Newspaper Page Text
Cra wfordville, G-eo.
Our Fertilizers are always shipped in the most perfect conditon for use that it is
possible to obtain by means of the best machinery and care.
They do not have a pound of inferior material used in their manufacture.
We invariably supply a higher analysisthan our printed guarantee. •
They are compounded in the proportions best suited for tho purpose intended.
Every bag used has our special stripe arou, d each end of it, ami every hag with
stripe is strong, durable, and well sewed.
Each bag contains a full 200lbs.—no short weights.
Our prices aTe as low as it is possible to make them and furnish a proper fertilizer.
fji g-bsobgia
Chemical Works.
High Grade Fertilizers and Acid Phosphates.
:± * y
Office 735 and 737 Reynolds Street.- -
Augusta, Georgia.
m&m sa mri
g e-gfS® /'AmMm} I:!
TO s
mmm m Hi
■ g
f b3
siPSI Cz l 1
Capacity of Factory in 1876, 5,000 to 7,000 Tons.
-Firs? Ton was Manufactured Dec. 22, 1876.-
Capacity of Factory in 1838, 40.000 Tons.
■ ■ - -{^'Quality, Purify and Analysis of Every Tou Guaranteed.-—
but the best material used. Splendid mechan¬
ical condition. Every oag full weight
MASTODON. Dissolved Bone Phosphate
And Potash.
!ILJ0O>"*7V r o , ^
Georgia Formula’ ACID PHOSPHATE,
The Goods manufactured bv us have no superior as to quality, and our Acid Phos*
te jszs*? **•’* •*”
We thank the public for their past liberal patronage, and shall in the future
the same faithful service and fair dealing.
W- 0- HOLDEN, Agent, at Cr wfordville Ga.
A Features unequaled for concise information include
WOUMUCfA fercr/af/Afyjf library /-v giving A brief Biographical ficta concern:ng Dictionary nearly 10 /JOO N oted
itself 4^ A Persona Gazetteer of ancient of and rr.odera the World times,
locating and briefly describing Places, and tha
SOOO more Words and nearly 2000 more II- Vocabulary of the names of Noted
Inrtr»t:'on« •‘Invaluable than anyotb^r in Bchooif American aa d Families.’ I>: ;tr«3- Fictitious Persons and Places.
Ory. _________
nfS3a2as^%ssf®-sa%8sM^sgis^5!^7t?^a5ftsssrs!«sSfc.“ MOUUAX CO., Bpr^gfield, Him. Ilioftrtted Pamphiat fra*.
Pubi^Led by 0. 4 C. & _
Devoted ta the Interest ef Taliaferro County, pie and General Hews.
Blessings on thee, land of beauty,
Sleeping in a sunny clime—
Blessings on thy lulls and valleys—
1 invoke them in my rhyme!
Far and wide my steps may wander,
Fairer scenes may meet mv eyes,
But my soul will cherish ever
Memories of thy glorious skies.
Northward, against the quiet heavens,
Thy blue mountain harriers rise;
And above thy foaming torrents,
Glow the Iris’ radiant dyes.
There-Tallulah dashes madly
Through the sundered granite hills.
And a sense of awful beauty
All the garer’s being fills.
And Toccoa, haunt of fairies,
And Nacoochee’s valley sweet,
Where the shining Chattahoochee,
Stars and sunshine gladly greet:
And Mount Yonah, soaring proudly,
Where the winds are pure and free,
Waft a gree ting on their pinions,
To tho neighboring Currahee.
Thine, grand Kennesaw’s tall height,
Rising mid thy fertile plains—
Nature’s everlasting watch tower,
Looking o’er thy wide domains;
Looking northward to the mountains,
Southward o’er Savannah wide;
Where, through dartr lagoons and marsh -
Flows the Altamaha’s tide.
Thine the lovely Forest City
Bonaveuture’s wealth of shade—
Classic Athens—seat of learning,
And Augusta’s mart of trade;
Macon’s thine, and fair Columbus, ( ,
And Atlanta’s busy s’reet,
And the pride of Rome, the western,
Where Coosa’s tribune waters meet.
But thy proudest treasures, Geopgia.
Are thy sous, so b rave aud tsue,
And thy gentle, bright eyed daughters,
Who with lovo our souls imbue;
Thine the valiant and the lovely—
Manhood’s strength and
And thy homes adorned by beauty,
Guarded are by valor’s arms.
From Various Writers and Nu -
merous Journals to Inter¬
est Our Readers.
President Cleveland is going back
to the practice of law.
Mardi Gras at New Orleans will be¬
gin on February the 26th.
