Newspaper Page Text
The Interest WhiclO This Country Has
in Samoa.
It is probably safe to say, asserts the San
Francisco Chro i ’..that nine-tenths of the
people of this laud are in a state of intent
geographical darkness as to the location of ;
the Samoan Islands. A gr.o.l many peop'e j
imagina that the islands arc a few hundred |
miles west of San Francisco, but lots of other
ordinarily well-iuf-rn'.e.l talas dispute able that
Statement without,, however. being to .
afford any sp. < ilii inferin; tion as to the j
location ..f th-.-c v . , ra -f umicd mud
fe'-aV y.“u ’ mU ' ’ ° !
If draw a circle on a good map ot the
raci’ Ocean ;:ntlnic!u«k-‘within the ounda- 1
c i
ries nf your r r.g the junctions oi tin* thir- I
tcenth find lo-.iiA c »t h pM-aluls ot south l.iti
o^hmldJSd Tnd^rydi:!^ enrich, ill l:nd
longitude west of Gr» you w |
that vou haw fenced around that portion of •
the globe in which Samoa is to be found. *
The little im ^ulur tb; r 1 dot^ on tee sue- . I
face of the ocean arc tl.e i.-haids oxer
not a few pcope are worrying. -Mne the! «>t !
the islands are inhabited. Tbc-c arc
prizes. There arc- a number of smaller
and comparatively valueh ss islets, but
1 hey arc rarely heard of. The islands which
tuaiie up the'Kingdom of buiiioa are called
Tutuila, Opolu. Manua, Olo-in^a, Ofu, Ma- j
nona. Anuu, Savaii and A} ohma. < f these i
islands by far the most important is Opolu, !
and its great port. Aria, is the capital city of 1
Samoa. Opolu is the second island in size. It !
is about thirty-eight nu'es I one ainl a little l
than o' ___ 4 *. rwO - b”- ‘ I. At Ay” ,c : M :e I
soat of government, an 1 within the city j
limits foreigners are the the residences island. Greatest of about in all size the is j 1
Savaii, being about forty miles long and
twenty miles broad. The greater portion |
of Savaii an surface ranges is of occupied volcanic by
two mountain
origin. Jn the interior . f tlio island there
are numcr us lava beds, and consequently
there is a dearth of animal life. The int^r
est of the United States, however, is at
present centered principally on the island of
Tutuila, because treaty rights have there
given us p ssession of the harbor of l 'ago
Pago. The island is fully 17 miles long, and
at its greatest width measures about o miles.
The harbor of Pago-Pago is on the south side
of the island, and the indentation made by it 1
almost makes two islands of Tutuila.
w V i -
■ClITI [[ fllB • s i r *“
Samoan commerce has decreased some¬
what during the past two years, due to the
great disturbances there, but it is not so
small as some pcpl * might imagine. In 1885
the total amount of trade was |5d2,ClY. Of
this Germany secured $:i81,r>12, tlio United
States,$110,000,and Great Britain the remain
der, $115,000. There is no reason why, if free
from internal troubles, the .Samoan Islands
should not have a t ade worth annually fifty
times as much as the foregoing figures. The
soil is rich and is covered with the most luxu-
2 "L" p «S.” 5 “f P "i. S valuable KLC! varie
most of the trees being of j
ties. Fruits such «as only the tropics can pro- j
duce are everywhere—oranges, bananas,
mulberries, cocoanuts, pineapples, perfection limes, and
bread fiuit. Cotton grows to
there, and sugar cane will prosper wherever
planted. Coffee can be made the staple
product Bamoans . really fine-looking 1
The are a
well-proportioned, people, especially the muscular men. and They red are bead«*d, tail.
the latter peculiarity being due to the habit
they have of applying lime to the hair as n
cleanser. 1 heir clothing is generally of the
jeast elaborate description, and in the ma
jority of cases consists simply of a cloth cf
shawl twisted around tho waist and falling
to the knees or thereabouts. This garment
covers the elaborate tattooing w hich is found
on every Samoan, ami which is never
i§^lk — * . i j j
i H |
-vr - ^
f At, I |
A fiAMOAN net AT /-AGO-PAGO. /
seen above the Waist r.or below the knee i
There is but one design and that is follow, A
strictly in ail cases Samoan laws ap-a .ns*
tattooing are very stringent, and viola- vions
are fine. punisha! The chiefs le by imprisonment and a heavy
and principal ir
garlands of flowers around their ,en wear
some of tl em indulge in th< n--cks end
adornment imparted by a ’ ? additional
leaves. The men dix ike wor' nead-dress of
as little as possible. This is A. an'l they do
. , . , ? , ,£.?
the fact that tb-re is but V,t ue
> "® * alK/r nee ‘l e< t
to produce sufficient fin v. hio.h live welL
All the labor the big to
on r /Ian rations is done
by slaves, who are impor ted from the Salo
mon Islands and Fiji.
