Newspaper Page Text
lie CraarfbeNJU Ipawerft
A Supply of Most Elegant
lilt ^v ■ ititl latl m
And the Same Rind of Proof Proves
L mm H Mil
m ■■ ■ v m m m a
n m f
- O 3 m
sum ..'V ,'V Ifi -g.
rm m
P : IVi &
GE 1 EM 1 SB 01 O 5 GA 9
To Be the Great and Popular General Merchandise Estab¬
lishment of Middle Georgia, for
IlAve they not kept only reliable and superior quality goods?
i lave dn j y not been always low and lower in price than any other 1 use?
i! e e they not aimed to be prompt and polite in ill tln-ir deali .y-. nv t .
H..V they not beej^jjgniej^w’U£. * Hi ftjnsui -
\t our doub, stores the bus i ess never stops Everything ke ps rolling ah U\(y Thi. , ]
(h>ne in the I he <*•> j,c<,ple ol
s as ’ii's business will exceed g thing we have ever past.
> ' ! ENK ’ U.IiVF lxRO and adj'eiiing counties apjii' C . ie u! at w< are doing them
The immensity « f our stock and the exceeding^ h w prices has caused the p’lbiic l > confer
upon us the title:
t (i Leaders of low Prices
In first clas-. general Mercha idise We hav built up our bus ness by selling di best
go idawe could g^t and SELLING 1 I ILM CTli .\i ! \ nd we intend to fester it th I
same kind of treatment In fact, our facilities for both buying goods, and selling are lar
greater than ever before, and we give our cast mv-rs l?LT 1E11 VALUE than ever We d
not look for the success of our busi ness to the siz - ol our stores, nor to the h ng li ol III
counters; but si nply. as in the past, t'i tne amou i 11 f hard work we put into th • business,
and giving to the public MORE kOR IIILIR MOnEV than others do
Our stores are already bedecked in Spring attire, with the choicest en I lings from fashion's centre of N EW AND SEASON- i
AB l.E GOODS, BOTH OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC MANUFACTURE. We start the season with a most elegant may of
and Trimmings V/e can show you ailthe new weaves in new ai.d desirable colors. We intend to keep this department, up to a
hit h standard of excellence New colorings in Glace Beige, Cliallis. Mohairs, Batiste Nubian Fluids. Printed Henrietta, English
Meltons, Mories, Pompadours, Faille Francaise, Satins, Causes and other new weaves that cannot fail to please.
Linens AND White Goods
These departments »re special ‘•peta” w ith mu Wo want to say right here, v. •mphasis,, that it will bp a loss of timo to you j
o try to find goods as stylish and cheap as ours, vve respectfully invite an imp ik» ?Tiatt<ii what you want, you will find it in j I
our Mtock.
Salines, Ginghams—Oiher Cattons.
There is a fight for supremacy goibg on between Satines and Ginghams. V* r e are on tlm * nee in this fight and give bell a fair
show; no matter which you prefer, you as a matter of course, come to us to do your buying. Scotch and American Ginghams,
many beauties and many bargains n Plaids, Stripe d and Solid Ginghams, French styles of American Salines, Persians designs,
and other lovely patterns in Satines. Our stock is large and varied. In this department you will also jnd a splendid assortment
of Percales, Penang, Cheviots, Bleached and Brown Cottons, Sheetings and Cambrics. Examine those and save money.
Laces, & Embroidery.
Here is an elegant stO(k, selected in anticipation of our immenee Lace amt Embroidery season, Dainty Vain-.ook F/lgin^H,
and lnsertiags, the new Scotch Embroidery, Swiss Flouncing* for white dresses, lovely IlPinstitelied Embroideries and
many new patterns to select from, makes our Embroidery Stork one of the most popular places to spend a few moments, and a
few dollars at the same time.
There are lots of important items which have no mention here, but ovsr buyer lias not forgotten them, and our sellers are
anxious to keep yon from forgetting them. No matter h-.w small or how large an item you may want i if the above departments
you can come to us knowing well that we have wliat you want, and of the very b *t quality and the lowest prices
We make it a special point to keep everything the people want. Extra bargain* in the following departments: Notions.
Clothing, Shoes, Slippers, Hats, Gents Furnishing Goods, Parasols ami Umbrellas, Hosiery, Gloves, Handkerchief', Stationery.
