Newspaper Page Text
[We would be glad if our friends in town
and Trinity would report to us tbe names
—Is your paper marked this week? j
— See notice of estray shoats in this
paper. i
—School books at Hammock, Lucas
A Co’s.
—News has been exceedingly sesrse
this week.
—Dug Stewart went to Augusta on
business Tuesday last.
— We welcome “Locatist,” of Fine
Grove, to our columns.
—Mrs. Locket, of Greene, is visiting
Crawfordville this week.
—Tbe circus advertises a baloon
ascension here March 1st.
—Col. M. Z. Andrews went to W;ir
renton Monday on business.
—Don’t fail to give ui that dollar
“court week.” W« need it.
—Mrs. M. A. Askin visited Union
Point tb* latter i«rt of this week.
—The snow, the beautiful snow fell
yesterday morning most admiringly.
—Volina Cordial, sure cure for dys¬
pepsia at Hammack, Lucas A Co’s.
—Mrs. Robert Bunkley, of Union
Point, visited Crawfordville this week.
—There were some awful heavy rams
fell here on Satuiday and Sunday last.
—Miss Annie Beazley.of Warren,
was in sur town a few days last week.
—President Northern’s sueech 15
worth pieserving by our farmer broth.
—We guess tbe show will bring a
bfg crowd of people to town next
—Miss Mamie Bailie, of Augusta,
spent a portion of last week in our
—Hammack, Lucas A Co., have a
new lot of blank books, account hooks
and ledgers.
— If you have anvthing that you
wish to sell, advertise it in this paper
aud it will go alright.
— Mrs. Red Reynolds, of Greene
county, was in Crawfordville this
week, visiting relatives.
--Our friend C. 8. Lucas will spend
“court- week” at his sirup here with a
handsome lot of jewelrr.
—Mr Burke, of our town, who has
been an invailed for some yeais. is very
to* ____d is not expected to |
—Our court eouvenes nett Monday
and our clerk tells us that there is
considerable business to be carried
— If you don’t bring us a dollar
court week we will be very much dis¬
appointed as we have beeii counting on
you largely.
—If you miss our book coupon you
will loose the chance of a life time to
secure a $2,00 book and a $1.00 paper
alt for $1.37.
—“Always a calm after a storm” is
the old saying. We don’t know about
the calm Monday evening but it clear¬
ed off nicely. a
—Go to L. M. Thompson's shop a
Sharon a"d get your Horse shod for
*5 cents, shoes and nails furnished by
William Hughes.
—The rivers in this couuty were
higher Monday last than they have
been since the flood. We hear of no
damage done, however.
—The young people of our town a t
tempted to have a dance at Dr. 8. J.
Farmer’s last Thursday night, but we
think the rain routed them.
—Joe D. Cosby, of this county, has
again accepted a position with Tap
pan’s carrage factory at White Plains
where he will make his future home.
—A long row of teams, scrapes, ne¬
groes, etc., passed thiough our town
Saturday lasl for the U, P. * ». P.
R. R. Tbe work is being pushed
through to that point rapidly.
—Horace M. Holden is now nego.
tiating loans on lands in this county
at very low rates on 5 years time. You
can pay tbe whole or any part of the
loan back at any time and int< rest w,ll
cease on payment.
—Dr. W. B, Arrington, of Union
Point ’ wassticken with MrftifsiionfdAv : y
last week . which tobesr.
we are sorry
The Stroke is only a slight one, so said,
,nd w. hope to he.r «>on th.t b. i.
well again.
—We are sorry to cl ronicie the sick¬
ness of Mrs. Jane Hammack, of this
place, who has been very sick tbe past
week. She is one of the best and old
est citizens and we hope soon to note
bei recovery.
—Miss Ole via .Sappington, a most
attractive young lady representing the
Boutbern 8tar, the third party paper of
Atlanta, was in our town a few days
’■ HK. ..rnrrH . nnmlier of
subscribers we are told.
