Newspaper Page Text
©tie CmE€®wtlk l ; i I I i i n <*
By CLEM. 8,
*. -* w
. a if
1 U M ft
•O fertilizer. m
~%7 ¥ AIDEEW8
Crawxor.d.vili ■ ^ .
Our Fertilizers are always .-.hipped in the most perfect conditou for use that it is
possible to obtain by means of the best machinery and care.
They do not have a pound of inferior material used in their manufacture.
We invariably supply a higher, analysis than our printed guarantee.
They are compounded in the proportions best suited l'or the purpose intended,
Everv bag used has our special stripe arou. d each ejid of it, and every bag with
this stripe is strong, durable, and well smved.
Each hag contains a full 200 lbs.—no short weights.
Our prices are as low as it is possible to make them and furnish a proper fertilizer.
ESSS - ; ©E#E©IA
^1S E3 V % 11 ¥ u
High Gnuk* FfrtiJw JUKi AuJ' 1 Plioc- ' ' -
"**’ ■***• “
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—rr.Oifieo / 735 is Kirret.
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Augusta, kj5fGOT*^ 3
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W.JS.KC. >7i f-7i i
a- u ■ ,r*H i ■ *. ■ it ■m
V - . Jfflgji
x; ■ - -"'X
Capacity of i’actory in 1876 , 5,000 to 7,000 on S.
*__First Ton was Manufactured Dec. 22, 1870.-
Capacity of Factorjun 1833, 40.003 Tons.
Quality, Turi'y and Analysis of Every Ton Guaranteed.-
j^g^None but the best materi tl used. Splendid
ical condition. Every Dag fuit weight.
STAB '*) Ml Jt JO i,’y. isJg fcjy ?
’tA v a
,.... -
Xj3 O.W & 9 S3
Georgia Form ala!
The Goods manufactured bv 11 s have no sup -rior ay to quality, and our Aei'i Plios
pliate eiti; v. * I’ ’ 1 t < i-'h a- shown i 1 ,, . one at
r • .
repmtsof 1 th- Depart am t of Avr■••uRur of tl- State of Geergia.
W-thank lb-pul.lie lor tb-ii pu.-t liberal 1 cage, and shad 111 the future
guarantee the same faithful service aud fair Jeadiig.
G e o r a; I a €lie mi € cl l f ') $ ? \; <». I sy tr c; y> J
77- 0- HOLDER A’" 1 a -Tv
r i
New striped It orkr ho : r.atoj 3K witii . ihe i:. 1-3; Greatest iy har--r h* Novelty v ~.'tad'jr*d lie rigor of oar tt-yrlhrm
Wrv* t DH
--—^ * v ‘ sot iToteci ”} f fFTTy I? X rprr Ili-Jj, f 1 Urjf* »oft, »ad frv
rz ap *. J ffir.t; cr. it »aV
(I \Zzs m v 1 -US : a FLO . —a* UAL Borcuty. 1 •- te aLr,1 GUIDE i csrrorse e $ - ./J, . fr-« bkoraer; *r d eaca not jper- to K N (
!/ kqrc< r t rW.«4 ar.4 r. % jurw thmpt ; \-.v* typ**, nt
,r. fltf&nftH li v oiorej 1‘iaies, Coo'tin-t ta i Ia4 4e-il
d 1 s of as. -u*. J»r> lJejjrs*
'■'SoL but »* <i o rf t« noBey’i
rrt Vefetatl**. |
Wi tfOt * tor:-* it
tl 8n \ itoekr'bter, A. Y.
fO -•j
Small Grains
A charitable man is the true lover
cf God.
The sting of a reproach is the trut 1
of it.
Ho that lives with erhmles (earns
to limp. _ _ ---------
A hedge between keeps frien
Truth and oil always comes t<
If the wind l lows it enters at
Overmuch familiarity spoils go
Talking comes by nature; silence.
\i ver trust much to a ne<* ri«
or an old enemy.
The wolf changes hi» mat, but not
lus , • dls 3lt,on ...
P° ’
Enioy your little while the fool is
Old times are sweetest, and
friends surest. *
Wit ..... is . folly, , ,, 1 unless .J , a wise . man hath ,
the keeping . . of it.
