Newspaper Page Text
The Democrat '
dug;.! ;;kd every Friday
< ra i cronn ville, Georgia
rfritcrr/l it the pout ••ftico it Cruwfoi drill®,
Gh oig a, i« §<-c<in riml matter.
Ck ___
1 HI HA 1 . MAY •'!. lHM'J.
\ Mass; ',!eel in*? <’a!l«‘fl.
Wo th it;/..ns of Taliaferro county
bejiovtii,.’ i- right an.I pio/»<*r that the
c<\ units .slmiifd H*pr<* tiled in the Road
(,'ongi .H, cmlTe on tie' 22, of
May in Atlanta, Ga , .1 cm it a.l
v i-:i l)l«‘ to ra 11 R
HR lit
call J
join 111 In. p-f'mii to lid m-eting
to * at Lla* 1 i!i on tin* i).
of May i«»!i. in Giawfnrilvillc, (/;; * * hi?*
2.1, April 1 hhii .
VV. o Mitchell; C M'er- ;,
Tilu* Riclianl u Rmid.-s
,Jiiu II hiriilitm - .1 \V F,inner; ;
: 1
Tlio K. liiivlow; II I Rhodes;
W. 1! Jpi (I: c G Moon ;
1 ;,eo , II Miichell; E 11. Ogle tree, | I
VV. Tiiiilicrlako Gluts. Bergstrom;
U.n 'l avl"i; U r Ha ill mack;
.1 I) Moor.'; IV. O Holder.; |
M T GriUllli; W. R. Brooks,
W VV. Hiid; <Caldwell;
l, bird; W C, Taylor;
.1 flit; VV A Wright; ;
.1 ker: K .1 Reid !
VV. It Hill iolneke; netl; II, II, M. .Ionian; Holden; i '
I j j I
\V < . Hit-law , M '/■ A ml retail; !
Tim:,. Akins; .1. N t lisipm m;
.1 VV Swan, Jad. rt II. Rhodes; Reid; I
S. .1, Fai met ; T I
!' J. Let indier; (i. (i. HiXOIl. )
HttiriBon’e Southern Policy and ; I
ihoRmthapIn thft Brotner tn liiat.K Hknlt |
Edit ms GiiiiRtitutlOii: As I am a :
colored man. nod desire the real happiness
nnd pi»»Mt4Pjil,y of tiie r iff, I vvi di to ln*Hy |
nay, 'Jlif (N»nslltiitioii, that
thecoloiv.i voUi in Purtain t o revolt from
tl,P so»fnllpd ifjuiblif iu party and sock
jiarty *iffiUatloiiH (‘Isowhuru, and the
jtoonfr tliis K dona tin* boll, i it will In*
fortHi' race in lUv -ouili.
Every Int.'lllgmit colored man who lias
sny ui'Hilimi'l ahmii him Inn beeimie In
lTarnM«»*»”Iyiw«' , AuJ , \V| l ^Kou{iMTn i, v!!liev’’
Of ignoring all n.lured limn, and appmiit
jug >uly white iii mi to olllces of honor
ami "..hi. Mr. ni vomml, a ............
had more rospeet ami care for Um race
Until The President Harrison, tin* republican n rcpuhi chii,
liiis. leaders of puily
think that pockets. they carry the colored vote in
ilndr vest They will . .Mluftily
see things the In a new light In h limuul Hie near look fu
urn, ills for colored voter to
for host, I,iiereM. awl it is heeoming
self-evident that Ills h st iutercst, is „ it
lu the repiiUllian repiTrtmiin |i»ay •
northern Hie people parry generally esneuially have ami the
pretending to have great love and
respeof. for the colored rare both in church
nml in state, slid limy hayc been saying
that tlioMintli. u 1 prejudice against the negro Is lu
The colored man believed this
uhsofiitc religfous anil poll) leal lie fora
I on ir Utiifi, with but ifNlny Iho coIoumI man has
l(*nn»p<i a.stnniHlnufiit that this ii'ir*
thuiit iiga'ln w|jjip uviibjc lediV haw Muhu! iMviuilico
M the i,egro in .ffinvcl. and lu
nnd If th»* n mho nuuihprs of colorcnl
w#»r« In tho north asthnniare in tlin
• nt'inlnd win'ilic'r'U,cy u'eiunn eould' Vlvc at* 'tin*
north at all with the „l lluy would
be almost certain to receive. l'«>r it is
true white that iibc^ou enniiot live with the
people in Georgia who came from
Ihe north midlutvo aellled m this slate.