The women are srna’ and not bad looking,
They are genera);-/ c) ad i the men are: but
there are tore? or f- as styles of semi
European costumes ,ur new
men than are in the also tattc of^the'men. TJ*
ea* Many of the
natives speak F ii^iish. and they are all re
ligious.v m 1. i
every dav. an
en rest. Xo- d bought that (lWy?
The church .hin^r ••an f-e nn
” filled at service, and
every one as are every b/F^la
which ar?
moans’ Lesleys . Methrxtiot m sftionaries. The >a
- n mttdc. and they sing
with a are very fond of
the c ji enthusiasm that occasjona.iy spons
are seated the greater part of the time. Eliza
heth Scott i’arker thus inscribes some of the
dances she saw on the-deck of an American
man-of-war at Apia: “The dance is per
formed mostiv in a sitting posture, and con
sists mall conceivable motions of the head,
b. tlv and arms, the rear rows furnishing the
i^elRda^ers^ ZiV Kov—*Tf
were perform*! wnh the
utmost prcc s.on and grace, and through
it the whole me'odies' party sang. Many of
their wild are really beautiful,
Every figure of the dnn<-ehas its significance.
ing*'vvero pflpiUde 'bSf the|'reater"pan
was unintelligible to us. This performance
continued for an hour or more, alter which
f A fc \A &&& ■<&'
j. •>;.>** At //
Br . -V -
■■ )■ AT*
'f /i-X'' J W >
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MX:*' V 1
t/vr '
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samoan HOUSE at tonga.
Some p’.ays were given, . ahvays accompanied
by the weird singing amt clapping ol lianas.
One play represented dogs quarreling snarls over of the a
bone, and the deep grow is and
men representing the lug dogs as well as the
shrill bark of the chief s daughter, the little
dog, were very natural, as well as their ac
crying‘with in^'aniilg^xve^liei^^dcaT^lmby.^ shut, Vo°wm Fa
one eye father coming a in
moan custom, when the
discovered the misfortune which had be
fallen his house. Thereupon the grief wns
even more Vi ..'cut.than that of his spouse,
ami he indicated that iioxhmg could solace
him but rum. When ho had gained asked sufii- the
ci'Ut control over bin feelings of he child's
mother what, was the cause the
death, and her reply created great merri
ment among »he natives. She said it had
died ‘waiting for the American man-on-waf
lo come!’ The entertainment finished in a
fren/ y of motion, a throwing up of hands,
a whirl of the body, and a hearty peal of
laughter.” question frequently asked: “What
The is
interest has the United States in Samoa
The interest is not a small one. ♦Samoa is
almost directly in the course of vessels nm
ning between the Pacific coast and Australia
und New Zealand. This line of commerce is
growing very rapidly, and its proportions
>vill soon be immense. r l ho « nited States
needs a port of call and a coaling station in
Samoa, and if the kingdom is in the posses
s i G n of one of the great, European vessels powers
would shut American out
j n case of hostilities, and thus do irre
parable damage to this countrv If the
Nicaragua the canal direct is completed lino of communication Samoa will
then be in
between Australia and Europe, and this will
add enormousty to the commercial and
strategical value of the islands. England
does not want them: she has Fiji. Australia,
and New Zealand. The United States does
not want them: it only wants to see them in¬
dependent; it only asks that Samoan auton¬
omy be not disturbed or imperilled.
Rr .ati Aumihal 'Ci'iANDi.En, commanding
the United States naval s juadron in Asiatic
waters, died a few days ago at Hong Kong,
China, of apoplexy.
The Serutin d’ Arronlissement bill jinx
Ji Deputies, een passetL -hg .th e ■ F^ wtr-A^taTamtier of
which is considered a victory for
Minister Floquet and a set back for Boulan¬
A xian, thought to be “Jack the Rippor,"
the Whitechapel fiend, has been arrested in
Dundee, Scotland, for murdering his wife.
Cardinal John Baptiste Pjtra, of
Romo, who xras the second in rank in tlio
Papal Sacred College, is dead.
The Constitution of the Japanese Umpire
was proclaimed by the Emperor in person
amid great popular rejoicing.
A mob stoned the guard which was escort
iug William O’Brien, the Irish agitator,from
Clonmel Jail to Tralee, Ireland,
A shock of earthquake was felt at Bolton
a n<i Manchester, England. The earth trom
r «—>« » «-»-»
btoekport. lhey Were accompanied by ro
peat d rumblings,
The Soudanese have evacuated Handoub,
Egypt, after destroying the town by fire,
A goldsmith of Vienna killed his five
children with cyanide of potassium. After
administering the poison to the children he
took some of it v,i mie jf, an 1 die ! in -zreat
Mrs. Joseph Groner, of Tarport, Penn., !
maile , a call .. on a neighbor. . v\ hbe ., she was
away the house caught lire aud Carrie and I
Joseph, three-year old twins, were burned
to death,
Edward D, Cralt., business manager of
the Morning Call % at Harrisburg, Henri.,
died at his father’s house on South l it 1
street, of blood poisoning caused by excessive
of cigarettes. Ho was in his twenty
third year.
