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@k | !* N» / 7^ 1 .......P timer cit
I.V AIDB 1 WS. 5
Crawfordville, Gr©o
Our Fertilizers are always shipped in the most perfect conditon for use that it is
possible to Obtain lfy means of the best machinery and care.
They do not have a pound of inferior material used in their manufacture.
,, We invariably supply a higher analysis than our printed guarantee.
They are compounded in the proportions best suited for the purpose intended.
•Bvety'tajt used lias pur special stripe arou d each end of it, and every bag with
t and w.e!l sewed.
his stripe is strong, durable,
*-. '
jv „„ full 200 lbs.-no short , weights.
Each bag contains a
Qur prices are as low as it is possible to make tliem and furnish a proper fertilizer,
Chemical Works.
' T
. * .
Hrgh Grade. Fertilizers ■ ,s and Acidi Pliosplia f os.
... -istfmmgpm*
Office 735 and 737 Reynolds Street.- -
Augusta, Georgia.
-’.u 1 '*
’ -, T ^*-*V ' J r--•
mm r,
SBss®U I iiiiit'-" ^ '' r i
t> ■ " •>
i tJI ! 1 ■ * <r-Ja. Mr
■■ A: i- ,
mi ED;?
« : , mm-Bj 1
r'*'. -ter T
iin W'
I m m
Capacity of Factory in 1876, 5,000 to 7,000 Tons.
_Firs} Ton was Manufactured Dec. 22, 1876.
CaDaciiy of Factory in 1888, 40,000 Tans.
_JST Quality, Purily and Analysis of Every Ton Guaranteed..JE!
ffig g-,. None but the best material used. Splendid mechan
ical condition. Every oag fu.l weight
Georgia Formula!
The Goods manufactured by ns have no superior as to quaiity, and our Acid
phate, ^'jf’r *jth fflr^jbout Atash, has TOVer been equaile-b as shown by olucia
n “ 1>0 4ve thank the public faithful forthmr service {)ast and liberal fair dealing. patronage, and shall in the
guarantee the same
©ttSil® ISji-l <*> «>, curauwa
W- Q. HOLDEN ’ A^5at 0 at CraWf3rd.VlllS.Ga.
striped h osc . Th e Greatest Novelty KKffi
r se— iny pick, d: itia^ f y atr? r-ed, nr. I daxuA Wltfc whtU xA x’A carw.i-e a fr~« bierxn a ; twit »a ■
. ■
oI4 flower ;i a wv nxr^, kt ft yrxacice aerrdir. rc»T. Irj-e Irre tl.A, pr^-id, a- 1 earh j-tr
a w> Vsr« of A.xotr'rXy VICK’S r>rm r*v r 7 ; mixed FLORAL sz.d en’ar^ed GUIDE , c*-ar ibaptt; rm type; 4 ^
coerr ; ft fr*mLs^ec«, ftn*i U v olorrwl k’lates, Ctx. x.i.% mm. i .uxirauen ar.d d*
U*e*m ft ever/ f~tr !ar piwst, f-r-rr mm& n.A r'Wo of wi.e, No S
worth f r Werb,” kte* tlof-re rrxr-.ey’a ■
■ worth, twti ia q-iaiity »eA quart’, tj. oor Nnwahies Sa i Um mtA V +rrt*bl*r. f’rye ■
r •;
Dissolved Bone Phosphate
And Potash.
With or Without Potash
De\*ttd t* tht Inttrat «{ Tiliifero- <m* d liberal 5m.
Prom Various Writers and Nu¬
merous Journals to Inter¬
est Uur Readers.
The uniform gentility of some of¬
ficials is all in the uniform.
The butcher is a man who ought 3to
know how to make both ends meat.
Mortgages are a Kansas luxury. No
one feels content out there without
The best cure for rheumatism or neural¬
gia is Salvation Oil, used according to
direct ion. 25 cts.
Marriage would be more frequently
a success if fewer men and women were
A man in Montezuma, Ga., swapped
horses ten times in one clay made $125,
and then rode home on the hors? he
first swapped.
