Newspaper Page Text
The Reason Why
Ayer’s 1*111* are *o popular is, that
while always reliable as a cathartic
medicine, fliey never leave any ill
effect*. Tbf» i* yccatise they are purely
vegetable, and-entirely free from calo¬
mel or any other dangerous drug. In
all rases, therefore, w hether the patient
be old or young, they may lie confi¬
dently administered.
In the Southern and Western States,
where derangements of the liver are so
general, Ayer’s Pills have proved an in¬
estimable blessing. It. W. Paine, New
Herne, N. C., writes :
" 1 suffered a long time with stomach
and liver troubles. I tried various rem¬
edies, but received no liencfU until 1
commenced taking Ayer's Pills- These
pills benefited me at once. 1 took theta
regularly for a few months, and my
health was completely restored,”
Throughout New England, next te
lung diseases, Htomaeh and Ikiwel
Complaints are the most prevalent.
and Constipation are almost universal.
Mr Oallacher, a practical chemist, of
Roxbury, Mass., who was long troubled
with Dyspcjisia, writes :
‘‘A friend induced me to try Ayer's
Pills, and, after taking one box without
much lien .tit, I was disposed to anil, (put
them; hut he urged perseverance, second
before I hail finished the Imjx, I
began to experience relief. 1 continued
taking them, at intervals, until I had
nsed eleven boxes. Hufticc it to say,
that I am now a well man, and grateful
to your chemistry, which outstrips
The head lienee and stomach the are of always most in of
KVinpnthy those distressing ; lieatlaehes, eause to which
ao many, especially Marble, women, Poughkeep¬ nre subject.
Mrs Harriet A. of
sie, N. Y., writes that for years she was
a martyr to headache, anti never found
anything to give her more than tem¬
porary Ayer^s relief, until she began taklrg been
Tills, since which she lias
In the enjoyment of perfect health.
Ayer’s Pills,
Dr. J. C. Ayer A Co., Lowell, Matt.
Hold by all Druggists.
-AND ——
Son Jackson St., AUGUSTA, GA. I
|.#rRestorin«, Dying and Gleaning of
gentlemen's suits a specialty. ncliMlm
0n*ef the Tr.osl inpyrtanl orsans ol the
human body IStboUl/cfl. When it tails to
properly porform its lenctiori the entire
system becomes t'erangad. Tbo RI1AIN,
topertormlbeirworli. DYSPErSIA.COSl»
EASE, etc., are Ihe results, unless some¬
thing Is done to assist Na'ura la throwing
off the impurities caused by the inaction
el a TORPID LIVER. This assistant so
necessary will bo lou-H In
Prickly [liners!
II act* diroctly on Ihe LIVER, STOMACH
and KIDNEYS, and by Its mild and cathartic
•Reel and general tonic qualities restores
these organs tn a socid, healthy conditioa,
anil cures til diseases arising from these
causes. It PURIFIES THE BLOOD, tones
ill, the system, end restores perfect heal 1 .!,.
It your druggist does r.ot ko"p it ask him to
ardor It for you. Send 2 i stamp tor copy ol
“THE HORSE TRAINER,•’ published by us.
Cole Proprietor-. ST. LOUIS, MO.
If You Have
K« •pjH-lllt, luillgeatlnn, ITutulene*,
Nick Himilarh,, “all mu dwwn,” lw
lag rlnb, you will fIu4
Tutt’s Pills
th* rtaolj T«n in ert. They lone II,'
th* «Mk atomacli and builrt unihr
riawwla* merit lea. Sufferer, fr «H1
lu mt a I or Ithyalrnl orernook will rind
rallrf I rotii Ilii-iii. Nicely »u*arroaled.
It is Strictly mJZLxtornaU Pure. Uniform in Duality.' |
T h*» for ^Kh weP.U#.«,<«
twenty vent s item « or
lli»l ni»<le Ineuly y eurw ug <►.