—All ... parties indebted . ^ , . to me will ...
plaese Kttle nnftt , or ., r mi make L MMy-r. ar
range men t* concerning thetr indebted
ness by 1st March next or tbe elaims
will be in tbe hands of my attorney.
Jaa A. Keniakick.
A Show Coming.
Crawford ville was pictured on Mon
day for a big show neat Friday March
1st. “Bingley k Co’s monster Euro¬
pean Shows” is the title of the show
and from the papers and pictures there
will be a considerable show here on
to P ut U P the tents on.
Coogbs and colds come uninvited, but
you can quickly get rid of these, with a
few doses of Dr. J. H. McLean's Tar
Wine Balm. For sale by R. J. Reids.
•—• —w
Hammack, Lucas & Co.,
It will be seen in our advertising
columns in this paper that we have a
new firm in town. Notice their new
advt. on the last page. They have a
fresh supply of garden seeds, among
them the celebrs'ed Bumcorabe cab¬
bage seeds. In blank books, station¬
ery, etc. they have a good supply for sale
The most delicate con titution can
safely use Dr. J. 'j. McLean’s Tar Wine
Lung Balm; it is a sure remedy and for
coughs, loss of voice, and all throat
lung diseases. At Dr. Reid’s.
Mr. Hilbert’s Death.
Mr. J. H. Gilbert died at his home
near Lynesville on last Friday morn¬
ing of lead poisoning. He lived just in
the edge of Wilkes county and was
well known throughout this section.
His remains were interred at Wash¬
ington cemetery and attended by many
of his comrades of the Irwin Artillery
of which he was a member.
mm —
Takk one of Dr. J. II. McLean’s
Little Liver and Kidney Fillets at night
before you go to bed and you will be
surprised how buoyant and vigorus you
will feel the next aay. Only 25 cents a
vial, at R. J. Reid’s
Is Your Paper Marked?
If it is, it only means that yon are
due us something on back subscription
or your subscription expires with this
month. We also mark this wee«; eve¬
ry subscribers name whose timejsxpires
during the month of March. Please
pay up by or during “court-week” and
lets have another year of good, solid
reading for a small amount of money.
Our books will be revised after court
week, and please don’t let us cut your
name off.
The dank and cleared decaying timber vegetation .exposed of
regioi s newly of
to the rays of the sun. is sure to breed
malaria. Dr. J, II. MtLcan’s Chills and
Fever Cure, by mil.', and gentle action
will radically cure. 50 cent* a bottle, at
Reid's Drugstore.
Club Notice.
Mr. Editor:—P lrose, through the
medium of your paper, request the
members of the Taliaferro county Ag¬
ricultural club to meet me at the court
house immediately after adjournment
of court at noon, on Monday the first
day of court.
It may be to the interest of all mem¬
bers to be present.
Very Truly Yoi-.rt,
Wm T. Fltnt Sect.
Sharon Ga. Fell. 20th 1889.
Life will acquire new zest, and cheer¬
fulness return, if you will impel your
liver and Kidneys to the performance of
their functions. Dr. J. H. McLean's Liver
and Kidney Balm will stimulate them to
healthful action *1.00 per bottle. For
sale at Reids Drug Store.
Two Cribs Full.
Mr. Ben. Baker, who liv<s just over
in Warren county was in Crawford¬
ville last Saturday. We are told that
Mr. B. never feeds corn until it is a
year old He begins the first of the
year on the corn that is just a year old
and keep his new corn for the coming
year. The most of us do the reverse;
we begin at January to eat the crop
that we are going to make this year.
If we had many such Georgians as Mi.
Baker the Western corn raiser would
go necked for cotton clothes.
•>— • —m
The “Life of the flesh is the blood there
ty of quick restoration from sickness or
accident. Dr. J. H. McLean’s Streng
theninc Cordial and Blood Purifier gives
pure rich blood, and vitalizes and streng¬
thens the whole body. 51-00 per bottle.
At R. J. Reid’s.