They don’t want the negro about tie m as
e general tiling.
wlu.'ulc'uhx.iVsbdtlnTushowV "th.'v
hive us have given the negro the hack
neats In the church long ago. and the ne
gin l»«» always been made l>\ Ins white
uortheru i,.lvneutes to keep the hark rent
m northern pwlities. A negro in ether m
Ihe north would while ben political tiionstrostlY.
Tho northern people with all of
their muuh hoiisteil love h»r ilia ue^ro
have sluHbondv kepi him at a tvi
tain distance tmui tin m. lmu m elmreh
and Irt slate Vex,
Kag.I’uM 'ihe 'n' m" 1 ' 1 : *' :
tar sliiiIt thou eome, but no (arther. nml
here xli ill tin proud wives be slaved "
Some of Ihe white teachers who ,11110
from the north to teach southern u 1
feel that they have e me to u.uli thick
Usathons In their blindness, who how down
--------------- 1
mail'll ood In flic negro lhe\ h-.o-ue ills
Ji«id misted and abuse the negro th.w were
to come and touch Zorn's Herald,
Hie official organ ot Sow t o hind Moth
odlsm . published at Huston, Muxs.ieeent
ly teueliers, published wlio » Uttei septed troai the those whole white col
ri 1 ii
•■red race in the south as a race of im
moral beat liens There is not many
lellgoux pap. 1 sin the south that would
have published such a letter, if any tor
the southern while )>< ■ pie know such in
lauuiux stat.-meuis ate not true
Ily the way , Zion's Herald seems uthave
tH-eome greatly and the alaruted northern at tin* ui-inufa. color ..f
the negro, lur¬
ed "norgo problem. \dv«H-:.te If the negro can
m are this Cliristian ot boasted
atmlilk.nist re.'or.i, more than .< thoa-nn.l
mil. s etT. Into spe; of moral, poitie l.
and religious In stemw bat w ould tl
great advocate of negto freedom do it
Boson was crowded with ti The
. Vi'S of the negro ate being has op •d now
as novel before, and I*, out
that ev ery w In ia in tiiix count re. n .ut h
ami south, cast and w iu U and
in slvte, t )v, a n -gv a an v a
white man L a whit man
Aiid uuw Harris «n is „ug.c* I i:i t k
big ail ''I the negro r* tKit th.' luck door
sifthe kit !i u of tlm - i d| in pt In¬
roiUMti^ to ret ■r ' am ti in hu of
tlu* u hole ract ~z > iH'ing ut to ItoUi Huy
ottlo For a \ci> hUl pin if hi ttmt .i
n il* rtwivo t is * HUY tv gmt
tivm the hail s* till
-I ration r SUV BH'Ks Hint
Utiiitc!> ami Uo'M's Un* ivpnUltea
v «• no I art her uv t -r t he
tiiuy tu«Vi* ^■»: isi by h i N
Yotk aii«l imi.Ti.t
up s ‘Hit* lyiuji the kca y
will iumm! i iiro \ »i*i t
will find iU&\ - fH' n« ){
t*asy so u»*vi ’ ive l* a re; Mil H
my Ufo. box .*u>o l It
toivst oj lh<* f> UmmmI >*.1S J
republican party. But VV i Nt* . lUU
po-ir old xttanded wreck, tli't Is. * w i u
in the inteu-xt ot the noinern
a poor thing t-u negro - is t d i ste«i ;4 wita T
interest In. The negro >£ u
the republican party » Hl'i tkvn
tail g to him for twenty- ve years uiore
t:i n Sampson lid to Delilah. And now j
, ! ii.-rri-»ii wifi hi.- -out hero policy
n V«M \' amon in hit" "non wherev.-r be
can find one unprincipaled prim-ipul and awl base pobu- on
-mgii to barter a>va;. for njioils •‘ail olfiir. For
<-;tl .-onvictions 1 vote solidly
Uw 1 , 1 - 1.10 Will revolt, no
n^bllaT&rty. politi. TltSTlSWS I? the
trader in and he, certain in fu
t nr<- to h - found voting with the party of
.oUrot •*x&?urst. colored vote another dec
the in
U " n will disgrace him
a nv <■ .; ..<■<! man who
, H |,\ .-owiee.lending to loop mi low it. to
-iiu’W.i hiniitoii to beg Han; on to re
.■o,ni/.e the roioml men ill the lepul.liean
party, i ' ' ’
i i-o n mid hi- putty, and Ids southern poll
,, d J.-i the negro cultivate
ii o-iidis leiation- among the people with !
