Crawfordville democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1881-1893, August 09, 1889, Image 2

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    The Democrat.
(JRA WFOItn VIJjLE, g eokgia.
tftttored at tb« potto flic# Et Cn wfordtille,
0*orf ift, m •econ'l-<U«* mud re tier.
Tom Wool folk had too much sence
to fast himself to death. He is still in
jail and is apt to stey there until he is
It seems that this section will give
the reunions the go-by this year. Wiiy
dou’t our old soldiers raise a hurrah in
that direction.
Tub majotitjr of the people do not
want to par tax to send richer chidren
to school while their own can’t have
the advantage of a common school,
Don’t hold your property at a high
price until you run off the purchasers.
If you sell every other lot, the
retain will soon sell for as much as
two lots aro really worth now.
KilkaiH and Sullivan have been
captured and the latter is going to
edit a newspaper. That's right—if a
man gets whipped let the other fellow
start into the newspaper business.
\V ic need men who appreciate tho fact
that the more cordial they are tlie
cheaper the goods are, the more in
ducinents they offer iu the price of
lands the faster their town will grow.
In some sections of tho state Alli¬
ances aro getting up funerals of jute
bagging. YVo don’t mind seeing jute
buried but It is not right to make so
solemn an affair as a burial of loved
Chief of Police Austin of Conyers,
lms found a pair of cuffs that lie
thinks will lead to the conviction of
Riviere for murder ol the man who was
found dead at Stone Mountain last
Tiik Augusta News lias our thanks
for pledging its vote for us when we
get ready to run for an office, hut we
fear it will never have the opportunity
of doing so hh long as tho present of¬
ficers hold lesleed to their places,
:'AyffltiE '^P . *!!flllon board of directors Friday of the night expert
^•«rTm*?Yys’MCH>ciM4 met J7
L ia>t. -it,
,Ii.ig,*W Atlr.rta, director of the at»
(ion, and Mr. Gustave Speth, of
Richmond county, horticulturalist.
Aim you a newspaper borrower?
If you are, your poor little miserly
heart could not be discovered in tlie
shell of a mustard seed with the Lick
telescope.” The above is from one of
our exchanges but it la so cute wo
must give 1* away. It is so true.
Col. Douglas Wlkle, of Cartersville
and a former bi other of tho new spa
per fraternity, after quitting the news¬
paper business, has won and married
Mi»s Bertie Tempo one day hist week
a fair young lady from Nashville,
Teen. Mr. YY. and hm lady will re
ceive from tlie boys of tho press a
most hearty congratulation with their
best wishes.
The sentiment is growing stronger
all ovar the country to soli the State
road, and this sentiment is getting
right now Sell the road and nav off
the State debt and then the inter
cat paid on the debt can tie used for
the school fund. It looks'ike foolish
tiess to bold up the road and rent it
for just about enough to pay the in
t/rest on the State’s indebt ness. It is
wrong for our great State to be dab
ling nun In railroads, IMUUMH, and besides it »» takes
up a large portion of the legislature’s
time. That is not counted, though.
give THANKS.
Tlie outlook now is so grand for a
general good yield of all kinds of crops
this year. Already we have had
ty fair yields from some of the crops
and the growing one seems to be ss
good as the lands can bring, O, what
good Ix>rd prospers our people the less
they are inclined to humble them
selves before tlie gi\-er of all good and
return thanks.
The authorities of the state should
appoiul a day of thanksgiving and
prayer and every soul in the state
should repair to the house of worship
and thank the Almighty for the g!o
riou* gift of Iiis love as shown by the
wonderful crop of breadstuffs as is
now about made in every part of our
great land. YY e can‘t say ”we” made
so and-so when we know the .ireat
Creators band did it all for us. It is
iieUmig but proper that we should give
thanks for these blessings. The Dem¬
ocrat joins iu giving thanks from
the Wtlorn of our heart*.
Brother Shackelford, of the Ogle
thorite Echo, after showing why he is
in favor of holding mortages on public
offices says of us:
“Maybe Bro. Moore wants some office
upon which he imagines someone else
has administered. If that is the sta
tua of affairs we are willing to go
agaist our inclinations this once and
set the incumbent adrift to make room
for Bro. Moore, but when Bro. Moore
gets in we will return to our convic¬
tions and advocate his retain meat
as long as he makes a good officer.