TTnwaka nnltilnir lh«* e»n In*
* |»i-« Ibi- an*s>t labne. It tr^hl*
•»< oo’ort *nd UtMvh » «•» 'R,
T f w»*Hn Hindi and iletn a* no other *<vtp
* tn >hf « .rl i cLx-* mlhnnt ilir.nLiiu; k«»l| I
them iuj| and while and like new.
fftHERK m a ffrr-Af Kwl. naving of time, of Uhot,
J <4 wap, of and of »hf bbric, where ! Vb
TJettia S»a.p u unxl MffonliiiK *0 dli*«s ]
trial wl drnT«*ur«t< it* gmt ncrit. It 1
will |w»v jrewi to a»;*ke thai tn»l j
T 1KI »U brat tl»ln|r», o u mt- ]
laid and counteriritrd. j
Pewarc of Imitations. j
INSIST «po« MMnC Fiectr IV'R*V IaV<
A MapKiK, SkcM-Mlfic, Phiw Electric,
or awv < Vr fritthi, Kiwplv lw* US« tt t' V jx. Akl They
w dl mut vi -.he*, and arc vicar at *n> tv»r
a*»d take oo dkr Kcarty mn- gr •» fr *> Maine
to Mexico kttfM k in flock If ,.„r» h. i’« «, be
wd! >rVt (him b*» i>««real n boies-nk grocer
T) FAD carriUHy iHe *ram*c*’ nexwmd e»A
JT flftdk Wr, aad be careful t* Ym Itillon dlreeiton* aiftertl
m oM t m de wT*|xprr to
van kn{tt teker uj ktt you rxtf » *'-e.
•*4 truly wxwideHU
Dobbins’ • Electric + Soap.
rtULADEU-JUA, r.v.
Bill Arp Moralize*.
The greatest ahirtn we feel for the
young (wople <*f this generation is the
.jack of principle—good old fashioned
piinciple— the lack of maidenly modes¬
ty in the gills and honest Industry in
Hie young men. The average society
girl is not fit to he a wife, cite has
been engaged so many times and been
ondb-d an d bandied by so many pie
tended 1 oveis that her roa.dt tily mod
i sty is g«.ne. A friend told me the
otbet day tfia t be lend a young man
say be con d kiss bait the girls in that
tow ti when be wantid to. “Why. I
thought you were engaged? raid my
friend. ‘ No,” said be, ‘‘I was, but I
bo nd out ihe other fellers were taking
libertbs with my girl and I pulled
out.” Society marriages now-a-«lay8
are not for love —that pure, innocent,
devo tccl love that mated our fathers
and mothers. They are generally for
money or family influence. There is
no Jacob and Rachel about, it and so
the happiness of that Union is not hy
the (beside, hut away from it. To the
wife it is In partita and ball* and shop
ping and visiting. To the husband it
is the club or Ihe countingroom or the
cotton exchange or something Worse.
The society man will marry for money.
lie does not care how many lovers she
has had, nor how many engagements
she has broken nor how many lips have
slabbered on her, nor how many arms
have embraced her
1 read yesterday of a divorce suit
bet weeh a couple in high life, and the
ground for wperati >n * is i
wife w mid not rc’.ui n In
souvoalra ’ha', form -r lOV.OS
given her. There seems t <• te- no i;uni
nest piiiiciples among oyi y.gug men,
itic ination to work— to begin at ttie
bottom and work up, but father to get
aomcimug for nothing and get it
quick. Lottery tickets, cotton fu¬
tures, gaining to marry rich is the
idea. The millionaires who have
made their fortunes by .speculation
have set (In in the example and these
mtlliods have approved and indorsed
hy society and the church. If a man
makes a bundled thousand dollars by
,.,,t ton fill dies, or reriieniing the meat
or the bread of the country, it is all
light, provided he gives a thousand of
so to the church. I know just such a
man who never earned an hoiust dol
lar in his life, made president of the
Y. M. (J- A. No millionaire ever
earned his money, lie may have m
heanted it or it may have come by
aotne tccidant of fortune but lie never
earned it. It can’t be done. It is im
pusaihle, Nv^wite man can earn rr mil
Ihm dollars. These great fortunes
have been made by force or fraud, and
made at the expense of the people.
The real value of meat, or wheal.—
Atlanta Constitution.