whom they live; for the interest of the
two raees in tiie south art c (-related, and
He- colored race must either remain in
| hl -soulli or el-e go to the devil. There is
no i.egro |-r.d*letn ho m the south, you
find that "V. II headed be,tsr only in tie
rho are seated of a negro
| l;: , 1 , 1 ,,. tin* imi-i remain
j ( , H . j h jj )(1 and republidau par
jy j s oiiiy 11 ni11if lifin j»s the uatnpaw to |
puil the money Hn-.tiiut* out of tie* foe,
l«-t the negro look out for himself, as he ^ \
certain to do,and politics become perfectly with inoe- the
pcmlcii' in and vote
,onthorn white people, for tarilf reform
mid ilin general advancement of the
south's inter. »t, and there will be no more
political strife or warfare among tiie two
1 aee s iii the south, and ail other issues will
nat urally settle themselves.
Some of the northern republicans want
the colored vote disfranchised, and tile
negro maybe eoiiijieiied in the near f«
ture to vote will, the democrats for pro
lection, for some of tiie leading lepubli
eiins are anxious to get rid of the negro’s
vole, and it is watche.ittiie piam to any intelligent the
mind who has trend of
northern senlimeiits relative to the negro
that tix; iioiihoru white people they are getting going
till'd i, the. negro, and that are
to put him down too And that is just Harrison's republican adminsHtra
lion is now doing. I ll colored vote is ripe
sas sAA’ssss^ so-called u sn
imiud to lr did against the re
publican party us it once lias been for it,
for the interest and well-being the southern of the
,. (> |ored demands race, especially it. \ in re-.pectfully*
stub"-, ours it. T. A
Covington, Ga April 111, 1889.
—• • •
rir " T
— ---------— ... . ............. ..I .
j; vcry student knows that 111 close
reU laitl H 0tl ii,g parallel lines of thought are
down and deductions educed.
; lv is not our purpose at tins lime to
! outer urn. learned .Iis.mhs . . ion, am. ,
we have drawn the above visible lines
Wb •>» bring them prominently ,,
! In f ite your eye and to aalt what they
j 1 1 voU ‘
1 A railroad inau to whom we showed
! 1 1 .........»>'iv, * 8 ‘j! J, 1!Hl ............ ? r...... °. 1 P® . ...... 8
..■pn'.M-nt a dosibTi'Trick rn r iiway.’
A doctor refilled to tlm same Inter
rogatory, , , 1 ho lines aie to me the
large *! arteries and veins lying alongside
eaeb other in ■ the , human 1 body. ,
As will be observed tlm same lines
t ’ 1 m 11,1 1 Ket)llemai , suggested ‘ "h** 1 differ
c;nt lines of l bought, «ns loth looked
«t them through » ey» s r.eeu.sUnncd . , . to
sot* only that which for th« most part
occupied their attention. To the
writer both answered put an old truth
in ;l utl(] ..riginu, light.
^^ . eveiy intelbgi , .. ul man oi woman
knows, the blood of evorv living, per
nl , . vs h ..| mils , ' '
through the arteries, forced by that
‘ Vl,, " 1 ' ,|f " 1 F, '" ,n
I lie ;u t« i ins it is sidc-trnckvd through
the e ipilliaries and veins and every
diojud blood got« thiougli ,, the , .... ktdmys
f t .| pm i'icat inn no less t ban 2o(K) t imes
lour hours. . .. lithe . , kid ,
every uveiry
neys be diseased the impurities of the
blood containing t to ... w, ........ incut ti>. ut ,
i d< let rlous acid are not drawn out
-r . v '.e!as nature intended, but
continually pass and repass through
...... m '. KV stem curving
deaf h and decay with every pul ation.
D n | , „ icinedltd the heart becomes
, . U ,, *° , hm ^ trymg . to , do ,
double work break down, the liver
becomes , congested, . 1 the stomach . 1 ie- .
fuses to digest food and the result is a
!».. ■. ,i a . vu
Why? , ,
Because the kitlnevs, ,' ' the sewers of
the system, are foul and , stopped ,
and tiie out no blood becomes nothing
more nor less than sewage.