Jay Gonld paid 50,000 dollar* foi a
p'ace to bury his wife.
Mrs. J. L. Johnson of Upson coun¬
ty lias an old piece of paper money dat¬
ed 1778.
Administer Sbrlner’s Indian Vermifuge
according to the directions Jn the morn¬
ing is t lie best, time to take it.
Seventy-one thousand dollars is the
appropration for furnishing the Stats
capitol at Atlanta
Go where you will, you will find people
using Or. Bull’s Cough'Syrup, and unan¬
imous in in its praise.
Rev. T. J Bledsoe, of Henrycounty,
possesses s package of Confederate
cartridges which he brought from the
war in 1865. They are in a fine state
of preservation.
The most inexcusable folly is to endure
dyspepsia with all its miseries, when a 25
cent package of Laxador will cure the
Judge Henderson is sending out to
the Georgia farmers packagos of the
Mammoth Prolific and the Peerless
cotton seed. The agricultural de¬
partment wants to gi'-e both varie¬
ties a fair test on the soil of the State.
Senator Morrill, of Vermont, has
been in public life longer than any
American now living. He entered the
RepreaeiJtaUve thirtJ * four
When tbe diners of babyhood attack
your baby use at once I)r Bull's Babv Syr"
»«• - «* ^
feet. Price25 cents
Mrs. McD. Felder, is the owner of
three teaspoons and « pair of sugar
tongs that were made of silver coins
«t F h(,ir.ear ago by her grandfatb
er. Mr. S. H. Barsb, In South Caroli
An experienced , poultry .
man main
tains that fouls live, thrive and pay
about as well in confinement when
when running at large but they will
n^v^r bejir crowding.
Six journals haw come out for
appointment of Fred Douglass to aseat
in Mr. Harrison's cabinet. We do npt
believe Mr, Harrisoii will ajipoirt him.
Yet what could his party jo with
not him and is colored constitunents?
Two endous horses have just nr
rived in Brunswick and will be used
for hauling f 'rnber. Their weight is
2650 pounds.
A gentleman ftSed living near Morgan
recently a cypress tree measuring
seven Fro^e'r f^Wliree inches at its barrels base.
J». two hundred
I snff ./ad most severely from rheunia
tism dii in^f winter. After using Salva¬
tion Oil two (lays the pain entirely subsid¬
ed . anrf now I am a well man.
", W. K. Kurtz, Baltimore, Mil,
Friday, State Treasure: R. IT.
Hardeman paid $5,618 80 for the en¬
graving and express charges of the lust
issue of Qfqo rgia bonds.
Judge Samuel Lumpkin an
nouneffc that he will not resign tho
judgesurp of the Northern circuit.
Judge Lumpkin is an able jurist ant
popular man.
Late ail vices say that four places in
Harrison's 'cabinet have been filled.
Blaine for secretary of the State, Al¬
lison, Secretary of the Treasury, Alger
for SecVAary of War and Wannama
ker for the Post Master General.
Bishop II, M. Turner, one of the
foreomSflfcadar* of tho Negroes in the
South flodsthat the color lino is drawn
In the North quite distinctly, and that
the temleDoy is to make it broader.
The bisboff'Jias returned from a visit
to several Northern states, convinced
that those is a large percentage of hy¬
pocrisy itid cant, in the professed lovo
of theYankte for the Negro.—Macon
At Covington there is an old man
who is still a member of the whig par¬
ty. He never votes a democratic nor
a republican ticket, and says he will
never again unless a whig is a
candidate. He is known as Uncle
Billy, and In discussing thd‘question
of tlw -orld being round, he says
XiU’fc make me blaeve no such
stin, *.t; ’ cause of the worl was
I fmow in reasan a patrtdgi
vtd never find her way hack to her nest
when she flew off.”
Hatch Turner tell* of a Negro who
went to him to lmy two sacks of gua¬
no. Hatch said to him. “ I have two
kinds, Chespeak and Soluble Pacific;
which do you went?” The negro re¬
plied. “I rerkin I’d better take a sack
of de Chespeak and a sack of de Solie
Macific. Den at de end of de year I
can tell what is difficulty between the
juaners.”—Milledgeville Record.
Foul poisons that accumulate in the
blood and rot the machinery of tho sys¬
tem, are eradicated and expelled by using
Prickly Ash Bitters, a medicine that will
not irritate the stomach or bowels. It
acts in a gentle manner on these delicate
organs,and restores health in every ca se.
A Story of Wifely Devotion.
