S. M Anthony.
“ Durhamville, Term., July 15, 1888.
"Your Compound Oxygen saved my
“Mrs. J. T. Hailey.
“Little .’lock, Ark., March 30, 1888"
“I feel that I cannot say too much
in praise of the Compound Oxygen
“Mrs. F loranceBlue.,
"Bunker Hill, Ittd., March 14, 1888.
Send for our brochure of 200 pages’
or our quarterly review. Health and
Life, containing the results of Com¬
pound Oxygen treatment in cases of
consumption. hroncheltu, asthma,
catarrh, dyspepsia, nervous prostration
rheumatism , neuralgia, and ail other
complaints of a cbottle nature. All
our publications will lie forwarded free
of charge to any one addressing Drs.
Starkey & I’alen, No. 1529 Arch sreel,
Philadelphia. Pa.
LEMON elixir.
,u " "'"t^iol HUcct on the l.lver moaj.
Hull HowcIk, ami
A pleasant lemon drink that postivoly
curesBillnusnesx. Constipation,indigestion,
Headache, Malaria. Kidney Disease, Diz
ziues--, Colds, Loss t.f appetite, Fever,
cinlls. Blotliches, . Pimples, ... Pain . . in the
hack, Palpitation of the Heart, and al!
other,.......... caused by a disordered liver
stomach and kidneys, the first great cause
of all fatal diseases. 50 cents and SI per
bottle. Sold by druggists. Prepared only
by 11 Mozley, M. D . Atlanta, Ga.
For more than forty \eais, Ayer’s
(’berry Pectoral h.ts been successfully
preset ibeil m cases of consiliuption.
llns medicine iilways affords >jrrut ri
lie( ii* pulmonary disseaaus. Ask your
druggists for it.
K'r coughs and colds take Lemon Hot
For sore throat and Immchit. s take
Lctnoti Hot Drops
For pneumooia and larengetis take
l,emon Hot Drops,
For consumption and catarrh take
1 a* molt Hot Drops
Foi all throat and lung diseases take
Lemon Hot. Drops.
An and n*liabu* p’uparati.'ii.
i Sold by druggists. 25 cents per bottle.
! Prepared by II. Mozley, M. I) , Atlanta,
‘ Ga.
% *otiud Opinion.
K Baiobrldge Mundav Esq., Count y
Atlv , (,’lav Co.,Tex says; -Have used
I'*-.......... ........... 1 ' 1 'l.v
My brother nlso was very low with Mala
rial Fever and Jaundice but was cured by
timely use of thi» medicine. Am satisfied
Klpctrkt Bitto**s »ave<l his lift* **
Mr D. I Wilooxson of Horse Cave,
j{ v _ R dda a like testimony saving: lh
, . itlv lv ' i„.|j,.ves * .’V he would have di..,l ’
had . it not been for Electro Bitter*.
This pn**t remedy wilt ward off as well
as cure all Malaria Diseases, and foi all
K'dney, Liver and Stomach Dt-onlers
stan s u equaled Price 50C. au I $1 at
any Drug Store.
El. Fry. ah vs hid • Williams, is
to is* hanged Friday, January 2Slli,ut
l’he inf.i it reason grows space and calls
for one more application of tuat good
tiend 8aivariolt Oil which never disa i
piouts but alway kills uain It i- neither
plea-ant nor roughing profitable to hear people
cornuantIv when th-v couid be
ea>:i\ cured uv a 25cents bottle ot Dr.
lluil sUiri ti S’tuii
To luoth rs —Should the* h*%by be suffer
dl-»ide.-of , -
itig vv iti.vnv of , the oabyhood ,
t.» Oi Bu . • B.v 'v >>rup at once fo* tlte
lixmb.e. I nee i'. vs-uG
I Narrow lbra|ir.
l.a*l IV K Nd-oii, of Brooklyn, eanie
mine one evening, feeling a peculiar
tignlwess iti the lie-t Before retiring, he
trosILidra a long breath but found it
a m.isi I.u sv.sii*le. He suffered four days
ft ru pneumonia, and the doctors gam
hot* up. I»r. Acker’s English Remedy well tor
v ot.>uuiptu.n savevt him and he ; s to
fg sale by l)r. K. J Keii.