Now it ;s not criminal, nay. su oi
dal, to allow such a state of things to
continue when a simple remedy is
within your reach, known foi a cer¬
tainty to do as represented, which will
open the closed pipes of the kidneys,
allow tho effete matter to csc,t|»e,
relievo the overworked heart, lungs
and liver, cause a he iltliy appetite.
put the bio m of he.iLb in your cheek.
the dove of hope ia your breast and
the light of life ln your eye?
You alteady have divined the reu e
dy we have reference to; its praise is
miiv rsal, Its inttuenc w »rld-wi le.
not allow pi eju lice ti> blind you to
\ «*rests, but to-ibiv |*rocm
" arner sife cure and be put on tlie
straight read to tu health and
reel living. He! and closing lines to
arc, take our advice and your r\
\* etv \v tify you in thatikin Tm
ns f >r M under vaar notice A
rein jy with - a puraiiel.
Xrttntftji*' 1 ** rsons
V ^
lirotrn's Iron Hitters*
W Umde mark and crossed rvu li&vc OQ x* rupper.
A rain is needed.
Stratvl erries are ripening.
A good name is better than riches - !
“Our S. H numbered 2B attendant'
,a f Sab,jath ; /
Several Sharon youhg ladies .
here Saturday.
a picnic party from near
ton came Saturday.
Shall have loons , this . count
ive s in
longer thau this year?
Mrs. Triplett went home to Ray
town Sunday , . last, ,
Mrs. Hillman’s sis'er, Mrs.
S()|| ’ has gone " home to Va.
. T . .
horse got loose and went; home
Me arc two apt to say we need ra!n
01 that we oave enough, as though
controlled the rain-water trust.
f {’ i\j ra> ,j 0 la Moore went to Wash
n on Kriday. brought borne b
mother, Mis. ..... J.D/.a 1 Ki lynt, wn t who WHO is is vfl Vel
jt, seems to me that Uncle 8af
might forgive and forget the past now.
and give pensions to those who fought
under I lie “.Stars and liars” if crippled.
If we should have a foreign war,
north and south would light under the
same flag for common country.
Wii, i.iam Roberts, M- D. F. R. C
1\, of the University of Lo..don,
says : “Passive congestion of tiie kid
nf-i’s may be present, in which tbei
urine contains not a trace of albumen, ]
while the symptoms of intense venous !
congestion, dropsy, orthopncea antL
*»«»* »«>«««».» The!
urine boeotnos scanty, liigh-colorod
and dense.” Warner’s Safe Cure has
'cured thousands of these symptoms, 1
often called diseases by putting the,
kidneys in a healthy condition. 1
Rev „ A.C ,, ,, Rainwater . , is off to Au- *
gusta this week.
f l’hc winds avid cold nights " are tell- j
lug on vegetation. complaining of J
We hear tanners
poor stands of cotton.
The prospect for a large peach Ctop
11 . promising in this locality.
J{ev> T< j V eazey, of Warren
,r-hed here on last Sunday 1
county, v pit aent u litre i n ii i ui ,
to a large and attentive congregation. ,
We had the pleasure of shaking
hand cf the genial Editor oj
Democrat • and Louie Maun, af W
the close . ot ,... the niouiu^g • j rvicfcc, . „ *
b>4 » a¥ W. « !- . f I
make their stay longer, and In,,*,
lueed with us.— I Many thanks; wev.
he Iheifi—Ed '* 1
' * °” *' "* sc bools r. our vil
luge determined to celebrate Memoiia!
day. and Invited their friends to meet
will) them at the Academy in the 2ttti
at 10 ! o’clock am. Bv that hour they ‘i
* m( \ .. . house , tastefully r U corat
with pvorgrppns anil beautiful flowfiwi,
|{( . v A ( , , {lli „water and Hon. P. G.
Voazoy, who had been rc(jucstPd to
make addresses were present. The ex
ereises !’, s opened by snigmg Vl'jl WI V‘
h. Kamwater. Master J. A. ynap
mmi then recited ‘‘Tlw Gflorgin Yoiun*
leer,” followed l y “Blue and Gray”
by the school in concert. ‘ To my old
Uonfederate s«it” was read by Miss
w niirl,tower hrineine to the
niM’da of the old veterans present the
beginning nnd fhe end of the war.