...... It not the hen which cackles ,, most ,
that lays most eggs.
lie sins as much vvho holds the sack
as lie who puts into it.
Set a frog on a golden stool,
off it hops again into t,he pool.
lie who is everybody’s friend is
either very pour or very rich.
With patience and time tho mul¬
berry leaf becomes a silk gown.
A man’s folly is his worst foe, and
his discretion his best friend.
It is bet’ar to be able to say “no”
than to be able to read
No man is wise enough, nor good
enough, to be trusted witli unlimited
He that has a little knowledge is far
more likely to get more than he .that
has none.
.THur^o would lie young when
’young. <>id must be old when Ihefruc.
.'TftreW.K.oYnh know n in "pros
.peritv, and an enemy cauuot be hid
den iu^pd versity.
_Thefe would be less envy if we
would consider not what others pos
ess but what they enjoy.
It is best to deceive no -one--for lie
; who b gins bv deceiving others ends
by dectiving himself.
For rn:l " Who sincerlv pities our
imsfort lines, t here are a thousand who
.nneerlv hate our success.
Dissolved Bone Phosphate
And Potash.
With or Without Potash
Derated to the Interest of TaliafeK^nty, the People and (Jeacral Sews.
Twelve Pieces of Bone.
1 had catarrh twenty-five years, |
welve pieces of bone, two of them
m inch long, came from my nose,
i root teeth dropped out while per
sound, and my dreadful
*r nee( j n ot be told. Two years ago l
Ik four bottles of S. S. S. and I ira
oved from the start. It made me
I, and 1 have been well every since.
XIns. M. J. Dost.
Statesville, X - C., Nov. 22, 1838.
Cured liis Buy.
Iy little boy was cured of Scrofula
(gift’s Specific, after medicines he bad without taken
mu-: ay of other
least improvement.
W. A. Crayton.
vd.lie, X. C., Nov. 23, 1888.
l'Htill Poison.
Some read to think, tliesh *ro rare;
some to write, these are common, and
some read to talk, and these form the
Kivat majority.
Happiness is like the manna in the
desert; lie that gathered in'toll had
nothing over, and he that gathered
little bad no lack.
Some there are who profess to de
spise all flattery; but even yiese are
nevertheless to be flattered by being
*' 1,1 1,1:11 they 1,0 despise it.
A Wild Man in Walker, t
The wild man has again made his
appearance, IIo was seen lust week
near High Point by a reliable gentle
man, wlio was searching along the
spurs of tho Lookout Mountain for
mineral indications. On arriving tit
the head of the hollow, just about Mrs.
Oliver’s bis attention was attracted by
thrilling screams on the side of the
I ' ,gl1 •“ r '" r ^ he 1 'f r-r d a0 ? g
the trail below. He looked in the
direction from w 1 ich the noise came.
What should he see but the wild man.
When liis fl ight cooled doivn he dis¬
covered that the old fellow was not
making any move towards him, bat
was standing erect and shaking his fist
at him and showing signs that were
not favorable to a l.oima being
i here ore get away was thought about
immediately, hut before starting he
thought be would examine the wild
gen eman more minutely He was
about 100 vards from him, but could
distinctly his teeth and .
see no*e eyes;
describes him thus: Was bout 7
7j feet liigh, hairy as an o'd bean, and
would weigh from his looks, 409
pounds; liad a pole in one hand that
looked to be ten foot long, which
handled as easy as a stout, healthy
man would a pipes tern. His name w,t»
asked, and the answer came in the
‘-•’.tape of a large stone, wliich weigh d
•ast lu ) rounds, which was hurled
gem temao. 'His
tone U ere was n > time b-D tv,
si., further inquiry, eoosaqoenny aid uf
lied the workirn»^iiieed of bis legs
feel, v. 1 cii worked 111 os excellent
until i •* arrivhd at Frank Uiiaiter’s
• ti IJ»<*8 hreatldeSS \s soon as
■ < uil'5 n-mai- t*is story a <*ro vd ran
•I si 1#* 1 in h
'of* • ! nun of Jj Mon 11 i, ,K
V, itiker L’ouuty
It is announce! that a Roman Cath
olie colonization society with a capi
tal of 8100,000 divided into 4,000 shares.
has been formed at Pittsburg, l’a., to
establish Catholic colonies in the
south, tngaged in manufacturing,
mining, lumbering, stock raising, etc.
tracks oi suitable land will be
secured in northern Georgia and Ala¬
bama and tlio capital stock may pos¬
sibly be ineveassed to 81,000,000.