A coal tar boiler at the Cteostitjh^ iJrioh
Works in Chattanooga, T*nn explode 1.
causing the death Oi ChaC'es j.- a u 3 aii <| fr,t t
injuries to his son. Roth of the men were
with coal tar, and the body of the
former was burned to charcoal,
The postoffice at Amij.y, Ark., has b-en
robbed of $70)0.
A colored in Henry '.'tanty.Va.
goir field to work cairied her ini
With her and laid it down in a fence
cewer near where she * as employed. In e
Khort time she saw ter cabin, in which sh"
had left her two <• filer children, on fire. She
r an to save them, but was too late. They
were burned ‘fip Returning to get her only
remaining child, she was horrified to find
that bogs ha 1 torn it into fragments.
Five children were killed by the caving ii
of sand bank , at ..... \«leta, iexas.
Colonel Henry J. Hr nt 'retired
Governor of the Soldier-,’ Home in the Dis¬
trict of Columbia, died a few days ago from
a complication of disea He was in hn
sixty ninthyear.and was appointed Governoi
of the Home about four years ago.
The Senate has confirmed the nominatiot
of Colonel John C. Breck-nridge to be In
spector-General of the f nitef States Army.
»j- HP A£r:cultura] Department bulletin just
— th - pro,, rtion of cotton already
marketed 84.v i^er cent.
S Zrln'r«mn™. uZZ*!
G f the Supreme Court of the District of
Columbia, vice W iiaam M Merrick, de
c- . .:
How a Tlrave Boy Met His Fate In
the Wilds of Africa.
Sitting about the camp-fire the ...
banks of the Chobe river, in Africa,
Prof ^ephani J \Y Edward heard the story oi”
hunt that affected him more
than any experience lie ever passed
through, says a miter m the Amenean
Field. Burns, a trader in Natal, was tin
author of the narrative, and told it ns, ;
follows: , ■
“ 1 «* trading in the interior, and efc
ono of my visits to iNiitalwas lnipoi
tuned by George Vinson, a lad of E'.tlai
son of au old schoolmate, to obtained accompany hn,
me on one of my tours. I
mothers consent and we started. !n</|
bov was a bright, couragous lad,and Will, Will
ambitious to distinguish himself J
his rill,-. Early one morning in Wat.
valley we saw a'liordof fifteen elephaub
grazing about a mile from us. We start
thl them ill) and picking out a line bi!
with good tusks, I started to cut him od,
tolling Ceorgo to ride behind while fell .i
cbargM lr«0 Boon T h“'d •h 1 .’ old
h'W Out ol the pack niul stuggerad ga\0 ltiui him ft slu lii * .
tlio oar that a ■ !
t j 0 V Then wo cross tired him for ha :
n „ v u n f ,, iV1 m Torso .r 0 t unv lleor* tro < ► ;
‘ ’ ‘ ‘
snots. Ail A ,i At. onoo tlio tlio noiso „ *
was riding stumbled, throwing him a ml
falling on liis log, I was SO 3l. rl'ii.cil
tliafc T could X not mox'O, £ but filially sociuci ,
Doorge s attempts to oxtrioato extuoato himsoll
I tried to draw Uie clepiliMit s attention U.
me . The brute was thoroughly enraged,
{^"'ever, and charged for the l«ul just aa
m was getting on his toet. Then folj
lowed one of the greatest lights DetW8©U
brute and man 1 ever saw. Off went
George, the elephant ,/ after him, wMlfl I
£ oUowea linn ° ballot after bullet into
ins Hide.
‘All at oneo I saw that H llson was
lame. 1 leveled at once and tired, and
the hoy turned around and did like
wj T])is „h 0 ek, d the l.rute for a
moment, , but , . seeing . George ,, 1 mini g
again, ho made a lurious charge and his
oauglit up with him. Up went
trunk, and a moment after the poor lad
was dead on tlio ground, crushed by th -
blow. Not satisfied, the brute began
goring the lad in a frightful manner, i
rode up to the beast and sent, in two
shots that brought him to his knees.
Ho tried to rise, but could not, and
after two or three shots, rolled over and
died. The poor lad was torn to pieces. horse,
I clioppod placed his the body across tusks, ray and rode
off heast’s
back to camp. We buried him near the
springs and piled rocks over his grave to
keep the wolves from getting at it. I
took the boy’s xvat di and chain, with
his wearing apparel, to his mother, ijml
I can tell you, lads, I never wish to wit¬
ness such a scene again. The poor
woman died a year afterward, but would
never touch the profits of the nothing trip, that say¬
ing that she would take boy.”
was the moans of killing her
Wiin i: Cai’s hiivc orj'nnizoil a female
branch of the or:l< r at Mt. Etna, Iud.