1 Rev A. U. Rain water wes then lo¬
troduced, nnd held the audience in
w( .. . attention for nearly an hour,
; j > ... ■> Y,, a/ ,. v followed in that
good old plain , open hearted . . way or f i nis :
eh;ir«u*let istie of the man ftud tiie big
wurin heart he carries in Ilian breast—
{ .] 0 ..,, ( i vv itli a song and benediction.
There being a misunderstanding of
the hour of the address a large crowd
assembled at the Academy in tne t
after noon, end were entertained by
repeating the part taken by the school
in u lt . morning su pplemented by reci
tati-ms fiom tlie little ones, and re
.<■ - m to w . k .v v ||« “ P (i ^
* . n w is .1 pieis.u. u.iy .iiiu one
not to lie soon forgotten by t tie young
—. . !«_------— 1
Persons wi-hi to improve their mem '
ng 1
oral ngtheiWheir power of atten
tion slum 1 send fo Prof. Loisette, 237
Fifth Ave.. N. V . for his prospectus post;
free, as ndver tlsed in another column.
Cool nights.
Cotton is up.
Overcoats are in demand.
Dusters look a back seat Sunday.
Chopping cotton will soon be fke
order of the day.
Mr. W. 11. Kityt is quite ill at his
limile in this place vv th dropsy.
Mrs C. K. Ct'nil's rejsirts a fair
dish of engiish peas fast Sabbath.
u. \ l .1 \ en.’"\ tilled his regular
apis'intmeut at this place the 2d tu and
21st, inst.
Idleness is the parent of want and
pain, but the laborer oi virtue hringeth
forth pleasure.
Asa p ain garment best adorncth a
Uautiful woman, just sgo a decent
behavior is the greatest ornament of
“Lead Pencil” had tietter mind who
he call* *'smasher’’ or he’ll get “IPs
atfactones twisted into a widowe'rs
The average darkey smiles as l*e
looks across the fields of cotton and ;
u|on the hut vy Li den briers with j
i»Uekt»err • <: it's luxaih as. i
A gentleman several miles distant
has s* I heard) sent his best girl his
carte-df vjsite with the request to keep
a voir. Csu't you comprehend . I
" be next Sunday S. Sociable of this
■ « w iH be at the residence of Mr. J.
'Xmlay h,'"\Uy ^
unoay in -'‘‘‘y
I would saf to “Wool Hat t.iat
. lions often change but nature s< 1
, n <ioe= consequently there is an air
oi amilm’rity hovering around eve.7
bitch of items lie pens.
Mad dogs are becoming very nu
V^Sre n . e e,rs d bit‘«“,*!i a££
iufavor of our representative
introducing a bill purposely to put a
ax , )n t| leae useless-dogs.
. ia with rue a matter of serious
A t | lat p e , c il” has been
never- tiie-less I do not
'eel disposed to answer to any thing
.hat my name does not accompany. “L.
> n should not judge upon such mea
. though.
jr evidence. Guilt will show
Since our last writtings death has
visited our community and
aimed for its victim Mrs. .......- Eunie
death, at Jt the we'come visitor
and bid her spirit go to its final
place. She left a husband and
children to mourn that ir*
>ar able loss.
low Mr. Fred A- Young won
Jfe is treasurer of the Union Eyelet Co
ftbis city, and purchrse-d for $1 the
ventieth part of ticket No.2.887 in the
vuisiana State Lottery at the recent
rawing which took the $300,000 prize.
Mils morning the Telegram learned that
money had been collected for Mr,
through the Bank of America of
It. 1 -Providence (K. I.)
dcgrani, Marcli 2d.
The Picnic
The Sunday Schools decided to have
picnic on to-day (Krid; y) week,
May the 10th, at Mr. E. II Ogletree’s
It is a grand place for it and
we hope all the Schools in the county
will turn out on this occasion and have
royal time.
Advertising Pays.
Last week we mentioned that a cow
was wanted at this office and in 12
hours after the paper ' was issued we
were offered cows from at . . least . eight
tides distance acioss the countiy ami
dmost daily we’ve gotten returns from I
that advertisement. Not long ago we
md our press advertised and we have
rrC eived letters; after letters to buy it—
mine from N. Y. state. A great firm
l n Massachusetts writes that thev are
j H >rv well „ pleased , , with ... the service ren
.m-n say . it does not pay to advertise. ,
' M) had a dollar invested in mer- I '
- _ iA>!>!i! ^ #Pr»«i Mtlh-r to
tg t 7
out let. tlib world kni.v that you
*0 ,..11 K „;ods
Not 1,1 1<) Years.