•— 0
A ‘‘Bowl'’ Tliefl
On l».l Sunday ni,h, du„„, th.
time of that thunder cloud, a “cullo’d”
brother on bis way from church “got
out of his pathway whll© home ward
bound bound n and anc wanaerea wandered UD up w to the tne beck
®°° r °‘ edltor an “ s t->le Ins wash- ,
torn) f *-«** ~~ *m. It
was the bowlest trick ever played
upon a newspaper man. We expect to
» keep our shooting irons r„ in readiness i
hereaf te * a tr f t0 * ! **{* W,th ° ne tyt>
°f* n Hn # | * e jrr ' 1 ^ r com f* *
ter the water shelf we’ll have a little
shooting scrape to report.
• -4
Salt Rheum.
With its intense itching, dry. hot
# |ci n< often broken into painful cracks
and the little watery pimples often
zrjSTTJSSSS . . . . - ■ _ ___..
this disease. ... It pur ffies the blood and .
th. Iw.mir '™'Z and the skin ,’l Imii *!!,’
witho Jt a scar. Se rr . > f- con
taining many statement, of cores, to
C. I. Hood A Co., Apotbecariea,
Lowell, Masa.
The Fourteenth brought delightful
times. their Valentines,
Girls and boys with
Each one guessed but none could tell
Who It was composed so well.
I’d guss you, and you’d guess oneelse; myself,
That releases censure from any
Ti.e compliment was received with so
much delight,
Both confessed that each guessed
Mr. M. H. Edwards was in town
Thursday of last wsek.
One of the grandest Valentine en¬
tertainments of the age was enjoyed
by the youn i people on last Thursday
at the residence of Mr. L. M. Thomp¬
Tiie regular appointment at the Ray¬
town church has been changed from
the fourth to the first Sunday) conse¬
quently there will be no preaching at
that church on next Sabaath.
The annual election of our town
council, which occurred last week, re¬
sulted as follows: Edward Croake, Dr.
C, S. Kendrick, L. M. Thompson,
John O’Keeffe and Dr. A. C. David¬
Mr. William B. Kendrick haa been
elected Marshal of our town.
How Doctors Conquer Death.
Doctor Walter K. Hammond says: “Af¬
ter a long experience 1 have come to the
conclusion that two-thirds of all deaths
from cou ghs, be pneumonia avoided if Dr. and Acker’s consuinp- En
tion, mig nt Consumption only
glish Remedy for time.” This were wonderful
carefully used in
Remedy is sold Druggist. under a positive guarantee
by R. J. Reid,
0 —
Clear weather once more.
Wheat is beginning to show a little.
The river has r.ot been very nigh
considering tbe rain we had.
The farmers around the Grove, start
like they mean business this year.
Mr. Maury Moon; was in our set¬
tlement last Sunday.
Friday and Monday were bad days
for country schools.
The farmers around here don’t talk
like they expect to use much guano
this year.
Miss Mamie Bailie, of Augusta, is
visiting the family of Mr. It. B. Rhodes.
The farmers sub-alliance at this
place is still on tbe increase.
The Valentine party at Mr. llobbs’
was not largely attended on account of
Gw rain.
The farmers all over the county are
in a had fix, and if this is not a good
crop year I don’t kuow what w* are
going to do.
Some of our most prominent young
men were disappointed last Sunday on
account of the rivers being too high to
cross. It is a bad plan to have a
“sweet-heart” who lives on the “othef”
side of the river unless you get ucross
before the rain.
Much lias lieen said about Hie far¬
mer’s Alliance f«v the last few months.
Some talk in favor of it and others
against it. Those who oppose it do it
simply l>*c»use they do not understand
the principle of the order. One motto
or the Alliance is, “liaise all of your
supplies at home, and pay your debts.”
Who can object to that?
Statu or Ohio, City or Toledo, »
Lucas Count, 8.8. t
Frank J. Chunky makes oath that he
is the senior partner of the firm of F J.
Chunky & Co., doing business in the City
of Toledo, County and State aforesaid,
and that said firm will pay the sum of
and every case of Cstarrh that cannot tie
cured by the use of Hall’s Cat kRKH
Cube. - CHENEY.