William Smith, a fromer senator
from South Carolina, was “wild, reck¬
less,intemperate, underand boisterous”
in his youth, as he said of himself, but
his patient wife reformed him by her
quiet devotion.
The evening before the session o
the court of common pleas a client
called upon him with fifty notes to lie
put in suit. Mr. Smith was not in
his office; he was on what is called a
“spree.” Mrs. Smith received the
notes and sat down to the work of is*
using the writs and processes. •She
spent tho night at work, while Mr.
Bmith was spending it in “riotous Dv
At daybreak, on his wav borne from
one of his carousals, he saw a light > n
his office and went in. To his surprise,
there sat his wife, who had just com
pleted what ought to have been bis
work, and who had now fallen a sleep
with her head on the table. Ilis en
trance awoke her, and she showed him
her night’s work—fifty writs and
«* »«* «*«
strong man. He fell on his knees,
implored her parden, arid promised
never to drink another drop.
his word, and from that prosperity at
tended him.
Phtsiciaivs pres cribe Dr. J. II
Iran’s Tar Wine Lung Balm: In it t’-.-y
find no trace »f opium or morphine, while
to curirm all throat or lung
dseases i* wonderful.
11 * —
convenience and less to the farmer in In
work, whie.h may be quickly remedied by
the use of Dr . H. Mel^an’s Volcanic
Oil Liniment
and destroy the coatinc of the stomaeii,
j, y effective action will cm- .
Bold at 50 cents a bottle.
Terms: $1.80, in Jldvm*.
I am satisfied that Cancer is hered¬
itary In my family. My father died
of it, a sister of my mother died of it,
ami my own sister died of it. My
feelings may he imagined, then, when
the horrible disease made its appear¬
ance on my side. It was a malignant
Cancer, eating inwardly in such a
way that it could not bo cut out 1
Numerous remedies were used for it,
but the Cancer grew steadily worse,
until it seemed that l was doomed to
follow the others of the family. I
Swift’s Specific, which, from the
first day, forced out the poison and
continued its use until I had taken
several bottles, when I fund myself
well. I know that 8. S. .S, cured mo
Winston, S. M. Idol.
MBS. N. C, Nov. 26, ’88.
His llfglit Ear.
I had a rising on tho inside of my
head behind my right ear, which grow
so had that the flesh sloughed off. It
was lanced—Swelled again and was
lanced the second time. I took S. 8.
S. which forced out the poison, tho
discharge being copious. As soon as
tho poison was eliminated the sore
began healing, and in a short time was
perfectly well. S. S. 8. has cured me
of this dangerous trouble which was
thought to he Incurable. J. R. Bul¬
lock, Greenwood, S. C., Oct’ 25,
Gentlemen—!Knowing that you
appreciate voluntary testimonials, wo
take pleasure in stating that one of
our lady customers has regained her
health by tho use of four large bottles
of your great remedy, after having
been an invalid for several years.
Her trouble was extreme debility,
caused 1 y a disease poeuller to her sox.
Willis & Co., Druggists.
Waco, Tex. May 9, 1888.
Swift’s Sukcifio is ontiroly a
vegetable remedy, and Is tho only mo
dioine which permanently cures Scrof¬
ula, Blood Ilnraors, Cancer and Con
-tagious Blood JAmoq. sTTiTTDIfleftseH, Send fpr books
on Blood au d -mulled
The Swift Specific Co.,
Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga.
• •
A Rule Unbreakable.
The same law that regulates the rates
for legal advertising gives tho publisher
the right to demand tho advertising fee
In advauce. As a matter of accmmoda
tion we have not heretofore adhered
etrletiy to this rule, but, feeling the effects
of our leniency as wo do, will In the
future. Therefore all administrators,
executors, or parties having levies made
must deposit the advertising fee With the
Ordinary or Sheriff or the advertisement
will not appear
Whf.n nature falters and requires help
reeruit her enfeebled Strengthening energies Cordial with Ur. and J.
11. McLean's
Blood Purifier. 91.00 per bottle. Mold by
It. J. lie) i.
0 ■—*
lion. J. 8. Hook, tho state school
commissioner, lias been asked by
county school commissioners over the
state for his opinion In reference to
the probable school term, as important
in making contracts with teachers.
