Newspaper Page Text
The Democrat.
Entered it the poetoffleo at Crawfoi drill*,
Otcrg a, u mail matter.
i 111 DAY, AUGUST 2. 1880.
Alliances!ex, sustain your county
organ,—Herald of Itou-e. kou are
right about that, mv brother.
The Courier-Journal sayfl that aii
the money in the bank of England
would educate people who are not
willing to educate themselves.
A Georgia fruit grower sold a car
load of peaches last week for 8000 net
cash. Why do we delve to raise cot¬
ton all tho time? Peaches are better.
Bill Arp in .Sunday’s Constitution
Bays, iu regard to education: “Six
years for the grammar school and three
more for the high school, and three
or fanr more for college. Twevo years
of schooling right sraigbt along, un¬
til ix cl witli labor or practical work in
the concerns of life, is enough to make
a genteel vagabond of anybody.”
“Tim Euqu’,rer-8uti Is not opposed
to higher education. What we do op¬
posed Is making one man pay for tho
education of uuother man’s son, while
lie is loo poor to give his own son Ilia
same advantages. That is what
branch colleges mean. It isn’t every
man who can afford to send hie son to
0 00111*80, eum with free tuition. The
board must be paid.”—( olmubua En
$5,000 PER ACRE.
Tnat is what it asked fpr Crawford
villo land.
There was a party who went around
a few dqys Hgo to buy a building lot
and we atu sorry to know Unit our
people Insisted uprai his “not building”
by holding tlidr lauds up to prohibi¬
tion prices. You could better afford
to sell half of your town lots at half
price than to hold them up to prices
that will run off eustomrs, and citi¬
zens who would t mak“ their
e ng us. Wg^ljjU aMf Jftoffn
IPTratJU mm who would
WiiSS and build opy.j them.
We an* informed that there are
several parti wanting lots in Craw¬
ford villa and who will buy and build
when they can find the lots reasonable
enough. Wo sliuld have an eye to
the buddiog-up of our town uml offer
all sorts of inducements to get good
people here to devehqm our town and
The Masons want a lot to build a
most bun Dome hall upon aud it does
look like al present they might secure
suitable grounds ut leosouable figures.
Ojien your hearts, land owners, aud
lei’s have a better and bigger town.
Much has keen written and said in
regard to thu educational bills now
being fired into the Georgia Legisla¬
ture and we haw resolved our shot
until we could fully think of the mat¬
ter. Dr. Boggs lias stirred up the
matter all over the state and ho has
done a good work, but tlie Doctor
wants higher education, That
ia not what we need. Dr. Nuhnatly,
of lit* Mercer University, aud Dr.
Handler, of Emory College, havo ud
dress-. d the legislature in terms that
suit the masses of tho people, and tlie
people generally feel thankful Unit
theiryvell directed words havo come
in at a time most needed and at a
time when they will d) the in >st good.
Why should we clamor for higher edu¬
\ cation when there arc so many of the
boys aud girls of our laud who are only
able to have a tow months or a few
years ot schooling. Due boy out of
iwoniy gets a chance to go to colleges
of the state, and he is ooltdged to have
.' ome mousy to pay las board an 1
to buy his ho iks and clothes before he
can Like that auv.iut
• Wy are a strong believer in tho say
lug of Edward Everett, who was a
great matt aud college graduate, in
which ha dell hQS a “good” education:
“To read tlie E iglish language
I© writ# wit! dispatch a neat, legible
k*#4, aud to boa master of the first
four cti'ns f arithmetic so as to dis¬
pose of with accuracy every question
of figures that comes up in practice.
If, iu addition, yru can write pure,
gj E iglish, I call it an ex
like Jucanon,”
Now, will it take a college by
‘ N " ,b “
tool »s sufli.'ient ia every sense* of
w *r l ,asnl the child that has acv
t in it wiil link in Sikw obtain j
ab >ve it hbor she ever will. The I
htse dAa* nit uiise t in in
no of th* greatcat aeu tlie UniL'd
tes over ream! did oot L$?$ t
advantage of a college education. The
best men come from the country as
a general rule and the country schools
need the state aid. Common schools
established in every county will do
more good than a college in every dis¬
trict. Support the state University
and with the denominational colleges
y, er0 w ri be plenty of higher educa
Who will pay the tax to keep up
these colleges for higher education?