188 9<
Hakpkr’h Magazine is the most useful
the^woGd?*Arnon^he^itt^euf.ns new” * 1 fw
is*» will be a novel-an American
**° r y> e JJ ti ll r ‘‘ d “ Jl| P' ler Lights"—by Con
stance F Woolson; illustrations of Shake
speareN Comedies by E. A. Abbey; a s*>
nes of articles on Russia, illustrated by
(;anada and ft eimrartffristic serial by
Clnrles Dudley Warner; three “Norwe
by the author of ‘’Beii-IIur,” illustrated
by J. R. tVeguelin, etc. The editorial de¬
partments are conducted by George Wil¬
liam Curtis, William Warner. Dean Howells, and
Charles Dudley
The volumes of the Magazine begin with
the Numlters tor June and December of
each year. When no time is specified,
subscriptions will begin with the N’untber
current at time ot receipt of order.
Bound Volumes of Harper’s Magazine
for three years back, In neat cloth binding
will he sent by "volume- mail, post-paid, on receipt
of $3 00 per Cloth cases, for
binding, SO cents each—by mail, post-paid,
index to Harper’s Magazine, Classified, Alphabet!
eal, Analytical and for Vol
times 1 to 70, inclusive, from June, i«50 to
June, is 5, one vol , 8vo. Cloth, $4 00.
1889 .
If At pkr’s Weekly has a well-establish¬
ed place as tne leading The illustrated news¬ ed¬
paper in America. fairness of its
itorial comments on current politics liar
earned for it the respect and confidence of
all impartial readers, and the variety and
excellence of its literary contents, which
include serial anil short stories by the best
and most popular writers, fit it for the pe
rttsal of people of the widest range of
tastes and pursuits. Suppliments are fre¬
quently provided, and no expense is spar¬
ed to bring the highest order of artistic
ability to bear upon the illustration of the
changful phases of hom ■ anti foreign his¬
tory A now work of fiction from the pen
of William Dean Howells and one by
Capt. Charles King, will be among the
leading features of the Weekly for 1889.
The Volumes of the Weekly begin with
the first Number mentioned for January of each year.
When no time is .lumber subscriptions
will begin with Ihe eurreut at
time of receipt of order.
Bound Volumes < f Harper’s cloth Weekly, for
three years hack, in neat binding,
will be sent by mail, postage (provided paid, or by
1 xpress, free of expense the
freight does >*ot exceed one dollar per vol¬
ume,) for 87 oo per volume.
Cloth Cases with each volume, suitable
for binding, will be sent by mail, post
pi id, on receipt of 81 00 each.
1889 .
Hahi’ER’s Bazar will continue to main¬
tain journal. its reputation as an unequalled fami¬
ly Its art illustrations are of the
highest order, its literature is of the choic¬
est kind, and its Fashion and Household
departments of the most practical and
economical character. Jts pattern s.iect
supplement^ and fashion, times' plates alone will
save its readers, ten the cost of sub¬
scription, and its attic cs on decorative
art. social etiquette, hou-e-keeping, cook
cry, etc., make it- indispensible to every
household. Its bright short stories.
essays, ere among the best publish¬
ed; and not a line is admitted to its col¬
umns that could offend the most fastidi
ous taste. Aalong the atiractio ns of the
new volume will be serial stones by Mrs.
Franeer Hodgson Burr.ett. Mrs. Ah-xau.
der, William Black and Thomas Hardy,
and a ser es of papers on nursery manage.
incut by Mrs Christine Terhuno Herrick.
Harper’s Periodicals.
I*cr Year.
HARPER'S BAZAR . . ...... St gs?§
Postage Free to all subscribers in the
United States, Canada or Mexico.
The Volumes of the lazar begin with
tne first Number for January of each year,
When no time is mentioned, subscriptions
will begin with the Number current at
time of receipt of order.
Bound Volumes of Harper’s Bazar, for
three year-, bite in neat cloth binding,
will be sent by mail postage paid, or the by
express, free of expense (provided
freight toes no! exceed otic dollar per vol
ume ). for *7 00 per vnluro
Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable
for binding, will be sent by mail, post¬
paid, on receipt of Si oo each.
Harper's Young People.