Doubtless Bro- Moore will be with us
We agree with liro. Shack and are
in favor of “long term officers,” hut
the people, in convention assembled
have said that certain officers should
hold office for a certain length o f time.
That in our opinion was done for the
purpose of giving every man a chance
for each office, and not to retain a tnan
simply because be fills the office satis¬
factorily. because the people believe
that lie will do that, when they elect
him. But until the present tenure of
office is changed, we think that every
officer in the state, should at the end
of his constitutional term, step down
and out and let some one else take h is
As for ourselves, we have no aspira¬
tions for office, nor have any particular
friend who has taken a homestead on
an office arid as we said before we have
ho war to make on any office holder,
but think that under our p-tysent con¬
stitution each officer should voluntari¬
ly renounce the honors at the ond of
his terra.
Tho next tiling on docket for ( raw
fonlville is a cotton seed oil mill and
a guano factory combined.
It can be built and must be built.
Wo liaye the advantage of every
town in this section of Georgia for
such an establishment.
For tlie past two or throe weeks we
have heard it mentioned by various
parties In and alxiut town that we
needed such a factory here. It is be¬
coming the talk of tho town and we
lielieve it is more practicable than
many now think. YVliy— we have a
plat offered us here in the edge of
town upon which there are almost
building enough to operate the ma
chinery in and it can bo bought at a
very small cost including about seven
acres of land. This ground would
furnish ample room for houses for
hands, side-tracks, ware houses and
everything that woAd bo needed.
win. tb,
j there is nothing to do but get up
stock company with a capita! of a few
thousand dollars and the eutesprise
could ue started at once.
To get up the Stock it will be neces¬
sary to place tho shares at about §20,00
eacli and there is not a farmer in this
county who could afford to do
without a share or two. last the
guano bo furnished the stockholders
at redcuced rates and on eyury two tons
tho share owner would clear enough
each year to replace the amount of a
share. This is logic that can’t lie
gotten around, when it is known that
the cost of getting up this fertilizer is
not more than §18,00 or §15,00 per ton
and you pay cash $20,00 or $.80,00 and
on time $35,00 and $40,00. These are
figures and are worthy the considera¬
tion of every man in the county who
uses commercial fertilizers.
Tlie Alliance of tlie county could
not- do a| better thing than to take
hol.l of this matter and establish this
enterprise. YVe wish they would all
think of the matter. The stock will
an J ttien"hll this money
i8 sent out of your county for
will be left here and this cry of hard
times will be lifted. Let ’s make our
home town a manufacturing centre.
The merchants will aid. They must
take stock iu this enterprise from the
fact that it will create mere demand
j for provisions, collm.g etc. tor the
j operators. New bouses will be built
hull* and it will help Olir contractors,
Tbe merchant will certainly control
the cash that is paid <o the hands, and
all around it will greatly benefit every
citizens in the county immediately
! contigeous to Crawfordville.
Tins is a public enterprise that we
must have ami we hope it will be stir*
The |M ani faitiufks' Kveoun has
secured the services of Mr. K. 1’. Sjnvr.
i of Georgia, wlu> will represent tins pajvr
ss a siHvial correspondent in parts or the
South. is attention will be given for
some time lo Georgia. He will visit dif
ierent towns in tbe State and tell the
• readers of (he Manufacturer*’ Record
»hit their condition and opportunities
are. their industrial capabilities, and
their various advantages and disadvanU
VV r fan and rv
Guarantee Acker'* Bltvxt Elixir for it h.\»
been lully demonstrated to the people of
this country that it is suj*.-r;or to all other
preparotl !OC It is a
T SJT* |<o;«on:ng.
K 11 s n ,i r 11
I; urifiu> tfr VF eighty
i vua tefc,
Luca> at Co,
Newsy Locals from Our keipr la¬
Larger barns will be the net i its;, ill.
As to these parts, Cu pid is off for a u
mer tour. 1
We mentioned last week t) :< -ss
of the infant child of Mr. and ' r ns
at the home or its grand-parei ,, mis
place. On Friday evening Its poro yonng
spirit was taken by Him who gavet,;,.