An estimable young lady of that city re¬
eeived ihe following warning: “MiM
L-: We are very sorry to sny tlml,
unless you mend your ways and do betv
ter from noxv on, you will receive very
rude treatment from the lady a \\ hi to Caps
Ol im lids viii-me ylll'i^- C.-------—- ” ■«
a - - ■
------- . «.——
The ‘ number ‘ of American citizens now
residing . in the UhineSG . empire, . is 1,U«^- ,
Of this number, 500 arc misrionarics, 70
arc seafarers, i-8 are in the Chinese cm
toms service, and 23 follow mercantile
pursuits. The occupations of 345 arc
uncla sitii I
The fact that good health, strong muscles
and sound nerves are attainable should en¬
courage every invalid loan earnest endeavor
in the. iight direction. Benieinbor all disease
owes its origin, more or less,to a lack of iron in
the blood. Iron in the blood means health,
strength and vigor. Analyze tho blood of an
invalid ami litt le or no iron will f be found.
_ Healthy T men’s bl >od is full of iron.
The best
method of supplying this lack of iron is by
dyspepsia, using Brown’s Iron Ihtters, a sure cure for
wasting diseases. general debility, weakness and all
l>i*jLTii«iliug Drugs.
Blue-mass for torpid liver, ermfor oil for con¬
stipation, other Mi'- 'u-fing drugs for piles,
dyspep- banished ia and sick-heaflaelie, are heingsuroly
from ti e bv the sweet, fruit-like
JI AM Jil’ltli KIES. ‘.M cents. Dose one Fig.
Mack Drug Co., N. Y.
Tiicse who for Ihe. lirsl tim ■ are to become
mother.', should 1 . Mother'x ! ri djd. Much
suffering \vih be sa\<-d. So *1 by flruggist 4 .
Jf afflicted N\ 11 b on -1 yc- u-c Dr. IsaacThornp
son’sE vc-watcr. I M u / .'is! 1 1 it t.~’>c. pi-! - bo! f ii
Prepare far q i Spring rfft, ■
Now is th<- time to for spring, atid 1
prepare youi
own system in of firnt imp >rt;m<<• if you have not
Mt r "'!“• if ro n»v« uu, o V ,-r
workwl or .y coiifmwl m l,a<Ily ventil.M
ri*ma orsh-px. you need a kooi] tonic and blood j
you Will ward off atta- tia of di - a c or c .-apo tlio |
affect* of imp .ro blfjod and that tired fodimr, m j
oommon in thcaprin*- Do not delay. T»ko Hood’*
Ba™.,;-:,ia no*.
to »u.U the derived Item Uv#*
Baraaparilla I have used A in th • spring for th*oBft ;
years for d'-bFity and can sty that Iga.undin ttrnh
and strengtl: af-er one otti*. It ha. aJ*c
rnrcl m. Of Bick be?, ladifi.’ Urn f. Ib AMiutn. ,
South Woo la lock, Conn. ot
"I tool Hood’s B»r*apartUa for lort iippetit*
dywiepfia, and general languor It did me a vast
amount of good, and I Lave no hostUncy in recom
mending It ’ ./. W. tva^na, Qnincy. Ill
Hood’s Sarsaparilla j
Bold by alldru.eirta. »t;«;xf'r|6 Prepared only
by C. I. H<KK> & CO.. Apothecaries, Lowell. Uvu.
IOO Doses One Doliar
btonia?:h TrouWf. - ■ l mi a Therefrom.
Tnur Irrogjirt nr G• .< oi Denier u-llt got Vera
i" . ra Jor yO’Uf nr.t airenttg in hlo' k. or it vrtll be
r- n' r by noni or. n >' /.f < / Yj ' ll hoxr. in
Vj Tn pn. Svrnpi'■ n f it o , r script, of'icent stamp.
Tre Charles A. Vogeler Co., Baltimore, Md.
|Spgtly’s I relief Cream Balm for
■ t.ivea r.t mice
fe w /^Ic&TARRH fiym rrUK
| MtlTHERS* ffllES li
B <yf)K. TO “MOTH»Ui4 ' W A**•
Bmi)fIhI.U I IYA.T I.ATOI4 < <»., ATLUiTAiCA.
The German Emperor.
During his school career he was youth, a
model of the studious German
lie took his place as a common pupil in
the public school at Casi-el, apd played
ana studied with th" other scholars At
1 0 ■ final examination he was, indeed,
- nly tenth in the list; but then he nd
tv o years younger than his mates, :
-v..s rightly considered to have done so
w.-U that lus tutor was immediately
knighted. There is ro cratnm ng system
hi Gcnnany; he passed without aid or
favor. But he took part heartily in all
the amusements common anion^ Geniuui
students, namely, beer drinking, duel
jpw torchlight processions, carriage
,hiving, bathing, and in Winter, shdg
A <ioo«l Appetite,
llow many answurtlio br akfast b. 11, by com¬
ing totlio table, only to liud it impossible to eat
a mouthful of fooil. Hat h unfortunate** are
surely gevin.^ into decline, and if they continue
to crow worse a.\v not Ions: for ibis world. J.t is
i0Mmt . Blal , v s of a lVi mt of up
p - ( t .. It in easy to nanu 1 a sure cure. Do you
m lit? Will you use it ? Well, then, the sure
; €is B. l>. T«. yllotani- blood rum). Homo
hivirding house keepers object to tkoir boardora
n - *■- 1; - *’• 1: makes them cat to., hearty,
”fin true one grows ttrou t ami robust from Us
c-, but then a boarder is m..iv protita
tn... 15. it. 1>. cures many ili.ure-ssing uiscasos
bv oi-.n.u its strengthening clfix-i on tlio entire N. ad plivsieal i.and
zatinn. \\ il ium U. I'.dh-x,
■ iKitli.-s
writes: --Four of It. It. H.
b, alod up tin' bivkcn out places on my limbs,
and mv general health never was b. lter than
now Mv appetite is good, and all leaf agrees
with me.