IIahvku's Yoono Peopi.e begins its
tenth volume with the first Number iu
November. During the year it will con
tain five serial stones, including Red “Dory
mates,” by Kirk Monroe; “l’he Mu
tang,” by W O. Stoddard; and “A Dav
in Waxland,” by R K. Munkittrick;
“Nels Thuliow's Trial,” by J T. Trow
bridge; •■The Turee Wishes.” by F- \n
s tey a id orunder Matthews; a series of
fairy tales written and illustrated by
Expetintents,” In Sophia B. Dickens,” Herrick:
••Glimpses of Child-life from
hv Margaret E Fangster; articles on \ari
Otis shirts and pastimes, short stones by
the best writers, and humorous papers
:ll „i pueuis. with many litinareds of illus
trillions of excellent quality. Every line
in the paper Is subjected to the most nothing rigid
editorial scutity. in order that
Iia infill urn enter its columns,
An epitome of everything that is attrac¬
tive nd desirable in juvenile literature.—
Boston t ourier
A weekly feast of goo-i tilings to the
boys ami girls in every family w hich it
vi-bts —Brooklyn Union.
ft i< wonderful in its wealth of pictures,
information and interest.—Christian Ad¬
vocate. N Y.
"lt*nil>: FObtSSt* FtCpSid ,’J > 2 Pff Yt’ilr.
Vol X. begins .Vorember t>, 1888.
Specimen copy S4-nt on receipt of a two
caat stamp.
Singiv* Number Five ! ent- each
Kemittances should be made by Post
Office Money Order or Draft, to avoid
chance of loss.
XnrtiMtitert-tre noi to copg this mirert sc
^*,*4 teit/umt <A< erpnes order ot H AHl’KB
^ Bhothkrs. Address:
Hucklcn's Arnica >alTe,
Trk Bt#t Salvk in Aht* world Tor Cut5,
Brus* s. Sores. I leers, S.«It , Locum, revrr
bores. Tetter, Chapped Eruptions, Hands, Chilblains, ami
item* an.1 all bkiu pos
lively cures Piles, or n«> >•*> re*juired. It
i* guaranteed refunded. to give i>erfeet Price 25 saUcfaetmn,
or money cents i-er
box. At Lweau a ll*»o**k’<.
-Is Selling the Cellebrated
lU W\ iMIllltiMIII
Thomas’ Peach and Apple Brandies,
Thomas’ Holland Gin and New England Rum,
Thomas’ Sylvester (BB), and Ci.ub House Burbon.
These Liquors Are the Best on the Market. Pry Them.
The Kennesaw and Sword’s Pure Georg,a Corn Whiskies.
l^“\Vhen you mant a genuine article cali on 110V9
THOMAS AKINS, Crawfordville, Ga.
The Democrat
Will strive more earuesly than ever
county pa
' _ § tears v support
'aliub-rro minify
ures ttaequalcd for concise information include
brief Biographical facts concerning Dictionary nearly Not«d
g 10,000
Persona of ancient and modern times.
[ Gazetteer of the World
ng and Voeabalanr briefly describing of the 2. r >,000 of Plac#*, Noted aad tH*
ititious Persons and Places.
C88 1 Ut ^ >,S3 " jig 0flics, the U.S. Supreme Court. I»
. 3|03A\ 1>RR)Q and with
(Stales, and by tlie leading College Presidents.
Published br C. & L. nennon a lvi., Springfield, Mass. Illustrated Pamphlet fr««.
jr 1 XT TS’b
ini’, or Lung Tu¬
Font*'* J’ov*l«*r*wWrim*flnd rr even! JloorHni.Eiu.
Fonts'* Powfier* "ill prevent f'trK' IN To\vi.»
Fonts’* Eowflfr* " ill Inure tl-»» tin* on an titv ot millr
*jv! rrmni twenty J-r f cut., a Hut mi'.kv tne butler Lnu
R i'o;.'' sV o«’f*en v’*■ <i»rp oe prevent sl»no*t syeri
I..SCA8* to — nt: ; b -
J OUT r.‘s ro’A r> us \v»;.l teivu > Ai i*FAC 1ION.
Sold evnrvv. <*.