Sworn to before me and subscribed in
my presence, this 6th, day of December,
A. D. ’813.
Notary Public.
" '
— ~ -
Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken lnterm*!
ly and acts directly upon the bl.-od and
mucus surface of the system. Send for
testimonials, free. F. CHENEY A CO.
Toledo, O.
tarSold by Druggists. 75 cents.
The Barber t*h«p.
When you are in Augusta aud wan
have or hair cut go to the Central
Hotel Barber Shop. It is the place.”
She is ••Crsteful.’’
“leaved the life of mv little girl by s
riman. New York. Hold by Dr. Reid.
~a w«dTt..’ry.~
The child coughed. The mother ran.
No rcmf*dv ,^ was near. Berore morning
, he tle suffl , rpr wa5 deJtd . Moral:
talways keep «n,U.:«.*,«,.««. Dr. Acker's English Remedy
TornWe ‘
Two-thirds all dentils . In New _ York
Uity are from consumption or pneumonia.
Jiti^^l^yH^rc dAng^rouT Tir Ack
«r’s English Remedy for T ^nption
will ™»y » / y° ur
le ' ^°‘d by i>r.
R-.dtt.wio.Sd Is Cutisum 5,.cT««m
New»rk, Ark., say,! •'«’», down with
Ab^s of Langs, and friends and physl
cians pronounced me, an incurable Horn
sumptive. Began taking Dr. Ming's hew
2 ? 3 Ktfs» 3 S’& •zz:&
work <m my farm. Itisthe finest medi
H^d" Jesse Middle n^llXJor wart Deeatcir DrEin/, fihlo New^l savs
Conaomption I would have dh
^Lung Troubles. Wa,, given j kj
»tore‘ c^nni. ^ hr»les free at anv 7 draw
Prc^m ttie Soil.
Mr. Epljfa:—Much has been said
through tieyroo* about the condition
of tbe favmva, and many of the obsta
cles relativi to the Vause have been
pointed on. with u dent plainness
to open tli/eyes of tie- mers to the
fact that ; part of the trouble lies
within thgi lelves; now after the prop¬
er reform on has been wrought in
the farnn with his past experience
and cranked circumstances he starts
out on th* new year animated With
renewed , igor t encompassed with a
home tlu expe If;;; ed the failures of
many re; he villa tbe soil with the
reverbut, ivat ili wotds, “ExtraVlg
ance, L. .ess, Abuse of credit,” and
others a he prime hinJeiencea. He
labors f< * mouths and at the expi¬
ration o time he finds that he
makes r re cotton, corn and other
nodded then the previous year,
but tint' allance to his credit, in
stead o. ..allaticedue. Having learn¬
ed and .important lesson; one but few
ever lead), one that is recorded in the
history, every man’s financial suc¬
cess. low investigate his financial
statue d months hence and tie is
found lidding a tite gtip on tbe word
“econeny,” and one year ahead of
time, intend of one year behind time,
and In sj not found losing time from
the fir of January to last of Februa
ry try! ; to find some merchant who
will ct .it him, but itnployed in trying
to soh the problem to which I pro¬
pose U ! make mention. Being aware
of tin* uct that our fore-father has left
us a legacy of proverty in the soil, field
failing in maximum yield left to be
washed and Scarred into gullies by the
wasliite rains. It is a great satasfac
tion t' Prow that nature has done
much • son, not only in iU oris
inai f tut also in its power to
recovu i. f under proper methods
and judicial manuring. To raise good
crops on our rolling land, projier at
teutn must be given to the preserva
tion of the soil. Cultivated fields
tnuslhe protected against the washing
rains. They must be made to absorb
and fold ail of the plant food put it: to
then;. If year after year out lands
are t.i receive plant food In the shape
of commercial fertilizers, the farmer
shoud not be contented to take the
single crop it may furnish, and leave
the /esidue of manure to be washed
Into branches and creeks, before anoth¬
er year. The matter of soil exhaus¬
tion has gone far enough to open tin*
eyer of every farmer to the fact that it
is t me we had called a halt. The long¬
er tins reckless and exhaustive sys¬
tem of cultivation is practiced, llie
mote difficulty we find in trying to re¬
store them. We are gla I to know that
soue of our farmers are awakened to
tlm necessity for a change in the care
aid improvement of the soil. It is
gr ‘dying to read the responding fai- re¬
ap nse of some of Georgia’s bast
i ••g, who testify tiial the results are
lh satHStaetory and profitable. The
It* irij t to he guarded against is the wash*
of Hie heavy rains Teirace your
lainds to save your soil, and see that all
ofi the plowing is done In such a man
n»|u us to preserve the land lather than
drijiin them of the plant food. Ter¬
races are objected to on account of the
aitf unit of land they occupy, and the
attention necessary to k"ep them up.