About A Hatch Which was
in (iood Sliapt*
We asked Mr. Y. (’. S Hatch in re¬
gard to his hick in the Louisiana Stale
Lotteiy. he staled that he bad been
investing for some months past in the
lottery. Thai lie sent Ins money in
and received his tickets promptly. He
purchased ten fortieth tickets ill out
10th Dee. liSHS, among tho ten was
No. (>9,704, th* 1 number (hat hew the
Capital prize, tdOM.lklO. When inform¬
ed that -t had drawn 815,000, he went
’ at once to Wseo and three de|s>8ited
! his ticket with the Aniencan Nat.
j hank. Four days after he was paid by
i the American National hank the 815,
; (KHi. Mr. Hatch lias a wife and six
■ children, lie was com arative’y >
pool lea . working in i>v«”s- 11 of the
j W, P. Games big valley faun, three
miles south fro n McGregor, on a saia
ry, McGregor (T> x ) ( Inerver, .1 in.R
Common Sense
SIkoiIiI l«> uw-rt in atl. inpting to erne that
vor\ dts.igipcable dlseasi*, catarrh. A ca
ranli originate in impurities of the blood ’
local upoiic.iuuiis eau d-< no - ermunent
good. The common fense method () f
tnanneut . ... i- to puuty ... the , hlooit, , . »no ... for
(his |>U. pose lucre D no preparation su*
peilor to 11" >l’s Sarsaparilla. Tliat this
peculiar medicine does cure catarrh i
i,v i rout
......fib’ "I o have foaod r,di -f urn,;. UM„g
.1 ul! OIIH'IN I Hil fillle<l. V UOOK CO 1
tail,lug st item -nts -'f cures sent on r
ceipt of two-een! stamp, by < l I OOl)
t" , ..... 1. . >Will, .. ,, Li,
I Icctrio IHttrrs.
This l »nu»t1y U so \vt*U known
ami so poputur as to iu*ih1 11 special mcn
tion VII who h'W iisimI Elwtric Bittrrs
sing the same song of praise.- A purer
iiHMlicine iUk‘s not exist ami it :s guaran.
UhhI to do all that ts claimed. Electric
lUtters v HI cure all disuses of the Liver
am! Kidneys, will remove Pimples* Boils
Nil it. Rheum u mt other affe-tious caused by
nipure hhxal Will drive Malaria from
hhe system mui prevent as w« as cure all
Me lari* 1 fever**.—K im t»f lleadadie.
<\msutt)p>it»ii ami Inti t^stion tr> Khvfrie
lltei's- Entire 1 cuaian?eed.».r
tlU- i'r t‘t*
At any d»ug si »ie.
rwo I’itjiors it About
>m v Brice.
IVcwill clul> our |W|n>r and the
. rvu Taiiuers' Alii vice Advoe ite
frt SI. 1 v ar. The Advocate is
t! .* leading Al’uuee p»tv»r of Georgia,
»nd is devoted exclusively ti> ttie ai
dance cairn*. Caller seal us ye'ur
To Young
til »„o„,tn,
excellent rules for young n ian cour
mencing business: &.
The w ot Id estinrmteH me by their
success in life—and, hy gtferal eon
sent, success is the evidena of super
iority. cireuVistan'-es,
Never, under any
assume a responsibility you,an avoid
consistently with your duty your
self and others. 1
Hast: all vour actions upoi a pi in
ciple of right; preserve your integrity
of character, and in doing ti.s, never
reckon the cost.
Remember that self-interesfi < more
apt to warp your judgment. m' all
other circumstances combine there
fore, look well to your du whtn
your inter cats are conce I
lie neither lavish nor ni. ly; of .
the two, avoid the .alter, mean
matt is I’tiiversallv despised; M pub
lie favor is Therefore, a stepping-*! ue ^' feol- prr
ferment, generots
bigs Say should litt’e: be thin!; cultivated. much; and <1 L lore
| Let y«>ur exi*-nses inyourpacket. be such Ready a to
leave a balance
money is a friend in need.