During a small thunderstorm ok Fri¬
day last a small bolt of lightr-iv struck J 'Ljjfni. jfsewing red
the home of ye Ed. and
machine Langford, st who which was wtl visiting seated tl 3 n family, Susie
Beyond a pretty sev ere shock do jin \ the
young lady no damage was Echo,
Aug. 2. \
The alliance seems to l» #' 1 ' ! ng at
Jewells. \Y r e wish it much *uo< j
Mrs L. R. L. Jennings, of rford
vllle, lias spent some time her m St
of Mrs J. M< Baker. m
Mr. John P. Johnson of Baino■ las the
finest hog in our vicinity. It ca*G made
to weigh 400 younds bv killing NofQiod' t'Efl
Mrs. F. II. McGlnty at is
quite low at this writing. No coil ny Is
admitted to her room. Di Hr n, of
Raytown, is attending her and DrExrugh- jJ->
ty, of Augusta, has been called con¬
Miss Josie Edward’s many f Is are
delighted this week at bavin M’ Pay
another visit to them. She sti, ll over
as she was returning from kliwest
Georgia, where she has beei belling
This year's corn crop, in ilanecWf will
be tlie largest since tbe war
Albert Birdsong had a double water¬
melon—a sort of Siamese tv nffi 1 s*-on
exhibition at his drug stem, this wick.
It was grown by Ed, AI friend.
Tlie cards are out for tho roaerri
Wednesday evening next, at 8K ock,
at her mother's in Deveroaux, o’ Miss
Annie M Moate to Mr. F. C. Soft, of
Quincy, Florida. Reception from * till
12. f*
Bill Martin witnessed a rate sip*a_ m
Friday of last week. Standing m li
front porch, he Counted tliirty-fou wild
turkeys in one drove, in the grove if front
of iiis house. Wiillo watching tWrn, a
red fox dashed in amongst, them, ciptnred
one of thorn and disappeared w h his
booty. Bill ought to get John Pkkston
to come around witli Ids dog and -shoot
tho fox
obkene count.
Messrs. J. B. .Simmons and J. lpy .
visit, d Mllledgoville this week..
a protracted meeting ,
Rev. C. S. Owens, is in TpST
Methodist f lt J^ u church in Wfjjg J’fH
average* ^ SfWit beauty! nea|: iff ■ ii
Tilers is an of
hum!red dollars’ worth of eggs ll
the territory immediately abound <|§j I
boro every month.
With I he Immense crop of corn IHf
fields, wo may expect fine porkers t"*-ftall
Full cribs make full smokehouse, the only
drawback being the scarcity of hogs.
A protracted meeting, so we under¬
stand, will be held at the Presbyterian
church in this city, commencing the
YVeJnesday before tlie fourth Sunday in
A match game of ball was played In
Ureenesboro last Tuesday evening be¬
tween the Greenesboro. and Bethany
nines. The game resulted in a victory
for tho Bethany club, the score standing
Journal. liet'mny Aug, 13; 2. Greenesboro 8.—Herald
YY'e offer One Hundred Dollors reward,
for any ease of C’atarrli that cannot be
cured by taking Hall’s Catarrh Cure.
K J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Tolodo,
We. the undersigned, have known F J.
1 henoj.for the last lSyears, and bel.ieve
| Drr^cYtons.^nd'flnancially affiv tT^y
ou i , n y obligation made by their firm,
; west A Trvax, YVholesaie Druggists,
Toll do, O.
Y\'ali«no, Kinnan & Mahvn, Wholesale
Druggist, Toledo, U
E H'an Hoesmt, Cashier. Toledo Nat
! o <>i»c -
Hall s Catarrh Cure Is taken internally
actm , directly upon tbe blood and ffiucus
j gur f ac *g 0 f the system. Testimonials sent
fret*. l*rice 7«V\ por buttle. Sold bv all
■ Druggists.
- -
! 11. O. Giilett, of Purdy, him’ Mo., says
’ (specific curad of Eczema
on his limbs and body. He took only
two small bottles.