“My time is up,” said tho Doctor to the
patient, whom he found using Dr. Hub s
Cough Syrup, and lie was correct, for his
cough hud bc6n cured*
Monday Mr. A. \V. Smith, of the
Bvnk of Southwest Georgia, sold in
advance the product of one acre of
ground, to be cultivated by him this
year in Hu by-Gold Watermelon seed,
for neat sum of 8750, and also all
ji’or years J was affiicted with
,u s<5ue om . d l winch, it seamed,
[ ’
uld result fatally, as nothing ,. seem
0 mo at all. At length 1
J n ' vse ’ f 1,1 ” ed ’ \ c0 “ pleto " ’
«b. swollen out of proportion,
with scales, , and , the ,, p.uns ■ . and „„ f i
nine made life , almost unendurable.
, I physicians failed , , , to do , me any
id, and I was about to give up in
^ pair when I began taking Swift’d
d *ei!le. This medicine has cured me
b nd and well’ and nothing else did it
8 8. S. S.
tiKV. R. U. MiTCUK'.u. Pastor Cld.
l E . Oh u rch.
Mu mi, Ga., Sept. 8,1883.
Swrrr’s Speoiffr: is entirely a
egetiiiile medicine, and is the only
\e iieina whic i has ever cured Blood
w sou, Scrofula, Blood {Turners and
bed diseases. Send for our Ii )ok
p Blood vnd Skin diseases’ mailed
The Swift Sim'cifk: Co.,
Drawer 3,Atlanta, Ga.
it ,T ' it Tell Buy Tin G.mulnn
d do not expend you, means on
o r Hull’* JViby,Syrup is in good de
mami; everyhedy s eaks well of it. The
pk-ice Is only 25 cents.
Bui all Talk.
Small talk is the small Change of
life; there is no getting on without it,.
There mo times when a little nonsense is
Very palatable, and gravity iiiiG sUirts.
A philosopher cuts a poor figure in the
ballroom unless he leaves li is wisdom
at home. We have met with men who
were too loftv for small talk. They
were above sueli trilling; in other
words, they were above inakin them¬
selves agreeable, above pleasing and
above being pleased. The world i N
made up of trifles, and lift who can
tiifl • elegantly and grancefiilly is a
valuable acquisition to mankind. lie
iSa Corinthian column in the fabric
of society.—New York Ledger.
Persons of sedentary pursuits am pre¬
disposed to censtipation; Midi slmhl al¬
ways use Laxador, which insure > safety
against constipation and till of disastrous
consequences Price only 25 cents.
Two Lucky Dayton Boyn
'Two of tlm*luckiest young men in
the city of Dayton arc EJrr.ond C and
George C. Albert, who held tho one
twentieth of ticket No. 59,021, wliich
drew tlu. first capital prize of 8100.090
in tlie November drawing of the Lowis
in» State lottery. George is eight' en
artd works .it tlie shops of the National
Cflsh Register comnanv. while Edmond
iattwenty and at Stoddard’s Machiuu
shops. Hath am honest a i l liar I
w Thelr Casper Albert,
^ b „ ter , llfw , .several years
th , y U;iV( , !lil(l hanl an uphill
BWl(ltlojl tll -ir w,(lowed mother
t thfi They now own
th<j| cottag(i home on Mauie
Bnd the lift the prize they have
won , has given . them m places , „ iu them ■„ In
coirUortable cucurnstauces.—Dayton u ,,
fOhio) Democrat, Dec. 0th.
Hood's Sarsaparilla is peculiar to its-tf
and superior to all other preparations in
strength,economy, and medicinal merit.