Judge Hook advises that these con¬
tracts be made for four months'
schools with the condition that
the pay must come out ef
with the public school fund,
whatever that may ho. lie says: “I
t . anno t i,ut think if he does not find
mollB y ctl0 ngh to pay for tho four
mo „tIis’ term, it will come as near,
perhaps, in paying out that term as it
hH „ ll( , r «,i 0 f ( ,ro In paying the throe
months’ term.” With the customary
to the teahers, pay made by
j^trorjs.l he fund will suffice for a four
mon i| )fl * term, but It r-;in bo made
u ;,suin'iiiy f,, r three months, not
, ierf .tofor« the The following is
f , h() „ sf ,t„ made in the stale com
mission*,-* office of the school fund
f p* IHH9: Poll lax $183,000; from old
• •orc'-.s ml, £3 new appropriation
$P.w total SfiHOJlOO. The average
attendance, according , to , the m, estimate, ,
,yin t*. giving a trifle over t-i
per capita it is confidently expected
that the provision of the legislature
upproni iating the whole tax on the ex
e< i of c-l'WROyjKs) >f taxable prop
*51 y will hugely increase the seined
fund, but it is gucstioned whether ii
would be practically available for the
pre.sen year.
Uurklut, Antira ‘•aive.
he world for < -
lb erf! nit Rhcuin. F -r
I’tdWr, CIvaji and
= it
ti s I faftimi,
• if 'cut
j I't cunt
t L IlililU : aek’s.
NO. 7.
Use Pitt's Carminative for all derange*
merits of the stomach or bowels In child
or adult.
Use Pitt’s Carminative In cho'erinfan
tum and drains from the bowels of any
sively FhysieUns in use the Carmintatlve exten¬
take; their cents practice. bottle. It is pleasant Yourdrug- to
on y 25 per
gists keep it for sale.
‘-U L
B, Ought B. B. to have attention perhaps. If so
will do you good, removing all
inorganic matter, the direct cause of
deafness. It will also aid your digestion.
Witness the following testimonies:
Mr. C. F. Ball wrote from Shelby, Ala. ,
February thunder. 9, 1 heard 1HX7. of “I B. could not hoar It
B. B. used two
bottles,-and now can hear a tick crawl iu
the leaves.
Knoxvillk, Tekk., July 3,1887.
I have had catarrh of the head for six
years. 1 went to a noted doctor and he
treated me for it, but could not euro me,
he said. I was oyer fifty years old
and 1 gave up to die. I had a distressing
cough; my eyes were swollen and I am
confident I could not have lived without a
change. I sent and got ono bottle of your
medicine, used It, and felt bettor. Then I
got four more, and thank Godlit cured tne.
tluse this any way you may wish for tho
good of sufferers.
Mb*. Matilda Nichols.
22 Florida Street’
A I’HUAt lllilt CURED UK
Miooosukne, Fla., Leon Co., July 30, 1888 ,
I have been a sufferer from indigestion
and tiled dyspepsia remedies, for a long hut time, I uud have
many until was In¬
duced by my friends to try your 11 B„ II.
received no relief, hut since using It have
found more relief and comfort tfmu from
any other treatment L have use I. Hop¬
ing you will forward to my address your
little 32 page book for proscription, also
evidence of cures. Scud at earliest data.
Kkv. Rob’t C.
All who desire full Information abaat
th« cause ami euro of Blood Poison*,Scref
•filow* ratii, Kidwoj .Swellings, <>wipieJttt#, Ulcers, Bore*. Cata rrh. Rheums
by mall, ftlsonhB8fly-or»«* «tc.,
can secure
page Illustrated Book of Wonder*, filled
with the most wonderful and startling
proof ever before known. Address
Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, U*.
u JcLa W ff TTP'T r* a L j v e> *r—*
No. 8 W. Hunter St.,
Atlanta, - Georgia.
Meals at AH Hours, Repular* llinna
fi imi 11 AO to 2 o’clock.
in Oysters In every stylo. Game and FUh
Among which may be mention
Rheumatism, Neuralgia,
Dyspepsia, Impotency,
Disease of the Liver,
Kidneys, Heart, Lungs,
Chronic Diarrhoea,
Dysentery, Syphilis,
Gonorrhoea, Catarrh,
and Dropsy
All DIwssm Peculiar to Woman.
\'4T Will visit patloent* In any part *f
the State to perforM Surgical Operation*.
Patient* who desire to be under hi*
personal > cars can secure boasd near his
Twcfty Years Experlonce 1 the
Treatment of these Special Diseases,
551.; lVaehtree M, ATLANTA, CA,
Children buff erring from these destructa para
i can’t be relieved by so-calic<i worm lomeo
: wh;< h onfv tirkie the palate 1 he time-tried
•nffticd cure i» B. A f*an**0><*’* Vermtfu**. A*
y.i value the life r.f child, don’t wait until
and .«c able wckm m seize it, hut et
:Li rcAikUile medr at c; it evvcf f^ii