Inventor Hell testified before a eonu nitteo
thut liis profit on the telephone is $U1,000,000.
How mi Haia and -•trcii«!l».
Use aftereaeh meal Scott’s K mulsh in with
Uvfophosphites. It is us palatable ns milk,
and easily digested. Tlio rapidity with which
delicate people improve with its use is won¬
derful. I‘so it and try your uvieht. Asa
remedy for Consumption, Throat atfections
and Hronehitis, it is unequalcd. I‘lease read:
“I used Scott’s Emulsion in a »■ ild eight,
months old with good results, lie.gained four M.
pounds in a very short i imo.” Tlio. 1'HiM,
D., Alabama.
Cornell University, drinking,gambling,lui/.ing. N. V., has made exjml
iduu the penalty of
A Knd ; o«l Cure for Kniloptle IMin.
Tn the Eilitor- Pleaso inform your renders
Unit I hnro a positive remedj tor the «Ih>vo
named disease which 1 warrant to euro thu
worst cases. No strong is my faith In its vir
iucs that. \ will send 1'iee. Huffercr a HnmpU'hottle who will tflvu and
valuable treatise to any address, h’esp’y.
uu*his P (). nud Express
11. U. ROOT. M. C . 183 Pearl Nt.. Now York.
Host, easiest, to use, and t* 1»<*;»j m• t. Hi o’
Remedy for*'atari'll. By hr ggisls, 5)c.
r-zrzm the System
sviui thM ’ m ” s< '
R e medicine— Paine's <i:olerf
('ompound. ItpuriflcHibe )
l).i Oil, cures ('onsf ijKitlon,
and regulates tlie liver and
RSOW k Id neyH,elTec tui illy cUuiiup
lug the system of all waste
ami dead matter.
Celery Compound j
combines true nm-v tonic and strengiheulug I
qualities, reviving the energies and spirits.
JlUmsOiiien twuJfcil iMffl-'UlUi a
fuTTOjoIr-atlon remedl.-s, of oml - After U'J'Iiir: va- !
T-'{>[!"k; rtiiim not. limliia? relief. I tried
tull iMit.tie <;iw (lie lonif «wni...un«i. tnmlilesonii- itefon- sytniitoinHbe- takiujcono
gan feel to subside, and 1 can truly say him now, that 1
like a new man. hlycMlon ttnprovecl,
Uonkstur Sthsuns. FelelivJUe, vt.
Wx for fr..oo. AtJtrutnrists.
Wicu.s, , tr litcitAKDHON « no., Hurllu^on, vt.
' D1 «M0MD /
^ 0lLf® nwp kteL ijj- Y Lu
K ^
A Dress, or a Coat, j Any Color
Ribbons, Feathers, , FOR
Yarns, Rags, etc. ) TEN CENTS
and in many other ways SAVE Money, and make ,
things look like NEW, by Rimplc, DIAMOND
DYES. The work i cany, known. cjuick ; die
colors the BEST ami FASTEST Ask for
DIAMOND DYES and take no other.
For Gilding or Brom.nig Fancy Articles USE
Gold, Silver, Bronze, Copper. Only 10 Cents.
Baby **A lV>rf Portraits. folio of heatil ifill I ahy pie
tures from li!”, t rini* •! on fine
plate paper by patent Mother photo of
proeess, Kent free to
a,^\ any I'.uhv Motltf-r l/*»rn within 11 tin yoir.
/SL^JEpL-f wants *u
•> \ pi' tii!< nd «t. once, hive
| *rk Y)Unt,y- nnrrn-mi*l ago.
jA/f*t v I
Ejgjjm IMl' V I I 4te*- j
GB wj 7/ I. i rili Lj'-J
ms£JY />. ' //-'■ '■■JFaJT *<aw
| yiFff/, n* f ' ,t •■ > \i r- <T\
\ \iTtjy_jf. TmH >•/ \/ > f Km \JVL' J
f , n the left took Mei. ui'v, htX potash | ’
‘"Au a x K fid
sh e J. for*' ' ‘ o and bunt hrn uj> trod «
“Swm'-sNVl-OFrr ru-.-.u-A l»,n«feW * v^-tAMv h>" «y, P ured ,u- •
k t u r ; , de oe- h h -
Blood j*- , uia, i:.‘-od Ilemr/:-* ahd Wndr*-d
booa* oe o-... fi. m
' •*''*
Every readier of this paper who expeeti to liuy
anytfcfi in ti. line of /iiaoiondd, fine U .vnlry,
Biivw aud Clocks—or who thinks of baying
ghonitl »end for (nr new illustrate 1 catalogue
for 1 fifi'k which wt kc.’i'I free.