Th is question involves simply a bal
lau ue of expenses, as between keeping
up tbe fortification against waste and
allowing My Hie experience lands gradually With terraces to wasli is
away. distributed through
ltout a little expense
eac'h season will in the course of a few
yeais make a soil of magni.icaiit ca¬
pabilities,where as if neglected in this
way , will bring about a barren waste
of pterile, unproductive fields. The
writer made on tel raced lands last
year, that has been in cultivation over
40 years, from 700 to 000 lbs of soed
cideijed cotton per by ncree. of The the year old farmers was con- to
many experienced.
be Afteli tbe dryest they ever observation
several years of close
and li xperience, I have come to the con¬
clusion that land well terraced and
given a thorough preparation in earlv
sprinlg /than require i less unterraced; water to make for the a
crop lands
simple fact that lands Well terraced
hold Uiese hasty rains received, and
nntei raced lands allow it to flow off.
Tite more experienced have witli lands
terrac'd the more thoroughly f am
convi flir need that it is the only redemp¬
tion our rolling, worn-out lands.
1 woiijid erge every farmes to begin
this system at once, and build up,
str* ngtlien and preserve the soil, in
crease[its capabilities, enlarge its pro
ductiojus, and then the soil will show
its possibilities under aboiidant judicious yield and
inteliif'erit care, . nd
will I*, annually secured.
Eclious T. M(kjbk.
ltaytown, Ga., Feb. 19th ’89.
The <:,n»ltity of the blood depends and asslmil*. nturh
upon gi'eod or hsd digestion
tion: to -lase the blood rich In life snd
strenu giving constituent*, use I>r,
-Leflh'S Strengthening cordial
ct Purifier; it wi'J nourish the
. of the blood from which the
of vitality arc drawn. 51.00 per
bottle. * t Dr. It. J. Reid’s.
Nick I$fca<iach® # and a pcuittlon of op
prc^sion and duilness in the head, are
: very cn oonly produced iiritabllllty by Indigestion: and
; mi>rbid despondency,
causa, >r. J. II. McLean's Liver arul
Kidney ? ialm and Fillets will positively
cur#; Fr*r sale by Or. K. J. Reid
; ^ Lc.-uls, Mo., Po^t«Dispit!ti Bays?
“Indian omen are proverbially heal
thy and 'rung, often marcliing for
dnys WiU: tlv-ir babies upon Uteif
j In fact *bey frequently go the day
oe fore qnd afier con flue me lit, with
power < f endurance bv using a weerl
that grotjs in their locality, out if
which a tf»ediciD« is now being made.
and kept by the druggists, under the
xr ta *""' rEO ,r - ,u s,rtl '
“Isint - Wrap v Female Medicine)
ha* weaR%. pro v , a great blessing to the
< t e over worked women ot
onr targn epi.s. for it le stid that all
who use n kWProiiust and healthy.
ti:0, A iJauamack and al
Drurgd’a keep it,
—The youngjp bdple in town tried
snow-balling Thursday morning.
—A bevy of pretty girls attacked the
Dbmockat office Thursday, and guess
who got whipped with snow-balls?
—We hare had Weather this Week
to represent all seasons of the year
and weather that would represent alt
cllifles of the globe.