How we h; d or enjoyed such an
enormous trade in Ilry goods. White
’goods. Laces- Swisses, Ilamburgs, and
Pi'jue Fmproideries, Satines. Ging¬
hams, cha’hes, Printed Faregus,
Lawns, Plants, Foyal Batiste. Fans,
Hosiery, Globes, Mitts. Parasols and
Sil'v a. ’■fe Cau scarcely keep in these
goods, they are in transit all the
while, We apjueciate in the highest
degree the unlimited amount of
patrnngage tiie ladies till cer this
county have given us. VVe recognize
too with pleasure that the above goods
are correct in style, novel in colors and
designs, high ... in art and . quality and ,
low in prices Ladies if the above was
not true in every particular it would
not appear in print. We ask a contin
uatice of your valuable patronage.
Davis, Bio. A Seals.
. ........ ............
"Another .. An oU„. r wonderful wonderful discovery diseoverv lias h«s been been
raa je and that too by a lady in this coun
ty. Disease fastened its clutches upon
tier and for seven years she withstood its
• severest tests, but. her vital organs were
uiiderminml and death seemed imminent,
For three nionye she coughed incessant
ly ami «-oul l not Meep. M,e bough, of ns
a bottle of Dr King s New Discovery for
Consumption and was so much relieved on
taking first dose that she slept all night
and with one bottle has been miraculous
lv cured. Her name is Mrs. Luther Lutz.”
Thus write \Y. ('. Hamrick & <)., of
Shelby,X. Lucas* C.—Get a free trial bottle a
I'he Verilict Unanimous,
\V. 1). Suit, Druggist. Bippus, Ind., tes
tifies:* 1 1 can recommend Electric Bitters
as the very oest remedy. Every bottle sold
has given relief in every ease, i 'ne man
took:s(x bottles, and was cured of Rlieu
matism of 10 years' Bellville. standing.” Ohio, Abraham affirms:
Hare, druggist, have
The le-it selling medicine l ever ban
died in nty go years'experience, is Electric
Bitters.” Thousands of others have adds
ed their testimony, so that the verdict te
unanimous that Electro- Bitters do eurr
diseases of the Liver, Kidneys bottle ot
Blood. Only a half dollar a a
Lucas A Ilaimnaek.
See What a Tniiit* Can Do.
Lake City, Fl.a.. June 24, 1886
O. H. Newman, ofLike O ty, Fu . savs
his wife has suffered for seven years with
a complication of dis-'ases, of which as¬
thma was the most prevalent. She has
not laid down in bed for seven years, lie
has expended allthe money his business
ha- made him in that time for medicine.
physicians, etc., to obtain reiiof for lier
but without any su s> whatever. He
wasadns -Hi t >v phyisciansto try P. P. P.
He finally did so, expecting to derive no
benefit, but after taking than two
bottles eruptions appeare d ail over, and
she immediately beirnn t j improve, and
now her skiu is perfectly clear- ^he sleeps
sooudlj every night on an ordinary pil¬
low. and her gaoerul he:*. '.th has n u !*-eu
bv'tter m years. Mr. Newman, wh > is a
merchant'ia Lake City, is verv enthuxiss
no over the cure, and Conks it the
est blood purifier and tonic of the age.
Hoony ?
% 7
The importance of purifying the blood can¬
not he overestimated, lor without pure blood
you cannot enjoy good health.
" nearly needs
At this season every one a
tfJSrSWrS'St-wiSR It strengthens
Peculiar Sarsaparilla.
and builds up the system,
creates an appetite, and tones the digestion,
while it eradicates disease. The peculiar
combination, proportion, and preparation
of the vegetable remedies used give to
Hood's Sarsaparilla pecul- S+epSf ,
iar curative powers. Ko * •t'-iC.l
other medicine has such a record of wonderful
cures. If you have made up your mind to
buy Hood’s Sarsaparilla do not be induced to
take any other instead. It is a Peculiar
Medicine, and is worthy your confidence.
Hood’s Sarsaparilla is sold by all druggists.
Prepared by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.