Avoid borrowing and lending
tv ine drinking and e . >r > king
are bad habits. They imp. ; the
! pocket and mmd. and will h ad a
waste of time. »
Never relate your misfortunes,! and
never grieve over that w ’ ieh yon can
not prevent’ *
| a \\ 0*tg*4 ,r tn\ I H vil* iUvf iom
H« l» f.owel*, and ki«:
A pleasant lemon drink th, go'.tjvely |
,.„ r , Biliousness. Constipation,indigeitiun,
Headache, Malaria. Kidney, *>iz
zincs ', Colds, Loss of appetite, k, . r,
Chills. Hlothehes, Pimples, l’ain in yhe
hack, Palpitation of the Heart, and all
other diseases caused by a disordered fver
stomach and kidneys, the first great enjise
of all fatal diseases. 50 cents and #1 for
bottle. Sold hy druggists Prepared only j
hy H. Mozley, M. !>., Atlanta, Ga.
For coughs and colds take Lemon lliit
Drops. i
For sore throat and bronchitis taye
Lemon Hot Drops.
For pneumonia and larmigetis ta’»>*
Lemon Hot Drops. «
For consumption and catarrh tnbe
Lemon Hot Drops.
E’or all throat and lung diseases to
Ia-moii H»t Drops.
An elegant and reliable preparatfo',
SoW by druggists. 25 eets per Uottth
Prepared by 11. Mozley, Jf.D, Atiaic,
Our Relati v e Positions. '
If you will consider the matter serioviff
ly you will discover that our relatival
positions are ns follows; -
You are the jury; Compound Oxyg-o).
is on trail; experience Is tin* advocatn;
evidence is demanded; hero are the wit
Ue ses:
“Myself and daughter were both eurdd
of distressing asthma by the use of yotir i
Couipound Oxygen "
"Mas W. DKXNvj
“Moss Point, Miss .June 27 1888,’ f
"Yihi lmvt- m\ henitblt gratitude or
[lm _<>>I your Comp Hind Oxpgon 1 is
done me.
Mbs Fiiaxcis Edwarits.
“IVKATHFiiFonn, Tkxai, April I, i>8y.’
“Since usinir Coinpcuml Oxygen ' Sny
| tieultb is simply perfect ‘ F. 11. Emeky ;
"Gorham. Mk , July 27, ishh.”
“Cmiipouii ! Oxygen saved my wilfe’s
lift* and miitl my boy of catarrh.
Walter t. For ni s
“ATI. ANTa, Ga.’’
Semi for <nir broeh ir of 200 pages or
umr quiuletlv revle , Health and l ife,
containing the results of Compound C xy
[ gen treatm. ur in eases of consumpl ion.
I luoiKhit s, asthma, catarrh, dyspepsia,
in i voos and pio-hation, rheninatisin, neural
gm, ail other complaints of a ciu onic
uHture warded free aII of our charge publications will be for
to any one adi ess
ing Drs. Stuikky Paler, No. : 520
Arob sleet Pint,ulel dii. 1‘a.
I ] llttckleu’s .Arnica a've. :
Tke Best Sai.vk in the world for (huts,
Brusi s. Sores, Ulcers, So It Kheum, Fever
s or,-s. and Tetter, Chapped Eruptions, Hands,Chilblains,
i ( ores all Skin and pos
j I lively is guaranteed cures Piles, to give or no perfect pay require* sitisfav tion, . It
or money refunded. Price 25 cents per
; box. At LueasA- liamnai k s.
: ^ dT0dT2 Xk ^.k- F0UTZ T -r—k 1
NO Honss ti- u .{*<► of roue. Bors or Lt,‘vo Fit
r- : : v r»u!z*s !\YWvi.*n» art* wed In tin;e. 4
l outr * Vow ■ et m lUcnrfan.i nreveni HoerRoj, FR*.
Ktwuz** l‘towne ft wi|! frv*xpnt Gaffs ix No I A.
fouti'* Power « u inert'.-t-e tt-e ouantity t>f milF
An * rtcAHT twenty per cent., and u;akc t! ’ buriler
a:> i twett.
j Von S l» w e«**« r-evont FTA.»Y
' p To rv>‘x XT!: i-> •* •
lOrrX's *» VtiU. tilth. bATWACUoS.
Sold rvtrvkt
DAVID K. rorrs. Propriftor.
Blli T IXORS. 11D.