Jewelry, Crockery, Glassware, Tinware, Stoves, Trunks, Valises, Sewing Machines, Hood ware, Furniture, Harness, Saddles,
Window Shades, Curtain a d Cornice Poles, Matting, Faint Varnishes, Hardware.
Plantation Supplies. Also a full line of Coffins and Caskets. Besides the above, there ar- numbers of ot -r departments to which
we cannot now even refer. To everyone an invitation to visit our stores is cordially xteuded. Orders from tlm country will re
eeive prompt and eareful attention.
Dcvfttod te the Interest if Taliaferro Oou ^ lb ® Pw) P Ie and <,f,3tral ,ev ”-
GE01U i IA FRIDAY,MAY A, 1880.
Anything Yet Attempted Was the
Imo'tvon, ci;oti
Hat, Hosiery, and Liven
store teat
Saves Ton Money.
__ ,
i More NlH'DnSlBff .
k * j
5 I O
ANI)-- j I
This Month! S ,
m !
Ye eye not shaped and fash!,)’,ted by
i' we love
as;, not time for time is' lie staff life
HOP of.
* in r it's Carminative for all derange
"ta of the stomach or bowels in child
ain't -
Ni service.
Divevsfield agriculture is the synonun
r huteuendentatid prosperous agr ■ .!
. ire.
lA-y^itt’s drains Carminative from the in bowels cbo’erinfan- of
nd any '
il( .fer
1 ihn Centennial Oelehration the
ud 30th, ult New York bad
DO stranger.
Gi-Ttohs and colds oonei uninvited, hut
i cm quickly get rid of these, wth a
,v (loses of Dr. .f, II. Me Dean’s Tar
!tw llnlm. For sale by K .1. Reids.
Sijuie for of tle> for married tlteir wives men are will now want very
"■'i v a
Sli" issfixJSStiKSrs.;;', ' , , , , 1
A trial will convince you of its
1 'piIt
^ »mo of the cotton exchanged arc kick
* - * gainst tin* proposition o! the tlooi.irin
‘dlianncnipn AL to use cotton btttfuiUr.
Dodoe , county . , is without . t , n:i ordinary. .. ...
.. 1 ,’ je .lohil ,r! Itozier died ill harness
"M week.
Tire Health And beauty of Children
m be restored by giving them Klni'ior.s
Sid lirken ihn Vermifuge, to kill the worms that,
their complexion.
, 'e,k Head\chc, and a siM'-i'.'.tion of op
si u: and duliu ms in the bead, are
R'l v commonly produced by iiidigesli ei;
,/ I ’"' (1 '; S|> ..... ,mtnl,lilitv ' n ".' 1
• r seiisiti vones.s ol the nerves mnv, in
of eases be traced to the same
i se. Dr. .). II Mel, an s idver hi i
lidttey Hue Por balm sale and Fillets Dr. It J. wit Kcul. positively
'Hon reports from various sections of
,bc \x\‘ \ arc cucmirauiunr. Wheat is pro
v ising and tlms <nr the fruit buds mo all
■j In.
Ayer’s Pills are the best cathartic for
•iniei-i .g irregularities of the stomach
‘i i li vels tientlc, yet thorough ”:iMtWo in
UmVaM "the npm,titr r am: system.' C,,,
-«a„ and strongmen the
’?!'!, demand f .r Georgia marl,lo is grow
or all .'or t hu eoiiuti'v. 'mines There are KM
o,i |; i III the marble in Pickens
» tv
UK me of Dr. J. II. McLean’s
Level' lUI'i Kidlit’.V Fllle.ts III. Illght
• o i e<* t«i bed anti jam will b«
iu itoW .'uifW’c ittf d y*m
y.- ; Vac next. day. Only “fl ("juts a
( IV. J. Reid’s
The only way t, go (hi'uugU this wm ’ii
ud '"-c,t>ie eeiisim*. is to tak • some beelc
,.t<|. You can not travel the main road
ml do it.
The most delicate constitution can
ifely use Dr. J. AleLean » Tar Wine
I ’aim; it is a sine remedy lor
loss of voice, and alt throat ana
iiis“,ises At. Dr Reid’s.