100 Doses One DoHar
8 PWfiM
/\SUF\ECllFlErO?i ^FEVtR
jriskaai&t. seel
LIPPMAlf BROS., Wholesale BraBRists.
Bole Prop3., Lappman Block, eaYaanan, Ga.
~mmn ash
Oncer the rocsi itnperisni organs of ihe
Lenan bocy isths LIVER. When it fails to
ty perform Us functions the entire
system ‘.racemes deranged. The BRAIN,
iotierform tlieirv.ork. DYSPEPSIA, CON
vT:PATIOV ’ ;iEuh 'TiShl, KIDNEY DI5
t f-b ;» GV'., the results, unless some
u .ie Jo assist Ra'tire in throwing
rJf.PfD fcir LiYER.— —-,i T! *-*_4 Assistance j .1U4&,
c; a > so
necessary will be found in
?t acts dirccRy c-i the LIVER. STOMACH
JNEYi id by its mild and cathartte
affect and generr: ionic qualifies restores
hc-:o crjja 'S i>, ~ r.i.ntl, healthy condition,
. cures all i'-carses arising from these
es. i; : THE BLOOD, tones
vs perfect heallh.
■ *>. . fi'..-'him io
oMeri. for von. S nd 2 c stamp for copy Of
HOr-CETR-V.-'lEa,” published by us.
SJe Proprietors et. Louis, r.:o.
Home Council.
IV»* take pleasure in calling the atten
B° n °f mothers to a home cure for all
diseases of the Stomach and Bowels,
medicine so long needed to carry children
safely through the critical stage of Teeth
is an incalculable blessing to mother and
child It is an instant relief to colic of
a diseases with which infants
suffer s» much the first four months of
their and"fretful and fretful life* ehiW?Y^rtiSiMs child and
builds up the weak gives appetite and
flesh to the punv, corrects, drain from the
bowels, cures Diarrhoea and Dys-nteiv.
A panacea for the children Try one.
bottle. It costs only.
Sold by ilammck. Lucas & Co.,
W. B. AERINuTOlT, M. D. f
After an active practice of TI11RTY
SEXEN years, tenders liis
Matured Experience
f 1 ’ all J who , may be , suffering . from any
of the ills incident to
fSF"You can receive here all 'he bene
fits that you can in the cities AT HALF
Treatment Hum ne ami Scientific.
^^“Consultation free; correspondence
ap2otf Union Point, Ga.
-M a ix Office and IYorks,-
312 Jack-son St., Autrustn. Ga.
First Class Work Guaranteed.
Wora turned over to the Democrat wii
be sent down. For further buforaiatiou
see the Editor. agrttut
1 B 6 ETTS
to the readers of the
It Will Surely Interest You!
1 . will buy 14 Rolls:
/I I Gold Paper and
Border enough for a
12x12 room, beautiful pat
; terns.
4.75 ONLY If 15 !
buy a 9 piece bed room
1 2x20 glass, cane seat;:
and r 'ckers; whole suit
of one bureau. oner I
jwashstand, one centre table,; ;
ifour cane seat ciiairs, one cane.
'seat rocker. u
ft &
In addition to the above
|1 “walnut, have oak, an mahoganiz'd elegant line and of| |
limmitation walnut suits, wo - dp t'
pand marble tops t
$7.25 »$8.50 $10.00
will buy elegant willow baby
T-e- : utirh .: ras
M_ ________ , „ w a
6.25 DOLLARS 6.25 K
r will cover your 15x15 ft. flo tr
rvwith nice china matting.
will bn\ ;> car} et ?
15x15 f . ch v. ill
be ma le at. s< nt S k
r’ready to put d wii, including^!
*; stacks. li
Y$1.()0 |y° will buy the best shad< g
u ever saw on spring rol-g
a a lers.
* r 1000 shades on spring rob
^lers N at 50c each.
|| |§ -$1 3.00-
3 ||
‘“for >>+ a 5 hole Cooking range
53 pieces furniture. $8. 00!
for >To 6 st >ve with 20 pieces
Wheeler & Wilson
SSS.OO for a
Plush Parlor suit ■VI pieces
solid walnut frame.
I have everything needed in
-i-mw ■ house no matter what it
IS. Catalogue free.
i.mmmmKmmEKgw* L.F.LADGETT,
1110 & 1112 Broad St*.
Augusta, Georgia.