Mr. John King, of Jackson, Miss.,
says that he was cured of rheumatism
in his feet and legs by taking Swift's
Specific. This was after he h id tirni
many other remedies, both internal
and external, and paid many doctor’s
Cocoh* and colds enme uninvited, but
fVw J.^H.'McU^n’s W Tar
Wine Halm For sate bv R. J. Reids.
8wift’s Specific has saved me years
of untold misery by relieving a partial
pat-ay sis in my left side. ThUa was
after I had been treated by best i^.iysi
cisns in §t. lAiuis and Chicago. The
trouble was caused by some deiange
meut of niv Mood, which l>as bei n cor
reeteil bv S. ' . S.
T. A. Shepparl, Sherman, Tex.
but loving good.
Mrs Hester who has been so seriously
ill, is something better. Hope she will be
cp Sfxm.
How pretty the flowers look and how
sw< et they smell.
What can make a home more pleasant
than a good kind and affectionate wife?
I wish every body had one.
What can make a family look like they
never had a friend in the world? A
trifling drinking husband.
What can make the house of God al
most like a palace is for at! the members
to be of one mind, one spirit and love
as they should.
Crops are as good at land can make
them where they have been well worked.
Barbecues are all the talk now-from one
to two a week.
Some boys say the reason they don’t
marry, t hat it is easier to work for one.
Speck I k now better than that; they can’t
get one to have them, na!
Mr. C. B. says he never was so fat in
all of his life. Watermelon and peaches
have done the work. .
Mr. Lonny Taylor and wife spent the
at B. A. G. on Wednesday last.
One of tnv good old neighbars, “Grand
Pa” says that near the Big Swamp, a man
had a corn field and he kept missing his
until they were all gone.
There he began to miss his corn.
He got a posss of men and made a search j
to his surprise, the hogs were found
the swamp and the corn was toted to
hogs by bears.
Th« bears cut the timber, split tlie rails |
built the pen. Them were bears ]
“Home sweet nome,” there is no place
' mu i
August meetings, carapmeetings, Al
meetings—what a fat old time—
out slioat, sheep and chicken for they
Rain! Rain!! Rain!!!
Who has the best crop? Everbody.
Watermelons, Great Scott never heard
Some talking of pulling fodder when the
shows his face.
Jim Wall caught four coons up one tre e
U.-V Bcszley took in three foxes one
last week.
that weighed oyer 50 lbs. apeice.
Rev. YV. M. Harris, of Washington,
some exceptionally fine sermons
and Saturday at CountyLine tolarge
appreciative congregations.
Captain J. H.YVright arrived at home
week from his Mississppi farm.
T«m tt'rr *1”
We hear rumors of -’Splint’’ building a
wonder if somebody i 3 going
get “Splintered ”
„ Ij TJ L. rTT Hunter. 7'-. Of Mllledgevllle t^h ...
his son-in- law, Judge wall,
J . I la3t htalth, week and ’ He his had death long been
unexpected. lie was a man of
very decided ability and of great puri
ty of character. He was a worthy and
public-spirited citizen and a high-ton
ed Christain gentleman.
— Rev. A- L. Hillman called on the
Demociiat Tuesday.
There arem any acci dent sand diseaes
which affect Stock and cause serious incon
venicnce and loss to tlie farmer in his woik
which inav be quickly remedied by the
use of Dr. J. II. McLean's Volcanic Oil
Liniment. Dr. Reid sells it.
Persons wishing to improve their mem
ories or strengthen their power of atten
ion should send to Prof. .... Loisette, C.i.
Fifth Ave., N. Y., for his prospectus post
free, as advertised in another column.
Iiis name is R. J. McKinney; his
residence is YVoodbury, Hill county,
Texas; his statement May, 1889: My
little son was cured by S. S. S. of bad
sores and ulcers, the result of a gener
al breaking down of his health from
fever. He was considered incurable.