Ina nursery wherein all is life and
“ j'/fonud °Baby
: Syrup. Price 25 cents a bottle.
No one can think clerly when suffering
with headache Laxadov will banish this
disagreeable ailment. Price oidy M cents
a package. '»
You can’t judge a farmer by the size
of his farm. Some times a very small
farmer rattles about en a very big
farm.—Sparta Tshmaelite.
Everybody needs a spring medicirvp.
By using Aver’s Sa r sapsrilla.'the blood 1
is thoroughly cleansed and Invigorated,
the appetite stimulated, and the system
prepared to resist the diseases peculiar
to the summer months. Ask for
Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. T alto-no other.
When marriage is a failure, there is
a good deal more worning with the
man or woman, or both. Wish with the
marniage. _ ____ ...jO'
w'ie een
stunt v contradictory, but not so from Dr
Bull’s CdU«li Syrup, every ‘report eon
cernina it proves it to be the best COugb
S’ rup known. Only- 25 cents a bottle.
An Atlanta editor has “been called
by God to preach,” it Is said. lie is
mistaken; tt was fried chicken that
called him. There is very little com
mnnic.ition between Atlanta editors
: anf } fj, fl j j0r d. —Times-Joiim al.
It is a eood rule trt accept only sneb
medicines a - arc known to be worthy
of confidence It bas been the experi
ence of tbouaands that Aver’s Cherry
Pectoral is the best medicine ever used
for Ui r oat a >d bin? diseases.
Here is the latest: “It must take
a long vat to provide a skin to make an
18-buttnn kid c-lnve to grace the -•oirnd
arm of fie prettv girl who mikes the
chap that, owns the dog that nought
the rat that wore tbp skin that made
the glove that graced tlie arm of the,
charming girl that trapped the chap
that sicked the dog that conght the
rat, etc., etc.”
The dm Diexinn Is Often Destroyed by
worms. Hein ho restored by taking
I Shriners Indian Vermifuge Only 25
: cents a bottle.
A good advert ising patronage in its
: rn mifactures, capitalists and men
seeking good investmert consult local
papers to see if ‘he business of a town
is mirrored in the advertising columns,
If it is, that is the town they want to
locate in.
Gen. M ah one has stirred up his col.
ored constituency by telling them
that their place is in the rear, and
that they are presumptuous when they
talk of getting offiee under Gen. Ifar
rison He says that the Republican
: i in saying that it made a m.stake , when .
it gave him the franchise
^ The most remarkaW e curesof scrofu
] a on record have i>een accomplished by
I Hood's ,4„«,t« Sarsaparilla. Try it. Sold by
.. 1)p
;«Se"r7of the sv"
item, are eradicated and expelled by using
■ Prickly tsl. Bitters, a medicine that will
not irritate the stomach or b-.wels. It
acts in a gentle manner on these delicate
organs,and restores Uealti in every ca se.
Ilccetling Gums,
Manv persons lose their teeth bv the
d s‘ruction of the >ne of I fieit urn
,„ r t—the absorption of the -orris and
sockets caused by Hie nreseuee of tar¬
tar, Use DelectiGve with a soft
brusr and irervent the accu nu at'o-i
of tartar. For sale by ail druggists.
$3.0' IR ONLY 81.37.
v 'XTS, CA»H
' to the Cuawkord
» paid
vitw j '.iijtocBAT, who lias who
there!. OVATVOKXO Jan. 1#><4
will .1 this C.-uijon personally,or B. Aldeti,
bv ft. ? hft « 4 ’^rc or tToUn
Pub' i ' ’ettri M., V. Y or No. 6
Wh, Ga., will be
crerl Hii flip sum of St5 Cents to
wan $ : iigu sgr pri< ,1 of
Jxo’ „ , <* LLlUcre. ,,, l im. cloth.017 p
Price SO tentt
Pos >. 12c., the remainder of the
pne hoot t® he paid in cash, the
ovde be received on or before Mch,
9th, John B. Ai,den.
I ns Seetlied, flU nbor to the the Democrat, offer, ss
ab<ve close claim above
and in the money —37c —required.
Nam- ,
Add re
Book*- t Is*
T Jui* Subscribers.