It will be all tax-payers and the poor
man will pay Ills share to turnish a
free tuition for the more favored cbil
dren who are able to go and pay their
}joaril aud buy aiHi clothes and
t,;,e poor boy will continue to plow thg
corn W {,(i e i,j 9 pareuts are helplug to
surport the college.
Give us free tuition for eight
months right heie at home where the
boys and girls can go to school from
home and their board won’t cost much
and their parents can look after them.
Tins is the only way in which our con¬
dition can be bettered.
Even if the state can’t furnish more
than enough money to keep up one
good school to each county, why that
will be far superior to branch, distiict
college. Thu children can board in
town cheaply for five days in the week
and then spend two days with their
parents. Give us schools that will
benefit the most children and we will
show you a great change for the better
in this old country of ours. We long
for the day when the children of the
slate will all bo situated so that they
can ho schooled with a free tuition
and until that iadone we will bo in
tho back ground so far as education
is concerned.
It is a fact that the cities of the
land are growing richer and the coun¬
try poorer. All the cities are provided
with superior educational advantages
and we should not have a bill that
will still further these advantages but
one that will help the poorer class who
have no money and no schools.
Wk see that some of tho good peo¬
ple iu tho new states, which lias just
been added to the Union, are anxious
to have a clause put in their constitu¬
tion to enforce the observance of the
Sabbath, and the statesmen are re¬
fusing to grant these people this im¬
portant request. What will our
country come to when we vote for
Immoral aud worldly people to make
; iaWfi for u*.
reined y tho
11 l ’,n f Or. J. U. McLean'* Volcanic Oil
Liniment. Dr. Reid se^ls It.
Mr. E. Slattery, of Delhi, La.,
says her sou, 14 years of age, had a
dredful time witli ulcers, sores and
blotches which followed chicken pox.
After using many remedies without
benefit, she gave him Swiflt’s Specific,
which cured him sound and well.
Persons wishing to improve their mem
orli-s or strengthen their power of stten
ion should send to Prof. Loisette, 237
Fifth Ave., N. Y-, for his prospectus post
free, as advertised in another column.
We Imveso’.d S. 8. 8. since the first
day we commenced the drug business
and have heard some wonderful re¬
ports of its effects. Many use it with
best results to clense malaria from the
system, and for blood poison, scofula
and such disease it is without a rival.
Colder wood A Co., Manroe, La.
Mr. \V. A. Tinns is a printer in
ofilee of the Jackson, Miss.,
Ledger. He says that three years ago
he was a victim of bad blood, which
deprived him of health and treatened
serious c in sequences. He further says
that he took 8. 8. S„ and cured him.
1 have been subject to painful boils
and carbuncles over my body duriug
the spring season, and after much suf
tering and much useless doctoring I
found a permanent cure in Swift’ 8
SjHH’iflc. It is tho monarch of blood
K. J. Willis, Augusta, Ark.
coughs and colds come uninvited, but
> ou hie'lklm^For can quickly get rid of these, wlmt
B *a"te by R^JMReMs ^
can tw quickly cured by using "Sm? !>r. j. y‘Z It.
Mcls Strengthening Eye Salve. 35
cents a box. at Reid’s,
A Dufy to % mu-seif,
It h surprising that people will use a com
mon,.ordinary pill when they can secure
* v »lu*hl« English one for the same mon
ey * I)r Kngtlah pills are a posi
live cure for siek-headache and alt liver
troubles. They are small, sweet, easily
taken and do not gripe. Hammack Lucas
& Co., Druggists.
To Applicants for Scholorshlp
in tho School of Technology.
1 will be in CWortville on .Srturday
oology Candidates for admission must I»e
mnoit ctutrarler. \ny persoo wishing
urther information can obtain it by
- t.yroa Hall, ia Park
f. ■ B -a igtti
S7 iUH.l of T»
k l cm
S| -
In General Meeting for the 3rd
District. A Pleasant Gather¬
ing of Importance- Excel,
lent Sermons. White
Plains Hospitality.
We were so much carried away by
the hospitality of the noble people of
White Plains and those most interest
ing sermons, and the meeting general
ly that we failed to reach home in
time for a note on this matter last
week. We reached home Friday at
noon full of praise of the good people
among whom we had been and feeling
that it was well that we had been with
the Baptists in their glorious
which had closed the evening previous.