, Dui . two . . uotiies ... or , ..wins ..pecinc
brought him out all right,
We have an excellent sew
ing machine, ’, ■> i list from th e
factory Ol r the New .. TT Home
Sewing Machine Co., that we
yv ill sell CjC »']J .. Ycry pn r r cheap U on it T«. : is e a 0
three drawer machine with
ex ^ ens1011 table anil all the
new attachments and improve
ments. Reason for selling is
that Yve ordered it for a party
Come before it is sold. It
will be sold at a sacrifice,
morse and cattle powders
m ■CU’
nZ fSSv >?y**^t-rrU '?*■*'£* “H’h*!..-..-**.
k-’i'!-;»« w*p»r «a«. *ad «k»x* c.« ioa«r cra»
n-. : av
david a rotrns. ?ropn.t»t.
Lucas. Hwnwck & Co.. Dtug^isis.
County Alliance.
W T Flynt, President,
E. I. Anderson Vice-President,
T L Chapman, Secretary,
T O Gunn, Treasurer,
E D Hadaw.ay, Chaplain,
E S Allen, Doorkeeper,
County Sub-Alliances:
Crawfordville, No. 1437.
E I Anderson, Pres; P G Veaxey, Vice
Pres; W T Flynt, Sec’ty. Regular meet
ing on Saturday before the first Sunday
in each month, at 10 o'clock a m.
Carter’s Grove, No 1297.
Pres. D. N. Sanders, Viee-Pres. G. M.
Poss; Secty J. 11. Jackson; Tres. J. YY.
Sherrer; Chap- C. T. Lunceford. Lect.
|{. s. Dillard; Doorkeeper J. F. Sherrer,
Ast. L. M. Moss,
tST~Tht Secretary of each Sub-Alliance
will please send in a list of their officers
names and number.
News items of interest are solicited fi om
every Allianceman in the county.
Ogletree’e Meadow Aglow With I
Happy Faces—and a Good
Tuesday of last week we took in the
the Alliance picnic at Ogletree’s.
T—,|«™ unfitted om,
we hardly expected an ordinary crowd
but to our surprise the whole swamp
was alive with people, mostly gentle
men Out there were some of the coun- ,
ty’s fairest daughters on hand.
The day was spent in conversation
by the happy tillers of the soil who
could set and boast of tbe best crop
that they have had in the past 1 ten
years. You cannot find a fanner in
the county who says his cord crop is i
sorry, O, what a blessing the good
Lord has bestowed upon us in this
gT we " T have ° f been needing. mT 1 he.
majority report fine cotton crops. We
beard ore farmer say that his cotton
had enough fruit on it to make four
common crops. The wet weather has
had’ a tendency to make the cotton too
weedy. The average Alliancema,. is
*w r '« <*» •'">»» * Joy » »e
wa,ks alon * the earth u P on which is
now shining with all the most propi
tious signs of peace and plenty. May
the hand of Providence continue to i
bo ffllu ! snr« id nv«r " ns J
of the dinner announcement vibrated
through the mellow air that floated
through meadow and woods and our
appetites wet a fully sharp, and when
the good , adjes fltji3hed the spread,
p ro f_ jt. T. Ashury, of Fosyth asked
Jod , g bl(8si We had a most
sumptous dinner, winding up with
watermelons, peaches and grapes. We
will put the ladies ot this section
against the world in getting up good
The young people enjoyed base ball
— having present a part of the clubs
from Bethany, Woodstock, Garter’s
Grove and other places; an interesting
game was had.
- < «—— -
rp. Tlie Abbeville .„ .. rp. Times states . . that . “on ,,
| the fourth of July the county alliance
j | passed chant that a resolution offered jute to boycott bagging, any and mer
offer cotton bagging.”
1 At a recent meeting of the Macedo
nia Alliance in Greene county resolu
tions were adopted declaring against
j the Felton bill for higher education
and against tlie Olive bill.
If it the tne Alliance Alliance succeeds succeeds, as as it it certainlv certainly
"di, its success must rest upon united ac
tson on the part of its members. Every
man’s views cannot be adopted. People
must differ k... but this is en _______j; excuse tor dis
! sensions and bickerings, The selfish
man who will net abide the action of a
majority, because that action is contrary
. to ha .... judgment, is not “Rood
men and has no business in the order,
Refromsmust be wrought oat by mutual
[ concessions.— Cnthbert Liber
by YV. C. Bristow will be sold at cost
for tbe next thirty days from this date
| U ° S ' h ' HursT0 ' v ’
\ 1U1 ] is is8<i
1 haVe associated with me
in the Practice of Dentistry,
a Dentist of standing- and ex¬
perience, who will in the fu¬
ture be with me during the
^ Ifl e ' e D month,
e ll ave the MODERN
APPLIANCES ior doing
I work, and will guarantee first
class work, promptly done,
Very respectfully
I Crawfordville, Qa.