Tl ijove iuuocent-looking littlo
'coupon ifiiear,. a good deal.
Moal • otn readers, pvoVmbly, arc
familia ’Jr the name of John B. Al~
^en, T. \er, New York, who has
done t ch in popularizing and
cheapo igh-class literature. ITis
ahoveb e,tori bed, one of ttie most fa.
mpy» ioks of the country, is a ro
rnaikal >le a;v nano* Iris enterprise.
A copy of tlw ook. to be seen at this
office, p ioted Y large type,'on good
pape* well and nicely bound iu ciotii,
sbO’ it to he fairly equal to hooks our
rear' t 1n years past have been
acc orned to pay $1.00, $1.50, or
er «I 00. for, hi* regiar price being
our yfai .’n<r A*I
befonsj"our AinieR * enterprise thus prominenlly
readers, and commending
it, aa we can do moat heartily, lie has
consenltpil to allow i.s to make the
above jrery remarkaiile coupon offer to
our subscribers. Lease notice careful¬
ly the [simple and reasonable condi¬
tions: |
lit FA id in advance subscribers to the
Dkmocrat. with , specified ,
and. date. 'l’o be presented a
3rd. 25 cents cash vvilli the coupon, and
12 cents postage, if by mail.
The first condition is our require¬
ment. If you have paid us,—tlmnk
you; it is a pleasure to acknowledge it
with tile above privilege. If you have
not yet paid, the above is an induce¬
ment hk you to do so at once. If
■you have jl neighbor who “borrows”
your paper, or who is not a subscriber,
will you kindly tempt him, for us, to
subscribe by showing him this notice?
To favor oui subscribers as much as
practicable we have arranged with Mr.
Alden (and this Is where tire Impor¬
tance of the date comes in) that if
subscribers so request all books shall
be shipped together in «.ur care, and we
will deliver them at onr office; tiie cost
of freight will be not over 3 cents a
copy, instead of 12 cents postage by
If this very remarkable opportunity
is weicomned by our readers as heartily
as we anticipate, we hope to be able to
arrange with Mr. Alden to present
j them other similar opportunities dur
'"8 l5ie y eiir -
! Alden’s Manifold Cyoloped ia.
j Volume XI.c»rries this work from Debt
: xfominle. The«:» pages are packed
, 0
w ith information of just the kind which
the vast majority of reading people desire
to obtain. Likelts predecessors it is tru
ly mamifold in its character. 1” a single
ample for practical use, is full reliable,
i8 ,, r0 „ g , lt d()Wn to the present year.
Among the articles treated at some
lenght we.notice that Debt, withlts vari
oua sub-heads, has over 7 { ages; while
kindred topics, as Debtor and Creditor,
occupy- ver#pages more. Delaware has
about 5 page*; Delirium Tremens, 4 pages;
Desc ,. nt of Man, « pages; Development,
n r , age8: 'i.fet, 8 pages- Digestion, 2.3
p ages - Diphtheria,5 pages. There ar»,
9)^ a number of really he *pful
tjons qhe form of tlw: book is most con
venient; the paper, printing and binding
are all very good. This to emphatic* lly
.........-Mi.,..... ... ..... ... .....-
1 ,nogs it Wlbin the r of all. A
sf> 'CMfifri v luuie may >r *• ■ I and re
turned if not -athfai’r- JOHX B
A I.OBS. Publisher, New Yo- Philadel
plua,Chiw@i, Atlanta, <1.. ; vancl-co.
Ttrms: $ 1 . 50 , In Atfvm«*
Tc thk mk worry ok Mack. Hkntz. Mcn-
Tire Subject of this Mographleal Sketch,
was, in Taliaferro County, Georgia, on
the 16th day of July 1801, born of o»e of
the oldest, ana most highly respected
families tn the county,—one prominently
identilied with her history in its early,
late, and palmiest days.—When her citi¬
zens,could, with just pride point to It as
their proudest legacy,and, passed from
til's stage of existence oj the 9th. day of
December 1RS8 Aid was, therefore,
twenty-seven years, four months and
twenty-three days old.