Tho meeting opened with prayer
Ii$v. J. II. Kilpatrick, of White
and a splendid sermon by Rev. W. M.
Harris, of Washington. The after
noon was spent in discussing matters^
of interest and importance to the
church at large. At night Rev. J. >*.
Edens, of Union Point, preached one of
his usually good sermons.
The spacious new Baptiit ehureUJ
was filled to overflowing and Rev. B
M. Calloway preached an itffpn yji y f
sermon ou the subject, “The nen
The XiLh afl lid »TZt
near all the people’ Another evunii*^ goof
session was had for business, and
sermon at night by Rev. A. M. Mar
shall, of Greene.
The last day of the glorious meet¬
ing, was taken up in business, eon
eluding with an impressive sermon W
Elder J. II. Fortson, of Fishing Creek!
and a feeling farewell deacons. hand-shaking There w£ bj
the ministers and
no afternoon session and all the dfe
vinos, delegates and visitors departs ||
for their homes with full hearts aud
word of praise for the good meetiffi
and the excellent people of Whift
Plains. G. Robert Gunn, licentiate, Dial |||
cons, J. S. Chapman, L. L Veaxey E. II. and Og!et|_ lif
O. M. Saggus, Chapn/4
Reid; messengers, J. N.
Mann, VV. ,J. Norton and W ‘
R. J.
Chapman, represented the chur r «i>
Rev. J. II. Kilpatrick was chose/9
maderator and Mr. II. W. Jernfgan^
clerk. The whole affair was one tff
importance to ail who attended.'
There were present about eighteen
ministers and about twenty-live dea¬
The choir, with Mins Evolyu Moss
as leader and organist dispensed sweet
music through all the services. Miss
Moss is a most graceful performer and
her music is always a treat.
On the grounds each day mostjsurap
tuous basket dinners were served by
tlie people of the Plains and the sur¬
rounding community and a coidial
invitation was given to visitors gen¬
erally to partake of tiiese generous hos
pitaiities. Besides this an open invi
tat ion to ati was exteaded to visit the
'»»>“ •• w a c „.. c ,o„ s
people never lived than those at White
Plains. Wo wish all tlie towns in
■Georgia would take a few lessons from
this open-hearted spirit.
t\ e are under lasting obligations to
Mr. P. M. Moss and his most interest
ing family, including our friend John
T. Maun, ,1,0 » conllall, onl.rl.inrt
tlie Democrat while attending th
meeting. On Wednesday afternoon.
Messrs. Gorham, Grant, lieazley, w,,.,
Powers and Miss Evelyn Moss enter-
4 tamed . us with 1*1 some sweet music
that would do honor to the best or
i c * ,ts ^ ra the state. It is a pleasure
to be with such people as Mr. Moss
j and his splendid family,
! Tbur * d!l ? it was our pleasure to dine
with Mr, J. R- Parker, his good lady,
dau £ h,er and 80u - anJ tl » e J have our
thanks for their strenuous effort to
render our short slay „it>, them »
Thursday night we were entertained
by Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Manu, of this
county, with whom It is almost a
pleasure to be.
We offer One Hundred Dollors reward,
for any case of Catarrh that cannot be
cured by taking Hall's Catarrh Cure,
f j. cukxkt it co.. Props., Toledo,
We, the undersigned, have known ft J.
Cheney for the last i 5 years, amt boi lieve t !
hitu perfectly honorable in ail business
transactions, ami financially abli to carry J
W^' t„” ^TnuS ' * j \
WA SS£7;Vif* OT - "«'»*'•
e u Vo itos-'r,-hw t„i t v ♦ J •
ional Ugnk, Toledo O.
Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally ■
acting directly upon the blood and ni nous
surfaf ol Use system. T^stiaioiiiAls ”!*
S v!
1) 4
Bed nice melons the other day.
atm >ut the serenades one
a Im wee If*
| ? f went out stealing watermelons
01 gffast |> week. miles not long ago to
% If twelve
m > ball game.
f, «i ” on an ‘.old” widower at
4 ruin- 'v«t week. while returning from the
SSp-'ame at Union Point.
lit IU3 n is in town who is call
el Wi iain’'by his best girl.