“AtsslAlas!” the du de exclahis , “lu war
Reginald Young (who has been very
ateirtlve 44 m, lb. «SNM —
dec Mist Mable, >f you would consular
m □ tamerfinent should 1 ask you the
obb : old qir-st on? ,
Mis8 Mabte (greatly agitated) -O 1
Reginald! -this is m sudden -I—I -
f will isten .(•> you, Reginald,
Ilftglii il l -'Veil. »hen have von r-ad
f-' semere'-’”
k I’ve got paios. Don t .
»fs • ,afH m ’ for wi.onrt he ha<i sent,
% have some Salvation Od.”
Terms: $1.50, in Advanei.
Use Pitt’s CavmiuatWc for all derange¬
ments of the stomach or bowels in child
or adult.
Use rit.t’s Carminative in cbo'erinfaur
turn and drains from the bowels of any
Physicians use the Carmintative exten¬
sively in their practice Is plensant to
take; on y 28 cents per bottle. Yourdrug
gists keep it for sale.
other watermelon seed raised by him
at the same ratio price. Mr. Smith
lias made a great success of rasing
seeds for sale by wholes do, and has
gained a national reputation for the
same. His oxporimont farm is located
within tlio incorporate limits of
Aramious.—Amotions Recorder,
Take Ayer’s .Sarsaparilla, in the spring
of Hie year, to purify tlm blood, invigo¬
rate I lie system. excite i tie It Ver to action,
amt restore healthy tone and vigor to the
whole physical mechanism Remember
that qnillty. not quantity, constitutes the
vnluu metUcliui.
We think the most advinead stop,
in iv moral way, is tho proposition to
«• (liillv *«» vv.iper. ' vU V"" Lo pffit , "rf" tlMi. i >
editors " reporters, printers, postmasters
must work on tho S u il,hatli if,..ii, ,i day. Aim And
God says It mil ,t. lie a day of rest, and
they that , ........ rn.i agimst ii,hi, that solemn l,,mu
commandment will bn punished as
sure as there is a God. Now, the Sun
day paper is got’ton out . Saturday u
night, and it is witji every man’s con¬
science whether lie. rea ls it on Sunday,
Rut no man ought to vyofk on tho Sab
The extraordinary popularity of Ayei s
dhurry IGotoml Is tho nnttural result of
its use liy all classes of people for over
forty years. It has proven itself tho very
best speeilic for colds, coughs, and pul¬
monary complaints.
1 1 is somewhat paradoxical that
while the fanners of North Carolina
i so iii ilch opposed to the emigration
of negroes from their Hi ate, the people
of portions of tlio adjoining statu of
South Carolina are more than willing
to get rid of a largo portion of theirs.
The “negro question” is thus pei
plcxitig in more ways than one.
INirftonn wishing to Improve tin?ir mum -
orius or HtiviigMiuii tlinir powur of attuii
tiou should send to Prof. Isolsulto, 2117
Fifth Ave., N. Y,, for his prorpoctns post
free, us advertised iii anoiiier column.
A oil FAT mi -take perhaps was made
when Dr. Sherman named his great rem¬
edy Prickly asIi Hitters; but it is presum
ed thill at Hint time all remedies for the
blood, etc.. Were called Bitters. Had be
called it Prickly Aldi “Regulator,”
Uuratiie,” or almost anything but Bitters,
it undoubtedly would have superseded all
other preparations of similar character.
The name Bitters Is misleading; it Is
purely a medicine, and cannot b eased as a
The Cutlibert idiieral says its hank
has petered out. The accumulation
of years of honest labor is gone, eh?
Perhaps the good things your rnogi,
lions will yon will oo tvjtuv.limit to
the effects of the lmnk-Willaeoociiee
Oh no. Mot The Liberal’s bank.
All our Itanks were estaidislied in
chttdliood -sand banks. Neither is
“tlie accumalation of years of iionest
toil gone.” ft consiftfH chiefly in
Some of our old subscribers seem to
think that what the neighbors give us
will be equivalent to their subsci ption
money. At all events they withhold
what they owe os as tilOUgh they think
the neighbors will keep ns from starv¬
ing. —Ciilbbert Liberal.
A (jreal Battlu
fs continually going*on in the burnw
t,em. The (lemon of impure Wood stiive
^ victory over th < constitution, to
ruin health, to drag victims to the grave.