His death resulted from accidenetal in¬
juries received while endeavoring to board
the cars in Crawfordville for the purpose
of returning to his home at his Father’s,
lie was Son of Joseph C. and Anna E.
Murden, of Taliaferro County, and Grand
Son, on the paternal line of those noble
old people,—Mr. William H. Murden, and
his most estimable wife,—Mrs, Elizabeth
C. Murden, and, ou the maternal line, of
the Honorable nowcll F. Bnnkiey, and
his noble wife,—Mrs. Ruth R Bunkley,
formerly of Taliaferro, but now residing
near Union Point, Greene County. Geor¬
gia. Descended from such ancestry,
how could Mack, be otherwise than noble,
generous, brave, and obedient to parental
authority? In the home-circle,—fragrant
with the sweets of love and refinements—
presided over by intellectual parents, stir*
roundod by bright, Intelligent, loving sis¬
ters and brothers, he was the very soul
of geuiulty and sparkling good humor,
lie possessed personal magnetism In a
high degree, with true manliness of char¬
acter. and that largo hoartednass and no¬
bility of soul, which made him generous
to a fault. Having been, almost, raised
by, and grown up at tbn feet of, Ills noble
Oi l Grand-Parents, who >e teachings and
turnings had so deeply photographed^helr
sturdy virtues and ^correct principles of
life upon hi* plant'c and suscptable na¬
ture, as to mould and shape his character,
and thus make him their vary Put. and
almost loot. , Not,ivlo»e in the Home- -
circle, did, lit* manly virile* cofis plcuouv
ly shine,- Hut. everywliterc he Went; and
with whomsoever Ire came In Coat,act, he
nerorw, Uijjjh siitsla, and
gmitlcmanly ' IfarA."
In religion, he was a firm , and decided
believer iu the fullness of the atonomen t
and d'vinlty of Christ. In faith, a sincere
Missionary Baptist, having attached him¬
self to a church of that faith and order, a
few years since, lie continued tv member
thereof till his death, and was at all times,
a staunch friend to his church an I her in¬
stitutions. Particularly, it* Sabbath
school work. And, though, ho may have
indulged in gome Irregularities, and ex¬
cesses, not perfectly consistent with the
high standard of religion raised by men
and women of riper years. Yet the ex
cesses and Irregularities of his conduct
whatever they may have been, wore in
every instance, directly, or indirectly,
traceable, to his exuberance of life and
boyish spirits, and, never, to Irrovernce,
or impiety. In natures delicate tracery
of truth, It Is a rare exception that we
find a person possessing a disposition, so
well rounded, so genial, so kind, and so
frank and generous as that possessed by
“M ACK.” R. F. J
Crawrordvlllo, Ga., Fob. II, 1889.
Flnffor Nailw.
My son had a breaking out on bis
face i s ringworm, then on his hands
as tetter, then it came in spots on his
back and hips. His linger nails seem¬
ed about to drop off, and bis condition
was alarming. Under treatment or
physicians i.e grew worse (or five
years' He began to take 8. 8, 8. and
the eruptions began to disappear. lie
continued to take it anil every sign of
the plague left him. Wo owes his
restoration to Swift’s specific.
Leesburg, Ga., Sept- 28, 1888.
Three BottleH.
I regard 8. S. 8. as a certain cure
for Rheumatism, as three bottles cur
ed me of that trouble with which 1
haye been painfully afflicted with for
seveial years.
L. O. Wii.mford
Uock M,lls S ° ct f l * 8 „
’ ’ ’
Nine years ago Scrofula attacke 1
two of my children, and tl. qr were
. badlv afflicted with Ilia;, w.iicii
resistea the treatment of my family
j p|,y S i c ian, I was persuaded t> use
Swif(. T s Specific by seeing »n account
! ° provment f ^ ^ ^ from lie fir
was apparen.
few doses, and in a short time my chil
dren were cured, an I are still sound
and well. John' WDluams.
i L-xmgtoii, Va.
Swift’s Specific is eulirelv a veg-
8tii , jJe remc dy t ;lr id is the only m“dici:ie
LT i'l'"'
OUS IU rod poison. 8«l» » for brolts I n
Blood and -Sk.n Di e ,sea. mailed fn> '.