'The republican pntv is committed to
:i,-liny 5*4 postage, ami II," reduction will
< ..................* "■.................
dank and , decay . vegetation , -
l ho ill o
i"egn)i » newly cleared ol ibnDei .exposed
totheravsot tin- sun. is sme to
ihalHiin, Dr. II. M’Dnti'H CliillH and
^'ctver i Cure, hy mild and guutln bottle, aidioii
r iil radically cure, cu cents a at
ilcid’s Druy .Stoic.
A York r.i]>i>(*(i li.i'v lilt into an iippli! and
I'fiUmt w around tlm corn a plane ol
dor.i ,(■ tlnoiid -I iouliiM louo. It istlloijo|ii
to have di'o|i|ind liy a In id win n tlm itpum
v\it. in full nioxsom.
l lioi i' arc many aoddent, and di^casox
v. Iiicli dlT' C.I, Stork am! lau.v lionr Inunn
vtiiii'iioc iii d loss to lliu farim in Ins win k
wlui'li uiav Im qu ckly nni), ■ •I IV I hu
u « of Or .1 il M ■ I,“ini's "• Oil
i. iium nt. ill'. ICoid salts i
Henry C Hunter, in jail at era lord
vide, imi., for bigamy, had dm eh *'>
send to bolli Ins wives and ask the n ' >>
had for him.
Tlmfc reeling of wearine-s m ten
“ •.perietiecd ir. the sprinif, r- ul'-j D - " a
. g ""pel' ,»im!" , u !t"e" IS '! i.ov m 'wuXt-ti'wi<U quicBcu wen I'm i n,
elnut-mg season Ayer « Si isaiiaulU, the h od '»y
Vitalizing and cleansing ■
stengU.etts and Invigorates the sv-tein.
A vacant lot, with thirty six feet front,
in ttie business portion of qiitiiiL’i, -*d,|
recently tor tf i’ino
Georgia intends to have better road*:
< itlier under th*- present or a m-w system.
'AudUn vesult will he, felt in a r**w years
i •• the iner ased value of f.n i ; uds und
divejs} fled farming- -Kx
Life will nexiuire new zest, and cheer
f nine return, if you will impel your
er and Kidneys to the II performance .McLean’ Liver ot
, ion • ' dictions Dr. .1 ;
d Kidney Balm will stimulate th in to
1 a If D f trl e.'t nm *1 ob pi r bottle. For
ie at, Reids Di ng Stoic.
Advice should be, like a w 'idle fall of
m.v and not like a driving storm of hail,
it should descend softly, and not he ut
t.-red ti ist.ily.
flit! quality of fin* b!ool rfcp'*n 1 much
B r> n tpr bull (liu‘*stio’» am! ;r< imila
tain; to make tin* lifoo*! rioh in lib* and
Hri'ngtii uiviri^ eon«tifir { *iif*f, n • • f>r ./
f l McIjohiCa Sf.reniftliuninir <' i and
ii»l (port Purifier; it will nourish f 1 *i* °P
of th» hi*»o ? l from whio th** i»b*
oo nts of vitalifv ar** drawn. per
bottb*. At ft J llt id’H.
It jkb* ml d no’ Ho so, but a mu in ran buy
good a than tin* averatf** miri at
S t*i tli** iniib* »h often brought in to slaud
for a war».— B.uninid^ (b*n»<K*,rat
Oni d a saysf “A fir!’s love im hot
r.ewet ie begged, but conquered.’’ That's
U vcr> well, t,ut how to subdue the thick
led parent of the period, i« what’s iio’h
* ■ ing our young men ju t now.
The “lab- of tile th- te blood there
O* ' pure Wood means healthy fiiri'Goint
of jvitv (iuick and restoration this t»e;*rs wit.b from it the sieknc eeitainj
l v - ,r
a eldent. Dr J II McLean’s vr
tbemug <'<»rdial and Blood 'I'urifier
) ir»* rich blood, au - vitalizes,' *1 s'r
ens the whole la^ly. dt fid per b e tic
At R J. Rud's.
Terms: $1.50, In Ady&nce.
Our lives art? like some complicated I
machine, working on one side • f ,i wall I
anil tiilslied fabric the ■
deliver ng the on
■ tlier We can not cross ill • hairier and
see the end. The work is in our hands.—
the completion is net.