A good reliable medicine like Hood's
enfrny from tho fi**Jd, arid rt**Uyn* pfwi****
and bodily’health for many years.
this peculiar medicine,
A child diouldiw taught early the irn
aorta nee and use of the tooth brush.
Jtafher let tlie face or hands remain un
wasned than tlie teeth tie nnhrash- l I.
fore the morning meal. The habit be
comes soon a-quirel: its advantage in
aving ttie t-eth I nun decay and preecn
ting>affertiig is ireudculatoe. For sab: by
»» Dmgvists.
NO. 10,
Ought to have attention perhaps. If so
IV IV IS. will do you good, removing all
inorganic matter, the direct causa: of
deafness. It will also aid your digestion.
Witness tho following testimonies:
Mr. I 1 ', llal! wrote from .Shelby, Ala.
February 9, 1HK7. “1 could not hear it
tlmmlcr. 1 heard of I). IV IV. used two
bottles, and now can bear a tick crawl In
tho leaves.
Knoxville, Term., July 2, 1887.
1 have liivd catarrh of tho head for sK
years, i went to a noted doctor and lift
treated mo for It, hut could not egre fne>
he said. I was over fifty years old
and I gave up to die. I had a distressing
cough; my eyes were swollen and I mil
confident I could not have lived without »
change. 1 sent and gut one.bottle of youn
medicine, used it, and felt better. Then l
got four more, and thank God I it cured me,
Uuse tills any way you may wish lor the
good of sufferers.
Mus. Matilda Nichoi.8. ,
22 Florida Street
Fit.-. Ijboh Co.. Jol, liuii^OHtioa
l hav® Ikhmi a Hufferi*r from
and dyspepsi.. for along time, and have
trlfed many remedies but until I was lup
,i U ced by my friends to try your B. B. B.
received no relief, but since using It lmv«
found more relief and comfort timin' from
any ^ ()Ulw . i have Address' use I, Hop
| M y ou w j|| forward to my your
little ;)2 page book for proscription/ «Wo'
evidence of cotes. Send at earliest date;
Itav. HtntrC:
a hook <>» waiii'itB#,
A.I wlio iTi-nfri, full information
the mtnse and cure of Blooa Polsorn.Boror*
nfo,is Kidney Swellings, Ulcers, Sores, Rbeuma
tisin, Complaints, Catarrh, otay
can eeurc Illustrated hy mall, Book free, of n Wonders, copy of our filled Wj
page with
the most wonderful and startling*
proof e.ver before known. Address
Bi.ooi) Hai.m Co., Atlanta. Ga.’
-LADIES and tiKNTSs’-*
No. «S \V. Iliintfii*St.,
Atlanta, - - Georgia.
from Meals 11:20 at to AII o'clock. Hours. Reptild/s Dlnne
Oysters in , very style. Oaibe and Fistf
in season.
ffl. 1RIAI,
Among wliich may be mention
n 1 * m Alpiirqlfitifl
BH< U H<1 t UI tilglU,
|>VSI>0|),S J i J 13, ' ImpotonCV'- I J )
DhSOaSC of tllO Liver. 7
KiflliCyS, . '' Heart, LllITgS,*
Ull’OMC • L'larrllCBa . . .
Dysentery, Syphilis,.
Uonorrluea, Catarrb,
<llld DrODSV J S
All Di.SRRSfi’t _ IcCliliiir 10 ^VoRISD.
Will visit patioefit* in Rny part o i
the State to perfor.M Su/gfeal Operations.
Patients wlio desire M be under bU
personal care can secure bossd near his
Twerty Years Experience i fl»#
'I’reatinent of these Special Diseases.
No. r,.V.; Peachtree St, ATLANTA, GA
UU Close is beeanse thvre so little in ei^-'
ff euUtiou. We waiit A.OOu persons to’
rnon-y !,y intrrsluceing a fast selling »V
ii cl*-. Business light; No and honorable. JuU
particulars (naming tree. this postals aimsMWfJ.
Address paper.)
THE «»len HUfiRCHiBAP.
(iarduwr. ft.- 9