J, P Stevens & Bro., Jewelers,
If Whitehall St, ATLftHTA, GA.
K>w*l t » *h \f. -t, arol
MLOfut t r - t
a j La» . A'i'l; UtiLT (. | n r.I
< I i/rf if \ i. 1 Ol, (.ll, Hr. Mon «r.. (-.
jjv; 2& SEEDSg'T. (r CIVFN •JI l ! c ( CTtlhi-Skit’- CTtihrSktt tor
” .
w^-r-r > f,iir rnurtcf '• > off Tor 2f>t«trut - i •
•jwer Jov( f <b ■ , FAMHETiaBUEG. irl t - - * PA.
o. w YAUL.
Tn* not .' o wi ’ nf (tiipfoar*** 1 ' 1
tWTH+no Qt on"
IS TOtiR FIRM FOR frftLE r t;/.' Tr wo-.n
Jf rn> addrmm 4 h k Wrioht, )',r >+A *\T.
PElRiESS DYES Am tb« KE % T.
&su- my Ltatnoam l
fffli n C ==0
mm .1 Wr£v i-Mr- / —--------- T 3L
r'*sr v
r/ i f
/ N V
\^ v
i\Vd'. m
Old moneybags mopes in his office all day.
As snappish and cross aa a bear;
The clerks know enough to k *op out of bis
Lest the merchant should grumble uud
Kvcn Tabby, tlio cat, is in fear of a cuff.
Ora kick, if she ventures too near;
They nil know t lie master is apt to bo rough,
And his ircuks unexpected and queer.
To correct a sluggish or disordered liver, and to cleanse and purify tho
Mood and thereby sweeten tin* temper, Dr. Dieree’s Golden Medical Discovery
has no equal. It improves digestion, builds up the flesh, invigorates th®
system, dispells melancholy, and makes life worth living.
CT IS GUARANTEED {° lair b ™“ trial, , 1 lt , m or all c " re diseases ’ if for in whieli 1 ti 7 ' T it is x R vv\ ‘T Din- a
ua Dmmm
iiiended, or the money paid for it will be refunded.
Copyright, 1888, by World's Dihcicnkary Medical Association, Proprietors.
no iiuitter of how Uuuv standing, la iw;r
manently cured by DR. SAGE’S CATARRH REMEDY. ttl cents, by dniggiats.
S 50 ll Caeli
hmmmbii mm*
Isollcrod to the jhU'mhi who shall send in the
largest number of yearly tuibscribers to the
iH’tWcuit now inul -Inly !•»*, ISMI, at r»0 c«‘iiP<
jiir y,«r II A 1*1'' PHI* Ik AJtrr that tlnte,
vonubiwriptionn r< < viml for lent* tpccil\oiv than f t .'>0 per year.
S'BOO DS300 is olion I i< lor noxt
largest Hubs. A good cash commission desired, instead paid for of
every subscriber secured, if
premiums. IfundrooU of dollars call In*, made
during t,h»* next : ix mouth;-, by num, worn ■11 Of
children. Wo furnbh Iroo uiioplo copleti p##.
eis, &o. Addn ss
ousrns publishing co.
Profimply <»f #iii*l It” Loaulifully < holii’H »11u -1 r■*t«**l, |*rt Hllf.Ultlk' Mi” II11
rlniurlp; h f ,1 -w-t, Wil a ml >t ”hI >1 III! h, ft
lino f»*tr( i it it i "t Komi” of f ho hotniH ut Mi« rlim t;lt*' « ut
11 1 *5 in | roiitiUM, JttWK no! h i mI l*'llnuf how Now Y'iiLm 5 (vorhliip,
Iro III I ||»5 (*» I ho i'llt isi i.m Hrionl.ihtK. TliiHarli
do ill III-MOIIFHI’H M 'STIII.V MaOA/INC I t M'trril
( now rnailj * iH a voiy •-.;<iril<*M| oiki by lit - If
M/ntyu. It tnhotlorthnnn M(ifid«v Vf«i(. t<» .N*‘tv of irk, tl;«
o hiarn llm
fi; * 'J 1 1 i hand viiimly
r , i ft. WOO'lo if ti I
nninhi’t A ' ymir n«»,t t <!< ,i >i lor it, ut ti l 'JO < ol
. .it win* s im:* ioit i: -t.
P* l t il Hi h St , Now Yoik
FARMERS |tPM\l!N p Wood rUn«ru.
Alr"> Itr.irV itlu»* Sh Tim proved AliiJjj j AW / ) Ji j j/jjA
« i» « v* r JUf/S^Y'X
With I ni v< r al
it.j-ti ;?