J ldv igthat one of the Df.m
iDeviis wrote a note to not long
j slung ||in lady pocket is in when town she who goes carries out
a her
j c^j ihev wish we would'nt put any
pa personal about them in this
1 t b#le of Crawfordville made a
j in a married man last week, while
jl oung lady is living on Grace St.
nen the fast train left last Sabbath
facbeloris that u -es a nail for a
.or button. Girls you ought to
ion him.
Shy the office last week, and smil -
ffwitchinly on the senior devil.
led him.
wBSui.g man fulfilled a promise to a
HBwdy.raade ■Small children. when they were both
HRfvcntngs Hfcaw kissing over the front shadows gate of a
ago—just as the
lie ■It were approaching, herd
young lav waswho measured
Hi Rug on the ground in the mud, one day
|j the recent freshet.
it young man is who wrote his girl a
?■ Sunday evening last, and the young
I-., mother answered it
> In,. *<kid” was in Union Point was got
if! because the Crawfordville boys beat
.iPenfield boys playing Base Ball.
jy . stocking,
.posing a hole in her
r ’he voung lady is that asked a young
n who was sitting in a large rocker if
ire was not room enogh for two.
That suburban lady is that wont to cros s
- y »rd last week during tho wet weather
t nil full length in a mud puddle.
Hint fellow is who swings on the old
i»'s front gate until it requires a double
lid hinges to stand the pressure,
if we have young ladies in Craw
’tviile, that can cliarm a snake, you
y know we have some that charm the
>rt of a “brick
('he wealthy and honorable getleman of
f adjoining county anything. is who His siys judge- the
sm (CRAT can do
snt is appieciatcd.
iiead an “advertisement” in a paper
d r madly stopped his paper saying that
hat confounded paper had the same
»wkiQ Hfl'lie it every time.” walked
man is In Ora wford ville hat
Sfeiug ml his head so much, to keep all from the
tracked, that ho lias worm
pair 1 The off the top of his head. that said he would
Asarry young man was at
a certain Ihv* to the Picnic
fcjo lamel’s Spring, another aud^ieu regardless he got raody of
“ b° took one
4 -tlvity and this - bears ■ with ........ it the ........-......
FT of quick lestoration from sickness o
accident. Dr. J. II. McLean’s Streng
thenim'Uordial and Blood Purifier gives
Pew 'liens rich blood, and vitalizes and strong
tlie whole body $1.00 per bottle.
At .J. Reid’s.
Caution to Muthesr.
Every mother is cautioned against giv¬
ing her child laudanum or paregoric; it
creates an unnatural craving for stimu
ants which kills the mind or the child.
Acker’s Baby Soother is spectially prepar¬
ed to benefit children and cure their pains.
It is harmless and contains no Opium or
Morphine. Sold by .Hammack, Lucas &
Co-, Druggists
Fiuiples on the Pace
Denote an impure state of the blood and
‘are looked upon by many with suspicion
Acker’s Blood Elixir will remove all im
purities and leave tha complexion smooth
and clear. There is nothing £hat will
ffgs&sr^&ss: thoroughly build up the constitution
Druggists. issi
• —
p le „ vervwUere
Uonflrm our Statement who,, we say that
Acker’s English Remedy is in every way
auperior to any and all other preparations
f»r the Throat and Lungs. In Whooping
Gough and croup it is magic and relieves
* fl !*i -<**••£ 1
Of>-, Druggists.
- T -
L— Special * Notice!
To _. the ladies of Taliaferro and
surrounding counties: that l have just
refeiv'd 125,000 Gold Eyed
iVedies, the finest ever introduced in
ti.^s i,hi* country; so please avail yourself of
opportunity at once aud also tell
yopr friends to come You will
receive needles darning, in carpet, package. button Please and
tapp cal| at once. I same also have hand
Singer, Davis and Wilson maehihe
neeihes and will be pleased to order
for jfou any supplies you may need for
your sewing machiues.
j j Respectfullv
! Charles Bergstrom.
i •
\Ve (machine, have an excellent sew- j
ing just New irom the
fact<>rv of the Home
Sew 0 incMachine Go., that we
will sell very cheap. It is a
threfc drawer machine with j
extension table and all the
new attachments and improve
mens. ordered Reason for selling is
that * r e it for a party
tak.C it ;
«lUC<a tO it. you
want a good machine call ear-:
at the Democrat office,
before it is sold. It
v.vld at a sacrifice.