DAVID X. FOUTZ, ProprittOf,
For sale by Dr. R. J Reid.
u L. tb
- War ran ta«l. Heavy
. lluutinff Co tea.
and magnificent.
. .adiee and genla'titoO
V .< work* and r«*«i of
>,• . JS ONE l*EHSOK
I lor tilty can secure one
y‘ ; k . ’tow is tLUpoaaitdef
*Vv s&.w -we want one per
iocaiitjr, to keep In
the ' . . -miplcle line of our
l ft >>. -z.HDi.D KAJQFLE*.
Tbetu* v. sc’i't free. and after you
U«s «**»•( : r sc G’.ontLa and shown tb«ra
s • ” «r t*»:Ci»roo y»ar own SOLID propwrtT;
It Is p*ei*; ■ i--' - ol ■ »t*n4lD.< il'®
GOLD Wat ’l l. 1C .bit g*rople» fre«. »• the•hotrln*of
tbe •ariiples ; ► • ; ItKaii: 5 , always result* in » larce trad® for
u« an -,,f e • # ,* • i“ien Insl’ Mty for a month or two
„„ . , ,vi . . . to 5 — x/OO in trade from tb®
fr* • v. i r 4| ^ ruxst wondwKul ofTer ever
•u rs:* r .. n may be placed at one*
,«rK*. Writ* ®t once, and
, v.;!l lx hardly any trouW®
^ r .kibc r»I»o m.ijr call at your hom«
most MliilMlorj. A poatal card on
w • .to cut i CO.iaud alter yon know ail,If fon
do tiO» Ch¬ ■ .-i ;.«r, why no barm ia d*»ne. Out if you do
art'.’ jo'.r a . u once, you can werura *• kiBIK one of tha
I^N*. Pol 1*1 j-’-'M >.*!. !«•* In the world and our large itna of
i wn i v .IMI’LiiN. We pay all e*r r r**. fretffht, <*«.
i.d-r«aaoat.-. bkikUrOB A C\).,Uou ell, i'OBTLASD, kLklK*
U m,a
r .
igglfep;. f
6 ' }§ i(C
fcv f
id i Ii *? .'j. m 1
7*1 'ii I a-
3 W!NcmacH}
If ycu desire to purrl ..’sr. a rur mav-bine.
ask our agent at your pie- -• - ternu* 3! ''t
mices. If you catitv i bed urt. »nte
direct to nearest address u> you l jc.o ” : uv mtsk
kikkEsemc ikhk mem
chic ILL. *30 - 28 OiiC-h SOtARL.AJi- ' EI
RTIJtr.TA.GA S WS n*M**26C*4U*4-. -
Jl' ■'
Commercial College
Hi 1
m r.» 9
! I>
Location or Dir aktmsntu or
Ilgilniw, Short-hand A T, pc- M Hltnr, Trtrgr a pbr.
Cheapest & Best Business College in the World.
lllwheat World’a Honor sod Gold Medal oyer Bosk.keeylllC all ether Collect*, *»4 ■*
General Huslneta Kxposltlon. Education. for Svsteru 10,000 of Graduataa Is
Hunineiu,. 1 8 Teacher, employed. Coat of Fall Basin
(’curse, including Tuition. Stationer?, and Board, about |ll.
Short-Hand. Type-Writing. A Telegraphy apeclaltloa.
No \ acatlon. Kotor Now. Graduate! Guaranteed Suceoaa,
For circular, addreia F.phratm W. Hmlth, Principal, or
Wilbur R. Smith. Lexinfftca, Ej. Mention tki* jafW
[ya’s Patent Post-Me
Light. Simple, Strong an* Effecttre.
It is the only self-cleaning kind Digger of
made, and can be used in any
soil, no matter how sticky, with perfect
ease. It thus possesses great advan¬
tages over all other diggers in the mar¬
ket. With it a man can It easily is exceedingly dig 300
, U, to 400 holes per day.
light, ret rery strongly made and war
vg ranted. Price $4.
G. PETERSEN 8 DO.,, tt.t^
T rio F eed Mill.
Combined in One Frame. The Only
Combined Feed Mill Made.
Warranted to Give Satisfaction
Caa ns* three the
same Xiii at acy ReoJ^y fire machine? is
Send for drcolor to
Williamsburg, Ind.