For sale hy Dr. H J Reid.
f Ryan's Patent Post-hale
j I l.lchl. DIGGER Simple. US Strop* TRmPUkiER. anJ tjgeeiUe.
■■ J
I the r' -.r artfctaantw Lager
. aihI cun 1** uxtvi m mu kiuti of
no natter hew akky. viif > peffect
* Jv * n *
. f L s . 'vaiittaaian can'»«q , h^|Tig l “»o
•A) holes per day. It
ST"* ,!r “ a:k- "t J w * p ‘
I l| C. HTL1SEK 4 * Cfl "**•»
L v , MOLcrS, HX.
1 ' n JiiuirsiBBPaKsarss^ Of. BOLL’S facilitates Teething and
K ’ : '
i mi § i
! f£
BULL’S Cures Coughs, Colds,
Hoarseness, Asthma,
Lronchitis, COUGH Croup,Inc;- j
picntCon- sumption,
and tive relieves Persons. Consump- 25 cents. SYRUP
cfliUKt r.rmue LANGE’S rUB^BCtOARETTPS for Ca
terth. Prrc 10 Cts. At alt druggists.
Tho Bsst Judges
dr-'*” Wy
*a8h1 ~ ms f ? '
W m
Of ToileJ Articles,
Hence it is nothing strange that
Has been rendered iu favor of the pl. as
ant and fragrant
The most efficient preparation for cleans
ing and preserving the t**etli. Ask your
neighbor about it.
Read what Dr. A. \V. GaUioun, the
• ■lebiated specialist, says about Delecta
ft affords me plf asuro to boar teatimo
ny to ils virlut*, hihI to stulo that Us cura
tiw properties me beyond question. I
recommend it to the public."
Dileetalyve will
Whiten the teeth.
Harden and beautify the gums,
Purify the breath,
t event the formation of tartar,
fd In preserving the teeth,
Cure tender aial bleeding gums.
A c k for Delectalave and Have
Nothing Else.
Wholesale Druggists, General Agents,
i Atlanta, (-a.
2 tT For sale hv LULAS & IIA.MMACK
Ci awfordyiiic, Ga. a nrS ly.
Q P* C I^A : OT73S.
IT; Club System VuYG' Cipa waTW ltd
t I while to the as buyer convenient as any V teKlIu m
| | I iasulraent wholesale system, spot cash is A- 3
[ | a gf ■
I system to os. The m
co-operation of the
dub members sells us _______
_g etches in each PH 1 LA.
S “hy ■«
more for your money than any one else
: L «|and watch why business we are in the doing world. the aWe ^ r o est ^^ri
LlVia! only first quality goods, but sec-W*.' ourffp : -q|
. 5 5 '.J prices arc about what others get fer
iPLi , ond quality.Our SlO SilvcrAVatcli r ••••4
is a substantial Silver (not imitation of
e] any kind) Stem-Wind American Lever ^ .
Watch—either hunting case aStem-wind, or open. | pSJ.!
OurH-ia.BO W a tell is j pY?
OpenFace, first quality, stiffened Gold j
American Lever Watch ./nuiranteed equal to F j J
~vear so years % It is fully to any • %
! watch so'ld for Stiffened ^38 by others. We findfei?’
a first-class Gold Case much
| i eaaa more Solid satisfactory Gold Case and that serviceable be sold than at ^S
j an y can ,k
I il 11 SSI !cs * than double invariably the money, thin, as weak, cheap i3i£ii
j solid cases are
j! , low quality,• anvl worthless after j
short use. Our $.'*8 W&tch contains im-Jp
i M numerous of important patented accur-C * 1
provements, vital unjvcrtance to SB
atelimf ing -- —Patent Dust/reef, ,v - r Patent " Stem s'
IPind, .. .—, &»c .,which we controfexclusively. It jl&GS
is fully equal for accuracy, appearance, aura
Open bility and Face service, Hunting. to any Cunf&43.00 £75 Watch, Hail- either|r*d|
the road most Watch exacting is use, especially and is constructed the best Rail-fc^^ forjj&v**
j ‘road Watch made, Open Face or Hunting § !