—If your paper is maked with a cross
mark this week, you may know that
your paper is about out or you are due
us something on subscription. Bring
Us sortie money court week without
—The Washington GaZettd has the
following Ufty for ohr paper for which
we extend thanks! “Editor Olerd
Moore of the Crawfordville Demo¬
crat is greatly improving his paper and
it now ranks with the very best.”
[at] 19
WlM c
Absolutely Pure.
This i>owiler ncAcr varies. A marvel of
purity strength slid wliolesomenes*. More
economical than the ordinary kinds, ami
cannot Du sold in competition witli tlm
multitude of low test, short weight alum
or phosphate IUkinu powders. Powmcit Sold only in enas
Hoy a i. Co., too Wall 8t.
N. Y. deo4 ly
/TKORUIA Tauafehiio County
VJTOrdlnary’s Edwards office for said comity:
Green has applied for exemp¬
tion of personalty and setting apart and
valuation of homestead and 1 will pass
uppoii the same at 10 o’clock on ilie 4th
duy of March iswi, nt my office.
Hknby II. Fi.ynt Ordinary.
I took up on last Monday some shoats
that were running at large on my aiuf v rem
ises rented from Will, lteld, the
same have been taken care of sllii’c, and
the owrner thereof can get them
this properly notice, lilseribing Apply them ard- paying
etc- to
office, 0. O. Moon?.
Crawfordville, Fob. 20th, IHSO.
Letters of Dismission.
’ *s-x To All Whom It May Concern: C. E.
Knox,'niltuhiUtrutor of tli« estate of D.
William* Into of said coin ty
liavini ■ applied to iiih for letters
ing him from said trust; this is to cite
persons Intm-ited I will pass
said application on the 1st Monday in
next at my office In Ctuwfordvilla
county. cial seal. Given under my hand and
This Jan. 7th Htny.
11 un ry H. Flint Ordinary.
Oilr Graalse H,M» Nmwr Trslsllf,
Vmmr Basks I.asrnsS Is sn. teUI>|.
Mill waadarlaa csrsd.
Krsry child and adall srsallr bsssBUsd. indaowsrats to Oon.»p, OIums
Prof. A* idOlMJUT'inC, »ill Fifth At*., Hi V.
Crawfordville, March 1.
coi. e. w. inis i i ziows
-IV,turn From Foreign Lands ahn Consolidated with
The Only 2 Sacred White Camels Ever in America*
In.r,, .!«-„». «
j ray of pre-emifient p#*rfof £ ances. carefully collected, sreeptahly pre^nt»*d a<i«
ly auhinitted to the public * it bout fear of other than an unanimous commendation.
j A rioadniplc exhibit in efie old time ri ;g. A show of exclusive and startling feature#
Absolutely original anil msrveiotfs novefttes.
j Requiring AfTOH of Touts 111 Which to Exhibit,
sVitlt "eating * capacity for unlimited tliou.ands. Triple srnsl Bicycle cotlegel Rua
j sta(1 nkAU . t World's Ilwse Congress. Trained Aiimsls and AneieM CMnivai ut
ftome, Performing Monkeys, Dogs, Gosts, and Trained WIW Anhnals, Tflck StatHsns
Poules and mules.
A DOZESaowsst A DROVEOECAMEW asd dromedaries*
Phenomlnal Mid air and Arenic (;i»mpion from eyerv noted Euronesn C’af il. Ev
ery promise a sacred pledge. As chaste as it is matchless.
Doors Open at 1 and "1 P. M. Performance Commence 1 Htf L&tef,
«-*• H"**** s,,,el ^ u *«•* 10 ' *
Paor EamoBA will mike an ASCENSION .... IN f!!9 _,, BAt/iOV. and while Sn i»id
air will make a descent of 1,000 feet with hi* parachute to tbe earth, a/trr tbe p «r*v<
* ,on FshiMiinn Lb^n^ that -isrvJ wlr^ Ik.