I-I , ■;
tilHffl l»v tho ' I tion Works, KaPin, N. C. Write f*>r rlroiilar.
P * ‘‘Kv IfiPTiPfil * gv 54 uye t! I «) /. i.n ii.i; lain rook Kill *.r J <, t • -II I ID/ I'
•B* Iff* * ft ij Imp Mm i-vcry liniil
B H fik W r Iw? - 1 Wifi i IlntfoW a *9 * inu "ii l* hIi«»mI* inpUtirig 1 know It h* ij 1 f**rj» hi- i
ioUiim hth i niitn, , 10 «4* m'Iih *»f it nd «*]• nut
ho U in*'*vit |)i<- h k pitiii aiifl <him oHtimatwl f*>ini'l;iti<-u, Hhort rlmj»- |
brhdiwork, k iin itioifu, itn-ya. lioallt ci iKterri, !
iiioitar, oi l a r, ik, vealilathm, th«
fntontt roof and many ipi of Horn |(l ' - ProKl iu iKiHtai t o Ijtiihh Ftau/jn. r ;. Adtlr* MftiM |
rcc* - f M«
f <1., 5lO 1C ji mi Twentieth Hi., N« w York Ulty.
fffo. '\j&5 Wsy PA YS THE 11 FREIGHT. 1 :
y > fj *iTzw,, 1
. „ . I
‘nrwsVK J330- I !••• -m Uvx tvi j
f L #11 if•’&$’' J0TJE i ■ <■ OF "> BINliHAMION
ltlN(;tl A tl t'O N, V ’ 1
, .
H A Tm h tlfl A CUStBP r’/iiolLrfveoTS B
Aatu«n f ”
im nr
r#a> -Tfn the worote^K.iusureew '* •. M
W J JWAJ0 Jflfm ' ht ' 1 * M
gj 1 PflgfiPRi '** w],b r |
* 9 n ' n '• ]
\ 1} R L. V Kiel Wj L f VU N V, j' T'.' 1 * bf
y '■
Knt«nn:«I ..
Manufacturing Co.. Ci ncmnati. Ohio.
Th« rn'iB.t NUC.cenr.f i! arid certain • . for DySFEi'BlA
HEADACHE, h. > - l mi your Druggiat getiiog it for you,
»r M*nd |I to the man u
The Mil VAIL IOUMLLA CO., I.tbanon, Ohio.
JEST ON EARTH. worklriK AK'-ntu make Tor tjK wor*- than nK»n*v. *-v> t
i -f(.r< .1. u . IIILLlNfi*
ro.s, 4tiH » Drv.'vhn it.. N«*\v OrB'itiii, Bn.
Bll * 1*. S|:I3 A Cfeat English bout and
tilSS? S » iRl-aa niniil Rheumatic 14 l*lll*i. Re.nedif.
tlw» I ‘
/" mmp
This Beautiful $125.00 Organ
Positively Given Away. 'X* tmi
To ttn- fif-l J- ni" n -cn o • **1 I*»*M F r '2.> Hill pj»r rU*'»» 1 K l w * ef *r | •MiSe vjj
hfp *i, I 41 p«« cite III!#** Ut III* <1 *H, 1
*>phL, ) *i |»nrU**I- '•’* ’• • Ji' - " *■{ \ •■!£ »-t!l - *'»‘I H
Hi un». JV»»W. INI, I omnl to. < :»Ii- 9 m
«..»•«. Tu • '*•**- Heel, J...H Mel on, jiwkf-t ( n- m Jr.
r ".obr-r, F.-I**r>, I *i»pi r n! l.Hiiuf.'ffi- «*f tho ui
fsv t. It •• nuuii m • r, ■ n. a yon a pr**«**i»t S#-«-«t. |
| P ^ii n f*rth of .onr tno < y iU
l»uy tiRH rpRl ilM-ir if ii fifril- f • •• *• 'a* ol Oil} pry hr. !*■ on#- fj ’Ih‘- omt r*a/liuK on <-r of hru<Un i-’ikiu )'■>’ ’ or th> tu lir*l r n* « > Wm I !
in i» I,ti|f|»r»uri«l ol 4 oIIpp M-tn tli Or. un» v,L. ’» h / ii
W l.. \>t i iitliy Irrljfltt, «rrBrp|y ijarkeil. Ma Ut, s
tWj Write to day ml |10»t(ll MOt #•, iu- n- or *r A ii
or r , -“t'ift t r»'! I< -tor HI not rorni*-t* a ith firm*
k I,/old t» iiwliy ««•«•»!- a! rut nil**** ^ >■ M*li only y
th' IipnI utn HMiioili!*- pri'pa. A'Hrcio j< ; j j
1 |{ \ ) v f. If. **\N IM\. **r*i wm nn. lilt iimnnt
I. leu, Rl 'KS ' <> * INNA. \ our rlioL p m ij y I w
k Is and on** inn**, .#41 <!"• k *‘' rj, ‘
l»n* of of oostal ctuu. •
n j-irat- v. , t n: jiftprr, hmlv
thin pa\».t.