! All these prices are either all cash or in clubs, *■
91.00 a week. An .iy tx »*afc* J ■ * - - l
j Tnsvlatvr given fret with each Watch. I f
The Keystone Watch Club Co®:
■al«09ce if Co's Owe Bolldiig v, Sg J
004 * Agents WALNUT Wanted. ST. PHIIAPA. PA. ( i rM.
j ; Ajax Watch Insulator, $1.00
| v pdrftfctpmwetittn against nikgoeti.«TD.
[ Fit *Kf Watch. Sent bT mail on w«I{H
i [pf prle^ . C^r" **"-* refer c* any On m mertin/ Agmcj
.T'.VIe; are Vv’eak. Nervous and
A ll Di-bilitated and suffering from
5. Nervous Debility, teminal
Weakness, Nightly Enttnis
sions, and all the eft eets of
early p'vil Habits, which lead to Prema¬
ture Decay, Consumption or Diseases Insanity
send for Pears’ Treaties on of
' Man, with particulars for Home Cures.
Cures guaranted. No cure no pav. .!. S.
Pkars, t»l2 and (>14 Cbu eb St., Nasiiviile,
(i .jk Tillspreparati' 1 it -.jury, a.wiibout Freck
' removes
j 6gj Liver-Moles, Pim¬
ples, Black-Heads, Sunburn and
Tan. A few applications will render the
most stubbornly red skin soft, smooth and
white. Viola Cream is not a paint or
powvlertocorer defects, but a rtmeily to cure
« W superior to all other preparations, and
is guaranteed mailed to fir give 50 satisfaction. }*repared At drug- by
gists or UITTNEH & CO.,
G. C.
TOLEDO, obio.
For «ale by DR. R. J REID, Crawfcrd
ville. G.y.
-Is Selling the Cellebrated
VaiiJ .. ssi n % Stiff«tti
Thomas’ Peach and Apple Brandies,
Thomas’ Holland Gin and New England Rum, .
Thomas’ Sylvester (BB), and Club House Burbon.
These Liquors Are the Best on the Market. Try Them.
The Kennesaw and Sword’s Pure Georgia Corn Whiskies,
i-gf When you want a genuine article eali on nov9
THOMAS AKINS, Crawfordville, Ga.
We -A.270 Agents For
f Li. ZACHARY & S< >N’S,
Eascombs Cabbage
’ SEEDS s ■
Instructions with each packo^e How to Grow Cabbage.
GaTdesi Aftefe all Jgtli*
School Boots.
Hammack, Lucas & Co.
J3r , UL^rg;ijstiBs
No. 7 Chinaberry Si., • « • • Crawfordville,* Gil
Quality, Workmanship and Ma.
terial Unequalled.
Write for Catalogue. CSfeCUelHAT!, OHIO, U. 3. A.
TS the most perfect Tricycle for Ladies and
Children yet invented. It is rccom
mended by Physicians as the lirst and only
machine invented that ladies and girls of a
delicate constitution can ride with benefit.
m The rider sits erect, appears natural and
■ i graceful, pleasure The GUI as making well has as steel benefit. the exercise wii< wheels a genuine with
grooved steel tires, thus preventing the
spokes from wearing loose, forged Rteel
a. J \ forks, adjustable spring seat to suit vari¬
~.~-j ous ages, and is handsomely upholstered in
Plush. tho
vfxS Hundreds of riders testify to its being durable
• swiftest, easiest propelled, and most
. catalogue show¬
machine on the market. Seud for
ing cut and price. Manufactured by
ra «—m mmm
a t~ ■
TH F eee M m. i
Warr£?Ld ti Civs Satlsfaetien ‘
. ti
Yr iHiacixbur^ Ir-d.
fe- v
Tig* l
v /MfJ
a J ti
spt ^afli iftii
m m
Tf ycu e- -:re ‘ vru—V -<-• a sewing jncehtee. and
askourofcns at vm:r place fur terms
prices, lfnn cairn-it End our agent, write
direct to nearest address to you txuow named.
ie mi 5 EWNG mm &omlmass.
Chicago - £3 UfijMI CQUARE.tLr:- C8LLAS.
Durability, Style and Finish