Thf ' " Swirr SpKf J 1 IFIC t'o
Diawor 3,Atlanta, .. , Ga.
NO. 8.
Use Pitt’s Carmirmtlv* for all derang**
of tlm stomach or bowels tn child
Use Pitt’s Carminative In cho'erlnfan
and drains from the bowels of any
sively Physicians in their use practice the Carmintatlve It Is pleasant exten¬ to
; on y 2.1 cents m>r bottle. Yourdrag
*p it for sale.
. ' f'J ' l ! * ■■■ '* —. . ■ "" JWJ S B ' gi
Ought to have attention perhaps. If so
B. B. B. will do you good, removing nil
inorganic matter, the direct cause of
deafness. It will also Aid your dige**io».
Witness the following testimonies:
COV! 1,1) (IRAK A TICK iRAWt,,
February Mr. O. F. Hall 7. wrote “I could from Shelby, not hear Ala. It ,
9, I heard ihs of B. B. B.. used two
bottles, and now can hear a tick crawl D»
tire leaves.
«t fllVK YOU tlP TO IftB ”
Knoxvii.i.k. Ticwn-, July 2,1897.
I have had catarrh of the head for six
years. 1 went to a noted doctor and he
treated me for It, but couhfwot cure me,
lie. said. I was over fifty year* old
and I gave up to die. 1 had a distressing
cough; my eyes were swol len and I am
confident 1 could not have lived without a
change. medicine, I sent and got’one bottle of,your Then 1
used it, ami felt better.
got four more, and thank Grail it cured me.
Thise tills any way you may wish lor the
good of sufferer*.
Mbs. Matu-da Xichoi.s.
22 Florida Street
Miecosukee, Fla., Leon Co., July indigestion 20,1888.
I have been a sufferer from and
an.l dyspepsl. for a long time, hare
duced tried iiiany by iny remedies, friend* to but try until I B. wa* B. In¬ B.
received your have
no relief, but since using It
found more relief and comfort tlian from
any other Irontmant 1 have address use t. Hop¬
ing you will forward to my your
little 32 page book for prescription, earliest dsto. also
evidence of cure.*. Scud at
Rkv. Kojb't C.
a hook or wosbtKi, ram
At) «2i« Gr
the Bloit* cause Sweliiag*. a^d cure Ulcer*, m u fiw. KMHUr
then, Kidney l»y C’mnpInlftUi, t)a»**rl», ate,,
can secure mall, tree, a copy of oar 89
pnge Illustrated lhrok of Womlera. Hied
with the most wonderful and startling
proof ever before known. Addraaa
Hi.ood lUi.M Co., Atlanta. Ga.
No. 8 W. Hunter St,,
1 iit/lcUlLcL, « , 1 Georgia.
Meals nl. All Hours, a Dinas
from 11:80 to 2 o'clock.
Oysters in every style. Game aad Fleh
in season.
Aiiioiik wliluh may be mention
Rheumatism, ’ Neuralgia, o »
j DySUCpsia, J 1 1 ImpOtoDCJ, r '
Dl80a$C (/l tilC LlVer,
Ki (l : ieyS, Heart, LUTlgS,
Chronic diarrhoea,
Dysentery, Syphilis,
Gonorrhcea, Catarrh,
and Dropsy,
All Disease* Pecoliar to Woma*.
t*TWm visit patioenU in any part *7
the .State to jierforM Surgical Operation*.
Patients who desire to be under hi*
, personal care can secure boand near hia
| Twcrty Years Experience l the
Treatment of-these Special Disease*.
- JJH. „ . M.DL .. _ RIIAM,
No. 55’^ Peachtree St, ATI.ANTA, CA,
vS^rdMfift’SW'SSTfic „„hr.iUncy inrrron,m-ndlsghu«raaMd* Whkh
^ "
Tho». H. Hahdv,M. t£« D.,Cambridge. [aUi*l, Md.
«iv»avoiding ObKr^.p«tic ? J«Iy Uk A.