The qualtity of the blood depends mneli
upon good or bad digestion and assimila
tion; to make the, blood rich in life and
stvena'll ,L McLean's giving constituents, use Dr.
II. Strengthening; ( ordial
and blood 1 ’iirifier; it vvi i nourish the
proper! ies of the Mood from wliifli tin*
elements of vitality are drawn. Sl.fiU per
bottle. At Dr. )!. j. Reid's.
sleep with one eye on the pig pen and and
corn held (not patch) bully s year our
word tor it you will feei next eh : t
telling time. Oh, for the tiiue when this
unit bland will lie (bating lu sausage and
chitterlings—Ailianc • A tvoeate.
It tnaos thirteen cabinet offi mrs, Willi
an aggregate, annual pay of 451 0.1,000, to
on ry mi the government of Canada
The United States manages very well
with eight «• iliinet officers’ who cost every
your $115,000.
A ohh.vt mistake perhaps was iqndjn
when Dr. Sherman named Ills great rein
p ( |y prickly asIi Hitters; hut it is prosum
ed lien at that time all remedies for the
-............«**...... >.........
called it, Prickly Ash “Ho.^ulator,” “
(-uratllo,” or almost.anything but Hitters,
U, untbuibcc.ily would Uuvo supers ubul nil
of, I u»r iMViRiratioiH <»r sj nil u* (dmiactcr.
1 ho name Hitters ...... Is attslcaduut:; , t, . is .
lnuvh . a medicine, ,. . and , cannot 4 , b en . ed , as
John I’oweii says l i .1. t'lero Is a walnut
tree on Ids pi see. at .Hibson that lias linen
stone d. ad for seven year'. but Hint It has
come to life a • i u a: d is Icm leg sweet
d*,Minus walnuts as it did ptevtou* to its
An <j„io mnn found in his Dimly Bible
a Cheek on till, old Farmeas and Meeh
v{ Steubenville, dated ...........
IW1 . Tll ,.,,. are mm,y valuable
only tilings search In (lie Bible, book. if its possessor would
Kb Iritis, Mo- Fivt-Displ, n>l. says
In 1 1> »t> woipou arc provcr./iiilly
thy and slrona, often niareliing for
days will) tin ir ba’.ies upon their backs.
In fact, limy frequonlly go the day
nefore and lifter eoiilbiP/npiit, with
tiiVir tribes, upon the tnurcli. These
wo " ,,, » ,his f ra " r tre "* tI ' a "'J
\ 0 7’ r of <*";l«raucji by using n weed
^ !'*. ’ ffmws in tbe.f locality, out of
will.-, a medicine'll now bfttng made,
and kept by the drQggiirtrf, under the
name Indian Wkud fk’em ile Merli
eine.) '
“Indian Wrrd (Female Medicine)
Iifis pi oven a great blessing to the
breaKT^h*!,’'!,*rivet'J»orF/*ff veov*ion all to
1> nr arge cities, for it is said thftt
w ho use It keep robust and healthy.
Dfs, Lucas k Ilatmnaek and a!
Druggists keep it,
'I lie Atlanta Constitution is fighting
Senator (! dxuiit because he is said to tie
giving some advice In regard to fedeinl
iippointsiiients In Georgia. To sHy the
most of it, this is a very small matter,
but did til,'Constitution jump Oil Senator
brown for voting with Dm republicans to
retain the tariff on bugging, thereby help
’ill’ u i:rs
silent, ns tho giave and there is every rea
son for I e’levillg that il I'ubv endors d
m,-. |{,-own’s course. Monj iovvh (Teim)
,, . .
The Sufferer's Friend.
How many ppoplo Wim urn s'lffi'l ina
from lliood Foinou flm vvnuld known not;
lint read I In* tollirviiig; lottiTd and you
may Im ml. re led:
I'llllMlllt AC< IIMINT.
I!ai,ti woitit, Mi»., January 28tli, 1HH7. !
I liavo lici'ii a suffci'iiiff for six Throat, years ;
with t, 'atari'll, Ulcerated Sore i j
nod it ■umutisin of the Clicst, from
i lilood poison About four weeks uz" 1 ,
| was passion tile liotauic, Ulood Balm store,
i No. h Nortli Hty. t, Baltimore. I went In
a ml eoiiHiilted your nu'ent about my ease.