What make? the old follow so surly and grim.
And behave so confoundedly moan?
There’s certainly ^mething the matter with
him wiPte*
Is it stomach, or liy; r, or silicon ?
Wo’vc guessed it. vis liver is elugglfih and
Ilia blood is disordered and foul.
It’s enough t“ make any one hopelessly mad»
Ami greet his best friend with : growl.
-r jjf3 m / EiE-NO.
STANDNtl Tho Tea that
has gained such
a reputnt on ut
i nasi « am Kx positions.
TEA^ \ T h o |ir.iprio
CILUTMjRv \ \ 101.-1 of [IK-MO
cKlITEita t en arc Martin
Gillot * t o., a i
EiTwMJiWs!^ house established !
iU J at Baltimore in
* itWl I.
Mention this v 5
paper and send
your address for a 25 cent book, free
l>y mail, charmingly illustrated, en¬
titled “Tea Gossip," which tells all
about Tea, how it i made in China,
and exposing its humbug.
Send in silver or stamps, ten cents
for an eighth of a pound sample
package of 11K NO Tea.
Address Maiitin i?- 0<\,
l.ombard Ktreet, Ualtimoro, ,Md.
|K you wish A/r- ------- 1 n
l.iat.-.l HMtTII & " I '-.ON
fil'IliH. Th* lm- ! In ill ll/Hl'4 // \S f
evrr ni i aumfw.Mjr'd utultho V\y/ JJ
m..i, ^ iu».. 1 . 1 . .i» 1 . i-u -•
L' I • * ( 1 f • J ■ • 11 1 *! < - ; 1 ! I " ! I ;! < ! y 1 I • 11 i 11*1 '
1 1 IV t lii'Rhl * ’"it U i ui f<- I * li f»»• i •- ti|‘i»t uu» I
if v wroiM !• * Hleel. nn fi.ilv i I f*>r worit
iiianHh p and > k, 1 h< y ui •;ru i vah d h r llni- h,
dii in Ll! If v if nd 11 it 11 rue ' not hi- d< < lv« d bv
rhejtji iiim.) len l»le « n «!-ii ou itnii.i i iuiiH which
u «• offnri HnUifur th” txtivn ’ ii'tirtj mid ac- not
onlv unrellariTc, hut ■ I ou II- '-ill If li
WFHSoN llovol vci’M art- all a Limpid ij> n HiJftiau
i«‘Ih p h firm k nicii .«. 11 utdr»‘HH and <UP s of ffuU-ntai
utid n re u 1111 I II ill «•»■*! j |w rfect in - ! V * 1*1 all. In
Hint upon having f ho gonuiiio article. I If your 1
'leah b< r < will arifiot SUP ly i ihd order r;>.r*-f c mI ut to a’11 nfioQu. 1 vPU
low rec*-i v«- r ■if t»
IJfHrripliVO e itHh in - Ip f ujion ap
8 if*Mention th!» feci* r *“»»« nj^Fflil, Hums*
fo'J fPos ^ 'F 'Vi fdmjJL ^gresioADAr lfX)f) W.KNTH ZiT IP i-whI' . mcri.Af t TV a Safety AST m r nnt KIM ItetS
fit ifnhh r* 4; I V IN \ VV \ \ to int*r>
H® ! them, Kv. ry horn**. o\ wno.r buy*
u >vttj from I tod l.nn ' u t-vf r r hoi
ft-ft fu-lul Tfij'tK 111 "t ill ii** to pay rf«t(N! p»>«V
'BiM’*. mUriw oyM Er, w- -.ample and that i ion I1m j P for tXi roitlA. .Ni' kei Addr
‘ hi r
Brewster Mlg. Co., Holly, Miuli.
CONSUMPTION : lor l), I. V
I r>"« ’ -
n .ktl* k:r;-l “-<l .-n.iAwUa^
IWlwh of »<»r«t •
l....|w*n rered. -..-•ren.l.n.y l» (ll to •«' -
I wpl -.-nd two l*oUW fi*-• « < ■ * v*JU»W»
.‘Yu. ti-. 1 sw/^jTt
Iinur-'n I> V. I!w,k4.->l>>ru?, I - - 1 "nil.
(L# ll iJWt thoroughly i •-n if j (Limit tauKUl i i» AritUno »>y t i<:. Kkort-h <:i ." l ind, Vf J. rIg. r T>
lirrtnt'ii ( oilr(£C*, 1.57 Yla.a Ht, . i.ufixi ,‘ * * Y.
COLD I.iv« ut hum* unit make mot* .k Sr." fnt nslhs*
I nt anyditrisr in »b* .rid I "■it At
'Iemu ti l Addrt-ki. I a i «..««■
J£tt*l«t Herneijv to Cue. for awl Catarrh CUeapest. la ibo £
1 C ATARRH - ■:x/. ■C
S<?w bv ' 'i or nt by mail. .i
' i •Jm.. L. T. ltkieltiiio. Warreo, 1'a.
A. N. U.. Right, SD.