±**£ ^^'^Umbfi^ « , w,,.i ^king h»« t^sV-^ s«ni», tm
mn []f or ....-n
( r w be permitted to apply tkeir vocstioa h. tlie plaee wb.f« we ernihst W« gang.
1 aatee protection to dur patrons
OVKR A million Dkstributed.
LoUiaiaria finite Lottery Company
Incorporated by the Legislature In IMS
for .Educational and Charitable purpoeee
audits Stiie Constitution, •hise made a part,of In i87*, the by pree- ai
overwhelming popular vote.
take place Sbail-AhaMlIyi
(June end December.) and Ite CM A B IS
take place In each of tne other ten months
In the year, amt are all drawn In pnbllei
at the Academy ol Music, Mew Ortaanai
For Integrity ef its Drawings,and
Prompt Payment of Pri»es<
Attested as follows!
••We arrangements do hefeby Certify tlikt Monthly wdkupsrvlsl aad
the for all the
Semi Annual Drawings or Ths Louisiana
State Lottery Company, and in person
manage and control the Drawings them¬
selves. and that the same are conducted
with honesty, fairness, and in good fsftk
toward all parties, and we authorise thd
Company to use this eertlllcate, with fa« J
similes or our signatures attached, la it*
We the undersigned Banks and Bankart
will pay all Frizes drawn in tha Louisiana
State lotteries which may be presented
at our counters.
R M ntl.HSI.Kt Pres. Louslana Nat*l
Bank. Aat'l
Pierre I, AN At) X, Pf*«. AUte Bk.
A IK, Pres, New OrtoSus Mat’l
CAR*. HOIIM, Pies. Union Baft. HU
At the Aefulemy of Mu*le New Orlttaasi
Tuesday, March »». VW»:
Capitol J*r!zo, ®BOC\,OO 0 <
100.000 Tickets at Twenty Hobart «a*k.
I Loves £10; Quarters 53; Tenths 52; Twsa«
tletlis |l •
1.1ST or PHIZCS,
1 PRIZE OF 5'W0,000 is - IM.WI
l PRIZE OF loo.000 s - * 100 , 00 *
I PRIZE OF is 50 , 00 *
I PRIZES OK 25,0001s 50 , 00 *
» PRIZES OF 10,005 sre - • *1.0**
5 PRIZES OF 5,000are 23,000
23 PRIZES OF l.otw «rs * • 23 . 00 *
100 PRIZES OF (WKi ate 50,000
20' PRIZES OF .‘loo a re OO.lMO
500 PRIZES OF 200 are - ■ 100 , 00 *
too Prizes of 5500 are ...... 580.00*
lOo ilo- 300 are . . . . . 80,000
loo do. W) are . . . . , , Ju.OoC
TKBMINAI. rillMta. __
5*;«* do. too are ........ . 99,900
ww do . 100 ’ - - w.wo
3,1st Prises amounting to * 51 , 054 , 80 *
Norn.—Tickets drawing Csoital Priso*
are not entitled to terminal Pntes.
WfFor club rates or any further Infer *
illation ueslred, write legibly to the titiaSf*
signed, clearly stating your retidvneOf
with .State county, street and number.
More ranld return mail delivery wiU k*
assured by your enclosing address. an envslep*
bearing yotlr full
Ordeis Send postal New York NoTpm, Exchange Ex press In erdlna* Moftef
ry letter. addressed Currency by Express (at ear
expense) to DAI)PillB,
M. A.
Bew Orleans, b,,
W aslilugtoa, II, Ci
Address Registered tatters t*
New Orlesas, La.
-iSKTOWMSrsfT NATIONAL Orleans, meat OUR
BANKS of Nesf
and the Tickets are signed by the Pfost*
dent of nn Institution, whose cheriefed
rights sre rei-ongnlzed In the highest
Com ts; therefore, beware of any tailtes
tion* or anonymous schemes.”
on iii no 1 , 1 , Alt is the prize of the
MIIBI* smallest BY part or fraction of • Ticket !•
tiling in US In an ny Drawing. Aay.
our name offered less than *
Dollar is a swindle.