Newsy Locals from Our Neigh- ;
Hancock county.
Mrs. J. T. Rhodes and son are visiting
relatives in Raytown. who
A great many people don’t know
will succeed Gordon,
Dave Silver has returned brought from Europe. band
improved by his trip. He
There are three or four stills in the
county making peach wine.
Maddogs and mumps have entirely quit
this community and we breathe easier.
Sunday last the congregation of Salem j
church presented Dr. Gibson with a wind
some gold watch as a token of their
appreciation of his ion^ and efficient
ministerial labors among them.
The Ailiancemen in the White Oak
neighborhood will shortly erect them a
two-story stsucture 30x40 feet at the
present site of White Oak
to be used as a church and school build
ing and a place to hold their semi-monthly
beautiful have . had .
The lovers of the their
opportunities this week of feasting
visions in the flower yard of Mrs K
Swann in this place. Anght-bloomcaefcus. and
a very rare plant for this section, beautiful one
bearing the most in eqxuisitely bloom, and many
flowers, has been flowers open
have seen them. These
after d irk and close and wither as soon as
daviiglit comes next morning.— echo,
July 28.
Petty thievery still continues in our
town. Ray¬
Mr. Jne. P. Moore and wife, of
town, are vhiting their daughter. Mrs. N.
C. Edwards.
Mrs. Nancy MeCrarv, mother of Mrs.
R. R. McGinty, died Wednesday Providence night at
9 o’clock and was buried at
chureli Thursday. the
Tuesday evening at the residence of
bride’s mother, Mrs. Fuller, near Camak.
MissBettie Gheesiing to Mr. Joe. W.
Gheesling, Dr. R. W. Hubert officiating.
Col. E. P, Davis left Warrenton last
Friday for a three weeks vacation among
the mountains, during which time he will
visit Tallulah Falls and other points of in¬
terest. accompanied bv
Mrs. T. E- Massengale, Wednesday the
her son, Freddie, .left on
fast traiu for Atlanta, where they will
spend several days and from there they
will visit relatives in Talbot county.
Married.—Howard -Binkley, July 23 :
1889 By Rev. J. W. Carlin, of Kentucky,
assisted . by Rev. J, A; Howard of Opelika,
at the residence of bride s father, Mr. 1.
A Howard, of Atlanta to Miss Martha
Brinkley.—Clipper, July 26.
There is a strange and fatal disease
among tm cattle on Mr. Tom Fulton’s
placer The fattest and best ones seem to
be the ones attacked
Mrs. Odorcas Pound, the mother of Mr
J H Young, died at the home ot her son
on last Wedn esday night- She was aged
last abqut eighty years, his school
. Aday, as Wnid not open On
count of the prevaTenfie "oiied. untfr'The ae n
first town Monday he postponed in August. the opeing'
At the elegant country home of Capt.
and Mrs. O. H. Sanderrs last Fridav even¬
ing a delightful lawn party was given,
complimentary ladies, to several tendered visiting young
and was them by the
Misses Sandes and Miss Julia Dickinson.
Last Tuesday afternoon Miss Annie
Sanford, of Crawfordville, the who is visiting
Mrs. Dr. Ponllain, was in parlor play¬
ing time, on and the piano, stopping Slio played to into for some¬ anoth¬
portion upon the house, she go lying
er of saw
coiled on the doormat an enormous snake.
The snake was lying with its head on its
coil watching the piano, and there can be
no doubt it had been drawn Into the room
by the music. Miss Sanford lias no idea
how long it had been there, for she had
been playing for sometime. The hired
man was called and the snake killed. It
is a remarkable incident and shows the
charm which music exerts, even over the
reptile creation.—“Herald-Journal, July
• - *»
Biliousness, Weakness, Malaria, Indigestion
It cures quickly. For sale by all dealer* in
medicine. Get the genuine.