He eave me one of your 11. B I! “Book
Boiu'nic vUaBerwani'.'itd'eoi •! 'f.V.t tic*
yo , lr lilood Balm I! II. B I am
" ,,w "" tlli, ‘ l •' ,u!< ’ «»«* wia s:l V ,lu *'
| | j h:tv«t fc*lfc u. marked improvement, since
tf „. , )lirr , ,| ay „ ftrr commencing to u.e
r medicine. I now have no trouble sol
rnne mv throat, and hav Improved MrltiHlil’U
| intti'h in pvpry way llmt I am I will
! that hy tin* use of youi I jindicino .
! Moon Im* all riiht
/ liavo taken many nn<l some good !
i ! pi e,N<*j i of ions and uiedleineH for this
trouble, hut 1 think yoer B. B li th** h«* f
r i Mll4 . c j y j }„ lV4 . ;u M | | eheerfuUy
recoiiiuieiid voiir “B »lnn)e B.ood Baliii )
t , tie* p ifdie , tl t p,. , k , t ; «
» tp ,i“ *
Bio * 1 ieiii*d v 1 have found, aftei :x Jong j
years of Veiy , search respectfully , fur . Ijc.iltli. }
yours, i
./O I . i'll VV Fi.ovvi rs. 1
210 Slciiim'iix Alk'V
ovs: liim .M. i .idi i -K M ( ( !ii;i> .
ANII II (.XI. I'll K.-TOlU.,)
B B. B.Co AvtlnU. Gm.:
<;ln'th. My ni-t'-r wah a(WU*tf*-i f**r a
number of vm i h wifli h*»B wntU r« <f a
limit all over I or person They woiil'l
mak" Hicir appearance every spring, and
la i through the summer and until late
in the tali. ffrr h**;ilth w.*»h Impairs '• b»^
lug Hesli und strengthev -ry day; in fad,
they \vi*r** sapping her life. ( ftavo, birr ,
OJU* b.itrb* of B B B , and 111'* «*ff<*(*t wa- ;
like rrn dfr*, prodadnff a coHipfi*t(* cur<* r.nd j
r<* forint li**f andht-r fi#*alfft. li Uo altfi *l'«y mlly n*Htor< •** rn*r- il j
f. fflv HfMiml
V i vrithont fbniht Bn* la st aii l mwt
va'iialtb Horn} l’nrtflar :io\v on the mar
ket. Yours, etc , D. M. M< Uve.
W ay nee bore, M , July H, !S(7.
IM DBM V l|h>.
All vvh.i desire full infounation about
e.t u and cure of Blood Poisons,
Swellings Fleers. Kolieuaiu
ti-dii Kid: ey Complaints, Catarrh, etc.
can secure by mail, free a copy of our UJ
s Illustrated Book on Wonders, filled
with tie- most wonderful ar.d startling
ever before known Address,
dl.OOD BaI'M Go , YU l it l, »
Luxuriant Hair
Can only be preserved l>y keeping thd
Pealp clean, cool, and free from dan¬
druff, and the body in a healthful
condition. The great popularity of
Ayer's Hair Vigor is due to the fact
that, it cleanses the scalp, promotes the
growth of the hair, prevents it from
falling out, and gives it that soft and
silky gloss so essential to perfect beauty.
Frederick Hardy, of Koxlmry, Mass.,
n gentleman fifty years of age, was fast
losing his hair, and what remained was
growing gray. After trying various
dressings with no effect, lie commenced
the use of Ayer’s Hair Vigor. “It
stopped tlio falling out," he writes;
“and, to ray great surprise, converted
my white hair (without stuiniW the
scalp) to the tame nhnde «f brown it
had when I was “5 years of ago.”
Ten Years Younger.
Mrs. Mary Montgomery, of Boston,
writes: “ For years, ! was compelled
to wear a drrss cap to conceal a bald
spot on tin* crown of my head ; but now
1 gladly lay tin* cap aside, for your Hair
Vigor is bringing out n new growth. I
could hardly trust, my senses when I
first found my bail* growing; but there
it is, and I am delighted. I look ten
year* younger
A similar result Attended tlie use of
Ayer's Hair Vigor by Mrs. O. O. Pres¬
cott, of <’h:ulcslown, Mass., Miss Bessie
If. Bt*dlot‘,i»f Burlington, Vt. f Mrs. J. J.