; V&
The Chief Reason for the great suc¬
cess of Hood’s Sarsaparilla is found in the
article itself. It is merit that wins, and the
- fact that Hood’s Sarsaparilla actually ac¬
complishes what is claimed for it, is what
has given to this medicine a popularity and
■ sale greater than that of any other sarsapa¬
M0nt rilla or blood puri¬
fier before the public.
Hood’s Sarsaparilla cures Scrofula, Salt
Rheum and all Humors, Dyspepsia, Sick
Headache, Biliousness, overcomes That
Tired Feeling, creates an Appetite, strength
ens tlie J ' erves ’ builds up the Whole System.
Hood’* Sarsaparilla is sold by all drug
* Ists - Si; six for $5. Prepared by C. I. Hood
* Co -- Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass,
Ames Engines and Boilers,
Double Screw—3,000 in use.
VO O Vo. 2 Power Press, dbi Screw
I ) 1 /k? IO Single screw, Power Press.
bass, Down Packing, Self-tramping and
Labor-saving Press.
Direct Steam Press,
" Pai 'powr Press? douSfe HAND
LWI Onp-Vinr^P Prp^
Capacity 125 to 140 bales per day. ’
UlilOtt nn ,, JJOUSihlS p. i CottOIltjlIl n ,, ..,•
Has captured the offered
first time in Ga.
Win ship Cotton Gin,
Variable feed and friction feed.
Planers, Wood Working Machinery,
Shafting, Pulleys, Belting, Injectors,
C otton Seod Crushers. Bone and Cob
Grinders, Sugar Mills, Cane Mills,
I Deal in the best anil latest improved
Machinery. If you want such drop me a
postal and get catalogue and test my
0 u. -A. »*■ a-powo aiUNJii, Augusta, lia,
'V' y f -
' -*»-
1 Estate of William N. Gunn, Dec’d.
—Application for lettlers of Dis¬
l GORG1A Taliaferro CocNrY:
T Whereas William It. Gunn Execu¬
tor of the will of William N. Gunn, late
of said county deceased has applied to
me for letters of Dismission from said
This i- therefore to cite all persons
concerned to be and appear at my office
on or before the first Monday in August
1889, at 10 o’clock a. m. to show cause, if
be any granted. they have, whyjsaid letters should not
Given under my hand and official
signature at my office in Crawfordville.
This Gth Henry day of May Flyn, 1889.
H. Ord. T. C.
Jewel . „ s „ Popular , _ Restaurant, . . doing .. a
nice business will be sold on reasonable
t r rms. Reason for selling I wish to
leave Atlanta. Address
j No. 8 YV. Hunter St. R. <J. Jewel.
Atlanta, Ga.
Estate of Mrs. Louvicy Gunn De
ceased.—Application for letters
of Dismission.
( 1 EORGiA, Taliaf rro County.
X YY’hare as William R. Gunn, adm’r.
of said the estate deceased Mrs. Louvicy has applied Gunn late of
countv to me
for !etters of dismission from said estate.
This is therefore to cite all persons eon
cerned to be and appear at my office on or
before the first Monday in August 1889 at
10 o’clock a. m. to show cause, if any they
pave why said letters should not be grant
Given under my hand and official sag
othday ?ff May ( ^ wfonlville ’
Henry H. Flynt, Ord. T. C.
Over so Professor9 and Students last pear.
e«Ltawiu Wim»^s-Jou,,
!.#?#! .Thorough cellent advantages. curriculum. Ex¬
;.,S ■Bari Fall rnrsic li Term has begins charge scaooL. Sept. of 12th* tho
oivVORK=B)^AffAe4wTHfS M tHE
ST.lOUiS.MD, ran sale sv 0 AUA 5 TEX.
i Titus Richards, Crawfordville*