H F ^ NT ^ a A \ I
i* r ll y-v I v I f. »
^ f
I have associated with me
in the Practice of Dentistry,: J i
a Dentist of Standincr and ex— !
pe rience, who will 4n’ the fu
ture be with me during the
4^!* «« ^ week ve in every M° D month. ERX |
arrLIANLtS lor doing
work, and will guarantee first
class work, promptly done.
Very respectfully.
Graw y loraviile, Ga. „
The stock of goods recently owned
by W. C. Bristow will be sold at cost
for the next thirty days from this date
Thos. E. Bristow.
April 18, 18S9.
korse and cattle powders
:S ft
su c
No Hobs* of Coxae. Bor* or Lr*» F»*
not. If Fonts* Powders are wed la tuu*.
Font*** P card era arfil mre amt preTeat Hoe gboubba.
Fo .tt*» Powders win prsrent Gafbs nr Fowls.
Foutaus Powders will mcrease tne q ;»atftr <xl n.!'k
sod creana per cent, sud m&e m* butler firm
S£<t HI preteut almost mit
Form Powders w mTe or
to waic!t Horses and Catftesre mbyte*.
form Powns:*# will «:rx Satis* ACii&jr.
fr>.sa ererywirere.
PA VXD S. FCUTZ. Proprietor.
Litas, Hanunack & Co., IHaggisIs.
xhe chief limxon for the great sinv
ceg3 of Hood - s sarsaparilla Is found In the
^j cle ltse!t It j S merit that wins, and tha
lUat Hood - S Sarsaparilla actually ao
complishes what is claimed for it, is what
^/ivenmUns , to .his medicine "^/^r a popularity and
_ - ., WlflS rllla or blood puri
f 1C r before the public,
Hood’s Sarsaparilla cures Scrofula, Salt
Bheum and all Humors, Dyspepsia, Sick
Headache, Biliousness, overcomes That
Tired Feeling, creates an Appetite, strength¬
ens the Nerves, builds up the Whole System.
Hood’. Sarsaparilla is sold by all drug¬
gists. $1; six for $5. Pr epared by C. I. Hood
b Co., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass.
Ames Engines and Boilers,
Double Screw—3,000 iu use.
O No. 2 Power Press, dbl Screw
lJ Single screw, Power Press.
Bass' Down Labor-saving Packing, Self-tramping Press. and
Direct Steam Press,
Capacity 20 to 40 bales per day. HAND
Power Press, double screws.
Ideal One-horse Hav Press,
Capacity 125 to 140 bales per day.
Elliott Douglas Cotton Gin
Has captured the West,now offered
first time in Ga.
WiiiHliip Cotton Gin,
Variable feed and friction feed.
Planers, Wood Working Machinery,
Shafting, Pulleys, Pelting, Injectors,
Cotton Seed Crushers, Bone and Cob
Grinders, Sugar Mills, Cane Mills,
I Deal qpriie'UesF 4fftr-kite s t improved
. .
Machinery, if you want such drop me a
Mittal »irid vet uauU >g ue alM ' te9k 111V
prices,* ■ -
O. M. STONE, Augusta, Ga" '
Store house near Cotton Exchange.
ju!2 6.
Estate of William N. Gunn, Dec’d.
—Application for lettlers of Dis¬
mission. ,
\ T Wliareas William R. Gunn Execu¬
tor of the will of William N. Gum , late
of said county deceased lias applied to
me for letters of Dismission from said
This in therefore to cite all persons
concerned to be and appear at my office
on or before the first Monday in August
1889, at 10 o’clock a. m to show cause, if
any be granted. they have, wlivisaid letters should not
Given under my hand and official
signature This at my office in Crawfordville.
6th day of May 1889.
Henry H.Flyn, Ord. T. o.
Jewel’s Popular Restaurant, doing a
nice business will be sold ou reasonable
terms. Reason for selling I wish to
leave Atlanta. Address
R. C. Jewel.
No. 8 W. Hunter St.
Atlanta, Ga.
Estate of Mrs. Lcruvicy Gunn De
of ceased.—Application for letters
/"t EORUIA, Taliaferro County:
Thte SuS“
is therefore to cite all persons con
cemed to be and appear at my office on or
before the first Monday in August 1889 at
10 o clock a. in. to show cause, if any they
have why said letters should notbe grant
^Given under my hand and official sag
n tuS eu^ny of C May ?S. wfordviUe '
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