Burton, of Bangor, Me., and numerous
The loss of hail may bo owing to im¬
purity of the blond or derangement of
tin* stomach and liver, in vvhi«li case,
a course of Ayer’s connection Sarsaparilla with or of
Ayer’s Dills, in health the
Vigor, may be necessary to give
and tom* to all the functions of ilw
body. strongly At tin* Kiitne lime, it cannot of these bo
too urged that good none without
remedies can do much
a persevering cleanly and trial ami strict habits. attention
to temperate
Ayer’s Hair Vigor,
Prepared l>y I>r. BniKiftatM J.C. Ayer Sc Co., Perfumers. Bo well, Mas*,
bolt! by and
tiPtlCMim » <’*• ;uTu(«n
*,*f»*. »OK iUti
fHMit In. <*»*«! arc nuci|U«loU an ai
,n inntni ' il <!!(»<rlc(M Rielrvlrtnc**M
«IdiOl ulli>r’|>>'o|i(T t o'wx; nlsmt. In on llicy lim |lox««« llM-N^Niem |i*<“
l Ic riec
euulcd. I r,>1,1 H.ii Ian..innill. t idlxiin. ftrlc., milly
Sold Everywhere.
Office, 44 Murray Ht., New York.
Onljr Uennlnn »f Mmnwy Tr«lnin*<
l'our llaok. I.r«i neil in onn rrnillOK.
1.1 iii.1 wandering cured.
Kvrrr child und m,1uIi nrcnily beneflund.
iniiaitdm.uU ta C ir;,, Cliifioe*. A. Ilnin.
rr'Kttmriim, With opinion, of Dr. in.
Illoiiu, tlm w .1 I huu. 'l Hp.. inl'.tln Mind Diwtw'.
p. p. p
[Prickly Xni, Poke lloi \ t.nh pofauiiiun.)
Primary, tU-miulary, »n<l Tertiary Hyphlll*,
Hypliilittc I rtspMon**, ticrofuhk ftn<l Hr rofulo»L»
KnijitiohM, I'jrrrH a '1 *>1<1 Hor* i, nb*uiri»ti»ra
mi't nil di - k < 4 t,f the bktod; all Uiom-, that have
n Hilled otin r t: cut fu'fit yi«Jd hi cad Ur and
unruly to tb«' v. onrh i ful power of V. P. r., the
great Ulood i'arifi tr.
In an Iru; urfi v h* tlior 1*1* L jiroanring I.amp& AmnJ
or .*sH)h r *;g; T„; nar.iiiT»KS>or«ffoii tbo
is V * t or t’> ?,f tie* euro *>i wlji<b iin P. P.
tl.*: \iTf.nlt-nt MogiI ifHt'lidiieoii uartJi. AH tbcw
j ifl<l n*aflily t^» the power of I*. P.P.,
f»ivi up, now ilfc ttfid now i»trei*«th.
Cuvfut in it h Mono eomettwefi in c&tt**
vriib r.r’ tj.i Dh. wIipt *'• t1»e jiaiieiiiwM In Em
ictf I'ltfri a«*I Kivfiu ftp I \ th** i/fijufclau*. IiiFoino'
c*"< h Hrmfub'iifi |TJ« cTm br**Mf* »Mt till the jjfirtji
W»e 7*rrnr*n* a b rttlfs i f )*. )'. P. vr a#
J)l«d * *.. Mitl < hfc ci,»-' a«v vL’ItWl qulcltly.
And ft« 5 Af? <>f thf Blood, P. P.P.ntwnW
i mu'tvifjfc<1 cfi«! route ot itn ennawv
t-n diil.'i inim r.ny thlujf V-Vc- *^ypi* 11 !w, ftcro
fd! 1 T.'ei l' (iK<,n f I'lccm, (il«l fiMit'ft’’, Uheuuiar
tit rr i*tiy (li**;*t a ot the blood, be fiure *inf
K .. V. V. Ir a trio!-
1* J-. i*. Pti'T lv Poke Root *n<IPbta«iitimy
Im im ¥ •. rut j *»f-nt uiedU-ii'O USl6 ibo many on
t!ie Ul»rk;-t. it- (crmiili ;m (»n every tbtiv
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